.. _hoster_plugin:

Hoster - Load files to disk

A Plugin is a python file located at one of the subfolders in :file:`module/plugins/`. Either :file:`hoster`, :file:`crypter`
or :file:`container`, depending of it's type.

There are three kinds of different plugins: **Hoster**, **Crypter**, **Container**.
All kind of plugins inherit from the base :class:`Plugin <module.plugins.Plugin.Plugin>`. You should know its
convenient methods, they make your work easier ;-)

Every plugin defines a ``__pattern__`` and when the user adds urls, every url is matched against the pattern defined in
the plugin. In case the ``__pattern__`` matched on the url the plugin will be assigned to handle it and instanciated when
pyLoad begins to download/decrypt the url.

Plugin header

How basic hoster plugin header could look like: ::

        from module.plugin.Hoster import Hoster

        class MyFileHoster(Hoster):
                __version__ = "0.1"
                __pattern__ = r"http://myfilehoster.example.com/file_id/[0-9]+"
                __config__ = []

You have to define these meta-data, ``__pattern__`` has to be a regexp that sucessfully compiles with

Just like :ref:`write_hooks` you can add and use config values exatly the same way.
If you want a Crypter or Container plugin, just replace the word Hoster with your desired plugin type.

Hoster plugins

We head to the next important section, the ``process`` method of your plugin.
In fact the ``process`` method is the only functionality your plugin has to provide, but its always a good idea to split up tasks to not produce spaghetti code.
An example ``process`` function could look like this ::

        from module.plugin.Hoster import Hoster

        class MyFileHoster(Hoster):
                plugin code
            def process(self, pyfile):
                html = self.load(pyfile.url)  # load the content of the orginal pyfile.url to html

                # parse the name from the site and set attribute in pyfile
                pyfile.name = self.myFunctionToParseTheName(html)
                parsed_url = self.myFunctionToParseUrl(html)

                # download the file, destination is determined by pyLoad

You need to know about the :class:`PyFile <module.PyFile.PyFile>` class, since an instance of it is given as parameter to every pyfile.
Some tasks your plugin should handle:  proof if file is online, get filename, wait if needed, download the file, etc..

Wait times

Some hoster require you to wait a specific time. Just set the time with ``self.setWait(seconds)`` or
``self.setWait(seconds, True)`` if you want pyLoad to perform a reconnect if needed.

Captcha decrypting

To handle captcha input just use ``self.decryptCaptcha(url, ...)``, it will be send to clients
or handled by :class:`Hook <module.plugins.Hook.Hook>` plugins


What about Decrypter and Container plugins?
Well, they work nearly the same, only that the function they have to provide is named ``decrypt``

Example: ::

    from module.plugin.Crypter import Crypter

    class MyFileCrypter(Crypter):
            plugin code
        def decrypt(self, pyfile):

            urls = ["http://get.pyload.org/src", "http://get.pyload.org/debian", "http://get.pyload.org/win"]

            self.packages.append(("pyLoad packages", urls, "pyLoad packages")) # urls list of urls

They can access all the methods from :class:`Plugin <module.plugins.Plugin.Plugin>`, but the important thing is they
have to append all packages they parsed to the `self.packages` list. Simply append tuples with `(name, urls, folder)`,
where urls is the list of urls contained in the packages. Thats all of your work, pyLoad will know what to do with them.


Best examples are already existing plugins in :file:`module/plugins/`.