path: root/pyload/plugins/hooks
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Diffstat (limited to 'pyload/plugins/hooks')
2 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pyload/plugins/hooks/ b/pyload/plugins/hooks/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cd622b7cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/plugins/hooks/
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
+ or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ @author: mkaay, RaNaN, zoidberg
+from __future__ import with_statement
+from thread import start_new_thread
+from base64 import b64encode
+import cStringIO
+import pycurl
+import time
+from import getURL, getRequest
+from import BadHeader
+from module.plugins.Hook import Hook
+class Captcha9kw(Hook):
+ __name__ = "Captcha9kw"
+ __version__ = "0.07"
+ __description__ = """send captchas to"""
+ __config__ = [("activated", "bool", "Activated", False),
+ ("force", "bool", "Force CT even if client is connected", True),
+ ("https", "bool", "Enable HTTPS", "False"),
+ ("confirm", "bool", "Confirm Captcha (Cost +6)", "False"),
+ ("captchaperhour", "int", "Captcha per hour (max. 9999)", "9999"),
+ ("prio", "int", "Prio 1-10 (Cost +1-10)", "0"),
+ ("timeout", "int", "Timeout (max. 300)", "220"),
+ ("passkey", "password", "API key", ""),]
+ __author_name__ = ("RaNaN")
+ __author_mail__ = ("")
+ API_URL = "://"
+ def setup(self):
+ self.API_URL = "https"+self.API_URL if self.getConfig("https") else "http"+self.API_URL
+ = {}
+ def getCredits(self):
+ response = getURL(self.API_URL, get = { "apikey": self.getConfig("passkey"), "pyload": "1", "source": "pyload", "action": "usercaptchaguthaben" })
+ if response.isdigit():
+ self.logInfo(_("%s credits left") % response)
+["credits"] = credits = int(response)
+ return credits
+ else:
+ self.logError(response)
+ return 0
+ def processCaptcha(self, task):
+ result = None
+ with open(task.captchaFile, 'rb') as f:
+ data =
+ data = b64encode(data)
+ self.logDebug("%s : %s" % (task.captchaFile, data))
+ if task.isPositional():
+ mouse = 1
+ else:
+ mouse = 0
+ response = getURL(self.API_URL, post = {
+ "apikey": self.getConfig("passkey"),
+ "prio": self.getConfig("prio"),
+ "confirm": self.getConfig("confirm"),
+ "captchaperhour": self.getConfig("captchaperhour"),
+ "maxtimeout": self.getConfig("timeout"),
+ "pyload": "1",
+ "source": "pyload",
+ "base64": "1",
+ "mouse": mouse,
+ "file-upload-01": data,
+ "action": "usercaptchaupload" })
+ if response.isdigit():
+ self.logInfo(_("New CaptchaID from upload: %s : %s") % (response,task.captchaFile))
+ for i in range(1, 100, 1):
+ response2 = getURL(self.API_URL, get = { "apikey": self.getConfig("passkey"), "id": response,"pyload": "1","source": "pyload", "action": "usercaptchacorrectdata" })
+ if(response2 != ""):
+ break;
+ time.sleep(3)
+ result = response2
+["ticket"] = response
+ self.logInfo("result %s : %s" % (response, result))
+ task.setResult(result)
+ else:
+ self.logError("Bad upload: %s" % response)
+ return False
+ def newCaptchaTask(self, task):
+ if not task.isTextual() and not task.isPositional():
+ return False
+ if not self.getConfig("passkey"):
+ return False
+ if self.core.isClientConnected() and not self.getConfig("force"):
+ return False
+ if self.getCredits() > 0:
+ task.handler.append(self)
+ task.setWaiting(self.getConfig("timeout"))
+ start_new_thread(self.processCaptcha, (task,))
+ else:
+ self.logError(_("Your Captcha Account has not enough credits"))
+ def captchaCorrect(self, task):
+ if "ticket" in
+ try:
+ response = getURL(self.API_URL,
+ post={ "action": "usercaptchacorrectback",
+ "apikey": self.getConfig("passkey"),
+ "api_key": self.getConfig("passkey"),
+ "correct": "1",
+ "pyload": "1",
+ "source": "pyload",
+ "id":["ticket"] }
+ )
+ self.logInfo("Request correct: %s" % response)
+ except BadHeader, e:
+ self.logError("Could not send correct request.", str(e))
+ else:
+ self.logError("No CaptchaID for correct request (task %s) found." % task)
+ def captchaInvalid(self, task):
+ if "ticket" in
+ try:
+ response = getURL(self.API_URL,
+ post={ "action": "usercaptchacorrectback",
+ "apikey": self.getConfig("passkey"),
+ "api_key": self.getConfig("passkey"),
+ "correct": "2",
+ "pyload": "1",
+ "source": "pyload",
+ "id":["ticket"] }
+ )
+ self.logInfo("Request refund: %s" % response)
+ except BadHeader, e:
+ self.logError("Could not send refund request.", str(e))
+ else:
+ self.logError("No CaptchaID for not correct request (task %s) found." % task)
diff --git a/pyload/plugins/hooks/ b/pyload/plugins/hooks/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbd9d659b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/plugins/hooks/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+from module.plugins.internal.MultiHoster import MultiHoster
+from module.common.json_layer import json_loads
+from import getURL
+class ReloadCc(MultiHoster):
+ __name__ = "ReloadCc"
+ __version__ = "0.3"
+ __type__ = "hook"
+ __description__ = """ hook plugin"""
+ __config__ = [("activated", "bool", "Activated", "False"),
+ ("hosterListMode", "all;listed;unlisted", "Use for hosters (if supported):", "all"),
+ ("hosterList", "str", "Hoster list (comma separated)", "")]
+ __author_name__ = ("Reload Team")
+ __author_mail__ = ("")
+ interval = 0 # Disable periodic calls
+ def getHoster(self):
+ # If no accounts are available there will be no hosters available
+ if not self.account or not self.account.canUse():
+ print "ReloadCc: No accounts available"
+ return []
+ # Get account data
+ (user, data) = self.account.selectAccount()
+ # Get supported hosters list from using the json API v1
+ query_params = dict(
+ via='pyload',
+ v=1,
+ get_supported='true',
+ get_traffic='true',
+ user=user
+ )
+ try:
+ query_params.update(dict(hash=self.account.infos[user]['pwdhash']))
+ except Exception:
+ query_params.update(dict(pwd=data['password']))
+ answer = getURL("", get=query_params)
+ data = json_loads(answer)
+ # If account is not valid thera are no hosters available
+ if data['status'] != "ok":
+ print "ReloadCc: Status is not ok: %s" % data['status']
+ return []
+ # Extract hosters from json file
+ return data['msg']['supportedHosters']
+ def coreReady(self):
+ # Get account plugin and check if there is a valid account available
+ self.account = self.core.accountManager.getAccountPlugin("ReloadCc")
+ if not self.account.canUse():
+ self.account = None
+ self.logError("Please add a valid account first and restart pyLoad.")
+ return
+ # Run the overwriten core ready which actually enables the multihoster hook
+ return MultiHoster.coreReady(self)