path: root/pyload/config/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pyload/config/')
1 files changed, 538 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pyload/config/ b/pyload/config/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..697b92fbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import sys
+import pyload.utils.pylgettext as gettext
+from getpass import getpass
+from os import makedirs
+from os.path import abspath, dirname, exists, join
+from subprocess import PIPE, call
+from pyload.utils import get_console_encoding, versiontuple
+class SetupAssistant:
+ """ pyLoads initial setup configuration assistant """
+ def __init__(self, path, config):
+ self.path = path
+ self.config = config
+ self.stdin_encoding = get_console_encoding(sys.stdin.encoding)
+ def start(self):
+ langs = self.config.getMetaData("general", "language")["type"].split(";")
+ lang = self.ask(u"Choose setup language", "en", langs)
+ gettext.setpaths([join(os.sep, "usr", "share", "pyload", "locale"), None])
+ translation = gettext.translation("setup", join(self.path, "locale"), languages=[lang, "en"], fallback=True)
+ translation.install(True)
+ #Input shorthand for yes
+ self.yes = _("y")
+ #Input shorthand for no
+ = _("n")
+ # print
+ # print _("Would you like to configure pyLoad via Webinterface?")
+ # print _("You need a Browser and a connection to this PC for it.")
+ # viaweb = self.ask(_("Start initial webinterface for configuration?"), "y", bool=True)
+ # if viaweb:
+ # try:
+ # from pyload.manager.thread import ServerThread
+ # ServerThread.setup = self
+ # import pyload.webui as webinterface
+ # webinterface.run_simple()
+ # return False
+ # except Exception, e:
+ # print "Setup failed with this error: ", e
+ # print "Falling back to commandline setup."
+ print
+ print
+ print _("Welcome to the pyLoad Configuration Assistant.")
+ print _("It will check your system and make a basic setup in order to run pyLoad.")
+ print
+ print _("The value in brackets [] always is the default value,")
+ print _("in case you don't want to change it or you are unsure what to choose, just hit enter.")
+ print _(
+ "Don't forget: You can always rerun this assistant with --setup or -s parameter, when you start .")
+ print _("If you have any problems with this assistant hit STRG-C,")
+ print _("to abort and don't let him start with automatically anymore.")
+ print
+ print
+ raw_input(_("When you are ready for system check, hit enter."))
+ print
+ print
+ basic, ssl, captcha, web, js = self.system_check()
+ print
+ print
+ if not basic:
+ print _("You need pycurl, sqlite and python 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7 to run pyLoad.")
+ print _("Please correct this and re-run pyLoad.")
+ print
+ print _("Setup will now close.")
+ print
+ print
+ raw_input(_("Press Enter to exit."))
+ return False
+ raw_input(_("System check finished, hit enter to see your status report."))
+ print
+ print
+ print _("## Status ##")
+ print
+ avail = []
+ if self.check_module("Crypto"):
+ avail.append(_("container decrypting"))
+ if ssl:
+ avail.append(_("ssl connection"))
+ if captcha:
+ avail.append(_("automatic captcha decryption"))
+ if web:
+ avail.append(_("webinterface"))
+ if js:
+ avail.append(_("extended Click'N'Load"))
+ string = ""
+ for av in avail:
+ string += ", " + av
+ print _("AVAILABLE FEATURES:") + string[1:]
+ print
+ if len(avail) < 5:
+ print _("MISSING FEATURES: ")
+ if not self.check_module("Crypto"):
+ print _("- no py-crypto available")
+ print _("You need this if you want to decrypt container files.")
+ print
+ if not ssl:
+ print _("- no SSL available")
+ print _("This is needed if you want to establish a secure connection to core or webinterface.")
+ print _("If you only want to access locally to pyLoad ssl is not usefull.")
+ print
+ if not captcha:
+ print _("- no Captcha Recognition available")
+ print _("Only needed for some hosters and as freeuser.")
+ print
+ if not js:
+ print _("- no JavaScript engine found")
+ print _("You will need this for some Click'N'Load links. Install Spidermonkey, ossp-js, pyv8 or rhino")
+ print
+ print
+ print _("You can abort the setup now and fix some dependicies if you want.")
+ print
+ con = self.ask(_("Continue with setup?"), self.yes, bool=True)
+ if not con:
+ return False
+ print
+ print
+ print _("CURRENT CONFIG PATH: %s") % abspath("")
+ print
+ print _("NOTE: If you use pyLoad on a server or the home partition lives on an iternal flash it may be a good idea to change it.")
+ path = self.ask(_("Do you want to change the config path?"),, bool=True)
+ if path:
+ print
+ self.conf_path()
+ #calls exit when changed
+ print
+ print _("Do you want to configure login data and basic settings?")
+ print _("This is recommend for first run.")
+ con = self.ask(_("Make basic setup?"), self.yes, bool=True)
+ if con:
+ print
+ print
+ self.conf_basic()
+ if ssl:
+ print
+ print _("Do you want to configure ssl?")
+ ssl = self.ask(_("Configure ssl?"),, bool=True)
+ if ssl:
+ print
+ print
+ self.conf_ssl()
+ if web:
+ print
+ print _("Do you want to configure webinterface?")
+ web = self.ask(_("Configure webinterface?"), self.yes, bool=True)
+ if web:
+ print
+ print
+ self.conf_web()
+ print
+ print
+ print _("Setup finished successfully!")
+ print
+ print
+ raw_input(_("Hit enter to exit and restart pyLoad."))
+ return True
+ def system_check(self):
+ """ make a systemcheck and return the results"""
+ print _("## System Information ##")
+ print
+ print _("Platform: %s") % sys.platform
+ print _("Operating System: %s") %
+ print _("Python: %s") % sys.version.replace("\n", "")
+ print
+ print
+ print _("## System Check ##")
+ print
+ if sys.version_info[:2] > (2, 7):
+ print _("Your python version is to new, Please use Python 2.6/2.7")
+ python = False
+ elif sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 5):
+ print _("Your python version is to old, Please use at least Python 2.5")
+ python = False
+ else:
+ print _("Python Version: OK")
+ python = True
+ curl = self.check_module("pycurl")
+ self.print_dep("pycurl", curl)
+ sqlite = self.check_module("sqlite3")
+ self.print_dep("sqlite3", sqlite)
+ basic = python and curl and sqlite
+ print
+ crypto = self.check_module("Crypto")
+ self.print_dep("pycrypto", crypto)
+ ssl = self.check_module("OpenSSL")
+ self.print_dep("py-OpenSSL", ssl)
+ print
+ pil = self.check_module("PIL.Image")
+ self.print_dep("PIL/Pillow", pil)
+ if == "nt":
+ tesser = self.check_prog([join(pypath, "tesseract", "tesseract.exe"), "-v"])
+ else:
+ tesser = self.check_prog(["tesseract", "-v"])
+ self.print_dep("tesseract", tesser)
+ captcha = pil and tesser
+ print
+ try:
+ import jinja2
+ v = jinja2.__version__
+ if v and versiontuple(v) < (2, 5, 0):
+ jinja = False
+ else:
+ jinja = True
+ except:
+ jinja = False
+ jinja = self.print_dep("jinja2", jinja)
+ beaker = self.check_module("beaker")
+ self.print_dep("beaker", beaker)
+ bjoern = self.check_module("bjoern")
+ self.print_dep("bjoern", bjoern)
+ web = sqlite and beaker
+ from pyload.utils.JsEngine import JsEngine
+ js = True if JsEngine.find() else False
+ self.print_dep(_("JS engine"), js)
+ if not jinja:
+ print
+ print
+ print _("WARNING: Your installed jinja2 version %s seems too old.") % jinja2.__version__
+ print _("You can safely continue but if the webinterface is not working,")
+ print _("please upgrade or uninstall it, because pyLoad self-includes jinja2 libary.")
+ return basic, ssl, captcha, web, js
+ def conf_basic(self):
+ print _("## Basic Setup ##")
+ print
+ print _("The following logindata is valid for CLI and webinterface.")
+ from pyload.database import DatabaseBackend
+ db = DatabaseBackend(None)
+ db.setup()
+ print _("NOTE: Consider a password of 10 or more symbols if you expect to access from outside your local network (ex. internet).")
+ print
+ username = self.ask(_("Username"), "User")
+ password = self.ask("", "", password=True)
+ db.addUser(username, password)
+ db.shutdown()
+ print
+ print _("External clients (GUI, CLI or other) need remote access to work over the network.")
+ print _("However, if you only want to use the webinterface you may disable it to save ram.")
+ self.config["remote"]["activated"] = self.ask(_("Enable remote access"),, bool=True)
+ print
+ langs = self.config.getMetaData("general", "language")
+ self.config["general"]["language"] = self.ask(_("Choose pyLoad language"), "en", langs["type"].split(";"))
+ print
+ self.config["general"]["download_folder"] = self.ask(_("Download folder"), "Downloads")
+ print
+ self.config["download"]["max_downloads"] = self.ask(_("Max parallel downloads"), "3")
+ print
+ reconnect = self.ask(_("Use Reconnect?"),, bool=True)
+ self.config["reconnect"]["activated"] = reconnect
+ if reconnect:
+ self.config["reconnect"]["method"] = self.ask(_("Reconnect script location"), "./")
+ def conf_web(self):
+ print _("## Webinterface Setup ##")
+ print
+ self.config["webinterface"]["activated"] = self.ask(_("Activate webinterface?"), self.yes, bool=True)
+ print
+ print _("Listen address, if you use or localhost, the webinterface will only accessible locally.")
+ self.config["webinterface"]["host"] = self.ask(_("Address"), "")
+ self.config["webinterface"]["port"] = self.ask(_("Port"), "8000")
+ print
+ print _("pyLoad offers several server backends, now following a short explanation.")
+ print "- builtin:", _("Default server; best choice if you plan to use pyLoad just for you.")
+ print "- threaded:", _("Support SSL connection and can serve simultaneously more client flawlessly.")
+ print "- fastcgi:", _(
+ "Can be used by apache, lighttpd, etc.; needs to be properly configured before.")
+ if != "nt":
+ print "- lightweight:", _("Very fast alternative to builtin; requires libev and bjoern packages.")
+ print
+ print _("NOTE: In some rare cases the builtin server is not working, if you notice problems with the webinterface")
+ print _("come back here and change the builtin server to the threaded one here.")
+ if == "nt":
+ servers = ["builtin", "threaded", "fastcgi"]
+ default = "threaded"
+ else:
+ servers = ["builtin", "threaded", "fastcgi", "lightweight"]
+ default = "lightweight" if self.check_module("bjoern") else "builtin"
+ self.config["webinterface"]["server"] = self.ask(_("Server"), default, servers)
+ def conf_ssl(self):
+ print _("## SSL Setup ##")
+ print
+ print _("Execute these commands from pyLoad config folder to make ssl certificates:")
+ print
+ print "openssl genrsa -out ssl.key 1024"
+ print "openssl req -new -key ssl.key -out ssl.csr"
+ print "openssl req -days 36500 -x509 -key ssl.key -in ssl.csr > ssl.crt "
+ print
+ print _("If you're done and everything went fine, you can activate ssl now.")
+ self.config["ssl"]["activated"] = self.ask(_("Activate SSL?"), self.yes, bool=True)
+ def set_user(self):
+ gettext.setpaths([join(os.sep, "usr", "share", "pyload", "locale"), None])
+ translation = gettext.translation("setup", join(self.path, "locale"),
+ languages=[self.config["general"]["language"], "en"], fallback=True)
+ translation.install(True)
+ from pyload.database import DatabaseBackend
+ db = DatabaseBackend(None)
+ db.setup()
+ noaction = True
+ try:
+ while True:
+ print _("Select action")
+ print _("1 - Create/Edit user")
+ print _("2 - List users")
+ print _("3 - Remove user")
+ print _("4 - Quit")
+ action = raw_input("[1]/2/3/4: ")
+ if not action in ("1", "2", "3", "4"):
+ continue
+ elif action == "1":
+ print
+ username = self.ask(_("Username"), "User")
+ password = self.ask("", "", password=True)
+ db.addUser(username, password)
+ noaction = False
+ elif action == "2":
+ print
+ print _("Users")
+ print "-----"
+ users = db.listUsers()
+ noaction = False
+ for user in users:
+ print user
+ print "-----"
+ print
+ elif action == "3":
+ print
+ username = self.ask(_("Username"), "")
+ if username:
+ db.removeUser(username)
+ noaction = False
+ elif action == "4":
+ break
+ finally:
+ if not noaction:
+ db.shutdown()
+ def conf_path(self, trans=False):
+ if trans:
+ gettext.setpaths([join(os.sep, "usr", "share", "pyload", "locale"), None])
+ translation = gettext.translation("setup", join(self.path, "locale"),
+ languages=[self.config["general"]["language"], "en"], fallback=True)
+ translation.install(True)
+ print _("Setting new config path, current configuration will not be transfered!")
+ path = self.ask(_("CONFIG PATH"), abspath(""))
+ try:
+ path = join(pypath, path)
+ if not exists(path):
+ makedirs(path)
+ f = open(join(pypath, "pyload", "config", "configdir"), "wb")
+ f.write(path)
+ f.close()
+ print
+ print
+ print _("pyLoad config path changed, setup will now close!")
+ print
+ print
+ raw_input(_("Press Enter to exit."))
+ sys.exit()
+ except Exception, e:
+ print _("Setting config path failed: %s") % str(e)
+ def print_dep(self, name, value):
+ """Print Status of dependency"""
+ if value:
+ print _("%s: OK") % name
+ else:
+ print _("%s: MISSING") % name
+ def check_module(self, module):
+ try:
+ __import__(module)
+ return True
+ except:
+ return False
+ def check_prog(self, command):
+ pipe = PIPE
+ try:
+ call(command, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe)
+ return True
+ except:
+ return False
+ def ask(self, qst, default, answers=[], bool=False, password=False):
+ """produce one line to asking for input"""
+ if answers:
+ info = "("
+ for i, answer in enumerate(answers):
+ info += (", " if i != 0 else "") + str((answer == default and "[%s]" % answer) or answer)
+ info += ")"
+ elif bool:
+ if default == self.yes:
+ info = "([%s]/%s)" % (self.yes,
+ else:
+ info = "(%s/[%s])" % (self.yes,
+ else:
+ info = "[%s]" % default
+ if password:
+ p1 = True
+ p2 = False
+ pwlen = 8
+ while p1 != p2:
+ # getpass(_("Password: ")) will crash on systems with broken locales (Win, NAS)
+ sys.stdout.write(_("Password: "))
+ p1 = getpass("")
+ if len(p1) < pwlen:
+ print _("Password too short! Use at least %s symbols." % pwlen)
+ continue
+ elif not p1.isalnum():
+ print _("Password must be alphanumeric.")
+ continue
+ sys.stdout.write(_("Password (again): "))
+ p2 = getpass("")
+ if p1 == p2:
+ return p1
+ else:
+ print _("Passwords did not match.")
+ while True:
+ try:
+ input = raw_input(qst + " %s: " % info)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print "\nSetup interrupted"
+ sys.exit()
+ input = input.decode(self.stdin_encoding)
+ if input.strip() == "":
+ input = default
+ if bool:
+ # yes, true, t are inputs for booleans with value true
+ if input.lower().strip() in [self.yes, _("yes"), _("true"), _("t"), "yes"]:
+ return True
+ # no, false, f are inputs for booleans with value false
+ elif input.lower().strip() in [, _("no"), _("false"), _("f"), "no"]:
+ return False
+ else:
+ print _("Invalid Input")
+ continue
+ if not answers:
+ return input
+ else:
+ if input in answers:
+ return input
+ else:
+ print _("Invalid Input")