path: root/module/web/templates/jinja/default/package_ui.js
diff options
authorGravatar RaNaN <> 2011-02-02 21:46:15 +0100
committerGravatar RaNaN <> 2011-02-02 21:46:15 +0100
commit7a503302fbe6fcc23af94de2fe313298c3a6d95c (patch)
tree724a8581008d3d78fed0be965161e330eb4b1064 /module/web/templates/jinja/default/package_ui.js
parentcloses #226, #227 (diff)
removed django => now using bottle, new builtin threaded ssl server
Dont forget to install jinja and beaker !
Diffstat (limited to 'module/web/templates/jinja/default/package_ui.js')
1 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/web/templates/jinja/default/package_ui.js b/module/web/templates/jinja/default/package_ui.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45e284903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/web/templates/jinja/default/package_ui.js
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+var load, success, fail, pack_box;
+document.addEvent("domready", function() {
+ load = new Fx.Tween($("load-indicator"), {link: "cancel"});
+ success = new Fx.Tween($("load-success"), {link: "chain"});
+ fail = new Fx.Tween($("load-failure"), {link: "chain"});
+ [load,success,fail].each(function(fx) {
+ fx.set("opacity", 0)
+ });
+ pack_box = new Fx.Tween($('pack_box'));
+ $('pack_reset').addEvent('click', function() {
+ hide_pack()
+ });
+function indicateLoad() {
+ //$("load-indicator").reveal();
+ load.start("opacity", 1)
+function indicateFinish() {
+ load.start("opacity", 0)
+function indicateSuccess() {
+ indicateFinish();
+ success.start("opacity", 1).chain(function() {
+ (function() {
+ success.start("opacity", 0);
+ }).delay(250);
+ });
+function indicateFail() {
+ indicateFinish();
+ fail.start("opacity", 1).chain(function() {
+ (function() {
+ fail.start("opacity", 0);
+ }).delay(250);
+ });
+function show_pack() {
+ bg_show();
+ $("pack_box").setStyle('display', 'block');
+ pack_box.start('opacity', 1)
+function hide_pack() {
+ bg_hide();
+ pack_box.start('opacity', 0).chain(function() {
+ $('pack_box').setStyle('display', 'none');
+ });
+var PackageUI = new Class({
+ initialize: function(url, type) {
+ this.url = url;
+ this.type = type;
+ this.packages = [];
+ this.parsePackages();
+ this.sorts = new Sortables($("package-list"), {
+ constrain: false,
+ clone: true,
+ revert: true,
+ opacity: 0.4,
+ handle: ".package_drag",
+ //onStart: this.startSort,
+ onComplete: this.saveSort.bind(this)
+ });
+ $("del_finished").addEvent("click", this.deleteFinished.bind(this));
+ $("restart_failed").addEvent("click", this.restartFailed.bind(this));
+ },
+ parsePackages: function() {
+ $("package-list").getChildren("li").each(function(ele) {
+ var id = ele.getFirst().get("id").match(/[0-9]+/);
+ this.packages.push(new Package(this, id, ele))
+ }.bind(this))
+ },
+ loadPackages: function() {
+ },
+ deleteFinished: function() {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request.JSON({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/json/delete_finished',
+ onSuccess: function(data) {
+ if (data.del.length > 0) {
+ window.location.reload()
+ } else {
+ this.packages.each(function(pack) {
+ pack.close();
+ });
+ indicateSuccess();
+ }
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ },
+ restartFailed: function() {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request.JSON({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/json/restart_failed',
+ onSuccess: function(data) {
+ this.packages.each(function(pack) {
+ pack.close();
+ });
+ indicateSuccess();
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ },
+ startSort: function(ele, copy) {
+ },
+ saveSort: function(ele, copy) {
+ var order = [];
+ this.sorts.serialize(function(li, pos) {
+ if (li == ele && ele.retrieve("order") != pos) {
+ order.push(ele.retrieve("pid") + "|" + pos)
+ }
+"order", pos)
+ });
+ if (order.length > 0) {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request.JSON({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/json/package_order/' + order[0],
+ onSuccess: indicateFinish,
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ }
+ }
+var Package = new Class({
+ initialize: function(ui, id, ele, data) {
+ this.ui = ui;
+ = id;
+ this.linksLoaded = false;
+ if (!ele) {
+ this.createElement(data);
+ } else {
+ this.ele = ele;
+ this.order = ele.getElements("div.order")[0].get("html");
+"order", this.order);
+ this.parseElement();
+ }
+ var pname = this.ele.getElements(".packagename")[0];
+ this.buttons = new Fx.Tween(this.ele.getElements(".buttons")[0], {link: "cancel"});
+ this.buttons.set("opacity", 0);
+ pname.addEvent("mouseenter", function(e) {
+ this.buttons.start("opacity", 1)
+ }.bind(this));
+ pname.addEvent("mouseleave", function(e) {
+ this.buttons.start("opacity", 0)
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ createElement: function() {
+ alert("create")
+ },
+ parseElement: function() {
+ var imgs = this.ele.getElements('img');
+ = this.ele.getElements('.name')[0];
+ this.folder = this.ele.getElements('.folder')[0];
+ this.password = this.ele.getElements('.password')[0];
+ this.prio = this.ele.getElements('.prio')[0];
+ imgs[1].addEvent('click', this.deletePackage.bind(this));
+ imgs[2].addEvent('click', this.restartPackage.bind(this));
+ imgs[3].addEvent('click', this.editPackage.bind(this));
+ imgs[4].addEvent('click', this.movePackage.bind(this));
+ this.ele.getElement('.packagename').addEvent('click', this.toggle.bind(this));
+ },
+ loadLinks: function() {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request.JSON({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/json/package/' +,
+ onSuccess: this.createLinks.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ },
+ createLinks: function(data) {
+ var ul = $("sort_children_{id}".substitute({"id":}));
+ ul.erase("html");
+ data.links.each(function(link) {
+ var li = new Element("li", {
+ "style": {
+ "margin-left": 0
+ }
+ });
+ var html = "<span style='cursor: move' class='child_status sorthandle'><img src='/media/default/img/{icon}' style='width: 12px; height:12px;'/></span>\n".substitute({"icon": link.icon});
+ html += "<span style='font-size: 15px'>{name}</span><br /><div class='child_secrow'>".substitute({"name":});
+ html += "<span class='child_status'>{statusmsg}</span>{error}&nbsp;".substitute({"statusmsg": link.statusmsg, "error":link.error});
+ html += "<span class='child_status'>{format_size}</span>".substitute({"format_size": link.format_size});
+ html += "<span class='child_status'>{plugin}</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;".substitute({"plugin": link.plugin});
+ html += "<img title='{{_("Delete Link")}}' style='cursor: pointer;' width='10px' height='10px' src='/media/default/img/delete.png' />&nbsp;&nbsp;";
+ html += "<img title='{{_("Restart Link")}}' style='cursor: pointer;margin-left: -4px' width='10px' height='10px' src='/media/default/img/arrow_refresh.png' /></div>";
+ var div = new Element("div", {
+ "id": "file_" +,
+ "class": "child",
+ "html": html
+ });
+"order", link.order);
+ li.adopt(div);
+ ul.adopt(li);
+ });
+ this.sorts = new Sortables(ul, {
+ constrain: false,
+ clone: true,
+ revert: true,
+ opacity: 0.4,
+ handle: ".sorthandle",
+ onComplete: this.saveSort.bind(this)
+ });
+ this.registerLinkEvents();
+ this.linksLoaded = true;
+ indicateFinish();
+ this.toggle();
+ },
+ registerLinkEvents: function() {
+ this.ele.getElements('.child').each(function(child) {
+ var lid = child.get('id').match(/[0-9]+/);
+ var imgs = child.getElements('.child_secrow img');
+ imgs[0].addEvent('click', function(e) {
+ new Request({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/json/remove_link/' + this,
+ onSuccess: function() {
+ $('file_' + this).nix()
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ }.bind(lid));
+ imgs[1].addEvent('click', function(e) {
+ new Request({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/json/restart_link/' + this,
+ onSuccess: function() {
+ var ele = $('file_' + this);
+ var imgs = ele.getElements("img");
+ imgs[0].set("src", "/media/default/img/status_queue.png");
+ var spans = ele.getElements(".child_status");
+ spans[1].set("html", "queued");
+ indicateSuccess();
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ }.bind(lid));
+ });
+ },
+ toggle: function() {
+ var child = this.ele.getElement('.children');
+ if (child.getStyle('display') == "block") {
+ child.dissolve();
+ } else {
+ if (!this.linksLoaded) {
+ this.loadLinks();
+ } else {
+ child.reveal();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ deletePackage: function(event) {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/json/remove_package/' +,
+ onSuccess: function() {
+ this.ele.nix();
+ indicateFinish();
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ restartPackage: function(event) {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/json/restart_package/' +,
+ onSuccess: function() {
+ this.close();
+ indicateSuccess();
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ close: function() {
+ var child = this.ele.getElement('.children');
+ if (child.getStyle('display') == "block") {
+ child.dissolve();
+ }
+ var ul = $("sort_children_{id}".substitute({"id":}));
+ ul.erase("html");
+ this.linksLoaded = false;
+ },
+ movePackage: function(event) {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/json/move_package/' + ((this.ui.type + 1) % 2) + "/" +,
+ onSuccess: function() {
+ this.ele.nix();
+ indicateFinish();
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ editPackage: function(event) {
+ $("pack_form").removeEvents("submit");
+ $("pack_form").addEvent("submit", this.savePackage.bind(this));
+ $("pack_id").set("value",;
+ $("pack_name").set("value","text"));
+ $("pack_folder").set("value", this.folder.get("text"));
+ $("pack_pws").set("value", this.password.get("text"));
+ var prio = 3;
+ $("pack_prio").getChildren("option").each(function(item, index) {
+ item.erase("selected");
+ if (prio.toString() == this.prio.get("text")) {
+ item.set("selected", "selected");
+ }
+ prio--;
+ }.bind(this));
+ show_pack();
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ savePackage: function(event) {
+ $("pack_form").send();
+"text", $("pack_name").get("value"));
+ this.folder.set("text", $("pack_folder").get("value"));
+ this.password.set("text", $("pack_pws").get("value"));
+ this.prio.set("text", $("pack_prio").get("value"));
+ hide_pack();
+ event.stop();
+ },
+ saveSort: function(ele, copy) {
+ var order = [];
+ this.sorts.serialize(function(li, pos) {
+ if (li == ele && ele.retrieve("order") != pos) {
+ order.push(ele.retrieve("lid") + "|" + pos)
+ }
+"order", pos)
+ });
+ if (order.length > 0) {
+ indicateLoad();
+ new Request.JSON({
+ method: 'get',
+ url: '/json/link_order/' + order[0],
+ onSuccess: indicateFinish,
+ onFailure: indicateFail
+ }).send();
+ }
+ }
+}); \ No newline at end of file