msgid "" msgstr "Project-Id-Version: pyload\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ''\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-30 16:17+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-30 10:25-0500\n" "Last-Translator: pyloadTeam <>\n" "Language-Team: Dutch\n" "Language: nl_NL\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator:\n" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Welcome to the pyLoad Configuration Assistent." msgstr "Welkom bij de pyLoad configuratie assistent." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "It will check your system and make a basic setup in order to run pyLoad." msgstr "Deze zal uw systeem controleren en de basissetup uitvoeren." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "The value in brackets [] always is the default value," msgstr "De waarden tussen de haakjes [] zijn de standaardwaarden," #: pyload/setup/ msgid "in case you don't want to change it or you are unsure what to choose, just hit enter." msgstr "mocht het zo zijn dat u deze niet wil veranderen of indien u niet zeker bent, druk op enter." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Don't forget: You can always rerun this assistent with --setup or -s parameter, when you start pyLoadCore." msgstr "Let op: u kunt altijd deze setup herstarten met de --setup of -s parameter als u pyLoadCore start." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "If you have any problems with this assistent hit CTRL+C," msgstr "Mocht u problemen hebben met deze assistent druk op CTRL-C," #: pyload/setup/ msgid "to abort and don't let him start with pyLoadCore automatically anymore." msgstr "om af te sluiten en de assistent niet meer automatisch te starten." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "When you are ready for system check, hit enter." msgstr "Als u klaar bent voor de systeemcontrole, druk op enter." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Continue with setup?" msgstr "Doorgaan met setup?" #: pyload/setup/ #, python-format msgid "Do you want to change the config path? Current is %s" msgstr "Wilt u de configuratiemap aanpassen? Huidige is %s" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "If you use pyLoad on a server or the home partition lives on an internal flash it may be a good idea to change it." msgstr "Als u pyLoad op een server gebruikt of de home partitie bevindt zich op intern flash-geheugen, overweeg het te veranderen." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Change config path?" msgstr "Verander configmap?" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Do you want to configure login data and basic settings?" msgstr "Wilt u login gegevens en basisinstellingen configureren?" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "This is recommend for first run." msgstr "Dit is aan te raden bij een eerste start." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Make basic setup?" msgstr "Basissetup creƫren?" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Do you want to configure ssl?" msgstr "Wilt u SSL configureren?" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Configure ssl?" msgstr "SSL configureren?" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Do you want to configure webinterface?" msgstr "Wilt u de webinterface configureren?" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Configure webinterface?" msgstr "Webinterface configureren?" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Setup finished successfully." msgstr "Setup is succesvol voltooid." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Hit enter to exit and restart pyLoad" msgstr "Druk op enter om af te sluiten en start pyLoad opnieuw" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "## Basic Setup ##" msgstr "## Basisinstellingen ##" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "The following logindata is valid for CLI, GUI and webinterface." msgstr "De volgende logingegevens zijn geldig voor CLI, GUI en webinterface." #: pyload/setup/ pyload/setup/ #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Username" msgstr "Gebruikersnaam" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Language" msgstr "Taal" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Download folder" msgstr "Downloadmap" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Max parallel downloads" msgstr "Maximale parallele downloads" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Use Reconnect?" msgstr "Gebruik reconnect?" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Reconnect script location" msgstr "Reconnect script pad" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "## Webinterface Setup ##" msgstr "## Webinterface setup ##" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Activate webinterface?" msgstr "Activeer webinterface?" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Listen address, if you use or localhost, the webinterface will only accessible locally." msgstr "Listen adres, als u of localhost gebruikt is de webinterface alleen lokaal beschikbaar." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Address" msgstr "Adres" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Port" msgstr "Poort" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "pyLoad offers several server backends, now following a short explanation." msgstr "pyLoad beschikt over een aantal server backends, nu volgt een korte uitleg." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Default server, this server offers SSL and is a good alternative to builtin." msgstr "Deze standaard server ondersteund SSL en is een goed alternatief voor builtin." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Can be used by apache, lighttpd, requires you to configure them, which is not too easy job." msgstr "Kan gebruikt worden door apache, lighttpd, vereist configuratie wat niet makkelijk te doen is." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Very fast alternative written in C, requires libev and linux knowledge." msgstr "Zeer snel alternatief geschreven in C, vereist kennis van libev en linux." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Get it from here:, compile it" msgstr "Download het hier:, compile het" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "and copy to pyload/lib" msgstr "en kopieer naar pyload/lib" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Attention: In some rare cases the builtin server is not working, if you notice problems with the webinterface" msgstr "Opgelet: In sommige gevallen werkt de builtin server niet, als je problemen hebt met de webinterface." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "come back here and change the builtin server to the threaded one here." msgstr "kom terug en verander de builtin server naar de threaded server." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Server" msgstr "Server" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "## SSL Setup ##" msgstr "## SSL setup ##" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Execute these commands from pyLoad config folder to make ssl certificates:" msgstr "Voer de volgende commando's uit vanuit pyLoad configuratiemap om ssl certificaten te maken:" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "If you're done and everything went fine, you can activate ssl now." msgstr "Als de commando's succesvol uitgevoerd zijn kunt u SSL nu activeren." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Activate SSL?" msgstr "SSL activeren?" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Select action" msgstr "Aktie selecteren" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "1 - Create/Edit user" msgstr "1 - Aanmaken/wijzigen gebruiker" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "2 - List users" msgstr "2 - Lijst met gebruikers" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "3 - Remove user" msgstr "3 - Gebruiker verwijderen" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "4 - Quit" msgstr "4 - Afsluiten" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Users" msgstr "Gebruikers" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Setting new configpath, current configuration will not be transferred!" msgstr "Nieuw configuratiepad word ingesteld. Huidige configuratie wordt niet overgenomen!" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Config path" msgstr "Configuratiepad" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Config path changed, setup will now close, please restart to go on." msgstr "Configuratiepad veranderd. Setup wordt afgesloten. Alstublieft herstarten om verder te gaan." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Press Enter to exit." msgstr "Druk op enter om af te sluiten." #: pyload/setup/ #, python-format msgid "Setting config path failed: %s" msgstr "Instellen van configuratiepad mislukt: %s" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "y" msgstr "j" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "n" msgstr "n" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Password: " msgstr "Wachtwoord: " #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Password too short. Use at least 4 symbols." msgstr "Wachtwoord te kort. Gebruik ten minste 4 symbolen." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Password (again): " msgstr "Wachtwoord (nogmaals): " #: pyload/setup/ msgid "Passwords did not match." msgstr "Wachtwoord kwam niet overeen." #: pyload/setup/ msgid "yes" msgstr "ja" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "true" msgstr "waar" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "t" msgstr "w" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "no" msgstr "nee" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "false" msgstr "niet waar" #: pyload/setup/ msgid "f" msgstr "nw" #: pyload/setup/ pyload/setup/ msgid "Invalid Input" msgstr "Ongeldige invoer"