path: root/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render
diff options
authorGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2014-08-29 12:12:23 +0200
committerGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2014-08-29 12:12:23 +0200
commit81de1c4b127e116c8ca3e5df620b5c0a56a087bc (patch)
tree45d4b4d22344c9588bd2e4e16be450a239a4e2cd /module/webui/themes/flat/js/render
parent[webui] Improve and fix (diff)
[webui] Improve and fix 2
Diffstat (limited to 'module/webui/themes/flat/js/render')
8 files changed, 1018 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/ b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5afbcbb66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+root = this
+window.addEvent "domready", ->
+ root.passwordDialog = new MooDialog {destroyOnHide: false}
+ root.passwordDialog.setContent $ 'password_box'
+ $("login_password_reset").addEvent "click", (e) -> root.passwordDialog.close()
+ $("login_password_button").addEvent "click", (e) ->
+ newpw = $("login_new_password").get("value")
+ newpw2 = $("login_new_password2").get("value")
+ if newpw is newpw2
+ form = $("password_form")
+ form.set "send", {
+ onSuccess: (data) ->
+ root.notify.alert "Success", {
+ 'className': 'success'
+ }
+ onFailure: (data) ->
+ root.notify.alert "Error", {
+ 'className': 'error'
+ }
+ }
+ form.send()
+ root.passwordDialog.close()
+ else
+ alert '{{_("Passwords did not match.")}}'
+ e.stop()
+ for item in $$(".change_password")
+ id = item.get("id")
+ user = id.split("|")[1]
+ $("user_login").set("value", user)
+ item.addEvent "click", (e) ->
+ $('quit-pyload').addEvent "click", (e) ->
+ new MooDialog.Confirm "{{_('You are really sure you want to quit pyLoad?')}}", ->
+ new Request.JSON({
+ url: '/api/kill'
+ method: 'get'
+ }).send()
+ , ->
+ e.stop()
+ $('restart-pyload').addEvent "click", (e) ->
+ new MooDialog.Confirm "{{_('Are you sure you want to restart pyLoad?')}}", ->
+ new Request.JSON({
+ url: '/api/restart'
+ method: 'get'
+ onSuccess: (data) -> alert "{{_('pyLoad restarted')}}"
+ }).send()
+ , ->
+ e.stop()
diff --git a/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/admin.min.js b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/admin.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94a5e494d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/admin.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{% autoescape true %}
+var root;root=this;window.addEvent("domready",function(){var f,c,b,e,a,d;root.passwordDialog=new MooDialog({destroyOnHide:false});root.passwordDialog.setContent($("password_box"));$("login_password_reset").addEvent("click",function(g){return root.passwordDialog.close()});$("login_password_button").addEvent("click",function(j){var h,i,g;i=$("login_new_password").get("value");g=$("login_new_password2").get("value");if(i===g){h=$("password_form");h.set("send",{onSuccess:function(k){return root.notify.alert("Success",{className:"success"})},onFailure:function(k){return root.notify.alert("Error",{className:"error"})}});h.send();root.passwordDialog.close()}else{alert('{{_("Passwords did not match.")}}')}return j.stop()});d=$$(".change_password");for(e=0,a=d.length;e<a;e++){c=d[e];f=c.get("id");b=f.split("|")[1];$("user_login").set("value",b);c.addEvent("click",function(g){return})}$("quit-pyload").addEvent("click",function(g){new MooDialog.Confirm("{{_('You are really sure you want to quit pyLoad?')}}",function(){return new Request.JSON({url:"/api/kill",method:"get"}).send()},function(){});return g.stop()});return $("restart-pyload").addEvent("click",function(g){new MooDialog.Confirm("{{_('Are you sure you want to restart pyLoad?')}}",function(){return new Request.JSON({url:"/api/restart",method:"get",onSuccess:function(h){return alert("{{_('pyLoad restarted')}}")}}).send()},function(){});return g.stop()})});
+{% endautoescape %}
diff --git a/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/ b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07b8bfb6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# External scope
+root = this
+# helper functions
+humanFileSize = (size) ->
+ filesizename = new Array("B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB")
+ loga = Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024)
+ i = Math.floor(loga)
+ a = Math.pow(1024, i)
+ if size is 0 then "0 B" else (Math.round(size * 100 / a) / 100 + " " + filesizename[i])
+parseUri = () ->
+ oldString = $("add_links").value
+ regxp = new RegExp('(ht|f)tp(s?):\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\/\?=_&%#]+[<| |\"|\'|\r|\n|\t]{1}', 'g')
+ resu = oldString.match regxp
+ return if resu == null
+ res = ""
+ for part in resu
+ if part.indexOf(" ") != -1
+ res = res + part.replace(" ", " \n")
+ else if part.indexOf("\t") != -1
+ res = res + part.replace("\t", " \n")
+ else if part.indexOf("\r") != -1
+ res = res + part.replace("\r", " \n")
+ else if part.indexOf("\"") != -1
+ res = res + part.replace("\"", " \n")
+ else if part.indexOf("<") != -1
+ res = res + part.replace("<", " \n")
+ else if part.indexOf("'") != -1
+ res = res + part.replace("'", " \n")
+ else
+ res = res + part.replace("\n", " \n")
+ $("add_links").value = res
+Array::remove = (from, to) ->
+ rest = this.slice((to || from) + 1 || this.length)
+ this.length = from < 0 ? this.length + from : from
+ return [] if this.length == 0
+ return this.push.apply(this, rest)
+document.addEvent "domready", ->
+ # global notification
+ root.notify = new Purr {
+ 'mode': 'top'
+ 'position': 'center'
+ }
+ root.captchaBox = new MooDialog {destroyOnHide: false}
+ root.captchaBox.setContent $ 'cap_box'
+ root.addBox = new MooDialog {destroyOnHide: false}
+ root.addBox.setContent $ 'add_box'
+ $('add_form').onsubmit = ->
+ $('add_form').target = 'upload_target'
+ if $('add_name').value is "" and $('add_file').value is ""
+ alert '{{_("Please Enter a packagename.")}}'
+ return false
+ else
+ root.addBox.close()
+ return true
+ $('add_reset').addEvent 'click', -> root.addBox.close()
+ $('action_add').addEvent 'click', -> $("add_form").reset();
+ $('action_play').addEvent 'click', -> new Request({method: 'get', url: '/api/unpauseServer'}).send()
+ $('action_cancel').addEvent 'click', -> new Request({method: 'get', url: '/api/stopAllDownloads'}).send()
+ $('action_stop').addEvent 'click', -> new Request({method: 'get', url: '/api/pauseServer'}).send()
+ # captcha events
+ $('cap_info').addEvent 'click', ->
+ load_captcha "get", ""
+ $('cap_reset').addEvent 'click', -> root.captchaBox.close()
+ $('cap_form').addEvent 'submit', (e) ->
+ submit_captcha()
+ e.stop()
+ $('cap_positional').addEvent 'click', on_captcha_click
+ new Request.JSON({
+ url: "/json/status"
+ onSuccess: LoadJsonToContent
+ secure: false
+ async: true
+ initialDelay: 0
+ delay: 4000
+ limit: 3000
+ }).startTimer()
+LoadJsonToContent = (data) ->
+ $("speed").set 'text', humanFileSize(data.speed)+"/s"
+ $("aktiv").set 'text',
+ $("aktiv_from").set 'text', data.queue
+ $("aktiv_total").set 'text',
+ if data.captcha
+ if $("cap_info").getStyle("display") != "inline"
+ $("cap_info").setStyle 'display', 'inline'
+ root.notify.alert '{{_("New Captcha Request")}}', {
+ 'className': 'notify'
+ }
+ else
+ $("cap_info").setStyle 'display', 'none'
+ if
+ $("time").set 'text', ' {{_("on")}}'
+ $("time").setStyle 'background-color', "#8ffc25"
+ else
+ $("time").set 'text', ' {{_("off")}}'
+ $("time").setStyle 'background-color', "#fc6e26"
+ if data.reconnect
+ $("reconnect").set 'text', ' {{_("on")}}'
+ $("reconnect").setStyle 'background-color', "#8ffc25"
+ else
+ $("reconnect").set 'text', ' {{_("off")}}'
+ $("reconnect").setStyle 'background-color', "#fc6e26"
+ return null
+set_captcha = (data) ->
+ $('cap_id').set 'value',
+ if (data.result_type is 'textual')
+ $('cap_textual_img').set 'src', data.src
+ $('cap_title').set 'text', '{{_("Please read the text on the captcha.")}}'
+ $('cap_submit').setStyle 'display', 'inline'
+ $('cap_textual').setStyle 'display', 'block'
+ $('cap_positional').setStyle 'display', 'none'
+ else if (data.result_type == 'positional')
+ $('cap_positional_img').set('src', data.src)
+ $('cap_title').set('text', '{{_("Please click on the right captcha position.")}}')
+ $('cap_submit').setStyle('display', 'none')
+ $('cap_textual').setStyle('display', 'none')
+load_captcha = (method, post) ->
+ new Request.JSON({
+ url: "/json/set_captcha"
+ onSuccess: (data) -> set_captcha(data) if data.captcha else clear_captcha()
+ secure: false
+ async: true
+ method: method
+ }).send(post)
+clear_captcha = ->
+ $('cap_textual').setStyle 'display', 'none'
+ $('cap_textual_img').set 'src', ''
+ $('cap_positional').setStyle 'display', 'none'
+ $('cap_positional_img').set 'src', ''
+ $('cap_title').set 'text', '{{_("No Captchas to read.")}}'
+submit_captcha = ->
+ load_captcha("post", "cap_id=" + $('cap_id').get('value') + "&cap_result=" + $('cap_result').get('value') )
+ $('cap_result').set('value', '')
+on_captcha_click = (e) ->
+ position =
+ x = - position.x
+ y = - position.y
+ $('cap_result').value = x + "," + y
+ submit_captcha()
diff --git a/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/base.min.js b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/base.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ba1d73f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/base.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{% autoescape true %}
+var LoadJsonToContent,clear_captcha,humanFileSize,load_captcha,on_captcha_click,parseUri,root,set_captcha,submit_captcha;root=this;humanFileSize=function(f){var c,d,e,b;d=new Array("B","KiB","MiB","GiB","TiB","PiB");b=Math.log(f)/Math.log(1024);e=Math.floor(b);c=Math.pow(1024,e);if(f===0){return"0 B"}else{return Math.round(f*100/c)/100+" "+d[e]}};parseUri=function(){var b,c,g,e,d,f,a;b=$("add_links").value;g=new RegExp("(ht|f)tp(s?)://[a-zA-Z0-9-./?=_&%#]+[<| |\"|'|\r|\n|\t]{1}","g");d=b.match(g);if(d===null){return}e="";for(f=0,a=d.length;f<a;f++){c=d[f];if(c.indexOf(" ")!==-1){e=e+c.replace(" "," \n")}else{if(c.indexOf("\t")!==-1){e=e+c.replace("\t"," \n")}else{if(c.indexOf("\r")!==-1){e=e+c.replace("\r"," \n")}else{if(c.indexOf('"')!==-1){e=e+c.replace('"'," \n")}else{if(c.indexOf("<")!==-1){e=e+c.replace("<"," \n")}else{if(c.indexOf("'")!==-1){e=e+c.replace("'"," \n")}else{e=e+c.replace("\n"," \n")}}}}}}}return $("add_links").value=e};Array.prototype.remove=function(d,c){var a,b;a=this.slice((c||d)+1||this.length);this.length=(b=d<0)!=null?b:this.length+{from:d};if(this.length===0){return[]}return this.push.apply(this,a)};document.addEvent("domready",function(){root.notify=new Purr({mode:"top",position:"center"});root.captchaBox=new MooDialog({destroyOnHide:false});root.captchaBox.setContent($("cap_box"));root.addBox=new MooDialog({destroyOnHide:false});root.addBox.setContent($("add_box"));$("add_form").onsubmit=function(){$("add_form").target="upload_target";if($("add_name").value===""&&$("add_file").value===""){alert('{{_("Please Enter a packagename.")}}');return false}else{root.addBox.close();return true}};$("add_reset").addEvent("click",function(){return root.addBox.close()});$("action_add").addEvent("click",function(){$("add_form").reset();return});$("action_play").addEvent("click",function(){return new Request({method:"get",url:"/api/unpauseServer"}).send()});$("action_cancel").addEvent("click",function(){return new Request({method:"get",url:"/api/stopAllDownloads"}).send()});$("action_stop").addEvent("click",function(){return new Request({method:"get",url:"/api/pauseServer"}).send()});$("cap_info").addEvent("click",function(){load_captcha("get","");return});$("cap_reset").addEvent("click",function(){return root.captchaBox.close()});$("cap_form").addEvent("submit",function(a){submit_captcha();return a.stop()});$("cap_positional").addEvent("click",on_captcha_click);return new Request.JSON({url:"/json/status",onSuccess:LoadJsonToContent,secure:false,async:true,initialDelay:0,delay:4000,limit:3000}).startTimer()});LoadJsonToContent=function(a){$("speed").set("text",humanFileSize(a.speed)+"/s");$("aktiv").set("text",;$("aktiv_from").set("text",a.queue);$("aktiv_total").set("text",;if(a.captcha){if($("cap_info").getStyle("display")!=="inline"){$("cap_info").setStyle("display","inline");root.notify.alert('{{_("New Captcha Request")}}',{className:"notify"})}}else{$("cap_info").setStyle("display","none")}if({$("time").set("text",' {{_("on")}}');$("time").setStyle("background-color","#8ffc25")}else{$("time").set("text",' {{_("off")}}');$("time").setStyle("background-color","#fc6e26")}if(a.reconnect){$("reconnect").set("text",' {{_("on")}}');$("reconnect").setStyle("background-color","#8ffc25")}else{$("reconnect").set("text",' {{_("off")}}');$("reconnect").setStyle("background-color","#fc6e26")}return null};set_captcha=function(a){$("cap_id").set("value",;if(a.result_type==="textual"){$("cap_textual_img").set("src",a.src);$("cap_title").set("text",'{{_("Please read the text on the captcha.")}}');$("cap_submit").setStyle("display","inline");$("cap_textual").setStyle("display","block");return $("cap_positional").setStyle("display","none")}else{if(a.result_type==="positional"){$("cap_positional_img").set("src",a.src);$("cap_title").set("text",'{{_("Please click on the right captcha position.")}}');$("cap_submit").setStyle("display","none");return $("cap_textual").setStyle("display","none")}}};load_captcha=function(b,a){return new Request.JSON({url:"/json/set_captcha",onSuccess:function(c){return set_captcha(c)(c.captcha?void 0:clear_captcha())},secure:false,async:true,method:b}).send(a)};clear_captcha=function(){$("cap_textual").setStyle("display","none");$("cap_textual_img").set("src","");$("cap_positional").setStyle("display","none");$("cap_positional_img").set("src","");return $("cap_title").set("text",'{{_("No Captchas to read.")}}')};submit_captcha=function(){load_captcha("post","cap_id="+$("cap_id").get("value")+"&cap_result="+$("cap_result").get("value"));$("cap_result").set("value","");return false};on_captcha_click=function(c){var b,a,d;;;;$("cap_result").value=a+","+d;return submit_captcha()};
+{% endautoescape %}
diff --git a/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/filemanager.js b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/filemanager.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1ebed93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/filemanager.js
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+var load, rename_box, confirm_box;
+document.addEvent("domready", function() {
+ load = new Fx.Tween($("load-indicator"), {link: "cancel"});
+ load.set("opacity", 0);
+ rename_box = new Fx.Tween($('rename_box'));
+ confirm_box = new Fx.Tween($('confirm_box'));
+ $('rename_reset').addEvent('click', function() {
+ hide_rename_box()
+ });
+ $('delete_reset').addEvent('click', function() {
+ hide_confirm_box()
+ });
+ /*$('filemanager_actions_list').getChildren("li").each(function(action) {
+ var action_name = action.className;
+ if(functions[action.className] != undefined)
+ {
+ action.addEvent('click', functions[action.className]);
+ }
+ });*/
+function indicateLoad() {
+ //$("load-indicator").reveal();
+ load.start("opacity", 1)
+function indicateFinish() {
+ load.start("opacity", 0)
+function indicateSuccess() {
+ indicateFinish();
+ notify.alert('{{_("Success")}}.', {
+ 'className': 'success'
+ });
+function indicateFail() {
+ indicateFinish();
+ notify.alert('{{_("Failed")}}.', {
+ 'className': 'error'
+ });
+function show_rename_box() {
+ bg_show();
+ $("rename_box").setStyle('display', 'block');
+ rename_box.start('opacity', 1)
+function hide_rename_box() {
+ bg_hide();
+ rename_box.start('opacity', 0).chain(function() {
+ $('rename_box').setStyle('display', 'none');
+ });
+function show_confirm_box() {
+ bg_show();
+ $("confirm_box").setStyle('display', 'block');
+ confirm_box.start('opacity', 1)
+function hide_confirm_box() {
+ bg_hide();
+ confirm_box.start('opacity', 0).chain(function() {
+ $('confirm_box').setStyle('display', 'none');
+ });
+var FilemanagerUI = new Class({
+ initialize: function(url, type) {
+ this.url = url;
+ this.type = type;
+ this.directories = [];
+ this.files = [];
+ this.parseChildren();
+ },
+ parseChildren: function() {
+ $("directories-list").getChildren("li.folder").each(function(ele) {
+ var path = ele.getElements("input.path")[0].get("value");
+ var name = ele.getElements("")[0].get("value");
+ this.directories.push(new Item(this, path, name, ele))
+ }.bind(this));
+ $("directories-list").getChildren("li.file").each(function(ele) {
+ var path = ele.getElements("input.path")[0].get("value");
+ var name = ele.getElements("")[0].get("value");
+ this.files.push(new Item(this, path, name, ele))
+ }.bind(this));
+ }
+var Item = new Class({
+ initialize: function(ui, path, name, ele) {
+ this.ui = ui;
+ this.path = path;
+ = name;
+ this.ele = ele;
+ this.directories = [];
+ this.files = [];
+ this.actions = new Array();
+ this.actions["delete"] = this.del;
+ this.actions["rename"] = this.rename;
+ this.actions["mkdir"] = this.mkdir;
+ this.parseElement();
+ var pname = this.ele.getElements("span")[0];
+ this.buttons = new Fx.Tween(this.ele.getElements(".buttons")[0], {link: "cancel"});
+ this.buttons.set("opacity", 0);
+ pname.addEvent("mouseenter", function(e) {
+ this.buttons.start("opacity", 1)
+ }.bind(this));
+ pname.addEvent("mouseleave", function(e) {
+ this.buttons.start("opacity", 0)
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ parseElement: function() {
+ this.ele.getChildren('span span.buttons img').each(function(img) {
+ img.addEvent('click', this.actions[img.className].bind(this));
+ }, this);
+ //click on the directory name must open the directory itself
+ this.ele.getElements('b')[0].addEvent('click', this.toggle.bind(this));
+ //iterate over child directories
+ var uls = this.ele.getElements('ul');
+ if(uls.length > 0)
+ {
+ uls[0].getChildren("li.folder").each(function(fld) {
+ var path = fld.getElements("input.path")[0].get("value");
+ var name = fld.getElements("")[0].get("value");
+ this.directories.push(new Item(this, path, name, fld));
+ }.bind(this));
+ uls[0].getChildren("li.file").each(function(fld) {
+ var path = fld.getElements("input.path")[0].get("value");
+ var name = fld.getElements("")[0].get("value");
+ this.files.push(new Item(this, path, name, fld));
+ }.bind(this));
+ }
+ },
+ reorderElements: function() {
+ //TODO sort the main ul again (to keep data ordered after renaming something)
+ },
+ del: function(event) {
+ $("confirm_form").removeEvents("submit");
+ $("confirm_form").addEvent("submit", this.deleteDirectory.bind(this));
+ $$("#confirm_form p").set('html', '{{_(("Are you sure you want to delete the selected item?"))}}');
+ show_confirm_box();
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ deleteDirectory: function(event) {
+ hide_confirm_box();
+ new Request.JSON({
+ method: 'POST',
+ url: "/json/filemanager/delete",
+ data: {'path': this.path, 'name':},
+ onSuccess: function(data) {
+ if(data.response == "success")
+ {
+ new Fx.Tween(this.ele).start('opacity', 0);
+ var ul = this.ele.parentNode;
+ this.ele.dispose();
+ //if this was the only child, add a "empty folder" div
+ if(!ul.getChildren('li')[0])
+ {
+ var div = new Element("div", { 'html': '{{ _("Folder is empty") }}' });
+ div.replaces(ul);
+ }
+ indicateSuccess();
+ } else
+ {
+ //error from json code...
+ indicateFail();
+ }
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ rename: function(event) {
+ $("rename_form").removeEvents("submit");
+ $("rename_form").addEvent("submit", this.renameDirectory.bind(this));
+ $("path").set("value", this.path);
+ $("old_name").set("value",;
+ $("new_name").set("value",;
+ show_rename_box();
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ renameDirectory: function(event) {
+ hide_rename_box();
+ new Request.JSON({
+ method: 'POST',
+ url: "/json/filemanager/rename",
+ onSuccess: function(data) {
+ if(data.response == "success")
+ {
+ = $("new_name").get("value");
+ this.ele.getElements("b")[0].set('html', $("new_name").get("value"));
+ this.reorderElements();
+ indicateSuccess();
+ } else
+ {
+ //error from json code...
+ indicateFail();
+ }
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send($("rename_form").toQueryString());
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ mkdir: function(event) {
+ new Request.JSON({
+ method: 'POST',
+ url: "/json/filemanager/mkdir",
+ data: {'path': this.path + "/" +, 'name': '{{_("New folder")}}'},
+ onSuccess: function(data) {
+ if(data.response == "success")
+ {
+ new Request.HTML({
+ method: 'POST',
+ url: "/filemanager/get_dir",
+ data: {'path': data.path, 'name':},
+ onSuccess: function(li) {
+ //add node as first child of ul
+ var ul = this.ele.getChildren('ul')[0];
+ if(!ul)
+ {
+ //remove the "Folder Empty" div
+ this.ele.getChildren('div').dispose();
+ //create new ul to contain subfolder
+ ul = new Element("ul");
+ ul.inject(this.ele, 'bottom');
+ }
+ li[0].inject(ul, 'top');
+ //add directory as a subdirectory of the current item
+ this.directories.push(new Item(this.ui, data.path,, ul.firstChild));
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ indicateSuccess();
+ } else
+ {
+ //error from json code...
+ indicateFail();
+ }
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ toggle: function() {
+ var child = this.ele.getElement('ul');
+ if(child == null)
+ child = this.ele.getElement('div');
+ if(child != null)
+ {
+ if (child.getStyle('display') == "block") {
+ child.dissolve();
+ } else {
+ child.reveal();
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/package.js b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/package.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..659a8e6fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/package.js
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+var root = this;
+document.addEvent("domready", function() {
+ root.load = new Fx.Tween($("load-indicator"), {link: "cancel"});
+ root.load.set("opacity", 0);
+ root.packageBox = new MooDialog({destroyOnHide: false});
+ root.packageBox.setContent($('pack_box'));
+ $('pack_reset').addEvent('click', function() {
+ $('pack_form').reset();
+ root.packageBox.close();
+ });
+function indicateLoad() {
+ //$("load-indicator").reveal();
+ root.load.start("opacity", 1)
+function indicateFinish() {
+ root.load.start("opacity", 0)
+function indicateSuccess() {
+ indicateFinish();
+ root.notify.alert('{{_("Success")}}.', {
+ 'className': 'success'
+ });
+function indicateFail() {
+ indicateFinish();
+ root.notify.alert('{{_("Failed")}}.', {
+ 'className': 'error'
+ });
+var PackageUI = new Class({
+ initialize: function(url, type) {
+ this.url = url;
+ this.type = type;
+ this.packages = [];
+ this.parsePackages();
+ this.sorts = new Sortables($("package-list"), {
+ constrain: false,
+ clone: true,
+ revert: true,
+ opacity: 0.4,
+ handle: ".package_drag",
+ onComplete: this.saveSort.bind(this)
+ });
+ $("del_finished").addEvent("click", this.deleteFinished.bind(this));
+ $("restart_failed").addEvent("click", this.restartFailed.bind(this));
+ },
+ parsePackages: function() {
+ $("package-list").getChildren("li").each(function(ele) {
+ var id = ele.getFirst().get("id").match(/[0-9]+/);
+ this.packages.push(new Package(this, id, ele))
+ }.bind(this))
+ },
+ loadPackages: function() {
+ },
+ deleteFinished: function() {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request.JSON({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/api/deleteFinished',
+ onSuccess: function(data) {
+ if (data.length > 0) {
+ window.location.reload()
+ } else {
+ this.packages.each(function(pack) {
+ pack.close();
+ });
+ indicateSuccess();
+ }
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ },
+ restartFailed: function() {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request.JSON({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/api/restartFailed',
+ onSuccess: function(data) {
+ this.packages.each(function(pack) {
+ pack.close();
+ });
+ indicateSuccess();
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ },
+ startSort: function(ele, copy) {
+ },
+ saveSort: function(ele, copy) {
+ var order = [];
+ this.sorts.serialize(function(li, pos) {
+ if (li == ele && ele.retrieve("order") != pos) {
+ order.push(ele.retrieve("pid") + "|" + pos)
+ }
+"order", pos)
+ });
+ if (order.length > 0) {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request.JSON({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/json/package_order/' + order[0],
+ onSuccess: indicateFinish,
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ }
+ }
+var Package = new Class({
+ initialize: function(ui, id, ele, data) {
+ this.ui = ui;
+ = id;
+ this.linksLoaded = false;
+ if (!ele) {
+ this.createElement(data);
+ } else {
+ this.ele = ele;
+ this.order = ele.getElements("div.order")[0].get("html");
+"order", this.order);
+ this.parseElement();
+ }
+ var pname = this.ele.getElements(".packagename")[0];
+ this.buttons = new Fx.Tween(this.ele.getElements(".buttons")[0], {link: "cancel"});
+ this.buttons.set("opacity", 0);
+ pname.addEvent("mouseenter", function(e) {
+ this.buttons.start("opacity", 1)
+ }.bind(this));
+ pname.addEvent("mouseleave", function(e) {
+ this.buttons.start("opacity", 0)
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ createElement: function() {
+ alert("create")
+ },
+ parseElement: function() {
+ var imgs = this.ele.getElements('img');
+ = this.ele.getElements('.name')[0];
+ this.folder = this.ele.getElements('.folder')[0];
+ this.password = this.ele.getElements('.password')[0];
+ imgs[1].addEvent('click', this.deletePackage.bind(this));
+ imgs[2].addEvent('click', this.restartPackage.bind(this));
+ imgs[3].addEvent('click', this.editPackage.bind(this));
+ imgs[4].addEvent('click', this.movePackage.bind(this));
+ this.ele.getElement('.packagename').addEvent('click', this.toggle.bind(this));
+ },
+ loadLinks: function() {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request.JSON({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/json/package/' +,
+ onSuccess: this.createLinks.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ },
+ createLinks: function(data) {
+ var ul = $("sort_children_{id}".substitute({'id':}));
+ ul.set("html", "");
+ data.links.each(function(link) {
+ = link.fid;
+ var li = new Element("li", {
+ 'style': {
+ 'margin-left': 0
+ }
+ });
+ var html = "<span style='cursor: move' class='child_status sorthandle'><img src='../img/{icon}' style='width: 12px; height:12px;'/></span>\n".substitute({'icon': link.icon});
+ html += "<span style='font-size: 15px'><a href=\"{url}\" target=\"_blank\">{name}</a></span><br /><div class='child_secrow'>".substitute({'url': link.url, 'name':});
+ html += "<span class='child_status'>{statusmsg}</span>{error}&nbsp;".substitute({'statusmsg': link.statusmsg, 'error':link.error});
+ html += "<span class='child_status'>{format_size}</span>".substitute({'format_size': link.format_size});
+ html += "<span class='child_status'>{plugin}</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;".substitute({'plugin': link.plugin});
+ html += "<img title='{{_(\"Delete Link\")}}' style='cursor: pointer;' width='10px' height='10px' src='../img/delete.png' />&nbsp;&nbsp;";
+ html += "<img title='{{_(\"Restart Link\")}}' style='cursor: pointer;margin-left: -4px' width='10px' height='10px' src='../img/arrow_refresh.png' /></div>";
+ var div = new Element("div", {
+ 'id': "file_" +,
+ 'class': "child",
+ 'html': html
+ });
+"order", link.order);
+ li.adopt(div);
+ ul.adopt(li);
+ });
+ this.sorts = new Sortables(ul, {
+ constrain: false,
+ clone: true,
+ revert: true,
+ opacity: 0.4,
+ handle: ".sorthandle",
+ onComplete: this.saveSort.bind(this)
+ });
+ this.registerLinkEvents();
+ this.linksLoaded = true;
+ indicateFinish();
+ this.toggle();
+ },
+ registerLinkEvents: function() {
+ this.ele.getElements('.child').each(function(child) {
+ var lid = child.get('id').match(/[0-9]+/);
+ var imgs = child.getElements('.child_secrow img');
+ imgs[0].addEvent('click', function(e) {
+ new Request({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/api/deleteFiles/[' + this + "]",
+ onSuccess: function() {
+ $('file_' + this).nix()
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ }.bind(lid));
+ imgs[1].addEvent('click', function(e) {
+ new Request({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/api/restartFile/' + this,
+ onSuccess: function() {
+ var ele = $('file_' + this);
+ var imgs = ele.getElements("img");
+ imgs[0].set("src", "../img/status_queue.png");
+ var spans = ele.getElements(".child_status");
+ spans[1].set("html", "queued");
+ indicateSuccess();
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ }.bind(lid));
+ });
+ },
+ toggle: function() {
+ var child = this.ele.getElement('.children');
+ if (child.getStyle('display') == "block") {
+ child.dissolve();
+ } else {
+ if (!this.linksLoaded) {
+ this.loadLinks();
+ } else {
+ child.reveal();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ deletePackage: function(event) {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/api/deletePackages/[' + + "]",
+ onSuccess: function() {
+ this.ele.nix();
+ indicateFinish();
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ //hide_pack();
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ restartPackage: function(event) {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/api/restartPackage/' +,
+ onSuccess: function() {
+ this.close();
+ indicateSuccess();
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ close: function() {
+ var child = this.ele.getElement('.children');
+ if (child.getStyle('display') == "block") {
+ child.dissolve();
+ }
+ var ul = $("sort_children_{id}".substitute({'id':}));
+ ul.erase("html");
+ this.linksLoaded = false;
+ },
+ movePackage: function(event) {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/json/move_package/' + ((this.ui.type + 1) % 2) + "/" +,
+ onSuccess: function() {
+ this.ele.nix();
+ indicateFinish();
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ editPackage: function(event) {
+ $("pack_form").removeEvents("submit");
+ $("pack_form").addEvent("submit", this.savePackage.bind(this));
+ $("pack_id").set("value",;
+ $("pack_name").set("value","text"));
+ $("pack_folder").set("value", this.folder.get("text"));
+ $("pack_pws").set("value", this.password.get("text"));
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ savePackage: function(event) {
+ $("pack_form").send();
+"text", $("pack_name").get("value"));
+ this.folder.set("text", $("pack_folder").get("value"));
+ this.password.set("text", $("pack_pws").get("value"));
+ root.packageBox.close();
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ saveSort: function(ele, copy) {
+ var order = [];
+ this.sorts.serialize(function(li, pos) {
+ if (li == ele && ele.retrieve("order") != pos) {
+ order.push(ele.retrieve("lid") + "|" + pos)
+ }
+"order", pos)
+ });
+ if (order.length > 0) {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request.JSON({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/json/link_order/' + order[0],
+ onSuccess: indicateFinish,
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/ b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d522741b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+root = this
+window.addEvent 'domready', ->
+ root.accountDialog = new MooDialog {destroyOnHide: false}
+ root.accountDialog.setContent $ 'account_box'
+ new TinyTab $$('#toptabs li a'), $$('#tabs-body > span')
+ $$('ul.nav').each (nav) ->
+ new MooDropMenu nav, {
+ onOpen: (el) -> el.fade 'in'
+ onClose: (el) -> el.fade 'out'
+ onInitialize: (el) -> el.fade('hide').set 'tween', {duration:500}
+ }
+ new SettingsUI()
+class SettingsUI
+ constructor: ->
+ @menu = $$ "#general-menu li"
+ @menu.append $$ "#plugin-menu li"
+ @name = $ "tabsback"
+ @general = $ "general_form_content"
+ @plugin = $ "plugin_form_content"
+ el.addEvent 'click', @menuClick.bind(this) for el in @menu
+ $("general|submit").addEvent "click", @configSubmit.bind(this)
+ $("plugin|submit").addEvent "click", @configSubmit.bind(this)
+ $("account_add").addEvent "click", (e) ->
+ e.stop()
+ $("account_reset").addEvent "click", (e) ->
+ root.accountDialog.close()
+ $("account_add_button").addEvent "click", @addAccount.bind(this)
+ $("account_submit").addEvent "click", @submitAccounts.bind(this)
+ menuClick: (e) ->
+ [category, section] ="id").split("|")
+ name = "text"
+ target = if category is "general" then @general else @plugin
+ target.dissolve()
+ new Request({
+ "method" : "get"
+ "url" : "/json/load_config/#{category}/#{section}"
+ 'onSuccess': (data) =>
+ target.set "html", data
+ target.reveal()
+ "text", name
+ }).send()
+ configSubmit: (e) ->
+ category ="id").split("|")[0]
+ form = $("#{category}_form")
+ form.set "send", {
+ 'method': "post"
+ 'url': "/json/save_config/#{category}"
+ "onSuccess" : ->
+ root.notify.alert '{{ _("Settings saved.")}}', {
+ 'className': 'success'
+ }
+ 'onFailure': ->
+ root.notify.alert '{{ _("Error occured.")}}', {
+ 'className': 'error'
+ }
+ }
+ form.send()
+ e.stop()
+ addAccount: (e) ->
+ form = $ "add_account_form"
+ form.set "send", {
+ 'method': "post"
+ "onSuccess" : -> window.location.reload()
+ 'onFailure': ->
+ root.notify.alert '{{_("Error occured.")}}', {
+ 'className': 'error'
+ }
+ }
+ form.send()
+ e.stop()
+ submitAccounts: (e) ->
+ form = $ "account_form"
+ form.set "send", {
+ 'method': "post",
+ "onSuccess" : -> window.location.reload()
+ 'onFailure': ->
+ root.notify.alert('{{ _("Error occured.") }}', {
+ 'className': 'error'
+ })
+ }
+ form.send()
+ e.stop()
diff --git a/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/settings.min.js b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/settings.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41d1cb25a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/webui/themes/flat/js/render/settings.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{% autoescape true %}
+var SettingsUI,root;var __bind=function(a,b){return function(){return a.apply(b,arguments)}};root=this;window.addEvent("domready",function(){root.accountDialog=new MooDialog({destroyOnHide:false});root.accountDialog.setContent($("account_box"));new TinyTab($$("#toptabs li a"),$$("#tabs-body > span"));$$("ul.nav").each(function(a){return new MooDropMenu(a,{onOpen:function(b){return b.fade("in")},onClose:function(b){return b.fade("out")},onInitialize:function(b){return b.fade("hide").set("tween",{duration:500})}})});return new SettingsUI()});SettingsUI=(function(){function a(){var c,e,b,d;$$("#general-menu li");$$("#plugin-menu li"));$("tabsback");this.general=$("general_form_content");this.plugin=$("plugin_form_content");;for(e=0,b=d.length;e<b;e++){c=d[e];c.addEvent("click",this.menuClick.bind(this))}$("general|submit").addEvent("click",this.configSubmit.bind(this));$("plugin|submit").addEvent("click",this.configSubmit.bind(this));$("account_add").addEvent("click",function(f){;return f.stop()});$("account_reset").addEvent("click",function(f){return root.accountDialog.close()});$("account_add_button").addEvent("click",this.addAccount.bind(this));$("account_submit").addEvent("click",this.submitAccounts.bind(this))}a.prototype.menuClick=function(h){var c,b,g,f,d;"id").split("|"),c=d[0],g=d[1];"text");f=c==="general"?this.general:this.plugin;f.dissolve();return new Request({method:"get",url:"/json/load_config/"+c+"/"+g,onSuccess:__bind(function(e){f.set("html",e);f.reveal();return"text",b)},this)}).send()};a.prototype.configSubmit=function(d){var c,b;"id").split("|")[0];b=$(""+c+"_form");b.set("send",{method:"post",url:"/json/save_config/"+c,onSuccess:function(){return root.notify.alert('{{ _("Settings saved.")}}',{className:"success"})},onFailure:function(){return root.notify.alert('{{ _("Error occured.")}}',{className:"error"})}});b.send();return d.stop()};a.prototype.addAccount=function(c){var b;b=$("add_account_form");b.set("send",{method:"post",onSuccess:function(){return window.location.reload()},onFailure:function(){return root.notify.alert('{{_("Error occured.")}}',{className:"error"})}});b.send();return c.stop()};a.prototype.submitAccounts=function(c){var b;b=$("account_form");b.set("send",{method:"post",onSuccess:function(){return window.location.reload()},onFailure:function(){return root.notify.alert('{{ _("Error occured.") }}',{className:"error"})}});b.send();return c.stop()};return a})();
+{% endautoescape %}