?IIIIIIII77777:~~. NM M +III777777$$$$$7~~~~, NM M III777777$$$$$$+~~~== MMMMMMM 8M M NM MMI OMM$ MMO M I777777++++++=.~~==== M MM 8M M NM 7M MN M MD M 77777 ~~~~~~~~~====== M NM 8M M NM MO M $DDDM NM M 77777~~~~~~~========= M MM 8M M NM M8 M MM M NM M 777$~~~~~========== MNMZ8MM +MMMMM?M NM $M MM MM M MZ M ~~~==,,,,,, M M NMMMMMN 7MMO MMM= IMMD ~======= =~ M M ~======~ = DMMO ~======= :===== :=== ,=, Description =========== pyLoad is a free and open source downloader for 1-click-hosting sites like rapidshare.com or uploaded.to. It supports link decryption as well as all important container formats. pyLoad is written entirely in Python and is currently under heavy development. To read the newest info, get the latest version, find help or contribute to the wiki, visit <http://pyload.org/> To report bugs, suggest features, ask a question, get the developer version or help us out, visit <http://bitbucket.org/spoob/pyload/> Requirements ============ pycrypto: RSDF/CCF/DLC support pycurl: lower memory footprint while downloading pyqt4: for the GUI django: for webinterface tesseract, gocr, PIL: Captcha recognition First start =========== First, run $ python pyLoadCore.py to create initial config files. You should now see a warning that there is no database for the webinterface, so execute $ python module/web/manage.py syncdb and create the webinterface user. Configuring =========== After the first start, you can edit the config. Just open the config files "module/config/core.xml" and/or "module/config/plugin.xml" with your favorite editor and edit the appropriate options. For a short description of the options take a look at <http://pyload.org/configuration>. Adding downloads ================ To add downloads to pyLoad, add your links to "links.txt". If you have successfully installed the LinuxFileEvents hook, pyLoad should add the files to the queue automatically. If not, you have to restart pyLoad or use one of the interfaces. To starte the CLI and connect to a local server, run $ python pyLoadCli.py -l To connect to a remote server, run $ python pyLoadCli.py and fill in the connection details. If you want to connect from graphical enviroment, you can also use the GUI: $ python pyLoadGui.py Notes ===== For more information, see <http://pyload.org/>