path: root/pyload/plugin/addon/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pyload/plugin/addon/')
1 files changed, 431 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pyload/plugin/addon/ b/pyload/plugin/addon/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f61479ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/plugin/addon/
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import re
+import socket
+import ssl
+import time
+from pycurl import FORM_FILE
+from select import select
+from threading import Thread
+from time import sleep
+from traceback import print_exc
+from pyload.api import PackageDoesNotExists, FileDoesNotExists
+from import getURL
+from pyload.plugin.Addon import Addon
+from pyload.utils import formatSize
+class IRCInterface(Thread, Addon):
+ __name = "IRCInterface"
+ __type = "addon"
+ __version = "0.13"
+ __config = [("host" , "str" , "IRC-Server Address" , "Enter your server here!"),
+ ("port" , "int" , "IRC-Server Port" , 6667 ),
+ ("ident" , "str" , "Clients ident" , "pyload-irc" ),
+ ("realname" , "str" , "Realname" , "pyload-irc" ),
+ ("ssl" , "bool", "Use SSL" , False ),
+ ("nick" , "str" , "Nickname the Client will take" , "pyLoad-IRC" ),
+ ("owner" , "str" , "Nickname the Client will accept commands from", "Enter your nick here!" ),
+ ("info_file", "bool", "Inform about every file finished" , False ),
+ ("info_pack", "bool", "Inform about every package finished" , True ),
+ ("captcha" , "bool", "Send captcha requests" , True )]
+ __description = """Connect to irc and let owner perform different tasks"""
+ __license = "GPLv3"
+ __authors = [("Jeix", "")]
+ def __init__(self, core, manager):
+ Thread.__init__(self)
+ Addon.__init__(self, core, manager)
+ self.setDaemon(True)
+ def activate(self):
+ self.abort = False
+ self.more = []
+ self.new_package = {}
+ self.start()
+ def packageFinished(self, pypack):
+ try:
+ if self.getConfig("info_pack"):
+ self.response(_("Package finished: %s") %
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ def downloadFinished(self, pyfile):
+ try:
+ if self.getConfig("info_file"):
+ self.response(
+ _("Download finished: %(name)s @ %(plugin)s ") % {"name":, "plugin": pyfile.pluginname})
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ def captchaTask(self, task):
+ if self.getConfig("captcha") and task.isTextual():
+ task.handler.append(self)
+ task.setWaiting(60)
+ html = getURL("",
+ post={"attached": (FORM_FILE, task.captchaFile)}, multipart=True)
+ url ="\[img\]([^\[]+)\[/img\]\[/url\]", html).group(1)
+ self.response(_("New Captcha Request: %s") % url)
+ self.response(_("Answer with 'c %s text on the captcha'") %
+ def run(self):
+ # connect to IRC etc.
+ self.sock = socket.socket()
+ host = self.getConfig("host")
+ self.sock.connect((host, self.getConfig("port")))
+ if self.getConfig("ssl"):
+ self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self.sock, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE) #@TODO: support custom certificate
+ nick = self.getConfig("nick")
+ self.sock.send("NICK %s\r\n" % nick)
+ self.sock.send("USER %s %s bla :%s\r\n" % (nick, host, nick))
+ for t in self.getConfig("owner").split():
+ if t.strip().startswith("#"):
+ self.sock.send("JOIN %s\r\n" % t.strip())
+ self.logInfo(_("Connected to"), host)
+ self.logInfo(_("Switching to listening mode!"))
+ try:
+ self.main_loop()
+ except IRCError, ex:
+ self.sock.send("QUIT :byebye\r\n")
+ print_exc()
+ self.sock.close()
+ def main_loop(self):
+ readbuffer = ""
+ while True:
+ sleep(1)
+ fdset = select([self.sock], [], [], 0)
+ if self.sock not in fdset[0]:
+ continue
+ if self.abort:
+ raise IRCError("quit")
+ readbuffer += self.sock.recv(1024)
+ temp = readbuffer.split("\n")
+ readbuffer = temp.pop()
+ for line in temp:
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ first = line.split()
+ if first[0] == "PING":
+ self.sock.send("PONG %s\r\n" % first[1])
+ if first[0] == "ERROR":
+ raise IRCError(line)
+ msg = line.split(None, 3)
+ if len(msg) < 4:
+ continue
+ msg = {
+ "origin": msg[0][1:],
+ "action": msg[1],
+ "target": msg[2],
+ "text": msg[3][1:]
+ }
+ self.handle_events(msg)
+ def handle_events(self, msg):
+ if not msg['origin'].split("!", 1)[0] in self.getConfig("owner").split():
+ return
+ if msg['target'].split("!", 1)[0] != self.getConfig("nick"):
+ return
+ if msg['action'] != "PRIVMSG":
+ return
+ if msg['text'] == "\x01VERSION\x01":
+ self.logDebug("Sending CTCP VERSION")
+ self.sock.send("NOTICE %s :%s\r\n" % (msg['origin'], "pyLoad! IRC Interface"))
+ return
+ elif msg['text'] == "\x01TIME\x01":
+ self.logDebug("Sending CTCP TIME")
+ self.sock.send("NOTICE %s :%d\r\n" % (msg['origin'], time.time()))
+ return
+ elif msg['text'] == "\x01LAG\x01":
+ self.logDebug("Received CTCP LAG") #: don't know how to answer
+ return
+ trigger = "pass"
+ args = None
+ try:
+ temp = msg['text'].split()
+ trigger = temp[0]
+ if len(temp) > 1:
+ args = temp[1:]
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ handler = getattr(self, "event_%s" % trigger, self.event_pass)
+ try:
+ res = handler(args)
+ for line in res:
+ self.response(line, msg['origin'])
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.logError(e)
+ def response(self, msg, origin=""):
+ if origin == "":
+ for t in self.getConfig("owner").split():
+ self.sock.send("PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n" % (t.strip(), msg))
+ else:
+ self.sock.send("PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n" % (origin.split("!", 1)[0], msg))
+ #### Events
+ def event_pass(self, args):
+ return []
+ def event_status(self, args):
+ downloads = self.core.api.statusDownloads()
+ if not downloads:
+ return ["INFO: There are no active downloads currently."]
+ temp_progress = ""
+ lines = ["ID - Name - Status - Speed - ETA - Progress"]
+ for data in downloads:
+ if data.status == 5:
+ temp_progress = data.format_wait
+ else:
+ temp_progress = "%d%% (%s)" % (data.percent, data.format_size)
+ lines.append("#%d - %s - %s - %s - %s - %s" %
+ (
+ data.fid,
+ data.statusmsg,
+ "%s/s" % formatSize(data.speed),
+ "%s" % data.format_eta,
+ temp_progress
+ ))
+ return lines
+ def event_queue(self, args):
+ ps = self.core.api.getQueueData()
+ if not ps:
+ return ["INFO: There are no packages in queue."]
+ lines = []
+ for pack in ps:
+ lines.append('PACKAGE #%s: "%s" with %d links.' % (,, len(pack.links)))
+ return lines
+ def event_collector(self, args):
+ ps = self.core.api.getCollectorData()
+ if not ps:
+ return ["INFO: No packages in collector!"]
+ lines = []
+ for pack in ps:
+ lines.append('PACKAGE #%s: "%s" with %d links.' % (,, len(pack.links)))
+ return lines
+ def event_info(self, args):
+ if not args:
+ return ["ERROR: Use info like this: info <id>"]
+ info = None
+ try:
+ info = self.core.api.getFileData(int(args[0]))
+ except FileDoesNotExists:
+ return ["ERROR: Link doesn't exists."]
+ return ['LINK #%s: %s (%s) [%s][%s]' % (info.fid,, info.format_size, info.statusmsg, info.plugin)]
+ def event_packinfo(self, args):
+ if not args:
+ return ["ERROR: Use packinfo like this: packinfo <id>"]
+ lines = []
+ pack = None
+ try:
+ pack = self.core.api.getPackageData(int(args[0]))
+ except PackageDoesNotExists:
+ return ["ERROR: Package doesn't exists."]
+ id = args[0]
+ self.more = []
+ lines.append('PACKAGE #%s: "%s" with %d links' % (id,, len(pack.links)))
+ for pyfile in pack.links:
+ self.more.append('LINK #%s: %s (%s) [%s][%s]' % (pyfile.fid,, pyfile.format_size,
+ pyfile.statusmsg, pyfile.plugin))
+ if len(self.more) < 6:
+ lines.extend(self.more)
+ self.more = []
+ else:
+ lines.extend(self.more[:6])
+ self.more = self.more[6:]
+ lines.append("%d more links do display." % len(self.more))
+ return lines
+ def event_more(self, args):
+ if not self.more:
+ return ["No more information to display."]
+ lines = self.more[:6]
+ self.more = self.more[6:]
+ lines.append("%d more links do display." % len(self.more))
+ return lines
+ def event_start(self, args):
+ self.core.api.unpauseServer()
+ return ["INFO: Starting downloads."]
+ def event_stop(self, args):
+ self.core.api.pauseServer()
+ return ["INFO: No new downloads will be started."]
+ def event_add(self, args):
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ return ['ERROR: Add links like this: "add <packagename|id> links". ',
+ "This will add the link <link> to to the package <package> / the package with id <id>!"]
+ pack = args[0].strip()
+ links = [x.strip() for x in args[1:]]
+ count_added = 0
+ count_failed = 0
+ try:
+ id = int(pack)
+ pack = self.core.api.getPackageData(id)
+ if not pack:
+ return ["ERROR: Package doesn't exists."]
+ #TODO add links
+ return ["INFO: Added %d links to Package %s [#%d]" % (len(links), pack['name'], id)]
+ except Exception:
+ # create new package
+ id = self.core.api.addPackage(pack, links, 1)
+ return ["INFO: Created new Package %s [#%d] with %d links." % (pack, id, len(links))]
+ def event_del(self, args):
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ return ["ERROR: Use del command like this: del -p|-l <id> [...] (-p indicates that the ids are from packages, -l indicates that the ids are from links)"]
+ if args[0] == "-p":
+ ret = self.core.api.deletePackages(map(int, args[1:]))
+ return ["INFO: Deleted %d packages!" % len(args[1:])]
+ elif args[0] == "-l":
+ ret = self.core.api.delLinks(map(int, args[1:]))
+ return ["INFO: Deleted %d links!" % len(args[1:])]
+ else:
+ return ["ERROR: Use del command like this: del <-p|-l> <id> [...] (-p indicates that the ids are from packages, -l indicates that the ids are from links)"]
+ def event_push(self, args):
+ if not args:
+ return ["ERROR: Push package to queue like this: push <package id>"]
+ id = int(args[0])
+ try:
+ info = self.core.api.getPackageInfo(id)
+ except PackageDoesNotExists:
+ return ["ERROR: Package #%d does not exist." % id]
+ self.core.api.pushToQueue(id)
+ return ["INFO: Pushed package #%d to queue." % id]
+ def event_pull(self, args):
+ if not args:
+ return ["ERROR: Pull package from queue like this: pull <package id>."]
+ id = int(args[0])
+ if not self.core.api.getPackageData(id):
+ return ["ERROR: Package #%d does not exist." % id]
+ self.core.api.pullFromQueue(id)
+ return ["INFO: Pulled package #%d from queue to collector." % id]
+ def event_c(self, args):
+ """ captcha answer """
+ if not args:
+ return ["ERROR: Captcha ID missing."]
+ task = self.core.captchaManager.getTaskByID(args[0])
+ if not task:
+ return ["ERROR: Captcha Task with ID %s does not exists." % args[0]]
+ task.setResult(" ".join(args[1:]))
+ return ["INFO: Result %s saved." % " ".join(args[1:])]
+ def event_help(self, args):
+ lines = ["The following commands are available:",
+ "add <package|packid> <links> [...] Adds link to package. (creates new package if it does not exist)",
+ "queue Shows all packages in the queue",
+ "collector Shows all packages in collector",
+ "del -p|-l <id> [...] Deletes all packages|links with the ids specified",
+ "info <id> Shows info of the link with id <id>",
+ "packinfo <id> Shows info of the package with id <id>",
+ "more Shows more info when the result was truncated",
+ "start Starts all downloads",
+ "stop Stops the download (but not abort active downloads)",
+ "push <id> Push package to queue",
+ "pull <id> Pull package from queue",
+ "status Show general download status",
+ "help Shows this help message"]
+ return lines
+class IRCError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.value)