path: root/module/
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Diffstat (limited to 'module/')
1 files changed, 725 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/ b/module/
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index 000000000..85e3d233a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/
@@ -0,0 +1,725 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
+ or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ @author: RaNaN
+from base64 import standard_b64encode
+from os.path import join
+from time import time
+from remote.thriftbackend.thriftgen.pyload.ttypes import *
+from remote.thriftbackend.thriftgen.pyload.Pyload import Iface
+from module.PyFile import PyFile
+from module.database.UserDatabase import ROLE
+from module.utils import freeSpace, compare_time
+class Api(Iface):
+ """
+ ===pyLoads API===
+ see Thrift specification file remote/thriftbackend/pyload.thrift\
+ for information about data structures and what methods are usuable with rpc.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, core):
+ self.core = core
+ def _convertPyFile(self, p):
+ f = FileData(p["id"], p["url"], p["name"], p["plugin"], p["size"],
+ p["format_size"], p["status"], p["statusmsg"],
+ p["package"], p["error"], p["order"], p["progress"])
+ return f
+ def _convertConfigFormat(self, c):
+ sections = []
+ for sectionName, sub in c.iteritems():
+ section = ConfigSection()
+ = sectionName
+ section.description = sub["desc"]
+ items = []
+ for key, data in sub.iteritems():
+ if key == "desc":
+ continue
+ item = ConfigItem()
+ = key
+ item.description = data["desc"]
+ item.value = str(data["value"]) if type(data["value"]) != basestring else data["value"]
+ item.type = data["type"]
+ items.append(item)
+ section.items = items
+ sections.append(section)
+ return sections
+ def getConfigValue(self, category, option, section):
+ """Retrieve config value.
+ :param category: name of category, or plugin
+ :param option: config option
+ :param section: 'plugin' or 'core'
+ :return: config value as string
+ """
+ if section == "core":
+ return self.core.config[category][option]
+ elif section == "plugin":
+ return self.core.config.getPlugin(category, option)
+ def setConfigValue(self, category, option, value, section):
+ """Set new config value.
+ :param category:
+ :param option:
+ :param value: new config value
+ :param section: 'plugin' or 'core
+ """
+ if section == "core":
+ self.core.config[category][option] = value
+ if option in ("limit_speed", "max_speed"): #not so nice to update the limit
+ self.core.requestFactory.updateBucket()
+ elif section == "plugin":
+ self.core.config.setPlugin(category, option, value)
+ def getConfig(self):
+ """Retrieves complete config of core.
+ :return: list of `ConfigSection`
+ """
+ return self._convertConfigFormat(self.core.config.config)
+ def getPluginConfig(self):
+ """Retrieves complete config for all plugins.
+ :return: list of `ConfigSection`
+ """
+ return self._convertConfigFormat(self.core.config.plugin)
+ def pauseServer(self):
+ """Pause server: Tt wont start any new downloads, but nothing gets aborted."""
+ self.core.threadManager.pause = True
+ def unpauseServer(self):
+ """Unpause server: New Downloads will be started."""
+ self.core.threadManager.pause = False
+ def togglePause(self):
+ """Toggle pause state.
+ :return: new pause state
+ """
+ self.core.threadManager.pause ^= True
+ return self.core.threadManager.pause
+ def toggleReconnect(self):
+ """Toggle reconnect activation.
+ :return: new reconnect state
+ """
+ self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"] ^= True
+ return self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"]
+ def statusServer(self):
+ """Some general information about the current status of pyLoad.
+ :return: `ServerStatus`
+ """
+ serverStatus = ServerStatus()
+ serverStatus.pause = self.core.threadManager.pause
+ = len(self.core.threadManager.processingIds())
+ serverStatus.queue = self.core.files.getFileCount() #TODO: real amount of queued files
+ = self.core.files.getFileCount()
+ serverStatus.speed = 0
+ for pyfile in [ for x in self.core.threadManager.threads if and isinstance(x, PyFile)]:
+ serverStatus.speed += pyfile.getSpeed() #bytes/s
+ = not self.core.threadManager.pause and self.isTimeDownload()
+ serverStatus.reconnect = self.core.config['reconnect']['activated'] and self.isTimeReconnect()
+ return serverStatus
+ def freeSpace(self):
+ return freeSpace(self.core.config["general"]["download_folder"])
+ def getServerVersion(self):
+ return self.core.version
+ def kill(self):
+ """Clean way to quit pyLoad"""
+ self.core.do_kill = True
+ def restart(self):
+ """Untested"""
+ self.core.do_restart = True
+ def getLog(self, offset):
+ """Returns most recent log entries.
+ :param offset: line offset
+ :return: List of log entries
+ """
+ filename = join(self.core.config['log']['log_folder'], 'log.txt')
+ try:
+ fh = open(filename, "r")
+ lines = fh.readlines()
+ fh.close()
+ if offset >= len(lines):
+ return []
+ return lines[offset:]
+ except:
+ return ['No log available']
+ def checkURL(self, urls):
+ raise NotImplemented #TODO
+ def isTimeDownload(self):
+ """Checks if pyload will start new downloads according to time in config .
+ :return: bool
+ """
+ start = self.core.config['downloadTime']['start'].split(":")
+ end = self.core.config['downloadTime']['end'].split(":")
+ return compare_time(start, end)
+ def isTimeReconnect(self):
+ """Checks if pyload will try to make a reconnect
+ :return: bool
+ """
+ start = self.core.config['reconnect']['startTime'].split(":")
+ end = self.core.config['reconnect']['endTime'].split(":")
+ return compare_time(start, end) and self.core.config["reconnect"]["activated"]
+ def statusDownloads(self):
+ """ Status off all currently running downloads.
+ :return: list of `DownloadStatus`
+ """
+ data = []
+ for pyfile in [ for x in self.core.threadManager.threads + self.core.threadManager.localThreads if
+ if not isinstance(pyfile, PyFile) or not pyfile.hasPlugin():
+ continue
+ data.append(DownloadInfo(
+,, pyfile.getSpeed(), pyfile.getETA(), pyfile.formatETA(),
+ pyfile.getBytesLeft(), pyfile.getSize(), pyfile.formatSize(), pyfile.getPercent(),
+ pyfile.status, pyfile.m.statusMsg[pyfile.status], pyfile.formatWait(),
+ pyfile.waitUntil, pyfile.packageid, pyfile.package().name, pyfile.pluginname))
+ return data
+ def addPackage(self, name, links, dest):
+ """Adds a package, with links to desired destination.
+ :param name: name of the new package
+ :param links: list of urls
+ :param dest: `Destination`
+ :return: package id of the new package
+ """
+ if self.core.config['general']['folder_per_package']:
+ folder = name
+ else:
+ folder = ""
+ folder = folder.replace("http://", "").replace(":", "").replace("/", "_").replace("\\", "_")
+ pid = self.core.files.addPackage(name, folder, dest)
+ self.core.files.addLinks(links, pid)
+"Added package %(name)s containing %(count)d links") % {"name": name, "count": len(links)})
+ return pid
+ def getPackageData(self, pid):
+ """Returns complete information about package, and included files.
+ :param pid: package id
+ :return: `PackageData` with .links attribute
+ """
+ data = self.core.files.getPackageData(int(pid))
+ if not data:
+ raise PackageDoesNotExists(pid)
+ pdata = PackageData(data["id"], data["name"], data["folder"], data["site"], data["password"],
+ data["queue"], data["order"], data["priority"],
+ links=[self._convertPyFile(x) for x in data["links"].itervalues()])
+ return pdata
+ def getPackageInfo(self, pid):
+ """Returns information about package, without detailed information about containing files
+ :param pid: package id
+ :return: `PackageData` with .fid attribute
+ """
+ data = self.core.files.getPackageData(int(pid))
+ if not data:
+ raise PackageDoesNotExists(pid)
+ pdata = PackageData(data["id"], data["name"], data["folder"], data["site"], data["password"],
+ data["queue"], data["order"], data["priority"], fids=[int(x) for x in data["links"]])
+ return pdata
+ def getFileData(self, fid):
+ """Get complete information about a specific file.
+ :param fid: file id
+ :return: `FileData`
+ """
+ info = self.core.files.getFileData(int(fid))
+ fdata = self._convertPyFile(info.values()[0])
+ return fdata
+ def deleteFiles(self, fids):
+ """Deletes several file entries from pyload.
+ :param fids: list of file ids
+ """
+ for id in fids:
+ self.core.files.deleteLink(int(id))
+ def deletePackages(self, pids):
+ """Deletes packages and containing links.
+ :param pids: list of package ids
+ """
+ for id in pids:
+ self.core.files.deletePackage(int(id))
+ def getQueue(self):
+ """Returns info about queue and packages, **not** about files, see `getQueueData` \
+ or `getPackageData` instead.
+ :return: list of `PackageInfo`
+ """
+ return [PackageData(pack["id"], pack["name"], pack["folder"], pack["site"],
+ pack["password"], pack["queue"], pack["order"], pack["priority"],
+ fids=[int(x) for x in pack["links"]])
+ for pack in self.core.files.getInfoData(Destination.Queue).itervalues()]
+ def getQueueData(self):
+ """Return complete data about everything in queue, this is very expensive use it sparely.\
+ See `getQueue` for alternative.
+ :return: list of `PackageData`
+ """
+ return [PackageData(pack["id"], pack["name"], pack["folder"], pack["site"],
+ pack["password"], pack["queue"], pack["order"], pack["priority"],
+ links=[self._convertPyFile(x) for x in pack["links"].itervalues()])
+ for pack in self.core.files.getCompleteData(Destination.Queue).itervalues()]
+ def getCollector(self):
+ """same as `getQueue` for collector.
+ :return: list of `PackageInfo`
+ """
+ return [PackageData(pack["id"], pack["name"], pack["folder"], pack["site"],
+ pack["password"], pack["queue"], pack["order"], pack["priority"],
+ fids=[int(x) for x in pack["links"]])
+ for pack in self.core.files.getInfoData(Destination.Collector).itervalues()]
+ def getCollectorData(self):
+ """same as `getQueueData` for collector.
+ :return: list of `PackageInfo`
+ """
+ return [PackageData(pack["id"], pack["name"], pack["folder"], pack["site"],
+ pack["password"], pack["queue"], pack["order"], pack["priority"],
+ links=[self._convertPyFile(x) for x in pack["links"].itervalues()])
+ for pack in self.core.files.getCompleteData(Destination.Collector).itervalues()]
+ def addFiles(self, pid, links):
+ """Adds files to specific package.
+ :param pid: package id
+ :param links: list of urls
+ """
+ self.core.files.addLinks(links, int(pid))
+"Added %(count)d links to package #%(package)d ") % {"count": len(links), "package": pid})
+ def pushToQueue(self, pid):
+ """Moves package from Collector to Queue.
+ :param pid: package id
+ """
+ self.core.files.setPackageLocation(pid, Destination.Queue)
+ def pullFromQueue(self, pid):
+ """Moves package from Queue to Collector.
+ :param pid: package id
+ """
+ self.core.files.setPackageLocation(pid, Destination.Collector)
+ def restartPackage(self, pid):
+ """Restarts a package, resets every containing files.
+ :param pid: package id
+ """
+ self.core.files.restartPackage(int(pid))
+ def restartFile(self, fid):
+ """Resets file status, so it will be downloaded again.
+ :param fid: file id
+ """
+ self.core.files.restartFile(int(fid))
+ def recheckPackage(self, pid):
+ """Proofes online status of all files in a package, also a default action when package is added.
+ :param pid:
+ :return:
+ """
+ self.core.files.reCheckPackage(int(pid))
+ def stopAllDownloads(self):
+ """Aborts all running downloads."""
+ pyfiles = self.core.files.cache.values()
+ for pyfile in pyfiles:
+ pyfile.abortDownload()
+ def stopDownloads(self, fids):
+ """Aborts specific downloads.
+ :param fids: list of file ids
+ :return:
+ """
+ pyfiles = self.core.files.cache.values()
+ for pyfile in pyfiles:
+ if in fids:
+ pyfile.abortDownload()
+ def setPackageName(self, pid, name):
+ """Renames a package.
+ :param pid: package id
+ :param name: new package name
+ """
+ pack = self.core.files.getPackage(pid)
+ = name
+ pack.sync()
+ def movePackage(self, destination, pid):
+ """Set a new package location.
+ :param destination: `Destination`
+ :param pid: package id
+ """
+ if destination not in (0, 1): return
+ self.core.files.setPackageLocation(pid, destination)
+ def uploadContainer(self, filename, data):
+ """Uploads and adds a container file to pyLoad.
+ :param filename: filename, extension is important so it can correctly decrypted
+ :param data: file content
+ """
+ th = open(join(self.core.config["general"]["download_folder"], "tmp_" + filename), "wb")
+ th.write(str(data))
+ th.close()
+ self.addPackage(, [], Destination.Queue)
+ def setPriority(self, pid, priority):
+ """Set a new priority, so a package will be downloaded before others.
+ :param pid: package id
+ :param priority:
+ """
+ p = self.core.files.getPackage(pid)
+ p.setPriority(priority)
+ def orderPackage(self, pid, position):
+ """Gives a package a new position.
+ :param pid: package id
+ :param position:
+ """
+ self.core.files.reorderPackage(pid, position)
+ def orderFile(self, fid, position):
+ """Gives a new position to a file within its package.
+ :param fid: file id
+ :param position:
+ """
+ self.core.files.reorderFile(fid, position)
+ def setPackageData(self, pid, data):
+ """Allows to modify several package attributes.
+ :param pid: package id
+ :param data: dict that maps attribute to desired value
+ """
+ p = self.core.files.getPackage(pid)
+ if not p: raise PackageDoesNotExists(pid)
+ for key, value in data.iteritems():
+ if key == "id": continue
+ setattr(p, key, value)
+ p.sync()
+ def deleteFinished(self):
+ """Deletes all finished files and completly finished packages.
+ :return: list of deleted package ids
+ """
+ deleted = self.core.files.deleteFinishedLinks()
+ return deleted
+ def restartFailed(self):
+ """Restarts all failed failes."""
+ self.core.files.restartFailed()
+ def getPackageOrder(self, destination):
+ """Returns information about package order.
+ :param destination: `Destination`
+ :return: dict mapping order to package id
+ """
+ packs = self.core.files.getInfoData(destination)
+ order = {}
+ for pid in packs:
+ pack = self.core.files.getPackageData(int(pid))
+ while pack["order"] in order.keys(): #just in case
+ pack["order"] += 1
+ order[pack["order"]] = pack["id"]
+ return order
+ def getFileOrder(self, pid):
+ """Information about file order within package.
+ :param pid:
+ :return: dict mapping order to file id
+ """
+ rawData = self.core.files.getPackageData(int(pid))
+ order = {}
+ for id, pyfile in rawData["links"].iteritems():
+ while pyfile["order"] in order.keys(): #just in case
+ pyfile["order"] += 1
+ order[pyfile["order"]] = pyfile["id"]
+ return order
+ def isCaptchaWaiting(self):
+ """Indicates wether a captcha task is available
+ :return: bool
+ """
+ self.core.lastClientConnected = time()
+ task = self.core.captchaManager.getTask()
+ return not task is None
+ def getCaptchaTask(self, exclusive):
+ """Returns a captcha task
+ :param exclusive: unused
+ :return: `CaptchaTask`
+ """
+ self.core.lastClientConnected = time()
+ task = self.core.captchaManager.getTask()
+ if task:
+ task.setWatingForUser(exclusive=exclusive)
+ data, type, result = task.getCaptcha()
+ t = CaptchaTask(int(task.tid), standard_b64encode(data), type, result)
+ return t
+ else:
+ return CaptchaTask()
+ def getCaptchaTaskStatus(self, tid):
+ """Get information about captcha task
+ :param tid: task id
+ :return: string
+ """
+ self.core.lastClientConnected = time()
+ t = self.core.captchaManager.getTaskByID(tid)
+ return t.getStatus() if t else ""
+ def setCaptchaResult(self, tid, result):
+ """Set result for a captcha task
+ :param tid: task id
+ :param result: captcha result
+ """
+ self.core.lastClientConnected = time()
+ task = self.core.captchaManager.getTaskByID(tid)
+ if task:
+ task.setResult(result)
+ self.core.captchaManager.removeTask(task)
+ def getEvents(self, uuid):
+ """Lists occured events, may be affected to changes in future.
+ :param uuid:
+ :return: list of `Events`
+ """
+ events = self.core.pullManager.getEvents(uuid)
+ newEvents = []
+ def convDest(d):
+ return Destination.Queue if d == "queue" else Destination.Collector
+ for e in events:
+ event = Event()
+ event.event = e[0]
+ if e[0] in ("update", "remove", "insert"):
+ = e[3]
+ event.type = ElementType.Package if e[2] == "pack" else ElementType.File
+ event.destination = convDest(e[1])
+ elif e[0] == "order":
+ if e[1]:
+ = e[1]
+ event.type = ElementType.Package if e[2] == "pack" else ElementType.File
+ event.destination = convDest(e[3])
+ elif e[0] == "reload":
+ event.destination = convDest(e[1])
+ newEvents.append(event)
+ return newEvents
+ def getAccounts(self, refresh):
+ """Get information about all entered accounts.
+ :param refresh: reload account info
+ :return: list of `AccountInfo`
+ """
+ accs = self.core.accountManager.getAccountInfos(False, refresh)
+ accounts = []
+ for group in accs.values():
+ accounts.extend([AccountInfo(acc["validuntil"], acc["login"], acc["options"], acc["valid"],
+ acc["trafficleft"], acc["maxtraffic"], acc["premium"], acc["type"])
+ for acc in group])
+ return accounts
+ def getAccountTypes(self):
+ """All available account types.
+ :return: list
+ """
+ return self.core.accountManager.getAccountInfos(False, False).keys()
+ def updateAccounts(self, data):
+ """Changes pw/options for specific account.
+ :param data: `AccountData`
+ """
+ self.core.accountManager.updateAccount(data.type, data.login, data.password, data.options)
+ def removeAccount(self, plugin, account):
+ """Remove account from pyload.
+ :param plugin: pluginname
+ :param account: accountname
+ """
+ self.core.accountManager.removeAccount(plugin, account)
+ def login(self, username, password, remoteip=None):
+ """Login into pyLoad, this **must** be called when using rpc before any methods can be used.
+ :param username:
+ :param password:
+ :param remoteip:
+ :return: bool indicating login was successful
+ """
+ if self.core.config["remote"]["nolocalauth"] and remoteip == "":
+ return True
+ if self.core.startedInGui and remoteip == "":
+ return True
+ user = self.core.db.checkAuth(username, password)
+ if user and user["role"] == ROLE.ADMIN:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def checkAuth(self, username, password):
+ """Check authentication and returns details
+ :param username:
+ :param password:
+ :return: dict with info, empty when login is incorrect
+ """
+ return self.core.db.checkAuth(username, password)
+ def getUserData(self, username, password):
+ """see `checkAuth`"""
+ return self.checkAuth(username, password)
+ def getServices(self):
+ """ A dict of available services, these can be defined by hook plugins.
+ :return: dict with this style: {"plugin": {"method": "description"}}
+ """
+ data = {}
+ for plugin, funcs in self.core.hookManager.methods.iteritems():
+ data[plugin] = funcs
+ return data
+ def hasService(self, plugin, func):
+ """Checks wether a service is available.
+ :param plugin:
+ :param func:
+ :return: bool
+ """
+ cont = self.core.hookManager.methods
+ return cont.has_key(plugin) and cont[plugin].has_key(func)
+ def call(self, info):
+ """Calls a service (a method in hook plugin).
+ :param info: `ServiceCall`
+ :return: result
+ :raises: ServiceDoesNotExists, when its not available
+ :raises: ServiceException, when a exception was raised
+ """
+ plugin = info.plugin
+ func = info.func
+ args = info.arguments
+ parse = info.parseArguments
+ if not self.hasService(plugin, func):
+ raise ServiceDoesNotExists(plugin, func)
+ try:
+ ret = self.core.hookManager.callRPC(plugin, func, args, parse)
+ return str(ret)
+ except Exception, e:
+ raise ServiceException(e.message) \ No newline at end of file