msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-02-03 15:21+CET\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-24 15:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: bauerj <jhnn.br@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.0\n"
"Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.5\n"

#: ./module/download_thread.py:115
#: module/download_thread.py:115
msgid "Hoster unvailable, wait 60 seconds"
msgstr "Hoster nicht verfügbar, bitte 60 Sekunden warten"

#: ./module/download_thread.py:117
#: module/download_thread.py:117
msgid "Error getting error code: %s"
msgstr "Konnte Fehlercode nicht bestimmen: %s"

#: ./module/download_thread.py:163
#: module/download_thread.py:163
msgid "Checksum ok ('%s')"
msgstr "Prüfsumme richtig ('%s')"

#: ./module/download_thread.py:165
#: module/download_thread.py:165
msgid "Checksum not matched! ('%s')"
msgstr "Prüfsumme stimmt nicht überein! ('%s')"

#: ./module/download_thread.py:167
#: module/download_thread.py:167
msgid "Can't get checksum for %s"
msgstr "Konnte keine Prüfsumme für %s ermitteln"

#: ./module/download_thread.py:169
#: module/download_thread.py:169
msgid "Checksum not implemented for %s"
msgstr "Prüfsumme nicht implementiert für %s"

#: ./module/file_list.py:87
#: module/file_list.py:87
msgid "Found %s links in linkcollector"
msgstr "%s Links im Linksammler"

#: ./module/file_list.py:89
#: module/file_list.py:89
msgid "Found %s unqueued packages"
msgstr "%s Pakete nicht in der Warteschlange"

#: ./module/file_list.py:91
#: module/file_list.py:91
msgid "Added %s packages to queue"
msgstr "%s Pakete in der Warteschlange"

#: ./module/thread_list.py:88
#: module/thread_list.py:88
msgid "Get links from: %s"
msgstr "Hole Links von: %s"

#: ./module/thread_list.py:90
#: module/thread_list.py:90
msgid "Download starts: %s"
msgstr "Starte Download: %s"

#: ./module/thread_list.py:136
#: module/thread_list.py:136
msgid "Parsed links from %s: %i"
msgstr "Gefundene Links in %s: %i"

#: ./module/thread_list.py:138
#: module/thread_list.py:138
msgid "No links in %s"
msgstr "Keine Links in %s"

#: ./module/thread_list.py:145
#: module/thread_list.py:145
msgid "Download finished: %s"
msgstr "Download fertiggestellt: %s"

#: ./module/thread_list.py:151
#: module/thread_list.py:151
msgid "Download failed: %s | %s"
msgstr "Download fehlgeschlagen: %s | %s"

#: ./module/thread_list.py:156
#: module/thread_list.py:156
msgid "Download aborted: %s"
msgstr "Download abgebrochen: %s"

#: ./module/thread_list.py:206
#: module/thread_list.py:206
msgid "Starting reconnect"
msgstr "Starte Reconnect"

#: ./module/thread_list.py:220
#: module/thread_list.py:220
msgid "Reconnected, new IP: %s"
msgstr "Neue Verbindung aufgebaut, IP: %s"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:111
#: pyLoadCore.py:111
msgid "pycrypto to decode container files"
msgstr "pyCrypto um Containerdateien zu öffnen"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:112
#: pyLoadCore.py:112
msgid "Python Image Libary (PIL) for captha reading"
msgstr "Python Image Library (PIL) für CAPTCHA-Erkennung"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:113
#: pyLoadCore.py:113
msgid "pycurl for lower memory footprint while downloading"
msgstr "Du kannst python installieren, um eine bessere Download-Performance zu erhalten"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:114
#: pyLoadCore.py:114
msgid "Django for webinterface"
msgstr "Django für das Webinterface"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:115
#: pyLoadCore.py:115
msgid "tesseract for captcha reading"
msgstr "Tesseract für die CAPTCHA-Erkennung"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:116
#: pyLoadCore.py:116
msgid "gocr for captcha reading"
msgstr "GOCR für die CAPTCHA-Erkennung"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:118
#: pyLoadCore.py:118
msgid "folder for logs"
msgstr "Ordner für Logs"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:119
#: pyLoadCore.py:119
msgid "folder for downloads"
msgstr "Downloadordner"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:120
#: pyLoadCore.py:120
msgid "file for links"
msgstr "Linkdatei"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:121
#: pyLoadCore.py:121
msgid "file for failed links"
msgstr "Datei mit fehlgeschlagenen Downloads"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:124
#: pyLoadCore.py:124
msgid "OpenSSL for secure connection"
msgstr "OpenSSL für eine sichere Verbindung"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:125
#: pyLoadCore.py:125
msgid "ssl certificate"
msgstr "SSL-Zertifikat"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:126
#: pyLoadCore.py:126
msgid "ssl key"
msgstr "SSL-Schlüssel"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:150
#: pyLoadCore.py:150
msgid "Downloadtime: %s"
msgstr "Downloadzeit: %s"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:179
#: pyLoadCore.py:179
msgid "restarting pyLoad"
msgstr "starte pyLoad neu"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:183
#: pyLoadCore.py:183
msgid "pyLoad quits"
msgstr "pyLoad beendet"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:194
#: pyLoadCore.py:194
msgid "Secure XMLRPC Server Started"
msgstr "Sicherer XMLRPC Server gestartet"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:197
#: pyLoadCore.py:197
msgid "Auth XMLRPC Server Started"
msgstr "XMLRPC Server gestartet..."

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:203
msgid "Failed starting XMLRPC server CLI and GUI will not be available: %s"
msgstr "Starten des XMLRPC-Servers fehlgeschlagen, CLI und GUI nicht verfügbar: %s"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:272
#: pyLoadCore.py:272
msgid "%s created"
msgstr "%s erstellt"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:275
#: pyLoadCore.py:275
msgid "could not find %s: %s"
msgstr "Konnte %s: %s nicht finden"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:277
#: pyLoadCore.py:277
msgid "could not create %s: %s"
msgstr "Konnte %s: %s nicht erstellen"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:305
#: pyLoadCore.py:305
msgid "%s added"
msgstr "%s hinzugefügt"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:306
#: pyLoadCore.py:306
msgid "created index of plugins"
msgstr "Pluginindex erstellt"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:325
#: pyLoadCore.py:325
msgid "shutting down..."
msgstr "Beenden..."

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:341
#: pyLoadCore.py:341
msgid "No Updates for pyLoad"
msgstr "Keine Updates für pyLoad"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:344
#: pyLoadCore.py:344
msgid "New pyLoad Version %s available"
msgstr "Neue pyLoad Version - %s - verfügbar"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:369
#: pyLoadCore.py:369
msgid "Auto install Failed"
msgstr "Automatische Installation gescheitert"

#: ./pyLoadCore.py:607
#: pyLoadCore.py:607
msgid "killed pyLoad from Terminal"
msgstr "pyLoad vom Terminal beendet."