#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. @author: mkaay @author: spoob @author: sebnapi @version: v0.3.2 """ from threading import Thread import traceback from time import sleep, time from module.network.Request import AbortDownload from module.PullEvents import UpdateEvent class Status(object): """ Saves all status information """ def __init__(self, pyfile): self.pyfile = pyfile self.type = None self.status_queue = None self.filename = None self.url = None self.exists = False self.waituntil = 0 self.plugin = pyfile.plugin.__name__ self.want_reconnect = False self.error = "" def get_ETA(self): return self.pyfile.plugin.req.get_ETA() def get_speed(self): return self.pyfile.plugin.req.get_speed() def kB_left(self): return self.pyfile.plugin.req.kB_left() def size(self): return self.pyfile.plugin.req.dl_size / 1024 def percent(self): if not self.kB_left() == 0 and not self.size() == 0: percent = ((self.size()-self.kB_left()) * 100) / self.size() return percent if percent < 101 else 0 return 0 class Reconnect(Exception): pass class Checksum(Exception): def __init__(self, code, local_file): self.code = code self.file = local_file def getCode(self): return self.code def getFile(self): return self.file class CaptchaError(Exception): pass class DownloadThread(Thread): def __init__(self, parent, job): Thread.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.setDaemon(True) self.loadedPyFile = job def run(self): try: self.download(self.loadedPyFile) except AbortDownload: self.loadedPyFile.plugin.req.abort = False self.loadedPyFile.status.type = "aborted" except Reconnect: pass except Checksum, e: self.loadedPyFile.status.type = "failed" self.loadedPyFile.status.error = "Checksum error: %d" % e.getCode() f = open("%s.info" % e.getFile(), "w") f.write("Checksum not matched!") f.close() except CaptchaError: self.loadedPyFile.status.type = "failed" self.loadedPyFile.status.error = "Can't solve captcha" except Exception, e: try: if self.parent.parent.config['general']['debug_mode']: traceback.print_exc() code, msg = e if code == 7: sleep(60) self.parent.parent.logger.info(_("Hoster unvailable, wait 60 seconds")) except Exception, f: self.parent.parent.logger.debug(_("Error getting error code: %s") % f) if self.parent.parent.config['general']['debug_mode']: traceback.print_exc() self.loadedPyFile.status.type = "failed" self.loadedPyFile.status.error = str(e) finally: self.parent.jobFinished(self.loadedPyFile) self.parent.parent.pullManager.addEvent(UpdateEvent("file", self.loadedPyFile.id, "queue")) sleep(0.8) self.parent.removeThread(self) def handleNewInterface(self, pyfile): status = pyfile.status plugin = pyfile.plugin status.type = "starting" self.parent.parent.pullManager.addEvent(UpdateEvent("file", pyfile.id, "queue")) if plugin.__type__ == "container" or plugin.__type__ == "crypter": status.type = "decrypting" self.parent.parent.pullManager.addEvent(UpdateEvent("file", pyfile.id, "queue")) if plugin.__type__ == "container": plugin.decrypt(pyfile.url) status.type = "finished" def download(self, pyfile): if hasattr(pyfile.plugin, "__interface__") and pyfile.plugin.__interface__ >= 2: self.handleNewInterface(pyfile) return status = pyfile.status status.type = "starting" self.parent.parent.pullManager.addEvent(UpdateEvent("file", pyfile.id, "queue")) pyfile.init_download() if not pyfile.plugin.prepare(self): raise Exception, _("File not found") pyfile.plugin.req.set_timeout(self.parent.parent.config['general']['max_download_time']) if pyfile.plugin.__type__ == "container" or pyfile.plugin.__type__ == "crypter": status.type = "decrypting" else: status.type = "downloading" self.parent.parent.pullManager.addEvent(UpdateEvent("file", pyfile.id, "queue")) #~ free_file_name = self.get_free_name(status.filename) #~ location = join(pyfile.folder, status.filename) pyfile.plugin.proceed(status.url, status.filename) if self.parent.parent.xmlconfig.get("general", "checksum", True): status.type = "checking" check, code = pyfile.plugin.check_file(status.filename) """ return codes: 0 - checksum ok 1 - checksum wrong 5 - can't get checksum 10 - not implemented 20 - unknown error """ if code == 0: self.parent.parent.logger.info(_("Checksum ok ('%s')") % status.filename) elif code == 1: self.parent.parent.logger.info(_("Checksum not matched! ('%s')") % status.filename) elif code == 5: self.parent.parent.logger.debug(_("Can't get checksum for %s") % status.filename) elif code == 10: self.parent.parent.logger.debug(_("Checksum not implemented for %s") % status.filename) if not check: raise Checksum(code, status.filename) status.type = "finished" def wait(self, pyfile): pyfile.status.type = "waiting" self.parent.parent.pullManager.addEvent(UpdateEvent("file", pyfile.id, "queue")) while (time() < pyfile.status.waituntil): if self.parent.initReconnect() or self.parent.reconnecting: pyfile.status.type = "reconnected" pyfile.status.want_reconnect = False raise Reconnect if pyfile.plugin.req.abort: raise AbortDownload sleep(1) pyfile.status.want_reconnect = False return True