path: root/lib/Python/Lib/bitmath
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2 files changed, 1365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Python/Lib/bitmath/ b/lib/Python/Lib/bitmath/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a8283655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Python/Lib/bitmath/
@@ -0,0 +1,1261 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Copyright © 2014 Tim Bielawa <>
+# See GitHub Contributors Graph for more information
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
+# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
+# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+# publish, distribute, sub-license, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+# subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+"""Reference material:
+Prefixes for binary multiples:
+decimal and binary prefixes:
+man 7 units (from the Linux Documentation Project 'man-pages' package)
+absolutely need to skip code coverage because of a strange Python 2.x
+vs 3.x thing, use the fancy environment substitution stuff from the
+.coverage RC file. In review:
+* If you *NEED* to skip a statement because of Python 2.x issues add the following:
+ # pragma: PY2X no cover
+* If you *NEED* to skip a statement because of Python 3.x issues add the following:
+ # pragma: PY3X no cover
+In this configuration, statements which are skipped in 2.x are still
+covered in 3.x, and the reverse holds true for tests skipped in 3.x.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import argparse
+import contextlib
+import fnmatch
+import math
+import numbers
+import os
+import os.path
+import sys
+__all__ = ['Bit', 'Byte', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB',
+ 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB', 'Kib',
+ 'Mib', 'Gib', 'Tib', 'Pib', 'Eib', 'kb', 'Mb', 'Gb', 'Tb',
+ 'Pb', 'Eb', 'Zb', 'Yb', 'getsize', 'listdir', 'format',
+ 'format_string', 'format_plural', 'parse_string']
+# Python 3.x compat
+if sys.version > '3':
+ long = int # pragma: PY2X no cover
+# Constants for referring to prefix systems
+NIST = int(2)
+SI = int(10)
+SI_PREFIXES = ['k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y']
+ 'Bit': 1 / 8.0,
+ 'Byte': 1,
+ 'k': 1000,
+ 'M': 1000000,
+ 'G': 1000000000,
+ 'T': 1000000000000,
+ 'P': 1000000000000000,
+ 'E': 1000000000000000000,
+ 'Z': 1000000000000000000000,
+ 'Y': 1000000000000000000000000
+NIST_PREFIXES = ['Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei']
+ 'Bit': 1 / 8.0,
+ 'Byte': 1,
+ 'Ki': 1024,
+ 'Mi': 1048576,
+ 'Gi': 1073741824,
+ 'Ti': 1099511627776,
+ 'Pi': 1125899906842624,
+ 'Ei': 1152921504606846976
+# A list of all the valid prefix unit types. Mostly for reference,
+# also used by the CLI tool as valid types
+ALL_UNIT_TYPES = ['Bit', 'Byte', 'kb', 'kB', 'Mb', 'MB', 'Gb', 'GB', 'Tb',
+ 'TB', 'Pb', 'PB', 'Eb', 'EB', 'Zb', 'ZB', 'Yb',
+ 'YB', 'Kib', 'KiB', 'Mib', 'MiB', 'Gib', 'GiB',
+ 'Tib', 'TiB', 'Pib', 'PiB', 'Eib', 'EiB']
+# Set up our module variables/constants
+# Internal:
+# Console repr(), ex: MiB(13.37), or kB(42.0)
+_FORMAT_REPR = '{unit_singular}({value})'
+# Exposed:
+# String representation, ex:13.37 MiB, or 42.0 kB
+format_string = "{value} {unit}"
+# Pluralization behavior
+format_plural = False
+# Base class for everything else
+class Bitmath(object):
+ """The base class for all the other prefix classes"""
+ def __init__(self, value=0, bytes=None, bits=None):
+ """Instantiate with `value` by the unit, in plain bytes, or
+bits. Don't supply more than one keyword.
+default behavior: initialize with value of 0
+only setting value: assert bytes is None and bits is None
+only setting bytes: assert value == 0 and bits is None
+only setting bits: assert value == 0 and bytes is None
+ """
+ _raise = False
+ if (value == 0) and (bytes is None) and (bits is None):
+ pass
+ # Setting by bytes
+ elif bytes is not None:
+ if (value == 0) and (bits is None):
+ pass
+ else:
+ _raise = True
+ # setting by bits
+ elif bits is not None:
+ if (value == 0) and (bytes is None):
+ pass
+ else:
+ _raise = True
+ if _raise:
+ raise ValueError("Only one parameter of: value, bytes, or bits is allowed")
+ self._do_setup()
+ if bytes:
+ # We were provided with the fundamental base unit, no need
+ # to normalize
+ self._byte_value = bytes
+ self._bit_value = bytes * 8.0
+ elif bits:
+ # We were *ALMOST* given the fundamental base
+ # unit. Translate it into the fundamental unit then
+ # normalize.
+ self._byte_value = bits / 8.0
+ self._bit_value = bits
+ else:
+ # We were given a value representative of this *prefix
+ # unit*. We need to normalize it into the number of bytes
+ # it represents.
+ self._norm(value)
+ # We have the fundamental unit figured out. Set the 'pretty' unit
+ self._set_prefix_value()
+ def _set_prefix_value(self):
+ self.prefix_value = self._to_prefix_value(self._byte_value)
+ def _to_prefix_value(self, value):
+ """Return the number of bits/bytes as they would look like if we
+converted *to* this unit"""
+ return value / float(self._unit_value)
+ def _setup(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError("The base 'bitmath.Bitmath' class can not be used directly")
+ def _do_setup(self):
+ """Setup basic parameters for this class.
+`base` is the numeric base which when raised to `power` is equivalent
+to 1 unit of the corresponding prefix. I.e., base=2, power=10
+represents 2^10, which is the NIST Binary Prefix for 1 Kibibyte.
+Likewise, for the SI prefix classes `base` will be 10, and the `power`
+for the Kilobyte is 3.
+ (self._base, self._power, self._name_singular, self._name_plural) = self._setup()
+ self._unit_value = self._base ** self._power
+ def _norm(self, value):
+ """Normalize the input value into the fundamental unit for this prefix
+ self._byte_value = value * self._unit_value
+ self._bit_value = self._byte_value * 8.0
+ @property
+ def base(self):
+ """Return the mathematical base of an instance"""
+ return self._base
+ @property
+ def binary(self):
+ """Returns the binary representation of an instance in binary 1s and
+0s. Note that for very large numbers this will mean a lot of 1s and
+0s. For example, GiB(100) would be represented as:
+That leading '0b' is normal. That's how Python represents binary."""
+ return bin(int(self.bits))
+ @property
+ def bin(self):
+ """Alias for instance.binary. Returns the binary representation of an
+instance in binary 1s and 0s."""
+ return self.binary
+ @property
+ def bits(self):
+ """Return the number of bits in an instance"""
+ return self._bit_value
+ @property
+ def bytes(self):
+ """Return the number of bytes in an instance"""
+ return self._byte_value
+ @property
+ def power(self):
+ """Return the mathematical power of an instance"""
+ return self._power
+ @property
+ def system(self):
+ """Return the system of units used to measure this instance"""
+ if self._base == 2:
+ return "NIST"
+ elif self._base == 10:
+ return "SI"
+ else:
+ # I don't expect to ever encounter this logic branch, but
+ # hey, it's better to have extra test coverage than
+ # insufficient test coverage.
+ raise ValueError("Instances mathematical base is an unsupported value: %s" % (
+ str(self._base)))
+ @property
+ def unit(self):
+ """Return the string that is this instances prefix unit name
+in agreement with this instance value (singular or plural). Following
+the convention that only 1 is singular. This method will always return
+the singular form when bitmath.format_plural is False (default value).
+For instance, when plural form is enabled, KiB(1).unit == 'KiB',
+Byte(0).unit == 'Bytes', Byte(1).unit == 'Byte', Byte(1.1).unit == 'Bytes'
+and Gb(2).unit == 'Gbs'"""
+ global format_plural
+ if self.prefix_value == 1:
+ # If it's a '1', return it singular, no matter what
+ return self._name_singular
+ elif format_plural:
+ # Pluralization requested
+ return self._name_plural
+ else:
+ # Pluralization NOT requested, and the value is not 1
+ return self._name_singular
+ @property
+ def unit_plural(self):
+ """Return the string that is this instances prefix unit name in the
+plural form.
+For instance, KiB(1).unit_plural == 'KiB', Byte(1024).unit_plural == 'Bytes',
+and Gb(1).unit_plural == 'Gb'"""
+ return self._name_plural
+ @property
+ def unit_singular(self):
+ """Return the string that is this instances prefix unit name in the
+singular form.
+For instance, KiB(1).unit_singular == 'KiB', Byte(1024).unit == 'B', and
+Gb(1).unit_singular == 'Gb'"""
+ return self._name_singular
+ @property
+ def value(self):
+ """Returns the "prefix" value of an instance"""
+ return self.prefix_value
+ @classmethod
+ def from_other(cls, item):
+ """Factory function to return instances of `item` converted in a new
+instance of `cls`. Because this is a class method, it may be called
+from any bitmath class object without the need to explicitly
+instantiate the class ahead of time.
+*Implicit Parameter:*
+- `cls` A bitmath class, implicitly set to the class of the class
+ object it is called on
+*User Supplied Parameter:*
+- `item` A bitmath class instance
+>>> import bitmath
+>>> kib = bitmath.KiB.from_other(bitmath.MiB(1))
+>>> print kib
+ if isinstance(item, Bitmath):
+ return cls(bits=item.bits)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("The provided items must be a valid bitmath class: %s" %
+ str(item.__class__))
+ ######################################################################
+ # The following implement the Python datamodel customization methods
+ #
+ # Reference:
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """Representation of this object as you would expect to see in an
+ global _FORMAT_REPR
+ return self.format(_FORMAT_REPR)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """String representation of this object"""
+ global format_string
+ return self.format(format_string)
+ def format(self, fmt):
+ """Return a representation of this instance formatted with user
+supplied syntax"""
+ _fmt_params = {
+ 'base': self.base,
+ 'bin': self.bin,
+ 'binary': self.binary,
+ 'bits': self.bits,
+ 'bytes': self.bytes,
+ 'power': self.power,
+ 'system': self.system,
+ 'unit': self.unit,
+ 'unit_plural': self.unit_plural,
+ 'unit_singular': self.unit_singular,
+ 'value': self.value
+ }
+ return fmt.format(**_fmt_params)
+ ##################################################################
+ # Guess the best human-readable prefix unit for representation
+ ##################################################################
+ def best_prefix(self, system=None):
+ """Optional parameter, `system`, allows you to prefer NIST or SI in
+the results. By default, the current system is used (Bit/Byte default
+to NIST).
+Logic discussion/notes:
+Base-case, does it need converting?
+If the instance is less than one Byte, return the instance as a Bit
+Else, begin by recording the unit system the instance is defined
+by. This determines which steps (NIST_STEPS/SI_STEPS) we iterate over.
+If the instance is not already a ``Byte`` instance, convert it to one.
+NIST units step up by powers of 1024, SI units step up by powers of
+Take integer value of the log(base=STEP_POWER) of the instance's byte
+value. E.g.:
+ >>> int(math.log(Gb(100).bytes, 1000))
+ 3
+This will return a value >= 0. The following determines the 'best
+prefix unit' for representation:
+* result == 0, best represented as a Byte
+* result >= len(SYSTEM_STEPS), best represented as an Exbi/Exabyte
+* 0 < result < len(SYSTEM_STEPS), best represented as SYSTEM_PREFIXES[result-1]
+ """
+ if self < Byte(1):
+ return Bit.from_other(self)
+ else:
+ if not type(self) == Byte:
+ _inst = Byte.from_other(self)
+ else:
+ _inst = self
+ # Which table to consult? Was a preferred system provided?
+ if system is None:
+ # No preference. Use existing system
+ if self.system == 'NIST':
+ _BASE = 1024
+ elif self.system == 'SI':
+ _BASE = 1000
+ # Anything else would have raised by now
+ else:
+ # Preferred system provided.
+ if system == NIST:
+ _BASE = 1024
+ elif system == SI:
+ _BASE = 1000
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid value given for 'system' parameter."
+ " Must be one of NIST or SI")
+ # Index of the string of the best prefix in the STEPS list
+ _index = int(math.log(_inst.bytes, _BASE))
+ # Recall that the log() function returns >= 0. This doesn't
+ # map to the STEPS list 1:1. That is to say, 0 is handled with
+ # special care. So if the _index is 1, we actually want item 0
+ # in the list.
+ if _index == 0:
+ # Already a Byte() type, so return it.
+ return _inst
+ elif _index >= len(_STEPS):
+ # This is a really big number. Use the biggest prefix we've got
+ _best_prefix = _STEPS[-1]
+ elif 0 < _index < len(_STEPS):
+ # There is an appropriate prefix unit to represent this
+ _best_prefix = _STEPS[_index - 1]
+ _conversion_method = getattr(
+ self,
+ 'to_%sB' % _best_prefix)
+ return _conversion_method()
+ ##################################################################
+ def to_Bit(self):
+ return Bit(self._bit_value)
+ def to_Byte(self):
+ return Byte(self._byte_value / float(NIST_STEPS['Byte']))
+ # Properties
+ Bit = property(lambda s: s.to_Bit())
+ Byte = property(lambda s: s.to_Byte())
+ ##################################################################
+ def to_KiB(self):
+ return KiB(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_Kib(self):
+ return Kib(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_kB(self):
+ return kB(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_kb(self):
+ return kb(bits=self._bit_value)
+ # Properties
+ KiB = property(lambda s: s.to_KiB())
+ Kib = property(lambda s: s.to_Kib())
+ kB = property(lambda s: s.to_kB())
+ kb = property(lambda s: s.to_kb())
+ ##################################################################
+ def to_MiB(self):
+ return MiB(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_Mib(self):
+ return Mib(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_MB(self):
+ return MB(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_Mb(self):
+ return Mb(bits=self._bit_value)
+ # Properties
+ MiB = property(lambda s: s.to_MiB())
+ Mib = property(lambda s: s.to_Mib())
+ MB = property(lambda s: s.to_MB())
+ Mb = property(lambda s: s.to_Mb())
+ ##################################################################
+ def to_GiB(self):
+ return GiB(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_Gib(self):
+ return Gib(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_GB(self):
+ return GB(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_Gb(self):
+ return Gb(bits=self._bit_value)
+ # Properties
+ GiB = property(lambda s: s.to_GiB())
+ Gib = property(lambda s: s.to_Gib())
+ GB = property(lambda s: s.to_GB())
+ Gb = property(lambda s: s.to_Gb())
+ ##################################################################
+ def to_TiB(self):
+ return TiB(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_Tib(self):
+ return Tib(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_TB(self):
+ return TB(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_Tb(self):
+ return Tb(bits=self._bit_value)
+ # Properties
+ TiB = property(lambda s: s.to_TiB())
+ Tib = property(lambda s: s.to_Tib())
+ TB = property(lambda s: s.to_TB())
+ Tb = property(lambda s: s.to_Tb())
+ ##################################################################
+ def to_PiB(self):
+ return PiB(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_Pib(self):
+ return Pib(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_PB(self):
+ return PB(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_Pb(self):
+ return Pb(bits=self._bit_value)
+ # Properties
+ PiB = property(lambda s: s.to_PiB())
+ Pib = property(lambda s: s.to_Pib())
+ PB = property(lambda s: s.to_PB())
+ Pb = property(lambda s: s.to_Pb())
+ ##################################################################
+ def to_EiB(self):
+ return EiB(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_Eib(self):
+ return Eib(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_EB(self):
+ return EB(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_Eb(self):
+ return Eb(bits=self._bit_value)
+ # Properties
+ EiB = property(lambda s: s.to_EiB())
+ Eib = property(lambda s: s.to_Eib())
+ EB = property(lambda s: s.to_EB())
+ Eb = property(lambda s: s.to_Eb())
+ ##################################################################
+ # The SI units go beyond the NIST units. They also have the Zetta
+ # and Yotta prefixes.
+ def to_ZB(self):
+ return ZB(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_Zb(self):
+ return Zb(bits=self._bit_value)
+ # Properties
+ ZB = property(lambda s: s.to_ZB())
+ Zb = property(lambda s: s.to_Zb())
+ ##################################################################
+ def to_YB(self):
+ return YB(bits=self._bit_value)
+ def to_Yb(self):
+ return Yb(bits=self._bit_value)
+ # Properties
+ YB = property(lambda s: s.to_YB())
+ Yb = property(lambda s: s.to_Yb())
+ ##################################################################
+ # Rich comparison operations
+ ##################################################################
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
+ return self.prefix_value < other
+ else:
+ return self._byte_value < other.bytes
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
+ return self.prefix_value <= other
+ else:
+ return self._byte_value <= other.bytes
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
+ return self.prefix_value == other
+ else:
+ return self._byte_value == other.bytes
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
+ return self.prefix_value != other
+ else:
+ return self._byte_value != other.bytes
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
+ return self.prefix_value > other
+ else:
+ return self._byte_value > other.bytes
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
+ return self.prefix_value >= other
+ else:
+ return self._byte_value >= other.bytes
+ ##################################################################
+ # Basic math operations
+ ##################################################################
+ # Reference:
+ """These methods are called to implement the binary arithmetic
+operations (+, -, *, //, %, divmod(), pow(), **, <<, >>, &, ^, |). For
+instance, to evaluate the expression x + y, where x is an instance of
+a class that has an __add__() method, x.__add__(y) is called. The
+__divmod__() method should be the equivalent to using __floordiv__()
+and __mod__(); it should not be related to __truediv__() (described
+below). Note that __pow__() should be defined to accept an optional
+third argument if the ternary version of the built-in pow() function
+is to be supported.object.__complex__(self)
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ """Supported operations with result types:
+- bm + bm = bm
+- bm + num = num
+- num + bm = num (see radd)
+ if isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
+ # bm + num
+ return other + self.value
+ else:
+ # bm + bm
+ total_bytes = self._byte_value + other.bytes
+ return (type(self))(bytes=total_bytes)
+ def __sub__(self, other):
+ """Subtraction: Supported operations with result types:
+- bm - bm = bm
+- bm - num = num
+- num - bm = num (see rsub)
+ if isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
+ # bm - num
+ return self.value - other
+ else:
+ # bm - bm
+ total_bytes = self._byte_value - other.bytes
+ return (type(self))(bytes=total_bytes)
+ def __mul__(self, other):
+ """Multiplication: Supported operations with result types:
+- bm1 * bm2 = bm1
+- bm * num = bm
+- num * bm = num (see rmul)
+ if isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
+ # bm * num
+ result = self._byte_value * other
+ return (type(self))(bytes=result)
+ else:
+ # bm1 * bm2
+ _other = other.value * other.base ** other.power
+ _self = self.prefix_value * self._base ** self._power
+ return (type(self))(bytes=_other * _self)
+ """The division operator (/) is implemented by these methods. The
+__truediv__() method is used when __future__.division is in effect,
+otherwise __div__() is used. If only one of these two methods is
+defined, the object will not support division in the alternate
+context; TypeError will be raised instead."""
+ def __div__(self, other):
+ """Division: Supported operations with result types:
+- bm1 / bm2 = num
+- bm / num = bm
+- num / bm = num (see rdiv)
+ if isinstance(other, numbers.Number):
+ # bm / num
+ result = self._byte_value / other
+ return (type(self))(bytes=result)
+ else:
+ # bm1 / bm2
+ return self._byte_value / float(other.bytes)
+ def __truediv__(self, other):
+ # num / bm
+ return self.__div__(other)
+ # def __floordiv__(self, other):
+ # return NotImplemented
+ # def __mod__(self, other):
+ # return NotImplemented
+ # def __divmod__(self, other):
+ # return NotImplemented
+ # def __pow__(self, other, modulo=None):
+ # return NotImplemented
+ ##################################################################
+ """These methods are called to implement the binary arithmetic
+operations (+, -, *, /, %, divmod(), pow(), **, <<, >>, &, ^, |) with
+reflected (swapped) operands. These functions are only called if the
+left operand does not support the corresponding operation and the
+operands are of different types. [2] For instance, to evaluate the
+expression x - y, where y is an instance of a class that has an
+__rsub__() method, y.__rsub__(x) is called if x.__sub__(y) returns
+These are the add/sub/mul/div methods for syntax where a number type
+is given for the LTYPE and a bitmath object is given for the
+RTYPE. E.g., 3 * MiB(3), or 10 / GB(42)
+ def __radd__(self, other):
+ # num + bm = num
+ return other + self.value
+ def __rsub__(self, other):
+ # num - bm = num
+ return other - self.value
+ def __rmul__(self, other):
+ # num * bm = bm
+ return self * other
+ def __rdiv__(self, other):
+ # num / bm = num
+ return other / float(self.value)
+ def __rtruediv__(self, other):
+ # num / bm = num
+ return other / float(self.value)
+ """Called to implement the built-in functions complex(), int(),
+long(), and float(). Should return a value of the appropriate type.
+If one of those methods does not support the operation with the
+supplied arguments, it should return NotImplemented.
+For bitmath purposes, these methods return the int/long/float
+equivalent of the this instances prefix Unix value. That is to say:
+ - int(KiB(3.336)) would return 3
+ - long(KiB(3.336)) would return 3L
+ - float(KiB(3.336)) would return 3.336
+ def __int__(self):
+ """Return this instances prefix unit as an integer"""
+ return int(self.prefix_value)
+ def __long__(self):
+ """Return this instances prefix unit as a long integer"""
+ return long(self.prefix_value) # pragma: PY3X no cover
+ def __float__(self):
+ """Return this instances prefix unit as a floating point number"""
+ return float(self.prefix_value)
+ ##################################################################
+ # Bitwise operations
+ ##################################################################
+ def __lshift__(self, other):
+ """Left shift, ex: 100 << 2
+A left shift by n bits is equivalent to multiplication by pow(2,
+n). A long integer is returned if the result exceeds the range of
+plain integers."""
+ shifted = int(self.bits) << other
+ return type(self)(bits=shifted)
+ def __rshift__(self, other):
+ """Right shift, ex: 100 >> 2
+A right shift by n bits is equivalent to division by pow(2, n)."""
+ shifted = int(self.bits) >> other
+ return type(self)(bits=shifted)
+ def __and__(self, other):
+ """"Bitwise and, ex: 100 & 2
+bitwise and". Each bit of the output is 1 if the corresponding bit
+of x AND of y is 1, otherwise it's 0."""
+ andd = int(self.bits) & other
+ return type(self)(bits=andd)
+ def __xor__(self, other):
+ """Bitwise xor, ex: 100 ^ 2
+Does a "bitwise exclusive or". Each bit of the output is the same
+as the corresponding bit in x if that bit in y is 0, and it's the
+complement of the bit in x if that bit in y is 1."""
+ xord = int(self.bits) ^ other
+ return type(self)(bits=xord)
+ def __or__(self, other):
+ """Bitwise or, ex: 100 | 2
+Does a "bitwise or". Each bit of the output is 0 if the corresponding
+bit of x AND of y is 0, otherwise it's 1."""
+ ord = int(self.bits) | other
+ return type(self)(bits=ord)
+ ##################################################################
+ def __neg__(self):
+ """The negative version of this instance"""
+ return (type(self))(-abs(self.prefix_value))
+ def __pos__(self):
+ return (type(self))(abs(self.prefix_value))
+ def __abs__(self):
+ return (type(self))(abs(self.prefix_value))
+ # def __invert__(self):
+ # """Called to implement the unary arithmetic operations (-, +, abs()
+ # and ~)."""
+ # return NotImplemented
+# First, the bytes...
+class Byte(Bitmath):
+ """Byte based types fundamentally operate on self._bit_value"""
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (2, 0, 'Byte', 'Bytes')
+# NIST Prefixes for Byte based types
+class KiB(Byte):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (2, 10, 'KiB', 'KiBs')
+class MiB(Byte):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (2, 20, 'MiB', 'MiBs')
+class GiB(Byte):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (2, 30, 'GiB', 'GiBs')
+class TiB(Byte):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (2, 40, 'TiB', 'TiBs')
+class PiB(Byte):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (2, 50, 'PiB', 'PiBs')
+class EiB(Byte):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (2, 60, 'EiB', 'EiBs')
+# SI Prefixes for Byte based types
+class kB(Byte):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 3, 'kB', 'kBs')
+class MB(Byte):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 6, 'MB', 'MBs')
+class GB(Byte):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 9, 'GB', 'GBs')
+class TB(Byte):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 12, 'TB', 'TBs')
+class PB(Byte):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 15, 'PB', 'PBs')
+class EB(Byte):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 18, 'EB', 'EBs')
+class ZB(Byte):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 21, 'ZB', 'ZBs')
+class YB(Byte):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 24, 'YB', 'YBs')
+# And now the bit types
+class Bit(Bitmath):
+ """Bit based types fundamentally operate on self._bit_value"""
+ def _set_prefix_value(self):
+ self.prefix_value = self._to_prefix_value(self._bit_value)
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (2, 0, 'Bit', 'Bits')
+ def _norm(self, value):
+ """Normalize the input value into the fundamental unit for this prefix
+ self._bit_value = value * self._unit_value
+ self._byte_value = self._bit_value / 8.0
+# NIST Prefixes for Bit based types
+class Kib(Bit):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (2, 10, 'Kib', 'Kibs')
+class Mib(Bit):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (2, 20, 'Mib', 'Mibs')
+class Gib(Bit):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (2, 30, 'Gib', 'Gibs')
+class Tib(Bit):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (2, 40, 'Tib', 'Tibs')
+class Pib(Bit):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (2, 50, 'Pib', 'Pibs')
+class Eib(Bit):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (2, 60, 'Eib', 'Eibs')
+# SI Prefixes for Bit based types
+class kb(Bit):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 3, 'kb', 'kbs')
+class Mb(Bit):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 6, 'Mb', 'Mbs')
+class Gb(Bit):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 9, 'Gb', 'Gbs')
+class Tb(Bit):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 12, 'Tb', 'Tbs')
+class Pb(Bit):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 15, 'Pb', 'Pbs')
+class Eb(Bit):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 18, 'Eb', 'Ebs')
+class Zb(Bit):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 21, 'Zb', 'Zbs')
+class Yb(Bit):
+ def _setup(self):
+ return (10, 24, 'Yb', 'Ybs')
+# Utility functions
+def getsize(path, bestprefix=True, system=NIST):
+ """Return a bitmath instance in the best human-readable representation
+of the file size at `path`. Optionally, provide a preferred unit
+system by setting `system` to either `bitmath.NIST` (default) or
+Optionally, set ``bestprefix`` to ``False`` to get ``bitmath.Byte``
+instances back.
+ """
+ _path = os.path.realpath(path)
+ size_bytes = os.path.getsize(_path)
+ if bestprefix:
+ return Byte(size_bytes).best_prefix(system=system)
+ else:
+ return Byte(size_bytes)
+def listdir(search_base, followlinks=False, filter='*',
+ relpath=False, bestprefix=False, system=NIST):
+ """This is a generator which recurses the directory tree
+`search_base`, yielding 2-tuples of:
+* The absolute/relative path to a discovered file
+* A bitmath instance representing the "apparent size" of the file.
+ - `search_base` - The directory to begin walking down.
+ - `followlinks` - Whether or not to follow symbolic links to directories
+ - `filter` - A glob (see :py:mod:`fnmatch`) to filter results with
+ (default: ``*``, everything)
+ - `relpath` - ``True`` to return the relative path from `pwd` or
+ ``False`` (default) to return the fully qualified path
+ - ``bestprefix`` - set to ``False`` to get ``bitmath.Byte``
+ instances back instead.
+ - `system` - Provide a preferred unit system by setting `system`
+ to either ``bitmath.NIST`` (default) or ``bitmath.SI``.
+.. note:: This function does NOT return tuples for directory entities.
+.. note:: Symlinks to **files** are followed automatically
+ """
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(search_base, followlinks=followlinks):
+ for name in fnmatch.filter(files, filter):
+ _path = os.path.join(root, name)
+ if relpath:
+ # RELATIVE path
+ _return_path = os.path.relpath(_path, '.')
+ else:
+ # REAL path
+ _return_path = os.path.realpath(_path)
+ if followlinks:
+ yield (_return_path, getsize(_path, bestprefix=bestprefix, system=system))
+ else:
+ if os.path.isdir(_path) or os.path.islink(_path):
+ pass
+ else:
+ yield (_return_path, getsize(_path, bestprefix=bestprefix, system=system))
+def parse_string(s):
+ """Parse a string with units and try to make a bitmath object out of
+String inputs may include whitespace characters between the value and
+the unit.
+ """
+ # Strings only please
+ if type(s) is not str:
+ raise ValueError("parse_string only accepts string inputs but a %s was given" %
+ type(s))
+ # get the index of the first alphabetic character
+ try:
+ index = list(map(str.isalpha, s)).index(True)
+ except ValueError:
+ # If there's no alphabetic characters we won't be able to .index(True)
+ raise ValueError("No unit detected, can not parse string '%s' into a bitmath object" % s)
+ # split the string into the value and the unit
+ val, unit = s[:index], s[index:]
+ # see if the unit exists as a type in our namespace
+ if unit == "b":
+ unit_class = Bit
+ elif unit == "B":
+ unit_class = Byte
+ else:
+ if not (hasattr(sys.modules[__name__], unit)
+ and isinstance(getattr(sys.modules[__name__], unit), type)):
+ raise ValueError("The unit %s is not a valid bitmath unit" % unit)
+ unit_class = globals()[unit]
+ try:
+ val = float(val)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise
+ try:
+ return unit_class(val)
+ except: # pragma: no cover
+ raise ValueError("Can't parse string %s into a bitmath object" % s)
+# Contxt Managers
+def format(fmt_str=None, plural=False, bestprefix=False):
+ """Context manager for printing bitmath instances.
+``fmt_str`` - a formatting mini-language compat formatting string. See
+the @properties (above) for a list of available items.
+``plural`` - True enables printing instances with 's's if they're
+plural. False (default) prints them as singular (no trailing 's').
+``bestprefix`` - True enables printing instances in their best
+human-readable representation. False, the default, prints instances
+using their current prefix unit.
+ """
+ if 'bitmath' not in globals():
+ import bitmath
+ if plural:
+ orig_fmt_plural = bitmath.format_plural
+ bitmath.format_plural = True
+ if fmt_str:
+ orig_fmt_str = bitmath.format_string
+ bitmath.format_string = fmt_str
+ yield
+ if plural:
+ bitmath.format_plural = orig_fmt_plural
+ if fmt_str:
+ bitmath.format_string = orig_fmt_str
+def cli_script_main(cli_args):
+ """
+ A command line interface to basic bitmath operations.
+ """
+ choices = ALL_UNIT_TYPES
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='Converts from one type of size to another.')
+ parser.add_argument('--from-stdin', default=False, action='store_true',
+ help='Reads number from stdin rather than the cli')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-f', '--from', choices=choices, nargs=1,
+ type=str, dest='fromunit', default=['Byte'],
+ help='Input type you are converting from. Defaultes to Byte.')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-t', '--to', choices=choices, required=False, nargs=1, type=str,
+ help=('Input type you are converting to. '
+ 'Attempts to detect best result if omitted.'), dest='tounit')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'size', nargs='*', type=float,
+ help='The number to convert.')
+ args = parser.parse_args(cli_args)
+ # Not sure how to cover this with tests, or if the functionality
+ # will remain in this form long enough for it to make writing a
+ # test worth the effort.
+ if args.from_stdin: # pragma: no cover
+ args.size = [float(sys.stdin.readline()[:-1])]
+ results = []
+ for size in args.size:
+ instance = getattr(__import__(
+ 'bitmath', fromlist=['True']), args.fromunit[0])(size)
+ # If we have a unit provided then use it
+ if args.tounit:
+ result = getattr(instance, args.tounit[0])
+ # Otherwise use the best_prefix call
+ else:
+ result = instance.best_prefix()
+ results.append(result)
+ return results
+def cli_script(): # pragma: no cover
+ # Wrapper around cli_script_main so we can unittest the command
+ # line functionality
+ for result in cli_script_main(sys.argv[1:]):
+ print(result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ cli_script()
diff --git a/lib/Python/Lib/bitmath/ b/lib/Python/Lib/bitmath/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e598ea1e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Python/Lib/bitmath/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# The MIT License (MIT)
+# Copyright © 2014 Tim Bielawa <>
+# See GitHub Contributors Graph for more information
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
+# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
+# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+# publish, distribute, sub-license, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+# subject to the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+import bitmath
+import argparse
+import progressbar.widgets
+# Integrations with 3rd party modules
+def BitmathType(bmstring):
+ """An 'argument type' for integrations with the argparse module.
+For more information, see
+ Of particular
+interest to us is this bit:
+ ``type=`` can take any callable that takes a single string
+ argument and returns the converted value
+I.e., ``type`` can be a function (such as this function) or a class
+which implements the ``__call__`` method.
+Example usage of the bitmath.BitmathType argparser type:
+ >>> import bitmath
+ >>> import argparse
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument("--file-size", type=bitmath.BitmathType)
+ >>> parser.parse_args("--file-size 1337MiB".split())
+ Namespace(file_size=MiB(1337.0))
+Invalid usage includes any input that the bitmath.parse_string
+function already rejects. Additionally, **UNQUOTED** arguments with
+spaces in them are rejected (shlex.split used in the following
+examples to conserve single quotes in the parse_args call):
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument("--file-size", type=bitmath.BitmathType)
+ >>> import shlex
+ >>> # The following is ACCEPTABLE USAGE:
+ ...
+ >>> parser.parse_args(shlex.split("--file-size '1337 MiB'"))
+ Namespace(file_size=MiB(1337.0))
+ >>> # The following is INCORRECT USAGE because the string "1337 MiB" is not quoted!
+ ...
+ >>> parser.parse_args(shlex.split("--file-size 1337 MiB"))
+ error: argument --file-size: 1337 can not be parsed into a valid bitmath object
+ try:
+ argvalue = bitmath.parse_string(bmstring)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("'%s' can not be parsed into a valid bitmath object" %
+ bmstring)
+ else:
+ return argvalue
+# Speed widget for integration with the Progress bar module
+class BitmathFileTransferSpeed(progressbar.widgets.Widget):
+ """Widget for showing the transfer speed (useful for file transfers)."""
+ __slots__ = ('system', 'format')
+ def __init__(self, system=bitmath.NIST, format="{value:.2f} {unit}/s"):
+ self.system = system
+ self.format = format
+ def update(self, pbar):
+ """Updates the widget with the current NIST/SI speed.
+Basically, this calculates the average rate of update and figures out
+how to make a "pretty" prefix unit"""
+ if pbar.seconds_elapsed < 2e-6 or pbar.currval < 2e-6:
+ scaled = bitmath.Byte()
+ else:
+ speed = pbar.currval / pbar.seconds_elapsed
+ scaled = bitmath.Byte(speed).best_prefix(system=self.system)
+ return scaled.format(self.format)