path: root/
diff options
authorGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2014-08-28 00:52:33 +0200
committerGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2014-08-28 04:42:30 +0200
commit96a255af35f5da30d38fc9d96498e697be2245cc (patch)
treef504424a2dafd45348fab3d13214241fd413fc9d /
parentUpdate (diff)
Rename to and move to module directory + Better
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 657 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 96c6327c7..b53bf4352 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,663 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+from module.Core import main
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: spoob
- @author: sebnapi
- @author: RaNaN
- @author: mkaay
- @version: v0.4.10
-import __builtin__
-from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
-import module.common.pylgettext as gettext
-from imp import find_module
-import logging
-import logging.handlers
-import os
-from os import _exit, execl, getcwd, makedirs, remove, sep, walk, chdir, close
-from os.path import exists, join
-import signal
-import subprocess
-import sys
-from sys import argv, executable, exit
-from time import time, sleep
-from traceback import print_exc
-from module import InitHomeDir
-from module.plugins.AccountManager import AccountManager
-from module.CaptchaManager import CaptchaManager
-from module.ConfigParser import ConfigParser
-from module.plugins.PluginManager import PluginManager
-from module.PullEvents import PullManager
-from import RequestFactory
-from module.web.ServerThread import WebServer
-from module.Scheduler import Scheduler
-from module.common.JsEngine import JsEngine
-from module import remote
-from module.remote.RemoteManager import RemoteManager
-from module.database import DatabaseBackend, FileHandler
-from module.utils import freeSpace, formatSize, get_console_encoding
-from codecs import getwriter
-enc = get_console_encoding(sys.stdout.encoding)
-sys.stdout = getwriter(enc)(sys.stdout, errors="replace")
-# TODO List
-# - configurable auth system ldap/mysql
-# - cron job like sheduler
-class Core(object):
- """pyLoad Core, one tool to rule them all... (the filehosters) :D"""
- def __init__(self):
- self.doDebug = False
- self.running = False
- self.daemon = False
- self.remote = True
- self.arg_links = []
- self.pidfile = ""
- self.deleteLinks = False # will delete links on startup
- if len(argv) > 1:
- try:
- options, args = getopt(argv[1:], 'vchdusqp:',
- ["version", "clear", "clean", "help", "debug", "user",
- "setup", "configdir=", "changedir", "daemon",
- "quit", "status", "no-remote","pidfile="])
- for option, argument in options:
- if option in ("-v", "--version"):
- print "pyLoad", CURRENT_VERSION
- exit()
- elif option in ("-p", "--pidfile"):
- self.pidfile = argument
- elif option == "--daemon":
- self.daemon = True
- elif option in ("-c", "--clear"):
- self.deleteLinks = True
- elif option in ("-h", "--help"):
- self.print_help()
- exit()
- elif option in ("-d", "--debug"):
- self.doDebug = True
- elif option in ("-u", "--user"):
- from module.setup import Setup
- self.config = ConfigParser()
- s = Setup(pypath, self.config)
- s.set_user()
- exit()
- elif option in ("-s", "--setup"):
- from module.setup import Setup
- self.config = ConfigParser()
- s = Setup(pypath, self.config)
- s.start()
- exit()
- elif option == "--changedir":
- from module.setup import Setup
- self.config = ConfigParser()
- s = Setup(pypath, self.config)
- s.conf_path(True)
- exit()
- elif option in ("-q", "--quit"):
- self.quitInstance()
- exit()
- elif option == "--status":
- pid = self.isAlreadyRunning()
- if self.isAlreadyRunning():
- print pid
- exit(0)
- else:
- print "false"
- exit(1)
- elif option == "--clean":
- self.cleanTree()
- exit()
- elif option == "--no-remote":
- self.remote = False
- except GetoptError:
- print 'Unknown Argument(s) "%s"' % " ".join(argv[1:])
- self.print_help()
- exit()
- def print_help(self):
- print
- print "pyLoad v%s 2008-2014 the pyLoad Team" % CURRENT_VERSION
- print
- if sys.argv[0].endswith(".py"):
- print "Usage: python [options]"
- else:
- print "Usage: pyload [options]"
- print
- print "<Options>"
- print " -v, --version", " " * 10, "Print version to terminal"
- print " -c, --clear", " " * 12, "Delete all saved packages/links"
- #print " -a, --add=<link/list>", " " * 2, "Add the specified links"
- print " -u, --user", " " * 13, "Manages users"
- print " -d, --debug", " " * 12, "Enable debug mode"
- print " -s, --setup", " " * 12, "Run Setup Assistant"
- print " --configdir=<dir>", " " * 6, "Run with <dir> as config directory"
- print " -p, --pidfile=<file>", " " * 3, "Set pidfile to <file>"
- print " --changedir", " " * 12, "Change config dir permanently"
- print " --daemon", " " * 15, "Daemonmize after start"
- print " --no-remote", " " * 12, "Disable remote access (saves RAM)"
- print " --status", " " * 15, "Display pid if running or False"
- print " --clean", " " * 16, "Remove .pyc/.pyo files"
- print " -q, --quit", " " * 13, "Quit running pyLoad instance"
- print " -h, --help", " " * 13, "Display this help screen"
- print
- def toggle_pause(self):
- if self.threadManager.pause:
- self.threadManager.pause = False
- return False
- elif not self.threadManager.pause:
- self.threadManager.pause = True
- return True
- def quit(self, a, b):
- self.shutdown()
-"Received Quit signal"))
- _exit(1)
- def writePidFile(self):
- self.deletePidFile()
- pid = os.getpid()
- f = open(self.pidfile, "wb")
- f.write(str(pid))
- f.close()
- def deletePidFile(self):
- if self.checkPidFile():
- self.log.debug("Deleting old pidfile %s" % self.pidfile)
- os.remove(self.pidfile)
- def checkPidFile(self):
- """ return pid as int or 0"""
- if os.path.isfile(self.pidfile):
- f = open(self.pidfile, "rb")
- pid =
- f.close()
- if pid:
- pid = int(pid)
- return pid
- return 0
- def isAlreadyRunning(self):
- pid = self.checkPidFile()
- if not pid or == "nt": return False
- try:
- os.kill(pid, 0) # 0 - default signal (does nothing)
- except:
- return 0
- return pid
- def quitInstance(self):
- if == "nt":
- print "Not supported on windows."
- return
- pid = self.isAlreadyRunning()
- if not pid:
- print "No pyLoad running."
- return
- try:
- os.kill(pid, 3) #SIGUIT
- t = time()
- print "waiting for pyLoad to quit"
- while exists(self.pidfile) and t + 10 > time():
- sleep(0.25)
- if not exists(self.pidfile):
- print "pyLoad successfully stopped"
- else:
- os.kill(pid, 9) #SIGKILL
- print "pyLoad did not respond"
- print "Kill signal was send to process with id %s" % pid
- except:
- print "Error quitting pyLoad"
- def cleanTree(self):
- for path, dirs, files in walk(self.path("")):
- for f in files:
- if not f.endswith(".pyo") and not f.endswith(".pyc"):
- continue
- if "_25" in f or "_26" in f or "_27" in f:
- continue
- print join(path, f)
- remove(join(path, f))
- def start(self, rpc=True, web=True):
- """ starts the fun :D """
- self.version = CURRENT_VERSION
- if not exists("pyload.conf"):
- from module.setup import Setup
- print "This is your first start, running configuration assistent now."
- self.config = ConfigParser()
- s = Setup(pypath, self.config)
- res = False
- try:
- res = s.start()
- except SystemExit:
- pass
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print "\nSetup interrupted"
- except:
- res = False
- print_exc()
- print "Setup failed"
- if not res:
- remove("pyload.conf")
- exit()
- try: signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, self.quit)
- except: pass
- self.config = ConfigParser()
- gettext.setpaths([join(os.sep, "usr", "share", "pyload", "locale"), None])
- translation = gettext.translation("pyLoad", self.path("locale"),
- languages=[self.config['general']['language'], "en"], fallback=True)
- translation.install(True)
- self.debug = self.doDebug or self.config['general']['debug_mode']
- self.remote &= self.config['remote']['activated']
- pid = self.isAlreadyRunning()
- if pid:
- print _("pyLoad already running with pid %s") % pid
- exit()
- if != "nt" and self.config["general"]["renice"]:
- os.system("renice %d %d" % (self.config["general"]["renice"], os.getpid()))
- if self.config["permission"]["change_group"]:
- if != "nt":
- try:
- from grp import getgrnam
- group = getgrnam(self.config["permission"]["group"])
- os.setgid(group[2])
- except Exception, e:
- print _("Failed changing group: %s") % e
- if self.config["permission"]["change_user"]:
- if != "nt":
- try:
- from pwd import getpwnam
- user = getpwnam(self.config["permission"]["user"])
- os.setuid(user[2])
- except Exception, e:
- print _("Failed changing user: %s") % e
- self.check_file(self.config['log']['log_folder'], _("folder for logs"), True)
- if self.debug:
- self.init_logger(logging.DEBUG) # logging level
- else:
- self.init_logger(logging.INFO) # logging level
- self.do_kill = False
- self.do_restart = False
- self.shuttedDown = False
-"Starting") + " pyLoad %s" % CURRENT_VERSION)
-"Using home directory: %s") % getcwd())
- self.writePidFile()
- #@TODO refractor
- remote.activated = self.remote
- self.log.debug("Remote activated: %s" % self.remote)
- self.check_install("Crypto", _("pycrypto to decode container files"))
- #img = self.check_install("Image", _("Python Image Library (PIL) for captcha reading"))
- #self.check_install("pycurl", _("pycurl to download any files"), True, True)
- self.check_file("tmp", _("folder for temporary files"), True)
- #tesser = self.check_install("tesseract", _("tesseract for captcha reading"), False) if != "nt" else True
- self.captcha = True # checks seems to fail, although tesseract is available
- self.check_file(self.config['general']['download_folder'], _("folder for downloads"), True)
- if self.config['ssl']['activated']:
- self.check_install("OpenSSL", _("OpenSSL for secure connection"))
- self.setupDB()
- if self.config.oldRemoteData:
-"Moving old user config to DB"))
- self.db.addUser(self.config.oldRemoteData["username"], self.config.oldRemoteData["password"])
-"Please check your logindata with ./ -u"))
- if self.deleteLinks:
-"All links removed"))
- self.db.purgeLinks()
- self.requestFactory = RequestFactory(self)
- __builtin__.pyreq = self.requestFactory
- self.lastClientConnected = 0
- # later imported because they would trigger api import, and remote value not set correctly
- from module import Api
- from module.HookManager import HookManager
- from module.ThreadManager import ThreadManager
- if Api.activated != self.remote:
- self.log.warning("Import error: API remote status not correct.")
- self.api = Api.Api(self)
- self.scheduler = Scheduler(self)
- #hell yeah, so many important managers :D
- self.pluginManager = PluginManager(self)
- self.pullManager = PullManager(self)
- self.accountManager = AccountManager(self)
- self.threadManager = ThreadManager(self)
- self.captchaManager = CaptchaManager(self)
- self.hookManager = HookManager(self)
- self.remoteManager = RemoteManager(self)
- self.js = JsEngine()
-"Downloadtime: %s") % self.api.isTimeDownload())
- if rpc:
- self.remoteManager.startBackends()
- if web:
- self.init_webserver()
- spaceLeft = freeSpace(self.config["general"]["download_folder"])
-"Free space: %s") % formatSize(spaceLeft))
- #save so config files gets filled
- link_file = join(pypath, "links.txt")
- if exists(link_file):
- f = open(link_file, "rb")
- if
- self.api.addPackage("links.txt", [link_file], 1)
- f.close()
- link_file = "links.txt"
- if exists(link_file):
- f = open(link_file, "rb")
- if
- self.api.addPackage("links.txt", [link_file], 1)
- f.close()
- #self.scheduler.addJob(0, self.accountManager.getAccountInfos)
-"Activating Accounts..."))
- self.accountManager.getAccountInfos()
- self.threadManager.pause = False
- self.running = True
-"Activating Plugins..."))
- self.hookManager.coreReady()
-"pyLoad is up and running"))
- #test api
-# from module.common.APIExerciser import startApiExerciser
-# startApiExerciser(self, 3)
- #some memory stats
-# from guppy import hpy
-# hp=hpy()
-# import objgraph
-# objgraph.show_most_common_types(limit=20)
-# import memdebug
-# memdebug.start(8002)
- locals().clear()
- while True:
- sleep(2)
- if self.do_restart:
-"restarting pyLoad"))
- self.restart()
- if self.do_kill:
- self.shutdown()
-"pyLoad quits"))
- self.removeLogger()
- _exit(0) #@TODO thrift blocks shutdown
- def setupDB(self):
- self.db = DatabaseBackend(self) # the backend
- self.db.setup()
- self.files = FileHandler(self)
- self.db.manager = self.files #ugly?
- def init_webserver(self):
- if self.config['webinterface']['activated']:
- self.webserver = WebServer(self)
- self.webserver.start()
- def init_logger(self, level):
- console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
- frm = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")
- console.setFormatter(frm)
- self.log = logging.getLogger("log") # settable in config
- if self.config['log']['file_log']:
- if self.config['log']['log_rotate']:
- file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(join(self.config['log']['log_folder'], 'log.txt'),
- maxBytes=self.config['log']['log_size'] * 1024,
- backupCount=int(self.config['log']['log_count']),
- encoding="utf8")
- else:
- file_handler = logging.FileHandler(join(self.config['log']['log_folder'], 'log.txt'), encoding="utf8")
- file_handler.setFormatter(frm)
- self.log.addHandler(file_handler)
- self.log.addHandler(console) #if console logging
- self.log.setLevel(level)
- def removeLogger(self):
- for h in list(self.log.handlers):
- self.log.removeHandler(h)
- h.close()
- def check_install(self, check_name, legend, python=True, essential=False):
- """check wether needed tools are installed"""
- try:
- if python:
- find_module(check_name)
- else:
- pipe = subprocess.PIPE
- subprocess.Popen(check_name, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe)
- return True
- except:
- if essential:
-"Install %s") % legend)
- exit()
- return False
- def check_file(self, check_names, description="", folder=False, empty=True, essential=False, quiet=False):
- """check wether needed files exists"""
- tmp_names = []
- if not type(check_names) == list:
- tmp_names.append(check_names)
- else:
- tmp_names.extend(check_names)
- file_created = True
- file_exists = True
- for tmp_name in tmp_names:
- if not exists(tmp_name):
- file_exists = False
- if empty:
- try:
- if folder:
- tmp_name = tmp_name.replace("/", sep)
- makedirs(tmp_name)
- else:
- open(tmp_name, "w")
- except:
- file_created = False
- else:
- file_created = False
- if not file_exists and not quiet:
- if file_created:
- _("%s created") % description )
- pass
- else:
- if not empty:
- self.log.warning(
- _("could not find %(desc)s: %(name)s") % {"desc": description, "name": tmp_name})
- else:
- print _("could not create %(desc)s: %(name)s") % {"desc": description, "name": tmp_name}
- if essential:
- exit()
- def isClientConnected(self):
- return (self.lastClientConnected + 30) > time()
- def restart(self):
- self.shutdown()
- chdir(owd)
- # close some open fds
- for i in range(3, 50):
- try:
- close(i)
- except :
- pass
- execl(executable, executable, *sys.argv)
- _exit(0)
- def shutdown(self):
-"shutting down..."))
- try:
- if self.config['webinterface']['activated'] and hasattr(self, "webserver"):
- self.webserver.quit()
- for thread in self.threadManager.threads:
- thread.put("quit")
- pyfiles = self.files.cache.values()
- for pyfile in pyfiles:
- pyfile.abortDownload()
- self.hookManager.coreExiting()
- except:
- if self.debug:
- print_exc()
-"error while shutting down"))
- finally:
- self.files.syncSave()
- self.shuttedDown = True
- self.deletePidFile()
- def path(self, *args):
- return join(pypath, *args)
-def deamon():
- try:
- pid = os.fork()
- if pid > 0:
- sys.exit(0)
- except OSError, e:
- print >> sys.stderr, "fork #1 failed: %d (%s)" % (e.errno, e.strerror)
- sys.exit(1)
- # decouple from parent environment
- os.setsid()
- os.umask(0)
- # do second fork
- try:
- pid = os.fork()
- if pid > 0:
- # exit from second parent, print eventual PID before
- print "Daemon PID %d" % pid
- sys.exit(0)
- except OSError, e:
- print >> sys.stderr, "fork #2 failed: %d (%s)" % (e.errno, e.strerror)
- sys.exit(1)
- # Iterate through and close some file descriptors.
- for fd in range(0, 3):
- try:
- os.close(fd)
- except OSError: # ERROR, fd wasn't open to begin with (ignored)
- pass
-, os.O_RDWR) # standard input (0)
- os.dup2(0, 1) # standard output (1)
- os.dup2(0, 2)
- pyload_core = Core()
- pyload_core.start()
-def main():
- if "--daemon" in sys.argv:
- deamon()
- else:
- pyload_core = Core()
- try:
- pyload_core.start()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pyload_core.shutdown()
-"killed pyLoad from Terminal"))
- pyload_core.removeLogger()
- _exit(1)
-# And so it begins...
if __name__ == "__main__":