path: root/pyload/manager
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pyload/manager')
17 files changed, 2495 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pyload/manager/ b/pyload/manager/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2631e1c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import with_statement
+from os.path import exists
+from shutil import copy
+from threading import Lock
+from pyload.manager.Event import AccountUpdateEvent
+from pyload.utils import chmod, lock
+class AccountManager(object):
+ """manages all accounts"""
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, core):
+ """Constructor"""
+ self.core = core
+ self.lock = Lock()
+ self.initPlugins()
+ self.saveAccounts() # save to add categories to conf
+ def initPlugins(self):
+ self.accounts = {} # key = ( plugin )
+ self.plugins = {}
+ self.initAccountPlugins()
+ self.loadAccounts()
+ def getAccountPlugin(self, plugin):
+ """get account instance for plugin or None if anonymous"""
+ try:
+ if plugin in self.accounts:
+ if plugin not in self.plugins:
+ klass = self.core.pluginManager.loadClass("accounts", plugin)
+ if klass:
+ self.plugins[plugin] = klass(self, self.accounts[plugin])
+ else: #@NOTE: The account class no longer exists (blacklisted plugin). Skipping the account to avoid crash
+ raise
+ return self.plugins[plugin]
+ else:
+ raise
+ except Exception:
+ return None
+ def getAccountPlugins(self):
+ """ get all account instances"""
+ plugins = []
+ for plugin in self.accounts.keys():
+ plugins.append(self.getAccountPlugin(plugin))
+ return plugins
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def loadAccounts(self):
+ """loads all accounts available"""
+ try:
+ with open("accounts.conf", "a+") as f:
+ content = f.readlines()
+ version = content[0].split(":")[1].strip() if content else ""
+ if not version or int(version) < ACC_VERSION:
+ copy("accounts.conf", "accounts.backup")
+ f.write("version: " + str(ACC_VERSION))
+ self.core.log.warning(_("Account settings deleted, due to new config format"))
+ return
+ except IOError, e:
+ self.core.log.error(str(e))
+ return
+ plugin = ""
+ name = ""
+ for line in content[1:]:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line: continue
+ if line.startswith("#"): continue
+ if line.startswith("version"): continue
+ if line.endswith(":") and line.count(":") == 1:
+ plugin = line[:-1]
+ self.accounts[plugin] = {}
+ elif line.startswith("@"):
+ try:
+ option = line[1:].split()
+ self.accounts[plugin][name]['options'][option[0]] = [] if len(option) < 2 else ([option[1]] if len(option) < 3 else option[1:])
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ elif ":" in line:
+ name, sep, pw = line.partition(":")
+ self.accounts[plugin][name] = {"password": pw, "options": {}, "valid": True}
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def saveAccounts(self):
+ """save all account information"""
+ try:
+ with open("accounts.conf", "wb") as f:
+ f.write("version: " + str(ACC_VERSION) + "\n")
+ for plugin, accounts in self.accounts.iteritems():
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.write(plugin + ":\n")
+ for name,data in accounts.iteritems():
+ f.write("\n\t%s:%s\n" % (name,data['password']) )
+ if data['options']:
+ for option, values in data['options'].iteritems():
+ f.write("\t@%s %s\n" % (option, " ".join(values)))
+ chmod(, 0600)
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.core.log.error(str(e))
+ #----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def initAccountPlugins(self):
+ """init names"""
+ for name in self.core.pluginManager.getAccountPlugins():
+ self.accounts[name] = {}
+ @lock
+ def updateAccount(self, plugin , user, password=None, options={}):
+ """add or update account"""
+ if plugin in self.accounts:
+ p = self.getAccountPlugin(plugin)
+ updated = p.updateAccounts(user, password, options)
+ #since accounts is a ref in plugin self.accounts doesnt need to be updated here
+ self.saveAccounts()
+ if updated: p.scheduleRefresh(user, force=False)
+ @lock
+ def removeAccount(self, plugin, user):
+ """remove account"""
+ if plugin in self.accounts:
+ p = self.getAccountPlugin(plugin)
+ p.removeAccount(user)
+ self.saveAccounts()
+ @lock
+ def getAccountInfos(self, force=True, refresh=False):
+ data = {}
+ if refresh:
+ self.core.scheduler.addJob(0, self.core.accountManager.getAccountInfos)
+ force = False
+ for p in self.accounts.keys():
+ if self.accounts[p]:
+ p = self.getAccountPlugin(p)
+ if p:
+ data[p.__name] = p.getAllAccounts(force)
+ else: #@NOTE: When an account has been skipped, p is None
+ data[p] = []
+ else:
+ data[p] = []
+ e = AccountUpdateEvent()
+ self.core.pullManager.addEvent(e)
+ return data
+ def sendChange(self):
+ e = AccountUpdateEvent()
+ self.core.pullManager.addEvent(e)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..164068634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# @author: RaNaN, mkaay
+# @interface-version: 0.1
+import __builtin__
+import traceback
+from threading import RLock, Thread
+from types import MethodType
+from pyload.manager.thread.Addon import AddonThread
+from pyload.manager.Plugin import literal_eval
+from pyload.utils import lock
+class AddonManager(object):
+ """Manages addons, delegates and handles Events.
+ Every plugin can define events, \
+ but some very usefull events are called by the Core.
+ Contrary to overwriting addon methods you can use event listener,
+ which provides additional entry point in the control flow.
+ Only do very short tasks or use threads.
+ **Known Events:**
+ Most addon methods exists as events. These are the additional known events.
+ ======================= ============== ==================================
+ Name Arguments Description
+ ======================= ============== ==================================
+ download-preparing fid A download was just queued and will be prepared now.
+ download-start fid A plugin will immediately starts the download afterwards.
+ links-added links, pid Someone just added links, you are able to modify the links.
+ all_downloads-processed Every link was handled, pyload would idle afterwards.
+ all_downloads-finished Every download in queue is finished.
+ config-changed The config was changed via the api.
+ pluginConfigChanged The plugin config changed, due to api or internal process.
+ ======================= ============== ==================================
+ | Notes:
+ | all_downloads-processed is *always* called before all_downloads-finished.
+ | config-changed is *always* called before pluginConfigChanged.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, core):
+ self.core = core
+ __builtin__.addonManager = self #: needed to let addons register themself
+ self.plugins = []
+ self.pluginMap = {}
+ self.methods = {} #: dict of names and list of methods usable by rpc
+ = {} #: contains events
+ # registering callback for config event
+ self.core.config.pluginCB = MethodType(self.dispatchEvent, "pluginConfigChanged", basestring) #@TODO: Rename event pluginConfigChanged
+ self.addEvent("pluginConfigChanged", self.manageAddon)
+ self.lock = RLock()
+ self.createIndex()
+ def try_catch(func):
+ def new(*args):
+ try:
+ return func(*args)
+ except Exception, e:
+ args[0].log.error(_("Error executing addon: %s") % e)
+ if args[0].core.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return new
+ def addRPC(self, plugin, func, doc):
+ plugin = plugin.rpartition(".")[2]
+ doc = doc.strip() if doc else ""
+ if plugin in self.methods:
+ self.methods[plugin][func] = doc
+ else:
+ self.methods[plugin] = {func: doc}
+ def callRPC(self, plugin, func, args, parse):
+ if not args:
+ args = tuple()
+ if parse:
+ args = tuple([literal_eval(x) for x in args])
+ plugin = self.pluginMap[plugin]
+ f = getattr(plugin, func)
+ return f(*args)
+ def createIndex(self):
+ plugins = []
+ active = []
+ deactive = []
+ for pluginname in self.core.pluginManager.addonPlugins:
+ try:
+ # hookClass = getattr(plugin, plugin.__name)
+ if self.core.config.getPlugin(pluginname, "activated"):
+ pluginClass = self.core.pluginManager.loadClass("addon", pluginname)
+ if not pluginClass:
+ continue
+ plugin = pluginClass(self.core, self)
+ plugins.append(plugin)
+ self.pluginMap[pluginClass.__name] = plugin
+ if plugin.isActivated():
+ active.append(pluginClass.__name)
+ else:
+ deactive.append(pluginname)
+ except Exception:
+ self.core.log.warning(_("Failed activating %(name)s") % {"name": pluginname})
+ if self.core.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+"Activated addons: %s") % ", ".join(sorted(active)))
+"Deactivated addons: %s") % ", ".join(sorted(deactive)))
+ self.plugins = plugins
+ def manageAddon(self, plugin, name, value):
+ if name == "activated" and value:
+ self.activateAddon(plugin)
+ elif name == "activated" and not value:
+ self.deactivateAddon(plugin)
+ def activateAddon(self, pluginname):
+ # check if already loaded
+ for inst in self.plugins:
+ if inst.__name == pluginname:
+ return
+ pluginClass = self.core.pluginManager.loadClass("addon", pluginname)
+ if not pluginClass:
+ return
+ self.core.log.debug("Activate addon: %s" % pluginname)
+ addon = pluginClass(self.core, self)
+ self.plugins.append(addon)
+ self.pluginMap[pluginClass.__name] = addon
+ addon.activate()
+ def deactivateAddon(self, pluginname):
+ for plugin in self.plugins:
+ if plugin.__name == pluginname:
+ addon = plugin
+ break
+ else:
+ return
+ self.core.log.debug("Deactivate addon: %s" % pluginname)
+ addon.deactivate()
+ #remove periodic call
+ self.core.log.debug("Removed callback: %s" % self.core.scheduler.removeJob(addon.cb))
+ self.plugins.remove(addon)
+ del self.pluginMap[addon.__name]
+ @try_catch
+ def coreReady(self):
+ for plugin in self.plugins:
+ if plugin.isActivated():
+ plugin.activate()
+ self.dispatchEvent("addon-start")
+ @try_catch
+ def coreExiting(self):
+ for plugin in self.plugins:
+ if plugin.isActivated():
+ plugin.exit()
+ self.dispatchEvent("addon-exit")
+ @lock
+ def downloadPreparing(self, pyfile):
+ for plugin in self.plugins:
+ if plugin.isActivated():
+ plugin.downloadPreparing(pyfile)
+ self.dispatchEvent("download-preparing", pyfile)
+ @lock
+ def downloadFinished(self, pyfile):
+ for plugin in self.plugins:
+ if plugin.isActivated():
+ plugin.downloadFinished(pyfile)
+ self.dispatchEvent("download-finished", pyfile)
+ @lock
+ @try_catch
+ def downloadFailed(self, pyfile):
+ for plugin in self.plugins:
+ if plugin.isActivated():
+ plugin.downloadFailed(pyfile)
+ self.dispatchEvent("download-failed", pyfile)
+ @lock
+ def packageFinished(self, package):
+ for plugin in self.plugins:
+ if plugin.isActivated():
+ plugin.packageFinished(package)
+ self.dispatchEvent("package-finished", package)
+ @lock
+ def beforeReconnecting(self, ip):
+ for plugin in self.plugins:
+ plugin.beforeReconnecting(ip)
+ self.dispatchEvent("beforeReconnecting", ip)
+ @lock
+ def afterReconnecting(self, ip):
+ for plugin in self.plugins:
+ if plugin.isActivated():
+ plugin.afterReconnecting(ip)
+ self.dispatchEvent("afterReconnecting", ip)
+ def startThread(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
+ return AddonThread(self.core.threadManager, function, args, kwargs)
+ def activePlugins(self):
+ """ returns all active plugins """
+ return [x for x in self.plugins if x.isActivated()]
+ def getAllInfo(self):
+ """returns info stored by addon plugins"""
+ info = {}
+ for name, plugin in self.pluginMap.iteritems():
+ if
+ # copy and convert so str
+ info[name] = dict(
+ [(x, str(y) if not isinstance(y, basestring) else y) for x, y in])
+ return info
+ def getInfo(self, plugin):
+ info = {}
+ if plugin in self.pluginMap and self.pluginMap[plugin].info:
+ info = dict((x, str(y) if not isinstance(y, basestring) else y)
+ for x, y in self.pluginMap[plugin].info.iteritems())
+ return info
+ def addEvent(self, event, func):
+ """Adds an event listener for event name"""
+ if event in
+ else:
+[event] = [func]
+ def removeEvent(self, event, func):
+ """removes previously added event listener"""
+ if event in
+ def dispatchEvent(self, event, *args):
+ """dispatches event with args"""
+ if event in
+ for f in[event]:
+ try:
+ f(*args)
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.core.log.warning("Error calling event handler %s: %s, %s, %s"
+ % (event, f, args, str(e)))
+ if self.core.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
diff --git a/pyload/manager/ b/pyload/manager/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e54eacf30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# @author: RaNaN, mkaay
+from time import time
+from traceback import print_exc
+from threading import Lock
+from pyload.utils import encode
+class CaptchaManager(object):
+ def __init__(self, core):
+ self.lock = Lock()
+ self.core = core
+ self.tasks = [] # task store, for outgoing tasks only
+ self.ids = 0 # only for internal purpose
+ def newTask(self, img, format, file, result_type):
+ task = CaptchaTask(self.ids, img, format, file, result_type)
+ self.ids += 1
+ return task
+ def removeTask(self, task):
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ if task in self.tasks:
+ self.tasks.remove(task)
+ self.lock.release()
+ def getTask(self):
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ for task in self.tasks:
+ if task.status in ("waiting", "shared-user"):
+ self.lock.release()
+ return task
+ self.lock.release()
+ return None
+ def getTaskByID(self, tid):
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ for task in self.tasks:
+ if == str(tid): # task ids are strings
+ self.lock.release()
+ return task
+ self.lock.release()
+ return None
+ def handleCaptcha(self, task, timeout=50):
+ cli = self.core.isClientConnected()
+ if cli: #: client connected -> should solve the captcha
+ task.setWaiting(timeout) #wait 50 sec for response
+ for plugin in self.core.addonManager.activePlugins():
+ try:
+ plugin.captchaTask(task)
+ except Exception:
+ if self.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ if task.handler or cli: #: the captcha was handled
+ self.tasks.append(task)
+ return True
+ task.error = _("No Client connected for captcha decrypting")
+ return False
+class CaptchaTask(object):
+ def __init__(self, id, img, format, file, result_type='textual'):
+ = str(id)
+ self.captchaImg = img
+ self.captchaFormat = format
+ self.captchaFile = file
+ self.captchaResultType = result_type
+ self.handler = [] #: the hook plugins that will take care of the solution
+ self.result = None
+ self.waitUntil = None
+ self.error = None # error message
+ self.status = "init"
+ = {} # handler can store data here
+ def getCaptcha(self):
+ return self.captchaImg, self.captchaFormat, self.captchaResultType
+ def setResult(self, text):
+ if self.isTextual():
+ self.result = text
+ if self.isPositional():
+ try:
+ parts = text.split(',')
+ self.result = (int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]))
+ except Exception:
+ self.result = None
+ def getResult(self):
+ return encode(self.result)
+ def getStatus(self):
+ return self.status
+ def setWaiting(self, sec):
+ """ let the captcha wait secs for the solution """
+ self.waitUntil = max(time() + sec, self.waitUntil)
+ self.status = "waiting"
+ def isWaiting(self):
+ if self.result or self.error or self.timedOut():
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def isTextual(self):
+ """ returns if text is written on the captcha """
+ return self.captchaResultType == 'textual'
+ def isPositional(self):
+ """ returns if user have to click a specific region on the captcha """
+ return self.captchaResultType == 'positional'
+ def setWatingForUser(self, exclusive):
+ if exclusive:
+ self.status = "user"
+ else:
+ self.status = "shared-user"
+ def timedOut(self):
+ return time() > self.waitUntil
+ def invalid(self):
+ """ indicates the captcha was not correct """
+ for x in self.handler:
+ x.captchaInvalid(self)
+ def correct(self):
+ for x in self.handler:
+ x.captchaCorrect(self)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "<CaptchaTask '%s'>" %
diff --git a/pyload/manager/ b/pyload/manager/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20897290e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# @author: mkaay
+from time import time
+from pyload.utils import uniqify
+class PullManager(object):
+ def __init__(self, core):
+ self.core = core
+ self.clients = []
+ def newClient(self, uuid):
+ self.clients.append(Client(uuid))
+ def clean(self):
+ for n, client in enumerate(self.clients):
+ if client.lastActive + 30 < time():
+ del self.clients[n]
+ def getEvents(self, uuid):
+ events = []
+ validUuid = False
+ for client in self.clients:
+ if client.uuid == uuid:
+ client.lastActive = time()
+ validUuid = True
+ while client.newEvents():
+ events.append(client.popEvent().toList())
+ break
+ if not validUuid:
+ self.newClient(uuid)
+ events = [ReloadAllEvent("queue").toList(), ReloadAllEvent("collector").toList()]
+ return uniqify(events)
+ def addEvent(self, event):
+ for client in self.clients:
+ client.addEvent(event)
+class Client(object):
+ def __init__(self, uuid):
+ self.uuid = uuid
+ self.lastActive = time()
+ = []
+ def newEvents(self):
+ return len( > 0
+ def popEvent(self):
+ if not len(
+ return None
+ return
+ def addEvent(self, event):
+class UpdateEvent(object):
+ def __init__(self, itype, iid, destination):
+ assert itype == "pack" or itype == "file"
+ assert destination == "queue" or destination == "collector"
+ self.type = itype
+ = iid
+ self.destination = destination
+ def toList(self):
+ return ["update", self.destination, self.type,]
+class RemoveEvent(object):
+ def __init__(self, itype, iid, destination):
+ assert itype == "pack" or itype == "file"
+ assert destination == "queue" or destination == "collector"
+ self.type = itype
+ = iid
+ self.destination = destination
+ def toList(self):
+ return ["remove", self.destination, self.type,]
+class InsertEvent(object):
+ def __init__(self, itype, iid, after, destination):
+ assert itype == "pack" or itype == "file"
+ assert destination == "queue" or destination == "collector"
+ self.type = itype
+ = iid
+ self.after = after
+ self.destination = destination
+ def toList(self):
+ return ["insert", self.destination, self.type,, self.after]
+class ReloadAllEvent(object):
+ def __init__(self, destination):
+ assert destination == "queue" or destination == "collector"
+ self.destination = destination
+ def toList(self):
+ return ["reload", self.destination]
+class AccountUpdateEvent(object):
+ def toList(self):
+ return ["account"]
+class ConfigUpdateEvent(object):
+ def toList(self):
+ return ["config"]
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72fabb33a
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+++ b/pyload/manager/
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import re
+import sys
+from itertools import chain
+from os import listdir, makedirs
+from os.path import isdir, isfile, join, exists, abspath
+from sys import version_info
+from traceback import print_exc
+from urllib import unquote
+from SafeEval import const_eval as literal_eval
+class PluginManager(object):
+ ROOT = "pyload.plugin."
+ USERROOT = "userplugins."
+ TYPES = ["account", "addon", "container", "crypter", "extractor", "hook", "hoster", "internal", "ocr"]
+ PATTERN = re.compile(r'__pattern\s*=\s*u?r("|\')([^"\']+)')
+ VERSION = re.compile(r'__version\s*=\s*("|\')([\d.]+)')
+ CONFIG = re.compile(r'__config\s*=\s*\[([^\]]+)', re.M)
+ DESC = re.compile(r'__description\s*=\s*("|"""|\')([^"\']+)')
+ def __init__(self, core):
+ self.core = core
+ self.plugins = {}
+ self.createIndex()
+ #register for import addon
+ sys.meta_path.append(self)
+ def loadTypes(self):
+ rootdir = join(pypath, "pyload", "plugin")
+ userdir = "userplugins"
+ types = set().union(*[[d for d in listdir(p) if isdir(join(p, d))]
+ for p in (rootdir, userdir) if exists(p)])
+ if not types:
+ self.core.log.critical(_("No plugins found!"))
+ self.TYPES = list(set(self.TYPES) | types)
+ def createIndex(self):
+ """create information for all plugins available"""
+ sys.path.append(abspath(""))
+ self.loadTypes()
+ for type in self.TYPES:
+ self.plugins[type] = self.parse(type)
+ setattr(self, "%sPlugins" % type, self.plugins[type])
+ self.plugins['addon'] = self.addonPlugins.update(self.hookPlugins)
+ self.core.log.debug("Created index of plugins")
+ def parse(self, folder, rootplugins={}):
+ """
+ returns dict with information
+ home contains parsed plugins from pyload.
+ """
+ plugins = {}
+ if rootplugins:
+ try:
+ pfolder = join("userplugins", folder)
+ if not exists(pfolder):
+ makedirs(pfolder)
+ for ifile in (join("userplugins", ""),
+ join(pfolder, "")):
+ if not exists(ifile):
+ f = open(ifile, "wb")
+ f.close()
+ except IOError, e:
+ self.core.log.critical(str(e))
+ return rootplugins
+ else:
+ pfolder = join(pypath, "pyload", "plugin", folder)
+ for f in listdir(pfolder):
+ if isfile(join(pfolder, f)) and f.endswith(".py") and not f.startswith("_"):
+ try:
+ with open(join(pfolder, f)) as data:
+ content =
+ except IOError, e:
+ self.core.log.error(str(e))
+ continue
+ name = f[:-3]
+ if name[-1] == ".":
+ name = name[:-4]
+ version = self.VERSION.findall(content)
+ if version:
+ version = float(version[0][1])
+ else:
+ version = 0
+ if rootplugins and name in rootplugins:
+ if rootplugins[name]['version'] >= version:
+ continue
+ plugins[name] = {}
+ plugins[name]['version'] = version
+ module = f.replace(".pyc", "").replace(".py", "")
+ # the plugin is loaded from user directory
+ plugins[name]['user'] = True if rootplugins else False
+ plugins[name]['name'] = module
+ pattern = self.PATTERN.findall(content)
+ if pattern:
+ pattern = pattern[0][1]
+ try:
+ regexp = re.compile(pattern)
+ except Exception:
+ self.core.log.error(_("%s has a invalid pattern") % name)
+ pattern = r'^unmatchable$'
+ regexp = re.compile(pattern)
+ plugins[name]['pattern'] = pattern
+ plugins[name]['re'] = regexp
+ # internals have no config
+ if folder == "internal":
+ self.core.config.deleteConfig(name)
+ continue
+ config = self.CONFIG.findall(content)
+ if config:
+ try:
+ config = literal_eval(config[0].strip().replace("\n", "").replace("\r", ""))
+ desc = self.DESC.findall(content)
+ desc = desc[0][1] if desc else ""
+ if type(config[0]) == tuple:
+ config = [list(x) for x in config]
+ else:
+ config = [list(config)]
+ if folder not in ("account", "internal") and not [True for item in config if item[0] == "activated"]:
+ config.insert(0, ["activated", "bool", "Activated", False if folder in ("addon", "hook") else True])
+ self.core.config.addPluginConfig(name, config, desc)
+ except Exception:
+ self.core.log.error("Invalid config in %s: %s" % (name, config))
+ elif folder in ("addon", "hook"): #force config creation
+ desc = self.DESC.findall(content)
+ desc = desc[0][1] if desc else ""
+ config = (["activated", "bool", "Activated", False],)
+ try:
+ self.core.config.addPluginConfig(name, config, desc)
+ except Exception:
+ self.core.log.error("Invalid config in %s: %s" % (name, config))
+ if not rootplugins and plugins: #: Double check
+ plugins.update(self.parse(folder, plugins))
+ return plugins
+ def parseUrls(self, urls):
+ """parse plugins for given list of urls"""
+ last = None
+ res = [] #: tupels of (url, plugintype, pluginname)
+ for url in urls:
+ if type(url) not in (str, unicode, buffer):
+ continue
+ url = unquote(url)
+ if last and last[2]['re'].match(url):
+ res.append((url, last[0], last[1]))
+ continue
+ for type in self.TYPES:
+ for name, plugin in self.plugins[type]:
+ m = None
+ try:
+ if 'pattern' in plugin:
+ m = plugin['re'].match(url)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.core.log.error(_("Plugin [%(type)s] %(name)s skipped due broken pattern")
+ % {'name': name, 'type': type})
+ if m:
+ res.append((url, type, name))
+ last = (type, name, plugin)
+ break
+ else:
+ res.append((url, "internal", "BasePlugin"))
+ return res
+ def findPlugin(self, type, name):
+ if type not in self.plugins:
+ return None
+ elif name not in self.plugins[type]:
+ self.core.log.warning(_("Plugin [%(type)s] %(name)s not found | Using plugin: [internal] BasePlugin")
+ % {'name': name, 'type': type})
+ return self.internalPlugins["BasePlugin"]
+ else:
+ return self.plugins[type][name]
+ def getPlugin(self, type, name, original=False):
+ """return plugin module from hoster|decrypter|container"""
+ plugin = self.findPlugin(type, name)
+ if plugin is None:
+ return {}
+ if "new_module" in plugin and not original:
+ return plugin['new_module']
+ else:
+ return self.loadModule(type, name)
+ def getPluginName(self, type, name):
+ """ used to obtain new name if other plugin was injected"""
+ plugin = self.findPlugin(type, name)
+ if plugin is None:
+ return ""
+ if "new_name" in plugin:
+ return plugin['new_name']
+ return name
+ def loadModule(self, type, name):
+ """ Returns loaded module for plugin
+ :param type: plugin type, subfolder of pyload.plugins
+ :param name:
+ """
+ plugins = self.plugins[type]
+ if name in plugins:
+ if "module" in plugins[name]:
+ return plugins[name]['module']
+ try:
+ module = __import__(self.ROOT + "%s.%s" % (type, plugins[name]['name']), globals(), locals(),
+ plugins[name]['name'])
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.core.log.error(_("Error importing plugin: [%(type)s] %(name)s (v%(version).2f) | %(errmsg)s")
+ % {'name': name, 'type': type, 'version': plugins[name]['version'], "errmsg": str(e)})
+ if self.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ else:
+ plugins[name]['module'] = module #: cache import, maybe unneeded
+ self.core.log.debug(_("Loaded plugin: [%(type)s] %(name)s (v%(version).2f)")
+ % {'name': name, 'type': type, 'version': plugins[name]['version']})
+ return module
+ def loadClass(self, type, name):
+ """Returns the class of a plugin with the same name"""
+ module = self.loadModule(type, name)
+ if module:
+ return getattr(module, name)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def getAccountPlugins(self):
+ """return list of account plugin names"""
+ return self.accountPlugins.keys()
+ def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
+ #redirecting imports if necesarry
+ if fullname.startswith(self.ROOT) or fullname.startswith(self.USERROOT): #seperate pyload plugins
+ if fullname.startswith(self.USERROOT): user = 1
+ else: user = 0 #used as bool and int
+ split = fullname.split(".")
+ if len(split) != 4 - user: return
+ type, name = split[2 - user:4 - user]
+ if type in self.plugins and name in self.plugins[type]:
+ #userplugin is a newer version
+ if not user and self.plugins[type][name]['user']:
+ return self
+ #imported from userdir, but pyloads is newer
+ if user and not self.plugins[type][name]['user']:
+ return self
+ def load_module(self, name, replace=True):
+ if name not in sys.modules: #could be already in modules
+ if replace:
+ if self.ROOT in name:
+ newname = name.replace(self.ROOT, self.USERROOT)
+ else:
+ newname = name.replace(self.USERROOT, self.ROOT)
+ else:
+ newname = name
+ base, plugin = newname.rsplit(".", 1)
+ self.core.log.debug("Redirected import %s -> %s" % (name, newname))
+ module = __import__(newname, globals(), locals(), [plugin])
+ #inject under new an old name
+ sys.modules[name] = module
+ sys.modules[newname] = module
+ return sys.modules[name]
+ def reloadPlugins(self, type_plugins):
+ """ reload and reindex plugins """
+ if not type_plugins:
+ return None
+ self.core.log.debug("Request reload of plugins: %s" % type_plugins)
+ reloaded = []
+ as_dict = {}
+ for t,n in type_plugins:
+ if t in as_dict:
+ as_dict[t].append(n)
+ else:
+ as_dict[t] = [n]
+ for type in as_dict.iterkeys():
+ if type in ("addon", "internal"): #: do not reload them because would cause to much side effects
+ self.core.log.debug("Skipping reload for plugin: [%(type)s] %(name)s" % {'name': plugin, 'type': type})
+ continue
+ for plugin in as_dict[type]:
+ if plugin in self.plugins[type] and "module" in self.plugins[type][plugin]:
+ self.core.log.debug(_("Reloading plugin: [%(type)s] %(name)s") % {'name': plugin, 'type': type})
+ try:
+ reload(self.plugins[type][plugin]['module'])
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.core.log.error(_("Error when reloading plugin: [%(type)s] %(name)s") % {'name': plugin, 'type': type}, e)
+ continue
+ else:
+ reloaded.append((type, plugin))
+ #index creation
+ self.plugins[type] = self.parse(type)
+ setattr(self, "%sPlugins" % type, self.plugins[type])
+ if "account" in as_dict: #: accounts needs to be reloaded
+ self.core.accountManager.initPlugins()
+ self.core.scheduler.addJob(0, self.core.accountManager.getAccountInfos)
+ return reloaded #: return a list of the plugins successfully reloaded
+ def reloadPlugin(self, type_plugin):
+ """ reload and reindex ONE plugin """
+ return True if self.reloadPlugins(type_plugin) else False
diff --git a/pyload/manager/ b/pyload/manager/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..910881164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# @author: RaNaN
+from threading import Thread
+from traceback import print_exc
+class BackendBase(Thread):
+ def __init__(self, manager):
+ Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.m = manager
+ self.core = manager.core
+ self.enabled = True
+ self.running = False
+ def run(self):
+ self.running = True
+ try:
+ self.serve()
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.core.log.error(_("Remote backend error: %s") % e)
+ if self.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ finally:
+ self.running = False
+ def setup(self, host, port):
+ pass
+ def checkDeps(self):
+ return True
+ def serve(self):
+ pass
+ def shutdown(self):
+ pass
+ def stop(self):
+ self.enabled = False# set flag and call shutdowm message, so thread can react
+ self.shutdown()
+class RemoteManager(object):
+ available = []
+ def __init__(self, core):
+ self.core = core
+ self.backends = []
+ if self.core.remote:
+ self.available.append("ThriftBackend")
+# else:
+# self.available.append("SocketBackend")
+ def startBackends(self):
+ host = self.core.config["remote"]["listenaddr"]
+ port = self.core.config["remote"]["port"]
+ for b in self.available:
+ klass = getattr(__import__("pyload.remote.%s" % b, globals(), locals(), [b], -1), b)
+ backend = klass(self)
+ if not backend.checkDeps():
+ continue
+ try:
+ backend.setup(host, port)
+"Starting %(name)s: %(addr)s:%(port)s") % {"name": b, "addr": host, "port": port})
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.core.log.error(_("Failed loading backend %(name)s | %(error)s") % {"name": b, "error": str(e)})
+ if self.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ else:
+ backend.start()
+ self.backends.append(backend)
+ port += 1
diff --git a/pyload/manager/ b/pyload/manager/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c9304e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# @author: RaNaN
+from os.path import exists, join
+import re
+from subprocess import Popen
+from threading import Event, Lock
+from time import sleep, time
+from traceback import print_exc
+from random import choice
+import pycurl
+from pyload.manager.thread.Decrypter import DecrypterThread
+from pyload.manager.thread.Download import DownloadThread
+from pyload.manager.thread.Info import InfoThread
+from pyload.datatype.File import PyFile
+from import getURL
+from pyload.utils import freeSpace, lock
+class ThreadManager(object):
+ """manages the download threads, assign jobs, reconnect etc"""
+ def __init__(self, core):
+ """Constructor"""
+ self.core = core
+ self.threads = [] #: thread list
+ self.localThreads = [] #: addon+decrypter threads
+ self.pause = True
+ self.reconnecting = Event()
+ self.reconnecting.clear()
+ self.downloaded = 0 #number of files downloaded since last cleanup
+ self.lock = Lock()
+ # some operations require to fetch url info from hoster, so we caching them so it wont be done twice
+ # contains a timestamp and will be purged after timeout
+ self.infoCache = {}
+ # pool of ids for online check
+ self.resultIDs = 0
+ # threads which are fetching hoster results
+ self.infoResults = {}
+ #timeout for cache purge
+ self.timestamp = 0
+ pycurl.global_init(pycurl.GLOBAL_DEFAULT)
+ for i in range(0, self.core.config.get("download", "max_downloads")):
+ self.createThread()
+ def createThread(self):
+ """create a download thread"""
+ thread = DownloadThread(self)
+ self.threads.append(thread)
+ def createInfoThread(self, data, pid):
+ """
+ start a thread whichs fetches online status and other infos
+ data = [ .. () .. ]
+ """
+ self.timestamp = time() + 5 * 60
+ InfoThread(self, data, pid)
+ @lock
+ def createResultThread(self, data, add=False):
+ """ creates a thread to fetch online status, returns result id """
+ self.timestamp = time() + 5 * 60
+ rid = self.resultIDs
+ self.resultIDs += 1
+ InfoThread(self, data, rid=rid, add=add)
+ return rid
+ @lock
+ def getInfoResult(self, rid):
+ """returns result and clears it"""
+ self.timestamp = time() + 5 * 60
+ if rid in self.infoResults:
+ data = self.infoResults[rid]
+ self.infoResults[rid] = {}
+ return data
+ else:
+ return {}
+ @lock
+ def setInfoResults(self, rid, result):
+ self.infoResults[rid].update(result)
+ def getActiveFiles(self):
+ active = [ for x in self.threads if and isinstance(, PyFile)]
+ for t in self.localThreads:
+ active.extend(t.getActiveFiles())
+ return active
+ def processingIds(self):
+ """get a id list of all pyfiles processed"""
+ return [ for x in self.getActiveFiles()]
+ def work(self):
+ """run all task which have to be done (this is for repetivive call by core)"""
+ try:
+ self.tryReconnect()
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.core.log.error(_("Reconnect Failed: %s") % str(e) )
+ self.reconnecting.clear()
+ if self.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ self.checkThreadCount()
+ try:
+ self.assignJob()
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.core.log.warning("Assign job error", e)
+ if self.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ sleep(0.5)
+ self.assignJob()
+ #it may be failed non critical so we try it again
+ if (self.infoCache or self.infoResults) and self.timestamp < time():
+ self.infoCache.clear()
+ self.infoResults.clear()
+ self.core.log.debug("Cleared Result cache")
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def tryReconnect(self):
+ """checks if reconnect needed"""
+ if not (self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"] and self.core.api.isTimeReconnect()):
+ return False
+ active = [ and for x in self.threads if]
+ if not (0 < active.count(True) == len(active)):
+ return False
+ if not exists(self.core.config['reconnect']['method']):
+ if exists(join(pypath, self.core.config['reconnect']['method'])):
+ self.core.config['reconnect']['method'] = join(pypath, self.core.config['reconnect']['method'])
+ else:
+ self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"] = False
+ self.core.log.warning(_("Reconnect script not found!"))
+ return
+ self.reconnecting.set()
+ #Do reconnect
+"Starting reconnect"))
+ while [ for x in self.threads if].count(True) != 0:
+ sleep(0.25)
+ ip = self.getIP()
+ self.core.addonManager.beforeReconnecting(ip)
+ self.core.log.debug("Old IP: %s" % ip)
+ try:
+ reconn = Popen(self.core.config['reconnect']['method'], bufsize=-1, shell=True)#, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ except Exception:
+ self.core.log.warning(_("Failed executing reconnect script!"))
+ self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"] = False
+ self.reconnecting.clear()
+ if self.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ return
+ reconn.wait()
+ sleep(1)
+ ip = self.getIP()
+ self.core.addonManager.afterReconnecting(ip)
+"Reconnected, new IP: %s") % ip)
+ self.reconnecting.clear()
+ def getIP(self):
+ """retrieve current ip"""
+ services = [("", "(\S+)"),
+ ("",".*Current IP Address: (\S+)</body>.*")]
+ ip = ""
+ for i in range(10):
+ try:
+ sv = choice(services)
+ ip = getURL(sv[0])
+ ip = re.match(sv[1], ip).group(1)
+ break
+ except Exception:
+ ip = ""
+ sleep(1)
+ return ip
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def checkThreadCount(self):
+ """checks if there are need for increasing or reducing thread count"""
+ if len(self.threads) == self.core.config.get("download", "max_downloads"):
+ return True
+ elif len(self.threads) < self.core.config.get("download", "max_downloads"):
+ self.createThread()
+ else:
+ free = [x for x in self.threads if not]
+ if free:
+ free[0].put("quit")
+ def cleanPycurl(self):
+ """ make a global curl cleanup (currently ununused) """
+ if self.processingIds():
+ return False
+ pycurl.global_cleanup()
+ pycurl.global_init(pycurl.GLOBAL_DEFAULT)
+ self.downloaded = 0
+ self.core.log.debug("Cleaned up pycurl")
+ return True
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def assignJob(self):
+ """assing a job to a thread if possible"""
+ if self.pause or not self.core.api.isTimeDownload(): return
+ #if self.downloaded > 20:
+ # if not self.cleanPyCurl(): return
+ free = [x for x in self.threads if not]
+ inuse = set([(, self.getLimit(x)) for x in self.threads if and and])
+ inuse = map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1], len([y for y in self.threads if and == x[0]])) ,inuse)
+ onlimit = [x[0] for x in inuse if x[1] > 0 and x[2] >= x[1]]
+ occ = [ for x in self.threads if and and not] + onlimit
+ occ.sort()
+ occ = tuple(set(occ))
+ job = self.core.files.getJob(occ)
+ if job:
+ try:
+ job.initPlugin()
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.core.log.critical(str(e))
+ print_exc()
+ job.setStatus("failed")
+ job.error = str(e)
+ job.release()
+ return
+ if job.plugin.__type == "hoster":
+ spaceLeft = freeSpace(self.core.config["general"]["download_folder"]) / 1024 / 1024
+ if spaceLeft < self.core.config["general"]["min_free_space"]:
+ self.core.log.warning(_("Not enough space left on device"))
+ self.pause = True
+ if free and not self.pause:
+ thread = free[0]
+ #self.downloaded += 1
+ thread.put(job)
+ else:
+ #put job back
+ if occ not in self.core.files.jobCache:
+ self.core.files.jobCache[occ] = []
+ self.core.files.jobCache[occ].append(
+ #check for decrypt jobs
+ job = self.core.files.getDecryptJob()
+ if job:
+ job.initPlugin()
+ thread = DecrypterThread(self, job)
+ else:
+ thread = DecrypterThread(self, job)
+ def getLimit(self, thread):
+ limit =["options"].get("limitDL", ["0"])[0]
+ return int(limit)
+ def cleanup(self):
+ """do global cleanup, should be called when finished with pycurl"""
+ pycurl.global_cleanup()
diff --git a/pyload/manager/ b/pyload/manager/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40a96afc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
diff --git a/pyload/manager/event/ b/pyload/manager/event/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd428a956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/event/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# @author: mkaay
+from time import time
+from heapq import heappop, heappush
+from threading import Lock, Thread
+class AlreadyCalled(Exception):
+ pass
+class Deferred(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ = []
+ self.result = ()
+ def addCallback(self, f, *cargs, **ckwargs):
+, cargs, ckwargs))
+ def callback(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if self.result:
+ raise AlreadyCalled
+ self.result = (args, kwargs)
+ for f, cargs, ckwargs in
+ args += tuple(cargs)
+ kwargs.update(ckwargs)
+ f(*args ** kwargs)
+class Scheduler(object):
+ def __init__(self, core):
+ self.core = core
+ self.queue = PriorityQueue()
+ def addJob(self, t, call, args=[], kwargs={}, threaded=True):
+ d = Deferred()
+ t += time()
+ j = Job(t, call, args, kwargs, d, threaded)
+ self.queue.put((t, j))
+ return d
+ def removeJob(self, d):
+ """
+ :param d: defered object
+ :return: if job was deleted
+ """
+ index = -1
+ for i, j in enumerate(self.queue):
+ if j[1].deferred == d:
+ index = i
+ if index >= 0:
+ del self.queue[index]
+ return True
+ return False
+ def work(self):
+ while True:
+ t, j = self.queue.get()
+ if not j:
+ break
+ else:
+ if t <= time():
+ j.start()
+ else:
+ self.queue.put((t, j))
+ break
+class Job(object):
+ def __init__(self, time, call, args=[], kwargs={}, deferred=None, threaded=True):
+ self.time = float(time)
+ = call
+ self.args = args
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ self.deferred = deferred
+ self.threaded = threaded
+ def run(self):
+ ret =*self.args, **self.kwargs)
+ if self.deferred is None:
+ return
+ else:
+ self.deferred.callback(ret)
+ def start(self):
+ if self.threaded:
+ t = Thread(
+ t.setDaemon(True)
+ t.start()
+ else:
+class PriorityQueue(object):
+ """ a non blocking priority queue """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.queue = []
+ self.lock = Lock()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self.queue)
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ del self.queue[key]
+ def put(self, element):
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ heappush(self.queue, element)
+ self.lock.release()
+ def get(self):
+ """ return element or None """
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ el = heappop(self.queue)
+ return el
+ except IndexError:
+ return None, None
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
diff --git a/pyload/manager/event/ b/pyload/manager/event/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40a96afc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/event/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
diff --git a/pyload/manager/thread/ b/pyload/manager/thread/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7feec227e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/thread/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# @author: RaNaN
+from Queue import Queue
+from threading import Thread
+from os import listdir, stat
+from os.path import join
+from time import sleep, time, strftime, gmtime
+from traceback import print_exc, format_exc
+from pprint import pformat
+from sys import exc_info, exc_clear
+from copy import copy
+from types import MethodType
+from pycurl import error
+from pyload.manager.thread.Plugin import PluginThread
+class AddonThread(PluginThread):
+ """thread for addons"""
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, m, function, args, kwargs):
+ """Constructor"""
+ PluginThread.__init__(self, m)
+ self.f = function
+ self.args = args
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ = []
+ m.localThreads.append(self)
+ self.start()
+ def getActiveFiles(self):
+ return
+ def addActive(self, pyfile):
+ """ Adds a pyfile to active list and thus will be displayed on overview"""
+ if pyfile not in
+ def finishFile(self, pyfile):
+ if pyfile in
+ pyfile.finishIfDone()
+ def run(self):
+ try:
+ try:
+ self.kwargs["thread"] = self
+ self.f(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
+ except TypeError, e:
+ #dirty method to filter out exceptions
+ if "unexpected keyword argument 'thread'" not in e.args[0]:
+ raise
+ del self.kwargs["thread"]
+ self.f(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
+ finally:
+ local = copy(
+ for x in local:
+ self.finishFile(x)
+ self.m.localThreads.remove(self)
diff --git a/pyload/manager/thread/ b/pyload/manager/thread/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51544d1b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/thread/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# @author: RaNaN
+from Queue import Queue
+from threading import Thread
+from os import listdir, stat
+from os.path import join
+from time import sleep, time, strftime, gmtime
+from traceback import print_exc, format_exc
+from pprint import pformat
+from sys import exc_info, exc_clear
+from copy import copy
+from types import MethodType
+from pycurl import error
+from pyload.manager.thread.Plugin import PluginThread
+from pyload.plugin.Plugin import Abort, Fail, Retry
+class DecrypterThread(PluginThread):
+ """thread for decrypting"""
+ def __init__(self, manager, pyfile):
+ """constructor"""
+ PluginThread.__init__(self, manager)
+ = pyfile
+ manager.localThreads.append(self)
+ pyfile.setStatus("decrypting")
+ self.start()
+ def getActiveFiles(self):
+ return []
+ def run(self):
+ """run method"""
+ pyfile =
+ retry = False
+ try:
+"Decrypting starts: %s") %
+ pyfile.error = ""
+ pyfile.plugin.preprocessing(self)
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ self.m.log.error(_("Plugin %s is missing a function.") % pyfile.pluginname)
+ return
+ except Fail, e:
+ msg = e.args[0]
+ if msg == "offline":
+ pyfile.setStatus("offline")
+ self.m.log.warning(_("Download is offline: %s") %
+ else:
+ pyfile.setStatus("failed")
+ self.m.log.error(_("Decrypting failed: %(name)s | %(msg)s") % {"name":, "msg": msg})
+ pyfile.error = msg
+ if self.m.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ return
+ except Abort:
+"Download aborted: %s") %
+ pyfile.setStatus("aborted")
+ if self.m.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ return
+ except Retry:
+"Retrying %s") %
+ retry = True
+ return
+ except Exception, e:
+ pyfile.setStatus("failed")
+ self.m.log.error(_("Decrypting failed: %(name)s | %(msg)s") % {"name":, "msg": str(e)})
+ pyfile.error = str(e)
+ if self.m.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ self.writeDebugReport(pyfile)
+ return
+ finally:
+ if not retry:
+ pyfile.release()
+ = False
+ self.m.localThreads.remove(self)
+ exc_clear()
+ if not retry:
+ pyfile.delete()
diff --git a/pyload/manager/thread/ b/pyload/manager/thread/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7d21a4ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/thread/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# @author: RaNaN
+from Queue import Queue
+from threading import Thread
+from os import listdir, stat
+from os.path import join
+from time import sleep, time, strftime, gmtime
+from traceback import print_exc, format_exc
+from pprint import pformat
+from sys import exc_info, exc_clear
+from copy import copy
+from types import MethodType
+from pycurl import error
+from pyload.manager.thread.Plugin import PluginThread
+from pyload.plugin.Plugin import Abort, Fail, Reconnect, Retry, SkipDownload
+class DownloadThread(PluginThread):
+ """thread for downloading files from 'real' hoster plugins"""
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, manager):
+ """Constructor"""
+ PluginThread.__init__(self, manager)
+ self.queue = Queue() #: job queue
+ = False
+ self.start()
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def run(self):
+ """run method"""
+ pyfile = None
+ while True:
+ del pyfile
+ = self.queue.get()
+ pyfile =
+ if == "quit":
+ = False
+ self.m.threads.remove(self)
+ return True
+ try:
+ if not pyfile.hasPlugin():
+ continue
+ #this pyfile was deleted while queueing
+ pyfile.plugin.checkForSameFiles(starting=True)
+"Download starts: %s" %
+ # start download
+ self.m.core.addonManager.downloadPreparing(pyfile)
+ pyfile.error = ""
+ pyfile.plugin.preprocessing(self)
+"Download finished: %s") %
+ self.m.core.addonManager.downloadFinished(pyfile)
+ self.m.core.files.checkPackageFinished(pyfile)
+ except NotImplementedError:
+ self.m.log.error(_("Plugin %s is missing a function.") % pyfile.pluginname)
+ pyfile.setStatus("failed")
+ pyfile.error = "Plugin does not work"
+ self.clean(pyfile)
+ continue
+ except Abort:
+ try:
+"Download aborted: %s") %
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ pyfile.setStatus("aborted")
+ if self.m.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ self.clean(pyfile)
+ continue
+ except Reconnect:
+ self.queue.put(pyfile)
+ #pyfile.req.clearCookies()
+ while self.m.reconnecting.isSet():
+ sleep(0.5)
+ continue
+ except Retry, e:
+ reason = e.args[0]
+"Download restarted: %(name)s | %(msg)s") % {"name":, "msg": reason})
+ self.queue.put(pyfile)
+ continue
+ except Fail, e:
+ msg = e.args[0]
+ if msg == "offline":
+ pyfile.setStatus("offline")
+ self.m.log.warning(_("Download is offline: %s") %
+ elif msg == "temp. offline":
+ pyfile.setStatus("temp. offline")
+ self.m.log.warning(_("Download is temporary offline: %s") %
+ else:
+ pyfile.setStatus("failed")
+ self.m.log.warning(_("Download failed: %(name)s | %(msg)s") % {"name":, "msg": msg})
+ pyfile.error = msg
+ if self.m.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ self.m.core.addonManager.downloadFailed(pyfile)
+ self.clean(pyfile)
+ continue
+ except error, e:
+ if len(e.args) == 2:
+ code, msg = e.args
+ else:
+ code = 0
+ msg = e.args
+ self.m.log.debug("pycurl exception %s: %s" % (code, msg))
+ if code in (7, 18, 28, 52, 56):
+ self.m.log.warning(_("Couldn't connect to host or connection reset, waiting 1 minute and retry."))
+ wait = time() + 60
+ pyfile.waitUntil = wait
+ pyfile.setStatus("waiting")
+ while time() < wait:
+ sleep(1)
+ if pyfile.abort:
+ break
+ if pyfile.abort:
+"Download aborted: %s") %
+ pyfile.setStatus("aborted")
+ self.clean(pyfile)
+ else:
+ self.queue.put(pyfile)
+ continue
+ else:
+ pyfile.setStatus("failed")
+ self.m.log.error("pycurl error %s: %s" % (code, msg))
+ if self.m.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ self.writeDebugReport(pyfile)
+ self.m.core.addonManager.downloadFailed(pyfile)
+ self.clean(pyfile)
+ continue
+ except SkipDownload, e:
+ pyfile.setStatus("skipped")
+ _("Download skipped: %(name)s due to %(plugin)s") % {"name":, "plugin": e.message})
+ self.clean(pyfile)
+ self.m.core.files.checkPackageFinished(pyfile)
+ = False
+ continue
+ except Exception, e:
+ pyfile.setStatus("failed")
+ self.m.log.warning(_("Download failed: %(name)s | %(msg)s") % {"name":, "msg": str(e)})
+ pyfile.error = str(e)
+ if self.m.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ self.writeDebugReport(pyfile)
+ self.m.core.addonManager.downloadFailed(pyfile)
+ self.clean(pyfile)
+ continue
+ finally:
+ pyfile.checkIfProcessed()
+ exc_clear()
+ #pyfile.plugin.req.clean()
+ = False
+ pyfile.finishIfDone()
+ def put(self, job):
+ """assing job to thread"""
+ self.queue.put(job)
+ def stop(self):
+ """stops the thread"""
+ self.put("quit")
diff --git a/pyload/manager/thread/ b/pyload/manager/thread/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4526a07ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/thread/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# @author: RaNaN
+from Queue import Queue
+from threading import Thread
+from os import listdir, stat
+from os.path import join
+from time import sleep, time, strftime, gmtime
+from traceback import print_exc, format_exc
+from pprint import pformat
+from sys import exc_info, exc_clear
+from copy import copy
+from types import MethodType
+from pycurl import error
+from pyload.datatype.File import PyFile
+from pyload.manager.thread.Plugin import PluginThread
+from pyload.api import OnlineStatus
+class InfoThread(PluginThread):
+ def __init__(self, manager, data, pid=-1, rid=-1, add=False):
+ """Constructor"""
+ PluginThread.__init__(self, manager)
+ = data
+ = pid # package id
+ # [ .. (name, plugin) .. ]
+ self.rid = rid #result id
+ self.add = add #add packages instead of return result
+ self.cache = [] #accumulated data
+ self.start()
+ def run(self):
+ """run method"""
+ plugins = {}
+ container = []
+ for url, plugintype, pluginname in data:
+ try:
+ plugins[plugintype][pluginname].append(url)
+ except Exception:
+ plugins[plugintype][pluginname] = [url]
+ # filter out container plugins
+ for name in self.m.core.pluginManager.containerPlugins:
+ if name in plugins:
+ container.extend([(name, url) for url in plugins[name]])
+ del plugins[name]
+ #directly write to database
+ if > -1:
+ for plugintype, pluginname, urls in plugins.iteritems():
+ plugin = self.m.core.pluginManager.getPlugin(plugintype, pluginname, True)
+ if hasattr(plugin, "getInfo"):
+ self.fetchForPlugin(pluginname, plugin, urls, self.updateDB)
+ elif self.add:
+ for plugintype, pluginname, urls in plugins.iteritems():
+ plugin = self.m.core.pluginManager.getPlugin(plugintype, pluginname, True)
+ if hasattr(plugin, "getInfo"):
+ self.fetchForPlugin(pluginname, plugin, urls, self.updateCache, True)
+ else:
+ #generate default result
+ result = [(url, 0, 3, url) for url in urls]
+ self.updateCache(pluginname, result)
+ packs = parseNames([(name, url) for name, x, y, url in self.cache])
+ self.m.log.debug("Fetched and generated %d packages" % len(packs))
+ for k, v in packs:
+ self.m.core.api.addPackage(k, v)
+ #empty cache
+ del self.cache[:]
+ else: #post the results
+ for name, url in container:
+ #attach container content
+ try:
+ data = self.decryptContainer(name, url)
+ except Exception:
+ print_exc()
+ self.m.log.error("Could not decrypt container.")
+ data = []
+ for url, plugintype, pluginname in data:
+ try:
+ plugins[plugintype][pluginname].append(url)
+ except Exception:
+ plugins[plugintype][pluginname] = [url]
+ self.m.infoResults[self.rid] = {}
+ for plugintype, pluginname, urls in plugins.iteritems():
+ plugin = self.m.core.pluginManager.getPlugin(plugintype, pluginname, True)
+ if hasattr(plugin, "getInfo"):
+ self.fetchForPlugin(pluginname, plugin, urls, self.updateResult, True)
+ #force to process cache
+ if self.cache:
+ self.updateResult(pluginname, [], True)
+ else:
+ #generate default result
+ result = [(url, 0, 3, url) for url in urls]
+ self.updateResult(pluginname, result, True)
+ self.m.infoResults[self.rid]["ALL_INFO_FETCHED"] = {}
+ self.m.timestamp = time() + 5 * 60
+ def updateDB(self, plugin, result):
+ self.m.core.files.updateFileInfo(result,
+ def updateResult(self, plugin, result, force=False):
+ #parse package name and generate result
+ #accumulate results
+ self.cache.extend(result)
+ if len(self.cache) >= 20 or force:
+ #used for package generating
+ tmp = [(name, (url, OnlineStatus(name, plugin, "unknown", status, int(size))))
+ for name, size, status, url in self.cache]
+ data = parseNames(tmp)
+ result = {}
+ for k, v in data.iteritems():
+ for url, status in v:
+ status.packagename = k
+ result[url] = status
+ self.m.setInfoResults(self.rid, result)
+ self.cache = []
+ def updateCache(self, plugin, result):
+ self.cache.extend(result)
+ def fetchForPlugin(self, pluginname, plugin, urls, cb, err=None):
+ try:
+ result = [] #result loaded from cache
+ process = [] #urls to process
+ for url in urls:
+ if url in self.m.infoCache:
+ result.append(self.m.infoCache[url])
+ else:
+ process.append(url)
+ if result:
+ self.m.log.debug("Fetched %d values from cache for %s" % (len(result), pluginname))
+ cb(pluginname, result)
+ if process:
+ self.m.log.debug("Run Info Fetching for %s" % pluginname)
+ for result in plugin.getInfo(process):
+ #result = [ .. (name, size, status, url) .. ]
+ if not type(result) == list:
+ result = [result]
+ for res in result:
+ self.m.infoCache[res[3]] = res #: why don't assign res dict directly?
+ cb(pluginname, result)
+ self.m.log.debug("Finished Info Fetching for %s" % pluginname)
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.m.log.warning(_("Info Fetching for %(name)s failed | %(err)s") %
+ {"name": pluginname, "err": str(e)})
+ if self.m.core.debug:
+ print_exc()
+ # generate default results
+ if err:
+ result = [(url, 0, 3, url) for url in urls]
+ cb(pluginname, result)
+ def decryptContainer(self, plugin, url):
+ data = []
+ # only works on container plugins
+ self.m.log.debug("Pre decrypting %s with %s" % (url, plugin))
+ # dummy pyfile
+ pyfile = PyFile(self.m.core.files, -1, url, url, 0, 0, "", plugin, -1, -1)
+ pyfile.initPlugin()
+ # little plugin lifecycle
+ try:
+ pyfile.plugin.setup()
+ pyfile.plugin.loadToDisk()
+ pyfile.plugin.decrypt(pyfile)
+ pyfile.plugin.deleteTmp()
+ for pack in pyfile.plugin.packages:
+ pyfile.plugin.urls.extend(pack[1])
+ data = self.m.core.pluginManager.parseUrls(pyfile.plugin.urls)
+ self.m.log.debug("Got %d links." % len(data))
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.m.log.debug("Pre decrypting error: %s" % str(e))
+ finally:
+ pyfile.release()
+ return data
diff --git a/pyload/manager/thread/ b/pyload/manager/thread/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e7d7b4e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/thread/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# @author: RaNaN
+from Queue import Queue
+from threading import Thread
+from os import listdir, stat
+from os.path import join
+from time import sleep, time, strftime, gmtime
+from traceback import print_exc, format_exc
+from pprint import pformat
+from sys import exc_info, exc_clear
+from copy import copy
+from types import MethodType
+from pycurl import error
+from pyload.datatype.File import PyFile
+from pyload.plugin.Plugin import Abort, Fail, Reconnect, Retry, SkipDownload
+from pyload.utils.packagetools import parseNames
+from pyload.utils import fs_join
+from pyload.api import OnlineStatus
+class PluginThread(Thread):
+ """abstract base class for thread types"""
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, manager):
+ """Constructor"""
+ Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.setDaemon(True)
+ self.m = manager #thread manager
+ def writeDebugReport(self, pyfile):
+ """ writes a
+ :return:
+ """
+ dump_name = "" % (pyfile.pluginname, strftime("%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S"))
+ dump = self.getDebugDump(pyfile)
+ try:
+ import zipfile
+ zip = zipfile.ZipFile(dump_name, "w")
+ for f in listdir(join("tmp", pyfile.pluginname)):
+ try:
+ # avoid encoding errors
+ zip.write(join("tmp", pyfile.pluginname, f), fs_join(pyfile.pluginname, f))
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ info = zipfile.ZipInfo(fs_join(pyfile.pluginname, "debug_Report.txt"), gmtime())
+ info.external_attr = 0644 << 16L # change permissions
+ zip.writestr(info, dump)
+ zip.close()
+ if not stat(dump_name).st_size:
+ raise Exception("Empty Zipfile")
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.m.log.debug("Error creating zip file: %s" % e)
+ dump_name = dump_name.replace(".zip", ".txt")
+ f = open(dump_name, "wb")
+ f.write(dump)
+ f.close()
+"Debug Report written to %s" % dump_name)
+ def getDebugDump(self, pyfile):
+ dump = "pyLoad %s Debug Report of %s %s \n\nTRACEBACK:\n %s \n\nFRAMESTACK:\n" % (
+ self.m.core.api.getServerVersion(), pyfile.pluginname, pyfile.plugin.__version, format_exc())
+ tb = exc_info()[2]
+ stack = []
+ while tb:
+ stack.append(tb.tb_frame)
+ tb = tb.tb_next
+ for frame in stack[1:]:
+ dump += "\nFrame %s in %s at line %s\n" % (frame.f_code.co_name,
+ frame.f_code.co_filename,
+ frame.f_lineno)
+ for key, value in frame.f_locals.items():
+ dump += "\t%20s = " % key
+ try:
+ dump += pformat(value) + "\n"
+ except Exception, e:
+ dump += "<ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE> " + str(e) + "\n"
+ del frame
+ del stack #delete it just to be sure...
+ dump += "\n\nPLUGIN OBJECT DUMP: \n\n"
+ for name in dir(pyfile.plugin):
+ attr = getattr(pyfile.plugin, name)
+ if not name.endswith("__") and type(attr) != MethodType:
+ dump += "\t%20s = " % name
+ try:
+ dump += pformat(attr) + "\n"
+ except Exception, e:
+ dump += "<ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE> " + str(e) + "\n"
+ dump += "\nPYFILE OBJECT DUMP: \n\n"
+ for name in dir(pyfile):
+ attr = getattr(pyfile, name)
+ if not name.endswith("__") and type(attr) != MethodType:
+ dump += "\t%20s = " % name
+ try:
+ dump += pformat(attr) + "\n"
+ except Exception, e:
+ dump += "<ERROR WHILE PRINTING VALUE> " + str(e) + "\n"
+ if pyfile.pluginname in self.m.core.config.plugin:
+ dump += "\n\nCONFIG: \n\n"
+ dump += pformat(self.m.core.config.plugin[pyfile.pluginname]) + "\n"
+ return dump
+ def clean(self, pyfile):
+ """ set thread unactive and release pyfile """
+ = False
+ pyfile.release()
diff --git a/pyload/manager/thread/ b/pyload/manager/thread/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5962981e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/thread/
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import logging
+import os
+import threading
+core = None
+setup = None
+log = logging.getLogger("log")
+class WebServer(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, pycore):
+ global core
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.core = pycore
+ core = pycore
+ self.running = True
+ self.server = pycore.config['webui']['server']
+ self.https = pycore.config['webui']['https']
+ self.cert = pycore.config["ssl"]["cert"]
+ self.key = pycore.config["ssl"]["key"]
+ = pycore.config['webui']['host']
+ self.port = pycore.config['webui']['port']
+ self.setDaemon(True)
+ def run(self):
+ import pyload.webui as webinterface
+ global webinterface
+ reset = False
+ if self.https and (not os.exists(self.cert) or not os.exists(self.key)):
+ log.warning(_("SSL certificates not found."))
+ self.https = False
+ if self.server in ("lighttpd", "nginx"):
+ log.warning(_("Sorry, we dropped support for starting %s directly within pyLoad") % self.server)
+ log.warning(_("You can use the threaded server which offers good performance and ssl,"))
+ log.warning(_("of course you can still use your existing %s with pyLoads fastcgi server") % self.server)
+ log.warning(_("sample configs are located in the pyload/web/servers directory"))
+ reset = True
+ elif self.server == "fastcgi":
+ try:
+ import flup
+ except Exception:
+ log.warning(_("Can't use %(server)s, python-flup is not installed!") % {
+ "server": self.server})
+ reset = True
+ if reset or self.server == "lightweight":
+ if != "nt":
+ try:
+ import bjoern
+ except Exception, e:
+ log.error(_("Error importing lightweight server: %s") % e)
+ log.warning(_("You need to download and compile bjoern,"))
+ log.warning(_("Copy the to the lib folder or use install"))
+ log.warning(_("Of course you need to be familiar with linux and know how to compile software"))
+ self.server = "builtin"
+ else:
+"Server set to threaded, due to known performance problems on windows."))
+ self.core.config['webui']['server'] = "threaded"
+ self.server = "threaded"
+ if self.server == "threaded":
+ self.start_threaded()
+ elif self.server == "fastcgi":
+ self.start_fcgi()
+ elif self.server == "lightweight":
+ self.start_lightweight()
+ else:
+ self.start_builtin()
+ def start_builtin(self):
+ if self.https:
+ log.warning(_("This server offers no SSL, please consider using threaded instead"))
+"Starting builtin webserver: %(host)s:%(port)d") % {"host":, "port": self.port})
+ webinterface.run_simple(, port=self.port)
+ def start_threaded(self):
+ if self.https:
+"Starting threaded SSL webserver: %(host)s:%(port)d") % {"host":, "port": self.port})
+ else:
+ self.cert = ""
+ self.key = ""
+"Starting threaded webserver: %(host)s:%(port)d") % {"host":, "port": self.port})
+ webinterface.run_threaded(, port=self.port, cert=self.cert, key=self.key)
+ def start_fcgi(self):
+"Starting fastcgi server: %(host)s:%(port)d") % {"host":, "port": self.port})
+ try:
+ webinterface.run_fcgi(, port=self.port)
+ except ValueError: #@TODO: Fix
+ pass
+ def start_lightweight(self):
+ if self.https:
+ log.warning(_("This server offers no SSL, please consider using threaded instead"))
+"Starting lightweight webserver (bjoern): %(host)s:%(port)d") % {"host":, "port": self.port})
+ webinterface.run_lightweight(, port=self.port)
+ def quit(self):
+ self.running = False
diff --git a/pyload/manager/thread/ b/pyload/manager/thread/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40a96afc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/manager/thread/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-