path: root/module/web/
diff options
authorGravatar RaNaN <> 2009-12-02 20:36:43 +0100
committerGravatar RaNaN <> 2009-12-02 20:36:43 +0100
commit106e79456886563e4ee4ed43027bc69984f65928 (patch)
treebd1d1ea1aabe2bac3faf77117145466382e5f3b7 /module/web/
parentNew Update Function, pycurl able to just load headers, little fixes (diff)
new, re implemented webserver(not ready yet)
Diffstat (limited to 'module/web/')
1 files changed, 360 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/module/web/ b/module/web/
index 0712f1dce..29b0aafe8 100644
--- a/module/web/
+++ b/module/web/
@@ -1,72 +1,364 @@
-import sys
-from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
-from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy
-from time import time
-import re
+#import sys
+#from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
+#from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy
+#from time import time
+#import re
+#class Handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+# def do_GET(self):
+# global coreserver
+# stdout = sys.stdout
+# sys.stdout = self.wfile
+# if self.path == "/":
+# print "Server Runs"
+# elif self.path == "/downloads":
+# print self.get_downloads()
+# elif"/add=.?", self.path):
+# if re.match(is_url, self.path.split("/add=")[1]):
+# coreserver.add_urls([self.path.split("/add=")[1]])
+# print "Link Added"
+# else:
+# try:
+# print open(self.path[1:], 'r').read()
+# except IOError:
+# self.send_error(404)
+# def format_size(self, size):
+# return str(size / 1024) + " MiB"
+# def format_time(self,seconds):
+# seconds = int(seconds)
+# hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600)
+# minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
+# return "%.2i:%.2i:%.2i" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
+# def get_downloads(self):
+# data = coreserver.status_downloads()
+# for download in data:
+# print "<h3>%s</h3>" % download["name"]
+# if download["status"] == "downloading":
+# percent = download["percent"]
+# z = percent / 4
+# print "<h3>%s</h3>" % dl_name
+# print "<font face='font-family:Fixedsys,Courier,monospace;'>[" + z * "#" + (25-z) * "&nbsp;" + "]</font>" + str(percent) + "%<br />"
+# print "Speed: " + str(int(download['speed'])) + " kb/s"
+# print "Size: " + self.format_size(download['size'])
+# print "Finished in: " + self.format_time(download['eta'])
+# print "ID: " + str(download['id'])
+# dl_status = "[" + z * "#" + (25-z) * " " + "] " + str(percent) + "%" + " Speed: " + str(int(download['speed'])) + " kb/s" + " Size: " + self.format_size(download['size']) + " Finished in: " + self.format_time(download['eta']) + " ID: " + str(download['id'])
+# if download["status"] == "waiting":
+# print "waiting: " + self.format_time(download["wait_until"]- time())
+#is_url = re.compile("^(((https?|ftp)\:\/\/)?([\w\.\-]+(\:[\w\.\&%\$\-]+)*@)?((([^\s\(\)\<\>\\\"\.\[\]\,@;:]+)(\.[^\s\(\)\<\>\\\"\.\[\]\,@;:]+)*(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}))|((([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){3}([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])))(\b\:(6553[0-5]|655[0-2]\d|65[0-4]\d{2}|6[0-4]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{0,3}|0)\b)?((\/[^\/][\w\.\,\?\'\\\/\+&%\$#\=~_\-@]*)*[^\.\,\?\"\'\(\)\[\]!;<>{}\s\x7F-\xFF])?)$",re.IGNORECASE)
+#coreserver = None
+#class WebServer():
+# def start(self):
+# try:
+# global coreserver
+# coreserver = ServerProxy("https://testuser:testpw@localhost:1337", allow_none=True)
+# webserver = HTTPServer(('',8080),Handler)
+# print 'server started at port 8080'
+# webserver.serve_forever()
+# except KeyboardInterrupt:
+# webserver.socket.close()
+#if __name__ == "__main__":
+# web = WebServer()
+# web.start()
-class Handler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#Copyright (C) 2009 RaNaN
+#This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
+#or (at your option) any later version.
+#This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, see <>.
+import random
+import threading
+import time
+import bottle
+from bottle import abort
+from bottle import redirect
+from bottle import request
+from bottle import response
+from bottle import route
+from bottle import run
+from bottle import send_file
+from bottle import template
+from bottle import validate
+core = None
+core_methods = None
+PATH = "./module/web/"
+TIME = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y 00:00:00 +0000", time.localtime()) #set time to current day
+USERS = {}
+# TODO: Implement new server methods
+@route('/login', method='POST')
+def do_login():
+ #print request.GET
+ username = core.config['webinterface']['username']
+ pw = core.config['webinterface']['password']
+ if request.POST['u'] == username and request.POST['p'] == pw:
+ id = int(random.getrandbits(16))
+ ua = request.HEADER("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
+ ip = request.HEADER("REMOTE_ADDR")
+ auth = {}
+ auth['ua'] = ua
+ auth['ip'] = ip
+ auth['user'] = username
+ USERS[id] = auth
+ response.COOKIES['user'] = username
+ response.COOKIES['id'] = id
+ return template('default', page='loggedin', user=username)
+ else:
+ return template('default', page='login')
+def login():
+ if check_auth(request):
+ redirect("/")
+ return template('default', page='login')
+def logout():
+ try:
+ del USERS[int(request.COOKIES.get('id'))]
+ except:
+ pass
- def do_GET(self):
- global coreserver
- stdout = sys.stdout
- sys.stdout = self.wfile
- if self.path == "/":
- print "Server Runs"
- elif self.path == "/downloads":
- print self.get_downloads()
- elif"/add=.?", self.path):
- if re.match(is_url, self.path.split("/add=")[1]):
- coreserver.add_urls([self.path.split("/add=")[1]])
- print "Link Added"
+ redirect("/login")
+def home():
+ if not check_auth(request):
+ redirect("/login")
+ username = request.COOKIES.get('user')
+ dls = core_methods.status_downloads()
+ for dl in dls:
+ dl['eta'] = str(core.format_time(dl['eta']))
+ dl['wait_until'] = str(core.format_time(dl['wait_until'] - time.time()))
+ return template('default', page='home', links=dls, user=username, status=core_methods.status_server())
+def queue():
+ if not check_auth(request):
+ redirect("/login")
+ username = request.COOKIES.get('user')
+ return template('default', page='queue', links=core.get_links(), user=username, status=core_methods.status_server())
+def downloads():
+ if not check_auth(request):
+ redirect("/login")
+ username = request.COOKIES.get('user')
+ return template('default', page='downloads', links=core_methods.status_downloads(), user=username, status=core_methods.status_server())
+def logs():
+ if not check_auth(request):
+ redirect("/login")
+ username = request.COOKIES.get('user')
+ return template('default', page='logs', links=core_methods.status_downloads(), user=username, status=core_methods.status_server())
+def get_links():
+ response.header['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, must-revalidate'
+ response.content_type = 'application/json'
+ if not check_auth(request):
+ abort(404, "No Access")
+ json = '{ "downloads": ['
+ downloads = core_methods.status_downloads()
+ ids = []
+ for dl in downloads:
+ ids.append(dl['id'])
+ json += '{'
+ json += '"id": %s, "name": "%s", "speed": %s, "eta": "%s", "kbleft": %s, "size": %s, "percent": %s, "wait": "%s", "status": "%s"'\
+ % (str(dl['id']), str(dl['name']), str(int(dl['speed'])), str(core.format_time(dl['eta'])), dl['kbleft'], dl['size'], dl['percent'], str(core.format_time(dl['wait_until'] - time.time())), dl['status'])
+ json += "},"
+ if json.endswith(","): json = json[:-1]
+ json += '], "ids": %s }' % str(ids)
+ return json
+def get_status():
+ response.header['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, must-revalidate'
+ response.content_type = 'application/json'
+ if not check_auth(request):
+ abort(404, "No Access")
+ data = core_methods.status_server()
+ if data['pause']:
+ status = "paused"
+ else:
+ status = "running"
+ json = '{ "status": "%s", "speed": "%s", "queue": "%s" }' % (status, str(int(data['speed'])), str(data['queue']))
+ return json
+@route('/json/addlinks', method='POST')
+def add_links():
+ response.header['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, must-revalidate'
+ response.content_type = 'application/json'
+ if not check_auth(request):
+ abort(404, "No Access")
+ links = request.POST['links'].split('\n')
+ core.add_links(links)
+ return "{}"
+def pause():
+ response.header['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, must-revalidate'
+ response.content_type = 'application/json'
+ if not check_auth(request):
+ abort(404, "No Access")
+ core.thread_list.pause = True
+ return "{}"
+def play():
+ response.header['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, must-revalidate'
+ response.content_type = 'application/json'
+ if not check_auth(request):
+ abort(404, "No Access")
+ core.thread_list.pause = False
+ return "{}"
+def favicon():
+ if request.HEADER("HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE") == TIME: abort(304, "Not Modified")
+ response.header['Last-Modified'] = TIME
+ send_file('favicon.ico', root=(PATH + 'static/'))
+def static_folder(section, filename):
+ if request.HEADER("HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE") == TIME: abort(304, "Not Modified")
+ response.header['Last-Modified'] = TIME
+ send_file(filename, root=(PATH + 'static/' + section))
+def static_file(filename):
+ if request.HEADER("HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE") == TIME: abort(304, "Not Modified")
+ response.header['Last-Modified'] = TIME
+ send_file(filename, root=(PATH + 'static/'))
+def check_auth(req):
+ try:
+ user = req.COOKIES.get('user')
+ id = int(req.COOKIES.get('id'))
+ ip = req.HEADER("REMOTE_ADDR")
+ if USERS[id]['user'] == user and USERS[id]['ua'] == ua and USERS[id]['ip'] == ip:
+ return True
+ except:
+ return False
+ return False
+class WebServer(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, pycore):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ global core, core_methods, TIME
+ core = pycore
+ core_methods = pycore.server_methods
+ self.core = pycore
+ self.setDaemon(True)
+ if pycore.config['general']['debug_mode']:
+ bottle.debug(True)
+ TIME = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.localtime())
- try:
- print open(self.path[1:], 'r').read()
- except IOError:
- self.send_error(404)
- def format_size(self, size):
- return str(size / 1024) + " MiB"
- def format_time(self,seconds):
- seconds = int(seconds)
- hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600)
- minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
- return "%.2i:%.2i:%.2i" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
- def get_downloads(self):
- data = coreserver.status_downloads()
- for download in data:
- print "<h3>%s</h3>" % download["name"]
- if download["status"] == "downloading":
- percent = download["percent"]
- z = percent / 4
- print "<h3>%s</h3>" % dl_name
- print "<font face='font-family:Fixedsys,Courier,monospace;'>[" + z * "#" + (25-z) * "&nbsp;" + "]</font>" + str(percent) + "%<br />"
- print "Speed: " + str(int(download['speed'])) + " kb/s"
- print "Size: " + self.format_size(download['size'])
- print "Finished in: " + self.format_time(download['eta'])
- print "ID: " + str(download['id'])
- dl_status = "[" + z * "#" + (25-z) * " " + "] " + str(percent) + "%" + " Speed: " + str(int(download['speed'])) + " kb/s" + " Size: " + self.format_size(download['size']) + " Finished in: " + self.format_time(download['eta']) + " ID: " + str(download['id'])
- if download["status"] == "waiting":
- print "waiting: " + self.format_time(download["wait_until"]- time())
-is_url = re.compile("^(((https?|ftp)\:\/\/)?([\w\.\-]+(\:[\w\.\&%\$\-]+)*@)?((([^\s\(\)\<\>\\\"\.\[\]\,@;:]+)(\.[^\s\(\)\<\>\\\"\.\[\]\,@;:]+)*(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}))|((([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.){3}([01]?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])))(\b\:(6553[0-5]|655[0-2]\d|65[0-4]\d{2}|6[0-4]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{0,3}|0)\b)?((\/[^\/][\w\.\,\?\'\\\/\+&%\$#\=~_\-@]*)*[^\.\,\?\"\'\(\)\[\]!;<>{}\s\x7F-\xFF])?)$",re.IGNORECASE)
-coreserver = None
-class WebServer():
- def start(self):
- try:
- global coreserver
- coreserver = ServerProxy("https://testuser:testpw@localhost:1337", allow_none=True)
- webserver = HTTPServer(('',8080),Handler)
- print 'server started at port 8080'
- webserver.serve_forever()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- webserver.socket.close()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- web = WebServer()
- web.start()
+ bottle.debug(False)
+ #@TODO remove
+ #TIME = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.localtime())
+ bottle.TEMPLATE_PATH.append('./module/web/templates/')
+ def run(self):
+"Starting Webinterface on %s port %s" % (self.core.config['webinterface']['listenaddr'],self.core.config['webinterface']['port']))
+ try:
+ run(host=self.core.config['webinterface']['listenaddr'], port=int(self.core.config['webinterface']['port']), quiet=True)
+ except:
+ self.core.logger.error("Failed starting webserver, no webinterface available: Can't create socket")
+ exit() \ No newline at end of file