path: root/module/plugins/internal/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'module/plugins/internal/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 764 deletions
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
deleted file mode 100644
index bcdd1cbef..000000000
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,764 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import datetime
-import mimetypes
-import os
-import re
-import time
-from inspect import isclass
-from urllib import unquote
-from urlparse import urljoin, urlparse
-from module.PyFile import statusMap as _statusMap
-from import CookieJar
-from import BadHeader
-from import getURL
-from module.plugins.Hoster import Hoster
-from module.plugins.Plugin import Fail, Retry
-from module.utils import fixup, fs_encode, parseFileSize
-#@TODO: Adapt and move to PyFile in 0.4.10
-statusMap = dict((v, k) for k, v in _statusMap.iteritems())
-#@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10 and redirect to self.error instead
-def _error(self, reason, type):
- if not reason and not type:
- type = "unknown"
- msg = _("%s error") % type.strip().capitalize() if type else _("Error")
- msg += ": %s" % reason.strip() if reason else ""
- msg += _(" | Plugin may be out of date")
- raise Fail(msg)
-#@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
-def _wait(self, seconds, reconnect):
- if seconds:
- self.setWait(int(seconds) + 1)
- if reconnect is not None:
- self.wantReconnect = reconnect
- super(SimpleHoster, self).wait()
-def replace_patterns(string, ruleslist):
- for r in ruleslist:
- rf, rt = r
- string = re.sub(rf, rt, string)
- return string
-def set_cookies(cj, cookies):
- for cookie in cookies:
- if isinstance(cookie, tuple) and len(cookie) == 3:
- domain, name, value = cookie
- cj.setCookie(domain, name, value)
-def parseHtmlTagAttrValue(attr_name, tag):
- m ="%s\s*=\s*([\"']?)((?<=\")[^\"]+|(?<=')[^']+|[^>\s\"'][^>\s]*)\1" % attr_name, tag, re.I)
- return if m else None
-def parseHtmlForm(attr_str, html, input_names={}):
- for form in re.finditer(r"(?P<TAG><form[^>]*%s[^>]*>)(?P<CONTENT>.*?)</?(form|body|html)[^>]*>" % attr_str,
- html, re.S | re.I):
- inputs = {}
- action = parseHtmlTagAttrValue("action",'TAG'))
- for inputtag in re.finditer(r'(<(input|textarea)[^>]*>)([^<]*(?=</\2)|)','CONTENT'), re.S | re.I):
- name = parseHtmlTagAttrValue("name",
- if name:
- value = parseHtmlTagAttrValue("value",
- if not value:
- inputs[name] = or ''
- else:
- inputs[name] = value
- if input_names:
- # check input attributes
- for key, val in input_names.iteritems():
- if key in inputs:
- if isinstance(val, basestring) and inputs[key] == val:
- continue
- elif isinstance(val, tuple) and inputs[key] in val:
- continue
- elif hasattr(val, "search") and re.match(val, inputs[key]):
- continue
- break #: attibute value does not match
- else:
- break #: attibute name does not match
- else:
- return action, inputs #: passed attribute check
- else:
- # no attribute check
- return action, inputs
- return {}, None #: no matching form found
-#: Deprecated
-def parseFileInfo(plugin, url="", html=""):
- if hasattr(plugin, "getInfo"):
- info = plugin.getInfo(url, html)
- res = info['name'], info['size'], info['status'], info['url']
- else:
- url = unquote(url)
- url_p = urlparse(url)
- res = ((url_p.path.split('/')[-1]
- or url_p.query.split('=', 1)[::-1][0].split('&', 1)[0]
- or url_p.netloc.split('.', 1)[0]),
- 0,
- 3 if url else 8,
- url)
- return res
-#@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
-#@NOTE: Every plugin must have own parseInfos classmethod to work with 0.4.10
-def create_getInfo(plugin):
- def generator(list):
- for x in list:
- yield x
- if hasattr(plugin, "parseInfos"):
- fn = lambda urls: generator((info['name'], info['size'], info['status'], info['url']) for info in plugin.parseInfos(urls))
- else:
- fn = lambda urls: generator(parseFileInfo(url) for url in urls)
- return fn
-def timestamp():
- return int(time.time() * 1000)
-#@TODO: Move to hoster class in 0.4.10
-def getFileURL(self, url, follow_location=None):
- link = ""
- redirect = 1
- if type(follow_location) is int:
- redirect = max(follow_location, 1)
- else:
- redirect = 10
- for i in xrange(redirect):
- try:
- self.logDebug("Redirect #%d to: %s" % (i, url))
- header = self.load(url, just_header=True, decode=True)
- except Exception: #: Bad bad bad...
- req = pyreq.getHTTPRequest()
- res = req.load(url, just_header=True, decode=True)
- req.close()
- header = {"code": req.code}
- for line in res.splitlines():
- line = line.strip()
- if not line or ":" not in line:
- continue
- key, none, value = line.partition(":")
- key = key.lower().strip()
- value = value.strip()
- if key in header:
- if type(header[key]) == list:
- header[key].append(value)
- else:
- header[key] = [header[key], value]
- else:
- header[key] = value
- if 'content-disposition' in header:
- link = url
- elif 'location' in header and header['location'].strip():
- location = header['location']
- if not urlparse(location).scheme:
- url_p = urlparse(url)
- baseurl = "%s://%s" % (url_p.scheme, url_p.netloc)
- location = urljoin(baseurl, location)
- if 'code' in header and header['code'] == 302:
- link = location
- if follow_location:
- url = location
- continue
- else:
- extension = os.path.splitext(urlparse(url).path.split('/')[-1])[-1]
- if 'content-type' in header and header['content-type'].strip():
- mimetype = header['content-type'].split(';')[0].strip()
- elif extension:
- mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(extension, False)[0] or "application/octet-stream"
- else:
- mimetype = ""
- if mimetype and (link or 'html' not in mimetype):
- link = url
- else:
- link = ""
- break
- else:
- try:
- self.logError(_("Too many redirects"))
- except Exception:
- pass
- return link
-def secondsToMidnight(gmt=0):
- now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours=gmt)
- if now.hour is 0 and now.minute < 10:
- midnight = now
- else:
- midnight = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
- td = midnight.replace(hour=0, minute=10, second=0, microsecond=0) - now
- if hasattr(td, 'total_seconds'):
- res = td.total_seconds()
- else: #: work-around for python 2.5 and 2.6 missing datetime.timedelta.total_seconds
- res = (td.microseconds + (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 10**6) / 10**6
- return int(res)
-class SimpleHoster(Hoster):
- __name__ = "SimpleHoster"
- __type__ = "hoster"
- __version__ = "1.31"
- __pattern__ = r'^unmatchable$'
- __config__ = [("use_premium", "bool", "Use premium account if available", True)]
- __description__ = """Simple hoster plugin"""
- __license__ = "GPLv3"
- __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "" )]
- """
- Info patterns should be defined by each hoster:
- INFO_PATTERN: (optional) Name and Size of the file
- example: INFO_PATTERN = r'(?P<N>file_name) (?P<S>file_size) (?P<U>size_unit)'
- or
- NAME_PATTERN: (optional) Name that will be set for the file
- example: NAME_PATTERN = r'(?P<N>file_name)'
- SIZE_PATTERN: (optional) Size that will be checked for the file
- example: SIZE_PATTERN = r'(?P<S>file_size) (?P<U>size_unit)'
- HASHSUM_PATTERN: (optional) Hash code and type of the file
- example: HASHSUM_PATTERN = r'(?P<H>hash_code) (?P<T>MD5)'
- OFFLINE_PATTERN: (optional) Check if the page is unreachable
- example: OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'File (deleted|not found)'
- TEMP_OFFLINE_PATTERN: (optional) Check if the page is temporarily unreachable
- example: TEMP_OFFLINE_PATTERN = r'Server (maintenance|maintainance)'
- Error handling patterns are all optional:
- WAIT_PATTERN: (optional) Detect waiting time
- example: WAIT_PATTERN = r''
- PREMIUM_ONLY_PATTERN: (optional) Check if the file can be downloaded only with a premium account
- example: PREMIUM_ONLY_PATTERN = r'Premium account required'
- ERROR_PATTERN: (optional) Detect any error preventing download
- example: ERROR_PATTERN = r''
- Instead overriding handleFree and handlePremium methods you can define the following patterns for direct download:
- LINK_FREE_PATTERN: (optional) group(1) should be the direct link for free download
- example: LINK_FREE_PATTERN = r'<div class="link"><a href="(.+?)"'
- LINK_PREMIUM_PATTERN: (optional) group(1) should be the direct link for premium download
- example: LINK_PREMIUM_PATTERN = r'<div class="link"><a href="(.+?)"'
- """
- NAME_REPLACEMENTS = [("&#?\w+;", fixup)]
- TEXT_ENCODING = False #: Set to True or encoding name if encoding value in http header is not correct
- COOKIES = True #: or False or list of tuples [(domain, name, value)]
- CHECK_TRAFFIC = False #: Set to True to force checking traffic left for premium account
- DIRECT_LINK = None #: Set to True to looking for direct link (as defined in handleDirect method), set to None to do it if self.account is True else False
- MULTI_HOSTER = False #: Set to True to leech other hoster link (as defined in handleMulti method)
- LOGIN_ACCOUNT = False #: Set to True to require account login
- DISPOSITION = True #: Work-around to `filename*=UTF-8` bug; remove in 0.4.10
- directLink = getFileURL #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- @classmethod
- def parseInfos(cls, urls): #@TODO: Built-in in 0.4.10 core, then remove from plugins
- for url in urls:
- url = replace_patterns(url, cls.URL_REPLACEMENTS)
- yield cls.getInfo(url)
- @classmethod
- def apiInfo(cls, url="", get={}, post={}):
- url = unquote(url)
- url_p = urlparse(url)
- return {'name' : (url_p.path.split('/')[-1]
- or url_p.query.split('=', 1)[::-1][0].split('&', 1)[0]
- or url_p.netloc.split('.', 1)[0]),
- 'size' : 0,
- 'status': 3 if url else 8,
- 'url' : url}
- @classmethod
- def getInfo(cls, url="", html=""):
- info = cls.apiInfo(url)
- online = False if info['status'] != 2 else True
- try:
- info['pattern'] = re.match(cls.__pattern__, url).groupdict() #: pattern groups will be saved here
- except Exception:
- info['pattern'] = {}
- if not html and not online:
- if not url:
- info['error'] = "missing url"
- info['status'] = 1
- elif info['status'] is 3 and not getFileURL(None, url):
- try:
- html = getURL(url, cookies=cls.COOKIES, decode=not cls.TEXT_ENCODING)
- if isinstance(cls.TEXT_ENCODING, basestring):
- html = unicode(html, cls.TEXT_ENCODING)
- except BadHeader, e:
- info['error'] = "%d: %s" % (e.code, e.content)
- if e.code is 404:
- info['status'] = 1
- elif e.code is 503:
- info['status'] = 6
- if html:
- if hasattr(cls, "OFFLINE_PATTERN") and, html):
- info['status'] = 1
- elif hasattr(cls, "TEMP_OFFLINE_PATTERN") and, html):
- info['status'] = 6
- else:
- try:
- attr = getattr(cls, pattern)
- pdict =, html).groupdict()
- if all(True for k in pdict if k not in info['pattern']):
- info['pattern'].update(pdict)
- except AttributeError:
- continue
- else:
- online = True
- if online:
- info['status'] = 2
- if 'N' in info['pattern']:
- info['name'] = replace_patterns(unquote(info['pattern']['N'].strip()),
- if 'S' in info['pattern']:
- size = replace_patterns(info['pattern']['S'] + info['pattern']['U'] if 'U' in info['pattern'] else info['pattern']['S'],
- info['size'] = parseFileSize(size)
- elif isinstance(info['size'], basestring):
- unit = info['units'] if 'units' in info else None
- info['size'] = parseFileSize(info['size'], unit)
- if 'H' in info['pattern']:
- hashtype = info['pattern']['T'] if 'T' in info['pattern'] else "hash"
- info[hashtype] = info['pattern']['H']
- if not info['pattern']:
- info.pop('pattern', None)
- return info
- def setup(self):
- self.resumeDownload = self.multiDL = self.premium
- def prepare(self):
- self.pyfile.error = "" #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- = {}
- self.html = ""
- = "" #@TODO: Move to hoster class in 0.4.10
- self.directDL = False #@TODO: Move to hoster class in 0.4.10
- self.multihost = False #@TODO: Move to hoster class in 0.4.10
- if not self.getConfig('use_premium', True):
- self.retryFree()
- if self.LOGIN_ACCOUNT and not self.account:
-"Required account not found"))
- self.req.setOption("timeout", 120)
- if isinstance(self.COOKIES, list):
- set_cookies(self.req.cj, self.COOKIES)
- if (self.MULTI_HOSTER
- and (self.__pattern__ != self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins[self.__name__]['pattern']
- or re.match(self.__pattern__, self.pyfile.url) is None)):
- self.multihost = True
- return
- if self.DIRECT_LINK is None:
- self.directDL = bool(self.account)
- else:
- self.directDL = self.DIRECT_LINK
- self.pyfile.url = replace_patterns(self.pyfile.url, self.URL_REPLACEMENTS)
- def preload(self):
- self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, cookies=bool(self.COOKIES), decode=not self.TEXT_ENCODING)
- if isinstance(self.TEXT_ENCODING, basestring):
- self.html = unicode(self.html, self.TEXT_ENCODING)
- def process(self, pyfile):
- try:
- self.prepare()
- self.checkInfo()
- if self.directDL:
- self.logDebug("Looking for direct download link...")
- self.handleDirect(pyfile)
- if self.multihost and not and not self.lastDownload:
- self.logDebug("Looking for leeched download link...")
- self.handleMulti(pyfile)
- if not and not self.lastDownload:
- self.MULTI_HOSTER = False
- self.retry(1, reason="Multi hoster fails")
- if not and not self.lastDownload:
- self.preload()
- self.checkInfo()
- if self.premium and (not self.CHECK_TRAFFIC or self.checkTrafficLeft()):
- self.logDebug("Handled as premium download")
- self.handlePremium(pyfile)
- elif not self.LOGIN_ACCOUNT or (not self.CHECK_TRAFFIC or self.checkTrafficLeft()):
- self.logDebug("Handled as free download")
- self.handleFree(pyfile)
- self.downloadLink(, self.DISPOSITION) #: Remove `self.DISPOSITION` in 0.4.10
- self.checkFile()
- except Fail, e: #@TODO: Move to PluginThread in 0.4.10
- if self.premium:
- self.logWarning(_("Premium download failed"))
- self.retryFree()
- else:
- raise Fail(e)
- def downloadLink(self, link, disposition=True):
- if link and isinstance(link, basestring):
- self.correctCaptcha()
- if not urlparse(link).scheme:
- url_p = urlparse(self.pyfile.url)
- baseurl = "%s://%s" % (url_p.scheme, url_p.netloc)
- link = urljoin(baseurl, link)
-, ref=False, disposition=disposition)
- def checkFile(self, rules={}):
- if self.cTask and not self.lastDownload:
- self.invalidCaptcha()
- self.retry(10, reason=_("Wrong captcha"))
- elif not self.lastDownload or not os.path.exists(fs_encode(self.lastDownload)):
- self.lastDownload = ""
- self.error(self.pyfile.error or _("No file downloaded"))
- else:
- errmsg = self.checkDownload({'Empty file': re.compile(r'\A\s*\Z'),
- 'Html error': re.compile(r'\A(?:\s*<.+>)?((?:[\w\s]*(?:[Ee]rror|ERROR)\s*\:?)?\s*\d{3})(?:\Z|\s+)')})
- if not errmsg:
- for r, p in [('Html file' , re.compile(r'\A\s*<!DOCTYPE html') ),
- ('Request error', re.compile(r'([Aa]n error occured while processing your request)'))]:
- if r not in rules:
- rules[r] = p
- for r, a in [('Error' , "ERROR_PATTERN" ),
- ('Premium only', "PREMIUM_ONLY_PATTERN"),
- ('Wait error' , "WAIT_PATTERN" )]:
- if r not in rules and hasattr(self, a):
- rules[r] = getattr(self, a)
- errmsg = self.checkDownload(rules)
- if not errmsg:
- return
- errmsg = errmsg.strip().capitalize()
- try:
- errmsg += " | " +
- except Exception:
- pass
- self.logWarning("Check result: " + errmsg, "Waiting 1 minute and retry")
- self.retry(3, 60, errmsg)
- def checkErrors(self):
- if not self.html:
- self.logWarning(_("No html code to check"))
- return
- if hasattr(self, 'PREMIUM_ONLY_PATTERN') and not self.premium and, self.html):
-"Link require a premium account to be handled"))
- elif hasattr(self, 'ERROR_PATTERN'):
- m =, self.html)
- if m:
- try:
- errmsg =
- except Exception:
- errmsg =
-['error'] = errmsg
- if "hour" in errmsg:
- self.wait(1 * 60 * 60, True)
- elif"da(il)?y|today", errmsg):
- self.wait(secondsToMidnight(gmt=2), True)
- elif "minute" in errmsg:
- self.wait(1 * 60)
- else:
- self.error(errmsg)
- elif hasattr(self, 'WAIT_PATTERN'):
- m =, self.html)
- if m:
- try:
- waitmsg =
- except Exception:
- waitmsg =
- wait_time = sum(int(v) * {"hr": 3600, "hour": 3600, "min": 60, "sec": 1}[u.lower()] for v, u in
- re.findall(r'(\d+)\s*(hr|hour|min|sec)', waitmsg, re.I))
- self.wait(wait_time, wait_time > 300)
-'error', None)
- def checkStatus(self, getinfo=True):
- if not or getinfo:
- self.logDebug("Update file info...")
- self.logDebug("Previous file info: %s" %
-, self.html))
- self.logDebug("Current file info: %s" %
- try:
- status =['status']
- if status is 1:
- self.offline()
- elif status is 6:
- self.tempOffline()
- elif status is 8:
- finally:
- self.logDebug("File status: %s" % statusMap[status])
- def checkNameSize(self, getinfo=True):
- if not or getinfo:
- self.logDebug("Update file info...")
- self.logDebug("Previous file info: %s" %
-, self.html))
- self.logDebug("Current file info: %s" %
- try:
- url =['url'].strip()
- name =['name'].strip()
- if name and name != url:
- = name
- except Exception:
- pass
- try:
- size =['size']
- if size > 0:
- self.pyfile.size = size
- except Exception:
- pass
- self.logDebug("File name: %s" %,
- "File size: %s byte" % self.pyfile.size if self.pyfile.size > 0 else "File size: Unknown")
- def checkInfo(self):
- self.checkNameSize()
- if self.html:
- self.checkErrors()
- self.checkNameSize()
- self.checkStatus(getinfo=False)
- #: Deprecated
- def getFileInfo(self):
- = {}
- self.checkInfo()
- return
- def handleDirect(self, pyfile):
- link = self.directLink(pyfile.url, self.resumeDownload)
- if link:
- self.logInfo(_("Direct download link detected"))
- = link
- else:
- self.logDebug("Direct download link not found")
- def handleMulti(self, pyfile): #: Multi-hoster handler
- pass
- def handleFree(self, pyfile):
- if not hasattr(self, 'LINK_FREE_PATTERN'):
- self.logError(_("Free download not implemented"))
- m =, self.html)
- if m is None:
- self.error(_("Free download link not found"))
- else:
- =
- def handlePremium(self, pyfile):
- if not hasattr(self, 'LINK_PREMIUM_PATTERN'):
- self.logError(_("Premium download not implemented"))
- self.logDebug("Handled as free download")
- self.handleFree(pyfile)
- m =, self.html)
- if m is None:
- self.error(_("Premium download link not found"))
- else:
- =
- def longWait(self, wait_time=None, max_tries=3):
- if wait_time and isinstance(wait_time, (int, long, float)):
- time_str = "%dh %dm" % divmod(wait_time / 60, 60)
- else:
- wait_time = 900
- time_str = _("(unknown time)")
- max_tries = 100
- self.logInfo(_("Download limit reached, reconnect or wait %s") % time_str)
- self.wait(wait_time, True)
- self.retry(max_tries=max_tries, reason=_("Download limit reached"))
- def parseHtmlForm(self, attr_str="", input_names={}):
- return parseHtmlForm(attr_str, self.html, input_names)
- def checkTrafficLeft(self):
- if not self.account:
- return True
- traffic = self.account.getAccountInfo(self.user, True)['trafficleft']
- if traffic is None:
- return False
- elif traffic == -1:
- return True
- else:
- size = self.pyfile.size / 1024
- self.logInfo(_("Filesize: %i KiB, Traffic left for user %s: %i KiB") % (size, self.user, traffic))
- return size <= traffic
- def getConfig(self, option, default=''): #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- """getConfig with default value - sublass may not implements all config options"""
- try:
- return self.getConf(option)
- except KeyError:
- return default
- def retryFree(self):
- if not self.premium:
- return
- self.premium = False
- self.account = None
- self.req = self.core.requestFactory.getRequest(self.__name__)
- self.retries = 0
- raise Retry(_("Fallback to free download"))
- #@TODO: Remove in 0.4.10
- def wait(self, seconds=0, reconnect=None):
- return _wait(self, seconds, reconnect)
- def error(self, reason="", type="parse"):
- return _error(self, reason, type)