#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: RaNaN """ from os.path import exists, join import re from subprocess import Popen from threading import Event from time import sleep from traceback import print_exc from random import choice from threading import Lock import pycurl import PluginThread from module.network.Request import getURL ######################################################################## class ThreadManager: """manages the download threads, assign jobs, reconnect etc""" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, core): """Constructor""" self.core = core self.log = core.log self.threads = [] # thread list self.localThreads = [] #hook+decrypter threads #self.infoThread = PluginThread.InfoThread(self) self.pause = True self.reconnecting = Event() self.reconnecting.clear() self.downloaded = 0 #number of files downloaded since last cleanup pycurl.global_init(pycurl.GLOBAL_DEFAULT) for i in range(0, self.core.config.get("general", "max_downloads")): self.createThread() self.occupiedCrypter = [] self.occupiedCrypterLock = Lock() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def addOccupiedCrypter(self, name): self.occupiedCrypterLock.acquire() self.occupiedCrypter.append(name) self.occupiedCrypterLock.release() def removeOccupiedCrypter(self, name): self.occupiedCrypterLock.acquire() if name in self.occupiedCrypter: self.occupiedCrypter.remove(name) self.occupiedCrypterLock.release() def isOccupiedCrypter(self, name): self.occupiedCrypterLock.acquire() ret = 0 for plugin in self.occupiedCrypter: if name == plugin: ret += 1 self.occupiedCrypterLock.release() return ret #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def createThread(self): """create a download thread""" thread = PluginThread.DownloadThread(self) self.threads.append(thread) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def createInfoThread(self, data, pid): """ start a thread whichs fetches online status and other infos data = [ .. () .. ] """ PluginThread.InfoThread(self, data, pid) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def downloadingIds(self): """get a list of the currently downloading pyfile's ids""" return [x.active.id for x in self.threads if x.active and x.active != "quit"] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def processingIds(self): """get a id list of all pyfiles processed""" return [x.active.id for x in self.threads + self.localThreads if x.active and x.active != "quit"] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def work(self): """run all task which have to be done (this is for repetivive call by core)""" try: self.tryReconnect() except Exception, e: self.log.error(_("Reconnect Failed: %s") % str(e) ) self.reconnecting.clear() if self.core.debug: print_exc() self.checkThreadCount() self.assignJob() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def tryReconnect(self): """checks if reconnect needed""" if not (self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"] and self.core.server_methods.is_time_reconnect()): return False active = [x.active.plugin.wantReconnect and x.active.plugin.waiting for x in self.threads if x.active] if not (active.count(True) > 0 and len(active) == active.count(True)): return False if not exists(self.core.config['reconnect']['method']): if exists(join(pypath, self.core.config['reconnect']['method'])): self.core.config['reconnect']['method'] = join(pypath, self.core.config['reconnect']['method']) else: self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"] = False self.log.warning(_("Reconnect script not found!")) return self.reconnecting.set() #Do reconnect self.log.info(_("Starting reconnect")) while [x.active.plugin.waiting for x in self.threads if x.active].count(True) != 0: sleep(0.25) ip = self.getIP() self.core.hookManager.beforeReconnecting(ip) self.log.debug(_("Old IP: %s") % ip) try: reconn = Popen(self.core.config['reconnect']['method'], bufsize=-1, shell=True)#, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except: self.log.warning(_("Failed executing reconnect script!")) self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"] = False self.reconnecting.clear() if self.core.debug: print_exc() return reconn.wait() sleep(1) ip = self.getIP() self.core.hookManager.afterReconnecting(ip) self.log.info(_("Reconnected, new IP: %s") % ip) self.reconnecting.clear() def getIP(self): """retrieve current ip""" services = [("http://www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp", "(\S+)"), ("http://checkip.dyndns.org/",".*Current IP Address: (\S+)</body>.*")] ip = "" while not ip: try: sv = choice(services) ip = getURL(sv[0]) ip = re.match(sv[1], ip).group(1) except: ip = "" sleep(1) return ip #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def checkThreadCount(self): """checks if there are need for increasing or reducing thread count""" if len(self.threads) == self.core.config.get("general", "max_downloads"): return True elif len(self.threads) < self.core.config.get("general", "max_downloads"): self.createThread() else: #@TODO: close thread pass def cleanPyCurl(self): if self.downloadingIds() or self.processingIds(): return False pycurl.global_cleanup() pycurl.global_init(pycurl.GLOBAL_DEFAULT) self.downloaded = 0 self.log.debug("Cleaned up pycurl") return True #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def assignJob(self): """assing a job to a thread if possible""" if self.pause or not self.core.server_methods.is_time_download(): return #if self.downloaded > 20: # if not self.cleanPyCurl(): return free = [x for x in self.threads if not x.active] occ = [x.active.pluginname for x in self.threads if x.active and not x.active.plugin.multiDL] occ.sort() occ = tuple(set(occ)) job = self.core.files.getJob(occ) if job: try: job.initPlugin() except Exception, e: self.log.critical(str(e)) if self.core.debug: print_exc() if job.plugin.__type__ == "hoster": if free: thread = free[0] #self.downloaded += 1 thread.put(job) else: #put job back if not self.core.files.jobCache.has_key(occ): self.core.files.jobCache[occ] = [] self.core.files.jobCache[occ].append(job.id) #check for decrypt jobs job = self.core.files.getDecryptJob() if job: job.initPlugin() if job.plugin.multiDL or self.isOccupiedCrypter(job.pluginname) < job.plugin.limitDL: thread = PluginThread.DecrypterThread(self, job) if not job.plugin.multiDL: print "add" self.addOccupiedCrypter(job.pluginname) else: if job.plugin.multiDL or self.isOccupiedCrypter(job.pluginname) < job.plugin.limitDL: thread = PluginThread.DecrypterThread(self, job) if not job.plugin.multiDL: print "add" self.addOccupiedCrypter(job.pluginname) def cleanup(self): """do global cleanup""" pycurl.global_cleanup()