From 2ba07aa53d2af572af2c5a43e77725abd46e1b13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: RaNaN <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 12:09:42 +0200
Subject: many new stuff, some things already working

 module/ | 348 +++++++++++++-----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 94 insertions(+), 254 deletions(-)

(limited to 'module/')

diff --git a/module/ b/module/
index 4e2beaf49..67ea0d8d8 100644
--- a/module/
+++ b/module/
@@ -14,261 +14,101 @@
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with this program; if not, see <>.
-    @author: mkaay
-    @author: spoob
-    @author: sebnapi
     @author: RaNaN
-    @version: v0.3.2
-from __future__ import with_statement
-from os.path import exists
-import re
-import subprocess
-from threading import RLock, Thread
-from time import sleep
-from import getURL
-from module.DownloadThread import DownloadThread
-from module.SpeedManager import SpeedManager
-class ThreadManager(Thread):
-    def __init__(self, parent):
-        Thread.__init__(self)
-        self.parent = parent
-        self.list = parent.file_list #file list
-        self.threads = []
-        self.lock = RLock()
-        self.py_downloading = [] # files downloading
-        self.occ_plugins = [] #occupied plugins
-        self.pause = True
-        self.reconnecting = False
-        self.speedManager = SpeedManager(self)
-    def run(self):
-        while True:
-            if (len(self.threads) < int(self.parent.config['general']['max_downloads']) or self.isDecryptWaiting()) and not self.pause:
-                job = self.getJob()
-                if job:
-                    thread = self.createThread(job)
-                    thread.start()
-            sleep(1)
-    def createThread(self, job):
-        """ creates thread for Py_Load_File and append thread to self.threads
-        """
-        thread = DownloadThread(self, job)
-        self.threads.append(thread)
-        return thread
-    def removeThread(self, thread):
-        self.threads.remove(thread)
-    def getJob(self):
-        """return job if suitable, otherwise send thread idle"""
-        if not self.parent.server_methods.is_time_download() or self.pause or self.reconnecting or self.list.queueEmpty(): #conditions when threads dont download
-            return None
-        if self.parent.freeSpace() < self.parent.config["general"]["min_free_space"]:
-            self.parent.logger.debug(_("minimal free space exceeded"))
-            return None
-        self.initReconnect()
-        self.lock.acquire()
-        pyfile = None
-        pyfiles = self.list.getDownloadList(self.occ_plugins)
-        if pyfiles:
-            pyfile = pyfiles[0]
-            self.py_downloading.append(pyfile)
-            self.parent.hookManager.downloadStarts(pyfile)
-            if not pyfile.plugin.multi_dl:
-                self.occ_plugins.append(pyfile.plugin.__name__)
-   = True
-            if pyfile.plugin.__type__ == "container":
-      "Get links from: %s") % pyfile.url)
-            else:
-      "Download starts: %s") % pyfile.url)
-        self.lock.release()
-        return pyfile
-    def isDecryptWaiting(self):
-        pyfiles = self.list.getDownloadList(self.occ_plugins)
-        for pyfile in pyfiles:
-            if pyfile.plugin.__type__ == "container":
-                return True
-        return False
-    def handleNewInterface(self, pyfile):
-        plugin = pyfile.plugin
-        if plugin.__type__ == "container":
-            if plugin.createNewPackage():
-                packages = plugin.getPackages()
-                if len(packages) == 1:
-          "1 new package from %s") % (pyfile.status.filename,))
-                else:
-          "%i new packages from %s") % (len(packages), pyfile.status.filename))
-                for name, links in packages:
-                    if not name:
-                        name = pyfile.status.filename
-                    pid = self.list.packager.addNewPackage(name)
-                    for link in links:
-                        newFile = self.list.collector.addLink(link)
-                        self.list.packager.addFileToPackage(pid, self.list.collector.popFile(newFile))
-                    if len(links) == 1:
-              "1 link in %s") % (name,))
-                    else:
-              "%i links in %s") % (len(links), name))
-            else:
-                pass
-            self.list.packager.removeFileFromPackage(,["id"])
-    def jobFinished(self, pyfile):
-        """manage completing download"""
-        self.lock.acquire()
-        if not pyfile.plugin.multi_dl:
-            self.occ_plugins.remove(pyfile.plugin.__name__)
- = False
-        if not pyfile.status == "reconnected":
-            try:
-                pyfile.plugin.req.pycurl.close()
-            except:
-                pass
-        self.py_downloading.remove(pyfile)
-        if pyfile.status.type == "finished":
-            if hasattr(pyfile.plugin, "__interface__") and pyfile.plugin.__interface__ >= 2:
-                self.handleNewInterface(pyfile)
-            elif pyfile.plugin.__type__ == "container":
-                newLinks = 0
-                if pyfile.plugin.links:
-                    if isinstance(pyfile.plugin.links, dict):
-                        packmap = {}
-                        for packname in pyfile.plugin.links.keys():
-                            packmap[packname] = self.list.packager.addNewPackage(packname)
-                        for packname, links in pyfile.plugin.links.items():
-                            pid = packmap[packname]
-                            for link in links:
-                                newFile = self.list.collector.addLink(link)
-                                self.list.packager.addFileToPackage(pid, self.list.collector.popFile(newFile))
-                                self.list.packager.pushPackage2Queue(pid)
-                                newLinks += 1
-                    else:
-                        for link in pyfile.plugin.links:
-                            newFile = self.list.collector.addLink(link)
-                            pid =["id"]
-                            self.list.packager.addFileToPackage(["id"], self.list.collector.popFile(newFile))
-                            newLinks += 1
-                        self.list.packager.pushPackage2Queue(pid)
-                self.list.packager.removeFileFromPackage(,["id"])
-                if newLinks:
-          "Parsed links from %s: %i") % (pyfile.status.filename, newLinks))
-                else:
-          "No links in %s") % pyfile.status.filename)
-                #~ self.list.packager.removeFileFromPackage(,
-                #~ for link in pyfile.plugin.links:
-                #~ id = self.list.collector.addLink(link)
-                #~ pyfile.packager.pullOutPackage(
-                #~ pyfile.packager.addFileToPackage(, pyfile.collector.popFile(id))
-            else:
-                packFinished = True
-                for packfile in pyfile.package.files:
-                    if packfile.status.type != "finished":
-                        packFinished = False
-                        break
-      "Download finished: %s") % pyfile.url)
-                if packFinished:
-          "Package finished: %s") %['package_name'])
-                    self.parent.hookManager.packageFinished(pyfile.package)
-        elif pyfile.status.type == "reconnected":
-            pyfile.plugin.req.init_curl()
-        elif pyfile.status.type == "failed":
-            self.parent.logger.warning(_("Download failed: %s | %s") % (pyfile.url, pyfile.status.error))
-            with open(self.parent.config['general']['failed_file'], 'a') as f:
-                f.write(pyfile.url + "\n")
-        elif pyfile.status.type == "aborted":
-  "Download aborted: %s") % pyfile.url)
-        self.parent.hookManager.downloadFinished(pyfile)
-        self.lock.release()
-        return True
-    def initReconnect(self):
-        """initialise a reonnect"""
-        if not self.parent.config['reconnect']['activated'] or self.reconnecting or not self.parent.server_methods.is_time_reconnect():
-            return False
-        if not exists(self.parent.config['reconnect']['method']):
-  ['reconnect']['method'] + " not found")
-            self.parent.config['reconnect']['activated'] = False
-            return False
-        self.lock.acquire()
-        if self.checkReconnect():
-            self.reconnecting = True
-            self.reconnect()
-            sleep(1.1)
-            self.reconnecting = False
-            self.lock.release()
-            return True
-        self.lock.release()
-        return False
-    def checkReconnect(self):
-        """checks if all files want reconnect"""
-        if not self.py_downloading:
-            return False
-        i = 0
-        for obj in self.py_downloading:
-            if obj.status.want_reconnect:
-                i += 1
-        if len(self.py_downloading) == i:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def reconnect(self):
-"Starting reconnect"))
-        ip = re.match(".*Current IP Address: (.*)</body>.*", getURL("")).group(1)
-        self.parent.hookManager.beforeReconnecting(ip)
-        reconn = subprocess.Popen(self.parent.config['reconnect']['method'])#, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-        reconn.wait()
-        sleep(1)
-        ip = ""
-        while ip == "":
-            try:
-                ip = re.match(".*Current IP Address: (.*)</body>.*", getURL("")).group(1) #versuchen neue ip aus zu lesen
-            except:
-                ip = ""
-            sleep(1)
-        self.parent.hookManager.afterReconnecting(ip)
-"Reconnected, new IP: %s") % ip)
+from threading import Event
+import PluginThread
+class ThreadManager:
+	"""manages the download threads, assign jobs, reconnect etc"""
+	#----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	def __init__(self, core):
+		"""Constructor"""
+		self.core = core
+		self.log = core.log
+		self.threads = []  # thread list
+		self.localThreads = []  #hook+decrypter threads
+		self.pause = True
+		self.reconnecting = Event()
+		self.reconnecting.clear()
+		for i in range(0, self.core.config.get("general","max_downloads") ):
+			self.createThread()
+	#----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	def createThread(self):
+		"""create a download thread"""
+		thread = PluginThread.DownloadThread(self)		
+		self.threads.append(thread)
+	#----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	def downloadingIds(self):
+		"""get a list of the currently downloading pyfile's ids"""
+		return [ for x in self.threads if]
+	#----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	def processingIds(self):
+		"""get a id list of all pyfiles processed"""
+		return [ for x in self.threads+self.localThreads if]
+	#----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	def work(self):
+		"""run all task which have to be done (this is for repetivive call by core)"""
+		self.checkReconnect()
+		self.checkThreadCount()
+		self.assingJob()
+	#----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	def checkReconnect(self):
+		"""checks if reconnect needed"""
+		pass
+	#----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	def checkThreadCount(self):
+		"""checks if there are need for increasing or reducing thread count"""
+		if len(self.threads) == self.core.config.get("general", "max_downloads"):
+			return True
+		elif len(self.threads) < self.core.config.get("general", "max_downloads"):
+			self.createThread()
+		else:
+			#@TODO: close thread
+			pass
+	#----------------------------------------------------------------------
+	def assingJob(self):
+		"""assing a job to a thread if possible"""
+		if self.pause: return
+		free = [x for x in self.threads if not]
+		if free:
+			thread = free[0]
+			occ = [ for x in self.threads if and not ]
+			occ.sort()
+			occ = set(occ)
+			job = self.core.files.getJob(tuple(occ))
+			if job:
+				job.initPlugin()
+				thread.put(job)
-    def stopAllDownloads(self):
-        self.pause = True
-        for pyfile in self.py_downloading:
-            pyfile.plugin.req.abort = True
\ No newline at end of file
cgit v1.2.3