.. pyLoad documentation master file ===================== pyLoad Documentation ===================== TODO: Change the old logo .. image:: _static/logo.png :height: 144 :width: 412 Great that you found your way to the pyLoad [1]_ documentation! This is the ultimate document to get started extending or accessing pyLoad in your own way. We will cover on how to access the API so you can write your own client to pyLoad. In the next step you will be given an idea on how to extend pyLoad and write your own powerful plugins, which perfectly integrate into our system. The complete pyLoad source and this documentation is available at bitbucket [2]_. If you would like to contribute come around in our irc channel [3]_ or open a pull request. In case you still have questions, ask at our forum [4]_ or in our official irc channel #pyload @ irc.freenode.net We wish you happy programming! -- the pyLoad Team Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 api/overview.rst plugins/overview.rst system/overview.rst module_overview.rst .. currentmodule:: module .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [1] http://pyload.org .. [2] http://pyload.org/irc .. [3] http://bitbucket.org/spoob/pyload/overview .. [4] http://forum.pyload.org ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`