path: root/pyload/lib/jinja2/testsuite/
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authorGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2014-09-08 00:29:57 +0200
committerGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2014-09-14 11:02:23 +0200
commit68d662e689cd42687341c550fb6ebb74e6968d21 (patch)
tree486cef41bd928b8db704894233b2cef94a6e346f /pyload/lib/jinja2/testsuite/
parentsave_join -> safe_join & save_path -> safe_filename (diff)
module -> pyload
Diffstat (limited to 'pyload/lib/jinja2/testsuite/')
1 files changed, 459 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pyload/lib/jinja2/testsuite/ b/pyload/lib/jinja2/testsuite/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0f93be945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyload/lib/jinja2/testsuite/
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ jinja2.testsuite.ext
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Tests for the extensions.
+ :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
+import re
+import unittest
+from jinja2.testsuite import JinjaTestCase
+from jinja2 import Environment, DictLoader, contextfunction, nodes
+from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateAssertionError
+from jinja2.ext import Extension
+from jinja2.lexer import Token, count_newlines
+from jinja2._compat import next, BytesIO, itervalues, text_type
+importable_object = 23
+_gettext_re = re.compile(r'_\((.*?)\)(?s)')
+i18n_templates = {
+ 'master.html': '<title>{{ page_title|default(_("missing")) }}</title>'
+ '{% block body %}{% endblock %}',
+ 'child.html': '{% extends "master.html" %}{% block body %}'
+ '{% trans %}watch out{% endtrans %}{% endblock %}',
+ 'plural.html': '{% trans user_count %}One user online{% pluralize %}'
+ '{{ user_count }} users online{% endtrans %}',
+ 'plural2.html': '{% trans user_count=get_user_count() %}{{ user_count }}s'
+ '{% pluralize %}{{ user_count }}p{% endtrans %}',
+ 'stringformat.html': '{{ _("User: %(num)s")|format(num=user_count) }}'
+newstyle_i18n_templates = {
+ 'master.html': '<title>{{ page_title|default(_("missing")) }}</title>'
+ '{% block body %}{% endblock %}',
+ 'child.html': '{% extends "master.html" %}{% block body %}'
+ '{% trans %}watch out{% endtrans %}{% endblock %}',
+ 'plural.html': '{% trans user_count %}One user online{% pluralize %}'
+ '{{ user_count }} users online{% endtrans %}',
+ 'stringformat.html': '{{ _("User: %(num)s", num=user_count) }}',
+ 'ngettext.html': '{{ ngettext("%(num)s apple", "%(num)s apples", apples) }}',
+ 'ngettext_long.html': '{% trans num=apples %}{{ num }} apple{% pluralize %}'
+ '{{ num }} apples{% endtrans %}',
+ 'transvars1.html': '{% trans %}User: {{ num }}{% endtrans %}',
+ 'transvars2.html': '{% trans num=count %}User: {{ num }}{% endtrans %}',
+ 'transvars3.html': '{% trans count=num %}User: {{ count }}{% endtrans %}',
+ 'novars.html': '{% trans %}%(hello)s{% endtrans %}',
+ 'vars.html': '{% trans %}{{ foo }}%(foo)s{% endtrans %}',
+ 'explicitvars.html': '{% trans foo="42" %}%(foo)s{% endtrans %}'
+languages = {
+ 'de': {
+ 'missing': u'fehlend',
+ 'watch out': u'pass auf',
+ 'One user online': u'Ein Benutzer online',
+ '%(user_count)s users online': u'%(user_count)s Benutzer online',
+ 'User: %(num)s': u'Benutzer: %(num)s',
+ 'User: %(count)s': u'Benutzer: %(count)s',
+ '%(num)s apple': u'%(num)s Apfel',
+ '%(num)s apples': u'%(num)s Äpfel'
+ }
+def gettext(context, string):
+ language = context.get('LANGUAGE', 'en')
+ return languages.get(language, {}).get(string, string)
+def ngettext(context, s, p, n):
+ language = context.get('LANGUAGE', 'en')
+ if n != 1:
+ return languages.get(language, {}).get(p, p)
+ return languages.get(language, {}).get(s, s)
+i18n_env = Environment(
+ loader=DictLoader(i18n_templates),
+ extensions=['jinja2.ext.i18n']
+ '_': gettext,
+ 'gettext': gettext,
+ 'ngettext': ngettext
+newstyle_i18n_env = Environment(
+ loader=DictLoader(newstyle_i18n_templates),
+ extensions=['jinja2.ext.i18n']
+newstyle_i18n_env.install_gettext_callables(gettext, ngettext, newstyle=True)
+class TestExtension(Extension):
+ tags = set(['test'])
+ ext_attr = 42
+ def parse(self, parser):
+ return nodes.Output([self.call_method('_dump', [
+ nodes.EnvironmentAttribute('sandboxed'),
+ self.attr('ext_attr'),
+ nodes.ImportedName(__name__ + '.importable_object'),
+ nodes.ContextReference()
+ ])]).set_lineno(next(
+ def _dump(self, sandboxed, ext_attr, imported_object, context):
+ return '%s|%s|%s|%s' % (
+ sandboxed,
+ ext_attr,
+ imported_object,
+ context.blocks
+ )
+class PreprocessorExtension(Extension):
+ def preprocess(self, source, name, filename=None):
+ return source.replace('[[TEST]]', '({{ foo }})')
+class StreamFilterExtension(Extension):
+ def filter_stream(self, stream):
+ for token in stream:
+ if token.type == 'data':
+ for t in self.interpolate(token):
+ yield t
+ else:
+ yield token
+ def interpolate(self, token):
+ pos = 0
+ end = len(token.value)
+ lineno = token.lineno
+ while 1:
+ match =, pos)
+ if match is None:
+ break
+ value = token.value[pos:match.start()]
+ if value:
+ yield Token(lineno, 'data', value)
+ lineno += count_newlines(token.value)
+ yield Token(lineno, 'variable_begin', None)
+ yield Token(lineno, 'name', 'gettext')
+ yield Token(lineno, 'lparen', None)
+ yield Token(lineno, 'string',
+ yield Token(lineno, 'rparen', None)
+ yield Token(lineno, 'variable_end', None)
+ pos = match.end()
+ if pos < end:
+ yield Token(lineno, 'data', token.value[pos:])
+class ExtensionsTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
+ def test_extend_late(self):
+ env = Environment()
+ env.add_extension('jinja2.ext.autoescape')
+ t = env.from_string('{% autoescape true %}{{ "<test>" }}{% endautoescape %}')
+ assert t.render() == '&lt;test&gt;'
+ def test_loop_controls(self):
+ env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.loopcontrols'])
+ tmpl = env.from_string('''
+ {%- for item in [1, 2, 3, 4] %}
+ {%- if item % 2 == 0 %}{% continue %}{% endif -%}
+ {{ item }}
+ {%- endfor %}''')
+ assert tmpl.render() == '13'
+ tmpl = env.from_string('''
+ {%- for item in [1, 2, 3, 4] %}
+ {%- if item > 2 %}{% break %}{% endif -%}
+ {{ item }}
+ {%- endfor %}''')
+ assert tmpl.render() == '12'
+ def test_do(self):
+ env = Environment(extensions=[''])
+ tmpl = env.from_string('''
+ {%- set items = [] %}
+ {%- for char in "foo" %}
+ {%- do items.append(loop.index0 ~ char) %}
+ {%- endfor %}{{ items|join(', ') }}''')
+ assert tmpl.render() == '0f, 1o, 2o'
+ def test_with(self):
+ env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.with_'])
+ tmpl = env.from_string('''\
+ {% with a=42, b=23 -%}
+ {{ a }} = {{ b }}
+ {% endwith -%}
+ {{ a }} = {{ b }}\
+ ''')
+ assert [x.strip() for x in tmpl.render(a=1, b=2).splitlines()] \
+ == ['42 = 23', '1 = 2']
+ def test_extension_nodes(self):
+ env = Environment(extensions=[TestExtension])
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{% test %}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == 'False|42|23|{}'
+ def test_identifier(self):
+ assert TestExtension.identifier == __name__ + '.TestExtension'
+ def test_rebinding(self):
+ original = Environment(extensions=[TestExtension])
+ overlay = original.overlay()
+ for env in original, overlay:
+ for ext in itervalues(env.extensions):
+ assert ext.environment is env
+ def test_preprocessor_extension(self):
+ env = Environment(extensions=[PreprocessorExtension])
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{[[TEST]]}')
+ assert tmpl.render(foo=42) == '{(42)}'
+ def test_streamfilter_extension(self):
+ env = Environment(extensions=[StreamFilterExtension])
+ env.globals['gettext'] = lambda x: x.upper()
+ tmpl = env.from_string('Foo _(bar) Baz')
+ out = tmpl.render()
+ assert out == 'Foo BAR Baz'
+ def test_extension_ordering(self):
+ class T1(Extension):
+ priority = 1
+ class T2(Extension):
+ priority = 2
+ env = Environment(extensions=[T1, T2])
+ ext = list(env.iter_extensions())
+ assert ext[0].__class__ is T1
+ assert ext[1].__class__ is T2
+class InternationalizationTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
+ def test_trans(self):
+ tmpl = i18n_env.get_template('child.html')
+ assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de') == '<title>fehlend</title>pass auf'
+ def test_trans_plural(self):
+ tmpl = i18n_env.get_template('plural.html')
+ assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de', user_count=1) == 'Ein Benutzer online'
+ assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de', user_count=2) == '2 Benutzer online'
+ def test_trans_plural_with_functions(self):
+ tmpl = i18n_env.get_template('plural2.html')
+ def get_user_count():
+ get_user_count.called += 1
+ return 1
+ get_user_count.called = 0
+ assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de', get_user_count=get_user_count) == '1s'
+ assert get_user_count.called == 1
+ def test_complex_plural(self):
+ tmpl = i18n_env.from_string('{% trans foo=42, count=2 %}{{ count }} item{% '
+ 'pluralize count %}{{ count }} items{% endtrans %}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == '2 items'
+ self.assert_raises(TemplateAssertionError, i18n_env.from_string,
+ '{% trans foo %}...{% pluralize bar %}...{% endtrans %}')
+ def test_trans_stringformatting(self):
+ tmpl = i18n_env.get_template('stringformat.html')
+ assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de', user_count=5) == 'Benutzer: 5'
+ def test_extract(self):
+ from jinja2.ext import babel_extract
+ source = BytesIO('''
+ {{ gettext('Hello World') }}
+ {% trans %}Hello World{% endtrans %}
+ {% trans %}{{ users }} user{% pluralize %}{{ users }} users{% endtrans %}
+ '''.encode('ascii')) # make python 3 happy
+ assert list(babel_extract(source, ('gettext', 'ngettext', '_'), [], {})) == [
+ (2, 'gettext', u'Hello World', []),
+ (3, 'gettext', u'Hello World', []),
+ (4, 'ngettext', (u'%(users)s user', u'%(users)s users', None), [])
+ ]
+ def test_comment_extract(self):
+ from jinja2.ext import babel_extract
+ source = BytesIO('''
+ {# trans first #}
+ {{ gettext('Hello World') }}
+ {% trans %}Hello World{% endtrans %}{# trans second #}
+ {#: third #}
+ {% trans %}{{ users }} user{% pluralize %}{{ users }} users{% endtrans %}
+ '''.encode('utf-8')) # make python 3 happy
+ assert list(babel_extract(source, ('gettext', 'ngettext', '_'), ['trans', ':'], {})) == [
+ (3, 'gettext', u'Hello World', ['first']),
+ (4, 'gettext', u'Hello World', ['second']),
+ (6, 'ngettext', (u'%(users)s user', u'%(users)s users', None), ['third'])
+ ]
+class NewstyleInternationalizationTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
+ def test_trans(self):
+ tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('child.html')
+ assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de') == '<title>fehlend</title>pass auf'
+ def test_trans_plural(self):
+ tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('plural.html')
+ assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de', user_count=1) == 'Ein Benutzer online'
+ assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de', user_count=2) == '2 Benutzer online'
+ def test_complex_plural(self):
+ tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.from_string('{% trans foo=42, count=2 %}{{ count }} item{% '
+ 'pluralize count %}{{ count }} items{% endtrans %}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == '2 items'
+ self.assert_raises(TemplateAssertionError, i18n_env.from_string,
+ '{% trans foo %}...{% pluralize bar %}...{% endtrans %}')
+ def test_trans_stringformatting(self):
+ tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('stringformat.html')
+ assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de', user_count=5) == 'Benutzer: 5'
+ def test_newstyle_plural(self):
+ tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('ngettext.html')
+ assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de', apples=1) == '1 Apfel'
+ assert tmpl.render(LANGUAGE='de', apples=5) == u'5 Äpfel'
+ def test_autoescape_support(self):
+ env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape',
+ 'jinja2.ext.i18n'])
+ env.install_gettext_callables(lambda x: u'<strong>Wert: %(name)s</strong>',
+ lambda s, p, n: s, newstyle=True)
+ t = env.from_string('{% autoescape ae %}{{ gettext("foo", name='
+ '"<test>") }}{% endautoescape %}')
+ assert t.render(ae=True) == '<strong>Wert: &lt;test&gt;</strong>'
+ assert t.render(ae=False) == '<strong>Wert: <test></strong>'
+ def test_num_used_twice(self):
+ tmpl = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('ngettext_long.html')
+ assert tmpl.render(apples=5, LANGUAGE='de') == u'5 Äpfel'
+ def test_num_called_num(self):
+ source = newstyle_i18n_env.compile('''
+ {% trans num=3 %}{{ num }} apple{% pluralize
+ %}{{ num }} apples{% endtrans %}
+ ''', raw=True)
+ # quite hacky, but the only way to properly test that. The idea is
+ # that the generated code does not pass num twice (although that
+ # would work) for better performance. This only works on the
+ # newstyle gettext of course
+ assert"l_ngettext, u?'\%\(num\)s apple', u?'\%\(num\)s "
+ r"apples', 3", source) is not None
+ def test_trans_vars(self):
+ t1 = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('transvars1.html')
+ t2 = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('transvars2.html')
+ t3 = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('transvars3.html')
+ assert t1.render(num=1, LANGUAGE='de') == 'Benutzer: 1'
+ assert t2.render(count=23, LANGUAGE='de') == 'Benutzer: 23'
+ assert t3.render(num=42, LANGUAGE='de') == 'Benutzer: 42'
+ def test_novars_vars_escaping(self):
+ t = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('novars.html')
+ assert t.render() == '%(hello)s'
+ t = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('vars.html')
+ assert t.render(foo='42') == '42%(foo)s'
+ t = newstyle_i18n_env.get_template('explicitvars.html')
+ assert t.render() == '%(foo)s'
+class AutoEscapeTestCase(JinjaTestCase):
+ def test_scoped_setting(self):
+ env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'],
+ autoescape=True)
+ tmpl = env.from_string('''
+ {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
+ {% autoescape false %}
+ {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
+ {% endautoescape %}
+ {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
+ ''')
+ assert tmpl.render().split() == \
+ [u'&lt;HelloWorld&gt;', u'<HelloWorld>', u'&lt;HelloWorld&gt;']
+ env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'],
+ autoescape=False)
+ tmpl = env.from_string('''
+ {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
+ {% autoescape true %}
+ {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
+ {% endautoescape %}
+ {{ "<HelloWorld>" }}
+ ''')
+ assert tmpl.render().split() == \
+ [u'<HelloWorld>', u'&lt;HelloWorld&gt;', u'<HelloWorld>']
+ def test_nonvolatile(self):
+ env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'],
+ autoescape=True)
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{{ {"foo": "<test>"}|xmlattr|escape }}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == ' foo="&lt;test&gt;"'
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{% autoescape false %}{{ {"foo": "<test>"}'
+ '|xmlattr|escape }}{% endautoescape %}')
+ assert tmpl.render() == ' foo=&#34;&amp;lt;test&amp;gt;&#34;'
+ def test_volatile(self):
+ env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'],
+ autoescape=True)
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{% autoescape foo %}{{ {"foo": "<test>"}'
+ '|xmlattr|escape }}{% endautoescape %}')
+ assert tmpl.render(foo=False) == ' foo=&#34;&amp;lt;test&amp;gt;&#34;'
+ assert tmpl.render(foo=True) == ' foo="&lt;test&gt;"'
+ def test_scoping(self):
+ env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'])
+ tmpl = env.from_string('{% autoescape true %}{% set x = "<x>" %}{{ x }}'
+ '{% endautoescape %}{{ x }}{{ "<y>" }}')
+ assert tmpl.render(x=1) == '&lt;x&gt;1<y>'
+ def test_volatile_scoping(self):
+ env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'])
+ tmplsource = '''
+ {% autoescape val %}
+ {% macro foo(x) %}
+ [{{ x }}]
+ {% endmacro %}
+ {{ foo().__class__.__name__ }}
+ {% endautoescape %}
+ {{ '<testing>' }}
+ '''
+ tmpl = env.from_string(tmplsource)
+ assert tmpl.render(val=True).split()[0] == 'Markup'
+ assert tmpl.render(val=False).split()[0] == text_type.__name__
+ # looking at the source we should see <testing> there in raw
+ # (and then escaped as well)
+ env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'])
+ pysource = env.compile(tmplsource, raw=True)
+ assert '<testing>\\n' in pysource
+ env = Environment(extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'],
+ autoescape=True)
+ pysource = env.compile(tmplsource, raw=True)
+ assert '&lt;testing&gt;\\n' in pysource
+def suite():
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(ExtensionsTestCase))
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(InternationalizationTestCase))
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(NewstyleInternationalizationTestCase))
+ suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(AutoEscapeTestCase))
+ return suite