path: root/module/web/static/js/libs/jquery.animate-enhanced-0.99.js
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index 365ca2460..000000000
--- a/module/web/static/js/libs/jquery.animate-enhanced-0.99.js
+++ /dev/null
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- jquery.animate-enhanced plugin v0.99
- ---
- @benpbarnett
- ---
- Copyright (c) 2012 Ben Barnett
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- ---
- Extends jQuery.animate() to automatically use CSS3 transformations where applicable.
- Tested with jQuery 1.3.2+
- Supports -moz-transition, -webkit-transition, -o-transition, transition
- Targetted properties (for now):
- - left
- - top
- - opacity
- - width
- - height
- Usage (exactly the same as it would be normally):
- jQuery(element).animate({left: 200}, 500, function() {
- // callback
- });
- Changelog:
- 0.99 (5/12/2012):
- - PR #109 Added support for list-item nodes. FadeIn on tags was omitting the list-style support. (thx @SeanCannon)
- 0.98 (12/11/2012):
- - Merging pull request #106 thx @gboysko - checking for ownerDocument before using getComputedStyle
- 0.97 (6/11/2012):
- - Merging pull request #104 thx @gavrochelegnou - .bind instead of .one
- 0.96a (20/08/2012):
- - Checking event is from dispatch target (issue #58)
- 0.96 (20/08/2012):
- - Fixes for context, all elements returned as context (issue #84)
- - Reset position with leaveTransforms !== true fixes (issue #93)
- 0.95 (20/08/2012):
- - If target opacity == current opacity, pass back to jquery native to get callback firing (#94)
- 0.94 (20/08/2012):
- - Addresses Firefox callback mechanisms (issue #94)
- - using $.one() to bind to CSS callbacks in a more generic way
- 0.93 (6/8/2012):
- - Adding other Opera 'transitionend' event (re: issue #90)
- 0.92 (6/8/2012):
- - Seperate unbinds into different threads (re: issue #91)
- 0.91 (2/4/2012):
- - Merge Pull Request #74 - Unit Management
- 0.90 (7/3/2012):
- - Adding public $.toggleDisabledByDefault() feature to disable entire plugin by default (Issue #73)
- 0.89 (24/1/2012):
- - Adding 'avoidCSSTransitions' property. Set to true to disable entire plugin. (Issue #47)
- 0.88 (24/1/2012):
- - Fix Issue #67 for HighchartsJS compatibility
- 0.87 (24/1/2012):
- - Fix Issue #66 selfCSSData.original is undefined
- 0.86 (9/1/2012):
- - Strict JS fix for undefined variable
- 0.85 (20/12/2011):
- - Merge Pull request #57 from Kronuz
- - Codebase cleaned and now passes jshint.
- - Fixed a few bugs (it now saves and restores the original css transition properties).
- - fadeOut() is fixed, it wasn't restoring the opacity after hiding it.
- 0.80 (13/09/2011):
- - Issue #28 - Report $(el).is(':animated') fix
- 0.79 (06/09/2011):
- - Issue #42 - Right negative position animation: please see issue notes on Github.
- 0.78 (02/09/2011):
- - Issue #18 - jQuery/$ reference joys
- 0.77 (02/09/2011):
- - Adding feature on Github issue #44 - Use 3D Transitions by default
- 0.76 (28/06/2011):
- - Fixing issue #37 - fixed stop() method (with gotoEnd == false)
- 0.75 (15/06/2011):
- - Fixing issue #35 to pass actual object back as context for callback
- 0.74 (28/05/2011):
- - Fixing issue #29 to play nice with 1.6+
- 0.73 (05/03/2011):
- - Merged Pull Request #26: Fixed issue with fadeOut() / "hide" shortcut
- 0.72 (05/03/2011):
- - Merged Pull Request #23: Added Penner equation approximations from Matthew Lein's Ceaser, and added failsafe fallbacks
- 0.71 (05/03/2011):
- - Merged Pull Request #24: Changes translation object to integers instead of strings to fix relative values bug with leaveTransforms = true
- 0.70 (17/03/2011):
- - Merged Pull Request from amlw-nyt to add bottom/right handling
- 0.68 (15/02/2011):
- - width/height fixes & queue issues resolved.
- 0.67 (15/02/2011):
- - Code cleanups & file size improvements for compression.
- 0.66 (15/02/2011):
- - Zero second fadeOut(), fadeIn() fixes
- 0.65 (01/02/2011):
- - Callbacks with queue() support refactored to support element arrays
- 0.64 (27/01/2011):
- - BUGFIX #13: .slideUp(), .slideToggle(), .slideDown() bugfixes in Webkit
- 0.63 (12/01/2011):
- - BUGFIX #11: callbacks not firing when new value == old value
- 0.62 (10/01/2011):
- - BUGFIX #11: queue is not a function issue fixed
- 0.61 (10/01/2011):
- - BUGFIX #10: Negative positions converting to positive
- 0.60 (06/01/2011):
- - Animate function rewrite in accordance with new queue system
- - BUGFIX #8: Left/top position values always assumed relative rather than absolute
- - BUGFIX #9: animation as last item in a chain - the chain is ignored?
- - BUGFIX: width/height CSS3 transformation with left/top working
- 0.55 (22/12/2010):
- - isEmptyObject function for <jQuery 1.4 (requires 1.3.2)
- 0.54a (22/12/2010):
- - License changed to MIT (
- 0.54 (22/12/2010):
- - Removed silly check for 'jQuery UI' bailouts. Sorry.
- - Scoping issues fixed - Issue #4: $(this) should give you a reference to the selector being animated.. per jquery's core animation funciton.
- 0.53 (17/11/2010):
- - New $.translate() method to easily calculate current transformed translation
- - Repeater callback bug fix for leaveTransforms:true (was constantly appending properties)
- 0.52 (16/11/2010):
- - leaveTransforms: true bug fixes
- - 'Applying' user callback function to retain 'this' context
- 0.51 (08/11/2010):
- - Bailing out with jQuery UI. This is only so the plugin plays nice with others and is TEMPORARY.
- 0.50 (08/11/2010):
- - Support for $.fn.stop()
- - Fewer jQuery.fn entries to preserve namespace
- - All references $ converted to jQuery
- - jsDoc Toolkit style commenting for docs (coming soon)
- 0.49 (19/10/2010):
- - Handling of 'undefined' errors for secondary CSS objects
- - Support to enhance 'width' and 'height' properties (except shortcuts involving jQuery.fx.step, e.g slideToggle)
- - Bugfix: Positioning when using avoidTransforms: true (thanks Ralf Santbergen reports)
- - Bugfix: Callbacks and Scope issues
- 0.48 (13/10/2010):
- - Checks for 3d support before applying
- 0.47 (12/10/2010);
- - Compatible with .fadeIn(), .fadeOut()
- - Use shortcuts, no duration for jQuery default or "fast" and "slow"
- - Clean up callback event listeners on complete (preventing multiple callbacks)
- 0.46 (07/10/2010);
- - Compatible with .slideUp(), .slideDown(), .slideToggle()
- 0.45 (06/10/2010):
- - 'Zero' position bug fix (was originally translating by 0 zero pixels, i.e. no movement)
- 0.4 (05/10/2010):
- - Iterate over multiple elements and store transforms in per element
- - Include support for relative values (+= / -=)
- - Better unit sanitization
- - Performance tweaks
- - Fix for optional callback function (was required)
- - Applies data[translateX] and data[translateY] to elements for easy access
- - Added 'easeInOutQuint' easing function for CSS transitions (requires jQuery UI for JS anims)
- - Less need for leaveTransforms = true due to better position detections
- */
-(function(jQuery, originalAnimateMethod, originalStopMethod) {
- // ----------
- // Plugin variables
- // ----------
- var cssTransitionProperties = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left', 'opacity', 'height', 'width'],
- directions = ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'],
- cssPrefixes = ['-webkit-', '-moz-', '-o-', ''],
- pluginOptions = ['avoidTransforms', 'useTranslate3d', 'leaveTransforms'],
- rfxnum = /^([+-]=)?([\d+-.]+)(.*)$/,
- rupper = /([A-Z])/g,
- defaultEnhanceData = {
- secondary: {},
- meta: {
- top: 0,
- right: 0,
- bottom: 0,
- left: 0
- }
- },
- valUnit = 'px',
- DATA_KEY = 'jQe',
- CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN = 'cubic-bezier(',
- originalAnimatedFilter = null,
- pluginDisabledDefault = false;
- // ----------
- // Check if this browser supports CSS3 transitions
- // ----------
- var thisBody = document.body || document.documentElement,
- thisStyle =,
- transitionEndEvent = 'webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd transitionend',
- cssTransitionsSupported = thisStyle.WebkitTransition !== undefined || thisStyle.MozTransition !== undefined || thisStyle.OTransition !== undefined || thisStyle.transition !== undefined,
- has3D = ('WebKitCSSMatrix' in window && 'm11' in new WebKitCSSMatrix()),
- use3DByDefault = has3D;
- // ----------
- // Extended :animated filter
- // ----------
- if (jQuery.expr && jQuery.expr.filters) {
- originalAnimatedFilter = jQuery.expr.filters.animated;
- jQuery.expr.filters.animated = function(elem) {
- return jQuery(elem).data('events') && jQuery(elem).data('events')[transitionEndEvent] ? true :, elem);
- };
- }
- /**
- @private
- @name _getUnit
- @function
- @description Return unit value ("px", "%", "em" for re-use correct one when translating)
- @param {variant} [val] Target value
- */
- function _getUnit(val) {
- return val.match(/\D+$/);
- }
- /**
- @private
- @name _interpretValue
- @function
- @description Interpret value ("px", "+=" and "-=" sanitisation)
- @param {object} [element] The Element for current CSS analysis
- @param {variant} [val] Target value
- @param {string} [prop] The property we're looking at
- @param {boolean} [isTransform] Is this a CSS3 transform?
- */
- function _interpretValue(e, val, prop, isTransform) {
- // this is a nasty fix, but we check for prop == 'd' to see if we're dealing with SVG, and abort
- if (prop == "d") return;
- if (!_isValidElement(e)) return;
- var parts = rfxnum.exec(val),
- start = e.css(prop) === 'auto' ? 0 : e.css(prop),
- cleanCSSStart = typeof start == 'string' ? _cleanValue(start) : start,
- cleanTarget = typeof val == 'string' ? _cleanValue(val) : val,
- cleanStart = isTransform === true ? 0 : cleanCSSStart,
- hidden =':hidden'),
- translation = e.translation();
- if (prop == 'left') cleanStart = parseInt(cleanCSSStart, 10) + translation.x;
- if (prop == 'right') cleanStart = parseInt(cleanCSSStart, 10) + translation.x;
- if (prop == 'top') cleanStart = parseInt(cleanCSSStart, 10) + translation.y;
- if (prop == 'bottom') cleanStart = parseInt(cleanCSSStart, 10) + translation.y;
- // deal with shortcuts
- if (!parts && val == 'show') {
- cleanStart = 1;
- if (hidden) e.css({'display': (e.context.tagName == 'LI') ? 'list-item' : 'block', 'opacity': 0});
- } else if (!parts && val == "hide") {
- cleanStart = 0;
- }
- if (parts) {
- var end = parseFloat(parts[2]);
- // If a +=/-= token was provided, we're doing a relative animation
- if (parts[1]) end = ((parts[1] === '-=' ? -1 : 1) * end) + parseInt(cleanStart, 10);
- return end;
- } else {
- return cleanStart;
- }
- }
- /**
- @private
- @name _getTranslation
- @function
- @description Make a translate or translate3d string
- @param {integer} [x]
- @param {integer} [y]
- @param {boolean} [use3D] Use translate3d if available?
- */
- function _getTranslation(x, y, use3D) {
- return ((use3D === true || (use3DByDefault === true && use3D !== false)) && has3D) ? 'translate3d(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px, 0)' : 'translate(' + x + 'px,' + y + 'px)';
- }
- /**
- @private
- @name _applyCSSTransition
- @function
- @description Build up the CSS object
- @param {object} [e] Element
- @param {string} [property] Property we're dealing with
- @param {integer} [duration] Duration
- @param {string} [easing] Easing function
- @param {variant} [value] String/integer for target value
- @param {boolean} [isTransform] Is this a CSS transformation?
- @param {boolean} [isTranslatable] Is this a CSS translation?
- @param {boolean} [use3D] Use translate3d if available?
- */
- function _applyCSSTransition(e, property, duration, easing, value, isTransform, isTranslatable, use3D) {
- var eCSSData =,
- enhanceData = eCSSData && !_isEmptyObject(eCSSData) ? eCSSData : jQuery.extend(true, {}, defaultEnhanceData),
- offsetPosition = value,
- isDirection = jQuery.inArray(property, directions) > -1;
- if (isDirection) {
- var meta = enhanceData.meta,
- cleanPropertyValue = _cleanValue(e.css(property)) || 0,
- stashedProperty = property + '_o';
- offsetPosition = value - cleanPropertyValue;
- meta[property] = offsetPosition;
- meta[stashedProperty] = e.css(property) == 'auto' ? 0 + offsetPosition : cleanPropertyValue + offsetPosition || 0;
- enhanceData.meta = meta;
- // fix 0 issue (transition by 0 = nothing)
- if (isTranslatable && offsetPosition === 0) {
- offsetPosition = 0 - meta[stashedProperty];
- meta[property] = offsetPosition;
- meta[stashedProperty] = 0;
- }
- }
- // reapply data and return
- return, _applyCSSWithPrefix(e, enhanceData, property, duration, easing, offsetPosition, isTransform, isTranslatable, use3D));
- }
- /**
- @private
- @name _applyCSSWithPrefix
- @function
- @description Helper function to build up CSS properties using the various prefixes
- @param {object} [cssProperties] Current CSS object to merge with
- @param {string} [property]
- @param {integer} [duration]
- @param {string} [easing]
- @param {variant} [value]
- @param {boolean} [isTransform] Is this a CSS transformation?
- @param {boolean} [isTranslatable] Is this a CSS translation?
- @param {boolean} [use3D] Use translate3d if available?
- */
- function _applyCSSWithPrefix(e, cssProperties, property, duration, easing, value, isTransform, isTranslatable, use3D) {
- var saveOriginal = false,
- transform = isTransform === true && isTranslatable === true;
- cssProperties = cssProperties || {};
- if (!cssProperties.original) {
- cssProperties.original = {};
- saveOriginal = true;
- }
- = || {};
- cssProperties.secondary = cssProperties.secondary || {};
- var meta = cssProperties.meta,
- original = cssProperties.original,
- properties =,
- secondary = cssProperties.secondary;
- for (var i = cssPrefixes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var tp = cssPrefixes[i] + 'transition-property',
- td = cssPrefixes[i] + 'transition-duration',
- tf = cssPrefixes[i] + 'transition-timing-function';
- property = (transform ? cssPrefixes[i] + 'transform' : property);
- if (saveOriginal) {
- original[tp] = e.css(tp) || '';
- original[td] = e.css(td) || '';
- original[tf] = e.css(tf) || '';
- }
- secondary[property] = transform ? _getTranslation(meta.left,, use3D) : value;
- properties[tp] = (properties[tp] ? properties[tp] + ',' : '') + property;
- properties[td] = (properties[td] ? properties[td] + ',' : '') + duration + 'ms';
- properties[tf] = (properties[tf] ? properties[tf] + ',' : '') + easing;
- }
- return cssProperties;
- }
- /**
- @private
- @name _isBoxShortcut
- @function
- @description Shortcut to detect if we need to step away from slideToggle, CSS accelerated transitions (to come later with fx.step support)
- @param {object} [prop]
- */
- function _isBoxShortcut(prop) {
- for (var property in prop) {
- if ((property == 'width' || property == 'height') && (prop[property] == 'show' || prop[property] == 'hide' || prop[property] == 'toggle')) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- @private
- @name _isEmptyObject
- @function
- @description Check if object is empty (<1.4 compatibility)
- @param {object} [obj]
- */
- function _isEmptyObject(obj) {
- for (var i in obj) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- @private
- @name _cleanValue
- @function
- @description Remove 'px' and other artifacts
- @param {variant} [val]
- */
- function _cleanValue(val) {
- return parseFloat(val.replace(_getUnit(val), ''));
- }
- function _isValidElement(element) {
- var allValid = true;
- element.each(function(index, el) {
- allValid = allValid && el.ownerDocument;
- return allValid;
- });
- return allValid;
- }
- /**
- @private
- @name _appropriateProperty
- @function
- @description Function to check if property should be handled by plugin
- @param {string} [prop]
- @param {variant} [value]
- */
- function _appropriateProperty(prop, value, element) {
- if (!_isValidElement(element)) {
- return false;
- }
- var is = jQuery.inArray(prop, cssTransitionProperties) > -1;
- if ((prop == 'width' || prop == 'height' || prop == 'opacity') && (parseFloat(value) === parseFloat(element.css(prop)))) is = false;
- return is;
- }
- jQuery.extend({
- /**
- @public
- @name toggle3DByDefault
- @function
- @description Toggle for plugin settings to automatically use translate3d (where available). Usage: $.toggle3DByDefault
- */
- toggle3DByDefault: function() {
- return use3DByDefault = !use3DByDefault;
- },
- /**
- @public
- @name toggleEnabledByDefault
- @function
- @description Toggle the plugin to be disabled by default (can be overridden per animation with avoidCSSTransitions)
- */
- toggleDisabledByDefault: function() {
- return pluginDisabledDefault = !pluginDisabledDefault;
- }
- });
- /**
- @public
- @name translation
- @function
- @description Get current X and Y translations
- */
- jQuery.fn.translation = function() {
- if (!this[0]) {
- return null;
- }
- var elem = this[0],
- cStyle = window.getComputedStyle(elem, null),
- translation = {
- x: 0,
- y: 0
- };
- if (cStyle) {
- for (var i = cssPrefixes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- var transform = cStyle.getPropertyValue(cssPrefixes[i] + 'transform');
- if (transform && (/matrix/i).test(transform)) {
- var explodedMatrix = transform.replace(/^matrix\(/i, '').split(/, |\)$/g);
- translation = {
- x: parseInt(explodedMatrix[4], 10),
- y: parseInt(explodedMatrix[5], 10)
- };
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return translation;
- };
- /**
- @public
- @name jQuery.fn.animate
- @function
- @description The enhanced jQuery.animate function
- @param {string} [property]
- @param {string} [speed]
- @param {string} [easing]
- @param {function} [callback]
- */
- jQuery.fn.animate = function(prop, speed, easing, callback) {
- prop = prop || {};
- var isTranslatable = !(typeof prop['bottom'] !== 'undefined' || typeof prop['right'] !== 'undefined'),
- optall = jQuery.speed(speed, easing, callback),
- elements = this,
- callbackQueue = 0,
- propertyCallback = function() {
- callbackQueue--;
- if (callbackQueue === 0) {
- // we're done, trigger the user callback
- if (typeof optall.complete === 'function') {
- optall.complete.apply(elements, arguments);
- }
- }
- },
- bypassPlugin = (typeof prop['avoidCSSTransitions'] !== 'undefined') ? prop['avoidCSSTransitions'] : pluginDisabledDefault;
- if (bypassPlugin === true || !cssTransitionsSupported || _isEmptyObject(prop) || _isBoxShortcut(prop) || optall.duration <= 0 || (jQuery.fn.animate.defaults.avoidTransforms === true && prop['avoidTransforms'] !== false)) {
- return originalAnimateMethod.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- return this[ optall.queue === true ? 'queue' : 'each' ](function() {
- var self = jQuery(this),
- opt = jQuery.extend({}, optall),
- cssCallback = function(e) {
- var selfCSSData = || { original: {} },
- restore = {};
- if (e.eventPhase != 2) // not at dispatching target (thanks @warappa issue #58)
- return;
- // convert translations to left & top for layout
- if (prop.leaveTransforms !== true) {
- for (var i = cssPrefixes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- restore[cssPrefixes[i] + 'transform'] = '';
- }
- if (isTranslatable && typeof selfCSSData.meta !== 'undefined') {
- for (var j = 0, dir; (dir = directions[j]); ++j) {
- restore[dir] = selfCSSData.meta[dir + '_o'] + valUnit;
- jQuery(this).css(dir, restore[dir]);
- }
- }
- }
- // remove transition timing functions
- self.
- unbind(transitionEndEvent).
- css(selfCSSData.original).
- css(restore).
- data(DATA_KEY, null);
- // if we used the fadeOut shortcut make sure elements are display:none
- if (prop.opacity === 'hide') {
- self.css({'display': 'none', 'opacity': ''});
- }
- // run the main callback function
- },
- easings = {
- bounce: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.0, 0.35, .5, 1.3' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- linear: 'linear',
- swing: 'ease-in-out',
- // Penner equation approximations from Matthew Lein's Ceaser:
- easeInQuad: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.550, 0.085, 0.680, 0.530' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInCubic: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.550, 0.055, 0.675, 0.190' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInQuart: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.895, 0.030, 0.685, 0.220' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInQuint: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.755, 0.050, 0.855, 0.060' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInSine: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.470, 0.000, 0.745, 0.715' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInExpo: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.950, 0.050, 0.795, 0.035' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInCirc: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.600, 0.040, 0.980, 0.335' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInBack: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.600, -0.280, 0.735, 0.045' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeOutQuad: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeOutCubic: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1.000' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeOutQuart: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.165, 0.840, 0.440, 1.000' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeOutQuint: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.230, 1.000, 0.320, 1.000' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeOutSine: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.390, 0.575, 0.565, 1.000' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeOutExpo: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.190, 1.000, 0.220, 1.000' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeOutCirc: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.075, 0.820, 0.165, 1.000' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeOutBack: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.175, 0.885, 0.320, 1.275' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInOutQuad: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.455, 0.030, 0.515, 0.955' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInOutCubic: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1.000' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInOutQuart: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInOutQuint: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.860, 0.000, 0.070, 1.000' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInOutSine: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.445, 0.050, 0.550, 0.950' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInOutExpo: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInOutCirc: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.785, 0.135, 0.150, 0.860' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE,
- easeInOutBack: CUBIC_BEZIER_OPEN + '0.680, -0.550, 0.265, 1.550' + CUBIC_BEZIER_CLOSE
- },
- domProperties = {},
- cssEasing = easings[opt.easing || 'swing'] ? easings[opt.easing || 'swing'] : opt.easing || 'swing';
- // seperate out the properties for the relevant animation functions
- for (var p in prop) {
- if (jQuery.inArray(p, pluginOptions) === -1) {
- var isDirection = jQuery.inArray(p, directions) > -1,
- cleanVal = _interpretValue(self, prop[p], p, (isDirection && prop.avoidTransforms !== true));
- if (prop.avoidTransforms !== true && _appropriateProperty(p, cleanVal, self)) {
- _applyCSSTransition(
- self,
- p,
- opt.duration,
- cssEasing,
- isDirection && prop.avoidTransforms === true ? cleanVal + valUnit : cleanVal,
- isDirection && prop.avoidTransforms !== true,
- isTranslatable,
- prop.useTranslate3d === true);
- }
- else {
- domProperties[p] = prop[p];
- }
- }
- }
- self.unbind(transitionEndEvent);
- var selfCSSData =;
- if (selfCSSData && !_isEmptyObject(selfCSSData) && !_isEmptyObject(selfCSSData.secondary)) {
- callbackQueue++;
- self.css(;
- // store in a var to avoid any timing issues, depending on animation duration
- var secondary = selfCSSData.secondary;
- // has to be done in a timeout to ensure transition properties are set
- setTimeout(function() {
- self.bind(transitionEndEvent, cssCallback).css(secondary);
- });
- }
- else {
- // it won't get fired otherwise
- opt.queue = false;
- }
- // fire up DOM based animations
- if (!_isEmptyObject(domProperties)) {
- callbackQueue++;
- originalAnimateMethod.apply(self, [domProperties, {
- duration: opt.duration,
- easing: jQuery.easing[opt.easing] ? opt.easing : (jQuery.easing.swing ? 'swing' : 'linear'),
- complete: propertyCallback,
- queue: opt.queue
- }]);
- }
- // strict JS compliance
- return true;
- });
- };
- jQuery.fn.animate.defaults = {};
- /**
- @public
- @name jQuery.fn.stop
- @function
- @description The enhanced jQuery.stop function (resets transforms to left/top)
- @param {boolean} [clearQueue]
- @param {boolean} [gotoEnd]
- @param {boolean} [leaveTransforms] Leave transforms/translations as they are? Default: false (reset translations to calculated explicit left/top props)
- */
- jQuery.fn.stop = function(clearQueue, gotoEnd, leaveTransforms) {
- if (!cssTransitionsSupported) return originalStopMethod.apply(this, [clearQueue, gotoEnd]);
- // clear the queue?
- if (clearQueue) this.queue([]);
- // route to appropriate stop methods
- this.each(function() {
- var self = jQuery(this),
- selfCSSData =;
- // is this a CSS transition?
- if (selfCSSData && !_isEmptyObject(selfCSSData)) {
- var i, restore = {};
- if (gotoEnd) {
- // grab end state properties
- restore = selfCSSData.secondary;
- if (!leaveTransforms && typeof selfCSSData.meta['left_o'] !== undefined || typeof selfCSSData.meta['top_o'] !== undefined) {
- restore['left'] = typeof selfCSSData.meta['left_o'] !== undefined ? selfCSSData.meta['left_o'] : 'auto';
- restore['top'] = typeof selfCSSData.meta['top_o'] !== undefined ? selfCSSData.meta['top_o'] : 'auto';
- // remove the transformations
- for (i = cssPrefixes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- restore[cssPrefixes[i] + 'transform'] = '';
- }
- }
- } else if (!_isEmptyObject(selfCSSData.secondary)) {
- var cStyle = window.getComputedStyle(self[0], null);
- if (cStyle) {
- // grab current properties
- for (var prop in selfCSSData.secondary) {
- if (selfCSSData.secondary.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
- prop = prop.replace(rupper, '-$1').toLowerCase();
- restore[prop] = cStyle.getPropertyValue(prop);
- // is this a matrix property? extract left and top and apply
- if (!leaveTransforms && (/matrix/i).test(restore[prop])) {
- var explodedMatrix = restore[prop].replace(/^matrix\(/i, '').split(/, |\)$/g);
- // apply the explicit left/top props
- restore['left'] = (parseFloat(explodedMatrix[4]) + parseFloat(self.css('left')) + valUnit) || 'auto';
- restore['top'] = (parseFloat(explodedMatrix[5]) + parseFloat(self.css('top')) + valUnit) || 'auto';
- // remove the transformations
- for (i = cssPrefixes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- restore[cssPrefixes[i] + 'transform'] = '';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove transition timing functions
- // Moving to seperate thread (re: Animation reverts when finished in Android - issue #91)
- self.unbind(transitionEndEvent);
- self.
- css(selfCSSData.original).
- css(restore).
- data(DATA_KEY, null);
- }
- else {
- // dom transition
- originalStopMethod.apply(self, [clearQueue, gotoEnd]);
- }
- });
- return this;
- };
-})(jQuery, jQuery.fn.animate, jQuery.fn.stop);