msgid "" msgstr "Project-Id-Version: pyload\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: ''\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2014-04-08 15:01+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-04-09 05:38-0400\n" "Last-Translator: pyloadTeam <>\n" "Language-Team: Czech\n" "Language: cs_CZ\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" "X-Generator:\n" #: module/ msgid "y" msgstr "a" #: module/ msgid "n" msgstr "" #: module/ msgid "Welcome to the pyLoad Configuration Assistent." msgstr "Vitejte v konfiguracnim pruvodci programu pyLoad." #: module/ msgid "It will check your system and make a basic setup in order to run pyLoad." msgstr "Zkontroluje vas system a provede zakladni nastaveni pro spusteni programu pyLoad." #: module/ msgid "The value in brackets [] always is the default value," msgstr "Hodnota v zavorkach [] je vzdy vychozi," #: module/ msgid "in case you don't want to change it or you are unsure what to choose, just hit enter." msgstr "v pripade, ze ji nechcete zmenit nebo si nejste jisti co vybrat, jen stisknete enter." #: module/ msgid "Don't forget: You can always rerun this assistent with --setup or -s parameter, when you start ." msgstr "Nezapomente: Tohoto pruvodce muzete kdykoli sputit znovu pouzitim parametru --setup nebo -s pri startu ." #: module/ msgid "If you have any problems with this assistent hit STRG-C," msgstr "Pokud mate s pruvodcem jakekoli problemy, stisknete CTRL-C" #: module/ msgid "to abort and don't let him start with automatically anymore." msgstr "pro zruseni a zamezeni jeho automatickeho spusteni pri dalsim startu ." #: module/ msgid "When you are ready for system check, hit enter." msgstr "Az budete pripraveni na kontrolu systemu, stisknete enter." #: module/ msgid "You need pycurl, sqlite and python 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7 to run pyLoad." msgstr "Pro beh pyLoad je potreba pycurl a python verze 2.5, 2.6 nebo 2.7." #: module/ msgid "Please correct this and re-run pyLoad." msgstr "Prosim odstrante problem a znovu spustte pyLoad." #: module/ msgid "Setup will now close." msgstr "Setup bude nyni ukoncen." #: module/ msgid "System check finished, hit enter to see your status report." msgstr "Kontrola systemu ukoncena, stisknete enter pro zobrazeni zpravy o stavu." #: module/ msgid "## Status ##" msgstr "## Stav ##" #: module/ msgid "container decrypting" msgstr "dekodovani kontejneru" #: module/ msgid "ssl connection" msgstr "pripojeni ssl" #: module/ msgid "automatic captcha decryption" msgstr "automaticke rozpoznavani captchy" #: module/ msgid "GUI" msgstr "" #: module/ msgid "Webinterface" msgstr "Webové rozhraní" #: module/ msgid "extended Click'N'Load" msgstr "rozsirene Click'N'Load" #: module/ msgid "Features available:" msgstr "Dostupne funkce:" #: module/ msgid "Featues missing: " msgstr "Chybejici funkce: " #: module/ msgid "no py-crypto available" msgstr "py-crypto nedostupne" #: module/ msgid "You need this if you want to decrypt container files." msgstr "Toto potrebujede k dekodovani souboru kontejneru." #: module/ msgid "no SSL available" msgstr "SSL nedostupne" #: module/ msgid "This is needed if you want to establish a secure connection to core or webinterface." msgstr "Je potreba k vytvoreni zabezpeceneho pripojeni k jadru nebo webovemu rozhrani." #: module/ msgid "If you only want to access locally to pyLoad ssl is not usefull." msgstr "Pokud budete pyLoad pouzivat pouze lokalne, ssl neni nutne." #: module/ msgid "no Captcha Recognition available" msgstr "rozpoznavani Caprtchy nedostupne" #: module/ msgid "Only needed for some hosters and as freeuser." msgstr "Je potreba jen pro nektere filehostingy pro neplaceny pristup." #: module/ msgid "Gui not available" msgstr "Gui nedostupne" #: module/ msgid "The Graphical User Interface." msgstr "Graficke Uzivatelske Rozhrani" #: module/ msgid "no JavaScript engine found" msgstr "nenalezeno zadne jadro JavaScriptu" #: module/ msgid "You will need this for some Click'N'Load links. Install Spidermonkey, ossp-js, pyv8 or rhino" msgstr "Toto budete potrebovat pro nektere Click'N'Load linky. Naistalujte Spidermonkey, ossp-js, pyv8 nebo rhino" #: module/ msgid "You can abort the setup now and fix some dependicies if you want." msgstr "Pokud chcete, muzete nyni zrusit instalaci a opravit nektere zavislosti." #: module/ msgid "Continue with setup?" msgstr "Pokracovat v instalaci?" #: module/ #, python-format msgid "Do you want to change the config path? Current is %s" msgstr "Chcete zmenit cestu k nastaveni? Stavajici je %s" #: module/ msgid "If you use pyLoad on a server or the home partition lives on an iternal flash it may be a good idea to change it." msgstr "Pokud pouzivate pyLoad na serveru, nebo je domovsky oddil na vnitrni flash, muze byt dobre ji zmenit." #: module/ msgid "Change config path?" msgstr "Zmenit cestu k nastaveni?" #: module/ msgid "Do you want to configure login data and basic settings?" msgstr "Chcete nastavit prihlasovaci udaje a zakladni volby?" #: module/ msgid "This is recommend for first run." msgstr "Doporuceno pri prvnim spusteni." #: module/ msgid "Make basic setup?" msgstr "Vytvorit zakladni nastaveni?" #: module/ msgid "Do you want to configure ssl?" msgstr "Prejete si nastavit ssl?" #: module/ msgid "Configure ssl?" msgstr "Nastavit ssl?" #: module/ msgid "Do you want to configure webinterface?" msgstr "Prejete si nastavit webove rozhrani?" #: module/ msgid "Configure webinterface?" msgstr "Nastavit webove rozhrani?" #: module/ msgid "Setup finished successfully." msgstr "Nastaveni uspesne dokonceno." #: module/ msgid "Hit enter to exit and restart pyLoad" msgstr "Stiknete enter pro ukonceni a restartujte pyLoad" #: module/ msgid "## System Check ##" msgstr "## Kontrola Systemu ##" #: module/ msgid "Your python version is to new, Please use Python 2.6/2.7" msgstr "Vase verze pythonu je prilis nova, prosim pouzijte verzi 2.6/2.7" #: module/ msgid "Your python version is to old, Please use at least Python 2.5" msgstr "Vase verze pythonu je prilis stara, prosim pouzijte alespon Python 2.5" #: module/ msgid "Python Version: OK" msgstr "Verze Pythonu: OK" #: module/ #, python-format msgid "Your installed jinja2 version %s seems too old." msgstr "Vase nainstalovana verze %s jinja2 je prilis stara." #: module/ msgid "You can safely continue but if the webinterface is not working," msgstr "Muzete bezpecne pokracovat, nicmene pokud bude webove rozhani nefunkcni," #: module/ msgid "please upgrade or deinstall it, pyLoad includes a sufficient jinja2 libary." msgstr "bude treba ji upgradovat nebo odistalovat, pyLoad jiz obsahuje knihovnu jinja2." #: module/ msgid "JS engine" msgstr "jadro JS" #: module/ msgid "## Basic Setup ##" msgstr "## Zakladni nastaveni ##" #: module/ msgid "The following logindata is valid for CLI, GUI and webinterface." msgstr "Nasledujici prihlasovaci udaje jsou platne pro CLI, GUI a webove rozhrani." #: module/ module/ module/ msgid "Username" msgstr "Uživatelské jméno" #: module/ msgid "External clients (GUI, CLI or other) need remote access to work over the network." msgstr "Externí klientské aplikace (např. GUI a CLI) vyžadují vzdálený přístup pro fungovaní přes síť." #: module/ msgid "However, if you only want to use the webinterface you may disable it to save ram." msgstr "Pokud však chcete používat pouze webové rozhraní, můžete jej zakázat a ušetřit tak paměť." #: module/ msgid "Enable remote access" msgstr "Povolit vzdálený přístup" #: module/ msgid "Language" msgstr "Jazyk" #: module/ msgid "Downloadfolder" msgstr "Slozka pro stahovani" #: module/ msgid "Max parallel downloads" msgstr "Max soubeznych stahovani" #: module/ msgid "Use Reconnect?" msgstr "Pouzivat Reconnect?" #: module/ msgid "Reconnect script location" msgstr "Umisteni skriptu pro Reconnect" #: module/ msgid "## Webinterface Setup ##" msgstr "## Nastaveni Weboveho rozhrani ##" #: module/ msgid "Activate webinterface?" msgstr "Aktivovat webove rozhrani?" #: module/ msgid "Listen address, if you use or localhost, the webinterface will only accessible locally." msgstr "Adresa pro naslouchani, pokud pouzijete nebo localhost, bude webove rozhrani pristupne pouze lokalne." #: module/ msgid "Address" msgstr "Adresa" #: module/ msgid "Port" msgstr "Port" #: module/ msgid "pyLoad offers several server backends, now following a short explanation." msgstr "pyLoad nabizi mnoho vezri administrace, nize kratke vysvetleni." #: module/ msgid "Default server, best choice if you dont know which one to choose." msgstr "Vychozi server, nejlepsi volba, pokud nevite, ktery vybrat." #: module/ msgid "This server offers SSL and is a good alternative to builtin." msgstr "Tento server nabizi SSl a je dobrou alternativou k vestavenemu." #: module/ msgid "Can be used by apache, lighttpd, requires you to configure them, which is not too easy job." msgstr "Muze byt pouzit apachem, lighttpd, vyzaduje vsak nastaveni, ktere nemusi byt snadne." #: module/ msgid "Very fast alternative written in C, requires libev and linux knowlegde." msgstr "Velmi svizna alternativa napsana v C, vyzaduje znalost linuxu a libev." #: module/ msgid "Get it from here:, compile it" msgstr "Stahnete jej zde: a zkompilujte" #: module/ msgid "and copy to module/lib" msgstr "a zkopirujte do adresare module/lib" #: module/ msgid "Attention: In some rare cases the builtin server is not working, if you notice problems with the webinterface" msgstr "Pozor: V nekterych zvlastnich pripadech neni vestaveny server funkcni. Pokud mate problemy s webovym rozhranim," #: module/ msgid "come back here and change the builtin server to the threaded one here." msgstr "vratte se sem a zmente vestaveny server za server s vlakny." #: module/ msgid "Server" msgstr "Server" #: module/ msgid "## SSL Setup ##" msgstr "## Nastaveni SSL ##" #: module/ msgid "Execute these commands from pyLoad config folder to make ssl certificates:" msgstr "Pro vytvoreni ssl certifikatu spustte tyto prikazy v konfiguracni slozce pyLoad:" #: module/ msgid "If you're done and everything went fine, you can activate ssl now." msgstr "Pokud jste skoncili a vse probehlo v poradku, muzete aktivovat SSL." #: module/ msgid "Activate SSL?" msgstr "Aktivovat SSL?" #: module/ msgid "Select action" msgstr "Zvolte akci" #: module/ msgid "1 - Create/Edit user" msgstr "1 - Vytvorit/Upravit uzivatele" #: module/ msgid "2 - List users" msgstr "2 - Seznam uzivatelu" #: module/ msgid "3 - Remove user" msgstr "3 - Odstranit uzivatele" #: module/ msgid "4 - Quit" msgstr "4 - Konec" #: module/ msgid "Users" msgstr "Uzivatele" #: module/ msgid "Setting new configpath, current configuration will not be transfered!" msgstr "Nastavuji novou cestu ke konfiguracnim souborum, stavajici konfigurace nebude prenesena!" #: module/ msgid "Configpath" msgstr "Cesta ke konfiguracnim souborum" #: module/ msgid "Configpath changed, setup will now close, please restart to go on." msgstr "Cesta ke konfiguracnim souborum byla zmenena, instalace se nyni ukonci, pro pokracovani ji prosim restartujte." #: module/ msgid "Press Enter to exit." msgstr "Stisknete enter pro ukonceni." #: module/ #, python-format msgid "Setting config path failed: %s" msgstr "Nastaveni cesty ke konfiguracnim souborum selhalo: %s" #: module/ #, python-format msgid "%s: OK" msgstr "" #: module/ #, python-format msgid "%s: missing" msgstr "%s: chybi" #: module/ msgid "Password: " msgstr "Heslo: " #: module/ msgid "Password too short. Use at least 4 symbols." msgstr "Heslo je příliš krátké. Použijte nejméně 4 znaky." #: module/ msgid "Password (again): " msgstr "Heslo (znovu): " #: module/ msgid "Passwords did not match." msgstr "Hesla se neshodují." #: module/ msgid "yes" msgstr "ano" #: module/ msgid "true" msgstr "pravda" #: module/ msgid "t" msgstr "p" #: module/ msgid "no" msgstr "ne" #: module/ msgid "false" msgstr "nepravda" #: module/ msgid "f" msgstr "n" #: module/ module/ msgid "Invalid Input" msgstr "Neplatne zadani"