path: root/module/plugins/hoster/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'module/plugins/hoster/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/module/plugins/hoster/ b/module/plugins/hoster/
deleted file mode 100644
index cd1cee6d7..000000000
--- a/module/plugins/hoster/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import re
-import time
-from import getURL
-from module.plugins.internal.CaptchaService import ReCaptcha
-from module.plugins.internal.SimpleHoster import SimpleHoster, create_getInfo
-class UploadedTo(SimpleHoster):
- __name__ = "UploadedTo"
- __type__ = "hoster"
- __version__ = "0.85"
- __pattern__ = r'https?://(?:www\.)?(uploaded\.(to|net)|ul\.to)(/file/|/?\?id=|.*?&id=|/)(?P<ID>\w+)'
- __config__ = [("use_premium", "bool", "Use premium account if available", True)]
- __description__ = """ hoster plugin"""
- __license__ = "GPLv3"
- __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
- API_KEY = "lhF2IeeprweDfu9ccWlxXVVypA5nA3EL"
- URL_REPLACEMENTS = [(__pattern__ + ".*", r'\g<ID>')]
- LINK_PREMIUM_PATTERN = r'<div class="tfree".*\s*<form method="post" action="(.+?)"'
- WAIT_PATTERN = r'Current waiting period: <span>(\d+)'
- DL_LIMIT_ERROR = r'You have reached the max. number of possible free downloads for this hour'
- @classmethod
- def apiInfo(cls, url="", get={}, post={}):
- info = super(UploadedTo, cls).apiInfo(url)
- for _i in xrange(5):
- html = getURL("",
- get={"apikey": cls.API_KEY, 'id_0': re.match(cls.__pattern__, url).group('ID')},
- decode=True)
- if html != "can't find request":
- api = html.split(",", 4)
- if api[0] == "online":
- info.update({'name': api[4].strip(), 'size': api[2], 'status': 2})
- else:
- info['status'] = 1
- break
- else:
- time.sleep(3)
- return info
- def setup(self):
- self.multiDL = self.resumeDownload = self.premium
- self.chunkLimit = 1 # critical problems with more chunks
- def checkErrors(self):
- if 'var free_enabled = false;' in self.html:
- self.logError(_("Free-download capacities exhausted"))
- self.retry(24, 5 * 60)
- elif "limit-size" in self.html:
-"File too big for free download"))
- elif "limit-slot" in self.html: # Temporary restriction so just wait a bit
- self.wait(30 * 60, True)
- self.retry()
- elif "limit-parallel" in self.html:
-"Cannot download in parallel"))
- elif "limit-dl" in self.html or self.DL_LIMIT_ERROR in self.html: # limit-dl
- self.wait(3 * 60 * 60, True)
- self.retry()
- elif '"err":"captcha"' in self.html:
- self.invalidCaptcha()
- else:
- m =, self.html)
- if m:
- self.wait(
- def handleFree(self, pyfile):
- self.load("", just_header=True)
- self.html = self.load("", decode=True)
- recaptcha = ReCaptcha(self)
- response, challenge = recaptcha.challenge()
- self.html = self.load("" %['pattern']['ID'],
- post={'recaptcha_challenge_field': challenge,
- 'recaptcha_response_field' : response})
- if "type:'download'" in self.html:
- self.correctCaptcha()
- try:
- ="url:'([^']+)", self.html).group(1)
- except Exception:
- pass
- self.checkErrors()
- def checkFile(self, rules={}):
- if self.checkDownload({'limit-dl': self.DL_LIMIT_ERROR}):
- self.wait(3 * 60 * 60, True)
- self.retry()
- return super(UploadedTo, self).checkFile(rules)
-getInfo = create_getInfo(UploadedTo)