#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from module.Api import Api, RequirePerm, Permission, DownloadState, PackageDoesNotExists, FileDoesNotExists
from module.utils import uniqify

from ApiComponent import ApiComponent

# TODO: user context
class FileApi(ApiComponent):
    """Everything related to available packages or files. Deleting, Modifying and so on."""

    def getAllFiles(self):
        """ same as `getFileTree` for toplevel root and full tree"""
        return self.getFileTree(-1, True)

    def getFilteredFiles(self, state):
        """ same as `getFilteredFileTree` for toplevel root and full tree"""
        return self.getFilteredFileTree(-1, state, True)

    def getFileTree(self, pid, full):
        """ Retrieve data for specific package. full=True will retrieve all data available
            and can result in greater delays.

        :param pid: package id
        :param full: go down the complete tree or only the first layer
        :return: :class:`TreeCollection`
        return self.core.files.getTree(pid, full, DownloadState.All)

    def getFilteredFileTree(self, pid, full, state):
        """ Same as `getFileTree` but only contains files with specific download state.

        :param pid: package id
        :param full: go down the complete tree or only the first layer
        :param state: :class:`DownloadState`, the attributes used for filtering
        :return: :class:`TreeCollection`
        return self.core.files.getTree(pid, full, state)

    def getPackageContent(self, pid):
        """  Only retrieve content of a specific package. see `getFileTree`"""
        return self.getFileTree(pid, False)

    def getPackageInfo(self, pid):
        """Returns information about package, without detailed information about containing files

        :param pid: package id
        :raises PackageDoesNotExists:
        :return: :class:`PackageInfo`
        info = self.core.files.getPackageInfo(pid)
        if not info:
            raise PackageDoesNotExists(pid)
        return info

    def getFileInfo(self, fid):
        """ Info for specific file

        :param fid: file id
        :raises FileDoesNotExists:
        :return: :class:`FileInfo`

        info = self.core.files.getFileInfo(fid)
        if not info:
            raise FileDoesNotExists(fid)
        return info

    def findFiles(self, pattern):
        return self.core.files.getTree(-1, True, DownloadState.All, pattern)

    def searchSuggestions(self, pattern):
        names = self.core.db.getMatchingFilenames(pattern, self.primaryUID)
        # TODO: stemming and reducing the names to provide better suggestions
        return uniqify(names)

    def findPackages(self, tags):

    def updatePackage(self, pack):
        """Allows to modify several package attributes.

        :param pid: package id
        :param data: :class:`PackageInfo`
        pid = pack.pid
        p = self.core.files.getPackage(pid)
        if not p: raise PackageDoesNotExists(pid)

        #TODO: fix
        for key, value in data.iteritems():
            if key == "id": continue
            setattr(p, key, value)


    def setPackageFolder(self, pid, path):

    def movePackage(self, pid, root):
        """ Set a new root for specific package. This will also moves the files on disk\
           and will only work when no file is currently downloading.

        :param pid: package id
        :param root: package id of new root
        :raises PackageDoesNotExists: When pid or root is missing
        :return: False if package can't be moved
        return self.core.files.movePackage(pid, root)

    def moveFiles(self, fids, pid):
        """Move multiple files to another package. This will move the files on disk and\
        only work when files are not downloading. All files needs to be continuous ordered
        in the current package.

        :param fids: list of file ids
        :param pid: destination package
        :return: False if files can't be moved
        return self.core.files.moveFiles(fids, pid)

    def orderPackage(self, pid, position):
        """Set new position for a package.

        :param pid: package id
        :param position: new position, 0 for very beginning
        self.core.files.orderPackage(pid, position)

    def orderFiles(self, fids, pid, position):
        """ Set a new position for a bunch of files within a package.
        All files have to be in the same package and must be **continuous**\
        in the package. That means no gaps between them.

        :param fids: list of file ids
        :param pid: package id of parent package
        :param position:  new position: 0 for very beginning
        self.core.files.orderFiles(fids, pid, position)

if Api.extend(FileApi):
    del FileApi