path: root/module/plugins/internal
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'module/plugins/internal')
29 files changed, 3115 insertions, 1540 deletions
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2713e8da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import copy
+import random
+import time
+import threading
+import traceback
+from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import Plugin
+from module.utils import compare_time, lock, parseFileSize as parse_size
+class Account(Plugin):
+ __name__ = "Account"
+ __type__ = "account"
+ __version__ = "0.17"
+ __status__ = "testing"
+ __description__ = """Base account plugin"""
+ __license__ = "GPLv3"
+ __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
+ LOGIN_TIMEOUT = 10 * 60 #: After that time (in minutes) pyload will relogin the account
+ INFO_THRESHOLD = 30 * 60 #: After that time (in minutes) account data will be reloaded
+ def __init__(self, manager, accounts):
+ self._init(manager.core)
+ self.lock = threading.RLock()
+ self.accounts = accounts #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ self.init()
+ self.init_accounts(accounts)
+ def init(self):
+ """
+ Initialize additional data structures
+ """
+ pass
+ def login(self, user, password, data, req):
+ """
+ Login into account, the cookies will be saved so user can be recognized
+ """
+ pass
+ @lock
+ def _login(self, user):
+ try:
+ info =[user]
+ info['login']['timestamp'] = time.time() #: Set timestamp for login
+ self.req = self.get_request(user)
+ self.login(user, info['login']['password'], info['data'], self.req)
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.log_warning(_("Could not login user `%s`") % user, e)
+ res = info['login']['valid'] = False
+ self.accounts[user]['valid'] = False #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ if self.pyload.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ else:
+ res = info['login']['valid'] = True
+ self.accounts[user]['valid'] = True #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ finally:
+ self.clean()
+ return res
+ def relogin(self, user):
+ self.log_info(_("Relogin user `%s`...") % user)
+ req = self.get_request(user)
+ if req:
+ req.clearCookies()
+ self.clean()
+ return self._login(user)
+ #@TODO: Rewrite in 0.4.10
+ def init_accounts(self, accounts):
+ for user, data in accounts.items():
+ self.add(user, data['password'], data['options'])
+ @lock
+ def add(self, user, password=None, options={}):
+ if user not in
+[user] = {'login': {'valid' : None,
+ 'password' : password or "",
+ 'timestamp': 0},
+ 'data' : {'options' : options,
+ 'premium' : None,
+ 'validuntil' : None,
+ 'trafficleft': None,
+ 'maxtraffic' : None}}
+ #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ self.accounts[user] =[user]['data']
+ self.accounts[user].update({'login' : user,
+ 'type' : self.__name__,
+ 'valid' :[user]['login']['valid'],
+ 'password':[user]['login']['password']})
+ self.log_info(_("Login user `%s`...") % user)
+ self._login(user)
+ return True
+ else:
+ self.log_error(_("Error adding user `%s`") % user, _("User already exists"))
+ @lock
+ def update(self, user, password=None, options={}):
+ """
+ Updates account and return true if anything changed
+ """
+ if not (password or options):
+ return
+ if user not in
+ return self.add(user, password, options)
+ else:
+ if password:
+[user]['login']['password'] = password
+ self.accounts[user]['password'] = password #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ self.relogin(user)
+ if options:
+ before =[user]['data']['options']
+ return[user]['data']['options'] != before
+ return True
+ #: Deprecated method, use `update` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def updateAccounts(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.update(*args, **kwargs)
+ def remove(self, user=None): # -> def remove
+ if not user:
+ self.accounts.clear() #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ elif user in
+, None)
+ self.accounts.pop(user, None) #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ #: Deprecated method, use `remove` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def removeAccount(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.remove(*args, **kwargs)
+ #@NOTE: Remove in 0.4.10?
+ def get_data(self, user, reload=False):
+ if not user:
+ return
+ info = self.get_info(user, reload)
+ if info and 'data' in info:
+ return info['data']
+ #: Deprecated method, use `get_data` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def getAccountData(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if 'force' in kwargs:
+ kwargs['reload'] = kwargs['force']
+ kwargs.pop('force', None)
+ data = self.get_data(*args, **kwargs) or {}
+ if 'options' not in data:
+ data['options'] = {'limitdl': ['0']}
+ return data
+ def get_info(self, user, reload=False):
+ """
+ Retrieve account infos for an user, do **not** overwrite this method!\\
+ just use it to retrieve infos in hoster plugins. see `parse_info`
+ :param user: username
+ :param reload: reloads cached account information
+ :return: dictionary with information
+ """
+ if user not in
+ self.log_error(_("User `%s` not found while retrieving account info") % user)
+ return
+ elif reload:
+ self.log_info(_("Parsing account info for user `%s`...") % user)
+ info = self._parse_info(user)
+ safe_info = copy.deepcopy(info)
+ safe_info['login']['password'] = "**********"
+ safe_info['data']['password'] = "**********" #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ self.log_debug("Account info for user `%s`: %s" % (user, safe_info))
+ elif self.INFO_THRESHOLD > 0 and[user]['login']['timestamp'] + self.INFO_THRESHOLD < time.time():
+ self.log_debug("Reached data timeout for %s" % user)
+ info = self.get_info(user, True)
+ else:
+ info =[user]
+ return info
+ def is_premium(self, user):
+ if not user:
+ return False
+ info = self.get_info(user)
+ return info['data']['premium']
+ def _parse_info(self, user):
+ info =[user]
+ if not info['login']['valid']:
+ return info
+ try:
+ self.req = self.get_request(user)
+ extra_info = self.parse_info(user, info['login']['password'], info, self.req)
+ if extra_info and isinstance(extra_info, dict):
+ info['data'].update(extra_info)
+ except (Fail, Exception), e:
+ self.log_warning(_("Error loading info for user `%s`") % user, e)
+ if self.pyload.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ finally:
+ self.clean()
+ return info
+ def parse_info(self, user, password, info, req):
+ """
+ This should be overwritten in account plugin
+ and retrieving account information for user
+ :param user:
+ :param req: `Request` instance
+ :return:
+ """
+ pass
+ #: Remove in 0.4.10
+ def getAllAccounts(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return [self.getAccountData(user, *args, **kwargs) for user, info in]
+ def login_fail(self, reason=_("Login handshake has failed")):
+ return
+ def get_request(self, user=None):
+ if not user:
+ user, info =
+ return self.pyload.requestFactory.getRequest(self.__name__, user)
+ def get_cookies(self, user=None):
+ if not user:
+ user, info =
+ return self.pyload.requestFactory.getCookieJar(self.__name__, user)
+ def select(self):
+ """
+ Returns a valid account name and info
+ """
+ free_accounts = {}
+ premium_accounts = {}
+ for user, info in
+ if not info['login']['valid']:
+ continue
+ data = info['data']
+ if "time" in data['options'] and data['options']['time']:
+ time_data = ""
+ try:
+ time_data = data['options']['time'][0]
+ start, end = time_data.split("-")
+ if not compare_time(start.split(":"), end.split(":")):
+ continue
+ except Exception:
+ self.log_warning(_("Wrong time format `%s` for account `%s`, use 1:22-3:44") % (user, time_data))
+ if data['trafficleft'] == 0:
+ continue
+ if time.time() > data['validuntil'] > 0:
+ continue
+ if data['premium']:
+ premium_accounts[user] = info
+ else:
+ free_accounts[user] = info
+ account_list = (premium_accounts or free_accounts).items()
+ if not account_list:
+ return None, None
+ validuntil_list = [(user, info) for user, info in account_list if info['data']['validuntil']]
+ if not validuntil_list:
+ return random.choice(account_list) #@TODO: Random account?! Recheck in 0.4.10
+ return sorted(validuntil_list,
+ key=lambda a: a[1]['data']['validuntil'],
+ reverse=True)[0]
+ def parse_traffic(self, value, unit=None): #: Return kilobytes
+ if not unit and not isinstance(value, basestring):
+ unit = "KB"
+ return parse_size(value, unit)
+ def empty(self, user):
+ if user not in
+ return
+ self.log_warning(_("Account `%s` has not enough traffic") % user, _("Checking again in 30 minutes"))
+[user]['data']['trafficleft'] = 0
+ self.schedule_refresh(user, 30 * 60)
+ def expired(self, user):
+ if user not in
+ return
+ self.log_warning(_("Account `%s` is expired") % user, _("Checking again in 60 minutes"))
+[user]['data']['validuntil'] = time.time() - 1
+ self.schedule_refresh(user, 60 * 60)
+ def schedule_refresh(self, user, time=0):
+ """
+ Add task to refresh account info to sheduler
+ """
+ self.log_debug("Scheduled refresh for user `%s` in %s seconds" % (user, time))
+ self.pyload.scheduler.addJob(time, self.get_info, [user, True])
+ #: Deprecated method, use `schedule_refresh` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def scheduleRefresh(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if 'force' in kwargs:
+ kwargs.pop('force', None) #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
+ return self.schedule_refresh(*args, **kwargs)
+ @lock
+ def is_logged(self, user, relogin=False):
+ """
+ Checks if user is still logged in
+ """
+ if user in
+ if self.LOGIN_TIMEOUT > 0 and[user]['login']['timestamp'] + self.LOGIN_TIMEOUT < time.time():
+ self.log_debug("Reached login timeout for %s" % user)
+ return self.relogin(user) if relogin else False
+ else:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
deleted file mode 100644
index a9c194dda..000000000
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import re
-from module.common.json_layer import json_loads
-from module.plugins.internal.Captcha import Captcha
-class AdYouLike(Captcha):
- __name__ = "AdYouLike"
- __type__ = "captcha"
- __version__ = "0.06"
- __description__ = """AdYouLike captcha service plugin"""
- __license__ = "GPLv3"
- __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
- AYL_PATTERN = r'Adyoulike\.create\s*\((.+?)\)'
- CALLBACK_PATTERN = r'(Adyoulike\.g\._jsonp_\d+)'
- def detect_key(self, html=None):
- html = html or self.retrieve_html()
- m =, html)
- n =, html)
- if m and n:
- self.key = (,
- self.logDebug("Ayl: %s | Callback: %s" % self.key)
- return self.key #: key is the tuple(ayl, callback)
- else:
- self.logWarning("Ayl or callback pattern not found")
- return None
- def challenge(self, key=None, html=None):
- ayl, callback = key or self.retrieve_key(html)
- # {"adyoulike":{"key":"P~zQ~O0zV0WTiAzC-iw0navWQpCLoYEP"},
- # "all":{"element_id":"ayl_private_cap_92300","lang":"fr","env":"prod"}}
- ayl = json_loads(ayl)
- html = self.plugin.req.load("",
- get={'key' : ayl['adyoulike']['key'],
- 'env' : ayl['all']['env'],
- 'callback': callback})
- try:
- challenge = json_loads( + r'\s*\((.+?)\)', html).group(1))
- except AttributeError:
-"AdYouLike challenge pattern not found"))
- self.logDebug("Challenge: %s" % challenge)
- return self.result(ayl, challenge), challenge
- def result(self, server, challenge):
- # Adyoulike.g._jsonp_5579316662423138
- # ({"translations":{"fr":{"instructions_visual":"Recopiez « Soonnight » ci-dessous :"}},
- # "site_under":true,"clickable":true,"pixels":{"VIDEO_050":[],"DISPLAY":[],"VIDEO_000":[],"VIDEO_100":[],
- # "VIDEO_025":[],"VIDEO_075":[]},"medium_type":"image/adyoulike",
- # "iframes":{"big":"<iframe src=\"\" scrolling=\"no\"
- # height=\"250\" width=\"300\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe>"},"shares":{},"id":256,
- # "token":"e6QuI4aRSnbIZJg02IsV6cp4JQ9~MjA1","formats":{"small":{"y":300,"x":0,"w":300,"h":60},
- # "big":{"y":0,"x":0,"w":300,"h":250},"hover":{"y":440,"x":0,"w":300,"h":60}},
- # "tid":"SqwuAdxT1EZoi4B5q0T63LN2AkiCJBg5"})
- if isinstance(server, basestring):
- server = json_loads(server)
- if isinstance(challenge, basestring):
- challenge = json_loads(challenge)
- try:
- instructions_visual = challenge['translations'][server['all']['lang']]['instructions_visual']
- result ='«(.+?)»', instructions_visual).group(1).strip()
- except AttributeError:
-"AdYouLike result not found"))
- result = {'_ayl_captcha_engine' : "adyoulike",
- '_ayl_env' : server['all']['env'],
- '_ayl_tid' : challenge['tid'],
- '_ayl_token_challenge': challenge['token'],
- '_ayl_response' : response}
- self.logDebug("Result: %s" % result)
- return result
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45ca98eac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import traceback
+from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import Plugin
+class Expose(object):
+ """
+ Used for decoration to declare rpc services
+ """
+ def __new__(cls, f, *args, **kwargs):
+ hookManager.addRPC(f.__module__, f.func_name, f.func_doc)
+ return f
+def threaded(fn):
+ def run(*args, **kwargs):
+ hookManager.startThread(fn, *args, **kwargs)
+ return run
+class Addon(Plugin):
+ __name__ = "Addon"
+ __type__ = "hook" #@TODO: Change to `addon` in 0.4.10
+ __version__ = "0.04"
+ __status__ = "testing"
+ __config__ = [] #: [("name", "type", "desc", "default")]
+ __threaded__ = [] #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ __description__ = """Base addon plugin"""
+ __license__ = "GPLv3"
+ __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
+ def __init__(self, core, manager):
+ self._init(core)
+ #: `HookManager`
+ self.manager = manager
+ #: Automatically register event listeners for functions, attribute will be deleted dont use it yourself
+ self.event_map = {}
+ #: Deprecated alternative to event_map
+ #: List of events the plugin can handle, name the functions exactly like eventname.
+ self.event_list = [] #@NOTE: dont make duplicate entries in event_map
+ #: Callback of periodical job task, used by HookManager
+ self.cb = None
+ self.interval = 60
+ self.init()
+ self.init_events()
+ def init_events(self):
+ if self.event_map:
+ for event, funcs in self.event_map.items():
+ if type(funcs) in (list, tuple):
+ for f in funcs:
+ self.manager.addEvent(event, getattr(self, f))
+ else:
+ self.manager.addEvent(event, getattr(self, funcs))
+ #: Delete for various reasons
+ self.event_map = None
+ if self.event_list:
+ self.log_debug("Deprecated method `event_list`, use `event_map` instead")
+ for f in self.event_list:
+ self.manager.addEvent(f, getattr(self, f))
+ self.event_list = None
+ def init_periodical(self, delay=0, threaded=False):
+ self.cb = self.pyload.scheduler.addJob(max(0, delay), self._periodical, [threaded], threaded=threaded)
+ #: Deprecated method, use `init_periodical` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def initPeriodical(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.init_periodical(*args, **kwargs)
+ def _periodical(self, threaded):
+ if self.interval < 0:
+ self.cb = None
+ return
+ try:
+ self.periodical()
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.log_error(_("Error executing periodical task: %s") % e)
+ if self.pyload.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.cb = self.pyload.scheduler.addJob(self.interval, self._periodical, [threaded], threaded=threaded)
+ def periodical(self):
+ pass
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Addon %s>" % self.__name__
+ def is_activated(self):
+ """
+ Checks if addon is activated
+ """
+ return self.get_config("activated")
+ #: Deprecated method, use `is_activated` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def isActivated(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.is_activated(*args, **kwargs)
+ def deactivate(self):
+ """
+ Called when addon was deactivated
+ """
+ pass
+ #: Deprecated method, use `deactivate` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def unload(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.deactivate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def activate(self):
+ """
+ Called when addon was activated
+ """
+ pass
+ #: Deprecated method, use `activate` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def coreReady(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.activate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def exit(self):
+ """
+ Called by core.shutdown just before pyLoad exit
+ """
+ pass
+ #: Deprecated method, use `exit` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def coreExiting(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.unload(*args, **kwargs) #@TODO: Fix in 0.4.10
+ return self.exit(*args, **kwargs)
+ def download_preparing(self, pyfile):
+ pass
+ #: Deprecated method, use `download_preparing` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def downloadPreparing(self, pyfile):
+ if pyfile.plugin.req is not None: #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ return self.download_preparing(pyfile)
+ def download_finished(self, pyfile):
+ pass
+ #: Deprecated method, use `download_finished` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def downloadFinished(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.download_finished(*args, **kwargs)
+ def download_failed(self, pyfile):
+ pass
+ #: Deprecated method, use `download_failed` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def downloadFailed(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.download_failed(*args, **kwargs)
+ def package_finished(self, pypack):
+ pass
+ #: Deprecated method, use `package_finished` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def packageFinished(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.package_finished(*args, **kwargs)
+ def before_reconnect(self, ip):
+ pass
+ #: Deprecated method, use `before_reconnect` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def beforeReconnecting(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.before_reconnect(*args, **kwargs)
+ def after_reconnect(self, ip, oldip):
+ pass
+ #: Deprecated method, use `after_reconnect` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def afterReconnecting(self, ip):
+ return self.after_reconnect(ip, None)
+ def captcha_task(self, task):
+ """
+ New captcha task for the plugin, it MUST set the handler and timeout or will be ignored
+ """
+ pass
+ #: Deprecated method, use `captcha_task` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def newCaptchaTask(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.captcha_task(*args, **kwargs)
+ def captcha_correct(self, task):
+ pass
+ #: Deprecated method, use `captcha_correct` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def captchaCorrect(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.captcha_correct(*args, **kwargs)
+ def captcha_invalid(self, task):
+ pass
+ #: Deprecated method, use `captcha_invalid` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def captchaInvalid(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.captcha_invalid(*args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cab99151..000000000
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import random
-import re
-from module.plugins.internal.Captcha import Captcha
-class AdsCaptcha(Captcha):
- __name__ = "AdsCaptcha"
- __type__ = "captcha"
- __version__ = "0.09"
- __description__ = """AdsCaptcha captcha service plugin"""
- __license__ = "GPLv3"
- __authors__ = [("pyLoad Team", "")]
- CAPTCHAID_PATTERN = r'api\.adscaptcha\.com/Get\.aspx\?.*?CaptchaId=(\d+)'
- PUBLICKEY_PATTERN = r'api\.adscaptcha\.com/Get\.aspx\?.*?PublicKey=([\w-]+)'
- def detect_key(self, html=None):
- html = html or self.retrieve_html()
- m =, html)
- n =, html)
- if m and n:
- self.key = (, #: key is the tuple(PublicKey, CaptchaId)
- self.logDebug("Key: %s | ID: %s" % self.key)
- return self.key
- else:
- self.logWarning("Key or id pattern not found")
- return None
- def challenge(self, key=None, html=None):
- PublicKey, CaptchaId = key or self.retrieve_key(html)
- html = self.plugin.req.load("",
- get={'CaptchaId': CaptchaId,
- 'PublicKey': PublicKey})
- try:
- challenge ="challenge: '(.+?)',", html).group(1)
- server ="server: '(.+?)',", html).group(1)
- except AttributeError:
-"AdsCaptcha challenge pattern not found"))
- self.logDebug("Challenge: %s" % challenge)
- return self.result(server, challenge), challenge
- def result(self, server, challenge):
- result = self.plugin.decryptCaptcha("%sChallenge.aspx" % server,
- get={'cid': challenge, 'dummy': random.random()},
- cookies=True,
- imgtype="jpg")
- self.logDebug("Result: %s" % result)
- return result
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index b4af46493..c08050ee8 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -1,56 +1,141 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from module.plugins.Plugin import Base
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import os
+import time
+import traceback
-#@TODO: Extend (new) Plugin class; remove all `html` args
-class Captcha(Base):
+from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import Plugin
+class Captcha(Plugin):
__name__ = "Captcha"
__type__ = "captcha"
- __version__ = "0.29"
+ __version__ = "0.42"
+ __status__ = "testing"
- __description__ = """Base captcha service plugin"""
+ __description__ = """Base anti-captcha plugin"""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
- __authors__ = [("pyLoad Team", "")]
+ __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
- key = None #: last key detected
+ def __init__(self, plugin): #@TODO: Pass pyfile instead plugin, so store plugin's html in its associated pyfile as data
+ self._init(plugin.pyload)
- def __init__(self, plugin):
self.plugin = plugin
- super(Captcha, self).__init__(plugin.core)
+ self.task = None #: captchaManager task
+ self.init()
+ def init(self):
+ """
+ Initialize additional data structures
+ """
+ pass
+ def _log(self, level, plugintype, pluginname, messages):
+ return self.plugin._log(level,
+ plugintype,
+ self.plugin.__name__,
+ (self.__name__,) + messages)
+ def recognize(self, image):
+ """
+ Extend to build your custom anti-captcha ocr
+ """
+ pass
+ def decrypt(self, url, get={}, post={}, ref=False, cookies=False, decode=False,
+ input_type='jpg', output_type='textual', ocr=True, timeout=120):
+ img = self.load(url, get=get, post=post, ref=ref, cookies=cookies, decode=decode)
+ return self._decrypt(img, input_type, output_type, ocr, timeout)
+ #@TODO: Definitely choose a better name for this method!
+ def _decrypt(self, raw, input_type='jpg', output_type='textual', ocr=False, timeout=120):
+ """
+ Loads a captcha and decrypts it with ocr, plugin, user input
+ :param raw: image raw data
+ :param get: get part for request
+ :param post: post part for request
+ :param cookies: True if cookies should be enabled
+ :param input_type: Type of the Image
+ :param output_type: 'textual' if text is written on the captcha\
+ or 'positional' for captcha where the user have to click\
+ on a specific region on the captcha
+ :param ocr: if True, ocr is not used
+ :return: result of decrypting
+ """
+ result = ""
+ time_ref = ("%.2f" % time.time())[-6:].replace(".", "")
+ with open(os.path.join("tmp", "captcha_image_%s_%s.%s" % (self.plugin.__name__, time_ref, input_type)), "wb") as tmp_img:
+ tmp_img.write(raw)
+ if ocr:
+ if isinstance(ocr, basestring):
+ OCR = self.pyload.pluginManager.loadClass("captcha", ocr) #: Rename `captcha` to `ocr` in 0.4.10
+ result = OCR(self.plugin).recognize(
+ else:
+ result = self.recognize(
+ if not result:
+ captchaManager = self.pyload.captchaManager
+ try:
+ self.task = captchaManager.newTask(raw, input_type,, output_type)
+ captchaManager.handleCaptcha(self.task)
+ self.task.setWaiting(max(timeout, 50)) #@TODO: Move to `CaptchaManager` in 0.4.10
+ while self.task.isWaiting():
+ if self.plugin.pyfile.abort:
+ self.plugin.abort()
+ time.sleep(1)
+ finally:
+ captchaManager.removeTask(self.task)
+ if self.task.error:
+ elif not self.task.result:
+ self.invalid()
+ self.plugin.retry(reason=_("No captcha result obtained in appropiate time"))
- #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
- def fail(self, reason):
- raise AttributeError(reason)
+ result = self.task.result
+ if not self.pyload.debug:
+ try:
+ os.remove(
- #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
- def retrieve_key(self, html):
- if self.detect_key(html):
- return self.key
- else:
-"%s key not found") % self.__name__)
+ except OSError, e:
+ self.log_warning(_("Error removing: %s") %, e)
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ self.log_info(_("Captcha result: ") + result) #@TODO: Remove from here?
- #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
- def retrieve_html(self):
- if hasattr(self.plugin, "html") and self.plugin.html:
- return self.plugin.html
- else:
-"%s html not found") % self.__name__)
+ return result
- def detect_key(self, html=None):
- raise NotImplementedError
+ def invalid(self):
+ if not self.task:
+ return
+ self.log_error(_("Invalid captcha"))
+ self.task.invalid()
- def challenge(self, key=None, html=None):
- raise NotImplementedError
+ def correct(self):
+ if not self.task:
+ return
- def result(self, server, challenge):
- raise NotImplementedError
+ self.log_info(_("Correct captcha"))
+ self.task.correct()
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20dc60427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from module.plugins.internal.Captcha import Captcha
+class CaptchaService(Captcha):
+ __name__ = "CaptchaService"
+ __type__ = "captcha"
+ __version__ = "0.32"
+ __status__ = "testing"
+ __description__ = """Base anti-captcha service plugin"""
+ __license__ = "GPLv3"
+ __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
+ def init(self):
+ self.key = None #: Last key detected
+ #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
+ def retrieve_key(self, data):
+ if self.detect_key(data):
+ return self.key
+ else:
+"%s key not found") % self.__name__)
+ #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10, html is now
+ def retrieve_data(self):
+ if hasattr(self.plugin, "html") and self.plugin.html:
+ return self.plugin.html
+ else:
+"%s data not found") % self.__name__)
+ def detect_key(self, data=None):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def challenge(self, key=None, data=None):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def result(self, server, challenge):
+ raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..729592a0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import os
+import re
+import traceback
+from module.plugins.internal.Crypter import Crypter
+from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import exists
+from module.utils import save_join as fs_join
+class Container(Crypter):
+ __name__ = "Container"
+ __type__ = "container"
+ __version__ = "0.06"
+ __status__ = "testing"
+ __pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
+ __config__ = [] #: [("name", "type", "desc", "default")]
+ __description__ = """Base container decrypter plugin"""
+ __license__ = "GPLv3"
+ __authors__ = [("mkaay", "")]
+ def process(self, pyfile):
+ """
+ Main method
+ """
+ self._load2disk()
+ self.decrypt(pyfile)
+ self.delete_tmp()
+ if self.urls:
+ self._generate_packages()
+ elif not self.packages:
+ self.error(_("No link grabbed"), "decrypt")
+ self._create_packages()
+ #: Deprecated method, use `_load2disk` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def loadToDisk(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self._load2disk(*args, **kwargs)
+ def _load2disk(self):
+ """
+ Loads container to disk if its stored remotely and overwrite url,
+ or check existent on several places at disk
+ """
+ if self.pyfile.url.startswith("http"):
+ = re.findall("([^\/=]+)", self.pyfile.url)[-1]
+ content = self.load(self.pyfile.url)
+ self.pyfile.url = fs_join(self.pyload.config.get("general", "download_folder"),
+ try:
+ with open(self.pyfile.url, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(content)
+ except IOError, e:
+ #@TODO: Remove `str` in 0.4.10
+ else:
+ = os.path.basename(self.pyfile.url)
+ if not exists(self.pyfile.url):
+ if exists(fs_join(pypath, self.pyfile.url)):
+ self.pyfile.url = fs_join(pypath, self.pyfile.url)
+ else:
+"File not exists"))
+ #: Deprecated method, use `delete_tmp` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def deleteTmp(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.delete_tmp(*args, **kwargs)
+ def delete_tmp(self):
+ if not"tmp_"):
+ return
+ try:
+ os.remove(self.pyfile.url)
+ except OSError, e:
+ self.log_warning(_("Error removing: %s") % self.pyfile.url, e)
+ if self.pyload.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0e8eb1b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import urlparse
+from module.plugins.internal.Hoster import Hoster, _fixurl
+from module.utils import save_path as safe_filename
+class Crypter(Hoster):
+ __name__ = "Crypter"
+ __type__ = "crypter"
+ __version__ = "0.07"
+ __status__ = "testing"
+ __pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
+ __config__ = [("use_subfolder", "bool", "Save package to subfolder", True), #: Overrides pyload.config.get("general", "folder_per_package")
+ ("subfolder_per_package", "bool", "Create a subfolder for each package", True)]
+ __description__ = """Base decrypter plugin"""
+ __license__ = "GPLv3"
+ __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
+ html = None #: Last html loaded #@TODO: Move to Hoster
+ def __init__(self, pyfile):
+ super(Crypter, self).__init__(pyfile)
+ #: Put all packages here. It's a list of tuples like: ( name, [list of links], folder )
+ self.packages = []
+ #: List of urls, pyLoad will generate packagenames
+ self.urls = []
+ def process(self, pyfile):
+ """
+ Main method
+ """
+ self.decrypt(pyfile)
+ if self.urls:
+ self._generate_packages()
+ elif not self.packages:
+ self.error(_("No link grabbed"), "decrypt")
+ self._create_packages()
+ def decrypt(self, pyfile):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def _generate_packages(self):
+ """
+ Generate new packages from self.urls
+ """
+ packages = [(name, links, None) for name, links in self.pyload.api.generatePackages(self.urls).items()]
+ self.packages.extend(packages)
+ def _create_packages(self):
+ """
+ Create new packages from self.packages
+ """
+ package_folder = self.pyfile.package().folder
+ package_password = self.pyfile.package().password
+ package_queue = self.pyfile.package().queue
+ folder_per_package = self.pyload.config.get("general", "folder_per_package")
+ use_subfolder = self.get_config('use_subfolder', folder_per_package)
+ subfolder_per_package = self.get_config('subfolder_per_package', True)
+ for name, links, folder in self.packages:
+ self.log_debug("Parsed package: %s" % name,
+ "%d links" % len(links),
+ "Saved to folder: %s" % folder if folder else "Saved to download folder")
+ pid = self.pyload.api.addPackage(name, map(self.fixurl, links), package_queue)
+ if package_password:
+ self.pyload.api.setPackageData(pid, {'password': package_password})
+ #: Workaround to do not break API addPackage method
+ set_folder = lambda x: self.pyload.api.setPackageData(pid, {'folder': x or ""})
+ if use_subfolder:
+ if not subfolder_per_package:
+ set_folder(package_folder)
+ self.log_debug("Set package %(name)s folder to: %(folder)s" % {'name': name, 'folder': folder})
+ elif not folder_per_package or name is not folder:
+ if not folder:
+ folder = urlparse.urlparse(_fixurl(name)).path.split("/")[-1]
+ set_folder(safe_filename(folder))
+ self.log_debug("Set package %(name)s folder to: %(folder)s" % {'name': name, 'folder': folder})
+ elif folder_per_package:
+ set_folder(None)
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index c93447164..e7cc6ff39 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -1,31 +1,30 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from module.plugins.internal.SimpleCrypter import create_getInfo
-from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter as _Crypter
+from module.plugins.internal.Crypter import Crypter, create_getInfo
-class DeadCrypter(_Crypter):
+class DeadCrypter(Crypter):
__name__ = "DeadCrypter"
__type__ = "crypter"
- __version__ = "0.05"
+ __version__ = "0.09"
+ __status__ = "testing"
__pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
- __description__ = """ Crypter is no longer available """
+ __description__ = """Crypter is no longer available"""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
__authors__ = [("stickell", "")]
- def apiInfo(cls, url):
- api = super(DeadCrypter, cls).apiInfo(url)
- api['status'] = 1
- return api
+ def get_info(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+ info = super(DeadCrypter, cls).get_info(*args, **kwargs)
+ info['status'] = 1
+ return info
def setup(self):
- self.pyfile.error = "Crypter is no longer available"
- self.offline() #@TODO: self.offline("Crypter is no longer available")
+ self.offline(_("Crypter is no longer available"))
getInfo = create_getInfo(DeadCrypter)
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index f159ae5fa..250287d25 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -1,31 +1,30 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import create_getInfo
-from module.plugins.Hoster import Hoster as _Hoster
+from module.plugins.internal.Hoster import Hoster, create_getInfo
-class DeadHoster(_Hoster):
+class DeadHoster(Hoster):
__name__ = "DeadHoster"
__type__ = "hoster"
- __version__ = "0.15"
+ __version__ = "0.19"
+ __status__ = "testing"
__pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
- __description__ = """ Hoster is no longer available """
+ __description__ = """Hoster is no longer available"""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
__authors__ = [("zoidberg", "")]
- def apiInfo(cls, url):
- api = super(DeadHoster, cls).apiInfo(url)
- api['status'] = 1
- return api
+ def get_info(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+ info = super(DeadHoster, cls).get_info(*args, **kwargs)
+ info['status'] = 1
+ return info
def setup(self):
- self.pyfile.error = "Hoster is no longer available"
- self.offline() #@TODO: self.offline("Hoster is no longer available")
+ self.offline(_("Hoster is no longer available"))
getInfo = create_getInfo(DeadHoster)
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index 159b65ffe..7f5212090 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import os
import re
from module.PyFile import PyFile
+from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import Plugin
class ArchiveError(Exception):
@@ -18,9 +19,11 @@ class PasswordError(Exception):
-class Extractor:
+class Extractor(Plugin):
__name__ = "Extractor"
- __version__ = "0.24"
+ __type__ = "extractor"
+ __version__ = "0.33"
+ __status__ = "testing"
__description__ = """Base extractor plugin"""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
@@ -29,32 +32,34 @@ class Extractor:
- VERSION = ""
REPAIR = False
+ VERSION = None
- def isArchive(cls, filename):
+ def is_archive(cls, filename):
name = os.path.basename(filename).lower()
return any(name.endswith(ext) for ext in cls.EXTENSIONS)
- def isMultipart(cls, filename):
+ def is_multipart(cls, filename):
return False
- def isUsable(cls):
- """ Check if system statisfy dependencies
+ def find(cls):
+ """
+ Check if system statisfy dependencies
:return: boolean
- return None
+ pass
- def getTargets(cls, files_ids):
- """ Filter suited targets from list of filename id tuple list
+ def get_targets(cls, files_ids):
+ """
+ Filter suited targets from list of filename id tuple list
:param files_ids: List of filepathes
:return: List of targets, id tuple list
@@ -62,15 +67,15 @@ class Extractor:
processed = []
for fname, id, fout in files_ids:
- if cls.isArchive(fname):
- pname = re.sub(cls.re_multipart, '', fname) if cls.isMultipart(fname) else os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
+ if cls.is_archive(fname):
+ pname = re.sub(cls.re_multipart, "", fname) if cls.is_multipart(fname) else os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
if pname not in processed:
targets.append((fname, id, fout))
return targets
- def __init__(self, manager, filename, out,
+ def __init__(self, plugin, filename, out,
@@ -78,8 +83,12 @@ class Extractor:
- """ Initialize extractor for specific file """
- self.manager = manager
+ """
+ Initialize extractor for specific file
+ """
+ self._init(plugin.pyload)
+ self.plugin = plugin
self.filename = filename
self.out = out
self.fullpath = fullpath
@@ -90,17 +99,29 @@ class Extractor:
self.keepbroken = keepbroken
self.files = [] #: Store extracted files here
- pyfile = self.manager.core.files.getFile(fid) if fid else None
- self.notifyProgress = lambda x: pyfile.setProgress(x) if pyfile else lambda x: None
+ pyfile = self.pyload.files.getFile(fid) if fid else None
+ self.notify_progress = lambda x: pyfile.setProgress(x) if pyfile else lambda x: None
+ self.init()
def init(self):
- """ Initialize additional data structures """
+ """
+ Initialize additional data structures
+ """
+ def _log(self, level, plugintype, pluginname, messages):
+ return self.plugin._log(level,
+ plugintype,
+ self.plugin.__name__,
+ (self.__name__,) + messages)
def check(self):
- """Quick Check by listing content of archive.
+ """
+ Quick Check by listing content of archive.
Raises error if password is needed, integrity is questionable or else.
:raises PasswordError
@@ -109,8 +130,10 @@ class Extractor:
raise NotImplementedError
def verify(self):
- """Testing with Extractors buildt-in method
+ """
+ Testing with Extractors buildt-in method
Raises error if password is needed, integrity is questionable or else.
:raises PasswordError
@@ -125,7 +148,8 @@ class Extractor:
def extract(self, password=None):
- """Extract the archive. Raise specific errors in case of failure.
+ """
+ Extract the archive. Raise specific errors in case of failure.
:param progress: Progress function, call this to update status
:param password password to use
@@ -137,8 +161,9 @@ class Extractor:
raise NotImplementedError
- def getDeleteFiles(self):
- """Return list of files to delete, do *not* delete them here.
+ def get_delete_files(self):
+ """
+ Return list of files to delete, do *not* delete them here.
:return: List with paths of files to delete
@@ -146,5 +171,7 @@ class Extractor:
def list(self, password=None):
- """Populate self.files at some point while extracting"""
+ """
+ Populate self.files at some point while extracting
+ """
return self.files
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f566f824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from module.plugins.internal.Addon import Addon, threaded
+class Hook(Addon):
+ __name__ = "Hook"
+ __type__ = "hook"
+ __version__ = "0.13"
+ __status__ = "testing"
+ __config__ = [] #: [("name", "type", "desc", "default")]
+ __description__ = """Base hook plugin"""
+ __license__ = "GPLv3"
+ __authors__ = [("mkaay" , "" ),
+ ("RaNaN" , "" ),
+ ("Walter Purcaro", "")]
+ def __init__(self, core, manager):
+ super(Hook, self).__init__(core, manager)
+ self.init_periodical(10)
+ #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ def _log(self, level, plugintype, pluginname, messages):
+ return super(Addon, self)._log(level, plugintype, pluginname.replace("Hook", ""), messages)
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0cdb1e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import inspect
+import os
+import random
+import time
+import traceback
+import urlparse
+from module.plugins.internal.Captcha import Captcha
+from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import (Plugin, Abort, Fail, Reconnect, Retry, Skip,
+ chunks, encode, exists, fixurl as _fixurl, replace_patterns,
+ seconds_to_midnight, set_cookie, set_cookies, parse_html_form,
+ parse_html_tag_attr_value, timestamp)
+from module.utils import fs_decode, fs_encode, save_join as fs_join, save_path as safe_filename
+#@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+def parse_fileInfo(klass, url="", html=""):
+ info = klass.get_info(url, html)
+ return info['name'], info['size'], info['status'], info['url']
+#@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+def getInfo(urls):
+ #: result = [ .. (name, size, status, url) .. ]
+ pass
+#@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+def create_getInfo(klass):
+ def get_info(urls):
+ for url in urls:
+ if hasattr(klass, "URL_REPLACEMENTS"):
+ url = replace_patterns(url, klass.URL_REPLACEMENTS)
+ yield parse_fileInfo(klass, url)
+ return get_info
+class Hoster(Plugin):
+ __name__ = "Hoster"
+ __type__ = "hoster"
+ __version__ = "0.19"
+ __status__ = "testing"
+ __pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
+ __config__ = [] #: [("name", "type", "desc", "default")]
+ __description__ = """Base hoster plugin"""
+ __license__ = "GPLv3"
+ __authors__ = [("RaNaN" , "" ),
+ ("spoob" , "" ),
+ ("mkaay" , "" ),
+ ("Walter Purcaro", "")]
+ def __init__(self, pyfile):
+ self._init(pyfile.m.core)
+ #: Engage wan reconnection
+ self.wantReconnect = False #@TODO: Change to `want_reconnect` in 0.4.10
+ #: Enable simultaneous processing of multiple downloads
+ self.multiDL = True #@TODO: Change to `multi_dl` in 0.4.10
+ self.limitDL = 0 #@TODO: Change to `limit_dl` in 0.4.10
+ #: time.time() + wait in seconds
+ self.wait_until = 0
+ self.waiting = False
+ #: Account handler instance, see :py:class:`Account`
+ self.account = None
+ self.user = None
+ self.req = None #: Browser instance, see `network.Browser`
+ #: Associated pyfile instance, see `PyFile`
+ self.pyfile = pyfile
+ self.thread = None #: Holds thread in future
+ #: Location where the last call to download was saved
+ self.last_download = ""
+ #: Re match of the last call to `checkDownload`
+ self.last_check = None
+ #: Js engine, see `JsEngine`
+ self.js = self.pyload.js
+ #: Captcha stuff
+ self.captcha = Captcha(self)
+ #: Some plugins store html code here
+ self.html = None
+ #: Dict of the amount of retries already made
+ self.retries = {}
+ self.retry_free = False #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
+ self._setup()
+ self.init()
+ @classmethod
+ def get_info(cls, url="", html=""):
+ url = _fixurl(url)
+ url_p = urlparse.urlparse(url)
+ return {'name' : (url_p.path.split('/')[-1] or
+ url_p.query.split('=', 1)[::-1][0].split('&', 1)[0] or
+ url_p.netloc.split('.', 1)[0]),
+ 'size' : 0,
+ 'status': 3 if url else 8,
+ 'url' : url}
+ def init(self):
+ """
+ Initialize the plugin (in addition to `__init__`)
+ """
+ pass
+ def setup(self):
+ """
+ Setup for enviroment and other things, called before downloading (possibly more than one time)
+ """
+ pass
+ def _setup(self):
+ if self.account:
+ self.req = self.pyload.requestFactory.getRequest(self.__name__, self.user)
+ self.chunk_limit = -1 #: -1 for unlimited
+ self.resume_download = True
+ self.premium = self.account.is_premium(self.user)
+ else:
+ self.req = self.pyload.requestFactory.getRequest(self.__name__)
+ self.chunk_limit = 1
+ self.resume_download = False
+ self.premium = False
+ def load_account(self):
+ if self.req:
+ self.req.close()
+ if not self.account:
+ self.account = self.pyload.accountManager.getAccountPlugin(self.__name__)
+ if self.account:
+ if not self.user:
+ self.user =[0]
+ if not self.user or not self.account.is_logged(self.user, True):
+ self.account = False
+ def preprocessing(self, thread):
+ """
+ Handles important things to do before starting
+ """
+ self.thread = thread
+ if self.retry_free:
+ self.account = False
+ else:
+ self.load_account() #@TODO: Move to PluginThread in 0.4.10
+ self.retry_free = False
+ self._setup()
+ self.setup()
+ self.pyload.hookManager.downloadPreparing(self.pyfile) #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
+ if self.pyfile.abort:
+ self.abort()
+ self.pyfile.setStatus("starting")
+ self.log_debug("PROCESS URL " + self.pyfile.url, "PLUGIN VERSION %s" % self.__version__)
+ return self.process(self.pyfile)
+ def process(self, pyfile):
+ """
+ The 'main' method of every plugin, you **have to** overwrite it
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def set_reconnect(self, reconnect):
+ reconnect = bool(reconnect)
+ self.log_info(_("RECONNECT ") + ("enabled" if reconnect else "disabled"))
+ self.log_debug("Previous wantReconnect: %s" % self.wantReconnect)
+ self.wantReconnect = reconnect
+ def set_wait(self, seconds, reconnect=None):
+ """
+ Set a specific wait time later used with `wait`
+ :param seconds: wait time in seconds
+ :param reconnect: True if a reconnect would avoid wait time
+ """
+ wait_time = max(int(seconds), 1)
+ wait_until = time.time() + wait_time + 1
+ self.log_info(_("WAIT %d seconds") % wait_time)
+ self.log_debug("Previous waitUntil: %f" % self.pyfile.waitUntil)
+ self.pyfile.waitUntil = wait_until
+ if reconnect is not None:
+ self.set_reconnect(reconnect)
+ def wait(self, seconds=None, reconnect=None):
+ """
+ Waits the time previously set
+ """
+ pyfile = self.pyfile
+ if seconds is not None:
+ self.set_wait(seconds)
+ if reconnect is not None:
+ self.set_reconnect(reconnect)
+ self.waiting = True
+ status = pyfile.status #@NOTE: Remove in 0.4.10
+ pyfile.setStatus("waiting")
+ if not self.wantReconnect or self.account:
+ if self.account:
+ self.log_warning("Ignore reconnection due logged account")
+ while pyfile.waitUntil > time.time():
+ if pyfile.abort:
+ self.abort()
+ time.sleep(2)
+ else:
+ while pyfile.waitUntil > time.time():
+ if pyfile.abort:
+ self.abort()
+ if self.thread.m.reconnecting.isSet():
+ self.waiting = False
+ self.wantReconnect = False
+ raise Reconnect
+ self.thread.m.reconnecting.wait(2)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ self.waiting = False
+ pyfile.status = status #@NOTE: Remove in 0.4.10
+ def skip(self, reason=""):
+ """
+ Skip and give reason
+ """
+ raise Skip(encode(reason)) #@TODO: Remove `encode` in 0.4.10
+ def abort(self, reason=""):
+ """
+ Abort and give reason
+ """
+ #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ if reason:
+ self.pyfile.error = encode(reason)
+ raise Abort
+ def offline(self, reason=""):
+ """
+ Fail and indicate file is offline
+ """
+ #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ if reason:
+ self.pyfile.error = encode(reason)
+ raise Fail("offline")
+ def temp_offline(self, reason=""):
+ """
+ Fail and indicates file ist temporary offline, the core may take consequences
+ """
+ #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ if reason:
+ self.pyfile.error = encode(reason)
+ raise Fail("temp. offline")
+ def retry(self, max_tries=5, wait_time=1, reason=""):
+ """
+ Retries and begin again from the beginning
+ :param max_tries: number of maximum retries
+ :param wait_time: time to wait in seconds
+ :param reason: reason for retrying, will be passed to fail if max_tries reached
+ """
+ id = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno
+ if id not in self.retries:
+ self.retries[id] = 0
+ if 0 < max_tries <= self.retries[id]:
+ or _("Max retries reached"))
+ self.wait(wait_time, False)
+ self.retries[id] += 1
+ raise Retry(encode(reason)) #@TODO: Remove `encode` in 0.4.10
+ def restart(self, reason=None, nopremium=False):
+ if not reason:
+ reason = _("Fallback to free download") if nopremium else _("Restart")
+ if nopremium:
+ if self.premium:
+ self.retry_free = True
+ else:
+"%s | %s" % (reason, _("Download was already free")))
+ raise Retry(encode(reason)) #@TODO: Remove `encode` in 0.4.10
+ def fixurl(self, url):
+ url = _fixurl(url)
+ if not urlparse.urlparse(url).scheme:
+ url_p = urlparse.urlparse(self.pyfile.url)
+ baseurl = "%s://%s" % (url_p.scheme, url_p.netloc)
+ url = urlparse.urljoin(baseurl, url)
+ return url
+ def download(self, url, get={}, post={}, ref=True, cookies=True, disposition=True):
+ """
+ Downloads the content at url to download folder
+ :param url:
+ :param get:
+ :param post:
+ :param ref:
+ :param cookies:
+ :param disposition: if True and server provides content-disposition header\
+ the filename will be changed if needed
+ :return: The location where the file was saved
+ """
+ if self.pyfile.abort:
+ self.abort()
+ url = self.fixurl(url)
+ if not url or not isinstance(url, basestring):
+"No url given"))
+ if self.pyload.debug:
+ self.log_debug("DOWNLOAD URL " + url,
+ *["%s=%s" % (key, val) for key, val in locals().items() if key not in ("self", "url")])
+ name = _fixurl(
+ = urlparse.urlparse(name).path.split('/')[-1] or name
+ self.captcha.correct()
+ self.check_for_same_files()
+ self.pyfile.setStatus("downloading")
+ download_folder = self.pyload.config.get("general", "download_folder")
+ download_location = fs_join(download_folder, self.pyfile.package().folder)
+ if not exists(download_location):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(download_location)
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.set_permissions(download_location)
+ location = fs_decode(download_location)
+ filename = os.path.join(location, safe_filename( #@TODO: Move `safe_filename` check to HTTPDownload in 0.4.10
+ self.pyload.hookManager.dispatchEvent("download_start", self.pyfile, url, filename)
+ if self.pyfile.abort:
+ self.abort()
+ try:
+ newname = self.req.httpDownload(url, filename, get=get, post=post, ref=ref, cookies=cookies,
+ chunks=self.get_chunk_count(), resume=self.resume_download,
+ progressNotify=self.pyfile.setProgress, disposition=disposition)
+ finally:
+ self.pyfile.size = self.req.size
+ #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
+ if disposition and newname:
+ finalname = urlparse.urlparse(newname).path.split('/')[-1].split(' filename*=')[0]
+ if finalname != newname !=
+ try:
+ os.rename(fs_join(location, newname), fs_join(location, finalname))
+ except OSError, e:
+ self.log_warning(_("Error renaming `%s` to `%s`") % (newname, finalname), e)
+ finalname = newname
+ self.log_info(_("`%s` saved as `%s`") % (, finalname))
+ = finalname
+ filename = os.path.join(location, finalname)
+ self.set_permissions(fs_encode(filename))
+ self.last_download = filename
+ return self.last_download
+ def check_download(self, rules, delete=False, file_size=0, size_tolerance=1024, read_size=1048576):
+ """
+ Checks the content of the last downloaded file, re match is saved to `lastCheck`
+ :param rules: dict with names and rules to match (compiled regexp or strings)
+ :param delete: delete if matched
+ :param file_size: expected file size
+ :param size_tolerance: size check tolerance
+ :param read_size: amount of bytes to read from files
+ :return: dictionary key of the first rule that matched
+ """
+ do_delete = False
+ last_download = fs_encode(self.last_download)
+ if not self.last_download or not exists(last_download):
+ self.last_download = ""
+ or _("No file downloaded"))
+ try:
+ download_size = os.stat(last_download).st_size
+ if download_size < 1:
+ do_delete = True
+"Empty file"))
+ elif file_size > 0:
+ diff = abs(file_size - download_size)
+ if diff > size_tolerance:
+ do_delete = True
+"File size mismatch | Expected file size: %s | Downloaded file size: %s")
+ % (file_size, download_size))
+ elif diff != 0:
+ self.log_warning(_("File size is not equal to expected size"))
+ with open(last_download, "rb") as f:
+ content =
+ #: Produces encoding errors, better log to other file in the future?
+ # self.log_debug("Content: %s" % content)
+ for name, rule in rules.items():
+ if isinstance(rule, basestring):
+ if rule in content:
+ do_delete = True
+ return name
+ elif hasattr(rule, "search"):
+ m =
+ if m:
+ do_delete = True
+ self.last_check = m
+ return name
+ finally:
+ if delete and do_delete:
+ try:
+ os.remove(last_download)
+ except OSError, e:
+ self.log_warning(_("Error removing: %s") % last_download, e)
+ if self.pyload.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ else:
+ self.last_download = ""
+ self.log_info(_("File deleted"))
+ def direct_link(self, url, follow_location=None):
+ link = ""
+ if follow_location is None:
+ redirect = 1
+ elif type(follow_location) is int:
+ redirect = max(follow_location, 1)
+ else:
+ redirect = self.get_config("maxredirs", 10, "UserAgentSwitcher")
+ for i in xrange(redirect):
+ try:
+ self.log_debug("Redirect #%d to: %s" % (i, url))
+ header = self.load(url, just_header=True)
+ except Exception: #: Bad bad bad... rewrite this part in 0.4.10
+ res = self.load(url,
+ just_header=True,
+ req=self.pyload.requestFactory.getRequest())
+ header = {'code': req.code}
+ for line in res.splitlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line or ":" not in line:
+ continue
+ key, none, value = line.partition(":")
+ key = key.lower().strip()
+ value = value.strip()
+ if key in header:
+ if type(header[key]) is list:
+ header[key].append(value)
+ else:
+ header[key] = [header[key], value]
+ else:
+ header[key] = value
+ if 'content-disposition' in header:
+ link = url
+ elif 'location' in header and header['location']:
+ location = header['location']
+ if not urlparse.urlparse(location).scheme:
+ url_p = urlparse.urlparse(url)
+ baseurl = "%s://%s" % (url_p.scheme, url_p.netloc)
+ location = urlparse.urljoin(baseurl, location)
+ if 'code' in header and header['code'] == 302:
+ link = location
+ if follow_location:
+ url = location
+ continue
+ else:
+ extension = os.path.splitext(urlparse.urlparse(url).path.split('/')[-1])[-1]
+ if 'content-type' in header and header['content-type']:
+ mimetype = header['content-type'].split(';')[0].strip()
+ elif extension:
+ mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(extension, False)[0] or "application/octet-stream"
+ else:
+ mimetype = ""
+ if mimetype and (link or 'html' not in mimetype):
+ link = url
+ else:
+ link = ""
+ break
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.log_error(_("Too many redirects"))
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ return link
+ def parse_html_form(self, attr_str="", input_names={}):
+ return parse_html_form(attr_str, self.html, input_names)
+ def check_traffic_left(self):
+ if not self.account:
+ return True
+ traffic = self.account.get_data(self.user, True)['trafficleft']
+ if traffic is None:
+ return False
+ elif traffic == -1:
+ return True
+ else:
+ size = self.pyfile.size / 1024
+ self.log_info(_("Filesize: %s KiB, Traffic left for user %s: %s KiB") % (size, self.user, traffic))
+ return size <= traffic
+ def get_password(self):
+ """
+ Get the password the user provided in the package
+ """
+ return self.pyfile.package().password or ""
+ #: Deprecated method, use `check_for_same_files` instead (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def checkForSameFiles(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self.check_for_same_files(*args, **kwargs)
+ def check_for_same_files(self, starting=False):
+ """
+ Checks if same file was/is downloaded within same package
+ :param starting: indicates that the current download is going to start
+ :raises Skip:
+ """
+ pack = self.pyfile.package()
+ for pyfile in self.pyload.files.cache.values():
+ if pyfile != self.pyfile and is and pyfile.package().folder is pack.folder:
+ if pyfile.status in (0, 12): #: Finished or downloading
+ self.skip(pyfile.pluginname)
+ elif pyfile.status in (5, 7) and starting: #: A download is waiting/starting and was appenrently started before
+ self.skip(pyfile.pluginname)
+ download_folder = self.pyload.config.get("general", "download_folder")
+ location = fs_join(download_folder, pack.folder,
+ if starting and self.pyload.config.get("download", "skip_existing") and exists(location):
+ size = os.stat(location).st_size
+ if size >= self.pyfile.size:
+ self.skip("File exists")
+ pyfile = self.pyload.db.findDuplicates(, self.pyfile.package().folder,
+ if pyfile:
+ if exists(location):
+ self.skip(pyfile[0])
+ self.log_debug("File %s not skipped, because it does not exists." %
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca7b03941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from module.plugins.internal.SimpleCrypter import SimpleCrypter
+class MultiCrypter(SimpleCrypter):
+ __name__ = "MultiCrypter"
+ __type__ = "hoster"
+ __version__ = "0.02"
+ __status__ = "testing"
+ __pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
+ __config__ = [("use_subfolder" , "bool", "Save package to subfolder" , True),
+ ("subfolder_per_pack", "bool", "Create a subfolder for each package", True)]
+ __description__ = """Multi decrypter plugin"""
+ __license__ = "GPLv3"
+ __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
+ def init(self):
+ self.CRYPTER_NAME = self.pyload.pluginManager.crypterPlugins[self.__name__]['name']
+ def _log(self, level, plugintype, pluginname, messages):
+ return super(MultiCrypter, self)._log(level,
+ plugintype,
+ pluginname,
+ (self.CRYPTER_NAME,) + messages)
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index 01ff4b07d..42a1985b5 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -4,14 +4,15 @@ import re
import time
import traceback
-from module.plugins.Hook import Hook
+from module.plugins.internal.Hook import Hook
from module.utils import decode, remove_chars
class MultiHook(Hook):
__name__ = "MultiHook"
__type__ = "hook"
- __version__ = "0.45"
+ __version__ = "0.54"
+ __status__ = "testing"
__config__ = [("pluginmode" , "all;listed;unlisted", "Use for plugins" , "all"),
("pluginlist" , "str" , "Plugin list (comma separated)", "" ),
@@ -54,9 +55,7 @@ class MultiHook(Hook):
(r'^0' , "zero" )]
- def setup(self):
- = {} #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ def init(self):
self.plugins = []
self.supported = []
self.new_supported = []
@@ -67,76 +66,58 @@ class MultiHook(Hook):
self.pluginname = None
self.plugintype = None
- self.initPlugin()
+ self.init_plugin()
- def initPlugin(self):
+ def init_plugin(self):
self.pluginname = self.__name__.rsplit("Hook", 1)[0]
- plugin, self.plugintype = self.core.pluginManager.findPlugin(self.pluginname)
+ plugin, self.plugintype = self.pyload.pluginManager.findPlugin(self.pluginname)
if plugin:
- self.pluginmodule = self.core.pluginManager.loadModule(self.plugintype, self.pluginname)
+ self.pluginmodule = self.pyload.pluginManager.loadModule(self.plugintype, self.pluginname)
self.pluginclass = getattr(self.pluginmodule, self.pluginname)
- self.logWarning("Hook plugin will be deactivated due missing plugin reference")
- self.setConfig('activated', False)
+ self.log_warning(_("Hook plugin will be deactivated due missing plugin reference"))
+ self.set_config('activated', False)
- def loadAccount(self):
- self.account = self.core.accountManager.getAccountPlugin(self.pluginname)
+ def load_account(self):
+ self.account = self.pyload.accountManager.getAccountPlugin(self.pluginname)
- if self.account and not self.account.canUse():
- self.account = None
+ if self.account and not[0]:
+ self.account = False
if not self.account and hasattr(self.pluginclass, "LOGIN_ACCOUNT") and self.pluginclass.LOGIN_ACCOUNT:
- self.logWarning("Hook plugin will be deactivated due missing account reference")
- self.setConfig('activated', False)
+ self.log_warning(_("Hook plugin will be deactivated due missing account reference"))
+ self.set_config('activated', False)
- def getURL(self, *args, **kwargs): #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- """ see HTTPRequest for argument list """
- h = pyreq.getHTTPRequest(timeout=120)
- try:
- if not 'decode' in kwargs:
- kwargs['decode'] = True
- rep = h.load(*args, **kwargs)
- finally:
- h.close()
- return rep
+ def activate(self):
+ self.init_periodical(threaded=True)
- def getConfig(self, option, default=''): #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- """getConfig with default value - sublass may not implements all config options"""
- try:
- return self.getConf(option)
- except KeyError:
- return default
- def pluginsCached(self):
+ def plugins_cached(self):
if self.plugins:
return self.plugins
- for _i in xrange(2):
+ for _i in xrange(5):
- pluginset = self._pluginSet(self.getHosters())
+ pluginset = self._plugin_set(self.get_hosters())
except Exception, e:
- self.logDebug(e, "Waiting 1 minute and retry")
+ self.log_warning(e, _("Waiting 1 minute and retry"))
- self.logWarning(_("Fallback to default reload interval due plugin parse error"))
+ self.log_error(_("No hoster list retrieved"))
self.interval = self.MIN_RELOAD_INTERVAL
return list()
- configmode = self.getConfig("pluginmode", 'all')
+ configmode = self.get_config('pluginmode', 'all')
if configmode in ("listed", "unlisted"):
- pluginlist = self.getConfig("pluginlist", '').replace('|', ',').replace(';', ',').split(',')
- configset = self._pluginSet(pluginlist)
+ pluginlist = self.get_config('pluginlist', '').replace('|', ',').replace(';', ',').split(',')
+ configset = self._plugin_set(pluginlist)
if configmode == "listed":
pluginset &= configset
@@ -144,14 +125,14 @@ class MultiHook(Hook):
pluginset -= configset
except Exception, e:
- self.logError(e)
+ self.log_error(e)
self.plugins = list(pluginset)
return self.plugins
- def _pluginSet(self, plugins):
+ def _plugin_set(self, plugins):
regexp = re.compile(r'^[\w\-.^_]{3,63}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$', re.U)
plugins = [decode(p.strip()).lower() for p in plugins if regexp.match(p.strip())]
@@ -163,39 +144,28 @@ class MultiHook(Hook):
return set(plugins)
- def getHosters(self):
- """Load list of supported hoster
+ def get_hosters(self):
+ """
+ Load list of supported hoster
:return: List of domain names
raise NotImplementedError
- #: Threaded _periodical, remove in 0.4.10 and use built-in flag for that
- def _periodical(self):
- try:
- if self.isActivated():
- self.periodical()
- except Exception, e:
- self.core.log.error(_("Error executing hooks: %s") % str(e))
- if self.core.debug:
- traceback.print_exc()
- self.cb = self.core.scheduler.addJob(self.interval, self._periodical)
def periodical(self):
- """reload plugin list periodically"""
- self.loadAccount()
+ """
+ Reload plugin list periodically
+ """
+ self.load_account()
- if self.getConfig("reload", True):
- self.interval = max(self.getConfig("reloadinterval", 12) * 60 * 60, self.MIN_RELOAD_INTERVAL)
+ if self.get_config('reload', True):
+ self.interval = max(self.get_config('reloadinterval', 12) * 60 * 60, self.MIN_RELOAD_INTERVAL)
- self.core.scheduler.removeJob(self.cb)
+ self.pyload.scheduler.removeJob(self.cb)
self.cb = None
- self.logInfo(_("Reloading supported %s list") % self.plugintype)
+ self.log_info(_("Reloading supported %s list") % self.plugintype)
old_supported = self.supported
@@ -203,27 +173,27 @@ class MultiHook(Hook):
self.new_supported = []
self.plugins = []
- self.overridePlugins()
+ self.override_plugins()
old_supported = [plugin for plugin in old_supported if plugin not in self.supported]
if old_supported:
- self.logDebug("Unload: %s" % ", ".join(old_supported))
+ self.log_debug("Unload: %s" % ", ".join(old_supported))
for plugin in old_supported:
- self.unloadPlugin(plugin)
+ self.unload_plugin(plugin)
- def overridePlugins(self):
+ def override_plugins(self):
excludedList = []
if self.plugintype == "hoster":
- pluginMap = dict((name.lower(), name) for name in self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins.iterkeys())
- accountList = [account.type.lower() for account in self.core.api.getAccounts(False) if account.valid and account.premium]
+ pluginMap = dict((name.lower(), name) for name in self.pyload.pluginManager.hosterPlugins.keys())
+ accountList = [account.type.lower() for account in self.pyload.api.getAccounts(False) if account.valid and account.premium]
pluginMap = {}
- accountList = [name[::-1].replace("Folder"[::-1], "", 1).lower()[::-1] for name in self.core.pluginManager.crypterPlugins.iterkeys()]
+ accountList = [name[::-1].replace("Folder"[::-1], "", 1).lower()[::-1] for name in self.pyload.pluginManager.crypterPlugins.keys()]
- for plugin in self.pluginsCached():
+ for plugin in self.plugins_cached():
name = remove_chars(plugin, "-.")
if name in accountList:
@@ -235,39 +205,39 @@ class MultiHook(Hook):
if not self.supported and not self.new_supported:
- self.logError(_("No %s loaded") % self.plugintype)
+ self.log_error(_("No %s loaded") % self.plugintype)
- # inject plugin plugin
- self.logDebug("Overwritten %ss: %s" % (self.plugintype, ", ".join(sorted(self.supported))))
+ #: Inject plugin plugin
+ self.log_debug("Overwritten %ss: %s" % (self.plugintype, ", ".join(sorted(self.supported))))
for plugin in self.supported:
- hdict = self.core.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][plugin]
+ hdict = self.pyload.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][plugin]
hdict['new_module'] = self.pluginmodule
hdict['new_name'] = self.pluginname
if excludedList:
- self.logInfo(_("%ss not overwritten: %s") % (self.plugintype.capitalize(), ", ".join(sorted(excludedList))))
+ self.log_info(_("%ss not overwritten: %s") % (self.plugintype.capitalize(), ", ".join(sorted(excludedList))))
if self.new_supported:
plugins = sorted(self.new_supported)
- self.logDebug("New %ss: %s" % (self.plugintype, ", ".join(plugins)))
+ self.log_debug("New %ss: %s" % (self.plugintype, ", ".join(plugins)))
- # create new regexp
+ #: Create new regexp
regexp = r'.*(?P<DOMAIN>%s).*' % "|".join(x.replace('.', '\.') for x in plugins)
- if hasattr(self.pluginclass, "__pattern__") and isinstance(self.pluginclass.__pattern__, basestring) and '://' in self.pluginclass.__pattern__:
+ if hasattr(self.pluginclass, "__pattern__") and isinstance(self.pluginclass.__pattern__, basestring) and "://" in self.pluginclass.__pattern__:
regexp = r'%s|%s' % (self.pluginclass.__pattern__, regexp)
- self.logDebug("Regexp: %s" % regexp)
+ self.log_debug("Regexp: %s" % regexp)
- hdict = self.core.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][self.pluginname]
+ hdict = self.pyload.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][self.pluginname]
hdict['pattern'] = regexp
hdict['re'] = re.compile(regexp)
- def unloadPlugin(self, plugin):
- hdict = self.core.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][plugin]
+ def unload_plugin(self, plugin):
+ hdict = self.pyload.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][plugin]
if "module" in hdict:
hdict.pop('module', None)
@@ -276,13 +246,15 @@ class MultiHook(Hook):
hdict.pop('new_name', None)
- def unload(self):
- """Remove override for all plugins. Scheduler job is removed by hookmanager"""
+ def deactivate(self):
+ """
+ Remove override for all plugins. Scheduler job is removed by hookmanager
+ """
for plugin in self.supported:
- self.unloadPlugin(plugin)
+ self.unload_plugin(plugin)
- # reset pattern
- hdict = self.core.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][self.pluginname]
+ #: Reset pattern
+ hdict = self.pyload.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][self.pluginname]
hdict['pattern'] = getattr(self.pluginclass, "__pattern__", r'^unmatchable$')
hdict['re'] = re.compile(hdict['pattern'])
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index ff4414034..c0c928a45 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -2,14 +2,15 @@
import re
-from module.plugins.Plugin import Fail, Retry
-from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo, replace_patterns, set_cookies
+from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import Fail, encode
+from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo, replace_patterns, set_cookie, set_cookies
class MultiHoster(SimpleHoster):
__name__ = "MultiHoster"
__type__ = "hoster"
- __version__ = "0.40"
+ __version__ = "0.50"
+ __status__ = "testing"
__pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
__config__ = [("use_premium" , "bool", "Use premium account if available" , True),
@@ -20,76 +21,90 @@ class MultiHoster(SimpleHoster):
__authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
- def setup(self):
- self.chunkLimit = 1
- self.multiDL = bool(self.account)
- self.resumeDownload = self.premium
+ def init(self):
+ self.HOSTER_NAME = self.pyload.pluginManager.hosterPlugins[self.__name__]['name']
- def prepare(self):
- = {}
- self.html = ""
- = "" #@TODO: Move to hoster class in 0.4.10
- self.directDL = False #@TODO: Move to hoster class in 0.4.10
+ def _log(self, level, plugintype, pluginname, messages):
+ return super(MultiHoster, self)._log(level,
+ plugintype,
+ pluginname,
+ (self.HOSTER_NAME,) + messages)
- if not self.getConfig('use_premium', True):
- self.retryFree()
- if self.LOGIN_ACCOUNT and not self.account:
-"Required account not found"))
+ def setup(self):
+ self.chunk_limit = 1
+ self.multiDL = bool(self.account)
+ self.resume_download = self.premium
- self.req.setOption("timeout", 120)
+ def prepare(self):
+ #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
+ plugin = self.pyload.pluginManager.hosterPlugins[self.__name__]
+ name = plugin['name']
+ module = plugin['module']
+ klass = getattr(module, name)
- if isinstance(self.COOKIES, list):
- set_cookies(self.req.cj, self.COOKIES)
+ self.get_info = klass.get_info
if self.DIRECT_LINK is None:
- self.directDL = self.__pattern__ != r'^unmatchable$' and re.match(self.__pattern__, self.pyfile.url)
+ direct_dl = self.__pattern__ != r'^unmatchable$' and re.match(self.__pattern__, self.pyfile.url)
- self.directDL = self.DIRECT_LINK
+ direct_dl = self.DIRECT_LINK
+ super(MultiHoster, self).prepare()
- self.pyfile.url = replace_patterns(self.pyfile.url, self.URL_REPLACEMENTS)
+ self.direct_dl = direct_dl
def process(self, pyfile):
+ self.check_info() #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ if self.direct_dl:
+ self.log_info(_("Looking for direct download link..."))
+ self.handle_direct(pyfile)
- if self.directDL:
- self.checkInfo()
- self.logDebug("Looking for direct download link...")
- self.handleDirect(pyfile)
+ if or was_downloaded():
+ self.log_info(_("Direct download link detected"))
+ else:
+ self.log_info(_("Direct download link not found"))
- if not and not self.lastDownload:
+ if not and not self.last_download:
- self.checkErrors()
- self.checkStatus(getinfo=False)
+ self.check_errors()
+ self.check_status(getinfo=False)
- if self.premium and (not self.CHECK_TRAFFIC or self.checkTrafficLeft()):
- self.logDebug("Handled as premium download")
- self.handlePremium(pyfile)
+ if self.premium and (not self.CHECK_TRAFFIC or self.check_traffic_left()):
+ self.log_info(_("Processing as premium download..."))
+ self.handle_premium(pyfile)
- elif not self.LOGIN_ACCOUNT or (not self.CHECK_TRAFFIC or self.checkTrafficLeft()):
- self.logDebug("Handled as free download")
- self.handleFree(pyfile)
+ elif not self.LOGIN_ACCOUNT or (not self.CHECK_TRAFFIC or self.check_traffic_left()):
+ self.log_info(_("Processing as free download..."))
+ self.handle_free(pyfile)
- self.downloadLink(, True)
- self.checkFile()
+ if not self.last_download:
+ self.log_info(_("Downloading file..."))
+, disposition=self.DISPOSITION)
- except Fail, e: #@TODO: Move to PluginThread in 0.4.10
- err = str(e) #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
+ self.check_file()
+ except Fail, e: #@TODO: Move to PluginThread in 0.4.10
if self.premium:
- self.logWarning(_("Premium download failed"))
- self.retryFree()
+ self.log_warning(_("Premium download failed"))
+ self.restart(nopremium=True)
- elif self.getConfig("revertfailed", True) \
- and "new_module" in self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins[self.__name__]:
- hdict = self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins[self.__name__]
+ elif self.get_config("revertfailed", True) \
+ and "new_module" in self.pyload.pluginManager.hosterPlugins[self.__name__]:
+ hdict = self.pyload.pluginManager.hosterPlugins[self.__name__]
tmp_module = hdict['new_module']
tmp_name = hdict['new_name']
@@ -101,17 +116,17 @@ class MultiHoster(SimpleHoster):
hdict['new_module'] = tmp_module
hdict['new_name'] = tmp_name
- raise Retry(_("Revert to original hoster plugin"))
+ self.restart(_("Revert to original hoster plugin"))
- raise Fail(err)
+ raise Fail(encode(e)) #@TODO: Remove `encode` in 0.4.10
- def handlePremium(self, pyfile):
- return self.handleFree(pyfile)
+ def handle_premium(self, pyfile):
+ return self.handle_free(pyfile)
- def handleFree(self, pyfile):
+ def handle_free(self, pyfile):
if self.premium:
raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b24b3058b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import with_statement
+ from PIL import Image, GifImagePlugin, JpegImagePlugin, PngImagePlugin, TiffImagePlugin
+except ImportError:
+ import Image, GifImagePlugin, JpegImagePlugin, PngImagePlugin, TiffImagePlugin
+import logging
+import os
+import subprocess
+# import tempfile
+import traceback
+from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import Plugin
+from module.utils import save_join as fs_join
+class OCR(Plugin):
+ __name__ = "OCR"
+ __type__ = "ocr"
+ __version__ = "0.19"
+ __status__ = "testing"
+ __description__ = """OCR base plugin"""
+ __license__ = "GPLv3"
+ __authors__ = [("pyLoad Team", "")]
+ def __init__(self, plugin):
+ self._init(plugin.pyload)
+ self.plugin = plugin
+ self.init()
+ def init(self):
+ """
+ Initialize additional data structures
+ """
+ pass
+ def _log(self, level, plugintype, pluginname, messages):
+ return self.plugin._log(level,
+ plugintype,
+ self.plugin.__name__,
+ (self.__name__,) + messages)
+ def load_image(self, image):
+ self.image =
+ self.pixels = self.image.load()
+ self.result_captcha = ""
+ def deactivate(self):
+ """
+ Delete all tmp images
+ """
+ pass
+ def threshold(self, value):
+ self.image = self.image.point(lambda a: a * value + 10)
+ def run(self, command):
+ """
+ Run a command
+ """
+ popen = subprocess.Popen(command, bufsize=-1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ popen.wait()
+ output = + " | " +
+ popen.stdout.close()
+ popen.stderr.close()
+ self.pyload.log_debug("Tesseract ReturnCode " + popen.returncode, "Output: " + output)
+ def run_tesser(self, subset=False, digits=True, lowercase=True, uppercase=True, pagesegmode=None):
+ # tmpTif = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tif")
+ try:
+ tmpTif = open(fs_join("tmp", "tmpTif_%s.tif" % self.__name__), "wb")
+ tmpTif.close()
+ # tmpTxt = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".txt")
+ tmpTxt = open(fs_join("tmp", "tmpTxt_%s.txt" % self.__name__), "wb")
+ tmpTxt.close()
+ except IOError, e:
+ self.log_error(e)
+ return
+ self.pyload.log_debug("Saving tiff...")
+, 'TIFF')
+ if == "nt":
+ tessparams = [os.path.join(pypath, "tesseract", "tesseract.exe")]
+ else:
+ tessparams = ["tesseract"]
+ tessparams.extend([os.path.abspath(, os.path.abspath(".txt", "")])
+ if pagesegmode:
+ tessparams.extend(["-psm", str(pagesegmode)])
+ if subset and (digits or lowercase or uppercase):
+ # tmpSub = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".subset")
+ with open(fs_join("tmp", "tmpSub_%s.subset" % self.__name__), "wb") as tmpSub:
+ tmpSub.write("tessedit_char_whitelist ")
+ if digits:
+ tmpSub.write("0123456789")
+ if lowercase:
+ tmpSub.write("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
+ if uppercase:
+ tmpSub.write("\n")
+ tessparams.append("nobatch")
+ tessparams.append(os.path.abspath(
+ self.pyload.log_debug("Running tesseract...")
+ self.pyload.log_debug("Reading txt...")
+ try:
+ with open(, 'r') as f:
+ self.result_captcha ="\n", "")
+ except Exception:
+ self.result_captcha = ""
+ self.pyload.log_info(_("OCR result: ") + self.result_captcha)
+ try:
+ os.remove(
+ os.remove(
+ if subset and (digits or lowercase or uppercase):
+ os.remove(
+ except OSError, e:
+ self.log_warning(e)
+ if self.pyload.debug:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ def recognize(self, name):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def to_greyscale(self):
+ if self.image.mode != 'L':
+ self.image = self.image.convert('L')
+ self.pixels = self.image.load()
+ def eval_black_white(self, limit):
+ self.pixels = self.image.load()
+ w, h = self.image.size
+ for x in xrange(w):
+ for y in xrange(h):
+ if self.pixels[x, y] > limit:
+ self.pixels[x, y] = 255
+ else:
+ self.pixels[x, y] = 0
+ def clean(self, allowed):
+ pixels = self.pixels
+ w, h = self.image.size
+ for x in xrange(w):
+ for y in xrange(h):
+ if pixels[x, y] == 255:
+ continue
+ #: No point in processing white pixels since we only want to remove black pixel
+ count = 0
+ try:
+ if pixels[x - 1, y - 1] != 255:
+ count += 1
+ if pixels[x - 1, y] != 255:
+ count += 1
+ if pixels[x - 1, y + 1] != 255:
+ count += 1
+ if pixels[x, y + 1] != 255:
+ count += 1
+ if pixels[x + 1, y + 1] != 255:
+ count += 1
+ if pixels[x + 1, y] != 255:
+ count += 1
+ if pixels[x + 1, y - 1] != 255:
+ count += 1
+ if pixels[x, y - 1] != 255:
+ count += 1
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ #: Not enough neighbors are dark pixels so mark this pixel
+ #: To be changed to white
+ if count < allowed:
+ pixels[x, y] = 1
+ #: Second pass: this time set all 1's to 255 (white)
+ for x in xrange(w):
+ for y in xrange(h):
+ if pixels[x, y] == 1:
+ pixels[x, y] = 255
+ self.pixels = pixels
+ def derotate_by_average(self):
+ """
+ Rotate by checking each angle and guess most suitable
+ """
+ w, h = self.image.size
+ pixels = self.pixels
+ for x in xrange(w):
+ for y in xrange(h):
+ if pixels[x, y] == 0:
+ pixels[x, y] = 155
+ highest = {}
+ counts = {}
+ for angle in xrange(-45, 45):
+ tmpimage = self.image.rotate(angle)
+ pixels = tmpimage.load()
+ w, h = self.image.size
+ for x in xrange(w):
+ for y in xrange(h):
+ if pixels[x, y] == 0:
+ pixels[x, y] = 255
+ count = {}
+ for x in xrange(w):
+ count[x] = 0
+ for y in xrange(h):
+ if pixels[x, y] == 155:
+ count[x] += 1
+ sum = 0
+ cnt = 0
+ for x in count.values():
+ if x != 0:
+ sum += x
+ cnt += 1
+ avg = sum / cnt
+ counts[angle] = cnt
+ highest[angle] = 0
+ for x in count.values():
+ if x > highest[angle]:
+ highest[angle] = x
+ highest[angle] = highest[angle] - avg
+ hkey = 0
+ hvalue = 0
+ for key, value in highest.items():
+ if value > hvalue:
+ hkey = key
+ hvalue = value
+ self.image = self.image.rotate(hkey)
+ pixels = self.image.load()
+ for x in xrange(w):
+ for y in xrange(h):
+ if pixels[x, y] == 0:
+ pixels[x, y] = 255
+ if pixels[x, y] == 155:
+ pixels[x, y] = 0
+ self.pixels = pixels
+ def split_captcha_letters(self):
+ captcha = self.image
+ started = False
+ letters = []
+ width, height = captcha.size
+ bottomY, topY = 0, height
+ pixels = captcha.load()
+ for x in xrange(width):
+ black_pixel_in_col = False
+ for y in xrange(height):
+ if pixels[x, y] != 255:
+ if not started:
+ started = True
+ firstX = x
+ lastX = x
+ if y > bottomY:
+ bottomY = y
+ if y < topY:
+ topY = y
+ if x > lastX:
+ lastX = x
+ black_pixel_in_col = True
+ if black_pixel_in_col is False and started is True:
+ rect = (firstX, topY, lastX, bottomY)
+ new_captcha = captcha.crop(rect)
+ w, h = new_captcha.size
+ if w > 5 and h > 5:
+ letters.append(new_captcha)
+ started = False
+ bottomY, topY = 0, height
+ return letters
+ def correct(self, values, var=None):
+ if var:
+ result = var
+ else:
+ result = self.result_captcha
+ for key, item in values.items():
+ if key.__class__ is str:
+ result = result.replace(key, item)
+ else:
+ for expr in key:
+ result = result.replace(expr, item)
+ if var:
+ return result
+ else:
+ self.result_captcha = result
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b45c40a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import datetime
+import inspect
+import os
+import re
+import urllib
+if != "nt":
+ import grp
+ import pwd
+from module.plugins.Plugin import Abort, Fail, Reconnect, Retry, SkipDownload as Skip #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+from module.utils import fs_encode, fs_decode, html_unescape, save_join as fs_join
+#@TODO: Move to utils in 0.4.10
+def decode(string, encoding='utf8'):
+ """ Decode string to unicode with utf8 """
+ if type(string) is str:
+ return string.decode(encoding, "replace")
+ else:
+ return string
+#@TODO: Move to utils in 0.4.10
+def encode(string, encoding='utf8'):
+ """ Decode string to utf8 """
+ if type(string) is unicode:
+ return string.encode(encoding, "replace")
+ else:
+ return string
+#@TODO: Move to utils in 0.4.10
+def exists(path):
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ if == "nt":
+ dir, name = os.path.split(path)
+ return name in os.listdir(dir)
+ else:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+#@TODO: Move to utils in 0.4.10
+def fixurl(url):
+ return html_unescape(urllib.unquote(url.decode('unicode-escape'))).strip().rstrip('/')
+#@TODO: Move to utils in 0.4.10
+def timestamp():
+ return int(time.time() * 1000)
+def seconds_to_midnight(gmt=0):
+ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours=gmt)
+ if now.hour == 0 and now.minute < 10:
+ midnight = now
+ else:
+ midnight = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
+ td = midnight.replace(hour=0, minute=10, second=0, microsecond=0) - now
+ if hasattr(td, 'total_seconds'):
+ res = td.total_seconds()
+ else: #@NOTE: work-around for python 2.5 and 2.6 missing datetime.timedelta.total_seconds
+ res = (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6
+ return int(res)
+def replace_patterns(string, ruleslist):
+ for r in ruleslist:
+ rf, rt = r
+ string = re.sub(rf, rt, string)
+ return string
+#@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 and fix CookieJar.setCookie
+def set_cookie(cj, domain, name, value):
+ return cj.setCookie(domain, name, encode(value))
+def set_cookies(cj, cookies):
+ for cookie in cookies:
+ if isinstance(cookie, tuple) and len(cookie) == 3:
+ set_cookie(cj, *cookie)
+def parse_html_tag_attr_value(attr_name, tag):
+ m ="%s\s*=\s*([\"']?)((?<=\")[^\"]+|(?<=')[^']+|[^>\s\"'][^>\s]*)\1" % attr_name, tag, re.I)
+ return if m else None
+def parse_html_form(attr_str, html, input_names={}):
+ for form in re.finditer(r"(?P<TAG><form[^>]*%s[^>]*>)(?P<CONTENT>.*?)</?(form|body|html)[^>]*>" % attr_str,
+ html, re.S | re.I):
+ inputs = {}
+ action = parse_html_tag_attr_value("action",'TAG'))
+ for inputtag in re.finditer(r'(<(input|textarea)[^>]*>)([^<]*(?=</\2)|)','CONTENT'), re.S | re.I):
+ name = parse_html_tag_attr_value("name",
+ if name:
+ value = parse_html_tag_attr_value("value",
+ if not value:
+ inputs[name] = or ""
+ else:
+ inputs[name] = value
+ if input_names:
+ #: Check input attributes
+ for key, val in input_names.items():
+ if key in inputs:
+ if isinstance(val, basestring) and inputs[key] is val:
+ continue
+ elif isinstance(val, tuple) and inputs[key] in val:
+ continue
+ elif hasattr(val, "search") and re.match(val, inputs[key]):
+ continue
+ break #: Attibute value does not match
+ else:
+ break #: Attibute name does not match
+ else:
+ return action, inputs #: Passed attribute check
+ else:
+ #: No attribute check
+ return action, inputs
+ return {}, None #: No matching form found
+#@TODO: Move to utils in 0.4.10
+def chunks(iterable, size):
+ it = iter(iterable)
+ item = list(islice(it, size))
+ while item:
+ yield item
+ item = list(islice(it, size))
+class Plugin(object):
+ __name__ = "Plugin"
+ __type__ = "hoster"
+ __version__ = "0.30"
+ __status__ = "testing"
+ __pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
+ __config__ = [] #: [("name", "type", "desc", "default")]
+ __description__ = """Base plugin"""
+ __license__ = "GPLv3"
+ __authors__ = [("RaNaN" , "" ),
+ ("spoob" , "" ),
+ ("mkaay" , "" ),
+ ("Walter Purcaro", "")]
+ def __init__(self, core):
+ self._init(core)
+ self.init()
+ def _init(self, core):
+ self.pyload = core
+ = {} #: Provide information in dict here
+ self.req = None
+ def init(self):
+ """
+ Initialize the plugin (in addition to `__init__`)
+ """
+ pass
+ def _log(self, level, plugintype, pluginname, messages):
+ log = getattr(self.pyload.log, level)
+ msg = encode(" | ".join((a if isinstance(a, basestring) else str(a)).strip() for a in messages if a))
+ log("%(plugintype)s %(pluginname)s%(id)s: %(msg)s"
+ % {'plugintype': plugintype.upper(),
+ 'pluginname': pluginname,
+ 'id' : ("[%s]" % if hasattr(self, 'pyfile') else "",
+ 'msg' : msg})
+ def log_debug(self, *args):
+ if self.pyload.debug:
+ return self._log("debug", self.__type__, self.__name__, args)
+ def log_info(self, *args):
+ return self._log("info", self.__type__, self.__name__, args)
+ def log_warning(self, *args):
+ return self._log("warning", self.__type__, self.__name__, args)
+ def log_error(self, *args):
+ return self._log("error", self.__type__, self.__name__, args)
+ def log_critical(self, *args):
+ return self._log("critical", self.__type__, self.__name__, args)
+ def set_permissions(self, path):
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ return
+ try:
+ if self.pyload.config.get("permission", "change_file"):
+ if os.path.isfile(path):
+ os.chmod(path, int(self.pyload.config.get("permission", "file"), 8))
+ elif os.path.isdir(path):
+ os.chmod(path, int(self.pyload.config.get("permission", "folder"), 8))
+ except OSError, e:
+ self.log_warning(_("Setting path mode failed"), e)
+ try:
+ if != "nt" and self.pyload.config.get("permission", "change_dl"):
+ uid = pwd.getpwnam(self.pyload.config.get("permission", "user"))[2]
+ gid = grp.getgrnam(self.pyload.config.get("permission", "group"))[2]
+ os.chown(path, uid, gid)
+ except OSError, e:
+ self.log_warning(_("Setting owner and group failed"), e)
+ def get_chunk_count(self):
+ if self.chunk_limit <= 0:
+ return self.pyload.config.get("download", "chunks")
+ return min(self.pyload.config.get("download", "chunks"), self.chunk_limit)
+ def set_config(self, option, value):
+ """
+ Set config value for current plugin
+ :param option:
+ :param value:
+ :return:
+ """
+ self.pyload.config.setPlugin(self.__name__, option, value)
+ def get_config(self, option, default="", plugin=None):
+ """
+ Returns config value for current plugin
+ :param option:
+ :return:
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.pyload.config.getPlugin(plugin or self.__name__, option)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.log_debug("Config option `%s` not found, use default `%s`" % (option, default or None)) #@TODO: Restore to `log_warning` in 0.4.10
+ return default
+ def store(self, key, value):
+ """
+ Saves a value persistently to the database
+ """
+ self.pyload.db.setStorage(self.__name__, key, value)
+ def retrieve(self, key, default=None):
+ """
+ Retrieves saved value or dict of all saved entries if key is None
+ """
+ return self.pyload.db.getStorage(self.__name__, key) or default
+ def delete(self, key):
+ """
+ Delete entry in db
+ """
+ self.pyload.db.delStorage(self.__name__, key)
+ def fail(self, reason):
+ """
+ Fail and give reason
+ """
+ raise Fail(encode(reason)) #@TODO: Remove `encode` in 0.4.10
+ def error(self, reason="", type=_("Parse")):
+ if not reason:
+ type = _("Unknown")
+ msg = _("%s error") % type.strip().capitalize() if type else _("Error")
+ msg += (": %s" % reason.strip()) if reason else ""
+ msg += _(" | Plugin may be out of date")
+ raise Fail(encode(msg)) #@TODO: Remove `encode` in 0.4.10
+ def load(self, url, get={}, post={}, ref=True, cookies=True, just_header=False, decode=True, multipart=False, req=None):
+ """
+ Load content at url and returns it
+ :param url:
+ :param get:
+ :param post:
+ :param ref:
+ :param cookies:
+ :param just_header: If True only the header will be retrieved and returned as dict
+ :param decode: Wether to decode the output according to http header, should be True in most cases
+ :return: Loaded content
+ """
+ if hasattr(self, 'pyfile') and self.pyfile.abort:
+ self.abort()
+ url = fixurl(url)
+ if not url or not isinstance(url, basestring):
+"No url given"))
+ if self.pyload.debug:
+ self.log_debug("LOAD URL " + url,
+ *["%s=%s" % (key, val) for key, val in locals().items() if key not in ("self", "url")])
+ if req is None:
+ req = self.req or self.pyload.requestFactory.getRequest(self.__name__)
+ #@TODO: Move to network in 0.4.10
+ if isinstance(cookies, list):
+ set_cookies(req.cj, cookies)
+ res = req.load(url, get, post, ref, bool(cookies), just_header, multipart, decode is True) #@TODO: Fix network multipart in 0.4.10
+ #@TODO: Move to network in 0.4.10
+ if decode:
+ res = html_unescape(res)
+ #@TODO: Move to network in 0.4.10
+ if isinstance(decode, basestring):
+ res = decode(res, decode)
+ if self.pyload.debug:
+ frame = inspect.currentframe()
+ framefile = fs_join("tmp", self.__name__, "%s_line%s.dump.html" % (frame.f_back.f_code.co_name, frame.f_back.f_lineno))
+ try:
+ if not exists(os.path.join("tmp", self.__name__)):
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join("tmp", self.__name__))
+ with open(framefile, "wb") as f:
+ del frame #: Delete the frame or it wont be cleaned
+ f.write(encode(res))
+ except IOError, e:
+ self.log_error(e)
+ if just_header:
+ #: Parse header
+ header = {'code': req.code}
+ for line in res.splitlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line or ":" not in line:
+ continue
+ key, none, value = line.partition(":")
+ key = key.strip().lower()
+ value = value.strip()
+ if key in header:
+ if type(header[key]) is list:
+ header[key].append(value)
+ else:
+ header[key] = [header[key], value]
+ else:
+ header[key] = value
+ res = header
+ return res
+ def clean(self):
+ """
+ Clean everything and remove references
+ """
+ try:
+ self.req.close()
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ for a in ("pyfile", "thread", "html", "req"):
+ if hasattr(self, a):
+ setattr(self, a, None)
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
deleted file mode 100644
index dea714a62..000000000
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import random
-import re
-import time
-import urlparse
-from base64 import b64encode
-from module.plugins.internal.Captcha import Captcha
-class ReCaptcha(Captcha):
- __name__ = "ReCaptcha"
- __type__ = "captcha"
- __version__ = "0.17"
- __description__ = """ReCaptcha captcha service plugin"""
- __license__ = "GPLv3"
- __authors__ = [("pyLoad Team", ""),
- ("Walter Purcaro", ""),
- ("zapp-brannigan", "")]
- KEY_V2_PATTERN = r'(?:data-sitekey=["\']|["\']sitekey["\']:\s*["\'])([\w-]+)'
- KEY_V1_PATTERN = r'(?:recaptcha(?:/api|\.net)/(?:challenge|noscript)\?k=|Recaptcha\.create\s*\(\s*["\'])([\w-]+)'
- def detect_key(self, html=None):
- html = html or self.retrieve_html()
- m =, html) or, html)
- if m:
- self.key =
- self.logDebug("Key: %s" % self.key)
- return self.key
- else:
- self.logWarning("Key pattern not found")
- return None
- def challenge(self, key=None, html=None, version=None):
- key = key or self.retrieve_key(html)
- if version in (1, 2):
- return getattr(self, "_challenge_v%s" % version)(key)
- else:
- return self.challenge(key,
- version=2 if, html or self.retrieve_html()) else 1)
- def _challenge_v1(self, key):
- html = self.plugin.req.load("",
- get={'k': key})
- try:
- challenge ="challenge : '(.+?)',", html).group(1)
- server ="server : '(.+?)',", html).group(1)
- except AttributeError:
-"ReCaptcha challenge pattern not found"))
- self.logDebug("Challenge: %s" % challenge)
- return self.result(server, challenge, key)
- def result(self, server, challenge, key):
- self.plugin.req.load("")
- html = self.plugin.req.load("",
- get={'c' : challenge,
- 'k' : key,
- 'reason': "i",
- 'type' : "image"})
- try:
- challenge ='\(\'(.+?)\',',html).group(1)
- except AttributeError:
-"ReCaptcha second challenge pattern not found"))
- self.logDebug("Second challenge: %s" % challenge)
- result = self.plugin.decryptCaptcha("%simage" % server,
- get={'c': challenge},
- cookies=True,
- forceUser=True,
- imgtype="jpg")
- self.logDebug("Result: %s" % result)
- return result, challenge
- def _collectApiInfo(self):
- html = self.plugin.req.load("")
- a ='po.src = \'(.*?)\';', html).group(1)
- vers = a.split("/")[5]
- self.logDebug("API version: %s" % vers)
- language = a.split("__")[1].split(".")[0]
- self.logDebug("API language: %s" % language)
- html = self.plugin.req.load("")
- b ='"h":"(.*?)","', html).group(1)
- jsh = b.decode('unicode-escape')
- self.logDebug("API jsh-string: %s" % jsh)
- return vers, language, jsh
- def _prepareTimeAndRpc(self):
- self.plugin.req.load("")
- millis = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
- self.logDebug("Time: %s" % millis)
- rand = random.randint(1, 99999999)
- a = "0.%s" % str(rand * 2147483647)
- rpc = int(100000000 * float(a))
- self.logDebug("Rpc-token: %s" % rpc)
- return millis, rpc
- def _challenge_v2(self, key, parent=None):
- if parent is None:
- try:
- parent = urlparse.urljoin("http://", urlparse.urlparse(self.plugin.pyfile.url).netloc)
- except Exception:
- parent = ""
- botguardstring = "!A"
- vers, language, jsh = self._collectApiInfo()
- millis, rpc = self._prepareTimeAndRpc()
- html = self.plugin.req.load("",
- get={'k' : key,
- 'hl' : language,
- 'v' : vers,
- 'usegapi' : "1",
- 'jsh' : "%s#id=IO_%s" % (jsh, millis),
- 'parent' : parent,
- 'pfname' : "",
- 'rpctoken': rpc})
- token1 ='id="recaptcha-token" value="(.*?)">', html)
- self.logDebug("Token #1: %s" %
- html = self.plugin.req.load("",
- get={'c' :,
- 'hl' : language,
- 'v' : vers,
- 'bg' : botguardstring,
- 'k' : key,
- 'usegapi': "1",
- 'jsh' : jsh}).decode('unicode-escape')
- token2 ='"finput","(.*?)",', html)
- self.logDebug("Token #2: %s" %
- token3 ='"rresp","(.*?)",', html)
- self.logDebug("Token #3: %s" %
- millis_captcha_loading = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
- captcha_response = self.plugin.decryptCaptcha("",
- get={'c', 'k':key},
- cookies=True,
- forceUser=True)
- response = b64encode('{"response":"%s"}' % captcha_response)
- self.logDebug("Result: %s" % response)
- timeToSolve = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) - millis_captcha_loading
- timeToSolveMore = timeToSolve + int(float("0." + str(random.randint(1, 99999999))) * 500)
- html = self.plugin.req.load("",
- post={'k' : key,
- 'c' :,
- 'response': response,
- 't' : timeToSolve,
- 'ct' : timeToSolveMore,
- 'bg' : botguardstring})
- token4 ='"uvresp","(.*?)",', html)
- self.logDebug("Token #4: %s" %
- result =
- return result, None
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index 624f6c939..5811c28de 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ import re
import subprocess
from module.plugins.internal.UnRar import ArchiveError, CRCError, PasswordError, UnRar, renice
-from module.utils import fs_encode, save_join
+from module.utils import fs_encode, save_join as fs_join
class SevenZip(UnRar):
__name__ = "SevenZip"
- __version__ = "0.11"
+ __version__ = "0.14"
+ __status__ = "testing"
__description__ = """7-Zip extractor plugin"""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
@@ -18,9 +19,7 @@ class SevenZip(UnRar):
("Walter Purcaro", "")]
- CMD = "7z"
- VERSION = ""
+ CMD = "7z"
EXTENSIONS = [".7z", ".xz", ".zip", ".gz", ".gzip", ".tgz", ".bz2", ".bzip2",
".tbz2", ".tbz", ".tar", ".wim", ".swm", ".lzma", ".rar", ".cab",
".arj", ".z", ".taz", ".cpio", ".rpm", ".deb", ".lzh", ".lha",
@@ -37,23 +36,27 @@ class SevenZip(UnRar):
- def isUsable(cls):
- if == "nt":
- cls.CMD = os.path.join(pypath, "7z.exe")
- p = subprocess.Popen([cls.CMD], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- out, err = p.communicate()
- else:
+ def find(cls):
+ try:
+ if == "nt":
+ cls.CMD = os.path.join(pypath, "7z.exe")
p = subprocess.Popen([cls.CMD], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
- m =
- cls.VERSION = if m else '(version unknown)'
+ except OSError:
+ return False
+ else:
+ m =
+ if m is not None:
+ cls.VERSION =
- return True
+ return True
def verify(self, password):
- # 7z can't distinguish crc and pw error in test
+ #: 7z can't distinguish crc and pw error in test
p = self.call_cmd("l", "-slt", fs_encode(self.filename))
out, err = p.communicate()
@@ -72,7 +75,7 @@ class SevenZip(UnRar):
p = self.call_cmd("l", "-slt", fs_encode(self.filename))
out, err = p.communicate()
- # check if output or error macthes the 'wrong password'-Regexp
+ #: Check if output or error macthes the 'wrong password'-Regexp
raise PasswordError
@@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ class SevenZip(UnRar):
renice(, self.renice)
- # communicate and retrieve stderr
+ #: Communicate and retrieve stderr
err =
@@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ class SevenZip(UnRar):
raise CRCError(err)
- else: #: raise error if anything is on stderr
+ else: #: Raise error if anything is on stderr
raise ArchiveError(err)
if p.returncode > 1:
@@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ class SevenZip(UnRar):
result = set()
for groups in self.re_filelist.findall(out):
f = groups[-1].strip()
- result.add(save_join(self.out, f))
+ result.add(fs_join(self.out, f))
return list(result)
@@ -134,20 +137,20 @@ class SevenZip(UnRar):
def call_cmd(self, command, *xargs, **kwargs):
args = []
- #overwrite flag
+ #: Overwrite flag
if self.overwrite:
- #set a password
- if "password" in kwargs and kwargs["password"]:
- args.append("-p%s" % kwargs["password"])
+ #: Set a password
+ if "password" in kwargs and kwargs['password']:
+ args.append("-p%s" % kwargs['password'])
#@NOTE: return codes are not reliable, some kind of threading, cleanup whatever issue
call = [self.CMD, command] + args + list(xargs)
- self.manager.logDebug(" ".join(call))
+ self.log_debug(" ".join(call))
p = subprocess.Popen(call, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return p
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index b843a28f0..6a3f91a5b 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -1,27 +1,26 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
-import urlparse
-from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter
-from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo, replace_patterns, set_cookies
+from module.plugins.internal.Crypter import Crypter
+from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo, replace_patterns, set_cookie, set_cookies
from module.utils import fixup, html_unescape
class SimpleCrypter(Crypter, SimpleHoster):
__name__ = "SimpleCrypter"
__type__ = "crypter"
- __version__ = "0.46"
+ __version__ = "0.60"
+ __status__ = "testing"
__pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
- __config__ = [("use_subfolder" , "bool", "Save package to subfolder" , True), #: Overrides core.config['general']['folder_per_package']
+ __config__ = [("use_subfolder" , "bool", "Save package to subfolder" , True), #: Overrides pyload.config['general']['folder_per_package']
("subfolder_per_pack", "bool", "Create a subfolder for each package", True)]
__description__ = """Simple decrypter plugin"""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
__authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
Following patterns should be defined by each crypter:
@@ -49,121 +48,93 @@ class SimpleCrypter(Crypter, SimpleHoster):
and its loadPage method:
- def loadPage(self, page_n):
+ def load_page(self, page_n):
return the html of the page number page_n
- NAME_REPLACEMENTS = [("&#?\w+;", fixup)]
- TEXT_ENCODING = False #: Set to True or encoding name if encoding in http header is not correct
- COOKIES = True #: or False or list of tuples [(domain, name, value)]
#@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- def init(self):
- account_name = (self.__name__ + ".py").replace("", "").replace(".py", "")
- account = self.pyfile.m.core.accountManager.getAccountPlugin(account_name)
- if account and account.canUse():
- self.user, data = account.selectAccount()
- self.req = account.getAccountRequest(self.user)
- self.premium = account.isPremium(self.user)
+ def _setup(self):
+ orig_name = self.__name__
+ self.__name__ = (orig_name + ".py").replace("", "").replace(".py", "")
- self.account = account
+ super(SimpleCrypter, self)._setup()
+ self.__name__ = orig_name
- def prepare(self):
- self.pyfile.error = "" #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- = {}
- self.html = ""
- self.links = [] #@TODO: Move to hoster class in 0.4.10
+ #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ def load_account(self):
+ orig_name = self.__name__
+ self.__name__ = (orig_name + ".py").replace("", "").replace(".py", "")
- if self.LOGIN_PREMIUM and not self.premium:
-"Required premium account not found"))
+ super(SimpleCrypter, self).load_account()
- if self.LOGIN_ACCOUNT and not self.account:
-"Required account not found"))
+ self.__name__ = orig_name
- self.req.setOption("timeout", 120)
- if isinstance(self.COOKIES, list):
- set_cookies(self.req.cj, self.COOKIES)
+ def handle_direct(self, pyfile):
+ for i in xrange(self.get_config("maxredirs", plugin="UserAgentSwitcher")):
+ redirect = or pyfile.url
+ self.log_debug("Redirect #%d to: %s" % (i, redirect))
- self.pyfile.url = replace_patterns(self.pyfile.url, self.URL_REPLACEMENTS)
+ header = self.load(redirect, just_header=True)
+ if 'location' in header and header['location']:
+ = header['location']
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ self.log_error(_("Too many redirects"))
def decrypt(self, pyfile):
+ self.check_info() #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- self.preload()
- self.checkInfo()
- self.links = self.getLinks()
+ if self.direct_dl:
+ self.log_debug(_("Looking for direct download link..."))
+ self.handle_direct(pyfile)
- if hasattr(self, 'PAGES_PATTERN') and hasattr(self, 'loadPage'):
- self.handlePages(pyfile)
+ if or self.links or self.urls or self.packages:
+ self.log_info(_("Direct download link detected"))
+ else:
+ self.log_info(_("Direct download link not found"))
- self.logDebug("Package has %d links" % len(self.links))
+ if not ( or self.links or self.urls or self.packages):
+ self.preload()
- if self.links:
- self.packages = [(['name'], self.links,['folder'])]
+ self.links = self.get_links() or list()
- elif not self.urls and not self.packages: #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
-"No link grabbed"))
+ if hasattr(self, 'PAGES_PATTERN') and hasattr(self, 'loadPage'):
+ self.handle_pages(pyfile)
+ self.log_debug("Package has %d links" % len(self.links))
- def checkNameSize(self, getinfo=True):
- if not or getinfo:
- self.logDebug("File info (BEFORE): %s" %
-, self.html))
- self.logDebug("File info (AFTER): %s" %
- try:
- url =['url'].strip()
- name =['name'].strip()
- if name and name != url:
- = name
+ if
+ self.urls.append(
- except Exception:
- pass
- try:
- folder =['folder'] =
- except Exception:
- pass
- self.logDebug("File name: %s" %,
- "File folder: %s" %
+ if self.links:
+ name = folder =
+ self.packages.append((name, self.links, folder))
- def getLinks(self):
+ def get_links(self):
Returns the links extracted from self.html
You should override this only if it's impossible to extract links using only the LINK_PATTERN.
- url_p = urlparse.urlparse(self.pyfile.url)
- baseurl = "%s://%s" % (url_p.scheme, url_p.netloc)
- links = [urlparse.urljoin(baseurl, link) if not urlparse.urlparse(link).scheme else link \
- for link in re.findall(self.LINK_PATTERN, self.html)]
- return [html_unescape(l.strip().decode('unicode-escape')) for l in links]
+ return re.findall(self.LINK_PATTERN, self.html)
- def handlePages(self, pyfile):
+ def handle_pages(self, pyfile):
pages = int(, self.html).group(1))
except Exception:
pages = 1
for p in xrange(2, pages + 1):
- self.html = self.loadPage(p)
- self.links += self.getLinks()
+ self.html = self.load_page(p)
+ self.links += self.get_links()
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e7e08321..000000000
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import re
-from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter
-from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import create_getInfo, set_cookies
-from module.utils import html_unescape
-class SimpleDereferer(Crypter):
- __name__ = "SimpleDereferer"
- __type__ = "crypter"
- __version__ = "0.14"
- __pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
- __config__ = [] #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- __description__ = """Simple dereferer plugin"""
- __license__ = "GPLv3"
- __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
- """
- Following patterns should be defined by each crypter:
- LINK_PATTERN: Regex to catch the redirect url in group(1)
- example: LINK_PATTERN = r'<div class="link"><a href="(.+?)"'
- OFFLINE_PATTERN: (optional) Checks if the page is unreachable
- example: OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'File (deleted|not found)'
- TEMP_OFFLINE_PATTERN: (optional) Checks if the page is temporarily unreachable
- example: TEMP_OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'Server maintainance'
- You can override the getLinks method if you need a more sophisticated way to extract the redirect url.
- """
- COOKIES = True
- def handleDirect(self, pyfile):
- header = self.load(pyfile.url, just_header=True, decode=True)
- if 'location' in header and header['location']:
- = header['location']
- def decrypt(self, pyfile):
- self.prepare()
- self.handleDirect(pyfile)
- if not
- self.preload()
- self.checkStatus()
- = self.getLink()
- if
- self.urls = []
- elif not self.urls and not self.packages: #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
-"No link grabbed"))
- def prepare(self):
- = {}
- self.html = ""
- = "" #@TODO: Move to hoster class in 0.4.10
- self.req.setOption("timeout", 120)
- if isinstance(self.COOKIES, list):
- set_cookies(self.req.cj, self.COOKIES)
- self.pyfile.url = replace_patterns(self.pyfile.url, self.URL_REPLACEMENTS)
- def preload(self):
- self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, cookies=bool(self.COOKIES), decode=not self.TEXT_ENCODING)
- if isinstance(self.TEXT_ENCODING, basestring):
- self.html = unicode(self.html, self.TEXT_ENCODING)
- def checkStatus(self):
- if hasattr(self, "OFFLINE_PATTERN") and, self.html):
- self.offline()
- elif hasattr(self, "TEMP_OFFLINE_PATTERN") and, self.html):
- self.tempOffline()
- def getLink(self):
- try:
- link =, self.html).group(1)
- except Exception, e:
- self.logWarning(e)
- else:
- return html_unescape(link.strip().decode('unicode-escape')) #@TODO: Move this check to plugin `load` method in 0.4.10
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index 1d44a6642..9c310ca27 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -1,245 +1,30 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import datetime
+from __future__ import with_statement
import mimetypes
import os
import re
import time
-import urllib
import urlparse
from module.PyFile import statusMap as _statusMap
-from import CookieJar
from import BadHeader
-from import getURL
-from module.plugins.Hoster import Hoster
-from module.plugins.Plugin import Fail, Retry
-from module.utils import fixup, fs_encode, html_unescape, parseFileSize
+from import getURL as get_url
+from module.plugins.internal.Hoster import Hoster, create_getInfo, parse_fileInfo
+from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import Fail, encode, fixurl, replace_patterns, seconds_to_midnight, set_cookie, set_cookies
+from module.utils import fixup, fs_encode, parseFileSize as parse_size
#@TODO: Adapt and move to PyFile in 0.4.10
-statusMap = dict((v, k) for k, v in _statusMap.iteritems())
-#@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 and redirect to self.error instead
-def _error(self, reason, type):
- if not reason and not type:
- type = "unknown"
- msg = _("%s error") % type.strip().capitalize() if type else _("Error")
- msg += (": %s" % reason.strip()) if reason else ""
- msg += _(" | Plugin may be out of date")
- raise Fail(msg)
-#@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
-def _wait(self, seconds, reconnect):
- if seconds:
- self.setWait(int(seconds) + 1)
- if reconnect is not None:
- self.wantReconnect = reconnect
- super(SimpleHoster, self).wait()
-def replace_patterns(string, ruleslist):
- for r in ruleslist:
- rf, rt = r
- string = re.sub(rf, rt, string)
- return string
-def set_cookies(cj, cookies):
- for cookie in cookies:
- if isinstance(cookie, tuple) and len(cookie) == 3:
- domain, name, value = cookie
- cj.setCookie(domain, name, value)
-def parseHtmlTagAttrValue(attr_name, tag):
- m ="%s\s*=\s*([\"']?)((?<=\")[^\"]+|(?<=')[^']+|[^>\s\"'][^>\s]*)\1" % attr_name, tag, re.I)
- return if m else None
-def parseHtmlForm(attr_str, html, input_names={}):
- for form in re.finditer(r"(?P<TAG><form[^>]*%s[^>]*>)(?P<CONTENT>.*?)</?(form|body|html)[^>]*>" % attr_str,
- html, re.S | re.I):
- inputs = {}
- action = parseHtmlTagAttrValue("action",'TAG'))
- for inputtag in re.finditer(r'(<(input|textarea)[^>]*>)([^<]*(?=</\2)|)','CONTENT'), re.S | re.I):
- name = parseHtmlTagAttrValue("name",
- if name:
- value = parseHtmlTagAttrValue("value",
- if not value:
- inputs[name] = or ""
- else:
- inputs[name] = value
- if input_names:
- # check input attributes
- for key, val in input_names.iteritems():
- if key in inputs:
- if isinstance(val, basestring) and inputs[key] == val:
- continue
- elif isinstance(val, tuple) and inputs[key] in val:
- continue
- elif hasattr(val, "search") and re.match(val, inputs[key]):
- continue
- break #: attibute value does not match
- else:
- break #: attibute name does not match
- else:
- return action, inputs #: passed attribute check
- else:
- # no attribute check
- return action, inputs
- return {}, None #: no matching form found
-#@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
-def parseFileInfo(plugin, url="", html=""):
- if hasattr(plugin, "getInfo"):
- info = plugin.getInfo(url, html)
- res = info['name'], info['size'], info['status'], info['url']
- else:
- url = urllib.unquote(url)
- url_p = urlparse.urlparse(url)
- res = ((url_p.path.split('/')[-1]
- or url_p.query.split('=', 1)[::-1][0].split('&', 1)[0]
- or url_p.netloc.split('.', 1)[0]),
- 0,
- 3 if url else 8,
- url)
- return res
-#@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
-def create_getInfo(plugin):
- def getInfo(urls):
- for url in urls:
- if hasattr(plugin, "URL_REPLACEMENTS"):
- url = replace_patterns(url, plugin.URL_REPLACEMENTS)
- yield parseFileInfo(plugin, url)
- return getInfo
-def timestamp():
- return int(time.time() * 1000)
-#@TODO: Move to hoster class in 0.4.10
-def getFileURL(self, url, follow_location=None):
- link = ""
- redirect = 1
- if type(follow_location) is int:
- redirect = max(follow_location, 1)
- else:
- redirect = 10
- for i in xrange(redirect):
- try:
- self.logDebug("Redirect #%d to: %s" % (i, url))
- header = self.load(url, just_header=True, decode=True)
- except Exception: #: Bad bad bad... rewrite this part in 0.4.10
- req = pyreq.getHTTPRequest()
- res = req.load(url, just_header=True, decode=True)
- req.close()
- header = {"code": req.code}
- for line in res.splitlines():
- line = line.strip()
- if not line or ":" not in line:
- continue
- key, none, value = line.partition(":")
- key = key.lower().strip()
- value = value.strip()
- if key in header:
- if type(header[key]) == list:
- header[key].append(value)
- else:
- header[key] = [header[key], value]
- else:
- header[key] = value
- if 'content-disposition' in header:
- link = url
- elif 'location' in header and header['location']:
- location = header['location']
- if not urlparse.urlparse(location).scheme:
- url_p = urlparse.urlparse(url)
- baseurl = "%s://%s" % (url_p.scheme, url_p.netloc)
- location = urlparse.urljoin(baseurl, location)
- if 'code' in header and header['code'] == 302:
- link = location
- if follow_location:
- url = location
- continue
- else:
- extension = os.path.splitext(urlparse.urlparse(url).path.split('/')[-1])[-1]
- if 'content-type' in header and header['content-type']:
- mimetype = header['content-type'].split(';')[0].strip()
- elif extension:
- mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(extension, False)[0] or "application/octet-stream"
- else:
- mimetype = ""
- if mimetype and (link or 'html' not in mimetype):
- link = url
- else:
- link = ""
- break
- else:
- try:
- self.logError(_("Too many redirects"))
- except Exception:
- pass
- return link
-def secondsToMidnight(gmt=0):
- now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours=gmt)
- if now.hour is 0 and now.minute < 10:
- midnight = now
- else:
- midnight = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
- td = midnight.replace(hour=0, minute=10, second=0, microsecond=0) - now
- if hasattr(td, 'total_seconds'):
- res = td.total_seconds()
- else: #@NOTE: work-around for python 2.5 and 2.6 missing datetime.timedelta.total_seconds
- res = (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6
- return int(res)
+statusMap = dict((v, k) for k, v in _statusMap.items())
class SimpleHoster(Hoster):
__name__ = "SimpleHoster"
__type__ = "hoster"
- __version__ = "1.50"
+ __version__ = "1.80"
+ __status__ = "testing"
__pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
__config__ = [("use_premium", "bool", "Use premium account if available" , True),
@@ -249,7 +34,6 @@ class SimpleHoster(Hoster):
__license__ = "GPLv3"
__authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
Info patterns:
@@ -258,6 +42,7 @@ class SimpleHoster(Hoster):
NAME_PATTERN: (mandatory) Name that will be set for the file
example: NAME_PATTERN = r'(?P<N>file_name)'
SIZE_PATTERN: (mandatory) Size that will be checked for the file
example: SIZE_PATTERN = r'(?P<S>file_size) (?P<U>size_unit)'
@@ -285,8 +70,8 @@ class SimpleHoster(Hoster):
example: IP_BLOCKED_PATTERN = r'in your country'
- example: DOWNLOAD_LIMIT_PATTERN = r'download limit'
+ DL_LIMIT_PATTERN: (optional)
+ example: DL_LIMIT_PATTERN = r'download limit'
example: SIZE_LIMIT_PATTERN = r'up to'
@@ -295,49 +80,50 @@ class SimpleHoster(Hoster):
example: ERROR_PATTERN = r''
- Instead overriding handleFree and handlePremium methods you may define the following patterns for basic link handling:
+ Instead overriding handle_free and handle_premium methods you may define the following patterns for basic link handling:
- LINK_FREE_PATTERN: (optional) group(1) should be the direct link for free download
- example: LINK_FREE_PATTERN = r'<div class="link"><a href="(.+?)"'
+ LINK_PATTERN: (optional) group(1) should be the direct link for free and premium download
+ example: LINK_PATTERN = r'<div class="link"><a href="(.+?)"'
+ or
+ LINK_FREE_PATTERN: (optional) group(1) should be the direct link for free download
+ example: LINK_FREE_PATTERN = r'<div class="link"><a href="(.+?)"'
- LINK_PREMIUM_PATTERN: (optional) group(1) should be the direct link for premium download
- example: LINK_PREMIUM_PATTERN = r'<div class="link"><a href="(.+?)"'
+ LINK_PREMIUM_PATTERN: (optional) group(1) should be the direct link for premium download
+ example: LINK_PREMIUM_PATTERN = r'<div class="link"><a href="(.+?)"'
NAME_REPLACEMENTS = [("&#?\w+;", fixup)]
- TEXT_ENCODING = False #: Set to True or encoding name if encoding value in http header is not correct
+ FILE_ERRORS = [('Html error' , r'\A(?:\s*<.+>)?((?:[\w\s]*(?:[Ee]rror|ERROR)\s*\:?)?\s*\d{3})(?:\Z|\s+)'),
+ ('Request error', r'([Aa]n error occured while processing your request)' ),
+ ('Html file' , r'\A\s*<!DOCTYPE html' )]
+ CHECK_FILE = True #: Set to False to not check the last downloaded file with declared error patterns
+ CHECK_TRAFFIC = False #: Set to True to reload checking traffic left for premium account
COOKIES = True #: or False or list of tuples [(domain, name, value)]
- CHECK_TRAFFIC = False #: Set to True to force checking traffic left for premium account
- DIRECT_LINK = None #: Set to True to looking for direct link (as defined in handleDirect method), set to None to do it if self.account is True else False
- MULTI_HOSTER = False #: Set to True to leech other hoster link (as defined in handleMulti method)
- LOGIN_ACCOUNT = False #: Set to True to require account login
+ DIRECT_LINK = None #: Set to True to looking for direct link (as defined in handle_direct method), set to None to do it if self.account is True else False
DISPOSITION = True #: Set to True to use any content-disposition value in http header as file name
+ LOGIN_ACCOUNT = False #: Set to True to require account login
+ LOGIN_PREMIUM = False #: Set to True to require premium account login
+ LEECH_HOSTER = False #: Set to True to leech other hoster link (as defined in handle_multi method)
+ TEXT_ENCODING = True #: Set to encoding name if encoding value in http header is not correct
- directLink = getFileURL #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- def apiInfo(cls, url):
- url = urllib.unquote(url)
- url_p = urlparse.urlparse(url)
- return {'name' : (url_p.path.split('/')[-1]
- or url_p.query.split('=', 1)[::-1][0].split('&', 1)[0]
- or url_p.netloc.split('.', 1)[0]),
- 'size' : 0,
- 'status': 3 if url else 8,
- 'url' : url}
+ def api_info(cls, url):
+ return super(SimpleHoster, cls).get_info(url)
- def getInfo(cls, url="", html=""):
- info = cls.apiInfo(url)
- online = True if info['status'] is 2 else False
+ def get_info(cls, url="", html=""):
+ info = cls.api_info(url)
+ online = True if info['status'] == 2 else False
- info['pattern'] = re.match(cls.__pattern__, url).groupdict() #: pattern groups will be saved here
+ info['pattern'] = re.match(cls.__pattern__, url).groupdict() #: Pattern groups will be saved here
except Exception:
info['pattern'] = {}
@@ -347,20 +133,17 @@ class SimpleHoster(Hoster):
info['error'] = "missing url"
info['status'] = 1
- elif info['status'] is 3:
+ elif info['status'] == 3:
- html = getURL(url, cookies=cls.COOKIES, decode=not cls.TEXT_ENCODING)
- if isinstance(cls.TEXT_ENCODING, basestring):
- html = unicode(html, cls.TEXT_ENCODING)
+ html = get_url(url, cookies=cls.COOKIES, decode=cls.TEXT_ENCODING)
except BadHeader, e:
info['error'] = "%d: %s" % (e.code, e.content)
- if e.code is 404:
+ if e.code == 404:
info['status'] = 1
- elif e.code is 503:
+ elif e.code == 503:
info['status'] = 6
except Exception:
@@ -392,17 +175,17 @@ class SimpleHoster(Hoster):
info['status'] = 2
if 'N' in info['pattern']:
- info['name'] = replace_patterns(urllib.unquote(info['pattern']['N'].strip()),
+ info['name'] = replace_patterns(fixurl(info['pattern']['N']),
if 'S' in info['pattern']:
size = replace_patterns(info['pattern']['S'] + info['pattern']['U'] if 'U' in info['pattern'] else info['pattern']['S'],
- info['size'] = parseFileSize(size)
+ info['size'] = parse_size(size)
elif isinstance(info['size'], basestring):
unit = info['units'] if 'units' in info else None
- info['size'] = parseFileSize(info['size'], unit)
+ info['size'] = parse_size(info['size'], unit)
if 'H' in info['pattern']:
hashtype = info['pattern']['T'] if 'T' in info['pattern'] else "hash"
@@ -415,156 +198,155 @@ class SimpleHoster(Hoster):
def setup(self):
- self.resumeDownload = self.multiDL = self.premium
+ self.resume_download = self.multiDL = self.premium
def prepare(self):
- self.pyfile.error = "" #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ self.pyfile.error = "" #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
+ self.html = "" #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
+ = "" #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
+ self.last_download = ""
+ self.direct_dl = False
+ self.leech_dl = False
- = {}
- self.html = ""
- = "" #@TODO: Move to hoster class in 0.4.10
- self.directDL = False #@TODO: Move to hoster class in 0.4.10
- self.multihost = False #@TODO: Move to hoster class in 0.4.10
+ if not self.get_config('use_premium', True):
+ self.restart(nopremium=True)
- if not self.getConfig('use_premium', True):
- self.retryFree()
+ if self.LOGIN_PREMIUM and not self.premium:
+"Required premium account not found"))
+ self.LOGIN_ACCOUNT = True
if self.LOGIN_ACCOUNT and not self.account:"Required account not found"))
self.req.setOption("timeout", 120)
- if isinstance(self.COOKIES, list):
- set_cookies(self.req.cj, self.COOKIES)
+ if self.LINK_PATTERN:
+ if not hasattr(self, 'LINK_FREE_PATTERN'):
- if (self.MULTI_HOSTER
- and (self.__pattern__ != self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins[self.__name__]['pattern']
- or re.match(self.__pattern__, self.pyfile.url) is None)):
- self.multihost = True
- return
+ if not hasattr(self, 'LINK_PREMIUM_PATTERN'):
+ if (self.LEECH_HOSTER
+ and (self.__pattern__ is not self.pyload.pluginManager.hosterPlugins[self.__name__]['pattern']
+ and re.match(self.__pattern__, self.pyfile.url) is None)):
+ self.leech_dl = True
+ if self.leech_dl:
+ self.direct_dl = False
- if self.DIRECT_LINK is None:
- self.directDL = bool(self.account)
+ elif self.DIRECT_LINK is None:
+ self.direct_dl = bool(self.account)
- self.directDL = self.DIRECT_LINK
+ self.direct_dl = self.DIRECT_LINK
- self.pyfile.url = replace_patterns(self.pyfile.url, self.URL_REPLACEMENTS)
+ if not self.leech_dl:
+ self.pyfile.url = replace_patterns(self.pyfile.url, self.URL_REPLACEMENTS)
def preload(self):
- self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, cookies=bool(self.COOKIES), decode=not self.TEXT_ENCODING)
- if isinstance(self.TEXT_ENCODING, basestring):
- self.html = unicode(self.html, self.TEXT_ENCODING)
+ self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url,
+ cookies=self.COOKIES,
+ ref=False,
+ decode=self.TEXT_ENCODING)
def process(self, pyfile):
- self.checkInfo()
- if self.directDL:
- self.logDebug("Looking for direct download link...")
- self.handleDirect(pyfile)
+ self.check_info() #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- if self.multihost and not and not self.lastDownload:
- self.logDebug("Looking for leeched download link...")
- self.handleMulti(pyfile)
+ if self.leech_dl:
+ self.log_info(_("Processing as debrid download..."))
+ self.handle_multi(pyfile)
- if not and not self.lastDownload:
- self.MULTI_HOSTER = False
- self.retry(1, reason="Multi hoster fails")
+ if not and not was_downloaded():
+ self.log_info(_("Failed to leech url"))
- if not and not self.lastDownload:
- self.preload()
- self.checkInfo()
- if self.premium and (not self.CHECK_TRAFFIC or self.checkTrafficLeft()):
- self.logDebug("Handled as premium download")
- self.handlePremium(pyfile)
- elif not self.LOGIN_ACCOUNT or (not self.CHECK_TRAFFIC or self.checkTrafficLeft()):
- self.logDebug("Handled as free download")
- self.handleFree(pyfile)
- self.downloadLink(, self.DISPOSITION)
- self.checkFile()
+ else:
+ if not and self.direct_dl and not self.last_download:
+ self.log_info(_("Looking for direct download link..."))
+ self.handle_direct(pyfile)
- except Fail, e: #@TODO: Move to PluginThread in 0.4.10
- err = str(e) #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
+ if or self.last_download:
+ self.log_info(_("Direct download link detected"))
+ else:
+ self.log_info(_("Direct download link not found"))
- if err == _("No captcha result obtained in appropiate time by any of the plugins."): #@TODO: Fix in 0.4.10
- self.checkFile()
+ if not and not self.last_download:
+ self.preload()
- elif self.getConfig('fallback', True) and self.premium:
- self.logWarning(_("Premium download failed"), e)
- self.retryFree()
+ if 'status' not in or['status'] is 3: #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
+ self.check_info()
- else:
- raise Fail(err)
+ if self.premium and (not self.CHECK_TRAFFIC or self.check_traffic_left()):
+ self.log_info(_("Processing as premium download..."))
+ self.handle_premium(pyfile)
+ elif not self.LOGIN_ACCOUNT or (not self.CHECK_TRAFFIC or self.check_traffic_left()):
+ self.log_info(_("Processing as free download..."))
+ self.handle_free(pyfile)
- def downloadLink(self, link, disposition=True):
- if not link or not isinstance(link, basestring):
- return
+ if not self.last_download:
+ self.log_info(_("Downloading file..."))
+, disposition=self.DISPOSITION)
- self.correctCaptcha()
+ self.check_file()
- link = html_unescape(link.strip().decode('unicode-escape')) #@TODO: Move this check to plugin `load` method in 0.4.10
+ except Fail, e: #@TODO: Move to PluginThread in 0.4.10
+ if self.get_config('fallback', True) and self.premium:
+ self.log_warning(_("Premium download failed"), e)
+ self.restart(nopremium=True)
- if not urlparse.urlparse(link).scheme:
- url_p = urlparse.urlparse(self.pyfile.url)
- baseurl = "%s://%s" % (url_p.scheme, url_p.netloc)
- link = urlparse.urljoin(baseurl, link)
+ else:
+ raise Fail(encode(e)) #@TODO: Remove `encode` in 0.4.10
-, ref=False, disposition=disposition)
+ def check_file(self):
+ self.log_info(_("Checking file..."))
- def checkFile(self, rules={}):
- if self.cTask and not self.lastDownload:
- self.invalidCaptcha()
+ if self.captcha.task and not self.last_download:
+ self.captcha.invalid()
self.retry(10, reason=_("Wrong captcha"))
- elif not self.lastDownload or not os.path.exists(fs_encode(self.lastDownload)):
- self.lastDownload = ""
- self.error(self.pyfile.error or _("No file downloaded"))
+ # 10485760 is 10MB, tolerance is used when comparing displayed size on the hoster website to real size
+ # For example displayed size can be 1.46GB for example, but real size can be 1.4649853GB
+ elif self.check_download({'Empty file': re.compile(r'\A((.|)(\2|\s)*)\Z')},
+['size'] if 'size' in else 0,
+ size_tolerance=10485760,
+ delete=True):
+ self.error(_("Empty file"))
- errmsg = self.checkDownload({'Empty file': re.compile(r'\A\s*\Z'),
- 'Html error': re.compile(r'\A(?:\s*<.+>)?((?:[\w\s]*(?:[Ee]rror|ERROR)\s*\:?)?\s*\d{3})(?:\Z|\s+)')})
- if not errmsg:
- for r, p in [('Html file' , re.compile(r'\A\s*<!DOCTYPE html') ),
- ('Request error', re.compile(r'([Aa]n error occured while processing your request)'))]:
- if r not in rules:
- rules[r] = p
- for r, a in [('Error' , "ERROR_PATTERN" ),
- ('Premium only', "PREMIUM_ONLY_PATTERN"),
- ('Wait error' , "WAIT_PATTERN" )]:
- if r not in rules and hasattr(self, a):
- rules[r] = getattr(self, a)
- errmsg = self.checkDownload(rules)
+ self.log_debug("Using default check rules...")
+ for r, p in self.FILE_ERRORS:
+ errmsg = self.check_download({r: re.compile(p)})
+ if errmsg is not None:
+ errmsg = errmsg.strip().capitalize()
- if not errmsg:
- return
- errmsg = errmsg.strip().capitalize()
+ try:
+ errmsg += " | " +
+ except Exception:
+ pass
- try:
- errmsg += " | " +
- except Exception:
- pass
+ self.log_warning(_("Check result: ") + errmsg, _("Waiting 1 minute and retry"))
+ self.wantReconnect = True
+ self.retry(wait_time=60, reason=errmsg)
+ else:
+ if self.CHECK_FILE:
+ self.log_debug("Using custom check rules...")
+ with open(fs_encode(self.last_download), "rb") as f:
+ self.html = #@TODO: Recheck in 0.4.10
+ self.check_errors()
- self.logWarning("Check result: " + errmsg, "Waiting 1 minute and retry")
- self.retry(3, 60, errmsg)
+ self.log_info(_("No errors found"))
+ self.pyfile.error = ""
- def checkErrors(self):
+ def check_errors(self):
if not self.html:
- self.logWarning(_("No html code to check"))
+ self.log_warning(_("No html code to check"))
if hasattr(self, 'IP_BLOCKED_PATTERN') and, self.html):
@@ -577,20 +359,20 @@ class SimpleHoster(Hoster):
elif hasattr(self, 'SIZE_LIMIT_PATTERN') and, self.html):"File too large for free download"))
- elif hasattr(self, 'DOWNLOAD_LIMIT_PATTERN') and, self.html):
- m =, self.html)
+ elif hasattr(self, 'DL_LIMIT_PATTERN') and, self.html):
+ m =, self.html)
errmsg =
except Exception:
errmsg =['error'] = re.sub(r'<.*?>', " ", errmsg)
- self.logWarning(['error'])
+ self.log_warning(['error'])
if'da(il)?y|today', errmsg, re.I):
- wait_time = secondsToMidnight(gmt=2)
+ wait_time = seconds_to_midnight(gmt=2)
- wait_time = sum(int(v) * {"hr": 3600, "hour": 3600, "min": 60, "sec": 1, "": 1}[u.lower()] for v, u in
+ wait_time = sum(int(v) * {'hr': 3600, 'hour': 3600, 'min': 60, 'sec': 1, "": 1}[u.lower()] for v, u in
re.findall(r'(\d+)\s*(hr|hour|min|sec|)', errmsg, re.I))
self.wantReconnect = wait_time > 300
@@ -608,13 +390,13 @@ class SimpleHoster(Hoster):
errmsg =['error'] = re.sub(r'<.*?>', " ", errmsg)
- self.logWarning(['error'])
+ self.log_warning(['error'])
- if'limit|wait', errmsg, re.I):
+ if'limit|wait|slot', errmsg, re.I):
if"da(il)?y|today", errmsg):
- wait_time = secondsToMidnight(gmt=2)
+ wait_time = seconds_to_midnight(gmt=2)
- wait_time = sum(int(v) * {"hr": 3600, "hour": 3600, "min": 60, "sec": 1, "": 1}[u.lower()] for v, u in
+ wait_time = sum(int(v) * {'hr': 3600, 'hour': 3600, 'min': 60, 'sec': 1, "": 1}[u.lower()] for v, u in
re.findall(r'(\d+)\s*(hr|hour|min|sec|)', errmsg, re.I))
self.wantReconnect = wait_time > 300
@@ -624,20 +406,26 @@ class SimpleHoster(Hoster):"Connection from your current IP address is not allowed"))
elif'captcha|code', errmsg, re.I):
- self.invalidCaptcha()
+ self.captcha.invalid()
+ self.retry(10, reason=_("Wrong captcha"))
elif'countdown|expired', errmsg, re.I):
- self.retry(wait_time=60, reason=_("Link expired"))
+ self.retry(10, 60, _("Link expired"))
elif'maintenance|maintainance|temp', errmsg, re.I):
- self.tempOffline()
+ self.temp_offline()
- elif'up to', errmsg, re.I):
+ elif'up to|size', errmsg, re.I):"File too large for free download"))
- elif'offline|delet|remov|not (found|available)', errmsg, re.I):
+ elif'offline|delet|remov|not? (found|(longer)? available)', errmsg, re.I):
+ elif'filename', errmsg, re.I):
+ url_p = urlparse.urlparse(self.pyfile.url)
+ self.pyfile.url = "%s://%s/%s" % (url_p.scheme, url_p.netloc, url_p.path.split('/')[0])
+ self.retry(1, reason=_("Wrong url"))
elif'premium', errmsg, re.I):"File can be downloaded by premium users only"))
@@ -653,98 +441,102 @@ class SimpleHoster(Hoster):
except Exception:
waitmsg =
- wait_time = sum(int(v) * {"hr": 3600, "hour": 3600, "min": 60, "sec": 1, "": 1}[u.lower()] for v, u in
+ wait_time = sum(int(v) * {'hr': 3600, 'hour': 3600, 'min': 60, 'sec': 1, "": 1}[u.lower()] for v, u in
re.findall(r'(\d+)\s*(hr|hour|min|sec|)', waitmsg, re.I))
self.wait(wait_time, wait_time > 300)'error', None)
- def checkStatus(self, getinfo=True):
+ def check_status(self, getinfo=True):
if not or getinfo:
- self.logDebug("Update file info...")
- self.logDebug("Previous file info: %s" %
-, self.html))
- self.logDebug("Current file info: %s" %
+ self.log_info(_("Updating file info..."))
+ old_info =
+, self.html))
+ self.log_debug("File info: %s" %
+ self.log_debug("Previous file info: %s" % old_info)
- status =['status']
+ status =['status'] or None
- if status is 1:
+ if status == 1:
- elif status is 6:
- self.tempOffline()
+ elif status == 6:
+ self.temp_offline()
- elif status is 8:
-['error'] if 'error' in else _("Failed"))
+ elif status == 8:
+ if 'error' in
+ else:
+"File status: " + statusMap[status]))
- self.logDebug("File status: %s" % statusMap[status])
+ self.log_info(_("File status: ") + (statusMap[status] if status else _("Unknown")))
- def checkNameSize(self, getinfo=True):
+ def check_name_size(self, getinfo=True):
if not or getinfo:
- self.logDebug("Update file info...")
- self.logDebug("Previous file info: %s" %
-, self.html))
- self.logDebug("Current file info: %s" %
+ self.log_info(_("Updating file info..."))
+ old_info =
+, self.html))
+ self.log_debug("File info: %s" %
+ self.log_debug("Previous file info: %s" % old_info)
url =['url'].strip()
name =['name'].strip()
- if name and name != url:
- = name
- except Exception:
+ except KeyError:
- try:
- size =['size']
- if size > 0:
- self.pyfile.size = size
+ else:
+ if name and name is not url:
+ = name
- except Exception:
- pass
+ if 'size' in and['size'] > 0:
+ self.pyfile.size = int(['size']) #@TODO: Fix int conversion in 0.4.10
+ # self.pyfile.sync()
+ name =
+ size = self.pyfile.size
+ folder =['folder'] = name
- self.logDebug("File name: %s" %,
- "File size: %s byte" % self.pyfile.size if self.pyfile.size > 0 else "File size: Unknown")
+ self.log_info(_("File name: ") + name)
+ self.log_info(_("File size: %s bytes") % size if size > 0 else _("File size: Unknown"))
+ # self.log_info("File folder: " + folder)
- def checkInfo(self):
- self.checkNameSize()
+ #@TODO: Rewrite in 0.4.10
+ def check_info(self):
+ self.check_name_size()
if self.html:
- self.checkErrors()
- self.checkNameSize()
+ self.check_errors()
+ self.check_name_size()
- self.checkStatus(getinfo=False)
+ self.check_status(getinfo=False)
- #: Deprecated
- def getFileInfo(self):
+ #: Deprecated method (Remove in 0.4.10)
+ def get_fileInfo(self): = {}
- self.checkInfo()
+ self.check_info()
- def handleDirect(self, pyfile):
- link = self.directLink(pyfile.url, self.resumeDownload)
- if link:
- self.logInfo(_("Direct download link detected"))
- = link
- else:
- self.logDebug("Direct download link not found")
+ def handle_direct(self, pyfile):
+ = self.direct_link(pyfile.url, self.resume_download)
- def handleMulti(self, pyfile): #: Multi-hoster handler
+ def handle_multi(self, pyfile): #: Multi-hoster handler
- def handleFree(self, pyfile):
+ def handle_free(self, pyfile):
if not hasattr(self, 'LINK_FREE_PATTERN'):
- self.logError(_("Free download not implemented"))
+ self.log_error(_("Free download not implemented"))
m =, self.html)
if m is None:
@@ -753,77 +545,14 @@ class SimpleHoster(Hoster): =
- def handlePremium(self, pyfile):
+ def handle_premium(self, pyfile):
if not hasattr(self, 'LINK_PREMIUM_PATTERN'):
- self.logError(_("Premium download not implemented"))
- self.logDebug("Handled as free download")
- self.handleFree(pyfile)
+ self.log_error(_("Premium download not implemented"))
+ self.log_info(_("Processing as free download..."))
+ self.handle_free(pyfile)
m =, self.html)
if m is None:
self.error(_("Premium download link not found"))
else: =
- def longWait(self, wait_time=None, max_tries=3):
- if wait_time and isinstance(wait_time, (int, long, float)):
- time_str = "%dh %dm" % divmod(wait_time / 60, 60)
- else:
- wait_time = 900
- time_str = _("(unknown time)")
- max_tries = 100
- self.logInfo(_("Download limit reached, reconnect or wait %s") % time_str)
- self.wait(wait_time, True)
- self.retry(max_tries=max_tries, reason=_("Download limit reached"))
- def parseHtmlForm(self, attr_str="", input_names={}):
- return parseHtmlForm(attr_str, self.html, input_names)
- def checkTrafficLeft(self):
- if not self.account:
- return True
- traffic = self.account.getAccountInfo(self.user, True)['trafficleft']
- if traffic is None:
- return False
- elif traffic == -1:
- return True
- else:
- size = self.pyfile.size / 1024
- self.logInfo(_("Filesize: %i KiB, Traffic left for user %s: %i KiB") % (size, self.user, traffic))
- return size <= traffic
- #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- def getConfig(self, option, default=''):
- """getConfig with default value - sublass may not implements all config options"""
- try:
- return self.getConf(option)
- except KeyError:
- return default
- def retryFree(self):
- if not self.premium:
- return
- self.premium = False
- self.account = None
- self.req = self.core.requestFactory.getRequest(self.__name__)
- self.retries = -1
- raise Retry(_("Fallback to free download"))
- #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- def wait(self, seconds=0, reconnect=None):
- return _wait(self, seconds, reconnect)
- def error(self, reason="", type="parse"):
- return _error(self, reason, type)
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f5de51e1..000000000
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import re
-from module.plugins.Plugin import Fail
-from module.plugins.internal.Captcha import Captcha
-class SolveMedia(Captcha):
- __name__ = "SolveMedia"
- __type__ = "captcha"
- __version__ = "0.13"
- __description__ = """SolveMedia captcha service plugin"""
- __license__ = "GPLv3"
- __authors__ = [("pyLoad Team", "")]
- KEY_PATTERN = r'api\.solvemedia\.com/papi/challenge\.(?:no)?script\?k=(.+?)["\']'
- def detect_key(self, html=None):
- html = html or self.retrieve_html()
- m =, html)
- if m:
- self.key =
- self.logDebug("Key: %s" % self.key)
- return self.key
- else:
- self.logWarning("Key pattern not found")
- return None
- def challenge(self, key=None, html=None):
- key = key or self.retrieve_key(html)
- html = self.plugin.req.load("",
- get={'k': key})
- for i in xrange(1, 11):
- try:
- magic ='name="magic" value="(.+?)"', html).group(1)
- except AttributeError:
- self.logWarning("Magic pattern not found")
- magic = None
- try:
- challenge ='<input type=hidden name="adcopy_challenge" id="adcopy_challenge" value="(.+?)">',
- html).group(1)
- except AttributeError:
-"SolveMedia challenge pattern not found"))
- else:
- self.logDebug("Challenge: %s" % challenge)
- try:
- result = self.result("", challenge)
- except Fail, e:
- self.logWarning(e)
- self.plugin.invalidCaptcha()
- result = None
- html = self.plugin.req.load("",
- post={'adcopy_response' : result,
- 'k' : key,
- 'l' : "en",
- 't' : "img",
- 's' : "standard",
- 'magic' : magic,
- 'adcopy_challenge': challenge,
- 'ref' : self.plugin.pyfile.url})
- try:
- redirect ='URL=(.+?)">', html).group(1)
- except AttributeError:
-"SolveMedia verify pattern not found"))
- else:
- if "error" in html:
- self.logWarning("Captcha code was invalid")
- self.logDebug("Retry #%d" % i)
- html = self.plugin.req.load(redirect)
- else:
- break
- else:
-"SolveMedia max retries exceeded"))
- return result, challenge
- def result(self, server, challenge):
- result = self.plugin.decryptCaptcha(server,
- get={'c': challenge},
- cookies=True,
- imgtype="gif")
- self.logDebug("Result: %s" % result)
- return result
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index 5b9f2e1c3..0386991d9 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from glob import glob
from string import digits
from module.plugins.internal.Extractor import Extractor, ArchiveError, CRCError, PasswordError
-from module.utils import fs_decode, fs_encode, save_join
+from module.utils import fs_decode, fs_encode, save_join as fs_join
def renice(pid, value):
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ def renice(pid, value):
class UnRar(Extractor):
__name__ = "UnRar"
- __version__ = "1.20"
+ __version__ = "1.25"
+ __status__ = "testing"
__description__ = """Rar extractor plugin"""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
@@ -31,12 +32,10 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
("Immenz" , "" )]
- CMD = "unrar"
- VERSION = ""
+ CMD = "unrar"
EXTENSIONS = [".rar"]
- re_multipart = re.compile(r'\.(part|r)(\d+)(?:\.rar)?(\.rev|\.bad)?',re.I)
+ re_multipart = re.compile(r'\.(part|r)(\d+)(?:\.rar)?(\.rev|\.bad)?', re.I)
re_filefixed = re.compile(r'Building (.+)')
re_filelist = re.compile(r'^(.)(\s*[\w\.\-]+)\s+(\d+\s+)+(?:\d+\%\s+)?[\d\-]{8}\s+[\d\:]{5}', re.M|re.I)
@@ -48,38 +47,40 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
- def isUsable(cls):
- if == "nt":
- try:
+ def find(cls):
+ try:
+ if == "nt":
cls.CMD = os.path.join(pypath, "RAR.exe")
- p = subprocess.Popen([cls.CMD], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- out, err = p.communicate()
- cls.__name__ = "RAR"
- cls.REPAIR = True
+ else:
+ cls.CMD = "rar"
- except OSError:
- cls.CMD = os.path.join(pypath, "UnRAR.exe")
- p = subprocess.Popen([cls.CMD], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- out, err = p.communicate()
- else:
+ p = subprocess.Popen([cls.CMD], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ out, err = p.communicate()
+ # cls.__name__ = "RAR"
+ cls.REPAIR = True
+ except OSError:
- p = subprocess.Popen(["rar"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- out, err = p.communicate()
- cls.__name__ = "RAR"
- cls.REPAIR = True
+ if == "nt":
+ cls.CMD = os.path.join(pypath, "UnRAR.exe")
+ else:
+ cls.CMD = "unrar"
- except OSError: #: fallback to unrar
p = subprocess.Popen([cls.CMD], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
+ except OSError:
+ return False
m =
- cls.VERSION = if m else '(version unknown)'
+ if m is not None:
+ cls.VERSION =
return True
- def isMultipart(cls, filename):
+ def is_multipart(cls, filename):
return True if else False
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
raise CRCError(err)
- # output only used to check if passworded files are present
+ #: Output only used to check if passworded files are present
for attr in self.re_filelist.findall(out):
if attr[0].startswith("*"):
raise PasswordError
@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
def repair(self):
p = self.call_cmd("rc", fs_encode(self.filename))
- # communicate and retrieve stderr
+ #: Communicate and retrieve stderr
err =
if err or p.returncode:
@@ -126,17 +127,17 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
s = ""
while True:
c =
- # quit loop on eof
+ #: Quit loop on eof
if not c:
- # reading a percentage sign -> set progress and restart
- if c == '%':
- self.notifyProgress(int(s))
+ #: Reading a percentage sign -> set progress and restart
+ if c == "%":
+ self.notify_progress(int(s))
s = ""
- # not reading a digit -> therefore restart
+ #: Not reading a digit -> therefore restart
elif c not in digits:
s = ""
- # add digit to progressstring
+ #: Add digit to progressstring
s += c
@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
renice(, self.renice)
- # communicate and retrieve stderr
+ #: Communicate and retrieve stderr
err =
@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
raise CRCError(err)
- else: #: raise error if anything is on stderr
+ else: #: Raise error if anything is on stderr
raise ArchiveError(err)
if p.returncode:
@@ -168,15 +169,15 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
self.files = self.list(password)
- def getDeleteFiles(self):
+ def get_delete_files(self):
dir, name = os.path.split(self.filename)
- # actually extracted file
+ #: Actually extracted file
files = [self.filename]
- # eventually Multipart Files
- files.extend(save_join(dir, os.path.basename(file)) for file in filter(self.isMultipart, os.listdir(dir))
- if re.sub(self.re_multipart,".rar",name) == re.sub(self.re_multipart,".rar",file))
+ #: eventually Multipart Files
+ files.extend(fs_join(dir, os.path.basename(file)) for file in filter(self.is_multipart, os.listdir(dir))
+ if re.sub(self.re_multipart, ".rar", name) == re.sub(self.re_multipart, ".rar", file))
return files
@@ -190,20 +191,19 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
if "Cannot open" in err:
raise ArchiveError(_("Cannot open file"))
- if err.strip(): #: only log error at this point
- self.manager.logError(err.strip())
+ if err.strip(): #: Only log error at this point
+ self.log_error(err.strip())
result = set()
if not self.fullpath and self.VERSION.startswith('5'):
- # NOTE: Unrar 5 always list full path
+ #@NOTE: Unrar 5 always list full path
for f in fs_decode(out).splitlines():
- f = save_join(self.out, os.path.basename(f.strip()))
+ f = fs_join(self.out, os.path.basename(f.strip()))
if os.path.isfile(f):
- result.add(save_join(self.out, os.path.basename(f)))
+ result.add(fs_join(self.out, os.path.basename(f)))
for f in fs_decode(out).splitlines():
- f = f.strip()
- result.add(save_join(self.out, f))
+ result.add(fs_join(self.out, f.strip()))
return list(result)
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
def call_cmd(self, command, *xargs, **kwargs):
args = []
- # overwrite flag
+ #: Overwrite flag
if self.overwrite:
@@ -222,10 +222,10 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
for word in self.excludefiles:
args.append("-x'%s'" % word.strip())
- # assume yes on all queries
+ #: Assume yes on all queries
- # set a password
+ #: Set a password
if "password" in kwargs and kwargs['password']:
args.append("-p%s" % kwargs['password'])
@@ -234,10 +234,10 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
if self.keepbroken:
- # NOTE: return codes are not reliable, some kind of threading, cleanup whatever issue
+ #@NOTE: return codes are not reliable, some kind of threading, cleanup whatever issue
call = [self.CMD, command] + args + list(xargs)
- self.manager.logDebug(" ".join(call))
+ self.log_debug(" ".join(call))
p = subprocess.Popen(call, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
return p
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index 8d3fec370..9a01611bf 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -12,19 +12,20 @@ from module.utils import fs_encode
class UnZip(Extractor):
__name__ = "UnZip"
- __version__ = "1.12"
+ __version__ = "1.15"
+ __status__ = "testing"
__description__ = """Zip extractor plugin"""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
__authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
+ VERSION = "%s.%s.%s" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], sys.version_info[2])
EXTENSIONS = [".zip", ".zip64"]
- VERSION ="(python %s.%s.%s)" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], sys.version_info[2])
- def isUsable(cls):
+ def find(cls):
return sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6)
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index e619cb038..e0f6b1ee8 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -4,14 +4,15 @@ import re
import time
import urlparse
-from module.plugins.Account import Account
-from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import parseHtmlForm, set_cookies
+from module.plugins.internal.Account import Account
+from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import parse_html_form, set_cookie
class XFSAccount(Account):
__name__ = "XFSAccount"
__type__ = "account"
- __version__ = "0.37"
+ __version__ = "0.42"
+ __status__ = "testing"
__description__ = """XFileSharing account plugin"""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
@@ -30,34 +31,15 @@ class XFSAccount(Account):
VALID_UNTIL_PATTERN = r'Premium.[Aa]ccount expire:.*?(\d{1,2} [\w^_]+ \d{4})'
TRAFFIC_LEFT_PATTERN = r'Traffic available today:.*?<b>\s*(?P<S>[\d.,]+|[Uu]nlimited)\s*(?:(?P<U>[\w^_]+)\s*)?</b>'
- TRAFFIC_LEFT_UNIT = "MB" #: used only if no group <U> was found
+ TRAFFIC_LEFT_UNIT = "MB" #: Used only if no group <U> was found
LEECH_TRAFFIC_PATTERN = r'Leech Traffic left:<b>.*?(?P<S>[\d.,]+|[Uu]nlimited)\s*(?:(?P<U>[\w^_]+)\s*)?</b>'
- LEECH_TRAFFIC_UNIT = "MB" #: used only if no group <U> was found
+ LEECH_TRAFFIC_UNIT = "MB" #: Used only if no group <U> was found
LOGIN_FAIL_PATTERN = r'Incorrect Login or Password|account was banned|Error<'
- def __init__(self, manager, accounts): #@TODO: remove in 0.4.10
- self.init()
- return super(XFSAccount, self).__init__(manager, accounts)
- def init(self):
- if not self.HOSTER_DOMAIN:
- self.logError(_("Missing HOSTER_DOMAIN"))
- self.COOKIES = False
- else:
- if not self.HOSTER_URL:
- self.HOSTER_URL = "http://www.%s/" % self.HOSTER_DOMAIN
- if isinstance(self.COOKIES, list):
- self.COOKIES.insert((self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "lang", "english"))
- set_cookies(req.cj, self.COOKIES)
- def loadAccountInfo(self, user, req):
+ def parse_info(self, user, password, data, req):
validuntil = None
trafficleft = None
leechtraffic = None
@@ -69,32 +51,34 @@ class XFSAccount(Account):
'leechtraffic': leechtraffic,
'premium' : premium}
- html = req.load(self.HOSTER_URL, get={'op': "my_account"}, decode=True)
+ html = self.load(self.HOSTER_URL,
+ get={'op': "my_account"},
+ cookies=self.COOKIES)
premium = True if, html) else False
m =, html)
if m:
expiredate =
- self.logDebug("Expire date: " + expiredate)
+ self.log_debug("Expire date: " + expiredate)
validuntil = time.mktime(time.strptime(expiredate, "%d %B %Y"))
except Exception, e:
- self.logError(e)
+ self.log_error(e)
- self.logDebug("Valid until: %s" % validuntil)
+ self.log_debug("Valid until: %s" % validuntil)
if validuntil > time.mktime(time.gmtime()):
premium = True
trafficleft = -1
premium = False
- validuntil = None #: registered account type (not premium)
+ validuntil = None #: Registered account type (not premium)
- self.logDebug("VALID_UNTIL_PATTERN not found")
+ self.log_debug("VALID_UNTIL_PATTERN not found")
m =, html)
if m:
@@ -114,12 +98,12 @@ class XFSAccount(Account):
unit = ""
- trafficleft = self.parseTraffic(size + unit)
+ trafficleft = self.parse_traffic(size + unit)
except Exception, e:
- self.logError(e)
+ self.log_error(e)
- self.logDebug("TRAFFIC_LEFT_PATTERN not found")
+ self.log_debug("TRAFFIC_LEFT_PATTERN not found")
leech = [m.groupdict() for m in re.finditer(self.LEECH_TRAFFIC_PATTERN, html)]
if leech:
@@ -141,12 +125,12 @@ class XFSAccount(Account):
unit = ""
- leechtraffic += self.parseTraffic(size + unit)
+ leechtraffic += self.parse_traffic(size + unit)
except Exception, e:
- self.logError(e)
+ self.log_error(e)
- self.logDebug("LEECH_TRAFFIC_PATTERN not found")
+ self.log_debug("LEECH_TRAFFIC_PATTERN not found")
return {'validuntil' : validuntil,
'trafficleft' : trafficleft,
@@ -154,28 +138,39 @@ class XFSAccount(Account):
'premium' : premium}
- def login(self, user, data, req):
- if not self.HOSTER_URL: #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- raise Exception(_("Missing HOSTER_DOMAIN"))
+ def login(self, user, password, data, req):
+ if self.HOSTER_DOMAIN:
+ if not self.HOSTER_URL:
+ self.HOSTER_URL = "http://www.%s/" % self.HOSTER_DOMAIN
+ if self.COOKIES:
+ if isinstance(self.COOKIES, list) and not self.COOKIES.count((self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "lang", "english")):
+ self.COOKIES.insert((self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "lang", "english"))
+ else:
+ set_cookie(self.req.cj, self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "lang", "english")
+ if not self.HOSTER_URL:
+ self.login_fail(_("Missing HOSTER_URL"))
if not self.LOGIN_URL:
self.LOGIN_URL = urlparse.urljoin(self.HOSTER_URL, "login.html")
- html = req.load(self.LOGIN_URL, decode=True)
- action, inputs = parseHtmlForm('name="FL"', html)
+ html = self.load(self.LOGIN_URL, cookies=self.COOKIES)
+ action, inputs = parse_html_form('name="FL"', html)
if not inputs:
inputs = {'op' : "login",
'redirect': self.HOSTER_URL}
inputs.update({'login' : user,
- 'password': data['password']})
+ 'password': password})
if action:
url = urlparse.urljoin("http://", action)
url = self.HOSTER_URL
- html = req.load(url, post=inputs, decode=True)
+ html = self.load(url, post=inputs, cookies=self.COOKIES)
if, html):
- self.wrongPassword()
+ self.login_fail()
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index 80eff53ea..4c059d647 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import set_cookie
from module.plugins.internal.SimpleCrypter import SimpleCrypter, create_getInfo
class XFSCrypter(SimpleCrypter):
__name__ = "XFSCrypter"
__type__ = "crypter"
- __version__ = "0.09"
+ __version__ = "0.13"
+ __status__ = "testing"
__pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
@@ -19,10 +21,10 @@ class XFSCrypter(SimpleCrypter):
URL_REPLACEMENTS = [(r'&?per_page=\d+', ""), (r'[?/&]+$', ""), (r'(.+/[^?]+)$', r'\1?'), (r'$', r'&per_page=10000')]
- LINK_PATTERN = r'<(?:td|TD).*?>\s*(?:<.+>\s*)?<a href="(.+?)".*?>.+?(?:</a>)?\s*(?:<.+>\s*)?</(?:td|TD)>'
NAME_PATTERN = r'<[Tt]itle>.*?\: (?P<N>.+) folder</[Tt]itle>'
+ LINK_PATTERN = r'<(?:td|TD).*?>\s*(?:<.+>\s*)?<a href="(.+?)".*?>.+?(?:</a>)?\s*(?:<.+>\s*)?</(?:td|TD)>'
- OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'>\s*\w+ (Not Found|file (was|has been) removed)'
+ OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'>\s*(No such user|\w+ (Not Found|file (was|has been) removed|no longer available)'
TEMP_OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'>\s*\w+ server (is in )?(maintenance|maintainance)'
@@ -32,14 +34,17 @@ class XFSCrypter(SimpleCrypter):
account = self.account
account_name = (self.__name__ + ".py").replace("", "").replace(".py", "")
- account = self.pyfile.m.core.accountManager.getAccountPlugin(account_name)
+ account = self.pyload.accountManager.getAccountPlugin(account_name)
if account and hasattr(account, "HOSTER_DOMAIN") and account.HOSTER_DOMAIN:
else:"Missing HOSTER_DOMAIN"))
- if isinstance(self.COOKIES, list):
- self.COOKIES.insert((self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "lang", "english"))
+ if self.COOKIES:
+ if isinstance(self.COOKIES, list) and not self.COOKIES.count((self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "lang", "english")):
+ self.COOKIES.insert((self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "lang", "english"))
+ else:
+ set_cookie(self.req.cj, self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "lang", "english")
return super(XFSCrypter, self).prepare()
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index 34e319500..5e0830dc6 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -3,18 +3,19 @@
import pycurl
import random
import re
-import urlparse
-from module.plugins.internal.ReCaptcha import ReCaptcha
-from module.plugins.internal.SolveMedia import SolveMedia
-from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo, secondsToMidnight
+from module.plugins.captcha.ReCaptcha import ReCaptcha
+from module.plugins.captcha.SolveMedia import SolveMedia
+from module.plugins.internal.Plugin import set_cookie
+from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo, seconds_to_midnight
from module.utils import html_unescape
class XFSHoster(SimpleHoster):
__name__ = "XFSHoster"
__type__ = "hoster"
- __version__ = "0.52"
+ __version__ = "0.57"
+ __status__ = "testing"
__pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
@@ -27,14 +28,12 @@ class XFSHoster(SimpleHoster):
- MULTI_HOSTER = True #@NOTE: Should be default to False for safe, but I'm lazy...
+ LEECH_HOSTER = True #@NOTE: Should be default to False for safe, but I'm lazy...
NAME_PATTERN = r'(Filename[ ]*:[ ]*</b>(</td><td nowrap>)?|name="fname"[ ]+value="|<[\w^_]+ class="(file)?name">)\s*(?P<N>.+?)(\s*<|")'
SIZE_PATTERN = r'(Size[ ]*:[ ]*</b>(</td><td>)?|File:.*>|</font>\s*\(|<[\w^_]+ class="size">)\s*(?P<S>[\d.,]+)\s*(?P<U>[\w^_]+)'
- OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'>\s*\w+ (Not Found|file (was|has been) removed)'
+ OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'>\s*\w+ (Not Found|file (was|has been) removed|no longer available)'
TEMP_OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'>\s*\w+ server (is in )?(maintenance|maintainance)'
WAIT_PATTERN = r'<span id="countdown_str".*>(\d+)</span>|id="countdown" value=".*?(\d+).*?"'
@@ -43,7 +42,6 @@ class XFSHoster(SimpleHoster):
ERROR_PATTERN = r'(?:class=["\']err["\'].*?>|<[Cc]enter><b>|>Error</td>|>\(ERROR:)(?:\s*<.+?>\s*)*(.+?)(?:["\']|<|\))'
LINK_LEECH_PATTERN = r'<h2>Download Link</h2>\s*<textarea[^>]*>([^<]+)'
- LINK_PATTERN = None #: final download url pattern
CAPTCHA_PATTERN = r'(https?://[^"\']+?/captchas?/[^"\']+)'
CAPTCHA_BLOCK_PATTERN = r'>Enter code.*?<div.*?>(.+?)</div>'
@@ -51,29 +49,34 @@ class XFSHoster(SimpleHoster):
- FORM_INPUTS_MAP = None #: dict passed as input_names to parseHtmlForm
+ FORM_INPUTS_MAP = None #: Dict passed as input_names to parse_html_form
def setup(self):
- self.chunkLimit = -1 if self.premium else 1
- self.resumeDownload = self.multiDL = self.premium
+ self.chunk_limit = -1 if self.premium else 1
+ self.resume_download = self.multiDL = self.premium
def prepare(self):
- """ Initialize important variables """
+ """
+ Initialize important variables
+ """
if not self.HOSTER_DOMAIN:
if self.account:
account = self.account
- account = self.pyfile.m.core.accountManager.getAccountPlugin(self.__name__)
+ account = self.pyload.accountManager.getAccountPlugin(self.__name__)
if account and hasattr(account, "HOSTER_DOMAIN") and account.HOSTER_DOMAIN:
else:"Missing HOSTER_DOMAIN"))
- if isinstance(self.COOKIES, list):
- self.COOKIES.insert((self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "lang", "english"))
+ if self.COOKIES:
+ if isinstance(self.COOKIES, list) and not self.COOKIES.count((self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "lang", "english")):
+ self.COOKIES.insert((self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "lang", "english"))
+ else:
+ set_cookie(self.req.cj, self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "lang", "english")
if not self.LINK_PATTERN:
pattern = r'(?:file: "(.+?)"|(https?://(?:www\.)?([^/]*?%s|\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(\:\d+)?(/d/|(/files)?/\d+/\w+/).+?)["\'<])'
@@ -82,24 +85,24 @@ class XFSHoster(SimpleHoster):
super(XFSHoster, self).prepare()
if self.DIRECT_LINK is None:
- self.directDL = self.premium
+ self.direct_dl = self.premium
- def handleFree(self, pyfile):
+ def handle_free(self, pyfile):
for i in xrange(1, 6):
- self.logDebug("Getting download link #%d" % i)
+ self.log_debug("Getting download link #%d" % i)
- self.checkErrors()
+ self.check_errors()
m =, self.html, re.S)
if m:
- data = self.getPostParameters()
+ data = self.get_post_parameters()
self.req.http.c.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, 0)
- self.html = self.load(pyfile.url, post=data, decode=True)
+ self.html = self.load(pyfile.url, post=data)
self.req.http.c.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, 1)
@@ -111,24 +114,24 @@ class XFSHoster(SimpleHoster):
if m:
- self.logError(data['op'] if 'op' in data else _("UNKNOWN"))
- return ""
+ if 'op' in data:
+ self.error(_("Missing OP data after: ") + data['op'])
- = #@TODO: Remove .strip() in 0.4.10
+ =
- def handlePremium(self, pyfile):
- return self.handleFree(pyfile)
+ def handle_premium(self, pyfile):
+ return self.handle_free(pyfile)
- def handleMulti(self, pyfile):
+ def handle_multi(self, pyfile):
if not self.account:"Only registered or premium users can use url leech feature"))
- #only tested with
+ #: Only tested with
self.html = self.load("http://www.%s/" % self.HOSTER_DOMAIN)
- action, inputs = self.parseHtmlForm()
+ action, inputs = self.parse_html_form()
upload_id = "%012d" % int(random.random() * 10 ** 12)
action += upload_id + "&js_on=1&utype=prem&upload_type=url"
@@ -137,19 +140,19 @@ class XFSHoster(SimpleHoster):
inputs['url_mass'] = pyfile.url
inputs['up1oad_type'] = 'url'
- self.logDebug(action, inputs)
+ self.log_debug(action, inputs)
- self.req.setOption("timeout", 600) #: wait for file to upload to
+ self.req.setOption("timeout", 600) #: Wait for file to upload to
self.html = self.load(action, post=inputs)
- self.checkErrors()
+ self.check_errors()
- action, inputs = self.parseHtmlForm('F1')
+ action, inputs = self.parse_html_form('F1')
if not inputs:
self.retry(['error'] if 'error' in else _("TEXTAREA F1 not found"))
- self.logDebug(inputs)
+ self.log_debug(inputs)
stmsg = inputs['st']
@@ -160,38 +163,38 @@ class XFSHoster(SimpleHoster):
self.retry(20, 3 * 60, _("Can not leech file"))
elif 'today' in stmsg:
- self.retry(wait_time=secondsToMidnight(gmt=2), reason=_("You've used all Leech traffic today"))
+ self.retry(wait_time=seconds_to_midnight(gmt=2), reason=_("You've used all Leech traffic today"))
- #get link for uploaded file
+ #: Get link for uploaded file
m =, self.html)
if m is None:
self.error(_("LINK_LEECH_PATTERN not found"))
- header = self.load(, just_header=True, decode=True)
+ header = self.load(, just_header=True)
if 'location' in header: #: Direct download link = header['location']
- def getPostParameters(self):
+ def get_post_parameters(self):
- action, inputs = self.parseHtmlForm(self.FORM_PATTERN or "", self.FORM_INPUTS_MAP or {})
+ action, inputs = self.parse_html_form(self.FORM_PATTERN or "", self.FORM_INPUTS_MAP or {})
- action, inputs = self.parseHtmlForm(input_names={'op': re.compile(r'^download')})
+ action, inputs = self.parse_html_form(input_names={'op': re.compile(r'^download')})
if not inputs:
- action, inputs = self.parseHtmlForm('F1')
+ action, inputs = self.parse_html_form('F1')
if not inputs:
self.retry(['error'] if 'error' in else _("TEXTAREA F1 not found"))
- self.logDebug(inputs)
+ self.log_debug(inputs)
if 'op' in inputs:
if "password" in inputs:
- password = self.getPassword()
+ password = self.get_password()
if password:
inputs['password'] = password
@@ -201,9 +204,9 @@ class XFSHoster(SimpleHoster):
m =, self.html)
if m:
wait_time = int(
- self.setWait(wait_time, False)
+ self.set_wait(wait_time, False)
- self.handleCaptcha(inputs)
+ self.handle_captcha(inputs)
inputs['referer'] = self.pyfile.url
@@ -218,11 +221,11 @@ class XFSHoster(SimpleHoster):
return inputs
- def handleCaptcha(self, inputs):
+ def handle_captcha(self, inputs):
m =, self.html)
if m:
captcha_url =
- inputs['code'] = self.decryptCaptcha(captcha_url)
+ inputs['code'] = self.captcha.decrypt(captcha_url)
m =, self.html, re.S)
@@ -230,11 +233,11 @@ class XFSHoster(SimpleHoster):
captcha_div =
numerals = re.findall(r'<span.*?padding-left\s*:\s*(\d+).*?>(\d)</span>', html_unescape(captcha_div))
- self.logDebug(captcha_div)
+ self.log_debug(captcha_div)
inputs['code'] = "".join(a[1] for a in sorted(numerals, key=lambda num: int(num[0])))
- self.logDebug("Captcha code: %s" % inputs['code'], numerals)
+ self.log_debug("Captcha code: %s" % inputs['code'], numerals)
recaptcha = ReCaptcha(self)
@@ -245,7 +248,7 @@ class XFSHoster(SimpleHoster):
captcha_key = recaptcha.detect_key()
- self.logDebug("ReCaptcha key: %s" % captcha_key)
+ self.log_debug("ReCaptcha key: %s" % captcha_key)
if captcha_key:
inputs['recaptcha_response_field'], inputs['recaptcha_challenge_field'] = recaptcha.challenge(captcha_key)
@@ -259,7 +262,7 @@ class XFSHoster(SimpleHoster):
captcha_key = solvemedia.detect_key()
- self.logDebug("SolveMedia key: %s" % captcha_key)
+ self.log_debug("SolveMedia key: %s" % captcha_key)
if captcha_key:
inputs['adcopy_response'], inputs['adcopy_challenge'] = solvemedia.challenge(captcha_key)