path: root/module/api
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Diffstat (limited to 'module/api')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 947 deletions
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deleted file mode 100644
index 981842b5c..000000000
--- a/module/api/
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@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from module.Api import Api, RequirePerm, Permission
-from ApiComponent import ApiComponent
-class AccountApi(ApiComponent):
- """ All methods to control accounts """
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Accounts)
- def getAccounts(self, refresh):
- """Get information about all entered accounts.
- :param refresh: reload account info
- :return: list of `AccountInfo`
- """
- accs = self.core.accountManager.getAllAccounts(refresh)
- accounts = []
- for plugin in accs.itervalues():
- accounts.extend([acc.toInfoData() for acc in plugin.values()])
- return accounts
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def getAccountTypes(self):
- """All available account types.
- :return: string list
- """
- return self.core.pluginManager.getPlugins("accounts").keys()
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Accounts)
- def updateAccount(self, plugin, login, password):
- """Changes pw/options for specific account."""
- # TODO: options
- self.core.accountManager.updateAccount(plugin, login, password, {})
- def updateAccountInfo(self, account):
- """ Update account from :class:`AccountInfo` """
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Accounts)
- def removeAccount(self, account):
- """Remove account from pyload.
- :param account: :class:`ÀccountInfo` instance
- """
- self.core.accountManager.removeAccount(account.plugin, account.loginname)
-if Api.extend(AccountApi):
- del AccountApi \ No newline at end of file
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index 917c7dc4c..000000000
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from module.Api import Api, RequirePerm, Permission
-from ApiComponent import ApiComponent
-class AddonApi(ApiComponent):
- """ Methods to interact with addons """
- def getAllInfo(self):
- """Returns all information stored by addon plugins. Values are always strings
- :return: {"plugin": {"name": value } }
- """
- return self.core.addonManager.getAllInfo()
- def getInfoByPlugin(self, plugin):
- """Returns information stored by a specific plugin.
- :param plugin: pluginname
- :return: dict of attr names mapped to value {"name": value}
- """
- return self.core.addonManager.getInfo(plugin)
-if Api.extend(AddonApi):
- del AddonApi \ No newline at end of file
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index 3948086c2..000000000
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from module.remote.apitypes import Iface
-# Workaround to let code-completion think, this is subclass of Iface
-Iface = object
-class ApiComponent(Iface):
- __slots__ = []
- def __init__(self, core, user):
- # Only for auto completion, this class can not be instantiated
- from pyload import Core
- from module.datatypes.User import User
- assert isinstance(core, Core)
- assert issubclass(ApiComponent, Iface)
- self.core = core
- assert isinstance(user, User)
- self.user = user
- self.primaryUID = 0
- # No instantiating!
- raise Exception() \ No newline at end of file
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from module.Api import Api, RequirePerm, Permission
-from ApiComponent import ApiComponent
-class CollectorApi(ApiComponent):
- """ Link collector """
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def getCollector(self):
- pass
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def addToCollector(self, links):
- pass
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def addFromCollector(self, name, new_name):
- pass
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Delete)
- def deleteCollPack(self, name):
- pass
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def renameCollPack(self, name, new_name):
- pass
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Delete)
- def deleteCollLink(self, url):
- pass
-if Api.extend(CollectorApi):
- del CollectorApi \ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 527f494ce..000000000
--- a/module/api/
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from module.Api import Api, RequirePerm, Permission, ConfigHolder, ConfigItem, ConfigInfo
-from module.utils import to_string
-from ApiComponent import ApiComponent
-# helper function to create a ConfigHolder
-def toConfigHolder(section, config, values):
- holder = ConfigHolder(section,, config.description, config.long_desc)
- holder.items = [ConfigItem(option,, x.description, x.type, to_string(x.default),
- to_string(values.get(option, x.default))) for option, x in
- config.config.iteritems()]
- return holder
-class ConfigApi(ApiComponent):
- """ Everything related to configuration """
- def getConfigValue(self, section, option):
- """Retrieve config value.
- :param section: name of category, or plugin
- :param option: config option
- :rtype: str
- :return: config value as string
- """
- value = self.core.config.get(section, option, self.primaryUID)
- return to_string(value)
- def setConfigValue(self, section, option, value):
- """Set new config value.
- :param section:
- :param option:
- :param value: new config value
- """
- if option in ("limit_speed", "max_speed"): #not so nice to update the limit
- self.core.requestFactory.updateBucket()
- self.core.config.set(section, option, value, self.primaryUID)
- def getConfig(self):
- """Retrieves complete config of core.
- :rtype: dict of section -> ConfigHolder
- """
- data = {}
- for section, config, values in self.core.config.iterCoreSections():
- data[section] = toConfigHolder(section, config, values)
- return data
- def getCoreConfig(self):
- """ Retrieves core config sections
- :rtype: list of PluginInfo
- """
- return [ConfigInfo(section,, config.description, False, False)
- for section, config, values in self.core.config.iterCoreSections()]
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Plugins)
- def getPluginConfig(self):
- """All plugins and addons the current user has configured
- :rtype: list of PluginInfo
- """
- # TODO: include addons that are activated by default
- # TODO: multi user
- # TODO: better plugin / addon activated config
- data = []
- active = [x.getName() for x in self.core.addonManager.activePlugins()]
- for name, config, values in self.core.config.iterSections(self.primaryUID):
- # skip unmodified and inactive addons
- if not values and name not in active: continue
- item = ConfigInfo(name,, config.description,
- self.core.pluginManager.getCategory(name),
- self.core.pluginManager.isUserPlugin(name),
- values.get("activated", None if "activated" not in config.config else config.config[
- "activated"].default))
- data.append(item)
- return data
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Plugins)
- def getAvailablePlugins(self):
- """List of all available plugins, that are configurable
- :rtype: list of PluginInfo
- """
- # TODO: filter user_context / addons when not allowed
- plugins = [ConfigInfo(name,, config.description,
- self.core.pluginManager.getCategory(name),
- self.core.pluginManager.isUserPlugin(name))
- for name, config, values in self.core.config.iterSections(self.primaryUID)]
- return plugins
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Plugins)
- def loadConfig(self, name):
- """Get complete config options for desired section
- :param name: Name of plugin or config section
- :rtype: ConfigHolder
- """
- # requires at least plugin permissions, but only admin can load core config
- config, values = self.core.config.getSection(name, self.primaryUID)
- return toConfigHolder(name, config, values)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Plugins)
- def saveConfig(self, config):
- """Used to save a configuration, core config can only be saved by admins
- :param config: :class:`ConfigHolder`
- """
- for item in config.items:
- self.core.config.set(,, item.value, sync=False, user=self.primaryUID)
- # save the changes
- self.core.config.saveValues(self.primaryUID,
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Plugins)
- def deleteConfig(self, plugin):
- """Deletes modified config
- :param plugin: plugin name
- """
- #TODO: delete should deactivate addons?
- self.core.config.delete(plugin, self.primaryUID)
-if Api.extend(ConfigApi):
- del ConfigApi \ No newline at end of file
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index e5c5e8b41..000000000
--- a/module/api/
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from module.Api import Api, RequirePerm, Permission, ServerStatus, Interaction
-from module.utils.fs import join, free_space
-from module.utils import compare_time
-from ApiComponent import ApiComponent
-class CoreApi(ApiComponent):
- """ This module provides methods for general interaction with the core, like status or progress retrieval """
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def getServerVersion(self):
- """pyLoad Core version """
- return self.core.version
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def getWSAddress(self):
- """Gets and address for the websocket based on configuration"""
- # TODO SSL (wss)
- return "ws://%%s:%d" % self.core.config['remote']['port']
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def getServerStatus(self):
- """Some general information about the current status of pyLoad.
- :return: `ServerStatus`
- """
- queue = self.core.files.getQueueStats(self.primaryUID)
- total = self.core.files.getDownloadStats(self.primaryUID)
- serverStatus = ServerStatus(0,
- total[0], queue[0],
- total[1], queue[1],
- self.isInteractionWaiting(Interaction.All),
- not self.core.threadManager.pause and self.isTimeDownload(),
- self.core.threadManager.pause,
- self.core.config['reconnect']['activated'] and self.isTimeReconnect())
- for pyfile in self.core.threadManager.getActiveDownloads(self.primaryUID):
- serverStatus.speed += pyfile.getSpeed() #bytes/s
- return serverStatus
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def getProgressInfo(self):
- """ Status of all currently running tasks
- :rtype: list of :class:`ProgressInfo`
- """
- return self.core.threadManager.getProgressList(self.primaryUID)
- def pauseServer(self):
- """Pause server: It won't start any new downloads, but nothing gets aborted."""
- self.core.threadManager.pause = True
- def unpauseServer(self):
- """Unpause server: New Downloads will be started."""
- self.core.threadManager.pause = False
- def togglePause(self):
- """Toggle pause state.
- :return: new pause state
- """
- self.core.threadManager.pause ^= True
- return self.core.threadManager.pause
- def toggleReconnect(self):
- """Toggle reconnect activation.
- :return: new reconnect state
- """
- self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"] ^= True
- return self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"]
- def freeSpace(self):
- """Available free space at download directory in bytes"""
- return free_space(self.core.config["general"]["download_folder"])
- def quit(self):
- """Clean way to quit pyLoad"""
- self.core.do_kill = True
- def restart(self):
- """Restart pyload core"""
- self.core.do_restart = True
- def getLog(self, offset=0):
- """Returns most recent log entries.
- :param offset: line offset
- :return: List of log entries
- """
- filename = join(self.core.config['log']['log_folder'], 'log.txt')
- try:
- fh = open(filename, "r")
- lines = fh.readlines()
- fh.close()
- if offset >= len(lines):
- return []
- return lines[offset:]
- except:
- return ['No log available']
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def isTimeDownload(self):
- """Checks if pyload will start new downloads according to time in config.
- :return: bool
- """
- start = self.core.config['downloadTime']['start'].split(":")
- end = self.core.config['downloadTime']['end'].split(":")
- return compare_time(start, end)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def isTimeReconnect(self):
- """Checks if pyload will try to make a reconnect
- :return: bool
- """
- start = self.core.config['reconnect']['startTime'].split(":")
- end = self.core.config['reconnect']['endTime'].split(":")
- return compare_time(start, end) and self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"]
-if Api.extend(CoreApi):
- del CoreApi \ No newline at end of file
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index ba49435b3..000000000
--- a/module/api/
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@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from os.path import isabs
-from module.Api import Api, RequirePerm, Permission
-from module.utils.fs import join
-from ApiComponent import ApiComponent
-class DownloadApi(ApiComponent):
- """ Component to create, add, delete or modify downloads."""
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def generateAndAddPackages(self, links, paused=False):
- """Generates and add packages
- :param links: list of urls
- :param paused: paused package
- :return: list of package ids
- """
- return [self.addPackageP(name, urls, "", paused) for name, urls
- in self.generatePackages(links).iteritems()]
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def createPackage(self, name, folder, root, password="", site="", comment="", paused=False):
- """Create a new package.
- :param name: display name of the package
- :param folder: folder name or relative path, abs path are not allowed
- :param root: package id of root package, -1 for top level package
- :param password: single pw or list of passwords separated with new line
- :param site: arbitrary url to site for more information
- :param comment: arbitrary comment
- :param paused: No downloads will be started when True
- :return: pid of newly created package
- """
- if isabs(folder):
- folder = folder.replace("/", "_")
- folder = folder.replace("http://", "").replace(":", "").replace("\\", "_").replace("..", "")
-"Added package %(name)s as folder %(folder)s") % {"name": name, "folder": folder})
- pid = self.core.files.addPackage(name, folder, root, password, site, comment, paused)
- return pid
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def addPackage(self, name, links, password=""):
- """Convenient method to add a package to the top-level and for adding links.
- :return: package id
- """
- return self.addPackageChild(name, links, password, -1, False)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def addPackageP(self, name, links, password, paused):
- """ Same as above with additional paused attribute. """
- return self.addPackageChild(name, links, password, -1, paused)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def addPackageChild(self, name, links, password, root, paused):
- """Adds a package, with links to desired package.
- :param root: parents package id
- :return: package id of the new package
- """
- if self.core.config['general']['folder_per_package']:
- folder = name
- else:
- folder = ""
- pid = self.createPackage(name, folder, root, password)
- self.addLinks(pid, links)
- return pid
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def addLinks(self, pid, links):
- """Adds links to specific package. Initiates online status fetching.
- :param pid: package id
- :param links: list of urls
- """
- hoster, crypter = self.core.pluginManager.parseUrls(links)
- if hoster:
- self.core.files.addLinks(hoster, pid)
- self.core.threadManager.createInfoThread(hoster, pid)
- self.core.threadManager.createDecryptThread(crypter, pid)
-"Added %d links to package") + " #%d" % pid) % len(hoster))
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def uploadContainer(self, filename, data):
- """Uploads and adds a container file to pyLoad.
- :param filename: filename, extension is important so it can correctly decrypted
- :param data: file content
- """
- th = open(join(self.core.config["general"]["download_folder"], "tmp_" + filename), "wb")
- th.write(str(data))
- th.close()
- return self.addPackage(, [])
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Delete)
- def deleteFiles(self, fids):
- """Deletes several file entries from pyload.
- :param fids: list of file ids
- """
- for fid in fids:
- self.core.files.deleteFile(fid)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Delete)
- def deletePackages(self, pids):
- """Deletes packages and containing links.
- :param pids: list of package ids
- """
- for pid in pids:
- self.core.files.deletePackage(pid)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Modify)
- def restartPackage(self, pid):
- """Restarts a package, resets every containing files.
- :param pid: package id
- """
- self.core.files.restartPackage(pid)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Modify)
- def restartFile(self, fid):
- """Resets file status, so it will be downloaded again.
- :param fid: file id
- """
- self.core.files.restartFile(fid)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Modify)
- def recheckPackage(self, pid):
- """Check online status of all files in a package, also a default action when package is added. """
- self.core.files.reCheckPackage(pid)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Modify)
- def restartFailed(self):
- """Restarts all failed failes."""
- self.core.files.restartFailed()
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Modify)
- def stopAllDownloads(self):
- """Aborts all running downloads."""
- pyfiles = self.core.files.cachedFiles()
- for pyfile in pyfiles:
- pyfile.abortDownload()
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Modify)
- def stopDownloads(self, fids):
- """Aborts specific downloads.
- :param fids: list of file ids
- :return:
- """
- pyfiles = self.core.files.cachedFiles()
- for pyfile in pyfiles:
- if in fids:
- pyfile.abortDownload()
-if Api.extend(DownloadApi):
- del DownloadApi \ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index edd5d362c..000000000
--- a/module/api/
+++ /dev/null
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from itertools import chain
-from module.Api import Api, RequirePerm, Permission, OnlineCheck, LinkStatus, urlmatcher
-from module.utils.fs import join
-from module.utils.packagetools import parseNames
-from import getURL
-from ApiComponent import ApiComponent
-class DownloadPreparingApi(ApiComponent):
- """ All kind of methods to parse links or retrieve online status """
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def parseURLs(self, html=None, url=None):
- """Parses html content or any arbitrary text for links and returns result of `checkURLs`
- :param html: html source
- :return:
- """
- urls = []
- if html:
- urls += [x[0] for x in urlmatcher.findall(html)]
- if url:
- page = getURL(url)
- urls += [x[0] for x in urlmatcher.findall(page)]
- # remove duplicates
- return self.checkURLs(set(urls))
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def checkURLs(self, urls):
- """ Gets urls and returns pluginname mapped to list of matching urls.
- :param urls:
- :return: {plugin: urls}
- """
- data, crypter = self.core.pluginManager.parseUrls(urls)
- plugins = {}
- for url, plugin in chain(data, crypter):
- if plugin in plugins:
- plugins[plugin].append(url)
- else:
- plugins[plugin] = [url]
- return plugins
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def checkOnlineStatus(self, urls):
- """ initiates online status check, will also decrypt files.
- :param urls:
- :return: initial set of data as :class:`OnlineCheck` instance containing the result id
- """
- data, crypter = self.core.pluginManager.parseUrls(urls)
- # initial result does not contain the crypter links
- tmp = [(url, (url, LinkStatus(url, pluginname, "unknown", 3, 0))) for url, pluginname in data]
- data = parseNames(tmp)
- result = {}
- for k, v in data.iteritems():
- for url, status in v:
- status.packagename = k
- result[url] = status
- data.update(crypter) # hoster and crypter will be processed
- rid = self.core.threadManager.createResultThread(data, False)
- return OnlineCheck(rid, result)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def checkOnlineStatusContainer(self, urls, container, data):
- """ checks online status of urls and a submitted container file
- :param urls: list of urls
- :param container: container file name
- :param data: file content
- :return: :class:`OnlineCheck`
- """
- th = open(join(self.core.config["general"]["download_folder"], "tmp_" + container), "wb")
- th.write(str(data))
- th.close()
- urls.append(
- return self.checkOnlineStatus(urls)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def pollResults(self, rid):
- """ Polls the result available for ResultID
- :param rid: `ResultID`
- :return: `OnlineCheck`, if rid is -1 then there is no more data available
- """
- result = self.core.threadManager.getInfoResult(rid)
- if "ALL_INFO_FETCHED" in result:
- del result["ALL_INFO_FETCHED"]
- return OnlineCheck(-1, result)
- else:
- return OnlineCheck(rid, result)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Add)
- def generatePackages(self, links):
- """ Parses links, generates packages names from urls
- :param links: list of urls
- :return: package names mapped to urls
- """
- result = parseNames((x, x) for x in links)
- return result
-if Api.extend(DownloadPreparingApi):
- del DownloadPreparingApi \ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8a55d9dfd..000000000
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from module.Api import Api, RequirePerm, Permission, DownloadState, PackageDoesNotExists, FileDoesNotExists
-from module.utils import uniqify
-from ApiComponent import ApiComponent
-# TODO: user context
-class FileApi(ApiComponent):
- """Everything related to available packages or files. Deleting, Modifying and so on."""
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def getAllFiles(self):
- """ same as `getFileTree` for toplevel root and full tree"""
- return self.getFileTree(-1, True)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def getFilteredFiles(self, state):
- """ same as `getFilteredFileTree` for toplevel root and full tree"""
- return self.getFilteredFileTree(-1, state, True)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def getFileTree(self, pid, full):
- """ Retrieve data for specific package. full=True will retrieve all data available
- and can result in greater delays.
- :param pid: package id
- :param full: go down the complete tree or only the first layer
- :return: :class:`TreeCollection`
- """
- return self.core.files.getTree(pid, full, DownloadState.All)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def getFilteredFileTree(self, pid, full, state):
- """ Same as `getFileTree` but only contains files with specific download state.
- :param pid: package id
- :param full: go down the complete tree or only the first layer
- :param state: :class:`DownloadState`, the attributes used for filtering
- :return: :class:`TreeCollection`
- """
- return self.core.files.getTree(pid, full, state)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def getPackageContent(self, pid):
- """ Only retrieve content of a specific package. see `getFileTree`"""
- return self.getFileTree(pid, False)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def getPackageInfo(self, pid):
- """Returns information about package, without detailed information about containing files
- :param pid: package id
- :raises PackageDoesNotExists:
- :return: :class:`PackageInfo`
- """
- info = self.core.files.getPackageInfo(pid)
- if not info:
- raise PackageDoesNotExists(pid)
- return info
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def getFileInfo(self, fid):
- """ Info for specific file
- :param fid: file id
- :raises FileDoesNotExists:
- :return: :class:`FileInfo`
- """
- info = self.core.files.getFileInfo(fid)
- if not info:
- raise FileDoesNotExists(fid)
- return info
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Download)
- def getFilePath(self, fid):
- """ Internal method to get the filepath"""
- info = self.getFileInfo(fid)
- pack = self.core.files.getPackage(info.package)
- return pack.getPath(),
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def findFiles(self, pattern):
- return self.core.files.getTree(-1, True, DownloadState.All, pattern)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def searchSuggestions(self, pattern):
- names = self.core.db.getMatchingFilenames(pattern, self.primaryUID)
- # TODO: stemming and reducing the names to provide better suggestions
- return uniqify(names)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.All)
- def findPackages(self, tags):
- pass
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Modify)
- def updatePackage(self, pack):
- """Allows to modify several package attributes.
- :param pid: package id
- :param data: :class:`PackageInfo`
- """
- pid =
- p = self.core.files.getPackage(pid)
- if not p: raise PackageDoesNotExists(pid)
- #TODO: fix
- for key, value in data.iteritems():
- if key == "id": continue
- setattr(p, key, value)
- p.sync()
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Modify)
- def setPackageFolder(self, pid, path):
- pass
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Modify)
- def movePackage(self, pid, root):
- """ Set a new root for specific package. This will also moves the files on disk\
- and will only work when no file is currently downloading.
- :param pid: package id
- :param root: package id of new root
- :raises PackageDoesNotExists: When pid or root is missing
- :return: False if package can't be moved
- """
- return self.core.files.movePackage(pid, root)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Modify)
- def moveFiles(self, fids, pid):
- """Move multiple files to another package. This will move the files on disk and\
- only work when files are not downloading. All files needs to be continuous ordered
- in the current package.
- :param fids: list of file ids
- :param pid: destination package
- :return: False if files can't be moved
- """
- return self.core.files.moveFiles(fids, pid)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Modify)
- def orderPackage(self, pid, position):
- """Set new position for a package.
- :param pid: package id
- :param position: new position, 0 for very beginning
- """
- self.core.files.orderPackage(pid, position)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Modify)
- def orderFiles(self, fids, pid, position):
- """ Set a new position for a bunch of files within a package.
- All files have to be in the same package and must be **continuous**\
- in the package. That means no gaps between them.
- :param fids: list of file ids
- :param pid: package id of parent package
- :param position: new position: 0 for very beginning
- """
- self.core.files.orderFiles(fids, pid, position)
-if Api.extend(FileApi):
- del FileApi \ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index b95b7c468..000000000
--- a/module/api/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from module.Api import Api, RequirePerm, Permission, Interaction
-from ApiComponent import ApiComponent
-class UserInteractionApi(ApiComponent):
- """ Everything needed for user interaction """
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Interaction)
- def isInteractionWaiting(self, mode):
- """ Check if task is waiting.
- :param mode: binary or'ed output type
- :return: boolean
- """
- return self.core.interactionManager.isTaskWaiting(self.primaryUID, mode)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Interaction)
- def getInteractionTasks(self, mode):
- """Retrieve task for specific mode.
- :param mode: binary or'ed interaction types which should be retrieved
- :rtype list of :class:`InteractionTask`
- """
- tasks = self.core.interactionManager.getTasks(self.primaryUID, mode)
- # retrieved tasks count as seen
- for t in tasks:
- t.seen = True
- if t.type == Interaction.Notification:
- t.setWaiting(self.core.interactionManager.CLIENT_THRESHOLD)
- return tasks
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Interaction)
- def setInteractionResult(self, iid, result):
- """Set Result for a interaction task. It will be immediately removed from task queue afterwards
- :param iid: interaction id
- :param result: result as json string
- """
- task = self.core.interactionManager.getTaskByID(iid)
- if task and self.primaryUID == task.owner:
- task.setResult(result)
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Interaction)
- def getAddonHandler(self):
- pass
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Interaction)
- def callAddonHandler(self, plugin, func, pid_or_fid):
- pass
- @RequirePerm(Permission.Download)
- def generateDownloadLink(self, fid, timeout):
- pass
-if Api.extend(UserInteractionApi):
- del UserInteractionApi \ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1348fd26f..000000000
--- a/module/api/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-__all__ = ["CoreApi", "ConfigApi", "DownloadApi", "DownloadPreparingApi", "FileApi",
- "CollectorApi", "UserInteractionApi", "AccountApi", "AddonApi"]
-# Import all components
-# from .import *
-# Above does not work in py 2.5
-for name in __all__:
- __import__(__name__ + "." + name) \ No newline at end of file