diff options
4 files changed, 198 insertions, 385 deletions
diff --git a/module/plugins/hooks/ b/module/plugins/hooks/
index 38459e5f1..9e530ce8f 100644
--- a/module/plugins/hooks/
+++ b/module/plugins/hooks/
@@ -51,33 +51,32 @@ if != "nt":
from pwd import getpwnam
from module.plugins.Hook import Hook, threaded, Expose
-from module.plugins.internal.Extractor import ArchiveError, CRCError, PasswordError
-from module.utils import save_join, uniqify
+from module.plugins.internal.Extractor import ArchiveError, CRCError, WrongPassword
+from module.utils import save_join, fs_encode
class ExtractArchive(Hook):
__name__ = "ExtractArchive"
__type__ = "hook"
- __version__ = "1.06"
- __config__ = [("activated" , "bool" , "Activated" , True ),
- ("fullpath" , "bool" , "Extract full path" , True ),
- ("overwrite" , "bool" , "Overwrite files" , False ),
- ("keepbroken" , "bool" , "Extract broken archives" , False ),
- ("repair" , "bool" , "Repair broken archives" , True ),
- ("passwordfile" , "file" , "Store passwords in file" , "archive_password.txt" ),
- ("delete" , "bool" , "Delete archive when successfully extracted", False ),
- ("subfolder" , "bool" , "Create subfolder for each package" , False ),
- ("destination" , "folder", "Extract files to" , "" ),
- ("extensions" , "str" , "Extract the following extensions" , "7z,bz2,bzip2,gz,gzip,lha,lzh,lzma,rar,tar,taz,tbz,tbz2,tgz,xar,xz,z,zip"),
- ("excludefiles" , "str" , "Don't extract the following files" , "*.nfo,*.DS_Store,index.dat,thumb.db" ),
- ("recursive" , "bool" , "Extract archives in archives" , True ),
- ("queue" , "bool" , "Wait for all downloads to be finished" , False ),
- ("renice" , "int" , "CPU Priority" , 0 )]
+ __version__ = "1.07"
+ __config__ = [("activated", "bool", "Activated", True),
+ ("fullpath", "bool", "Extract full path", True),
+ ("overwrite", "bool", "Overwrite files", True),
+ ("passwordfile", "file", "password file", "archive_password.txt"),
+ ("deletearchive", "bool", "Delete archives when done", False),
+ ("subfolder", "bool", "Create subfolder for each package", False),
+ ("destination", "folder", "Extract files to", ""),
+ ("excludefiles", "str", "Exclude files from unpacking (seperated by ;)", ""),
+ ("recursive", "bool", "Extract archives in archvies", True),
+ ("queue", "bool", "Wait for all downloads to be finished", True),
+ ("renice", "int", "CPU Priority", 0)]
__description__ = """Extract different kind of archives"""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
- __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
+ __authors__ = [("RaNaN", ""),
+ ("AndroKev", None),
+ ("Walter Purcaro", "")]
event_list = ["allDownloadsProcessed"]
@@ -88,16 +87,12 @@ class ExtractArchive(Hook):
- def coreReady(self):
- self.extracting = False
def setup(self):
self.plugins = []
self.passwords = []
names = []
- for p in ("UnRar", "SevenZip", "UnZip"):
+ for p in ("UnRar", "UnZip"):
module = self.core.pluginManager.loadModule("internal", p)
klass = getattr(module, p)
@@ -127,69 +122,45 @@ class ExtractArchive(Hook):
self.queue = []
- def periodical(self):
- if not self.queue or self.extracting:
- return
- local = copy(self.queue)
- self.queue[:] = []
- self.extractPackages(*local)
def extractPackage(self, id):
- """ Extract package wrapper"""
- self.extractPackages(id)
- @Expose
- def extractPackages(self, *ids):
- """ Extract packages with given id"""
- self.manager.startThread(self.extract, ids)
+ """ Extract package with given id"""
+ self.manager.startThread(self.extract, [id])
def packageFinished(self, pypack):
- if self.getConfig("queue") or self.extracting:
+ pid =
+ if self.getConfig("queue"):
self.logInfo(_("Package %s queued for later extracting") %
- self.queue.append(
+ self.queue.append(pid)
- self.extractPackage(
+ self.manager.startThread(self.extract, [pid])
- def allDownloadsProcessed(self):
+ def allDownloadsProcessed(self, thread):
local = copy(self.queue)
- self.queue[:] = []
- if self.extract(local): #: check only if all gone fine, no failed reporting for now
+ del self.queue[:]
+ if self.extract(local, thread): #: check only if all gone fine, no failed reporting for now
- def extract(self, ids):
- self.extracting = True
+ def extract(self, ids, thread=None):
processed = []
extracted = []
failed = []
- clearlist = lambda string: [x.lstrip('.') for x in string.replace(' ', '').replace(',', '|').replace(';', '|').split('|')]
destination = self.getConfig("destination")
subfolder = self.getConfig("subfolder")
fullpath = self.getConfig("fullpath")
overwrite = self.getConfig("overwrite")
- extensions = clearlist(self.getConfig("extensions"))
- excludefiles = clearlist(self.getConfig("excludefiles"))
+ excludefiles = self.getConfig("excludefiles")
renice = self.getConfig("renice")
recursive = self.getConfig("recursive")
- delete = self.getConfig("delete")
- keepbroken = self.getConfig("keepbroken")
- if extensions:
- self.logDebug("Extensions: %s" % "|.".join(extensions))
# reload from txt file
@@ -200,7 +171,7 @@ class ExtractArchive(Hook):
#iterate packages -> plugins -> targets
for pid in ids:
p = self.core.files.getPackage(pid)
- self.logInfo(_("Check package: %s") %
+ self.logInfo(_("Check package %s") %
if not p:
@@ -208,25 +179,21 @@ class ExtractArchive(Hook):
out = save_join(dl, p.folder, destination, "") #: force trailing slash
if subfolder:
- out = save_join(out, p.folder)
+ out = save_join(out, fs_encode(p.folder))
if not exists(out):
files_ids = [(save_join(dl, p.folder, x['name']), x['id']) for x in p.getChildren().itervalues()]
- matched = False
- success = True
+ matched = False
+ success = True
# check as long there are unseen files
while files_ids:
new_files_ids = []
- if extensions:
- files_ids = [(file, id) for file, id in files_ids if filter(lambda ext: file.endswith(ext), extensions)]
for plugin in self.plugins:
targets = plugin.getTargets(files_ids)
if targets:
self.logDebug("Targets for %s: %s" % (plugin.__name__, targets))
matched = True
@@ -238,32 +205,19 @@ class ExtractArchive(Hook):
processed.append(target) # prevent extracting same file twice
- self.logInfo(basename(target), _("Extract to: %s") % out)
+ self.logInfo(basename(target), _("Extract to %s") % out)
- klass = plugin(self,
- target,
- out,
- p.password,
- fullpath,
- overwrite,
- excludefiles,
- renice,
- delete,
- keepbroken)
+ klass = plugin(self, target, out, fullpath, overwrite, excludefiles, renice)
- new_files = self._extract(klass, fid)
+ new_files = self._extract(klass, fid, [p.password.strip()], thread)
except Exception, e:
self.logError(basename(target), e)
- new_files = None
- if new_files is None:
- self.logWarning(basename(target), _("No files extracted"))
success = False
- self.logDebug("Extracted files: %s" % new_files)
+ self.logDebug("Extracted", new_files)
for file in new_files:
@@ -285,87 +239,46 @@ class ExtractArchive(Hook):
self.logInfo(_("No files found to extract"))
- if not matched or not success and subfolder:
- try:
- os.rmdir(out)
- except OSError:
- pass
- self.extracting = False
return True if not failed else False
- def _extract(self, plugin, fid):
+ def _extract(self, plugin, fid, passwords, thread):
pyfile = self.core.files.getFile(fid)
+ deletearchive = self.getConfig("deletearchive")
+ thread.addActive(pyfile) # keep this file until everything is done
- progress = lambda x: pyfile.setProgress(x)
- encrypted = False
- passwords = self.getPasswords()
- try:
- self.logInfo(basename(plugin.file), "Verifying...")
- tmp_password = plugin.password
- plugin.password = "" #: Force verifying without password
- plugin.verify()
- except PasswordError:
- encrypted = True
- except CRCError:
- self.logWarning(basename(plugin.file), _("Archive damaged"))
- if not self.getConfig("repair"):
- raise CRCError
- elif
- self.logInfo(basename(plugin.file), _("Successfully repaired"))
- elif not self.getConfig("keepbroken"):
- raise ArchiveError(_("Broken archive"))
- else:
- self.logInfo(basename(plugin.file), _("All OK"))
- plugin.password = tmp_password
- if not encrypted:
- plugin.extract(progress)
+ progress = lambda x: pyfile.setProgress(x)
+ success = False
+ if not plugin.checkArchive():
+ plugin.extract(progress, pw)
+ success = True
self.logInfo(basename(plugin.file), _("Password protected"))
+ self.logDebug("Passwords: %s" % passwords if passwords else "No password provided")
- if plugin.password:
- passwords.insert(0, plugin.password)
- passwords = uniqify(self.passwords)
- self.logDebug("Password: %s" % plugin.password)
- else:
- self.logDebug("No package password provided")
- for pw in passwords:
+ for pw in set(passwords) | set(self.getPasswords()):
self.logDebug("Try password: %s" % pw)
- if plugin.setPassword(pw):
- plugin.extract(progress)
+ if plugin.checkPassword(pw):
+ plugin.extract(progress, pw)
+ success = True
- else:
- raise PasswordError
- except PasswordError:
+ except WrongPassword:
self.logDebug("Password was wrong")
- else:
- raise PasswordError
+ if not success:
+ raise Exception(_("Wrong password"))
if self.core.debug:
- self.logDebug("Would delete: %s" % ", ".join(plugin.getDeleteFiles()))
+ self.logDebug("Would delete", ", ".join(plugin.getDeleteFiles()))
- if self.getConfig("delete"):
+ if deletearchive:
files = plugin.getDeleteFiles()
self.logInfo(_("Deleting %s files") % len(files))
for f in files:
@@ -381,16 +294,12 @@ class ExtractArchive(Hook):
return extracted_files
- except PasswordError:
- self.logError(basename(plugin.file), _("Wrong password" if passwords else "No password found"))
- plugin.password = ""
+ except ArchiveError, e:
+ self.logError(basename(plugin.file), _("Archive Error"), e)
except CRCError:
self.logError(basename(plugin.file), _("CRC Mismatch"))
- except ArchiveError, e:
- self.logError(basename(plugin.file), _("Archive Error"), e)
except Exception, e:
if self.core.debug:
@@ -398,7 +307,7 @@ class ExtractArchive(Hook):
self.manager.dispatchEvent("archive_extract_failed", pyfile)
- self.logError(basename(plugin.file), _("Extract failed"))
+ raise Exception(_("Extract failed"))
@@ -428,13 +337,15 @@ class ExtractArchive(Hook):
""" Adds a password to saved list"""
passwordfile = self.getConfig("passwordfile")
+ if pw in self.passwords:
+ self.passwords.remove(pw)
self.passwords.insert(0, pw)
- self.passwords = uniqify(self.passwords)
with open(passwordfile, "wb") as f:
for pw in self.passwords:
- f.write(pw + '\n')
+ f.write(pw + "\n")
except IOError, e:
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index 0b2462dac..55d9b2e83 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -8,52 +8,37 @@ class CRCError(Exception):
-class PasswordError(Exception):
+class WrongPassword(Exception):
class Extractor:
__name__ = "Extractor"
- __version__ = "0.13"
+ __version__ = "0.14"
__description__ = """Base extractor plugin"""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
- __authors__ = [("RaNaN", ""),
- ("Walter Purcaro", "")]
+ __authors__ = [("pyLoad Team", "")]
- @classmethod
- def checkDeps(cls):
+ @staticmethod
+ def checkDeps():
""" Check if system statisfy dependencies
:return: boolean
return True
- @classmethod
- def isArchive(cls, file):
- raise NotImplementedError
- @classmethod
- def getTargets(cls, files_ids):
+ @staticmethod
+ def getTargets(files_ids):
""" Filter suited targets from list of filename id tuple list
:param files_ids: List of filepathes
:return: List of targets, id tuple list
- targets = []
- for file, id in files_ids:
- if cls.isArchive(file):
- targets.append((file, id))
- return targets
+ raise NotImplementedError
- def __init__(self, m, file, out, password, fullpath, overwrite, excludefiles, renice, delete, keepbroken):
+ def __init__(self, m, file, out, fullpath, overwrite, excludefiles, renice):
"""Initialize extractor for specific file
:param m: ExtractArchive Hook plugin
@@ -63,17 +48,14 @@ class Extractor:
:param overwrite: Overwrite existing archives
:param renice: Renice value
- self.m = m
- self.file = file
- self.out = out
- self.password = password
- self.fullpath = fullpath
- self.overwrite = overwrite
+ self.m = m
+ self.file = file
+ self.out = out
+ self.fullpath = fullpath
+ self.overwrite = overwrite
self.excludefiles = excludefiles
- self.renice = renice
- self.delete = delete
- self.keepbroken = keepbroken
- self.files = [] #: Store extracted files here
+ self.renice = renice
+ self.files = [] #: Store extracted files here
def init(self):
@@ -81,45 +63,32 @@ class Extractor:
- def verify(self):
+ def checkArchive(self):
"""Check if password if needed. Raise ArchiveError if integrity is
+ :return: boolean
:raises ArchiveError
- pass
+ return False
- def isPassword(self, password):
+ def checkPassword(self, password):
""" Check if the given password is/might be correct.
If it can not be decided at this point return true.
:param password:
:return: boolean
- if isinstance(password, basestring):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def setPassword(self, password):
- if self.isPassword(password):
- self.password = password
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def repair(self):
- return False
+ return True
- def extract(self, progress=lambda x: None):
+ def extract(self, progress, password=None):
"""Extract the archive. Raise specific errors in case of failure.
:param progress: Progress function, call this to update status
- :raises PasswordError
+ :param password password to use
+ :raises WrongPassword
:raises CRCError
:raises ArchiveError
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index 296405101..a1b438e47 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import os
import re
from glob import glob
-from os.path import basename, dirname, join
+from os.path import basename, join
from string import digits
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-from module.plugins.internal.Extractor import Extractor, ArchiveError, CRCError, PasswordError
+from module.plugins.internal.Extractor import Extractor, WrongPassword, ArchiveError, CRCError
from module.utils import save_join, decode
@@ -22,142 +22,115 @@ def renice(pid, value):
class UnRar(Extractor):
__name__ = "UnRar"
- __version__ = "1.01"
+ __version__ = "1.02"
__description__ = """Rar extractor plugin"""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
- __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
+ __authors__ = [("RaNaN", "")]
CMD = "unrar"
- EXTENSIONS = ["rar", "zip", "cab", "arj", "lzh", "tar", "gz", "bz2", "ace", "uue", "jar", "iso", "7z", "xz", "z"]
+ # there are some more uncovered rar formats
+ re_version = re.compile(r"(UNRAR 5[\d.]+(.*?)freeware)")
+ re_splitfile = re.compile(r"(.*)\.part(\d+)\.rar$", re.I)
+ re_partfiles = re.compile(r".*\.(rar|r\d+)", re.I)
+ re_filelist = re.compile(r"(.+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+")
+ re_filelist5 = re.compile(r"(.+)\s+(\d+)\s+\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+(.+)")
+ re_wrongpwd = re.compile("(Corrupt file or wrong password|password incorrect)", re.I)
- #@NOTE: there are some more uncovered rar formats
- re_rarpart = re.compile(r'(.*)\.part(\d+)\.rar$', re.I)
- re_rarfile = re.compile(r'.*\.(rar|r\d+)$', re.I)
- re_filelist = re.compile(r'(.+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+|(.+)\s+(\d+)\s+\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+(.+)')
- re_wrongpwd = re.compile(r'password', re.I)
- re_wrongcrc = re.compile(r'encrypted|damaged|CRC failed|checksum error', re.I)
- @classmethod
- def checkDeps(cls):
+ @staticmethod
+ def checkDeps():
if == "nt":
- cls.CMD = join(pypath, "UnRAR.exe")
- p = Popen([cls.CMD], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ UnRar.CMD = join(pypath, "UnRAR.exe")
+ p = Popen([UnRar.CMD], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
- p = Popen([cls.CMD], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ p = Popen([UnRar.CMD], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
except OSError:
# fallback to rar
- cls.CMD = "rar"
- p = Popen([cls.CMD], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ UnRar.CMD = "rar"
+ p = Popen([UnRar.CMD], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
return True
- @classmethod
- def isArchive(cls, file):
- f = basename(file).lower()
- return any(f.endswith('.%s' % ext) for ext in cls.EXTENSIONS)
- @classmethod
- def getTargets(cls, files_ids):
- targets = []
+ @staticmethod
+ def getTargets(files_ids):
+ result = []
for file, id in files_ids:
- if not cls.isArchive(file):
+ if not file.endswith(".rar"):
- m = cls.re_rarpart.findall(file)
- if m:
+ match = UnRar.re_splitfile.findall(file)
+ if match:
# only add first parts
- if int(m[0][1]) == 1:
- targets.append((file, id))
+ if int(match[0][1]) == 1:
+ result.append((file, id))
- targets.append((file, id))
- return targets
+ result.append((file, id))
+ return result
- def check(self, out="", err=""):
- if not out or not err:
- return
- if err.strip():
- if
- raise PasswordError
+ def init(self):
+ self.passwordProtected = False
+ self.headerProtected = False #: list files will not work without password
+ self.smallestFile = None #: small file to test passwords
+ self.password = "" #: save the correct password
- elif
- raise CRCError
- else: #: raise error if anything is on stderr
- raise ArchiveError(err.strip())
+ def checkArchive(self):
+ p = self.call_unrar("l", "-v", self.file)
+ out, err = p.communicate()
+ if
+ self.passwordProtected = True
+ self.headerProtected = True
+ return True
# output only used to check if passworded files are present
- for attr in self.re_filelist.findall(out):
- if attr[0].startswith("*"):
- raise PasswordError
- def verify(self):
- p = self.call_cmd("l", "-v", self.file, password=self.password)
- self.check(*p.communicate())
- if p and p.returncode:
- raise ArchiveError("Process terminated")
- if not self.list():
- raise ArchiveError("Empty archive")
- def isPassword(self, password):
- if isinstance(password, basestring):
- p = self.call_cmd("l", "-v", self.file, password=password)
- out, err = p.communicate()
+ if
+ for attr, size, name in self.re_filelist5.findall(out):
+ if attr.startswith("*"):
+ self.passwordProtected = True
+ return True
+ else:
+ for name, size, packed in self.re_filelist.findall(out):
+ if name.startswith("*"):
+ self.passwordProtected = True
+ return True
- if not
- return True
+ self.listContent()
+ if not self.files:
+ raise ArchiveError("Empty Archive")
return False
- def repair(self):
- p = self.call_cmd("rc", self.file)
- out, err = p.communicate()
- if p.returncode or err.strip():
- p = self.call_cmd("r", self.file)
+ def checkPassword(self, password):
+ # at this point we can only verify header protected files
+ if self.headerProtected:
+ p = self.call_unrar("l", "-v", self.file, password=password)
out, err = p.communicate()
- if p.returncode or err.strip():
+ if
return False
- else:
- self.file = join(dirname(self.file),'(fixed|rebuild)\.%s' % basename(self.file), out).group(0))
return True
- def extract(self, progress=lambda x: None):
- self.verify()
- progress(0)
+ def extract(self, progress, password=None):
command = "x" if self.fullpath else "e"
- p = self.call_cmd(command, self.file, self.out, password=self.password)
+ p = self.call_unrar(command, self.file, self.out, password=password)
renice(, self.renice)
+ progress(0)
progressstring = ""
while True:
c =
@@ -165,7 +138,7 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
if not c:
# reading a percentage sign -> set progress and restart
- if c is '%':
+ if c == '%':
progressstring = ""
# not reading a digit -> therefore restart
@@ -173,43 +146,44 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
progressstring = ""
# add digit to progressstring
- progressstring += c
+ progressstring = progressstring + c
- self.files = self.list()
# retrieve stderr
- self.check(
+ err =
+ if "CRC failed" in err and not password and not self.passwordProtected:
+ raise CRCError
+ elif "CRC failed" in err:
+ raise WrongPassword
+ if err.strip(): #: raise error if anything is on stderr
+ raise ArchiveError(err.strip())
if p.returncode:
raise ArchiveError("Process terminated")
+ if not self.files:
+ self.password = password
+ self.listContent()
def getDeleteFiles(self):
if ".part" in basename(self.file):
return glob(re.sub("(?<=\.part)([01]+)", "*", self.file, re.I))
# get files which matches .r* and filter unsuited files out
parts = glob(re.sub(r"(?<=\.r)ar$", "*", self.file, re.I))
+ return filter(lambda x: self.re_partfiles.match(x), parts)
- return filter(lambda x: self.re_rarfile.match(x), parts)
- def list(self):
+ def listContent(self):
command = "vb" if self.fullpath else "lb"
- p = self.call_cmd(command, "-v", self.file, password=self.password)
+ p = self.call_unrar(command, "-v", self.file, password=self.password)
out, err = p.communicate()
- if err.strip():
- self.m.logError(err)
- if "Cannot open" in err:
- return list()
+ if "Cannot open" in err:
+ raise ArchiveError("Cannot open file")
- if p.returncode:
- self.m.logError("Process terminated")
- return list()
+ if err.strip(): #: only log error at this point
+ self.m.logError(err.strip())
result = set()
@@ -217,22 +191,17 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
f = f.strip()
result.add(save_join(self.out, f))
- return list(result)
+ self.files = result
- def call_cmd(self, command, *xargs, **kwargs):
+ def call_unrar(self, command, *xargs, **kwargs):
args = []
# overwrite flag
- if self.overwrite:
- args.append("-o+")
- else:
- args.append("-o-")
- if self.delete:
- args.append("-or")
+ args.append("-o+") if self.overwrite else args.append("-o-")
- for word in self.excludefiles:
- args.append("-x%s" % word.strip())
+ if self.excludefiles:
+ for word in self.excludefiles.split(';'):
+ args.append("-x%s" % word)
# assume yes on all queries
@@ -243,11 +212,10 @@ class UnRar(Extractor):
- if self.keepbroken:
- args.append("-kb")
# NOTE: return codes are not reliable, some kind of threading, cleanup whatever issue
call = [self.CMD, command] + args + list(xargs)
self.m.logDebug(" ".join(call))
- return Popen(call, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ p = Popen(call, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ return p
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
index 5ec56cbdf..888ae7ebe 100644
--- a/module/plugins/internal/
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -1,86 +1,51 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import with_statement
import sys
import zipfile
-from module.plugins.internal.Extractor import Extractor, ArchiveError, CRCError, PasswordError
+from module.plugins.internal.Extractor import Extractor, WrongPassword, ArchiveError
class UnZip(Extractor):
__name__ = "UnZip"
- __version__ = "1.01"
+ __version__ = "1.02"
__description__ = """Zip extractor plugin"""
__license__ = "GPLv3"
- __authors__ = [("Walter Purcaro", "")]
- EXTENSIONS = ["zip", "zip64"]
+ __authors__ = [("RaNaN", "")]
- @classmethod
- def checkDeps(cls):
+ @staticmethod
+ def checkDeps():
return sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6)
- @classmethod
- def isArchive(cls, file):
- return zipfile.is_zipfile(file)
+ @staticmethod
+ def getTargets(files_ids):
+ result = []
+ for file, id in files_ids:
+ if file.endswith(".zip"):
+ result.append((file, id))
- def verify(self):
- try:
- with zipfile.ZipFile(self.file, 'r', allowZip64=True) as z:
- z.setpassword(self.password)
- badcrc = z.testzip()
+ return result
- except (BadZipfile, LargeZipFile), e:
- raise ArchiveError(e)
- except RuntimeError, e:
- if 'encrypted' in e:
- raise PasswordError
- else:
- raise ArchiveError(e)
- else:
- if badcrc:
- raise CRCError
- if not self.list():
- raise ArchiveError("Empty archive")
- def list(self):
+ def extract(self, progress, password=None):
- with zipfile.ZipFile(self.file, 'r', allowZip64=True) as z:
- z.setpassword(self.password)
- return z.namelist()
- except Exception:
- return list()
- def extract(self, progress=lambda x: None):
- try:
- with zipfile.ZipFile(self.file, 'r', allowZip64=True) as z:
- progress(0)
- z.extractall(self.out, pwd=self.password)
- progress(100)
+ z = zipfile.ZipFile(self.file)
+ self.files = z.namelist()
+ z.extractall(self.out, pwd=password)
except (BadZipfile, LargeZipFile), e:
raise ArchiveError(e)
except RuntimeError, e:
if e is "Bad password for file":
- raise PasswordError
+ raise WrongPassword
raise ArchiveError(e)
- finally:
- self.files = self.list()
def getDeleteFiles(self):
return [self.file]