path: root/pyload/lib/beaker/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pyload/lib/beaker/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 726 deletions
diff --git a/pyload/lib/beaker/ b/pyload/lib/beaker/
deleted file mode 100644
index d70a670eb..000000000
--- a/pyload/lib/beaker/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,726 +0,0 @@
-import Cookie
-import os
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-import time
-from beaker.crypto import hmac as HMAC, hmac_sha1 as SHA1, md5
-from beaker import crypto, util
-from beaker.cache import clsmap
-from beaker.exceptions import BeakerException, InvalidCryptoBackendError
-from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
-__all__ = ['SignedCookie', 'Session']
- import uuid
- def _session_id():
- return uuid.uuid4().hex
-except ImportError:
- import random
- if hasattr(os, 'getpid'):
- getpid = os.getpid
- else:
- def getpid():
- return ''
- def _session_id():
- id_str = "%f%s%f%s" % (
- time.time(),
- id({}),
- random.random(),
- getpid()
- )
- if util.py3k:
- return md5(
- md5(
- id_str.encode('ascii')
- ).hexdigest().encode('ascii')
- ).hexdigest()
- else:
- return md5(md5(id_str).hexdigest()).hexdigest()
-class SignedCookie(Cookie.BaseCookie):
- """Extends python cookie to give digital signature support"""
- def __init__(self, secret, input=None):
- self.secret = secret.encode('UTF-8')
- Cookie.BaseCookie.__init__(self, input)
- def value_decode(self, val):
- val = val.strip('"')
- sig =, val[40:].encode('UTF-8'), SHA1).hexdigest()
- # Avoid timing attacks
- invalid_bits = 0
- input_sig = val[:40]
- if len(sig) != len(input_sig):
- return None, val
- for a, b in zip(sig, input_sig):
- invalid_bits += a != b
- if invalid_bits:
- return None, val
- else:
- return val[40:], val
- def value_encode(self, val):
- sig =, val.encode('UTF-8'), SHA1).hexdigest()
- return str(val), ("%s%s" % (sig, val))
-class Session(dict):
- """Session object that uses container package for storage.
- :param invalidate_corrupt: How to handle corrupt data when loading. When
- set to True, then corrupt data will be silently
- invalidated and a new session created,
- otherwise invalid data will cause an exception.
- :type invalidate_corrupt: bool
- :param use_cookies: Whether or not cookies should be created. When set to
- False, it is assumed the user will handle storing the
- session on their own.
- :type use_cookies: bool
- :param type: What data backend type should be used to store the underlying
- session data
- :param key: The name the cookie should be set to.
- :param timeout: How long session data is considered valid. This is used
- regardless of the cookie being present or not to determine
- whether session data is still valid.
- :type timeout: int
- :param cookie_expires: Expiration date for cookie
- :param cookie_domain: Domain to use for the cookie.
- :param cookie_path: Path to use for the cookie.
- :param secure: Whether or not the cookie should only be sent over SSL.
- :param httponly: Whether or not the cookie should only be accessible by
- the browser not by JavaScript.
- :param encrypt_key: The key to use for the local session encryption, if not
- provided the session will not be encrypted.
- :param validate_key: The key used to sign the local encrypted session
- """
- def __init__(self, request, id=None, invalidate_corrupt=False,
- use_cookies=True, type=None, data_dir=None,
- key='', timeout=None, cookie_expires=True,
- cookie_domain=None, cookie_path='/', secret=None,
- secure=False, namespace_class=None, httponly=False,
- encrypt_key=None, validate_key=None, **namespace_args):
- if not type:
- if data_dir:
- self.type = 'file'
- else:
- self.type = 'memory'
- else:
- self.type = type
- self.namespace_class = namespace_class or clsmap[self.type]
- self.namespace_args = namespace_args
- self.request = request
- self.data_dir = data_dir
- self.key = key
- self.timeout = timeout
- self.use_cookies = use_cookies
- self.cookie_expires = cookie_expires
- # Default cookie domain/path
- self._domain = cookie_domain
- self._path = cookie_path
- self.was_invalidated = False
- self.secret = secret
- = secure
- self.httponly = httponly
- self.encrypt_key = encrypt_key
- self.validate_key = validate_key
- = id
- self.accessed_dict = {}
- self.invalidate_corrupt = invalidate_corrupt
- if self.use_cookies:
- cookieheader = request.get('cookie', '')
- if secret:
- try:
- self.cookie = SignedCookie(secret, input=cookieheader)
- except Cookie.CookieError:
- self.cookie = SignedCookie(secret, input=None)
- else:
- self.cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie(input=cookieheader)
- if not and self.key in self.cookie:
- = self.cookie[self.key].value
- self.is_new = is None
- if self.is_new:
- self._create_id()
- self['_accessed_time'] = self['_creation_time'] = time.time()
- else:
- try:
- self.load()
- except Exception, e:
- if invalidate_corrupt:
- util.warn(
- "Invalidating corrupt session %s; "
- "error was: %s. Set invalidate_corrupt=False "
- "to propagate this exception." % (, e))
- self.invalidate()
- else:
- raise
- def has_key(self, name):
- return name in self
- def _set_cookie_values(self, expires=None):
- self.cookie[self.key] =
- if self._domain:
- self.cookie[self.key]['domain'] = self._domain
- if
- self.cookie[self.key]['secure'] = True
- self._set_cookie_http_only()
- self.cookie[self.key]['path'] = self._path
- self._set_cookie_expires(expires)
- def _set_cookie_expires(self, expires):
- if expires is None:
- if self.cookie_expires is not True:
- if self.cookie_expires is False:
- expires = datetime.fromtimestamp(0x7FFFFFFF)
- elif isinstance(self.cookie_expires, timedelta):
- expires = datetime.utcnow() + self.cookie_expires
- elif isinstance(self.cookie_expires, datetime):
- expires = self.cookie_expires
- else:
- raise ValueError("Invalid argument for cookie_expires: %s"
- % repr(self.cookie_expires))
- else:
- expires = None
- if expires is not None:
- if not self.cookie or self.key not in self.cookie:
- self.cookie[self.key] =
- self.cookie[self.key]['expires'] = \
- expires.strftime("%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
- return expires
- def _update_cookie_out(self, set_cookie=True):
- self.request['cookie_out'] = self.cookie[self.key].output(header='')
- self.request['set_cookie'] = set_cookie
- def _set_cookie_http_only(self):
- try:
- if self.httponly:
- self.cookie[self.key]['httponly'] = True
- except Cookie.CookieError, e:
- if 'Invalid Attribute httponly' not in str(e):
- raise
- util.warn('Python 2.6+ is required to use httponly')
- def _create_id(self, set_new=True):
- = _session_id()
- if set_new:
- self.is_new = True
- self.last_accessed = None
- if self.use_cookies:
- self._set_cookie_values()
- sc = set_new == False
- self._update_cookie_out(set_cookie=sc)
- @property
- def created(self):
- return self['_creation_time']
- def _set_domain(self, domain):
- self['_domain'] = domain
- self.cookie[self.key]['domain'] = domain
- self._update_cookie_out()
- def _get_domain(self):
- return self._domain
- domain = property(_get_domain, _set_domain)
- def _set_path(self, path):
- self['_path'] = self._path = path
- self.cookie[self.key]['path'] = path
- self._update_cookie_out()
- def _get_path(self):
- return self._path
- path = property(_get_path, _set_path)
- def _encrypt_data(self, session_data=None):
- """Serialize, encipher, and base64 the session dict"""
- session_data = session_data or self.copy()
- if self.encrypt_key:
- nonce = b64encode(os.urandom(6))[:8]
- encrypt_key = crypto.generateCryptoKeys(self.encrypt_key,
- self.validate_key + nonce, 1)
- data = util.pickle.dumps(session_data, 2)
- return nonce + b64encode(crypto.aesEncrypt(data, encrypt_key))
- else:
- data = util.pickle.dumps(session_data, 2)
- return b64encode(data)
- def _decrypt_data(self, session_data):
- """Bas64, decipher, then un-serialize the data for the session
- dict"""
- if self.encrypt_key:
- try:
- nonce = session_data[:8]
- encrypt_key = crypto.generateCryptoKeys(self.encrypt_key,
- self.validate_key + nonce, 1)
- payload = b64decode(session_data[8:])
- data = crypto.aesDecrypt(payload, encrypt_key)
- except:
- # As much as I hate a bare except, we get some insane errors
- # here that get tossed when crypto fails, so we raise the
- # 'right' exception
- if self.invalidate_corrupt:
- return None
- else:
- raise
- try:
- return util.pickle.loads(data)
- except:
- if self.invalidate_corrupt:
- return None
- else:
- raise
- else:
- data = b64decode(session_data)
- return util.pickle.loads(data)
- def _delete_cookie(self):
- self.request['set_cookie'] = True
- expires = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(365)
- self._set_cookie_values(expires)
- self._update_cookie_out()
- def delete(self):
- """Deletes the session from the persistent storage, and sends
- an expired cookie out"""
- if self.use_cookies:
- self._delete_cookie()
- self.clear()
- def invalidate(self):
- """Invalidates this session, creates a new session id, returns
- to the is_new state"""
- self.clear()
- self.was_invalidated = True
- self._create_id()
- self.load()
- def load(self):
- "Loads the data from this session from persistent storage"
- self.namespace = self.namespace_class(,
- data_dir=self.data_dir,
- digest_filenames=False,
- **self.namespace_args)
- now = time.time()
- if self.use_cookies:
- self.request['set_cookie'] = True
- self.namespace.acquire_read_lock()
- timed_out = False
- try:
- self.clear()
- try:
- session_data = self.namespace['session']
- if (session_data is not None and self.encrypt_key):
- session_data = self._decrypt_data(session_data)
- # Memcached always returns a key, its None when its not
- # present
- if session_data is None:
- session_data = {
- '_creation_time': now,
- '_accessed_time': now
- }
- self.is_new = True
- except (KeyError, TypeError):
- session_data = {
- '_creation_time': now,
- '_accessed_time': now
- }
- self.is_new = True
- if session_data is None or len(session_data) == 0:
- session_data = {
- '_creation_time': now,
- '_accessed_time': now
- }
- self.is_new = True
- if self.timeout is not None and \
- now - session_data['_accessed_time'] > self.timeout:
- timed_out = True
- else:
- # Properly set the last_accessed time, which is different
- # than the *currently* _accessed_time
- if self.is_new or '_accessed_time' not in session_data:
- self.last_accessed = None
- else:
- self.last_accessed = session_data['_accessed_time']
- # Update the current _accessed_time
- session_data['_accessed_time'] = now
- # Set the path if applicable
- if '_path' in session_data:
- self._path = session_data['_path']
- self.update(session_data)
- self.accessed_dict = session_data.copy()
- finally:
- self.namespace.release_read_lock()
- if timed_out:
- self.invalidate()
- def save(self, accessed_only=False):
- """Saves the data for this session to persistent storage
- If accessed_only is True, then only the original data loaded
- at the beginning of the request will be saved, with the updated
- last accessed time.
- """
- # Look to see if its a new session that was only accessed
- # Don't save it under that case
- if accessed_only and self.is_new:
- return None
- # this session might not have a namespace yet or the session id
- # might have been regenerated
- if not hasattr(self, 'namespace') or self.namespace.namespace !=
- self.namespace = self.namespace_class(
- data_dir=self.data_dir,
- digest_filenames=False,
- **self.namespace_args)
- self.namespace.acquire_write_lock(replace=True)
- try:
- if accessed_only:
- data = dict(self.accessed_dict.items())
- else:
- data = dict(self.items())
- if self.encrypt_key:
- data = self._encrypt_data(data)
- # Save the data
- if not data and 'session' in self.namespace:
- del self.namespace['session']
- else:
- self.namespace['session'] = data
- finally:
- self.namespace.release_write_lock()
- if self.use_cookies and self.is_new:
- self.request['set_cookie'] = True
- def revert(self):
- """Revert the session to its original state from its first
- access in the request"""
- self.clear()
- self.update(self.accessed_dict)
- def regenerate_id(self):
- """
- creates a new session id, retains all session data
- Its a good security practice to regnerate the id after a client
- elevates priviliges.
- """
- self._create_id(set_new=False)
- # TODO: I think both these methods should be removed. They're from
- # the original mod_python code i was ripping off but they really
- # have no use here.
- def lock(self):
- """Locks this session against other processes/threads. This is
- automatic when load/save is called.
- ***use with caution*** and always with a corresponding 'unlock'
- inside a "finally:" block, as a stray lock typically cannot be
- unlocked without shutting down the whole application.
- """
- self.namespace.acquire_write_lock()
- def unlock(self):
- """Unlocks this session against other processes/threads. This
- is automatic when load/save is called.
- ***use with caution*** and always within a "finally:" block, as
- a stray lock typically cannot be unlocked without shutting down
- the whole application.
- """
- self.namespace.release_write_lock()
-class CookieSession(Session):
- """Pure cookie-based session
- Options recognized when using cookie-based sessions are slightly
- more restricted than general sessions.
- :param key: The name the cookie should be set to.
- :param timeout: How long session data is considered valid. This is used
- regardless of the cookie being present or not to determine
- whether session data is still valid.
- :type timeout: int
- :param cookie_expires: Expiration date for cookie
- :param cookie_domain: Domain to use for the cookie.
- :param cookie_path: Path to use for the cookie.
- :param secure: Whether or not the cookie should only be sent over SSL.
- :param httponly: Whether or not the cookie should only be accessible by
- the browser not by JavaScript.
- :param encrypt_key: The key to use for the local session encryption, if not
- provided the session will not be encrypted.
- :param validate_key: The key used to sign the local encrypted session
- """
- def __init__(self, request, key='', timeout=None,
- cookie_expires=True, cookie_domain=None, cookie_path='/',
- encrypt_key=None, validate_key=None, secure=False,
- httponly=False, **kwargs):
- if not crypto.has_aes and encrypt_key:
- raise InvalidCryptoBackendError("No AES library is installed, can't generate "
- "encrypted cookie-only Session.")
- self.request = request
- self.key = key
- self.timeout = timeout
- self.cookie_expires = cookie_expires
- self.encrypt_key = encrypt_key
- self.validate_key = validate_key
- self.request['set_cookie'] = False
- = secure
- self.httponly = httponly
- self._domain = cookie_domain
- self._path = cookie_path
- try:
- cookieheader = request['cookie']
- except KeyError:
- cookieheader = ''
- if validate_key is None:
- raise BeakerException("No validate_key specified for Cookie only "
- "Session.")
- try:
- self.cookie = SignedCookie(validate_key, input=cookieheader)
- except Cookie.CookieError:
- self.cookie = SignedCookie(validate_key, input=None)
- self['_id'] = _session_id()
- self.is_new = True
- # If we have a cookie, load it
- if self.key in self.cookie and self.cookie[self.key].value is not None:
- self.is_new = False
- try:
- cookie_data = self.cookie[self.key].value
- self.update(self._decrypt_data(cookie_data))
- self._path = self.get('_path', '/')
- except:
- pass
- if self.timeout is not None and time.time() - \
- self['_accessed_time'] > self.timeout:
- self.clear()
- self.accessed_dict = self.copy()
- self._create_cookie()
- def created(self):
- return self['_creation_time']
- created = property(created)
- def id(self):
- return self['_id']
- id = property(id)
- def _set_domain(self, domain):
- self['_domain'] = domain
- self._domain = domain
- def _get_domain(self):
- return self._domain
- domain = property(_get_domain, _set_domain)
- def _set_path(self, path):
- self['_path'] = self._path = path
- def _get_path(self):
- return self._path
- path = property(_get_path, _set_path)
- def save(self, accessed_only=False):
- """Saves the data for this session to persistent storage"""
- if accessed_only and self.is_new:
- return
- if accessed_only:
- self.clear()
- self.update(self.accessed_dict)
- self._create_cookie()
- def expire(self):
- """Delete the 'expires' attribute on this Session, if any."""
- self.pop('_expires', None)
- def _create_cookie(self):
- if '_creation_time' not in self:
- self['_creation_time'] = time.time()
- if '_id' not in self:
- self['_id'] = _session_id()
- self['_accessed_time'] = time.time()
- val = self._encrypt_data()
- if len(val) > 4064:
- raise BeakerException("Cookie value is too long to store")
- self.cookie[self.key] = val
- if '_expires' in self:
- expires = self['_expires']
- else:
- expires = None
- expires = self._set_cookie_expires(expires)
- if expires is not None:
- self['_expires'] = expires
- if '_domain' in self:
- self.cookie[self.key]['domain'] = self['_domain']
- elif self._domain:
- self.cookie[self.key]['domain'] = self._domain
- if
- self.cookie[self.key]['secure'] = True
- self._set_cookie_http_only()
- self.cookie[self.key]['path'] = self.get('_path', '/')
- self.request['cookie_out'] = self.cookie[self.key].output(header='')
- self.request['set_cookie'] = True
- def delete(self):
- """Delete the cookie, and clear the session"""
- # Send a delete cookie request
- self._delete_cookie()
- self.clear()
- def invalidate(self):
- """Clear the contents and start a new session"""
- self.clear()
- self['_id'] = _session_id()
-class SessionObject(object):
- """Session proxy/lazy creator
- This object proxies access to the actual session object, so that in
- the case that the session hasn't been used before, it will be
- setup. This avoid creating and loading the session from persistent
- storage unless its actually used during the request.
- """
- def __init__(self, environ, **params):
- self.__dict__['_params'] = params
- self.__dict__['_environ'] = environ
- self.__dict__['_sess'] = None
- self.__dict__['_headers'] = {}
- def _session(self):
- """Lazy initial creation of session object"""
- if self.__dict__['_sess'] is None:
- params = self.__dict__['_params']
- environ = self.__dict__['_environ']
- self.__dict__['_headers'] = req = {'cookie_out': None}
- req['cookie'] = environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE')
- if params.get('type') == 'cookie':
- self.__dict__['_sess'] = CookieSession(req, **params)
- else:
- self.__dict__['_sess'] = Session(req, use_cookies=True,
- **params)
- return self.__dict__['_sess']
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- return getattr(self._session(), attr)
- def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
- setattr(self._session(), attr, value)
- def __delattr__(self, name):
- self._session().__delattr__(name)
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return self._session()[key]
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- self._session()[key] = value
- def __delitem__(self, key):
- self._session().__delitem__(key)
- def __repr__(self):
- return self._session().__repr__()
- def __iter__(self):
- """Only works for proxying to a dict"""
- return iter(self._session().keys())
- def __contains__(self, key):
- return key in self._session()
- def has_key(self, key):
- return key in self._session()
- def get_by_id(self, id):
- """Loads a session given a session ID"""
- params = self.__dict__['_params']
- session = Session({}, use_cookies=False, id=id, **params)
- if session.is_new:
- return None
- return session
- def save(self):
- self.__dict__['_dirty'] = True
- def delete(self):
- self.__dict__['_dirty'] = True
- self._session().delete()
- def persist(self):
- """Persist the session to the storage
- If its set to autosave, then the entire session will be saved
- regardless of if save() has been called. Otherwise, just the
- accessed time will be updated if save() was not called, or
- the session will be saved if save() was called.
- """
- if self.__dict__['_params'].get('auto'):
- self._session().save()
- else:
- if self.__dict__.get('_dirty'):
- self._session().save()
- else:
- self._session().save(accessed_only=True)
- def dirty(self):
- return self.__dict__.get('_dirty', False)
- def accessed(self):
- """Returns whether or not the session has been accessed"""
- return self.__dict__['_sess'] is not None