msgid ""
msgstr "Project-Id-Version: pyload\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ''\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-30 16:17+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-22 14:03-0400\n"
"Last-Translator: pyloadTeam <>\n"
"Language-Team: Chinese Traditional\n"
"Language: zh_TW\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Welcome to the pyLoad Configuration Assistent."
msgstr "歡迎使用pyLoad設定助手"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "It will check your system and make a basic setup in order to run pyLoad."
msgstr "它將會檢查您的系統並完成基本設定"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "The value in brackets [] always is the default value,"
msgstr "中括弧內的值為預設值"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "in case you don't want to change it or you are unsure what to choose, just hit enter."
msgstr "如果您不知道該如何設定或是不需改變,請直接按下Enter"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Don't forget: You can always rerun this assistent with --setup or -s parameter, when you start pyLoadCore."
msgstr "小提醒: 您以後可以透過pyLoadCore -s 或是 pyLoadCore --setup重新執行設定助手"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "If you have any problems with this assistent hit CTRL+C,"
msgstr "使用中可透過CTRL+C離開設定助手"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "to abort and don't let him start with pyLoadCore automatically anymore."
msgstr "不再讓設定助手與pyLoad同時啟動"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "When you are ready for system check, hit enter."
msgstr "按下確定後開始檢查系統狀態"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Continue with setup?"
msgstr "是否繼續設定?"

#: pyload/setup/
#, python-format
msgid "Do you want to change the config path? Current is %s"
msgstr "目前存放設定檔的位置為 %s,是否要修改?"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "If you use pyLoad on a server or the home partition lives on an internal flash it may be a good idea to change it."
msgstr "建議不要將pyLoad安裝至Flash上"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Change config path?"
msgstr "改變設定擋路徑?"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Do you want to configure login data and basic settings?"
msgstr "是否要進行基本設定?"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "This is recommend for first run."
msgstr "第一次使用pyLoad時建議使用"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Make basic setup?"
msgstr "開始基礎設定嗎?"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Do you want to configure ssl?"
msgstr "開始設定SSL嗎?"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Configure ssl?"
msgstr "設定SSL?"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Do you want to configure webinterface?"
msgstr "開始設定網頁介面?"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Configure webinterface?"
msgstr "設定網頁介面?"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Setup finished successfully."
msgstr "設定完成"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Hit enter to exit and restart pyLoad"
msgstr "按下Enter離開設定介面並重新啟動pyLoad"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "## Basic Setup ##"
msgstr "##基本設定##"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "The following logindata is valid for CLI, GUI and webinterface."
msgstr "下列訊息在CLI、GUI及網頁介面皆是有效的"

#: pyload/setup/ pyload/setup/
#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Username"
msgstr "使用者名稱"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Language"
msgstr "語言"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Download folder"
msgstr "下載目錄"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Max parallel downloads"
msgstr "同時最大下載數量"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Use Reconnect?"
msgstr "開啟重試機制?"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Reconnect script location"
msgstr "重試腳本路徑"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "## Webinterface Setup ##"
msgstr "##網頁介面設定##"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Activate webinterface?"
msgstr "開啟網頁介面?"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Listen address, if you use or localhost, the webinterface will only accessible locally."
msgstr "監聽位址,使用127.0.0.1或localhost,可讓網頁介面只有在本地端可使用"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Address"
msgstr "IP位址"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Port"
msgstr "埠"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "pyLoad offers several server backends, now following a short explanation."
msgstr "pyLoad提供了幾種server模式,以下作簡短說明"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Default server, this server offers SSL and is a good alternative to builtin."
msgstr "預設的伺服器:可支援SSL,除了內建模式外也是一種不錯的選擇"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Can be used by apache, lighttpd, requires you to configure them, which is not too easy job."
msgstr "再適當的設定後可以被apache、lighttpd使用(專業模式)"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Very fast alternative written in C, requires libev and linux knowledge."
msgstr "用C語言建立的高效能的伺服器,libev及Linux知識是必須的"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Get it from here:, compile it"
msgstr "由此下載 (並編譯"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "and copy to pyload/lib"
msgstr "編譯完成後將bjoern.so複製到pyload/lib"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Attention: In some rare cases the builtin server is not working, if you notice problems with the webinterface"
msgstr "警告:內建(buildin)伺服器在某些情況會無法運作"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "come back here and change the builtin server to the threaded one here."
msgstr "如果你發現網頁介面有任何問題,請重新執行設定助手並將伺服器模式設定為其餘模式"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Server"
msgstr "伺服器"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "## SSL Setup ##"
msgstr "##SSL設定##"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Execute these commands from pyLoad config folder to make ssl certificates:"
msgstr "在pyLoad設定檔目錄中執行下列指令以取得SSL憑證"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "If you're done and everything went fine, you can activate ssl now."
msgstr "如果一切順利現在就可以開啟SSL"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Activate SSL?"
msgstr "啟用SSL?"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Select action"
msgstr "選擇動作 "

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "1 - Create/Edit user"
msgstr "1. 建立或編輯使用者"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "2 - List users"
msgstr "2. 列出所有使用者"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "3 - Remove user"
msgstr "3. 刪除使用者"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "4 - Quit"
msgstr "4. 離開"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Users"
msgstr "使用者"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Setting new configpath, current configuration will not be transferred!"
msgstr "設定新的設定擋路徑,現有的設定不會自動搬移"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Config path"
msgstr "設定擋路徑"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Config path changed, setup will now close, please restart to go on."
msgstr "設定擋路徑已變更,重新啟動pyLoad"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Press Enter to exit."
msgstr "按下 Enter 離開。"

#: pyload/setup/
#, python-format
msgid "Setting config path failed: %s"
msgstr "設定檔路徑有誤 %s"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "y"
msgstr "是"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "n"
msgstr "否"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Password: "
msgstr "密碼:"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Password too short. Use at least 4 symbols."
msgstr "密碼至少需要四個字元"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Password (again): "
msgstr "再輸入一次密碼:"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "Passwords did not match."
msgstr "兩次輸入的密碼不相同"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "yes"
msgstr "是"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "true"
msgstr "是"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "t"
msgstr "t"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "no"
msgstr "否"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "false"
msgstr "否"

#: pyload/setup/
msgid "f"
msgstr "f"

#: pyload/setup/ pyload/setup/
msgid "Invalid Input"
msgstr "不合法的輸入"