diff options
2 files changed, 87 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 6d30cef4f..e8fc57160 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ import xmlrpclib
from traceback import print_exc
from codecs import getwriter
-sys.stdout = getwriter("utf8")(sys.stdout, errors = "replace")
+sys.stdout = getwriter("utf8")(sys.stdout, errors="replace")
from module import InitHomeDir
from module.ConfigParser import ConfigParser
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ else:
conv = str
class pyLoadCli:
- def __init__(self, server_url, add=False):
+ def __init__(self, server_url):
self.core = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(server_url, allow_none=True)
self.getch = _Getch()
self.input = ""
@@ -65,7 +66,6 @@ class pyLoadCli:
self.println(1, blue("py") + yellow("Load") + white(_(" Command Line Interface")))
self.println(2, "")
self.file_list = {}
self.thread = RefreshThread(self)
@@ -107,7 +107,8 @@ class pyLoadCli:
return conv(size / 1024 ** 2) + " MiB"
def println(self, line, content):
- print "\033[" + conv(line) + ";0H\033[2K" + content + "\033[" + conv((self.inputline if self.inputline > 0 else self.inputline + 1) - 1) + ";0H"
+ print "\033[" + conv(line) + ";0H\033[2K" + content + "\033[" + conv(
+ (self.inputline if self.inputline > 0 else self.inputline + 1) - 1) + ";0H"
def print_input(self):
self.println(self.inputline, white(" Input: ") + self.input)
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ class pyLoadCli:
def refresh(self):
"""Handle incoming data"""
data = self.core.status_downloads()
- #print updated information
+ #print updated information
print "\033[J" #clear screen
self.println(1, blue("py") + yellow("Load") + white(_(" Command Line Interface")))
self.println(2, "")
@@ -133,20 +134,28 @@ class pyLoadCli:
speed += download['speed']
self.println(line, cyan(download["name"]))
line += 1
- self.println(line, blue("[") + yellow(z * "#" + (25-z) * " ") + blue("] ") + green(conv(percent) + "%") + _(" Speed: ") + green(conv(int(download['speed'])) + " kb/s") + _(" Size: ") + green(download['format_size']) + _(" Finished in: ") + green(download['format_eta']) + _(" ID: ") + green(conv(download['id'])))
+ self.println(line,
+ blue("[") + yellow(z * "#" + (25 - z) * " ") + blue("] ") + green(conv(percent) + "%") + _(
+ " Speed: ") + green(conv(int(download['speed'])) + " kb/s") + _(" Size: ") + green(
+ download['format_size']) + _(" Finished in: ") + green(download['format_eta']) + _(
+ " ID: ") + green(conv(download['id'])))
line += 1
if download["status"] == 5:
self.println(line, cyan(download["name"]))
line += 1
- self.println(line, _("waiting: ") + green(download["format_wait"]) )
+ self.println(line, _("waiting: ") + green(download["format_wait"]))
line += 1
self.println(line, "")
line += 1
status = self.core.status_server()
if status['pause']:
- self.println(line, _("Status: ") + red("paused") + _(" total Speed: ") + red(conv(int(speed)) + " kb/s") + _(" Files in queue: ") + red(conv(status["queue"])))
+ self.println(line,
+ _("Status: ") + red("paused") + _(" total Speed: ") + red(conv(int(speed)) + " kb/s") + _(
+ " Files in queue: ") + red(conv(status["queue"])))
- self.println(line, _("Status: ") + red("running") + _(" total Speed: ") + red(conv(int(speed)) + " kb/s") + _(" Files in queue: ") + red(conv(status["queue"])))
+ self.println(line,
+ _("Status: ") + red("running") + _(" total Speed: ") + red(conv(int(speed)) + " kb/s") + _(
+ " Files in queue: ") + red(conv(status["queue"])))
line += 1
self.println(line, "")
line += 1
@@ -214,7 +223,8 @@ class pyLoadCli:
elif self.pos[0] == 2:#remove links
if self.pos[1] == 0:
pack = self.core.get_queue()
- self.println(line, _("Type d(number of package) to delete a package, r to restart, or w/o d,r to look into it."))
+ self.println(line, _(
+ "Type d(number of package) to delete a package, r to restart, or w/o d,r to look into it."))
line += 1
i = 0
for id, value in islice(pack.iteritems(), self.pos[2], self.pos[2] + 5):
@@ -224,7 +234,7 @@ class pyLoadCli:
i += 1
except Exception, e:
- for x in range(5-i):
+ for x in range(5 - i):
self.println(line, "")
line += 1
@@ -235,14 +245,14 @@ class pyLoadCli:
i = 0
for id, value in islice(links["links"].iteritems(), self.pos[2], self.pos[2] + 5):
- self.println(line, mag(conv(id)) + ": %s | %s | %s" % (value['name'], value['statusmsg'], value['plugin']))
+ self.println(line, mag(conv(id)) + ": %s | %s | %s" % (
+ value['name'], value['statusmsg'], value['plugin']))
line += 1
i += 1
except Exception, e:
- for x in range(5-i):
+ for x in range(5 - i):
self.println(line, "")
line += 1
@@ -337,13 +347,12 @@ class RefreshThread(threading.Thread):
class _Getch:
Gets a single character from standard input. Does not echo to
the screen.
def __init__(self):
self.impl = _GetchWindows()
@@ -382,6 +391,7 @@ class _GetchWindows:
def __call__(self):
import msvcrt
return msvcrt.getch()
class _GetchMacCarbon:
@@ -391,12 +401,15 @@ class _GetchMacCarbon:
page was
very helpful in figuring out how to do this.
def __init__(self):
import Carbon
Carbon.Evt #see if it has this (in Unix, it doesn't)
def __call__(self):
import Carbon
if Carbon.Evt.EventAvail(0x0008)[0] == 0: # 0x0008 is the keyDownMask
return ''
@@ -457,15 +470,34 @@ def print_help():
print " -s, --ssl", " " * 8, "Enable ssl (default=off)"
print " -h, --help", " " * 7, "Display this help screen"
print " --pw=<password>", " " * 2, "Password (default=ask for it)"
- print " -c, --command=", " "* 3, "Sends a command to pyLoadCore (use help for list)"
+ print " -c, --command=", " " * 3, "Sends a command to pyLoadCore (use help for list)"
print ""
+def print_packages(data):
+ for pid, pack in data.iteritems():
+ print "Package %s (#%s):" % (pack["name"], pid)
+ for download in pack["links"].itervalues():
+ print " #%(id)-6d %(name)-20s %(statusmsg)-10s %(plugin)-8s" % download
+def print_commands():
+ commands = [(_("status"), _("prints server status")),
+ (_("queue"), _("prints downloads in queue")),
+ (_("collector"), _("prints downloads in collector")),
+ (_("pause"), _("pause the server")),
+ (_("unpause"), _("continue downloads")),
+ (_("toggle"), _("toggle pause/unpause")),
+ (_("kill"), _("kill server")), ]
+ print "Use one of:\n"
+ for c in commands:
+ print "%-15s %s" % c
if __name__ == "__main__":
config = ConfigParser()
- translation = gettext.translation("pyLoadCli", join(pypath, "locale"), languages=["en", config['general']['language']])
+ translation = gettext.translation("pyLoadCli", join(pypath, "locale"),
+ languages=["en", config['general']['language']])
server_url = ""
@@ -474,27 +506,22 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
addr = ""
port = ""
ssl = None
- #############
command = None
- #############
add = ""
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
addr = ""
port = "7272"
ssl = ""
- shortOptions = 'lu:a:p:s:hc:' #hier das c angefügt
+ shortOptions = 'lu:a:p:s:hc:'
longOptions = ['local', "username=", "address=", "port=", "ssl=", "help", "linklist=", "pw=", "command="]
opts, extraparams = getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortOptions, longOptions)
for option, params in opts:
if option in ("-l", "--local"):
if config['ssl']['activated']:
ssl = "s"
@@ -519,6 +546,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
elif option in ("--pw"):
password = params
elif option in ("-c"):
+ if "help" in params:
+ print_commands()
+ exit()
command = params
except GetoptError:
@@ -541,6 +571,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
if not port: port = raw_input(_("Port: "))
if not password:
from getpass import getpass
password = getpass(_("Password: "))
server_url = "http%s://%s:%s@%s:%s/" % (ssl, username, password, addr, port)
@@ -551,7 +582,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
print _("pyLoadCore not running")
- exit()
if add:
core.add_package(add, [add])
@@ -563,48 +593,41 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
elif command == "kill":
- exit()
elif command == "queue":
- data = core.status_downloads()
- for download in data:
- print "%5d %s %s" % (int(download['id']),download['status'].rjust(8),download['name'])
- exit()
+ data = core.get_queue()
+ print_packages(data)
+ elif command == "collector":
+ data = core.get_collector()
+ print_packages(data)
elif command == "toggle":
if core.status_server()['pause']:
elif command == "status":
- pass
+ data = core.status_downloads()
+ status = core.status_server()
+ if status['pause']:
+ print _('Status: paused')
+ else:
+ print _('Status: running')
+ print _('%s Downloads') % len(data)
+ for download in data:
+ if download["status"] == 12: #downloading
+ print _('Downloading: %(name)-40s %(percent)s%% @%(speed)dkB/s') % download
+ elif download["status"] == 5:
+ print _("Waiting: %(name)s-40s: %(format_wait)s") % download
if command != "help": print _("Unknown Command")
- print _("Use one of:")
- commands = [(_("status"), _("prints server status")),
- (_("queue"), _("prints download queue")),
- (_("pause"), _("pause the server")),
- (_("unpause"), _("continue downloads")),
- (_("toggle"), _("toggle pause/unpause")),
- (_("kill") , _("kill server")),]
- for c in commands:
- print "%-15s %s" % c
- print ""
- data = core.status_downloads()
- status = core.status_server()
- #Ausgabe generieren
- if status['pause']:
- print _('Status: paused')
- else:
- print _('Status: running')
- print _('%s Downloads') % len(data)
- for download in data:
- if download["status"] == 12: #downloading
- print _('Downloading: %(name)-40s %(percent)s%% @%(speed)dkB/s') % download
- elif download["status"] == 5:
- print _("Waiting: %(name)s-40s: %(format_wait)s") % download
+ print_commands()
cli = pyLoadCli(server_url) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index cee0271ae..ccc43bbbc 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class Core(object):
if len(argv) > 1:
options, args = getopt(argv[1:], 'vca:hdusq',
- ["version", "clear", "add=", "help", "debug", "user", "setup", "configdir=", "changedir", "daemon", "quit"])
+ ["version", "clear", "add=", "help", "debug", "user", "setup", "configdir=", "changedir", "daemon", "quit", "status"])
for option, argument in options:
if option in ("-v", "--version"):
@@ -134,6 +134,10 @@ class Core(object):
elif option in ("-q", "--quit"):
+ elif option in ("--status"):
+ print self.isAlreadyRunning()
+ exit()
except GetoptError:
print 'Unknown Argument(s) "%s"' % " ".join(argv[1:])
@@ -155,6 +159,7 @@ class Core(object):
print " --configdir=<dir>", " " * 6, "Run with <dir> as config directory"
print " --changedir", " "* 12, "Change config dir permanently"
print " --daemon", " " * 15, "Daemonize after start"
+ print " --status", " " * 15, "Display pid if running or False"
print " -q, --quit", " " * 13, "Try to quit running pyLoad"
print " -h, --help", " " * 13, "Display this help screen"
print ""