path: root/module/plugins/crypter
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'module/plugins/crypter')
6 files changed, 908 insertions, 908 deletions
diff --git a/module/plugins/crypter/ b/module/plugins/crypter/
index 9815ae266..100ba2bc6 100644
--- a/module/plugins/crypter/
+++ b/module/plugins/crypter/
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-import re
-import urllib
-from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter
-from module.lib.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
-class ILoadTo(Crypter):
- __name__ = "ILoadTo"
- __type__ = "crypter"
- __pattern__ = r"http://iload\.to/go/\d+-[\w\.-]+/"
- __config__ = []
- __version__ = "0.1"
- __description__ = """ Crypter Plugin"""
- __author_name__ = ("hzpz")
- __author_mail__ = ("none")
- def decrypt(self, pyfile):
- url = pyfile.url
- src = self.req.load(str(url))
- soup = BeautifulSoup(src)
- # find captcha URL and decrypt
- captchaTag = soup.find("img", attrs={"id": "Captcha"})
- if not captchaTag:
-"Cannot find Captcha")
- captchaUrl = "" + captchaTag["src"]
- self.logDebug("Captcha URL: %s" % captchaUrl)
- result = self.decryptCaptcha(str(captchaUrl))
- # find captcha form URL
- formTag = soup.find("form", attrs={"id": "CaptchaForm"})
- formUrl = "" + formTag["action"]
- self.logDebug("Form URL: %s" % formUrl)
- # submit decrypted captcha
- self.req.lastURL = url
- src = self.req.load(str(formUrl), post={'captcha': result})
- # find decrypted links
- links = re.findall(r"<a href=\"(.+)\" style=\"text-align:center;font-weight:bold;\" class=\"button\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"this.className\+=' success';\">", src)
- if not len(links) > 0:
- self.retry()
- self.correctCaptcha()
- cleanedLinks = []
- for link in links:
- if link.startswith(""):
- cleanedLink = urllib.unquote(link[23:])
- else:
- cleanedLink = link
- self.logDebug("Link: %s" % cleanedLink)
- cleanedLinks.append(cleanedLink)
- self.logDebug("Decrypted %d links" % len(links))
- self.pyfile.package().password = ""
+import re
+import urllib
+from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter
+from module.lib.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
+class ILoadTo(Crypter):
+ __name__ = "ILoadTo"
+ __type__ = "crypter"
+ __pattern__ = r"http://iload\.to/go/\d+-[\w\.-]+/"
+ __config__ = []
+ __version__ = "0.1"
+ __description__ = """ Crypter Plugin"""
+ __author_name__ = ("hzpz")
+ __author_mail__ = ("none")
+ def decrypt(self, pyfile):
+ url = pyfile.url
+ src = self.req.load(str(url))
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(src)
+ # find captcha URL and decrypt
+ captchaTag = soup.find("img", attrs={"id": "Captcha"})
+ if not captchaTag:
+"Cannot find Captcha")
+ captchaUrl = "" + captchaTag["src"]
+ self.logDebug("Captcha URL: %s" % captchaUrl)
+ result = self.decryptCaptcha(str(captchaUrl))
+ # find captcha form URL
+ formTag = soup.find("form", attrs={"id": "CaptchaForm"})
+ formUrl = "" + formTag["action"]
+ self.logDebug("Form URL: %s" % formUrl)
+ # submit decrypted captcha
+ self.req.lastURL = url
+ src = self.req.load(str(formUrl), post={'captcha': result})
+ # find decrypted links
+ links = re.findall(r"<a href=\"(.+)\" style=\"text-align:center;font-weight:bold;\" class=\"button\" target=\"_blank\" onclick=\"this.className\+=' success';\">", src)
+ if not len(links) > 0:
+ self.retry()
+ self.correctCaptcha()
+ cleanedLinks = []
+ for link in links:
+ if link.startswith(""):
+ cleanedLink = urllib.unquote(link[23:])
+ else:
+ cleanedLink = link
+ self.logDebug("Link: %s" % cleanedLink)
+ cleanedLinks.append(cleanedLink)
+ self.logDebug("Decrypted %d links" % len(links))
+ self.pyfile.package().password = ""
self.packages.append((self.pyfile.package().name, cleanedLinks, self.pyfile.package().folder)) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/module/plugins/crypter/ b/module/plugins/crypter/
index 30cc61055..e021316bf 100644
--- a/module/plugins/crypter/
+++ b/module/plugins/crypter/
@@ -1,227 +1,227 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# v2.01 - hagg
-# * cnl2 and web links are skipped if JS is not available (instead of failing the package)
-# * only best available link source is used (priority: cnl2>rsdf>ccf>dlc>web
-from Crypto.Cipher import AES
-from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter
-from module.unescape import unescape
-import base64
-import binascii
-import re
-class LinkSaveIn(Crypter):
- __name__ = "LinkSaveIn"
- __type__ = "crypter"
- __pattern__ = r"http://(www\.)?<id>\w+)$"
- __version__ = "2.01"
- __description__ = """ Crypter Plugin"""
- __author_name__ = ("fragonib")
- __author_mail__ = ("fragonib[AT]yahoo[DOT]es")
- # Constants
- _JK_KEY_ = "jk"
- _CRYPTED_KEY_ = "crypted"
- def setup(self):
- self.html = None
- self.fileid = None
- self.captcha = False
- self.package = None
- self.preferred_sources = ['cnl2', 'rsdf', 'ccf', 'dlc', 'web']
- def decrypt(self, pyfile):
- # Init
- self.package = pyfile.package()
- self.fileid = re.match(self.__pattern__, pyfile.url).group('id')
- self.req.cj.setCookie(self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "Linksave_Language", "english")
- # Request package
- self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url)
- if not self.isOnline():
- self.offline()
- # Check for protection
- if self.isPasswordProtected():
- self.unlockPasswordProtection()
- self.handleErrors()
- if self.isCaptchaProtected():
- self.captcha = True
- self.unlockCaptchaProtection()
- self.handleErrors()
- # Get package name and folder
- (package_name, folder_name) = self.getPackageInfo()
- # Extract package links
- package_links = []
- for type_ in self.preferred_sources:
- package_links.extend(self.handleLinkSource(type_))
- if package_links: # use only first source which provides links
- break
- package_links = set(package_links)
- # Pack
- if package_links:
- self.packages = [(package_name, package_links, folder_name)]
- else:
-'Could not extract any links')
- def isOnline(self):
- if "<big>Error 404 - Folder not found!</big>" in self.html:
- self.logDebug("File not found")
- return False
- return True
- def isPasswordProtected(self):
- if'''<input.*?type="password"''', self.html):
- self.logDebug("Links are password protected")
- return True
- def isCaptchaProtected(self):
- if "<b>Captcha:</b>" in self.html:
- self.logDebug("Links are captcha protected")
- return True
- return False
- def unlockPasswordProtection(self):
- password = self.getPassword()
- self.logDebug("Submitting password [%s] for protected links" % password)
- post = {"id": self.fileid, "besucherpasswort": password, 'login': 'submit'}
- self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post=post)
- def unlockCaptchaProtection(self):
- captcha_hash ='name="hash" value="([^"]+)', self.html).group(1)
- captcha_url ='src=".(/captcha/cap.php\?hsh=[^"]+)', self.html).group(1)
- captcha_code = self.decryptCaptcha("" + captcha_url, forceUser=True)
- self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"id": self.fileid, "hash": captcha_hash, "code": captcha_code})
- def getPackageInfo(self):
- name = self.pyfile.package().name
- folder = self.pyfile.package().folder
- self.logDebug("Defaulting to pyfile name [%s] and folder [%s] for package" % (name, folder))
- return name, folder
- def handleErrors(self):
- if "The visitorpassword you have entered is wrong" in self.html:
- self.logDebug("Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry")
-"Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry")
- if self.captcha:
- if "Wrong code. Please retry" in self.html:
- self.logDebug("Invalid captcha, retrying")
- self.invalidCaptcha()
- self.retry()
- else:
- self.correctCaptcha()
- def handleLinkSource(self, type_):
- if type_ == 'cnl2':
- return self.handleCNL2()
- elif type_ in ('rsdf', 'ccf', 'dlc'):
- return self.handleContainer(type_)
- elif type_ == 'web':
- return self.handleWebLinks()
- else:
-'unknown source type "%s" (this is probably a bug)' % type_)
- def handleWebLinks(self):
- package_links = []
- self.logDebug("Search for Web links")
- if not self.js:
- self.logDebug("no JS -> skip Web links")
- else:
- #@TODO: Gather paginated web links
- pattern = r'<a href="http://linksave\.in/(\w{43})"'
- ids = re.findall(pattern, self.html)
- self.logDebug("Decrypting %d Web links" % len(ids))
- for i, weblink_id in enumerate(ids):
- try:
- webLink = "" % weblink_id
- self.logDebug("Decrypting Web link %d, %s" % (i+1, webLink))
- fwLink = "" % weblink_id
- response = self.load(fwLink)
- jscode = re.findall(r'<script type="text/javascript">(.*)</script>', response)[-1]
- jseval = self.js.eval("document = { write: function(e) { return e; } }; %s" % jscode)
- dlLink ='http://linksave\.in/dl-\w+', jseval).group(0)
- self.logDebug("JsEngine returns value [%s] for redirection link" % dlLink)
- response = self.load(dlLink)
- link = unescape('<iframe src="(.+?)"', response).group(1))
- package_links.append(link)
- except Exception, detail:
- self.logDebug("Error decrypting Web link %s, %s" % (webLink, detail))
- return package_links
- def handleContainer(self, type_):
- package_links = []
- type_ = type_.lower()
- self.logDebug('Seach for %s Container links' % type_.upper())
- if not type_.isalnum(): # check to prevent broken re-pattern (cnl2,rsdf,ccf,dlc,web are all alpha-numeric)
-'unknown container type "%s" (this is probably a bug)' % type_)
- pattern = r"\('%s_link'\).href=unescape\('(.*?\.%s)'\)" % (type_, type_)
- containersLinks = re.findall(pattern, self.html)
- self.logDebug("Found %d %s Container links" % (len(containersLinks), type_.upper()))
- for containerLink in containersLinks:
- link = "" % unescape(containerLink)
- package_links.append(link)
- return package_links
- def handleCNL2(self):
- package_links = []
- self.logDebug("Search for CNL2 links")
- if not self.js:
- self.logDebug("no JS -> skip CNL2 links")
- elif 'cnl2_load' in self.html:
- try:
- (vcrypted, vjk) = self._getCipherParams()
- for (crypted, jk) in zip(vcrypted, vjk):
- package_links.extend(self._getLinks(crypted, jk))
- except:
-"Unable to decrypt CNL2 links")
- return package_links
- def _getCipherParams(self):
- # Get jk
- jk_re = r'<INPUT.*?NAME="%s".*?VALUE="(.*?)"' % LinkSaveIn._JK_KEY_
- vjk = re.findall(jk_re, self.html)
- # Get crypted
- crypted_re = r'<INPUT.*?NAME="%s".*?VALUE="(.*?)"' % LinkSaveIn._CRYPTED_KEY_
- vcrypted = re.findall(crypted_re, self.html)
- # Log and return
- self.logDebug("Detected %d crypted blocks" % len(vcrypted))
- return vcrypted, vjk
- def _getLinks(self, crypted, jk):
- # Get key
- jreturn = self.js.eval("%s f()" % jk)
- self.logDebug("JsEngine returns value [%s]" % jreturn)
- key = binascii.unhexlify(jreturn)
- # Decode crypted
- crypted = base64.standard_b64decode(crypted)
- # Decrypt
- Key = key
- IV = key
- obj =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
- text = obj.decrypt(crypted)
- # Extract links
- text = text.replace("\x00", "").replace("\r", "")
- links = text.split("\n")
- links = filter(lambda x: x != "", links)
- # Log and return
- self.logDebug("Package has %d links" % len(links))
- return links
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# v2.01 - hagg
+# * cnl2 and web links are skipped if JS is not available (instead of failing the package)
+# * only best available link source is used (priority: cnl2>rsdf>ccf>dlc>web
+from Crypto.Cipher import AES
+from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter
+from module.unescape import unescape
+import base64
+import binascii
+import re
+class LinkSaveIn(Crypter):
+ __name__ = "LinkSaveIn"
+ __type__ = "crypter"
+ __pattern__ = r"http://(www\.)?<id>\w+)$"
+ __version__ = "2.01"
+ __description__ = """ Crypter Plugin"""
+ __author_name__ = ("fragonib")
+ __author_mail__ = ("fragonib[AT]yahoo[DOT]es")
+ # Constants
+ _JK_KEY_ = "jk"
+ _CRYPTED_KEY_ = "crypted"
+ def setup(self):
+ self.html = None
+ self.fileid = None
+ self.captcha = False
+ self.package = None
+ self.preferred_sources = ['cnl2', 'rsdf', 'ccf', 'dlc', 'web']
+ def decrypt(self, pyfile):
+ # Init
+ self.package = pyfile.package()
+ self.fileid = re.match(self.__pattern__, pyfile.url).group('id')
+ self.req.cj.setCookie(self.HOSTER_DOMAIN, "Linksave_Language", "english")
+ # Request package
+ self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url)
+ if not self.isOnline():
+ self.offline()
+ # Check for protection
+ if self.isPasswordProtected():
+ self.unlockPasswordProtection()
+ self.handleErrors()
+ if self.isCaptchaProtected():
+ self.captcha = True
+ self.unlockCaptchaProtection()
+ self.handleErrors()
+ # Get package name and folder
+ (package_name, folder_name) = self.getPackageInfo()
+ # Extract package links
+ package_links = []
+ for type_ in self.preferred_sources:
+ package_links.extend(self.handleLinkSource(type_))
+ if package_links: # use only first source which provides links
+ break
+ package_links = set(package_links)
+ # Pack
+ if package_links:
+ self.packages = [(package_name, package_links, folder_name)]
+ else:
+'Could not extract any links')
+ def isOnline(self):
+ if "<big>Error 404 - Folder not found!</big>" in self.html:
+ self.logDebug("File not found")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def isPasswordProtected(self):
+ if'''<input.*?type="password"''', self.html):
+ self.logDebug("Links are password protected")
+ return True
+ def isCaptchaProtected(self):
+ if "<b>Captcha:</b>" in self.html:
+ self.logDebug("Links are captcha protected")
+ return True
+ return False
+ def unlockPasswordProtection(self):
+ password = self.getPassword()
+ self.logDebug("Submitting password [%s] for protected links" % password)
+ post = {"id": self.fileid, "besucherpasswort": password, 'login': 'submit'}
+ self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post=post)
+ def unlockCaptchaProtection(self):
+ captcha_hash ='name="hash" value="([^"]+)', self.html).group(1)
+ captcha_url ='src=".(/captcha/cap.php\?hsh=[^"]+)', self.html).group(1)
+ captcha_code = self.decryptCaptcha("" + captcha_url, forceUser=True)
+ self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url, post={"id": self.fileid, "hash": captcha_hash, "code": captcha_code})
+ def getPackageInfo(self):
+ name = self.pyfile.package().name
+ folder = self.pyfile.package().folder
+ self.logDebug("Defaulting to pyfile name [%s] and folder [%s] for package" % (name, folder))
+ return name, folder
+ def handleErrors(self):
+ if "The visitorpassword you have entered is wrong" in self.html:
+ self.logDebug("Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry")
+"Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry")
+ if self.captcha:
+ if "Wrong code. Please retry" in self.html:
+ self.logDebug("Invalid captcha, retrying")
+ self.invalidCaptcha()
+ self.retry()
+ else:
+ self.correctCaptcha()
+ def handleLinkSource(self, type_):
+ if type_ == 'cnl2':
+ return self.handleCNL2()
+ elif type_ in ('rsdf', 'ccf', 'dlc'):
+ return self.handleContainer(type_)
+ elif type_ == 'web':
+ return self.handleWebLinks()
+ else:
+'unknown source type "%s" (this is probably a bug)' % type_)
+ def handleWebLinks(self):
+ package_links = []
+ self.logDebug("Search for Web links")
+ if not self.js:
+ self.logDebug("no JS -> skip Web links")
+ else:
+ #@TODO: Gather paginated web links
+ pattern = r'<a href="http://linksave\.in/(\w{43})"'
+ ids = re.findall(pattern, self.html)
+ self.logDebug("Decrypting %d Web links" % len(ids))
+ for i, weblink_id in enumerate(ids):
+ try:
+ webLink = "" % weblink_id
+ self.logDebug("Decrypting Web link %d, %s" % (i+1, webLink))
+ fwLink = "" % weblink_id
+ response = self.load(fwLink)
+ jscode = re.findall(r'<script type="text/javascript">(.*)</script>', response)[-1]
+ jseval = self.js.eval("document = { write: function(e) { return e; } }; %s" % jscode)
+ dlLink ='http://linksave\.in/dl-\w+', jseval).group(0)
+ self.logDebug("JsEngine returns value [%s] for redirection link" % dlLink)
+ response = self.load(dlLink)
+ link = unescape('<iframe src="(.+?)"', response).group(1))
+ package_links.append(link)
+ except Exception, detail:
+ self.logDebug("Error decrypting Web link %s, %s" % (webLink, detail))
+ return package_links
+ def handleContainer(self, type_):
+ package_links = []
+ type_ = type_.lower()
+ self.logDebug('Seach for %s Container links' % type_.upper())
+ if not type_.isalnum(): # check to prevent broken re-pattern (cnl2,rsdf,ccf,dlc,web are all alpha-numeric)
+'unknown container type "%s" (this is probably a bug)' % type_)
+ pattern = r"\('%s_link'\).href=unescape\('(.*?\.%s)'\)" % (type_, type_)
+ containersLinks = re.findall(pattern, self.html)
+ self.logDebug("Found %d %s Container links" % (len(containersLinks), type_.upper()))
+ for containerLink in containersLinks:
+ link = "" % unescape(containerLink)
+ package_links.append(link)
+ return package_links
+ def handleCNL2(self):
+ package_links = []
+ self.logDebug("Search for CNL2 links")
+ if not self.js:
+ self.logDebug("no JS -> skip CNL2 links")
+ elif 'cnl2_load' in self.html:
+ try:
+ (vcrypted, vjk) = self._getCipherParams()
+ for (crypted, jk) in zip(vcrypted, vjk):
+ package_links.extend(self._getLinks(crypted, jk))
+ except:
+"Unable to decrypt CNL2 links")
+ return package_links
+ def _getCipherParams(self):
+ # Get jk
+ jk_re = r'<INPUT.*?NAME="%s".*?VALUE="(.*?)"' % LinkSaveIn._JK_KEY_
+ vjk = re.findall(jk_re, self.html)
+ # Get crypted
+ crypted_re = r'<INPUT.*?NAME="%s".*?VALUE="(.*?)"' % LinkSaveIn._CRYPTED_KEY_
+ vcrypted = re.findall(crypted_re, self.html)
+ # Log and return
+ self.logDebug("Detected %d crypted blocks" % len(vcrypted))
+ return vcrypted, vjk
+ def _getLinks(self, crypted, jk):
+ # Get key
+ jreturn = self.js.eval("%s f()" % jk)
+ self.logDebug("JsEngine returns value [%s]" % jreturn)
+ key = binascii.unhexlify(jreturn)
+ # Decode crypted
+ crypted = base64.standard_b64decode(crypted)
+ # Decrypt
+ Key = key
+ IV = key
+ obj =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
+ text = obj.decrypt(crypted)
+ # Extract links
+ text = text.replace("\x00", "").replace("\r", "")
+ links = text.split("\n")
+ links = filter(lambda x: x != "", links)
+ # Log and return
+ self.logDebug("Package has %d links" % len(links))
+ return links
diff --git a/module/plugins/crypter/ b/module/plugins/crypter/
index e1cd30475..821636821 100644
--- a/module/plugins/crypter/
+++ b/module/plugins/crypter/
@@ -1,251 +1,251 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from Crypto.Cipher import AES
-from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter
-from module.plugins.ReCaptcha import ReCaptcha
-import base64
-import binascii
-import re
-class NCryptIn(Crypter):
- __name__ = "NCryptIn"
- __type__ = "crypter"
- __pattern__ = r"http://(?:www\.)?[^/\?]+)"
- __version__ = "1.22"
- __description__ = """ Crypter Plugin"""
- __author_name__ = ("fragonib")
- __author_mail__ = ("fragonib[AT]yahoo[DOT]es")
- # Constants
- _JK_KEY_ = "jk"
- _CRYPTED_KEY_ = "crypted"
- def setup(self):
- self.html = None
- self.cleanedHtml = None
- self.captcha = False
- self.package = None
- def decrypt(self, pyfile):
- # Init
- self.package = pyfile.package()
- # Request package
- self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url)
- self.cleanedHtml = self.removeCrap(self.html)
- if not self.isOnline():
- self.offline()
- # Check for protection
- if self.isProtected():
- self.html = self.unlockProtection()
- self.cleanedHtml = self.removeCrap(self.html)
- self.handleErrors()
- # Get package name and folder
- (package_name, folder_name) = self.getPackageInfo()
- # Extract package links
- package_links = []
- package_links.extend(self.handleWebLinks())
- package_links.extend(self.handleContainers())
- package_links.extend(self.handleCNL2())
- package_links = self.removeContainers(package_links)
- package_links = set(package_links)
- # Pack
- self.packages = [(package_name, package_links, folder_name)]
- def removeCrap(self, content):
- patterns = (r'(type="hidden".*?(name=".*?")?.*?value=".*?")',
- r'display:none;">(.*?)</(div|span)>',
- r'<div\s+class="jdownloader"(.*?)</div>',
- r'<iframe\s+style="display:none(.*?)</iframe>')
- for pattern in patterns:
- rexpr = re.compile(pattern, re.DOTALL)
- content = re.sub(rexpr, "", content)
- return content
- def removeContainers(self,package_links):
- tmp_package_links = package_links[:]
- for link in tmp_package_links:
- self.logDebug(link)
- if ".dlc" in link or ".ccf" in link or ".rsdf" in link:
- self.logDebug("Removing [%s] from package_links" % link)
- package_links.remove(link)
- if len(package_links) > 0:
- return package_links
- else:
- return tmp_package_links
- def isOnline(self):
- if "Your folder does not exist" in self.cleanedHtml:
- self.logDebug("File not found")
- return False
- return True
- def isProtected(self):
- if'''<form.*?name.*?protected.*?>''', self.cleanedHtml):
- self.logDebug("Links are protected")
- return True
- return False
- def getPackageInfo(self):
- title_re = r'<h2><span.*?class="arrow".*?>(?P<title>[^<]+).*?</span>.*?</h2>'
- m = re.findall(title_re, self.html, re.DOTALL)
- if m is not None:
- title = m[-1].strip()
- name = folder = title
- self.logDebug("Found name [%s] and folder [%s] in package info" % (name, folder))
- else:
- name =
- folder = self.package.folder
- self.logDebug("Package info not found, defaulting to pyfile name [%s] and folder [%s]" % (name, folder))
- return name, folder
- def unlockProtection(self):
- postData = {}
- form ='''<form\ name="protected"(.*?)</form>''', self.cleanedHtml, re.DOTALL).group(1)
- # Submit package password
- if "password" in form:
- password = self.getPassword()
- self.logDebug("Submitting password [%s] for protected links" % password)
- postData['password'] = password
- # Resolve anicaptcha
- if "anicaptcha" in form:
- self.captcha = True
- self.logDebug("Captcha protected, resolving captcha")
- captchaUri ='src="(/temp/anicaptcha/[^"]+)', form).group(1)
- captcha = self.decryptCaptcha("" + captchaUri)
- self.logDebug("Captcha resolved [%s]" % captcha)
- postData['captcha'] = captcha
- # Resolve recaptcha
- if "recaptcha" in form:
- self.captcha = True
- id ='\?k=(.*?)"', form).group(1)
- self.logDebug("Resolving ReCaptcha with key [%s]" % id)
- recaptcha = ReCaptcha(self)
- challenge, code = recaptcha.challenge(id)
- postData['recaptcha_challenge_field'] = challenge
- postData['recaptcha_response_field'] = code
- # Resolve circlecaptcha
- if "circlecaptcha" in form:
- self.captcha = True
- self.logDebug("Captcha protected")
- captcha_img_url = ""
- coords = self.decryptCaptcha(captcha_img_url, forceUser=True, imgtype="png", result_type='positional')
- self.logDebug("Captcha resolved, coords [%s]" % str(coords))
- self.captcha_post_url = self.pyfile.url
- postData['circle.x'] = coords[0]
- postData['circle.y'] = coords[1]
- # Unlock protection
- postData['submit_protected'] = 'Continue to folder '
- return self.load(self.pyfile.url, post=postData)
- def handleErrors(self):
- if "This password is invalid!" in self.cleanedHtml:
- self.logDebug("Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry")
-"Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry")
- if self.captcha:
- if "The securitycheck was wrong!" in self.cleanedHtml:
- self.logDebug("Invalid captcha, retrying")
- self.invalidCaptcha()
- self.retry()
- else:
- self.correctCaptcha()
- def handleWebLinks(self):
- package_links = []
- self.logDebug("Handling Web links")
- pattern = r"(http://ncrypt\.in/link-.*?=)"
- links = re.findall(pattern, self.html)
- self.logDebug("Decrypting %d Web links" % len(links))
- for i, link in enumerate(links):
- self.logDebug("Decrypting Web link %d, %s" % (i+1, link))
- try:
- url = link.replace("link-", "frame-")
- link = self.load(url, just_header=True)['location']
- package_links.append(link)
- except Exception, detail:
- self.logDebug("Error decrypting Web link %s, %s" % (link, detail))
- return package_links
- def handleContainers(self):
- package_links = []
- self.logDebug("Handling Container links")
- pattern = r"/container/(rsdf|dlc|ccf)/([a-z0-9]+)"
- containersLinks = re.findall(pattern, self.html)
- self.logDebug("Decrypting %d Container links" % len(containersLinks))
- for containerLink in containersLinks:
- link = "" % (containerLink[0], containerLink[1], containerLink[0])
- package_links.append(link)
- return package_links
- def handleCNL2(self):
- package_links = []
- self.logDebug("Handling CNL2 links")
- if 'cnl2_output' in self.cleanedHtml:
- try:
- (vcrypted, vjk) = self._getCipherParams()
- for (crypted, jk) in zip(vcrypted, vjk):
- package_links.extend(self._getLinks(crypted, jk))
- except:
-"Unable to decrypt CNL2 links")
- return package_links
- def _getCipherParams(self):
- pattern = r'<input.*?name="%s".*?value="(.*?)"'
- # Get jk
- jk_re = pattern % NCryptIn._JK_KEY_
- vjk = re.findall(jk_re, self.html)
- # Get crypted
- crypted_re = pattern % NCryptIn._CRYPTED_KEY_
- vcrypted = re.findall(crypted_re, self.html)
- # Log and return
- self.logDebug("Detected %d crypted blocks" % len(vcrypted))
- return vcrypted, vjk
- def _getLinks(self, crypted, jk):
- # Get key
- jreturn = self.js.eval("%s f()" % jk)
- self.logDebug("JsEngine returns value [%s]" % jreturn)
- key = binascii.unhexlify(jreturn)
- # Decode crypted
- crypted = base64.standard_b64decode(crypted)
- # Decrypt
- Key = key
- IV = key
- obj =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
- text = obj.decrypt(crypted)
- # Extract links
- text = text.replace("\x00", "").replace("\r", "")
- links = text.split("\n")
- links = filter(lambda x: x != "", links)
- # Log and return
- self.logDebug("Block has %d links" % len(links))
- return links
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from Crypto.Cipher import AES
+from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter
+from module.plugins.ReCaptcha import ReCaptcha
+import base64
+import binascii
+import re
+class NCryptIn(Crypter):
+ __name__ = "NCryptIn"
+ __type__ = "crypter"
+ __pattern__ = r"http://(?:www\.)?[^/\?]+)"
+ __version__ = "1.22"
+ __description__ = """ Crypter Plugin"""
+ __author_name__ = ("fragonib")
+ __author_mail__ = ("fragonib[AT]yahoo[DOT]es")
+ # Constants
+ _JK_KEY_ = "jk"
+ _CRYPTED_KEY_ = "crypted"
+ def setup(self):
+ self.html = None
+ self.cleanedHtml = None
+ self.captcha = False
+ self.package = None
+ def decrypt(self, pyfile):
+ # Init
+ self.package = pyfile.package()
+ # Request package
+ self.html = self.load(self.pyfile.url)
+ self.cleanedHtml = self.removeCrap(self.html)
+ if not self.isOnline():
+ self.offline()
+ # Check for protection
+ if self.isProtected():
+ self.html = self.unlockProtection()
+ self.cleanedHtml = self.removeCrap(self.html)
+ self.handleErrors()
+ # Get package name and folder
+ (package_name, folder_name) = self.getPackageInfo()
+ # Extract package links
+ package_links = []
+ package_links.extend(self.handleWebLinks())
+ package_links.extend(self.handleContainers())
+ package_links.extend(self.handleCNL2())
+ package_links = self.removeContainers(package_links)
+ package_links = set(package_links)
+ # Pack
+ self.packages = [(package_name, package_links, folder_name)]
+ def removeCrap(self, content):
+ patterns = (r'(type="hidden".*?(name=".*?")?.*?value=".*?")',
+ r'display:none;">(.*?)</(div|span)>',
+ r'<div\s+class="jdownloader"(.*?)</div>',
+ r'<iframe\s+style="display:none(.*?)</iframe>')
+ for pattern in patterns:
+ rexpr = re.compile(pattern, re.DOTALL)
+ content = re.sub(rexpr, "", content)
+ return content
+ def removeContainers(self,package_links):
+ tmp_package_links = package_links[:]
+ for link in tmp_package_links:
+ self.logDebug(link)
+ if ".dlc" in link or ".ccf" in link or ".rsdf" in link:
+ self.logDebug("Removing [%s] from package_links" % link)
+ package_links.remove(link)
+ if len(package_links) > 0:
+ return package_links
+ else:
+ return tmp_package_links
+ def isOnline(self):
+ if "Your folder does not exist" in self.cleanedHtml:
+ self.logDebug("File not found")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def isProtected(self):
+ if'''<form.*?name.*?protected.*?>''', self.cleanedHtml):
+ self.logDebug("Links are protected")
+ return True
+ return False
+ def getPackageInfo(self):
+ title_re = r'<h2><span.*?class="arrow".*?>(?P<title>[^<]+).*?</span>.*?</h2>'
+ m = re.findall(title_re, self.html, re.DOTALL)
+ if m is not None:
+ title = m[-1].strip()
+ name = folder = title
+ self.logDebug("Found name [%s] and folder [%s] in package info" % (name, folder))
+ else:
+ name =
+ folder = self.package.folder
+ self.logDebug("Package info not found, defaulting to pyfile name [%s] and folder [%s]" % (name, folder))
+ return name, folder
+ def unlockProtection(self):
+ postData = {}
+ form ='''<form\ name="protected"(.*?)</form>''', self.cleanedHtml, re.DOTALL).group(1)
+ # Submit package password
+ if "password" in form:
+ password = self.getPassword()
+ self.logDebug("Submitting password [%s] for protected links" % password)
+ postData['password'] = password
+ # Resolve anicaptcha
+ if "anicaptcha" in form:
+ self.captcha = True
+ self.logDebug("Captcha protected, resolving captcha")
+ captchaUri ='src="(/temp/anicaptcha/[^"]+)', form).group(1)
+ captcha = self.decryptCaptcha("" + captchaUri)
+ self.logDebug("Captcha resolved [%s]" % captcha)
+ postData['captcha'] = captcha
+ # Resolve recaptcha
+ if "recaptcha" in form:
+ self.captcha = True
+ id ='\?k=(.*?)"', form).group(1)
+ self.logDebug("Resolving ReCaptcha with key [%s]" % id)
+ recaptcha = ReCaptcha(self)
+ challenge, code = recaptcha.challenge(id)
+ postData['recaptcha_challenge_field'] = challenge
+ postData['recaptcha_response_field'] = code
+ # Resolve circlecaptcha
+ if "circlecaptcha" in form:
+ self.captcha = True
+ self.logDebug("Captcha protected")
+ captcha_img_url = ""
+ coords = self.decryptCaptcha(captcha_img_url, forceUser=True, imgtype="png", result_type='positional')
+ self.logDebug("Captcha resolved, coords [%s]" % str(coords))
+ self.captcha_post_url = self.pyfile.url
+ postData['circle.x'] = coords[0]
+ postData['circle.y'] = coords[1]
+ # Unlock protection
+ postData['submit_protected'] = 'Continue to folder '
+ return self.load(self.pyfile.url, post=postData)
+ def handleErrors(self):
+ if "This password is invalid!" in self.cleanedHtml:
+ self.logDebug("Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry")
+"Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry")
+ if self.captcha:
+ if "The securitycheck was wrong!" in self.cleanedHtml:
+ self.logDebug("Invalid captcha, retrying")
+ self.invalidCaptcha()
+ self.retry()
+ else:
+ self.correctCaptcha()
+ def handleWebLinks(self):
+ package_links = []
+ self.logDebug("Handling Web links")
+ pattern = r"(http://ncrypt\.in/link-.*?=)"
+ links = re.findall(pattern, self.html)
+ self.logDebug("Decrypting %d Web links" % len(links))
+ for i, link in enumerate(links):
+ self.logDebug("Decrypting Web link %d, %s" % (i+1, link))
+ try:
+ url = link.replace("link-", "frame-")
+ link = self.load(url, just_header=True)['location']
+ package_links.append(link)
+ except Exception, detail:
+ self.logDebug("Error decrypting Web link %s, %s" % (link, detail))
+ return package_links
+ def handleContainers(self):
+ package_links = []
+ self.logDebug("Handling Container links")
+ pattern = r"/container/(rsdf|dlc|ccf)/([a-z0-9]+)"
+ containersLinks = re.findall(pattern, self.html)
+ self.logDebug("Decrypting %d Container links" % len(containersLinks))
+ for containerLink in containersLinks:
+ link = "" % (containerLink[0], containerLink[1], containerLink[0])
+ package_links.append(link)
+ return package_links
+ def handleCNL2(self):
+ package_links = []
+ self.logDebug("Handling CNL2 links")
+ if 'cnl2_output' in self.cleanedHtml:
+ try:
+ (vcrypted, vjk) = self._getCipherParams()
+ for (crypted, jk) in zip(vcrypted, vjk):
+ package_links.extend(self._getLinks(crypted, jk))
+ except:
+"Unable to decrypt CNL2 links")
+ return package_links
+ def _getCipherParams(self):
+ pattern = r'<input.*?name="%s".*?value="(.*?)"'
+ # Get jk
+ jk_re = pattern % NCryptIn._JK_KEY_
+ vjk = re.findall(jk_re, self.html)
+ # Get crypted
+ crypted_re = pattern % NCryptIn._CRYPTED_KEY_
+ vcrypted = re.findall(crypted_re, self.html)
+ # Log and return
+ self.logDebug("Detected %d crypted blocks" % len(vcrypted))
+ return vcrypted, vjk
+ def _getLinks(self, crypted, jk):
+ # Get key
+ jreturn = self.js.eval("%s f()" % jk)
+ self.logDebug("JsEngine returns value [%s]" % jreturn)
+ key = binascii.unhexlify(jreturn)
+ # Decode crypted
+ crypted = base64.standard_b64decode(crypted)
+ # Decrypt
+ Key = key
+ IV = key
+ obj =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
+ text = obj.decrypt(crypted)
+ # Extract links
+ text = text.replace("\x00", "").replace("\r", "")
+ links = text.split("\n")
+ links = filter(lambda x: x != "", links)
+ # Log and return
+ self.logDebug("Block has %d links" % len(links))
+ return links
diff --git a/module/plugins/crypter/ b/module/plugins/crypter/
index 1ffa5d41a..b0e735896 100644
--- a/module/plugins/crypter/
+++ b/module/plugins/crypter/
@@ -1,269 +1,269 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from Crypto.Cipher import AES
-from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter
-from module.plugins.ReCaptcha import ReCaptcha
-import base64
-import binascii
-import re
-class ShareLinksBiz(Crypter):
- __name__ = "ShareLinksBiz"
- __type__ = "crypter"
- __pattern__ = r"(?P<base>http://[\w\.]*?(share-links|s2l)\.biz)/(?P<id>_?[0-9a-z]+)(/.*)?"
- __version__ = "1.12"
- __description__ = """ Crypter"""
- __author_name__ = ("fragonib")
- __author_mail__ = ("fragonib[AT]yahoo[DOT]es")
- def setup(self):
- self.baseUrl = None
- self.fileId = None
- self.package = None
- self.html = None
- self.captcha = False
- def decrypt(self, pyfile):
- # Init
- self.initFile(pyfile)
- # Request package
- url = self.baseUrl + '/' + self.fileId
- self.html = self.load(url, decode=True)
- # Unblock server (load all images)
- self.unblockServer()
- # Check for protection
- if self.isPasswordProtected():
- self.unlockPasswordProtection()
- self.handleErrors()
- if self.isCaptchaProtected():
- self.captcha = True
- self.unlockCaptchaProtection()
- self.handleErrors()
- # Extract package links
- package_links = []
- package_links.extend(self.handleWebLinks())
- package_links.extend(self.handleContainers())
- package_links.extend(self.handleCNL2())
- package_links = set(package_links)
- # Get package info
- package_name, package_folder = self.getPackageInfo()
- # Pack
- self.packages = [(package_name, package_links, package_folder)]
- def initFile(self, pyfile):
- url = pyfile.url
- if '' in url:
- url = self.load(url, just_header=True)['location']
- self.baseUrl =, url).group(1)
- self.fileId = re.match(self.__pattern__, url).group('id')
- self.package = pyfile.package()
- def isOnline(self):
- if "No usable content was found" in self.html:
- self.logDebug("File not found")
- return False
- return True
- def isPasswordProtected(self):
- if'''<form.*?id="passwordForm".*?>''', self.html):
- self.logDebug("Links are protected")
- return True
- return False
- def isCaptchaProtected(self):
- if '<map id="captchamap"' in self.html:
- self.logDebug("Links are captcha protected")
- return True
- return False
- def unblockServer(self):
- imgs = re.findall("(/template/images/.*?\.gif)", self.html)
- for img in imgs:
- self.load(self.baseUrl + img)
- def unlockPasswordProtection(self):
- password = self.getPassword()
- self.logDebug("Submitting password [%s] for protected links" % password)
- post = {"password": password, 'login': 'Submit form'}
- url = self.baseUrl + '/' + self.fileId
- self.html = self.load(url, post=post, decode=True)
- def unlockCaptchaProtection(self):
- # Get captcha map
- captchaMap = self._getCaptchaMap()
- self.logDebug("Captcha map with [%d] positions" % len(captchaMap.keys()))
- # Request user for captcha coords
- m ='<img src="/captcha.gif\?d=(.*?)&amp;PHPSESSID=(.*?)&amp;legend=1"', self.html)
- captchaUrl = self.baseUrl + '/captcha.gif?d=%s&PHPSESSID=%s' % (,
- self.logDebug("Waiting user for correct position")
- coords = self.decryptCaptcha(captchaUrl, forceUser=True, imgtype="gif", result_type='positional')
- self.logDebug("Captcha resolved, coords [%s]" % str(coords))
- # Resolve captcha
- href = self._resolveCoords(coords, captchaMap)
- if href is None:
- self.logDebug("Invalid captcha resolving, retrying")
- self.invalidCaptcha()
- self.setWait(5, False)
- self.wait()
- self.retry()
- url = self.baseUrl + href
- self.html = self.load(url, decode=True)
- def _getCaptchaMap(self):
- map = {}
- for m in re.finditer(r'<area shape="rect" coords="(.*?)" href="(.*?)"', self.html):
- rect = eval('(' + + ')')
- href =
- map[rect] = href
- return map
- def _resolveCoords(self, coords, captchaMap):
- x, y = coords
- for rect, href in captchaMap.items():
- x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect
- if (x>=x1 and x<=x2) and (y>=y1 and y<=y2):
- return href
- def handleErrors(self):
- if "The inserted password was wrong" in self.html:
- self.logDebug("Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry")
-"Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry")
- if self.captcha:
- if "Your choice was wrong" in self.html:
- self.logDebug("Invalid captcha, retrying")
- self.invalidCaptcha()
- self.setWait(5)
- self.wait()
- self.retry()
- else:
- self.correctCaptcha()
- def getPackageInfo(self):
- name = folder = None
- # Extract from web package header
- title_re = r'<h2><img.*?/>(.*)</h2>'
- m =, self.html, re.DOTALL)
- if m is not None:
- title =
- if 'unnamed' not in title:
- name = folder = title
- self.logDebug("Found name [%s] and folder [%s] in package info" % (name, folder))
- # Fallback to defaults
- if not name or not folder:
- name =
- folder = self.package.folder
- self.logDebug("Package info not found, defaulting to pyfile name [%s] and folder [%s]" % (name, folder))
- # Return package info
- return name, folder
- def handleWebLinks(self):
- package_links = []
- self.logDebug("Handling Web links")
- #@TODO: Gather paginated web links
- pattern = r"javascript:_get\('(.*?)', \d+, ''\)"
- ids = re.findall(pattern, self.html)
- self.logDebug("Decrypting %d Web links" % len(ids))
- for i, id in enumerate(ids):
- try:
- self.logDebug("Decrypting Web link %d, [%s]" % (i+1, id))
- dwLink = self.baseUrl + "/get/lnk/" + id
- response = self.load(dwLink)
- code ='frm/(\d+)', response).group(1)
- fwLink = self.baseUrl + "/get/frm/" + code
- response = self.load(fwLink)
- jscode ='<script language="javascript">\s*eval\((.*)\)\s*</script>', response, re.DOTALL).group(1)
- jscode = self.js.eval("f = %s" % jscode)
- jslauncher = "window=''; parent={frames:{Main:{location:{href:''}}},location:''}; %s; parent.frames.Main.location.href"
- dlLink = self.js.eval(jslauncher % jscode)
- self.logDebug("JsEngine returns value [%s] for redirection link" % dlLink)
- package_links.append(dlLink)
- except Exception, detail:
- self.logDebug("Error decrypting Web link [%s], %s" % (id, detail))
- return package_links
- def handleContainers(self):
- package_links = []
- self.logDebug("Handling Container links")
- pattern = r"javascript:_get\('(.*?)', 0, '(rsdf|ccf|dlc)'\)"
- containersLinks = re.findall(pattern, self.html)
- self.logDebug("Decrypting %d Container links" % len(containersLinks))
- for containerLink in containersLinks:
- link = "%s/get/%s/%s" % (self.baseUrl, containerLink[1], containerLink[0])
- package_links.append(link)
- return package_links
- def handleCNL2(self):
- package_links = []
- self.logDebug("Handling CNL2 links")
- if '/lib/cnl2/ClicknLoad.swf' in self.html:
- try:
- (crypted, jk) = self._getCipherParams()
- package_links.extend(self._getLinks(crypted, jk))
- except:
-"Unable to decrypt CNL2 links")
- return package_links
- def _getCipherParams(self):
- # Request CNL2
- code ='ClicknLoad.swf\?code=(.*?)"', self.html).group(1)
- url = "%s/get/cnl2/%s" % (self.baseUrl, code)
- response = self.load(url)
- params = response.split(";;")
- # Get jk
- strlist = list(base64.standard_b64decode(params[1]))
- strlist.reverse()
- jk = ''.join(strlist)
- # Get crypted
- strlist = list(base64.standard_b64decode(params[2]))
- strlist.reverse()
- crypted = ''.join(strlist)
- # Log and return
- return crypted, jk
- def _getLinks(self, crypted, jk):
- # Get key
- jreturn = self.js.eval("%s f()" % jk)
- self.logDebug("JsEngine returns value [%s]" % jreturn)
- key = binascii.unhexlify(jreturn)
- # Decode crypted
- crypted = base64.standard_b64decode(crypted)
- # Decrypt
- Key = key
- IV = key
- obj =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
- text = obj.decrypt(crypted)
- # Extract links
- text = text.replace("\x00", "").replace("\r", "")
- links = text.split("\n")
- links = filter(lambda x: x != "", links)
- # Log and return
- self.logDebug("Block has %d links" % len(links))
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from Crypto.Cipher import AES
+from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter
+from module.plugins.ReCaptcha import ReCaptcha
+import base64
+import binascii
+import re
+class ShareLinksBiz(Crypter):
+ __name__ = "ShareLinksBiz"
+ __type__ = "crypter"
+ __pattern__ = r"(?P<base>http://[\w\.]*?(share-links|s2l)\.biz)/(?P<id>_?[0-9a-z]+)(/.*)?"
+ __version__ = "1.12"
+ __description__ = """ Crypter"""
+ __author_name__ = ("fragonib")
+ __author_mail__ = ("fragonib[AT]yahoo[DOT]es")
+ def setup(self):
+ self.baseUrl = None
+ self.fileId = None
+ self.package = None
+ self.html = None
+ self.captcha = False
+ def decrypt(self, pyfile):
+ # Init
+ self.initFile(pyfile)
+ # Request package
+ url = self.baseUrl + '/' + self.fileId
+ self.html = self.load(url, decode=True)
+ # Unblock server (load all images)
+ self.unblockServer()
+ # Check for protection
+ if self.isPasswordProtected():
+ self.unlockPasswordProtection()
+ self.handleErrors()
+ if self.isCaptchaProtected():
+ self.captcha = True
+ self.unlockCaptchaProtection()
+ self.handleErrors()
+ # Extract package links
+ package_links = []
+ package_links.extend(self.handleWebLinks())
+ package_links.extend(self.handleContainers())
+ package_links.extend(self.handleCNL2())
+ package_links = set(package_links)
+ # Get package info
+ package_name, package_folder = self.getPackageInfo()
+ # Pack
+ self.packages = [(package_name, package_links, package_folder)]
+ def initFile(self, pyfile):
+ url = pyfile.url
+ if '' in url:
+ url = self.load(url, just_header=True)['location']
+ self.baseUrl =, url).group(1)
+ self.fileId = re.match(self.__pattern__, url).group('id')
+ self.package = pyfile.package()
+ def isOnline(self):
+ if "No usable content was found" in self.html:
+ self.logDebug("File not found")
+ return False
+ return True
+ def isPasswordProtected(self):
+ if'''<form.*?id="passwordForm".*?>''', self.html):
+ self.logDebug("Links are protected")
+ return True
+ return False
+ def isCaptchaProtected(self):
+ if '<map id="captchamap"' in self.html:
+ self.logDebug("Links are captcha protected")
+ return True
+ return False
+ def unblockServer(self):
+ imgs = re.findall("(/template/images/.*?\.gif)", self.html)
+ for img in imgs:
+ self.load(self.baseUrl + img)
+ def unlockPasswordProtection(self):
+ password = self.getPassword()
+ self.logDebug("Submitting password [%s] for protected links" % password)
+ post = {"password": password, 'login': 'Submit form'}
+ url = self.baseUrl + '/' + self.fileId
+ self.html = self.load(url, post=post, decode=True)
+ def unlockCaptchaProtection(self):
+ # Get captcha map
+ captchaMap = self._getCaptchaMap()
+ self.logDebug("Captcha map with [%d] positions" % len(captchaMap.keys()))
+ # Request user for captcha coords
+ m ='<img src="/captcha.gif\?d=(.*?)&amp;PHPSESSID=(.*?)&amp;legend=1"', self.html)
+ captchaUrl = self.baseUrl + '/captcha.gif?d=%s&PHPSESSID=%s' % (,
+ self.logDebug("Waiting user for correct position")
+ coords = self.decryptCaptcha(captchaUrl, forceUser=True, imgtype="gif", result_type='positional')
+ self.logDebug("Captcha resolved, coords [%s]" % str(coords))
+ # Resolve captcha
+ href = self._resolveCoords(coords, captchaMap)
+ if href is None:
+ self.logDebug("Invalid captcha resolving, retrying")
+ self.invalidCaptcha()
+ self.setWait(5, False)
+ self.wait()
+ self.retry()
+ url = self.baseUrl + href
+ self.html = self.load(url, decode=True)
+ def _getCaptchaMap(self):
+ map = {}
+ for m in re.finditer(r'<area shape="rect" coords="(.*?)" href="(.*?)"', self.html):
+ rect = eval('(' + + ')')
+ href =
+ map[rect] = href
+ return map
+ def _resolveCoords(self, coords, captchaMap):
+ x, y = coords
+ for rect, href in captchaMap.items():
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect
+ if (x>=x1 and x<=x2) and (y>=y1 and y<=y2):
+ return href
+ def handleErrors(self):
+ if "The inserted password was wrong" in self.html:
+ self.logDebug("Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry")
+"Incorrect password, please set right password on 'Edit package' form and retry")
+ if self.captcha:
+ if "Your choice was wrong" in self.html:
+ self.logDebug("Invalid captcha, retrying")
+ self.invalidCaptcha()
+ self.setWait(5)
+ self.wait()
+ self.retry()
+ else:
+ self.correctCaptcha()
+ def getPackageInfo(self):
+ name = folder = None
+ # Extract from web package header
+ title_re = r'<h2><img.*?/>(.*)</h2>'
+ m =, self.html, re.DOTALL)
+ if m is not None:
+ title =
+ if 'unnamed' not in title:
+ name = folder = title
+ self.logDebug("Found name [%s] and folder [%s] in package info" % (name, folder))
+ # Fallback to defaults
+ if not name or not folder:
+ name =
+ folder = self.package.folder
+ self.logDebug("Package info not found, defaulting to pyfile name [%s] and folder [%s]" % (name, folder))
+ # Return package info
+ return name, folder
+ def handleWebLinks(self):
+ package_links = []
+ self.logDebug("Handling Web links")
+ #@TODO: Gather paginated web links
+ pattern = r"javascript:_get\('(.*?)', \d+, ''\)"
+ ids = re.findall(pattern, self.html)
+ self.logDebug("Decrypting %d Web links" % len(ids))
+ for i, id in enumerate(ids):
+ try:
+ self.logDebug("Decrypting Web link %d, [%s]" % (i+1, id))
+ dwLink = self.baseUrl + "/get/lnk/" + id
+ response = self.load(dwLink)
+ code ='frm/(\d+)', response).group(1)
+ fwLink = self.baseUrl + "/get/frm/" + code
+ response = self.load(fwLink)
+ jscode ='<script language="javascript">\s*eval\((.*)\)\s*</script>', response, re.DOTALL).group(1)
+ jscode = self.js.eval("f = %s" % jscode)
+ jslauncher = "window=''; parent={frames:{Main:{location:{href:''}}},location:''}; %s; parent.frames.Main.location.href"
+ dlLink = self.js.eval(jslauncher % jscode)
+ self.logDebug("JsEngine returns value [%s] for redirection link" % dlLink)
+ package_links.append(dlLink)
+ except Exception, detail:
+ self.logDebug("Error decrypting Web link [%s], %s" % (id, detail))
+ return package_links
+ def handleContainers(self):
+ package_links = []
+ self.logDebug("Handling Container links")
+ pattern = r"javascript:_get\('(.*?)', 0, '(rsdf|ccf|dlc)'\)"
+ containersLinks = re.findall(pattern, self.html)
+ self.logDebug("Decrypting %d Container links" % len(containersLinks))
+ for containerLink in containersLinks:
+ link = "%s/get/%s/%s" % (self.baseUrl, containerLink[1], containerLink[0])
+ package_links.append(link)
+ return package_links
+ def handleCNL2(self):
+ package_links = []
+ self.logDebug("Handling CNL2 links")
+ if '/lib/cnl2/ClicknLoad.swf' in self.html:
+ try:
+ (crypted, jk) = self._getCipherParams()
+ package_links.extend(self._getLinks(crypted, jk))
+ except:
+"Unable to decrypt CNL2 links")
+ return package_links
+ def _getCipherParams(self):
+ # Request CNL2
+ code ='ClicknLoad.swf\?code=(.*?)"', self.html).group(1)
+ url = "%s/get/cnl2/%s" % (self.baseUrl, code)
+ response = self.load(url)
+ params = response.split(";;")
+ # Get jk
+ strlist = list(base64.standard_b64decode(params[1]))
+ strlist.reverse()
+ jk = ''.join(strlist)
+ # Get crypted
+ strlist = list(base64.standard_b64decode(params[2]))
+ strlist.reverse()
+ crypted = ''.join(strlist)
+ # Log and return
+ return crypted, jk
+ def _getLinks(self, crypted, jk):
+ # Get key
+ jreturn = self.js.eval("%s f()" % jk)
+ self.logDebug("JsEngine returns value [%s]" % jreturn)
+ key = binascii.unhexlify(jreturn)
+ # Decode crypted
+ crypted = base64.standard_b64decode(crypted)
+ # Decrypt
+ Key = key
+ IV = key
+ obj =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
+ text = obj.decrypt(crypted)
+ # Extract links
+ text = text.replace("\x00", "").replace("\r", "")
+ links = text.split("\n")
+ links = filter(lambda x: x != "", links)
+ # Log and return
+ self.logDebug("Block has %d links" % len(links))
return links \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/module/plugins/crypter/ b/module/plugins/crypter/
index c514f23d0..88d4e04e8 100644
--- a/module/plugins/crypter/
+++ b/module/plugins/crypter/
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
-# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as #
-# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the #
-# License, or (at your option) any later version. #
-# #
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
-# GNU Affero General Public License for more details. #
-# #
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #
-# along with this program. If not, see <>. #
-import re
-from module.plugins.internal.SimpleCrypter import SimpleCrypter
-class UploadedToFolder(SimpleCrypter):
- __name__ = "UploadedToFolder"
- __type__ = "crypter"
- __pattern__ = r"http://(?:www\.)?(uploaded|ul)\.(to|net)/(f|folder|list)/(?P<id>\w+)"
- __version__ = "0.3"
- __description__ = """UploadedTo Crypter Plugin"""
- __author_name__ = ("stickell")
- __author_mail__ = ("")
- PLAIN_PATTERN = r'<small class="date"><a href="(?P<plain>[\w/]+)" onclick='
- TITLE_PATTERN = r'<title>(?P<title>[^<]+)</title>'
- def decrypt(self, pyfile):
- self.html = self.load(pyfile.url)
- package_name, folder_name = self.getPackageNameAndFolder()
- m =, self.html)
- if m:
- plain_link = '' +'plain')
- else:
-'Parse error - Unable to find plain url list')
- self.html = self.load(plain_link)
- package_links = self.html.split('\n')[:-1]
- self.logDebug('Package has %d links' % len(package_links))
- self.packages = [(package_name, package_links, folder_name)]
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as #
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the #
+# License, or (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #
+# along with this program. If not, see <>. #
+import re
+from module.plugins.internal.SimpleCrypter import SimpleCrypter
+class UploadedToFolder(SimpleCrypter):
+ __name__ = "UploadedToFolder"
+ __type__ = "crypter"
+ __pattern__ = r"http://(?:www\.)?(uploaded|ul)\.(to|net)/(f|folder|list)/(?P<id>\w+)"
+ __version__ = "0.3"
+ __description__ = """UploadedTo Crypter Plugin"""
+ __author_name__ = ("stickell")
+ __author_mail__ = ("")
+ PLAIN_PATTERN = r'<small class="date"><a href="(?P<plain>[\w/]+)" onclick='
+ TITLE_PATTERN = r'<title>(?P<title>[^<]+)</title>'
+ def decrypt(self, pyfile):
+ self.html = self.load(pyfile.url)
+ package_name, folder_name = self.getPackageNameAndFolder()
+ m =, self.html)
+ if m:
+ plain_link = '' +'plain')
+ else:
+'Parse error - Unable to find plain url list')
+ self.html = self.load(plain_link)
+ package_links = self.html.split('\n')[:-1]
+ self.logDebug('Package has %d links' % len(package_links))
+ self.packages = [(package_name, package_links, folder_name)]
diff --git a/module/plugins/crypter/ b/module/plugins/crypter/
index 574a147c4..ba101892d 100644
--- a/module/plugins/crypter/
+++ b/module/plugins/crypter/
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-import re
-from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter
-class WiiReloadedOrg(Crypter):
- __name__ = "WiiReloadedOrg"
- __type__ = "crypter"
- __pattern__ = r"http://www\.wii-reloaded\.org/protect/get\.php\?i=.+"
- __config__ = [("changeName", "bool", "Use folder name", "True")]
- __version__ = "0.1"
- __description__ = """ Crypter Plugin"""
- __author_name__ = ("hzpz")
- __author_mail__ = ("none")
- def decrypt(self, pyfile):
- url = pyfile.url
- src = self.req.load(str(url))
- ids = re.findall(r"onClick=\"popup_dl\((.+)\)\"", src)
- if len(ids) == 0:
-"Unable to decrypt links, this plugin probably needs to be updated")
- packageName = self.pyfile.package().name
- if self.getConfig("changeName"):
- packageNameMatch ="<div id=\"foldername\">(.+)</div>", src)
- if not packageNameMatch:
- self.logWarning("Unable to get folder name, this plugin probably needs to be updated")
- else:
- packageName =
- self.pyfile.package().password = ""
- self.logDebug("Processing %d links" % len(ids))
- links = []
- for id in ids:
- self.req.lastURL = str(url)
- header = self.req.load("" + id, just_header=True)
- self.logDebug("Header:\n" + header)
- redirectLocationMatch ="^Location: (.+)$", header, flags=re.MULTILINE)
- if not redirectLocationMatch:
- self.offline()
- redirectLocation =
- self.logDebug(len(redirectLocation))
- if not redirectLocation.startswith("http"):
- self.offline()
- self.logDebug("Decrypted link: %s" % redirectLocation)
- links.append(redirectLocation)
- self.logDebug("Decrypted %d links" % len(links))
+import re
+from module.plugins.Crypter import Crypter
+class WiiReloadedOrg(Crypter):
+ __name__ = "WiiReloadedOrg"
+ __type__ = "crypter"
+ __pattern__ = r"http://www\.wii-reloaded\.org/protect/get\.php\?i=.+"
+ __config__ = [("changeName", "bool", "Use folder name", "True")]
+ __version__ = "0.1"
+ __description__ = """ Crypter Plugin"""
+ __author_name__ = ("hzpz")
+ __author_mail__ = ("none")
+ def decrypt(self, pyfile):
+ url = pyfile.url
+ src = self.req.load(str(url))
+ ids = re.findall(r"onClick=\"popup_dl\((.+)\)\"", src)
+ if len(ids) == 0:
+"Unable to decrypt links, this plugin probably needs to be updated")
+ packageName = self.pyfile.package().name
+ if self.getConfig("changeName"):
+ packageNameMatch ="<div id=\"foldername\">(.+)</div>", src)
+ if not packageNameMatch:
+ self.logWarning("Unable to get folder name, this plugin probably needs to be updated")
+ else:
+ packageName =
+ self.pyfile.package().password = ""
+ self.logDebug("Processing %d links" % len(ids))
+ links = []
+ for id in ids:
+ self.req.lastURL = str(url)
+ header = self.req.load("" + id, just_header=True)
+ self.logDebug("Header:\n" + header)
+ redirectLocationMatch ="^Location: (.+)$", header, flags=re.MULTILINE)
+ if not redirectLocationMatch:
+ self.offline()
+ redirectLocation =
+ self.logDebug(len(redirectLocation))
+ if not redirectLocation.startswith("http"):
+ self.offline()
+ self.logDebug("Decrypted link: %s" % redirectLocation)
+ links.append(redirectLocation)
+ self.logDebug("Decrypted %d links" % len(links))
self.packages.append((packageName, links, packageName)) \ No newline at end of file