# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: mkaay, RaNaN """ import re from os import listdir from os.path import isfile from os.path import join from sys import version_info from itertools import chain class PluginManager(): def __init__(self, core): self.core = core #self.config = self.core.config self.log = core.log self.crypterPlugins = {} self.containerPlugins = {} self.hosterPlugins = {} self.captchaPlugins = {} self.accountPlugins = {} self.hookPlugins = {} self.createHomeDirs() self.createIndex() #@TODO plugin updater #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def createHomeDirs(self): """create homedirectories containing plugins""" #@TODO implement... pass def createIndex(self): """create information for all plugins available""" self.rePattern = re.compile(r'__pattern__.*=.*r("|\')([^"\']+)') self.reVersion = re.compile(r'__version__.*=.*("|\')([0-9.]+)') self.reConfig = re.compile(r'__config__.*=.*\[([^\]]+)', re.MULTILINE) self.crypterPlugins = self.parse(_("Crypter"), "crypter", pattern=True) self.containerPlugins = self.parse(_("Container"), "container", pattern=True) self.hosterPlugins = self.parse(_("Hoster") ,"hoster", pattern=True) self.captchaPlugins = self.parse(_("Captcha"), "captcha") self.accountPlugins = self.parse(_("Account"), "accounts", create=True) self.hookPlugins = self.parse(_("Hook"), "hooks") self.log.info(_("created index of plugins")) def parse(self, typ, folder, create=False, pattern=False): """ returns dict with information { name : {path, version, config, (pattern, re), (plugin, class)} } """ plugins = {} pfolder = join(pypath, "module", "plugins", folder) for f in listdir(pfolder): if (isfile(join(pfolder, f)) and f.endswith(".py") or f.endswith("_25.pyc") or f.endswith("_26.pyc") or f.endswith("_27.pyc")) and not f.startswith("_"): data = open(join(pfolder, f)) content = data.read() data.close() if f.endswith("_25.pyc") and not version_info[0:2] == (2, 5): continue elif f.endswith("_26.pyc") and not version_info[0:2] == (2, 6): continue elif f.endswith("_27.pyc") and not version_info[0:2] == (2, 7): continue name = f[:-3] if name[-1] == "." : name = name[:-4] plugins[name] = {} module = f.replace(".pyc","").replace(".py","") path = "module.plugins.%s.%s" % (folder, module) plugins[name]["name"] = module plugins[name]["path"] = path if pattern: pattern = self.rePattern.findall(content) if pattern: pattern = pattern[0][1] else: pattern = "^unmachtable$" plugins[name]["pattern"] = pattern try: plugins[name]["re"] = re.compile(pattern) except: self.log.error(_("%s has invalid pattern.") % name) version = self.reVersion.findall(content) if version: version = float(version[0][1]) else: version = 0 plugins[name]["v"] = version config = self.reConfig.findall(content) if config: config = [ [y.strip() for y in x.replace("'","").replace('"',"").replace(")","").split(",")] for x in config[0].split("(") if x.strip()] if folder == "hooks": config.append( ["load", "bool", "Load on startup", True if name not in ("XMPPInterface", "MultiHome") else False] ) for item in config: self.core.config.addPluginConfig([name]+item) # replace with plugins in homedir, plugin updater return plugins #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def parseUrls(self, urls): """parse plugins for given list of urls""" last = None res = [] # tupels of (url, plugin) for url in urls: found = False if last and last[1]["re"].match(url): res.append((url, last[0])) continue for name, value in chain(self.containerPlugins.iteritems(), self.crypterPlugins.iteritems(), self.hosterPlugins.iteritems() ): if value["re"].match(url): res.append((url, name)) last = (name, value) found = True break if not found: res.append((url, "BasePlugin")) return res #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getPlugin(self, name): """return plugin module from hoster|decrypter|container""" plugin = None if self.containerPlugins.has_key(name): plugin = self.containerPlugins[name] if self.crypterPlugins.has_key(name): plugin = self.crypterPlugins[name] if self.hosterPlugins.has_key(name): plugin = self.hosterPlugins[name] if plugin.has_key("module"): return plugin["module"] plugin["module"] = __import__(plugin["path"], globals(), locals(), [plugin["name"]] , -1) return plugin["module"] #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getCaptchaPlugin(self, name): """return captcha modul if existent""" if self.captchaPlugins.has_key(name): plugin = self.captchaPlugins[name] if plugin.has_key("class"): return plugin["class"] module = __import__(plugin["path"], globals(), locals(), [plugin["name"]] , -1) plugin["class"] = getattr(module, name) return plugin["class"] return None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getAccountPlugin(self, name): """return account class if existent""" if self.accountPlugins.has_key(name): plugin = self.accountPlugins[name] if plugin.has_key("class"): return plugin["class"] module = __import__(plugin["path"], globals(), locals(), [plugin["name"]] , -1) plugin["class"] = getattr(module, plugin["name"]) return plugin["class"] return None #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getAccountPlugins(self): """return list of account plugin names""" res = [] for name in self.accountPlugins.keys(): res.append(name) return res #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def getHookPlugins(self): """return list of hook classes""" classes = [] for name, value in self.hookPlugins.iteritems(): if value.has_key("class"): classes.append(value["class"]) continue if not self.core.config.getPlugin(name, "load"): continue try: module = __import__(value["path"], globals(), locals(), [value["name"]] , -1) except Exception, e: self.log.error(_("Error importing %s: %s") % (name, str(e))) self.log.error(_("You should fix dependicies or deactivate load on startup.")) continue pluginClass = getattr(module, name) value["class"] = pluginClass classes.append(pluginClass) return classes if __name__ == "__main__": _ = lambda x : x pypath = "/home/christian/Projekte/pyload-0.4/module/plugins" from time import time p = PluginManager(None) a = time() test = [ "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%s" % x for x in range(0,100) ] print p.parseUrls(test) b = time() print b-a ,"s"