path: root/module/plugins/hooks
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'module/plugins/hooks')
3 files changed, 29 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/module/plugins/hooks/ b/module/plugins/hooks/
deleted file mode 100644
index 199316cd8..000000000
--- a/module/plugins/hooks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: zoidberg
-from __future__ import with_statement
-import hashlib, zlib
-from module.utils import save_join, fs_encode
-from module.plugins.Hook import Hook
-def computeChecksum(local_file, algorithm):
- if algorithm in getattr(hashlib, "algorithms", ("md5", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512")):
- h = getattr(hashlib, algorithm)()
- chunk_size = 128 * h.block_size
- with open(local_file, 'rb') as f:
- for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
- h.update(chunk)
- return h.hexdigest()
- elif algorithm in ("adler32", "crc32"):
- hf = getattr(zlib, algorithm)
- last = 0
- with open(local_file, 'rb') as f:
- for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
- last = hf(chunk, last)
- return "%x" % last
- else:
- return None
-class Checksum(Hook):
- __name__ = "Checksum"
- __version__ = "0.02"
- __description__ = "Check downloaded file hash"
- __config__ = [("activated", "bool", "Activated", True),
- ("action", "fail;retry;nothing", "What to do if check fails?", "retry"),
- ("max_tries", "int", "Number of retries", 2)]
- __author_name__ = ("zoidberg")
- __author_mail__ = ("")
- def downloadFinished(self, pyfile):
- """
- Compute checksum for the downloaded file and compare it with the hash provided by the hoster.
- pyfile.plugin.file_check should be a dictionary which can contain:
- a) if known, the exact filesize in bytes (e.g. "size": 123456789)
- b) hexadecimal hash string with algorithm name as key (e.g. "md5": "d76505d0869f9f928a17d42d66326307")
- """
- if hasattr(pyfile.plugin, "file_check") and (isinstance(pyfile.plugin.file_check, dict)):
- download_folder = self.config['general']['download_folder']
- local_file = fs_encode(save_join(download_folder, pyfile.package().folder,
- for key, value in sorted(pyfile.plugin.file_check.items(), reverse = True):
- if key == "size":
- if value and value != pyfile.size:
- self.logWarning("File %s has incorrect size: %d B (%d expected)" % (pyfile.size, value))
- self.checkFailed(pyfile, "Incorrect file size")
- else:
- checksum = computeChecksum(local_file, key.replace("-","").lower())
- if checksum:
- if checksum == value:
- self.logInfo('File integrity of "%s" verified by %s checksum (%s).' % (, key.upper() , checksum))
- return
- else:
- self.logWarning("%s checksum for file %s does not match (%s != %s)" % (key.upper(),, checksum, value))
- self.checkFailed(pyfile, "Checksums do not match")
- else:
- self.logWarning("Unsupported hashing algorithm: %s" % key.upper())
- else:
- self.logWarning("Unable to validate checksum for file %s" % (
- def checkFailed(self, pyfile, msg):
- action = self.getConfig("action")
- if action == "fail":
- = msg)
- elif action == "retry":
- pyfile.plugin.retry(reason = msg, max_tries = self.getConfig("max_tries")) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/module/plugins/hooks/ b/module/plugins/hooks/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d7d2ffb0..000000000
--- a/module/plugins/hooks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: zoidberg
- Original idea by new.cze
-import re
-from time import localtime
-from module.plugins.Hook import Hook
-class DownloadScheduler(Hook):
- __name__ = "DownloadScheduler"
- __version__ = "0.20"
- __description__ = """Download Scheduler"""
- __config__ = [("activated", "bool", "Activated", "False"),
- ("timetable", "str", "List time periods as hh:mm full or number(kB/s)", "0:00 full, 7:00 250, 10:00 0, 17:00 150")]
- __author_name__ = ("zoidberg")
- __author_mail__ = ("")
- def setup(self):
- self.cb = None # callback to scheduler job; will be by removed hookmanager when hook unloaded
- def coreReady(self):
- self.updateSchedule()
- def updateSchedule(self, schedule = None):
- if schedule is None:
- schedule = self.getConfig("timetable")
- schedule = re.findall("(\d{1,2}):(\d{2})[\s]*(-?\d+)", schedule.lower().replace("full", "-1").replace("none", "0"))
- if not schedule:
- self.logError("Invalid schedule")
- return
- t0 = localtime()
- now = (t0.tm_hour, t0.tm_min, t0.tm_sec, "X")
- schedule = sorted([(int(x[0]), int(x[1]), 0, int(x[2])) for x in schedule] + [now])
- self.logDebug("Schedule", schedule)
- for i, v in enumerate(schedule):
- if v[3] == "X":
- last, next = schedule[i-1], schedule[(i+1) % len(schedule)]
- self.logDebug("Now/Last/Next", now, last, next)
- self.setDownloadSpeed(last[3])
- next_time = (((24 + next[0] - now[0])* 60 + next[1] - now[1]) * 60 + next[2] - now[2]) % 86400
- self.core.scheduler.removeJob(self.cb)
- self.cb = self.core.scheduler.addJob(next_time, self.updateSchedule, threaded=False)
- def setDownloadSpeed(self, speed):
- if speed == 0:
- self.logInfo("Stopping download server. Current downloads will not be interrupted.")
- self.core.api.pauseServer()
- else:
- self.core.api.unpauseServer()
- if speed > 0:
- self.logInfo("Setting download speed to %d kB/s" % speed)
- self.core.api.setConfigValue("download","limit_speed",1)
- self.core.api.setConfigValue("download","max_speed",speed)
- else:
- self.logInfo("Setting download speed to FULL")
- self.core.api.setConfigValue("download","limit_speed",0)
- self.core.api.setConfigValue("download","max_speed",-1) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/module/plugins/hooks/ b/module/plugins/hooks/
index 3981db2d0..f4461f8c6 100644
--- a/module/plugins/hooks/
+++ b/module/plugins/hooks/
@@ -5,44 +5,41 @@ import re
class XFileSharingPro(Hook):
__name__ = "XFileSharingPro"
- __version__ = "0.03"
+ __version__ = "0.02"
__type__ = "hook"
- __config__ = [ ("activated" , "bool" , "Activated" , "True"),
- ("loadDefault", "bool", "Include default (built-in) hoster list" , "True"),
+ __config__ = [ ("activated", "bool", "Activated" , "True"),
+ ("loadDefault", "bool", "Load default hoster list" , "True"),
("includeList", "str", "Include hosters (comma separated)", ""),
- ("excludeList", "str", "Exclude hosters (comma separated)", "") ]
- __description__ = """Hoster URL pattern loader for the generic XFileSharingPro plugin"""
+ ("excludeList", "str", "Exclude hosters (comma separated)", "")]
+ __description__ = """ hook plugin"""
__author_name__ = ("zoidberg")
- __author_mail__ = ("")
+ __author_mail__ = ("")
def coreReady(self):
- self.loadPattern()
- def loadPattern(self):
hosterList = self.getConfigSet('includeList')
excludeList = self.getConfigSet('excludeList')
if self.getConfig('loadDefault'):
hosterList |= set((
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
+ "azsharing\.com", "banashare\.com", "fileband\.com", "kingsupload\.com", "migahost\.com", "", "xfileshare\.eu",
- "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
- "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
- "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
- "", "", "", "", "", ""
+ "aieshare\.com", "amonshare\.com", "asixfiles\.com",
+ "bebasupload\.com", "boosterking\.com", "buckshare\.com", "bulletupload\.com", "crocshare\.com", "ddlanime\.com", "divxme\.com",
+ "dopeshare\.com", "downupload\.com", "eyesfile\.com", "eyvx\.com", "fik1\.com", "file4safe\.com", "file4sharing\.com",
+ "fileforth\.com", "filemade\.com", "filemak\.com", "fileplaygroud\.com", "filerace\.com", "filestrack\.com",
+ "fileupper\.com", "filevelocity\.com", "fooget\.com", "4bytez\.com", "freefilessharing\.com", "glumbouploads\.com", "grupload\.com",
+ "heftyfile\.com", "hipfile\.com", "host4desi\.com", "hulkshare\.com", "idupin\.com", "imageporter\.com", "isharefast\.com",
+ "jalurcepat\.com", "laoupload\.com", "linkzhost\.com", "loombo\.com", "maknyos\.com",
+ "mlfat4arab\.com", "movreel\.com", "netuploaded\.com", "ok2upload\.com", "180upload\.com", "1hostclick\.com", "ovfile\.com",
+ "putshare\.com", "pyramidfiles\.com", "q4share\.com", "queenshare\.com", "ravishare\.com", "rockdizfile\.com", "sendmyway\.com",
+ "share76\.com", "sharebeast\.com", "sharehut\.com", "sharerun\.com", "shareswift\.com", "sharingonline\.com", "6ybh-upload\.com",
+ "skipfile\.com", "spaadyshare\.com", "space4file\.com", "speedoshare\.com", "uploadbaz\.com", "uploadboost\.com", "uploadc\.com",
+ "uploaddot\.com", "uploadfloor\.com", "uploadic\.com", "uploadville\.com", "uptobox\.com", "vidbull\.com", "zalaa\.com",
+ "zomgupload\\.com\.com", "kupload\.org", "movbay\.org", "multishare\.org", "omegave\.org", "toucansharing\.org", "uflinq\.org",
+ "banicrazy\.info", "flowhot\.info", "upbrasil\.info", "shareyourfilez\.biz", "bzlink\.us", "cloudcache\.cc", "fileserver\.cc"
+ "farshare\.to", "kingshare\.to", "filemaze\.ws", "filehost\.ws", "goldfile\.eu", "filestock\.ru", "moidisk\.ru"
+ "4up\.me", "kfiles\.kz", "odsiebie\.pl", "upchi\.co\.il", "upit\.in", "verzend\.be"
@@ -53,22 +50,17 @@ class XFileSharingPro(Hook):
hosterList -= set(('', u''))
if not hosterList:
- self.unload()
+ self.logError("Hoster list is empty" % len(hosterList))
- regexp = r"http://(?:[^/]*\.)?(%s)/\w{12}" % ("|".join(sorted(hosterList)).replace('.','\.'))
+ regexp = r"http://(?:[^/]*\.)?(%s)/\w{12}" % "|".join(sorted(hosterList))
+ self.logDebug("Added %d hosters" % len(hosterList))
dict = self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins['XFileSharingPro']
dict["pattern"] = regexp
dict["re"] = re.compile(regexp)
- self.logDebug("Pattern loaded - handling %d hosters" % len(hosterList))
def getConfigSet(self, option):
- s = self.getConfig(option).lower().replace('|',',').replace(';',',')
- return set([x.strip() for x in s.split(',')])
- def unload(self):
- dict = self.core.pluginManager.hosterPlugins['XFileSharingPro']
- dict["pattern"] = r"^unmatchable$"
- dict["re"] = re.compile(r"^unmatchable$") \ No newline at end of file
+ s = self.getConfig(option).lower().replace('|',',').replace(';',',').replace('.','\.')
+ return set([x.strip() for x in s.split('|')]) \ No newline at end of file