path: root/module/remote/thriftbackend
diff options
authorGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2014-09-08 00:29:57 +0200
committerGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2014-09-14 11:02:23 +0200
commit68d662e689cd42687341c550fb6ebb74e6968d21 (patch)
tree486cef41bd928b8db704894233b2cef94a6e346f /module/remote/thriftbackend
parentsave_join -> safe_join & save_path -> safe_filename (diff)
module -> pyload
Diffstat (limited to 'module/remote/thriftbackend')
14 files changed, 0 insertions, 7738 deletions
diff --git a/module/remote/thriftbackend/ b/module/remote/thriftbackend/
deleted file mode 100644
index a8b87c82c..000000000
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from thriftgen.pyload import Pyload
-class Processor(Pyload.Processor):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- Pyload.Processor.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.authenticated = {}
- def process(self, iprot, oprot):
- trans = oprot.trans
- if trans not in self.authenticated:
- self.authenticated[trans] = False
- oldclose = trans.close
- def wrap():
- if self in self.authenticated:
- del self.authenticated[trans]
- oldclose()
- trans.close = wrap
- authenticated = self.authenticated[trans]
- (name, type, seqid) = iprot.readMessageBegin()
- # unknown method
- if name not in self._processMap:
- iprot.skip(Pyload.TType.STRUCT)
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- x = Pyload.TApplicationException(Pyload.TApplicationException.UNKNOWN_METHOD, 'Unknown function %s' % name)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin(name, Pyload.TMessageType.EXCEPTION, seqid)
- x.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- return
- # not logged in
- elif not authenticated and not name == "login":
- iprot.skip(Pyload.TType.STRUCT)
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- # 20 - Not logged in (in situ declared error code)
- x = Pyload.TApplicationException(20, 'Not logged in')
- oprot.writeMessageBegin(name, Pyload.TMessageType.EXCEPTION, seqid)
- x.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- return
- elif not authenticated and name == "login":
- args = Pyload.login_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = Pyload.login_result()
- # api login
- self.authenticated[trans] = self._handler.checkAuth(args.username, args.password, trans.remoteaddr[0])
- result.success = True if self.authenticated[trans] else False
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("login", Pyload.TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- elif self._handler.isAuthorized(name, authenticated):
- self._processMap[name](self, seqid, iprot, oprot)
- else:
- #no permission
- iprot.skip(Pyload.TType.STRUCT)
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- # 21 - Not authorized
- x = Pyload.TApplicationException(21, 'Not authorized')
- oprot.writeMessageBegin(name, Pyload.TMessageType.EXCEPTION, seqid)
- x.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- return
- return True
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index a5822df18..000000000
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
-class Protocol(TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol):
- def writeString(self, str):
- try:
- str = str.encode("utf8", "ignore")
- except Exception, e:
- pass
- self.writeI32(len(str))
- self.trans.write(str)
- def readString(self):
- len = self.readI32()
- str = self.trans.readAll(len)
- try:
- str = str.decode("utf8", "ignore")
- except:
- pass
- return str
-class ProtocolFactory(TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolFactory):
- def getProtocol(self, trans):
- prot = Protocol(trans, self.strictRead, self.strictWrite)
- return prot
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import sys
-import socket
-import errno
-from time import sleep
-from thrift.transport.TSocket import TSocket, TServerSocket, TTransportException
-WantReadError = Exception #overwritten when ssl is used
-class SecureSocketConnection:
- def __init__(self, connection):
- self.__dict__["connection"] = connection
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- return getattr(self.__dict__["connection"], name)
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- setattr(self.__dict__["connection"], name, value)
- def shutdown(self, how=1):
- self.__dict__["connection"].shutdown()
- def accept(self):
- connection, address = self.__dict__["connection"].accept()
- return SecureSocketConnection(connection), address
- def send(self, buff):
- try:
- return self.__dict__["connection"].send(buff)
- except WantReadError:
- sleep(0.1)
- return self.send(buff)
- def recv(self, buff):
- try:
- return self.__dict__["connection"].recv(buff)
- except WantReadError:
- sleep(0.1)
- return self.recv(buff)
-class Socket(TSocket):
- def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=7228, ssl=False):
- TSocket.__init__(self, host, port)
- self.ssl = ssl
- def open(self):
- if self.ssl:
- SSL = __import__("OpenSSL", globals(), locals(), "SSL", -1).SSL
- WantReadError = SSL.WantReadError
- ctx = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv23_METHOD)
- c = SSL.Connection(ctx, socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM))
- c.set_connect_state()
- self.handle = SecureSocketConnection(c)
- else:
- self.handle = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- #errno 104 connection reset
- self.handle.settimeout(self._timeout)
- self.handle.connect((, self.port))
- def read(self, sz):
- try:
- buff = self.handle.recv(sz)
- except socket.error, e:
- if (e.args[0] == errno.ECONNRESET and
- (sys.platform == 'darwin' or sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'))):
- # freebsd and Mach don't follow POSIX semantic of recv
- # and fail with ECONNRESET if peer performed shutdown.
- # See corresponding comment and code in TSocket::read()
- # in lib/cpp/src/transport/TSocket.cpp.
- self.close()
- # Trigger the check to raise the END_OF_FILE exception below.
- buff = ''
- else:
- raise
- except Exception, e:
- # SSL connection was closed
- if e.args == (-1, 'Unexpected EOF'):
- buff = ''
- elif e.args == ([('SSL routines', 'SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO', 'unknown protocol')],):
- #a socket not using ssl tried to connect
- buff = ''
- else:
- raise
- if not len(buff):
- raise TTransportException(type=TTransportException.END_OF_FILE, message='TSocket read 0 bytes')
- return buff
-class ServerSocket(TServerSocket, Socket):
- def __init__(self, port=7228, host="", key="", cert=""):
- = host
- self.port = port
- self.key = key
- self.cert = cert
- self.handle = None
- def listen(self):
- if self.cert and self.key:
- SSL = __import__("OpenSSL", globals(), locals(), "SSL", -1).SSL
- WantReadError = SSL.WantReadError
- ctx = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv23_METHOD)
- ctx.use_privatekey_file(self.key)
- ctx.use_certificate_file(self.cert)
- tmpConnection = SSL.Connection(ctx, socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM))
- tmpConnection.set_accept_state()
- self.handle = SecureSocketConnection(tmpConnection)
- else:
- self.handle = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- self.handle.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
- if hasattr(self.handle, 'set_timeout'):
- self.handle.set_timeout(None)
- self.handle.bind((, self.port))
- self.handle.listen(128)
- def accept(self):
- client, addr = self.handle.accept()
- result = Socket()
- result.setHandle(client)
- return result
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--- a/module/remote/thriftbackend/
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import sys
-from socket import error
-from os.path import dirname, abspath, join
-from traceback import print_exc
- import thrift
-except ImportError:
- sys.path.append(abspath(join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), "..", "..", "lib")))
-from thrift.transport import TTransport
-#from thrift.transport.TZlibTransport import TZlibTransport
-from Socket import Socket
-from Protocol import Protocol
-# modules should import ttypes from here, when want to avoid importing API
-from thriftgen.pyload import Pyload
-from thriftgen.pyload.ttypes import *
-ConnectionClosed = TTransport.TTransportException
-class WrongLogin(Exception):
- pass
-class NoConnection(Exception):
- pass
-class NoSSL(Exception):
- pass
-class ThriftClient:
- def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=7227, user="", password=""):
- self.createConnection(host, port)
- try:
- except error, e:
- if e.args and e.args[0] in (111, 10061):
- raise NoConnection
- else:
- print_exc()
- raise NoConnection
- try:
- correct = self.client.login(user, password)
- except error, e:
- if e.args and e.args[0] == 104:
- #connection reset by peer, probably wants ssl
- try:
- self.createConnection(host, port, True)
- #set timeout or a ssl socket will block when querying none ssl server
- self.socket.setTimeout(10)
- except ImportError:
- #@TODO untested
- raise NoSSL
- try:
- correct = self.client.login(user, password)
- finally:
- self.socket.setTimeout(None)
- elif e.args and e.args[0] == 32:
- raise NoConnection
- else:
- print_exc()
- raise NoConnection
- if not correct:
- self.transport.close()
- raise WrongLogin
- def createConnection(self, host, port, ssl=False):
- self.socket = Socket(host, port, ssl)
- self.transport = TTransport.TBufferedTransport(self.socket)
-# self.transport = TZlibTransport(TTransport.TBufferedTransport(self.socket))
- protocol = Protocol(self.transport)
- self.client = Pyload.Client(protocol)
- def close(self):
- self.transport.close()
- def __getattr__(self, item):
- return getattr(self.client, item)
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index aec20fa33..000000000
--- a/module/remote/thriftbackend/
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@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import sys
-from os.path import join, abspath, dirname
-path = join((abspath(dirname(__file__))), "..", "..", "lib")
-from thriftgen.pyload import Pyload
-from thriftgen.pyload.ttypes import *
-from Socket import Socket
-from thrift import Thrift
-from thrift.transport import TTransport
-from Protocol import Protocol
-from time import time
-import xmlrpclib
-def bench(f, *args, **kwargs):
- s = time()
- ret = [f(*args, **kwargs) for i in range(0, 100)]
- e = time()
- try:
- print "%s: %f s" % (f._Method__name, e-s)
- except:
- print "%s: %f s" % (f.__name__, e-s)
- return ret
-from getpass import getpass
-user = raw_input("user ")
-passwd = getpass("password ")
-server_url = "http%s://%s:%s@%s:%s/" % (
- "",
- user,
- passwd,
- "",
- 7227
-proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(server_url, allow_none=True)
- # Make socket
- transport = Socket('localhost', 7228, False)
- # Buffering is critical. Raw sockets are very slow
- transport = TTransport.TBufferedTransport(transport)
- # Wrap in a protocol
- protocol = Protocol(transport)
- # Create a client to use the protocol encoder
- client = Pyload.Client(protocol)
- # Connect!
- print "Login", client.login(user, passwd)
- bench(client.getServerVersion)
- bench(client.statusServer)
- bench(client.statusDownloads)
- #bench(client.getQueue)
- #bench(client.getCollector)
- print
- print client.getServerVersion()
- print client.statusServer()
- print client.statusDownloads()
- q = client.getQueue()
- for p in q:
- data = client.getPackageData(
- print data
- print "Package Name: ",
- # Close!
- transport.close()
-except Thrift.TException, tx:
- print 'ThriftExpection: %s' % tx.message
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index b5b6c8104..000000000
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@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from thrift.transport.TTransport import TBufferedTransport
-from thrift.transport.TZlibTransport import TZlibTransport
-class Transport(TBufferedTransport):
- def __init__(self, trans, rbuf_size = DEFAULT_BUFFER):
- TBufferedTransport.__init__(self, trans, rbuf_size)
- self.handle = trans.handle
- self.remoteaddr = trans.handle.getpeername()
-class TransportCompressed(TZlibTransport):
- def __init__(self, trans, rbuf_size = DEFAULT_BUFFER):
- TZlibTransport.__init__(self, trans, rbuf_size)
- self.handle = trans.handle
- self.remoteaddr = trans.handle.getpeername()
-class TransportFactory:
- def getTransport(self, trans):
- buffered = Transport(trans)
- return buffered
-class TransportFactoryCompressed:
- _last_trans = None
- _last_z = None
- def getTransport(self, trans, compresslevel=9):
- if trans == self._last_trans:
- return self._last_z
- ztrans = TransportCompressed(Transport(trans), compresslevel)
- self._last_trans = trans
- self._last_z = ztrans
- return ztrans
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diff --git a/module/remote/thriftbackend/pyload.thrift b/module/remote/thriftbackend/pyload.thrift
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index 3aef7af00..000000000
--- a/module/remote/thriftbackend/pyload.thrift
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-namespace java org.pyload.thrift
-typedef i32 FileID
-typedef i32 PackageID
-typedef i32 TaskID
-typedef i32 ResultID
-typedef i32 InteractionID
-typedef list<string> LinkList
-typedef string PluginName
-typedef byte Progress
-typedef byte Priority
-enum DownloadStatus {
- Finished
- Offline,
- Online,
- Queued,
- Skipped,
- Waiting,
- TempOffline,
- Starting,
- Failed,
- Aborted,
- Decrypting,
- Custom,
- Downloading,
- Processing,
- Unknown
-enum Destination {
- Collector,
- Queue
-enum ElementType {
- Package,
- File
-// types for user interaction
-// some may only be place holder currently not supported
-// also all input - output combination are not reasonable, see InteractionManager for further info
-enum Input {
- BOOL, // confirm like, yes or no dialog
- CLICK, // for positional captchas
- CHOICE, // choice from list
- MULTIPLE, // multiple choice from list of elements
- LIST, // arbitary list of elements
- TABLE // table like data structure
-// more can be implemented by need
-// this describes the type of the outgoing interaction
-// ensure they can be logcial or'ed
-enum Output {
- CAPTCHA = 1,
-struct DownloadInfo {
- 1: FileID fid,
- 2: string name,
- 3: i64 speed,
- 4: i32 eta,
- 5: string format_eta,
- 6: i64 bleft,
- 7: i64 size,
- 8: string format_size,
- 9: Progress percent,
- 10: DownloadStatus status,
- 11: string statusmsg,
- 12: string format_wait,
- 13: i64 wait_until,
- 14: PackageID packageID,
- 15: string packageName,
- 16: PluginName plugin,
-struct ServerStatus {
- 1: bool pause,
- 2: i16 active,
- 3: i16 queue,
- 4: i16 total,
- 5: i64 speed,
- 6: bool download,
- 7: bool reconnect
-struct ConfigItem {
- 1: string name,
- 2: string description,
- 3: string value,
- 4: string type,
-struct ConfigSection {
- 1: string name,
- 2: string description,
- 3: list<ConfigItem> items,
- 4: optional string outline
-struct FileData {
- 1: FileID fid,
- 2: string url,
- 3: string name,
- 4: PluginName plugin,
- 5: i64 size,
- 6: string format_size,
- 7: DownloadStatus status,
- 8: string statusmsg,
- 9: PackageID packageID,
- 10: string error,
- 11: i16 order
-struct PackageData {
- 1: PackageID pid,
- 2: string name,
- 3: string folder,
- 4: string site,
- 5: string password,
- 6: Destination dest,
- 7: i16 order,
- 8: optional i16 linksdone,
- 9: optional i64 sizedone,
- 10: optional i64 sizetotal,
- 11: optional i16 linkstotal,
- 12: optional list<FileData> links,
- 13: optional list<FileID> fids
-struct InteractionTask {
- 1: InteractionID iid,
- 2: Input input,
- 3: list<string> structure,
- 4: list<string> preset,
- 5: Output output,
- 6: list<string> data,
- 7: string title,
- 8: string description,
- 9: string plugin,
-struct CaptchaTask {
- 1: i16 tid,
- 2: binary data,
- 3: string type,
- 4: string resultType
-struct EventInfo {
- 1: string eventname,
- 2: optional i32 id,
- 3: optional ElementType type,
- 4: optional Destination destination
-struct UserData {
- 1: string name,
- 2: string email,
- 3: i32 role,
- 4: i32 permission,
- 5: string templateName
-struct AccountInfo {
- 1: i64 validuntil,
- 2: string login,
- 3: map<string, list<string>> options,
- 4: bool valid,
- 5: i64 trafficleft,
- 6: i64 maxtraffic,
- 7: bool premium,
- 8: string type,
-struct ServiceCall {
- 1: PluginName plugin,
- 2: string func,
- 3: optional list<string> arguments,
- 4: optional bool parseArguments, //default False
-struct OnlineStatus {
- 1: string name,
- 2: PluginName plugin,
- 3: string packagename,
- 4: DownloadStatus status,
- 5: i64 size, // size <= 0: unknown
-struct OnlineCheck {
- 1: ResultID rid, // -1 -> nothing more to get
- 2: map<string, OnlineStatus> data, //url to result
-// exceptions
-exception PackageDoesNotExists{
- 1: PackageID pid
-exception FileDoesNotExists{
- 1: FileID fid
-exception ServiceDoesNotExists{
- 1: string plugin
- 2: string func
-exception ServiceException{
- 1: string msg
-service Pyload {
- //config
- string getConfigValue(1: string category, 2: string option, 3: string section),
- void setConfigValue(1: string category, 2: string option, 3: string value, 4: string section),
- map<string, ConfigSection> getConfig(),
- map<string, ConfigSection> getPluginConfig(),
- // server status
- void pauseServer(),
- void unpauseServer(),
- bool togglePause(),
- ServerStatus statusServer(),
- i64 freeSpace(),
- string getServerVersion(),
- void kill(),
- void restart(),
- list<string> getLog(1: i32 offset),
- bool isTimeDownload(),
- bool isTimeReconnect(),
- bool toggleReconnect(),
- // download preparing
- // packagename - urls
- map<string, LinkList> generatePackages(1: LinkList links),
- map<PluginName, LinkList> checkURLs(1: LinkList urls),
- map<PluginName, LinkList> parseURLs(1: string html, 2: string url),
- // parses results and generates packages
- OnlineCheck checkOnlineStatus(1: LinkList urls),
- OnlineCheck checkOnlineStatusContainer(1: LinkList urls, 2: string filename, 3: binary data)
- // poll results from previosly started online check
- OnlineCheck pollResults(1: ResultID rid),
- // downloads - information
- list<DownloadInfo> statusDownloads(),
- PackageData getPackageData(1: PackageID pid) throws (1: PackageDoesNotExists e),
- PackageData getPackageInfo(1: PackageID pid) throws (1: PackageDoesNotExists e),
- FileData getFileData(1: FileID fid) throws (1: FileDoesNotExists e),
- list<PackageData> getQueue(),
- list<PackageData> getCollector(),
- list<PackageData> getQueueData(),
- list<PackageData> getCollectorData(),
- map<i16, PackageID> getPackageOrder(1: Destination destination),
- map<i16, FileID> getFileOrder(1: PackageID pid)
- // downloads - adding/deleting
- list<PackageID> generateAndAddPackages(1: LinkList links, 2: Destination dest),
- PackageID addPackage(1: string name, 2: LinkList links, 3: Destination dest),
- void addFiles(1: PackageID pid, 2: LinkList links),
- void uploadContainer(1: string filename, 2: binary data),
- void deleteFiles(1: list<FileID> fids),
- void deletePackages(1: list<PackageID> pids),
- // downloads - modifying
- void pushToQueue(1: PackageID pid),
- void pullFromQueue(1: PackageID pid),
- void restartPackage(1: PackageID pid),
- void restartFile(1: FileID fid),
- void recheckPackage(1: PackageID pid),
- void stopAllDownloads(),
- void stopDownloads(1: list<FileID> fids),
- void setPackageName(1: PackageID pid, 2: string name),
- void movePackage(1: Destination destination, 2: PackageID pid),
- void moveFiles(1: list<FileID> fids, 2: PackageID pid),
- void orderPackage(1: PackageID pid, 2: i16 position),
- void orderFile(1: FileID fid, 2: i16 position),
- void setPackageData(1: PackageID pid, 2: map<string, string> data) throws (1: PackageDoesNotExists e),
- list<PackageID> deleteFinished(),
- void restartFailed(),
- //events
- list<EventInfo> getEvents(1: string uuid)
- //accounts
- list<AccountInfo> getAccounts(1: bool refresh),
- list<string> getAccountTypes()
- void updateAccount(1: PluginName plugin, 2: string account, 3: string password, 4: map<string, string> options),
- void removeAccount(1: PluginName plugin, 2: string account),
- //auth
- bool login(1: string username, 2: string password),
- UserData getUserData(1: string username, 2:string password),
- map<string, UserData> getAllUserData(),
- //services
- // servicename: description
- map<PluginName, map<string, string>> getServices(),
- bool hasService(1: PluginName plugin, 2: string func),
- string call(1: ServiceCall info) throws (1: ServiceDoesNotExists ex, 2: ServiceException e),
- //info
- // {plugin: {name: value}}
- map<PluginName, map<string, string>> getAllInfo(),
- map<string, string> getInfoByPlugin(1: PluginName plugin),
- //scheduler
- // TODO
- // User interaction
- //captcha
- bool isCaptchaWaiting(),
- CaptchaTask getCaptchaTask(1: bool exclusive),
- string getCaptchaTaskStatus(1: TaskID tid),
- void setCaptchaResult(1: TaskID tid, 2: string result),
diff --git a/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/ b/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/
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--- a/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/pyload/Pyload-remote
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-# Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.9.0-dev)
-# options string: py:slots, dynamic
-import sys
-import pprint
-from urlparse import urlparse
-from thrift.transport import TTransport
-from thrift.transport import TSocket
-from thrift.transport import THttpClient
-from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
-import Pyload
-from ttypes import *
-if len(sys.argv) <= 1 or sys.argv[1] == '--help':
- print
- print 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' [-h host[:port]] [-u url] [-f[ramed]] function [arg1 [arg2...]]'
- print
- print 'Functions:'
- print ' string getConfigValue(string category, string option, string section)'
- print ' void setConfigValue(string category, string option, string value, string section)'
- print ' getConfig()'
- print ' getPluginConfig()'
- print ' void pauseServer()'
- print ' void unpauseServer()'
- print ' bool togglePause()'
- print ' ServerStatus statusServer()'
- print ' i64 freeSpace()'
- print ' string getServerVersion()'
- print ' void kill()'
- print ' void restart()'
- print ' getLog(i32 offset)'
- print ' bool isTimeDownload()'
- print ' bool isTimeReconnect()'
- print ' bool toggleReconnect()'
- print ' generatePackages(LinkList links)'
- print ' checkURLs(LinkList urls)'
- print ' parseURLs(string html, string url)'
- print ' OnlineCheck checkOnlineStatus(LinkList urls)'
- print ' OnlineCheck checkOnlineStatusContainer(LinkList urls, string filename, string data)'
- print ' OnlineCheck pollResults(ResultID rid)'
- print ' statusDownloads()'
- print ' PackageData getPackageData(PackageID pid)'
- print ' PackageData getPackageInfo(PackageID pid)'
- print ' FileData getFileData(FileID fid)'
- print ' getQueue()'
- print ' getCollector()'
- print ' getQueueData()'
- print ' getCollectorData()'
- print ' getPackageOrder(Destination destination)'
- print ' getFileOrder(PackageID pid)'
- print ' generateAndAddPackages(LinkList links, Destination dest)'
- print ' PackageID addPackage(string name, LinkList links, Destination dest)'
- print ' void addFiles(PackageID pid, LinkList links)'
- print ' void uploadContainer(string filename, string data)'
- print ' void deleteFiles( fids)'
- print ' void deletePackages( pids)'
- print ' void pushToQueue(PackageID pid)'
- print ' void pullFromQueue(PackageID pid)'
- print ' void restartPackage(PackageID pid)'
- print ' void restartFile(FileID fid)'
- print ' void recheckPackage(PackageID pid)'
- print ' void stopAllDownloads()'
- print ' void stopDownloads( fids)'
- print ' void setPackageName(PackageID pid, string name)'
- print ' void movePackage(Destination destination, PackageID pid)'
- print ' void moveFiles( fids, PackageID pid)'
- print ' void orderPackage(PackageID pid, i16 position)'
- print ' void orderFile(FileID fid, i16 position)'
- print ' void setPackageData(PackageID pid, data)'
- print ' deleteFinished()'
- print ' void restartFailed()'
- print ' getEvents(string uuid)'
- print ' getAccounts(bool refresh)'
- print ' getAccountTypes()'
- print ' void updateAccount(PluginName plugin, string account, string password, options)'
- print ' void removeAccount(PluginName plugin, string account)'
- print ' bool login(string username, string password)'
- print ' UserData getUserData(string username, string password)'
- print ' getAllUserData()'
- print ' getServices()'
- print ' bool hasService(PluginName plugin, string func)'
- print ' string call(ServiceCall info)'
- print ' getAllInfo()'
- print ' getInfoByPlugin(PluginName plugin)'
- print ' bool isCaptchaWaiting()'
- print ' CaptchaTask getCaptchaTask(bool exclusive)'
- print ' string getCaptchaTaskStatus(TaskID tid)'
- print ' void setCaptchaResult(TaskID tid, string result)'
- print
- sys.exit(0)
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent = 2)
-host = 'localhost'
-port = 9090
-uri = ''
-framed = False
-http = False
-argi = 1
-if sys.argv[argi] == '-h':
- parts = sys.argv[argi+1].split(':')
- host = parts[0]
- if len(parts) > 1:
- port = int(parts[1])
- argi += 2
-if sys.argv[argi] == '-u':
- url = urlparse(sys.argv[argi+1])
- parts = url[1].split(':')
- host = parts[0]
- if len(parts) > 1:
- port = int(parts[1])
- else:
- port = 80
- uri = url[2]
- if url[4]:
- uri += '?%s' % url[4]
- http = True
- argi += 2
-if sys.argv[argi] == '-f' or sys.argv[argi] == '-framed':
- framed = True
- argi += 1
-cmd = sys.argv[argi]
-args = sys.argv[argi+1:]
-if http:
- transport = THttpClient.THttpClient(host, port, uri)
- socket = TSocket.TSocket(host, port)
- if framed:
- transport = TTransport.TFramedTransport(socket)
- else:
- transport = TTransport.TBufferedTransport(socket)
-protocol = TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocol(transport)
-client = Pyload.Client(protocol)
-if cmd == 'getConfigValue':
- if len(args) != 3:
- print 'getConfigValue requires 3 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getConfigValue(args[0], args[1], args[2],))
-elif cmd == 'setConfigValue':
- if len(args) != 4:
- print 'setConfigValue requires 4 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.setConfigValue(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],))
-elif cmd == 'getConfig':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'getConfig requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getConfig())
-elif cmd == 'getPluginConfig':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'getPluginConfig requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getPluginConfig())
-elif cmd == 'pauseServer':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'pauseServer requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.pauseServer())
-elif cmd == 'unpauseServer':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'unpauseServer requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.unpauseServer())
-elif cmd == 'togglePause':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'togglePause requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.togglePause())
-elif cmd == 'statusServer':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'statusServer requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.statusServer())
-elif cmd == 'freeSpace':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'freeSpace requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.freeSpace())
-elif cmd == 'getServerVersion':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'getServerVersion requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getServerVersion())
-elif cmd == 'kill':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'kill requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.kill())
-elif cmd == 'restart':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'restart requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.restart())
-elif cmd == 'getLog':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'getLog requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getLog(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'isTimeDownload':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'isTimeDownload requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.isTimeDownload())
-elif cmd == 'isTimeReconnect':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'isTimeReconnect requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.isTimeReconnect())
-elif cmd == 'toggleReconnect':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'toggleReconnect requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.toggleReconnect())
-elif cmd == 'generatePackages':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'generatePackages requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.generatePackages(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'checkURLs':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'checkURLs requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.checkURLs(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'parseURLs':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'parseURLs requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.parseURLs(args[0], args[1],))
-elif cmd == 'checkOnlineStatus':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'checkOnlineStatus requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.checkOnlineStatus(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'checkOnlineStatusContainer':
- if len(args) != 3:
- print 'checkOnlineStatusContainer requires 3 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.checkOnlineStatusContainer(eval(args[0]), args[1], args[2],))
-elif cmd == 'pollResults':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'pollResults requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.pollResults(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'statusDownloads':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'statusDownloads requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.statusDownloads())
-elif cmd == 'getPackageData':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'getPackageData requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getPackageData(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'getPackageInfo':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'getPackageInfo requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getPackageInfo(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'getFileData':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'getFileData requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getFileData(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'getQueue':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'getQueue requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getQueue())
-elif cmd == 'getCollector':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'getCollector requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getCollector())
-elif cmd == 'getQueueData':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'getQueueData requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getQueueData())
-elif cmd == 'getCollectorData':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'getCollectorData requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getCollectorData())
-elif cmd == 'getPackageOrder':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'getPackageOrder requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getPackageOrder(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'getFileOrder':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'getFileOrder requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getFileOrder(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'generateAndAddPackages':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'generateAndAddPackages requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.generateAndAddPackages(eval(args[0]), eval(args[1]),))
-elif cmd == 'addPackage':
- if len(args) != 3:
- print 'addPackage requires 3 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.addPackage(args[0], eval(args[1]), eval(args[2]),))
-elif cmd == 'addFiles':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'addFiles requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.addFiles(eval(args[0]), eval(args[1]),))
-elif cmd == 'uploadContainer':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'uploadContainer requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.uploadContainer(args[0], args[1],))
-elif cmd == 'deleteFiles':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'deleteFiles requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.deleteFiles(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'deletePackages':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'deletePackages requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.deletePackages(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'pushToQueue':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'pushToQueue requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.pushToQueue(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'pullFromQueue':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'pullFromQueue requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.pullFromQueue(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'restartPackage':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'restartPackage requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.restartPackage(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'restartFile':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'restartFile requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.restartFile(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'recheckPackage':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'recheckPackage requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.recheckPackage(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'stopAllDownloads':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'stopAllDownloads requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.stopAllDownloads())
-elif cmd == 'stopDownloads':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'stopDownloads requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.stopDownloads(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'setPackageName':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'setPackageName requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.setPackageName(eval(args[0]), args[1],))
-elif cmd == 'movePackage':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'movePackage requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.movePackage(eval(args[0]), eval(args[1]),))
-elif cmd == 'moveFiles':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'moveFiles requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.moveFiles(eval(args[0]), eval(args[1]),))
-elif cmd == 'orderPackage':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'orderPackage requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.orderPackage(eval(args[0]), eval(args[1]),))
-elif cmd == 'orderFile':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'orderFile requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.orderFile(eval(args[0]), eval(args[1]),))
-elif cmd == 'setPackageData':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'setPackageData requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.setPackageData(eval(args[0]), eval(args[1]),))
-elif cmd == 'deleteFinished':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'deleteFinished requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.deleteFinished())
-elif cmd == 'restartFailed':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'restartFailed requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.restartFailed())
-elif cmd == 'getEvents':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'getEvents requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getEvents(args[0],))
-elif cmd == 'getAccounts':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'getAccounts requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getAccounts(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'getAccountTypes':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'getAccountTypes requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getAccountTypes())
-elif cmd == 'updateAccount':
- if len(args) != 4:
- print 'updateAccount requires 4 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.updateAccount(eval(args[0]), args[1], args[2], eval(args[3]),))
-elif cmd == 'removeAccount':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'removeAccount requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.removeAccount(eval(args[0]), args[1],))
-elif cmd == 'login':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'login requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.login(args[0], args[1],))
-elif cmd == 'getUserData':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'getUserData requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getUserData(args[0], args[1],))
-elif cmd == 'getAllUserData':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'getAllUserData requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getAllUserData())
-elif cmd == 'getServices':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'getServices requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getServices())
-elif cmd == 'hasService':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'hasService requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.hasService(eval(args[0]), args[1],))
-elif cmd == 'call':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'call requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint([0]),))
-elif cmd == 'getAllInfo':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'getAllInfo requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getAllInfo())
-elif cmd == 'getInfoByPlugin':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'getInfoByPlugin requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getInfoByPlugin(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'isCaptchaWaiting':
- if len(args) != 0:
- print 'isCaptchaWaiting requires 0 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.isCaptchaWaiting())
-elif cmd == 'getCaptchaTask':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'getCaptchaTask requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getCaptchaTask(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'getCaptchaTaskStatus':
- if len(args) != 1:
- print 'getCaptchaTaskStatus requires 1 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.getCaptchaTaskStatus(eval(args[0]),))
-elif cmd == 'setCaptchaResult':
- if len(args) != 2:
- print 'setCaptchaResult requires 2 args'
- sys.exit(1)
- pp.pprint(client.setCaptchaResult(eval(args[0]), args[1],))
- print 'Unrecognized method %s' % cmd
- sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/pyload/ b/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/pyload/
deleted file mode 100644
index f0b356375..000000000
--- a/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/pyload/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5533 +0,0 @@
-# Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.9.0-dev)
-# options string: py:slots, dynamic
-from thrift.Thrift import TType, TMessageType, TException
-from ttypes import *
-from thrift.Thrift import TProcessor
-from thrift.protocol.TBase import TBase, TExceptionBase
-class Iface(object):
- def getConfigValue(self, category, option, section):
- """
- Parameters:
- - category
- - option
- - section
- """
- pass
- def setConfigValue(self, category, option, value, section):
- """
- Parameters:
- - category
- - option
- - value
- - section
- """
- pass
- def getConfig(self,):
- pass
- def getPluginConfig(self,):
- pass
- def pauseServer(self,):
- pass
- def unpauseServer(self,):
- pass
- def togglePause(self,):
- pass
- def statusServer(self,):
- pass
- def freeSpace(self,):
- pass
- def getServerVersion(self,):
- pass
- def kill(self,):
- pass
- def restart(self,):
- pass
- def getLog(self, offset):
- """
- Parameters:
- - offset
- """
- pass
- def isTimeDownload(self,):
- pass
- def isTimeReconnect(self,):
- pass
- def toggleReconnect(self,):
- pass
- def generatePackages(self, links):
- """
- Parameters:
- - links
- """
- pass
- def checkURLs(self, urls):
- """
- Parameters:
- - urls
- """
- pass
- def parseURLs(self, html, url):
- """
- Parameters:
- - html
- - url
- """
- pass
- def checkOnlineStatus(self, urls):
- """
- Parameters:
- - urls
- """
- pass
- def checkOnlineStatusContainer(self, urls, filename, data):
- """
- Parameters:
- - urls
- - filename
- - data
- """
- pass
- def pollResults(self, rid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - rid
- """
- pass
- def statusDownloads(self,):
- pass
- def getPackageData(self, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- """
- pass
- def getPackageInfo(self, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- """
- pass
- def getFileData(self, fid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - fid
- """
- pass
- def getQueue(self,):
- pass
- def getCollector(self,):
- pass
- def getQueueData(self,):
- pass
- def getCollectorData(self,):
- pass
- def getPackageOrder(self, destination):
- """
- Parameters:
- - destination
- """
- pass
- def getFileOrder(self, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- """
- pass
- def generateAndAddPackages(self, links, dest):
- """
- Parameters:
- - links
- - dest
- """
- pass
- def addPackage(self, name, links, dest):
- """
- Parameters:
- - name
- - links
- - dest
- """
- pass
- def addFiles(self, pid, links):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- - links
- """
- pass
- def uploadContainer(self, filename, data):
- """
- Parameters:
- - filename
- - data
- """
- pass
- def deleteFiles(self, fids):
- """
- Parameters:
- - fids
- """
- pass
- def deletePackages(self, pids):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pids
- """
- pass
- def pushToQueue(self, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- """
- pass
- def pullFromQueue(self, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- """
- pass
- def restartPackage(self, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- """
- pass
- def restartFile(self, fid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - fid
- """
- pass
- def recheckPackage(self, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- """
- pass
- def stopAllDownloads(self,):
- pass
- def stopDownloads(self, fids):
- """
- Parameters:
- - fids
- """
- pass
- def setPackageName(self, pid, name):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- - name
- """
- pass
- def movePackage(self, destination, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - destination
- - pid
- """
- pass
- def moveFiles(self, fids, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - fids
- - pid
- """
- pass
- def orderPackage(self, pid, position):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- - position
- """
- pass
- def orderFile(self, fid, position):
- """
- Parameters:
- - fid
- - position
- """
- pass
- def setPackageData(self, pid, data):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- - data
- """
- pass
- def deleteFinished(self,):
- pass
- def restartFailed(self,):
- pass
- def getEvents(self, uuid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - uuid
- """
- pass
- def getAccounts(self, refresh):
- """
- Parameters:
- - refresh
- """
- pass
- def getAccountTypes(self,):
- pass
- def updateAccount(self, plugin, account, password, options):
- """
- Parameters:
- - plugin
- - account
- - password
- - options
- """
- pass
- def removeAccount(self, plugin, account):
- """
- Parameters:
- - plugin
- - account
- """
- pass
- def login(self, username, password):
- """
- Parameters:
- - username
- - password
- """
- pass
- def getUserData(self, username, password):
- """
- Parameters:
- - username
- - password
- """
- pass
- def getAllUserData(self,):
- pass
- def getServices(self,):
- pass
- def hasService(self, plugin, func):
- """
- Parameters:
- - plugin
- - func
- """
- pass
- def call(self, info):
- """
- Parameters:
- - info
- """
- pass
- def getAllInfo(self,):
- pass
- def getInfoByPlugin(self, plugin):
- """
- Parameters:
- - plugin
- """
- pass
- def isCaptchaWaiting(self,):
- pass
- def getCaptchaTask(self, exclusive):
- """
- Parameters:
- - exclusive
- """
- pass
- def getCaptchaTaskStatus(self, tid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - tid
- """
- pass
- def setCaptchaResult(self, tid, result):
- """
- Parameters:
- - tid
- - result
- """
- pass
-class Client(Iface):
- def __init__(self, iprot, oprot=None):
- self._iprot = self._oprot = iprot
- if oprot is not None:
- self._oprot = oprot
- self._seqid = 0
- def getConfigValue(self, category, option, section):
- """
- Parameters:
- - category
- - option
- - section
- """
- self.send_getConfigValue(category, option, section)
- return self.recv_getConfigValue()
- def send_getConfigValue(self, category, option, section):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getConfigValue', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getConfigValue_args()
- args.category = category
- args.option = option
- args.section = section
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getConfigValue(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getConfigValue_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getConfigValue failed: unknown result");
- def setConfigValue(self, category, option, value, section):
- """
- Parameters:
- - category
- - option
- - value
- - section
- """
- self.send_setConfigValue(category, option, value, section)
- self.recv_setConfigValue()
- def send_setConfigValue(self, category, option, value, section):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('setConfigValue', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = setConfigValue_args()
- args.category = category
- args.option = option
- args.value = value
- args.section = section
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_setConfigValue(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = setConfigValue_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def getConfig(self,):
- self.send_getConfig()
- return self.recv_getConfig()
- def send_getConfig(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getConfig', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getConfig_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getConfig(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getConfig_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getConfig failed: unknown result");
- def getPluginConfig(self,):
- self.send_getPluginConfig()
- return self.recv_getPluginConfig()
- def send_getPluginConfig(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getPluginConfig', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getPluginConfig_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getPluginConfig(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getPluginConfig_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getPluginConfig failed: unknown result");
- def pauseServer(self,):
- self.send_pauseServer()
- self.recv_pauseServer()
- def send_pauseServer(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('pauseServer', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = pauseServer_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_pauseServer(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = pauseServer_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def unpauseServer(self,):
- self.send_unpauseServer()
- self.recv_unpauseServer()
- def send_unpauseServer(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('unpauseServer', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = unpauseServer_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_unpauseServer(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = unpauseServer_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def togglePause(self,):
- self.send_togglePause()
- return self.recv_togglePause()
- def send_togglePause(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('togglePause', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = togglePause_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_togglePause(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = togglePause_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "togglePause failed: unknown result");
- def statusServer(self,):
- self.send_statusServer()
- return self.recv_statusServer()
- def send_statusServer(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('statusServer', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = statusServer_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_statusServer(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = statusServer_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "statusServer failed: unknown result");
- def freeSpace(self,):
- self.send_freeSpace()
- return self.recv_freeSpace()
- def send_freeSpace(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('freeSpace', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = freeSpace_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_freeSpace(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = freeSpace_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "freeSpace failed: unknown result");
- def getServerVersion(self,):
- self.send_getServerVersion()
- return self.recv_getServerVersion()
- def send_getServerVersion(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getServerVersion', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getServerVersion_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getServerVersion(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getServerVersion_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getServerVersion failed: unknown result");
- def kill(self,):
- self.send_kill()
- self.recv_kill()
- def send_kill(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('kill', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = kill_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_kill(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = kill_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def restart(self,):
- self.send_restart()
- self.recv_restart()
- def send_restart(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('restart', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = restart_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_restart(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = restart_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def getLog(self, offset):
- """
- Parameters:
- - offset
- """
- self.send_getLog(offset)
- return self.recv_getLog()
- def send_getLog(self, offset):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getLog', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getLog_args()
- args.offset = offset
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getLog(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getLog_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getLog failed: unknown result");
- def isTimeDownload(self,):
- self.send_isTimeDownload()
- return self.recv_isTimeDownload()
- def send_isTimeDownload(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('isTimeDownload', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = isTimeDownload_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_isTimeDownload(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = isTimeDownload_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "isTimeDownload failed: unknown result");
- def isTimeReconnect(self,):
- self.send_isTimeReconnect()
- return self.recv_isTimeReconnect()
- def send_isTimeReconnect(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('isTimeReconnect', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = isTimeReconnect_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_isTimeReconnect(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = isTimeReconnect_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "isTimeReconnect failed: unknown result");
- def toggleReconnect(self,):
- self.send_toggleReconnect()
- return self.recv_toggleReconnect()
- def send_toggleReconnect(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('toggleReconnect', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = toggleReconnect_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_toggleReconnect(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = toggleReconnect_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "toggleReconnect failed: unknown result");
- def generatePackages(self, links):
- """
- Parameters:
- - links
- """
- self.send_generatePackages(links)
- return self.recv_generatePackages()
- def send_generatePackages(self, links):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('generatePackages', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = generatePackages_args()
- args.links = links
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_generatePackages(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = generatePackages_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "generatePackages failed: unknown result");
- def checkURLs(self, urls):
- """
- Parameters:
- - urls
- """
- self.send_checkURLs(urls)
- return self.recv_checkURLs()
- def send_checkURLs(self, urls):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('checkURLs', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = checkURLs_args()
- args.urls = urls
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_checkURLs(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = checkURLs_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "checkURLs failed: unknown result");
- def parseURLs(self, html, url):
- """
- Parameters:
- - html
- - url
- """
- self.send_parseURLs(html, url)
- return self.recv_parseURLs()
- def send_parseURLs(self, html, url):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('parseURLs', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = parseURLs_args()
- args.html = html
- args.url = url
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_parseURLs(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = parseURLs_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "parseURLs failed: unknown result");
- def checkOnlineStatus(self, urls):
- """
- Parameters:
- - urls
- """
- self.send_checkOnlineStatus(urls)
- return self.recv_checkOnlineStatus()
- def send_checkOnlineStatus(self, urls):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('checkOnlineStatus', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = checkOnlineStatus_args()
- args.urls = urls
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_checkOnlineStatus(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = checkOnlineStatus_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "checkOnlineStatus failed: unknown result");
- def checkOnlineStatusContainer(self, urls, filename, data):
- """
- Parameters:
- - urls
- - filename
- - data
- """
- self.send_checkOnlineStatusContainer(urls, filename, data)
- return self.recv_checkOnlineStatusContainer()
- def send_checkOnlineStatusContainer(self, urls, filename, data):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('checkOnlineStatusContainer', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = checkOnlineStatusContainer_args()
- args.urls = urls
- args.filename = filename
- = data
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_checkOnlineStatusContainer(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = checkOnlineStatusContainer_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "checkOnlineStatusContainer failed: unknown result");
- def pollResults(self, rid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - rid
- """
- self.send_pollResults(rid)
- return self.recv_pollResults()
- def send_pollResults(self, rid):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('pollResults', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = pollResults_args()
- args.rid = rid
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_pollResults(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = pollResults_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "pollResults failed: unknown result");
- def statusDownloads(self,):
- self.send_statusDownloads()
- return self.recv_statusDownloads()
- def send_statusDownloads(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('statusDownloads', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = statusDownloads_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_statusDownloads(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = statusDownloads_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "statusDownloads failed: unknown result");
- def getPackageData(self, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- """
- self.send_getPackageData(pid)
- return self.recv_getPackageData()
- def send_getPackageData(self, pid):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getPackageData', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getPackageData_args()
- = pid
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getPackageData(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getPackageData_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- if result.e is not None:
- raise result.e
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getPackageData failed: unknown result");
- def getPackageInfo(self, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- """
- self.send_getPackageInfo(pid)
- return self.recv_getPackageInfo()
- def send_getPackageInfo(self, pid):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getPackageInfo', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getPackageInfo_args()
- = pid
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getPackageInfo(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getPackageInfo_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- if result.e is not None:
- raise result.e
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getPackageInfo failed: unknown result");
- def getFileData(self, fid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - fid
- """
- self.send_getFileData(fid)
- return self.recv_getFileData()
- def send_getFileData(self, fid):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getFileData', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getFileData_args()
- args.fid = fid
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getFileData(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getFileData_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- if result.e is not None:
- raise result.e
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getFileData failed: unknown result");
- def getQueue(self,):
- self.send_getQueue()
- return self.recv_getQueue()
- def send_getQueue(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getQueue', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getQueue_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getQueue(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getQueue_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getQueue failed: unknown result");
- def getCollector(self,):
- self.send_getCollector()
- return self.recv_getCollector()
- def send_getCollector(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getCollector', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getCollector_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getCollector(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getCollector_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getCollector failed: unknown result");
- def getQueueData(self,):
- self.send_getQueueData()
- return self.recv_getQueueData()
- def send_getQueueData(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getQueueData', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getQueueData_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getQueueData(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getQueueData_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getQueueData failed: unknown result");
- def getCollectorData(self,):
- self.send_getCollectorData()
- return self.recv_getCollectorData()
- def send_getCollectorData(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getCollectorData', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getCollectorData_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getCollectorData(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getCollectorData_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getCollectorData failed: unknown result");
- def getPackageOrder(self, destination):
- """
- Parameters:
- - destination
- """
- self.send_getPackageOrder(destination)
- return self.recv_getPackageOrder()
- def send_getPackageOrder(self, destination):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getPackageOrder', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getPackageOrder_args()
- args.destination = destination
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getPackageOrder(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getPackageOrder_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getPackageOrder failed: unknown result");
- def getFileOrder(self, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- """
- self.send_getFileOrder(pid)
- return self.recv_getFileOrder()
- def send_getFileOrder(self, pid):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getFileOrder', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getFileOrder_args()
- = pid
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getFileOrder(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getFileOrder_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getFileOrder failed: unknown result");
- def generateAndAddPackages(self, links, dest):
- """
- Parameters:
- - links
- - dest
- """
- self.send_generateAndAddPackages(links, dest)
- return self.recv_generateAndAddPackages()
- def send_generateAndAddPackages(self, links, dest):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('generateAndAddPackages', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = generateAndAddPackages_args()
- args.links = links
- args.dest = dest
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_generateAndAddPackages(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = generateAndAddPackages_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "generateAndAddPackages failed: unknown result");
- def addPackage(self, name, links, dest):
- """
- Parameters:
- - name
- - links
- - dest
- """
- self.send_addPackage(name, links, dest)
- return self.recv_addPackage()
- def send_addPackage(self, name, links, dest):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('addPackage', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = addPackage_args()
- = name
- args.links = links
- args.dest = dest
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_addPackage(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = addPackage_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "addPackage failed: unknown result");
- def addFiles(self, pid, links):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- - links
- """
- self.send_addFiles(pid, links)
- self.recv_addFiles()
- def send_addFiles(self, pid, links):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('addFiles', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = addFiles_args()
- = pid
- args.links = links
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_addFiles(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = addFiles_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def uploadContainer(self, filename, data):
- """
- Parameters:
- - filename
- - data
- """
- self.send_uploadContainer(filename, data)
- self.recv_uploadContainer()
- def send_uploadContainer(self, filename, data):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('uploadContainer', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = uploadContainer_args()
- args.filename = filename
- = data
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_uploadContainer(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = uploadContainer_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def deleteFiles(self, fids):
- """
- Parameters:
- - fids
- """
- self.send_deleteFiles(fids)
- self.recv_deleteFiles()
- def send_deleteFiles(self, fids):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('deleteFiles', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = deleteFiles_args()
- args.fids = fids
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_deleteFiles(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = deleteFiles_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def deletePackages(self, pids):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pids
- """
- self.send_deletePackages(pids)
- self.recv_deletePackages()
- def send_deletePackages(self, pids):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('deletePackages', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = deletePackages_args()
- args.pids = pids
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_deletePackages(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = deletePackages_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def pushToQueue(self, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- """
- self.send_pushToQueue(pid)
- self.recv_pushToQueue()
- def send_pushToQueue(self, pid):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('pushToQueue', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = pushToQueue_args()
- = pid
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_pushToQueue(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = pushToQueue_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def pullFromQueue(self, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- """
- self.send_pullFromQueue(pid)
- self.recv_pullFromQueue()
- def send_pullFromQueue(self, pid):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('pullFromQueue', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = pullFromQueue_args()
- = pid
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_pullFromQueue(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = pullFromQueue_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def restartPackage(self, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- """
- self.send_restartPackage(pid)
- self.recv_restartPackage()
- def send_restartPackage(self, pid):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('restartPackage', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = restartPackage_args()
- = pid
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_restartPackage(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = restartPackage_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def restartFile(self, fid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - fid
- """
- self.send_restartFile(fid)
- self.recv_restartFile()
- def send_restartFile(self, fid):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('restartFile', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = restartFile_args()
- args.fid = fid
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_restartFile(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = restartFile_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def recheckPackage(self, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- """
- self.send_recheckPackage(pid)
- self.recv_recheckPackage()
- def send_recheckPackage(self, pid):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('recheckPackage', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = recheckPackage_args()
- = pid
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_recheckPackage(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = recheckPackage_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def stopAllDownloads(self,):
- self.send_stopAllDownloads()
- self.recv_stopAllDownloads()
- def send_stopAllDownloads(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('stopAllDownloads', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = stopAllDownloads_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_stopAllDownloads(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = stopAllDownloads_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def stopDownloads(self, fids):
- """
- Parameters:
- - fids
- """
- self.send_stopDownloads(fids)
- self.recv_stopDownloads()
- def send_stopDownloads(self, fids):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('stopDownloads', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = stopDownloads_args()
- args.fids = fids
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_stopDownloads(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = stopDownloads_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def setPackageName(self, pid, name):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- - name
- """
- self.send_setPackageName(pid, name)
- self.recv_setPackageName()
- def send_setPackageName(self, pid, name):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('setPackageName', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = setPackageName_args()
- = pid
- = name
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_setPackageName(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = setPackageName_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def movePackage(self, destination, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - destination
- - pid
- """
- self.send_movePackage(destination, pid)
- self.recv_movePackage()
- def send_movePackage(self, destination, pid):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('movePackage', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = movePackage_args()
- args.destination = destination
- = pid
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_movePackage(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = movePackage_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def moveFiles(self, fids, pid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - fids
- - pid
- """
- self.send_moveFiles(fids, pid)
- self.recv_moveFiles()
- def send_moveFiles(self, fids, pid):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('moveFiles', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = moveFiles_args()
- args.fids = fids
- = pid
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_moveFiles(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = moveFiles_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def orderPackage(self, pid, position):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- - position
- """
- self.send_orderPackage(pid, position)
- self.recv_orderPackage()
- def send_orderPackage(self, pid, position):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('orderPackage', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = orderPackage_args()
- = pid
- args.position = position
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_orderPackage(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = orderPackage_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def orderFile(self, fid, position):
- """
- Parameters:
- - fid
- - position
- """
- self.send_orderFile(fid, position)
- self.recv_orderFile()
- def send_orderFile(self, fid, position):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('orderFile', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = orderFile_args()
- args.fid = fid
- args.position = position
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_orderFile(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = orderFile_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def setPackageData(self, pid, data):
- """
- Parameters:
- - pid
- - data
- """
- self.send_setPackageData(pid, data)
- self.recv_setPackageData()
- def send_setPackageData(self, pid, data):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('setPackageData', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = setPackageData_args()
- = pid
- = data
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_setPackageData(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = setPackageData_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.e is not None:
- raise result.e
- return
- def deleteFinished(self,):
- self.send_deleteFinished()
- return self.recv_deleteFinished()
- def send_deleteFinished(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('deleteFinished', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = deleteFinished_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_deleteFinished(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = deleteFinished_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "deleteFinished failed: unknown result");
- def restartFailed(self,):
- self.send_restartFailed()
- self.recv_restartFailed()
- def send_restartFailed(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('restartFailed', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = restartFailed_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_restartFailed(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = restartFailed_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def getEvents(self, uuid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - uuid
- """
- self.send_getEvents(uuid)
- return self.recv_getEvents()
- def send_getEvents(self, uuid):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getEvents', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getEvents_args()
- args.uuid = uuid
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getEvents(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getEvents_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getEvents failed: unknown result");
- def getAccounts(self, refresh):
- """
- Parameters:
- - refresh
- """
- self.send_getAccounts(refresh)
- return self.recv_getAccounts()
- def send_getAccounts(self, refresh):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getAccounts', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getAccounts_args()
- args.refresh = refresh
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getAccounts(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getAccounts_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getAccounts failed: unknown result");
- def getAccountTypes(self,):
- self.send_getAccountTypes()
- return self.recv_getAccountTypes()
- def send_getAccountTypes(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getAccountTypes', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getAccountTypes_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getAccountTypes(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getAccountTypes_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getAccountTypes failed: unknown result");
- def updateAccount(self, plugin, account, password, options):
- """
- Parameters:
- - plugin
- - account
- - password
- - options
- """
- self.send_updateAccount(plugin, account, password, options)
- self.recv_updateAccount()
- def send_updateAccount(self, plugin, account, password, options):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('updateAccount', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = updateAccount_args()
- args.plugin = plugin
- args.account = account
- args.password = password
- args.options = options
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_updateAccount(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = updateAccount_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def removeAccount(self, plugin, account):
- """
- Parameters:
- - plugin
- - account
- """
- self.send_removeAccount(plugin, account)
- self.recv_removeAccount()
- def send_removeAccount(self, plugin, account):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('removeAccount', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = removeAccount_args()
- args.plugin = plugin
- args.account = account
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_removeAccount(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = removeAccount_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
- def login(self, username, password):
- """
- Parameters:
- - username
- - password
- """
- self.send_login(username, password)
- return self.recv_login()
- def send_login(self, username, password):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('login', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = login_args()
- args.username = username
- args.password = password
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_login(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = login_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "login failed: unknown result");
- def getUserData(self, username, password):
- """
- Parameters:
- - username
- - password
- """
- self.send_getUserData(username, password)
- return self.recv_getUserData()
- def send_getUserData(self, username, password):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getUserData', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getUserData_args()
- args.username = username
- args.password = password
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getUserData(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getUserData_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getUserData failed: unknown result");
- def getAllUserData(self,):
- self.send_getAllUserData()
- return self.recv_getAllUserData()
- def send_getAllUserData(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getAllUserData', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getAllUserData_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getAllUserData(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getAllUserData_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getAllUserData failed: unknown result");
- def getServices(self,):
- self.send_getServices()
- return self.recv_getServices()
- def send_getServices(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getServices', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getServices_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getServices(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getServices_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getServices failed: unknown result");
- def hasService(self, plugin, func):
- """
- Parameters:
- - plugin
- - func
- """
- self.send_hasService(plugin, func)
- return self.recv_hasService()
- def send_hasService(self, plugin, func):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('hasService', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = hasService_args()
- args.plugin = plugin
- args.func = func
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_hasService(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = hasService_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "hasService failed: unknown result");
- def call(self, info):
- """
- Parameters:
- - info
- """
- self.send_call(info)
- return self.recv_call()
- def send_call(self, info):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('call', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = call_args()
- = info
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_call(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = call_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- if result.ex is not None:
- raise result.ex
- if result.e is not None:
- raise result.e
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "call failed: unknown result");
- def getAllInfo(self,):
- self.send_getAllInfo()
- return self.recv_getAllInfo()
- def send_getAllInfo(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getAllInfo', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getAllInfo_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getAllInfo(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getAllInfo_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getAllInfo failed: unknown result");
- def getInfoByPlugin(self, plugin):
- """
- Parameters:
- - plugin
- """
- self.send_getInfoByPlugin(plugin)
- return self.recv_getInfoByPlugin()
- def send_getInfoByPlugin(self, plugin):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getInfoByPlugin', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getInfoByPlugin_args()
- args.plugin = plugin
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getInfoByPlugin(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getInfoByPlugin_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getInfoByPlugin failed: unknown result");
- def isCaptchaWaiting(self,):
- self.send_isCaptchaWaiting()
- return self.recv_isCaptchaWaiting()
- def send_isCaptchaWaiting(self,):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('isCaptchaWaiting', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = isCaptchaWaiting_args()
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_isCaptchaWaiting(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = isCaptchaWaiting_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "isCaptchaWaiting failed: unknown result");
- def getCaptchaTask(self, exclusive):
- """
- Parameters:
- - exclusive
- """
- self.send_getCaptchaTask(exclusive)
- return self.recv_getCaptchaTask()
- def send_getCaptchaTask(self, exclusive):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getCaptchaTask', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getCaptchaTask_args()
- args.exclusive = exclusive
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getCaptchaTask(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getCaptchaTask_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getCaptchaTask failed: unknown result");
- def getCaptchaTaskStatus(self, tid):
- """
- Parameters:
- - tid
- """
- self.send_getCaptchaTaskStatus(tid)
- return self.recv_getCaptchaTaskStatus()
- def send_getCaptchaTaskStatus(self, tid):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('getCaptchaTaskStatus', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = getCaptchaTaskStatus_args()
- args.tid = tid
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_getCaptchaTaskStatus(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = getCaptchaTaskStatus_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- if result.success is not None:
- return result.success
- raise TApplicationException(TApplicationException.MISSING_RESULT, "getCaptchaTaskStatus failed: unknown result");
- def setCaptchaResult(self, tid, result):
- """
- Parameters:
- - tid
- - result
- """
- self.send_setCaptchaResult(tid, result)
- self.recv_setCaptchaResult()
- def send_setCaptchaResult(self, tid, result):
- self._oprot.writeMessageBegin('setCaptchaResult', TMessageType.CALL, self._seqid)
- args = setCaptchaResult_args()
- args.tid = tid
- args.result = result
- args.write(self._oprot)
- self._oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- self._oprot.trans.flush()
- def recv_setCaptchaResult(self,):
- (fname, mtype, rseqid) = self._iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if mtype == TMessageType.EXCEPTION:
- x = TApplicationException()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- raise x
- result = setCaptchaResult_result()
- self._iprot.readMessageEnd()
- return
-class Processor(Iface, TProcessor):
- def __init__(self, handler):
- self._handler = handler
- self._processMap = {}
- self._processMap["getConfigValue"] = Processor.process_getConfigValue
- self._processMap["setConfigValue"] = Processor.process_setConfigValue
- self._processMap["getConfig"] = Processor.process_getConfig
- self._processMap["getPluginConfig"] = Processor.process_getPluginConfig
- self._processMap["pauseServer"] = Processor.process_pauseServer
- self._processMap["unpauseServer"] = Processor.process_unpauseServer
- self._processMap["togglePause"] = Processor.process_togglePause
- self._processMap["statusServer"] = Processor.process_statusServer
- self._processMap["freeSpace"] = Processor.process_freeSpace
- self._processMap["getServerVersion"] = Processor.process_getServerVersion
- self._processMap["kill"] = Processor.process_kill
- self._processMap["restart"] = Processor.process_restart
- self._processMap["getLog"] = Processor.process_getLog
- self._processMap["isTimeDownload"] = Processor.process_isTimeDownload
- self._processMap["isTimeReconnect"] = Processor.process_isTimeReconnect
- self._processMap["toggleReconnect"] = Processor.process_toggleReconnect
- self._processMap["generatePackages"] = Processor.process_generatePackages
- self._processMap["checkURLs"] = Processor.process_checkURLs
- self._processMap["parseURLs"] = Processor.process_parseURLs
- self._processMap["checkOnlineStatus"] = Processor.process_checkOnlineStatus
- self._processMap["checkOnlineStatusContainer"] = Processor.process_checkOnlineStatusContainer
- self._processMap["pollResults"] = Processor.process_pollResults
- self._processMap["statusDownloads"] = Processor.process_statusDownloads
- self._processMap["getPackageData"] = Processor.process_getPackageData
- self._processMap["getPackageInfo"] = Processor.process_getPackageInfo
- self._processMap["getFileData"] = Processor.process_getFileData
- self._processMap["getQueue"] = Processor.process_getQueue
- self._processMap["getCollector"] = Processor.process_getCollector
- self._processMap["getQueueData"] = Processor.process_getQueueData
- self._processMap["getCollectorData"] = Processor.process_getCollectorData
- self._processMap["getPackageOrder"] = Processor.process_getPackageOrder
- self._processMap["getFileOrder"] = Processor.process_getFileOrder
- self._processMap["generateAndAddPackages"] = Processor.process_generateAndAddPackages
- self._processMap["addPackage"] = Processor.process_addPackage
- self._processMap["addFiles"] = Processor.process_addFiles
- self._processMap["uploadContainer"] = Processor.process_uploadContainer
- self._processMap["deleteFiles"] = Processor.process_deleteFiles
- self._processMap["deletePackages"] = Processor.process_deletePackages
- self._processMap["pushToQueue"] = Processor.process_pushToQueue
- self._processMap["pullFromQueue"] = Processor.process_pullFromQueue
- self._processMap["restartPackage"] = Processor.process_restartPackage
- self._processMap["restartFile"] = Processor.process_restartFile
- self._processMap["recheckPackage"] = Processor.process_recheckPackage
- self._processMap["stopAllDownloads"] = Processor.process_stopAllDownloads
- self._processMap["stopDownloads"] = Processor.process_stopDownloads
- self._processMap["setPackageName"] = Processor.process_setPackageName
- self._processMap["movePackage"] = Processor.process_movePackage
- self._processMap["moveFiles"] = Processor.process_moveFiles
- self._processMap["orderPackage"] = Processor.process_orderPackage
- self._processMap["orderFile"] = Processor.process_orderFile
- self._processMap["setPackageData"] = Processor.process_setPackageData
- self._processMap["deleteFinished"] = Processor.process_deleteFinished
- self._processMap["restartFailed"] = Processor.process_restartFailed
- self._processMap["getEvents"] = Processor.process_getEvents
- self._processMap["getAccounts"] = Processor.process_getAccounts
- self._processMap["getAccountTypes"] = Processor.process_getAccountTypes
- self._processMap["updateAccount"] = Processor.process_updateAccount
- self._processMap["removeAccount"] = Processor.process_removeAccount
- self._processMap["login"] = Processor.process_login
- self._processMap["getUserData"] = Processor.process_getUserData
- self._processMap["getAllUserData"] = Processor.process_getAllUserData
- self._processMap["getServices"] = Processor.process_getServices
- self._processMap["hasService"] = Processor.process_hasService
- self._processMap["call"] = Processor.process_call
- self._processMap["getAllInfo"] = Processor.process_getAllInfo
- self._processMap["getInfoByPlugin"] = Processor.process_getInfoByPlugin
- self._processMap["isCaptchaWaiting"] = Processor.process_isCaptchaWaiting
- self._processMap["getCaptchaTask"] = Processor.process_getCaptchaTask
- self._processMap["getCaptchaTaskStatus"] = Processor.process_getCaptchaTaskStatus
- self._processMap["setCaptchaResult"] = Processor.process_setCaptchaResult
- def process(self, iprot, oprot):
- (name, type, seqid) = iprot.readMessageBegin()
- if name not in self._processMap:
- iprot.skip(TType.STRUCT)
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- x = TApplicationException(TApplicationException.UNKNOWN_METHOD, 'Unknown function %s' % (name))
- oprot.writeMessageBegin(name, TMessageType.EXCEPTION, seqid)
- x.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- return
- else:
- self._processMap[name](self, seqid, iprot, oprot)
- return True
- def process_getConfigValue(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getConfigValue_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getConfigValue_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getConfigValue(args.category, args.option, args.section)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getConfigValue", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_setConfigValue(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = setConfigValue_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = setConfigValue_result()
- self._handler.setConfigValue(args.category, args.option, args.value, args.section)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("setConfigValue", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getConfig(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getConfig_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getConfig_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getConfig()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getConfig", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getPluginConfig(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getPluginConfig_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getPluginConfig_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getPluginConfig()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getPluginConfig", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_pauseServer(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = pauseServer_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = pauseServer_result()
- self._handler.pauseServer()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("pauseServer", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_unpauseServer(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = unpauseServer_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = unpauseServer_result()
- self._handler.unpauseServer()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("unpauseServer", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_togglePause(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = togglePause_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = togglePause_result()
- result.success = self._handler.togglePause()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("togglePause", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_statusServer(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = statusServer_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = statusServer_result()
- result.success = self._handler.statusServer()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("statusServer", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_freeSpace(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = freeSpace_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = freeSpace_result()
- result.success = self._handler.freeSpace()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("freeSpace", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getServerVersion(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getServerVersion_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getServerVersion_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getServerVersion()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getServerVersion", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_kill(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = kill_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = kill_result()
- self._handler.kill()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("kill", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_restart(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = restart_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = restart_result()
- self._handler.restart()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("restart", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getLog(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getLog_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getLog_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getLog(args.offset)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getLog", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_isTimeDownload(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = isTimeDownload_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = isTimeDownload_result()
- result.success = self._handler.isTimeDownload()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("isTimeDownload", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_isTimeReconnect(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = isTimeReconnect_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = isTimeReconnect_result()
- result.success = self._handler.isTimeReconnect()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("isTimeReconnect", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_toggleReconnect(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = toggleReconnect_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = toggleReconnect_result()
- result.success = self._handler.toggleReconnect()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("toggleReconnect", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_generatePackages(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = generatePackages_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = generatePackages_result()
- result.success = self._handler.generatePackages(args.links)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("generatePackages", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_checkURLs(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = checkURLs_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = checkURLs_result()
- result.success = self._handler.checkURLs(args.urls)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("checkURLs", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_parseURLs(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = parseURLs_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = parseURLs_result()
- result.success = self._handler.parseURLs(args.html, args.url)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("parseURLs", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_checkOnlineStatus(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = checkOnlineStatus_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = checkOnlineStatus_result()
- result.success = self._handler.checkOnlineStatus(args.urls)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("checkOnlineStatus", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_checkOnlineStatusContainer(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = checkOnlineStatusContainer_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = checkOnlineStatusContainer_result()
- result.success = self._handler.checkOnlineStatusContainer(args.urls, args.filename,
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("checkOnlineStatusContainer", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_pollResults(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = pollResults_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = pollResults_result()
- result.success = self._handler.pollResults(args.rid)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("pollResults", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_statusDownloads(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = statusDownloads_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = statusDownloads_result()
- result.success = self._handler.statusDownloads()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("statusDownloads", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getPackageData(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getPackageData_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getPackageData_result()
- try:
- result.success = self._handler.getPackageData(
- except PackageDoesNotExists, e:
- result.e = e
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getPackageData", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getPackageInfo(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getPackageInfo_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getPackageInfo_result()
- try:
- result.success = self._handler.getPackageInfo(
- except PackageDoesNotExists, e:
- result.e = e
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getPackageInfo", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getFileData(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getFileData_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getFileData_result()
- try:
- result.success = self._handler.getFileData(args.fid)
- except FileDoesNotExists, e:
- result.e = e
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getFileData", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getQueue(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getQueue_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getQueue_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getQueue()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getQueue", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getCollector(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getCollector_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getCollector_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getCollector()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getCollector", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getQueueData(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getQueueData_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getQueueData_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getQueueData()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getQueueData", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getCollectorData(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getCollectorData_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getCollectorData_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getCollectorData()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getCollectorData", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getPackageOrder(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getPackageOrder_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getPackageOrder_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getPackageOrder(args.destination)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getPackageOrder", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getFileOrder(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getFileOrder_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getFileOrder_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getFileOrder(
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getFileOrder", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_generateAndAddPackages(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = generateAndAddPackages_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = generateAndAddPackages_result()
- result.success = self._handler.generateAndAddPackages(args.links, args.dest)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("generateAndAddPackages", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_addPackage(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = addPackage_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = addPackage_result()
- result.success = self._handler.addPackage(, args.links, args.dest)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("addPackage", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_addFiles(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = addFiles_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = addFiles_result()
- self._handler.addFiles(, args.links)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("addFiles", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_uploadContainer(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = uploadContainer_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = uploadContainer_result()
- self._handler.uploadContainer(args.filename,
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("uploadContainer", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_deleteFiles(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = deleteFiles_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = deleteFiles_result()
- self._handler.deleteFiles(args.fids)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("deleteFiles", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_deletePackages(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = deletePackages_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = deletePackages_result()
- self._handler.deletePackages(args.pids)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("deletePackages", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_pushToQueue(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = pushToQueue_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = pushToQueue_result()
- self._handler.pushToQueue(
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("pushToQueue", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_pullFromQueue(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = pullFromQueue_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = pullFromQueue_result()
- self._handler.pullFromQueue(
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("pullFromQueue", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_restartPackage(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = restartPackage_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = restartPackage_result()
- self._handler.restartPackage(
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("restartPackage", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_restartFile(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = restartFile_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = restartFile_result()
- self._handler.restartFile(args.fid)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("restartFile", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_recheckPackage(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = recheckPackage_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = recheckPackage_result()
- self._handler.recheckPackage(
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("recheckPackage", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_stopAllDownloads(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = stopAllDownloads_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = stopAllDownloads_result()
- self._handler.stopAllDownloads()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("stopAllDownloads", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_stopDownloads(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = stopDownloads_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = stopDownloads_result()
- self._handler.stopDownloads(args.fids)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("stopDownloads", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_setPackageName(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = setPackageName_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = setPackageName_result()
- self._handler.setPackageName(,
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("setPackageName", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_movePackage(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = movePackage_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = movePackage_result()
- self._handler.movePackage(args.destination,
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("movePackage", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_moveFiles(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = moveFiles_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = moveFiles_result()
- self._handler.moveFiles(args.fids,
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("moveFiles", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_orderPackage(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = orderPackage_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = orderPackage_result()
- self._handler.orderPackage(, args.position)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("orderPackage", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_orderFile(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = orderFile_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = orderFile_result()
- self._handler.orderFile(args.fid, args.position)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("orderFile", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_setPackageData(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = setPackageData_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = setPackageData_result()
- try:
- self._handler.setPackageData(,
- except PackageDoesNotExists, e:
- result.e = e
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("setPackageData", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_deleteFinished(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = deleteFinished_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = deleteFinished_result()
- result.success = self._handler.deleteFinished()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("deleteFinished", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_restartFailed(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = restartFailed_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = restartFailed_result()
- self._handler.restartFailed()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("restartFailed", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getEvents(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getEvents_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getEvents_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getEvents(args.uuid)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getEvents", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getAccounts(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getAccounts_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getAccounts_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getAccounts(args.refresh)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getAccounts", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getAccountTypes(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getAccountTypes_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getAccountTypes_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getAccountTypes()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getAccountTypes", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_updateAccount(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = updateAccount_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = updateAccount_result()
- self._handler.updateAccount(args.plugin, args.account, args.password, args.options)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("updateAccount", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_removeAccount(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = removeAccount_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = removeAccount_result()
- self._handler.removeAccount(args.plugin, args.account)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("removeAccount", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_login(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = login_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = login_result()
- result.success = self._handler.login(args.username, args.password)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("login", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getUserData(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getUserData_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getUserData_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getUserData(args.username, args.password)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getUserData", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getAllUserData(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getAllUserData_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getAllUserData_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getAllUserData()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getAllUserData", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getServices(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getServices_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getServices_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getServices()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getServices", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_hasService(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = hasService_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = hasService_result()
- result.success = self._handler.hasService(args.plugin, args.func)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("hasService", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_call(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = call_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = call_result()
- try:
- result.success =
- except ServiceDoesNotExists, ex:
- result.ex = ex
- except ServiceException, e:
- result.e = e
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("call", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getAllInfo(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getAllInfo_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getAllInfo_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getAllInfo()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getAllInfo", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getInfoByPlugin(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getInfoByPlugin_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getInfoByPlugin_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getInfoByPlugin(args.plugin)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getInfoByPlugin", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_isCaptchaWaiting(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = isCaptchaWaiting_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = isCaptchaWaiting_result()
- result.success = self._handler.isCaptchaWaiting()
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("isCaptchaWaiting", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getCaptchaTask(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getCaptchaTask_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getCaptchaTask_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getCaptchaTask(args.exclusive)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getCaptchaTask", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_getCaptchaTaskStatus(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = getCaptchaTaskStatus_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = getCaptchaTaskStatus_result()
- result.success = self._handler.getCaptchaTaskStatus(args.tid)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("getCaptchaTaskStatus", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
- def process_setCaptchaResult(self, seqid, iprot, oprot):
- args = setCaptchaResult_args()
- iprot.readMessageEnd()
- result = setCaptchaResult_result()
- self._handler.setCaptchaResult(args.tid, args.result)
- oprot.writeMessageBegin("setCaptchaResult", TMessageType.REPLY, seqid)
- result.write(oprot)
- oprot.writeMessageEnd()
- oprot.trans.flush()
-class getConfigValue_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - category
- - option
- - section
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'category',
- 'option',
- 'section',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'category', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'option', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.STRING, 'section', None, None,), # 3
- )
- def __init__(self, category=None, option=None, section=None,):
- self.category = category
- self.option = option
- self.section = section
-class getConfigValue_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.STRING, 'success', None, None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class setConfigValue_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - category
- - option
- - value
- - section
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'category',
- 'option',
- 'value',
- 'section',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'category', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'option', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.STRING, 'value', None, None,), # 3
- (4, TType.STRING, 'section', None, None,), # 4
- )
- def __init__(self, category=None, option=None, value=None, section=None,):
- self.category = category
- self.option = option
- self.value = value
- self.section = section
-class setConfigValue_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class getConfig_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class getConfig_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.MAP, 'success', (TType.STRING, None, TType.STRUCT, (ConfigSection, ConfigSection.thrift_spec)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getPluginConfig_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class getPluginConfig_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.MAP, 'success', (TType.STRING, None, TType.STRUCT, (ConfigSection, ConfigSection.thrift_spec)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class pauseServer_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class pauseServer_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class unpauseServer_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class unpauseServer_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class togglePause_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class togglePause_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.BOOL, 'success', None, None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class statusServer_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class statusServer_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.STRUCT, 'success', (ServerStatus, ServerStatus.thrift_spec), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class freeSpace_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class freeSpace_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.I64, 'success', None, None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getServerVersion_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class getServerVersion_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.STRING, 'success', None, None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class kill_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class kill_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class restart_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class restart_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class getLog_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - offset
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'offset',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'offset', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, offset=None,):
- self.offset = offset
-class getLog_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.LIST, 'success', (TType.STRING, None), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class isTimeDownload_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class isTimeDownload_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.BOOL, 'success', None, None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class isTimeReconnect_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class isTimeReconnect_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.BOOL, 'success', None, None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class toggleReconnect_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class toggleReconnect_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.BOOL, 'success', None, None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class generatePackages_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - links
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'links',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.LIST, 'links', (TType.STRING, None), None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, links=None,):
- self.links = links
-class generatePackages_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.MAP, 'success', (TType.STRING, None, TType.LIST, (TType.STRING, None)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class checkURLs_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - urls
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'urls',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.LIST, 'urls', (TType.STRING, None), None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, urls=None,):
- self.urls = urls
-class checkURLs_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.MAP, 'success', (TType.STRING, None, TType.LIST, (TType.STRING, None)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class parseURLs_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - html
- - url
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'html',
- 'url',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'html', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'url', None, None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, html=None, url=None,):
- self.html = html
- self.url = url
-class parseURLs_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.MAP, 'success', (TType.STRING, None, TType.LIST, (TType.STRING, None)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class checkOnlineStatus_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - urls
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'urls',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.LIST, 'urls', (TType.STRING, None), None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, urls=None,):
- self.urls = urls
-class checkOnlineStatus_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.STRUCT, 'success', (OnlineCheck, OnlineCheck.thrift_spec), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class checkOnlineStatusContainer_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - urls
- - filename
- - data
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'urls',
- 'filename',
- 'data',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.LIST, 'urls', (TType.STRING, None), None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'filename', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.STRING, 'data', None, None,), # 3
- )
- def __init__(self, urls=None, filename=None, data=None,):
- self.urls = urls
- self.filename = filename
- = data
-class checkOnlineStatusContainer_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.STRUCT, 'success', (OnlineCheck, OnlineCheck.thrift_spec), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class pollResults_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - rid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'rid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'rid', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, rid=None,):
- self.rid = rid
-class pollResults_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.STRUCT, 'success', (OnlineCheck, OnlineCheck.thrift_spec), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class statusDownloads_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class statusDownloads_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.LIST, 'success', (TType.STRUCT, (DownloadInfo, DownloadInfo.thrift_spec)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getPackageData_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, pid=None,):
- = pid
-class getPackageData_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- - e
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- 'e',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.STRUCT, 'success', (PackageData, PackageData.thrift_spec), None,), # 0
- (1, TType.STRUCT, 'e', (PackageDoesNotExists, PackageDoesNotExists.thrift_spec), None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None, e=None,):
- self.success = success
- self.e = e
-class getPackageInfo_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, pid=None,):
- = pid
-class getPackageInfo_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- - e
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- 'e',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.STRUCT, 'success', (PackageData, PackageData.thrift_spec), None,), # 0
- (1, TType.STRUCT, 'e', (PackageDoesNotExists, PackageDoesNotExists.thrift_spec), None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None, e=None,):
- self.success = success
- self.e = e
-class getFileData_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - fid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'fid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'fid', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, fid=None,):
- self.fid = fid
-class getFileData_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- - e
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- 'e',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.STRUCT, 'success', (FileData, FileData.thrift_spec), None,), # 0
- (1, TType.STRUCT, 'e', (FileDoesNotExists, FileDoesNotExists.thrift_spec), None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None, e=None,):
- self.success = success
- self.e = e
-class getQueue_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class getQueue_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.LIST, 'success', (TType.STRUCT, (PackageData, PackageData.thrift_spec)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getCollector_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class getCollector_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.LIST, 'success', (TType.STRUCT, (PackageData, PackageData.thrift_spec)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getQueueData_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class getQueueData_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.LIST, 'success', (TType.STRUCT, (PackageData, PackageData.thrift_spec)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getCollectorData_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class getCollectorData_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.LIST, 'success', (TType.STRUCT, (PackageData, PackageData.thrift_spec)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getPackageOrder_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - destination
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'destination',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'destination', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, destination=None,):
- self.destination = destination
-class getPackageOrder_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.MAP, 'success', (TType.I16, None, TType.I32, None), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getFileOrder_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, pid=None,):
- = pid
-class getFileOrder_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.MAP, 'success', (TType.I16, None, TType.I32, None), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class generateAndAddPackages_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - links
- - dest
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'links',
- 'dest',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.LIST, 'links', (TType.STRING, None), None,), # 1
- (2, TType.I32, 'dest', None, None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, links=None, dest=None,):
- self.links = links
- self.dest = dest
-class generateAndAddPackages_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.LIST, 'success', (TType.I32, None), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class addPackage_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - name
- - links
- - dest
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'name',
- 'links',
- 'dest',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'name', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.LIST, 'links', (TType.STRING, None), None,), # 2
- (3, TType.I32, 'dest', None, None,), # 3
- )
- def __init__(self, name=None, links=None, dest=None,):
- = name
- self.links = links
- self.dest = dest
-class addPackage_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.I32, 'success', None, None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class addFiles_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pid
- - links
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pid',
- 'links',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.LIST, 'links', (TType.STRING, None), None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, pid=None, links=None,):
- = pid
- self.links = links
-class addFiles_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class uploadContainer_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - filename
- - data
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'filename',
- 'data',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'filename', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'data', None, None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, filename=None, data=None,):
- self.filename = filename
- = data
-class uploadContainer_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class deleteFiles_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - fids
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'fids',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.LIST, 'fids', (TType.I32, None), None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, fids=None,):
- self.fids = fids
-class deleteFiles_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class deletePackages_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pids
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pids',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.LIST, 'pids', (TType.I32, None), None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, pids=None,):
- self.pids = pids
-class deletePackages_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class pushToQueue_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, pid=None,):
- = pid
-class pushToQueue_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class pullFromQueue_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, pid=None,):
- = pid
-class pullFromQueue_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class restartPackage_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, pid=None,):
- = pid
-class restartPackage_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class restartFile_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - fid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'fid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'fid', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, fid=None,):
- self.fid = fid
-class restartFile_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class recheckPackage_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, pid=None,):
- = pid
-class recheckPackage_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class stopAllDownloads_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class stopAllDownloads_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class stopDownloads_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - fids
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'fids',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.LIST, 'fids', (TType.I32, None), None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, fids=None,):
- self.fids = fids
-class stopDownloads_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class setPackageName_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pid
- - name
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pid',
- 'name',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'name', None, None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, pid=None, name=None,):
- = pid
- = name
-class setPackageName_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class movePackage_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - destination
- - pid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'destination',
- 'pid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'destination', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, destination=None, pid=None,):
- self.destination = destination
- = pid
-class movePackage_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class moveFiles_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - fids
- - pid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'fids',
- 'pid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.LIST, 'fids', (TType.I32, None), None,), # 1
- (2, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, fids=None, pid=None,):
- self.fids = fids
- = pid
-class moveFiles_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class orderPackage_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pid
- - position
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pid',
- 'position',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.I16, 'position', None, None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, pid=None, position=None,):
- = pid
- self.position = position
-class orderPackage_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class orderFile_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - fid
- - position
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'fid',
- 'position',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'fid', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.I16, 'position', None, None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, fid=None, position=None,):
- self.fid = fid
- self.position = position
-class orderFile_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class setPackageData_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pid
- - data
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pid',
- 'data',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.MAP, 'data', (TType.STRING, None, TType.STRING, None), None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, pid=None, data=None,):
- = pid
- = data
-class setPackageData_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - e
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'e',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRUCT, 'e', (PackageDoesNotExists, PackageDoesNotExists.thrift_spec), None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, e=None,):
- self.e = e
-class deleteFinished_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class deleteFinished_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.LIST, 'success', (TType.I32, None), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class restartFailed_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class restartFailed_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class getEvents_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - uuid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'uuid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'uuid', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, uuid=None,):
- self.uuid = uuid
-class getEvents_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.LIST, 'success', (TType.STRUCT, (EventInfo, EventInfo.thrift_spec)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getAccounts_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - refresh
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'refresh',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.BOOL, 'refresh', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, refresh=None,):
- self.refresh = refresh
-class getAccounts_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.LIST, 'success', (TType.STRUCT, (AccountInfo, AccountInfo.thrift_spec)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getAccountTypes_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class getAccountTypes_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.LIST, 'success', (TType.STRING, None), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class updateAccount_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - plugin
- - account
- - password
- - options
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'plugin',
- 'account',
- 'password',
- 'options',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'plugin', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'account', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.STRING, 'password', None, None,), # 3
- (4, TType.MAP, 'options', (TType.STRING, None, TType.STRING, None), None,), # 4
- )
- def __init__(self, plugin=None, account=None, password=None, options=None,):
- self.plugin = plugin
- self.account = account
- self.password = password
- self.options = options
-class updateAccount_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class removeAccount_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - plugin
- - account
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'plugin',
- 'account',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'plugin', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'account', None, None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, plugin=None, account=None,):
- self.plugin = plugin
- self.account = account
-class removeAccount_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class login_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - username
- - password
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'username',
- 'password',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'username', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'password', None, None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, username=None, password=None,):
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
-class login_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.BOOL, 'success', None, None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getUserData_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - username
- - password
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'username',
- 'password',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'username', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'password', None, None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, username=None, password=None,):
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
-class getUserData_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.STRUCT, 'success', (UserData, UserData.thrift_spec), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getAllUserData_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class getAllUserData_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.MAP, 'success', (TType.STRING, None, TType.STRUCT, (UserData, UserData.thrift_spec)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getServices_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class getServices_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.MAP, 'success', (TType.STRING, None, TType.MAP, (TType.STRING, None, TType.STRING, None)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class hasService_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - plugin
- - func
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'plugin',
- 'func',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'plugin', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'func', None, None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, plugin=None, func=None,):
- self.plugin = plugin
- self.func = func
-class hasService_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.BOOL, 'success', None, None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class call_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - info
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'info',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRUCT, 'info', (ServiceCall, ServiceCall.thrift_spec), None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, info=None,):
- = info
-class call_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- - ex
- - e
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- 'ex',
- 'e',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.STRING, 'success', None, None,), # 0
- (1, TType.STRUCT, 'ex', (ServiceDoesNotExists, ServiceDoesNotExists.thrift_spec), None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRUCT, 'e', (ServiceException, ServiceException.thrift_spec), None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None, ex=None, e=None,):
- self.success = success
- self.ex = ex
- self.e = e
-class getAllInfo_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class getAllInfo_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.MAP, 'success', (TType.STRING, None, TType.MAP, (TType.STRING, None, TType.STRING, None)), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getInfoByPlugin_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - plugin
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'plugin',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'plugin', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, plugin=None,):
- self.plugin = plugin
-class getInfoByPlugin_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.MAP, 'success', (TType.STRING, None, TType.STRING, None), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class isCaptchaWaiting_args(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
-class isCaptchaWaiting_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.BOOL, 'success', None, None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getCaptchaTask_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - exclusive
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'exclusive',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.BOOL, 'exclusive', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, exclusive=None,):
- self.exclusive = exclusive
-class getCaptchaTask_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.STRUCT, 'success', (CaptchaTask, CaptchaTask.thrift_spec), None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class getCaptchaTaskStatus_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - tid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'tid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'tid', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, tid=None,):
- self.tid = tid
-class getCaptchaTaskStatus_result(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - success
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'success',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- (0, TType.STRING, 'success', None, None,), # 0
- )
- def __init__(self, success=None,):
- self.success = success
-class setCaptchaResult_args(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - tid
- - result
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'tid',
- 'result',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'tid', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'result', None, None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, tid=None, result=None,):
- self.tid = tid
- self.result = result
-class setCaptchaResult_result(TBase):
- __slots__ = [
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- )
diff --git a/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/pyload/ b/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/pyload/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a0fb88bf..000000000
--- a/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/pyload/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-__all__ = ['ttypes', 'constants', 'Pyload']
diff --git a/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/pyload/ b/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/pyload/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bdd64cc1..000000000
--- a/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/pyload/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.9.0-dev)
-# options string: py:slots, dynamic
-from thrift.Thrift import TType, TMessageType, TException
-from ttypes import *
diff --git a/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/pyload/ b/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/pyload/
deleted file mode 100644
index c2c50924e..000000000
--- a/module/remote/thriftbackend/thriftgen/pyload/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,834 +0,0 @@
-# Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.9.0-dev)
-# options string: py:slots, dynamic
-from thrift.Thrift import TType, TMessageType, TException
-from thrift.protocol.TBase import TBase, TExceptionBase
-class DownloadStatus(TBase):
- Finished = 0
- Offline = 1
- Online = 2
- Queued = 3
- Skipped = 4
- Waiting = 5
- TempOffline = 6
- Starting = 7
- Failed = 8
- Aborted = 9
- Decrypting = 10
- Custom = 11
- Downloading = 12
- Processing = 13
- Unknown = 14
- 0: "Finished",
- 1: "Offline",
- 2: "Online",
- 3: "Queued",
- 4: "Skipped",
- 5: "Waiting",
- 6: "TempOffline",
- 7: "Starting",
- 8: "Failed",
- 9: "Aborted",
- 10: "Decrypting",
- 11: "Custom",
- 12: "Downloading",
- 13: "Processing",
- 14: "Unknown",
- }
- "Finished": 0,
- "Offline": 1,
- "Online": 2,
- "Queued": 3,
- "Skipped": 4,
- "Waiting": 5,
- "TempOffline": 6,
- "Starting": 7,
- "Failed": 8,
- "Aborted": 9,
- "Decrypting": 10,
- "Custom": 11,
- "Downloading": 12,
- "Processing": 13,
- "Unknown": 14,
- }
-class Destination(TBase):
- Collector = 0
- Queue = 1
- 0: "Collector",
- 1: "Queue",
- }
- "Collector": 0,
- "Queue": 1,
- }
-class ElementType(TBase):
- Package = 0
- File = 1
- 0: "Package",
- 1: "File",
- }
- "Package": 0,
- "File": 1,
- }
-class Input(TBase):
- NONE = 0
- TEXT = 1
- BOOL = 4
- CLICK = 5
- CHOICE = 6
- LIST = 8
- TABLE = 9
- 0: "NONE",
- 1: "TEXT",
- 2: "TEXTBOX",
- 3: "PASSWORD",
- 4: "BOOL",
- 5: "CLICK",
- 6: "CHOICE",
- 7: "MULTIPLE",
- 8: "LIST",
- 9: "TABLE",
- }
- "NONE": 0,
- "TEXT": 1,
- "TEXTBOX": 2,
- "PASSWORD": 3,
- "BOOL": 4,
- "CLICK": 5,
- "CHOICE": 6,
- "MULTIPLE": 7,
- "LIST": 8,
- "TABLE": 9,
- }
-class Output(TBase):
- 1: "CAPTCHA",
- 2: "QUESTION",
- }
- "CAPTCHA": 1,
- "QUESTION": 2,
- }
-class DownloadInfo(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - fid
- - name
- - speed
- - eta
- - format_eta
- - bleft
- - size
- - format_size
- - percent
- - status
- - statusmsg
- - format_wait
- - wait_until
- - packageID
- - packageName
- - plugin
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'fid',
- 'name',
- 'speed',
- 'eta',
- 'format_eta',
- 'bleft',
- 'size',
- 'format_size',
- 'percent',
- 'status',
- 'statusmsg',
- 'format_wait',
- 'wait_until',
- 'packageID',
- 'packageName',
- 'plugin',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'fid', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'name', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.I64, 'speed', None, None,), # 3
- (4, TType.I32, 'eta', None, None,), # 4
- (5, TType.STRING, 'format_eta', None, None,), # 5
- (6, TType.I64, 'bleft', None, None,), # 6
- (7, TType.I64, 'size', None, None,), # 7
- (8, TType.STRING, 'format_size', None, None,), # 8
- (9, TType.BYTE, 'percent', None, None,), # 9
- (10, TType.I32, 'status', None, None,), # 10
- (11, TType.STRING, 'statusmsg', None, None,), # 11
- (12, TType.STRING, 'format_wait', None, None,), # 12
- (13, TType.I64, 'wait_until', None, None,), # 13
- (14, TType.I32, 'packageID', None, None,), # 14
- (15, TType.STRING, 'packageName', None, None,), # 15
- (16, TType.STRING, 'plugin', None, None,), # 16
- )
- def __init__(self, fid=None, name=None, speed=None, eta=None, format_eta=None, bleft=None, size=None, format_size=None, percent=None, status=None, statusmsg=None, format_wait=None, wait_until=None, packageID=None, packageName=None, plugin=None,):
- self.fid = fid
- = name
- self.speed = speed
- self.eta = eta
- self.format_eta = format_eta
- self.bleft = bleft
- self.size = size
- self.format_size = format_size
- self.percent = percent
- self.status = status
- self.statusmsg = statusmsg
- self.format_wait = format_wait
- self.wait_until = wait_until
- self.packageID = packageID
- self.packageName = packageName
- self.plugin = plugin
-class ServerStatus(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pause
- - active
- - queue
- - total
- - speed
- - download
- - reconnect
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pause',
- 'active',
- 'queue',
- 'total',
- 'speed',
- 'download',
- 'reconnect',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.BOOL, 'pause', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.I16, 'active', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.I16, 'queue', None, None,), # 3
- (4, TType.I16, 'total', None, None,), # 4
- (5, TType.I64, 'speed', None, None,), # 5
- (6, TType.BOOL, 'download', None, None,), # 6
- (7, TType.BOOL, 'reconnect', None, None,), # 7
- )
- def __init__(self, pause=None, active=None, queue=None, total=None, speed=None, download=None, reconnect=None,):
- self.pause = pause
- = active
- self.queue = queue
- = total
- self.speed = speed
- = download
- self.reconnect = reconnect
-class ConfigItem(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - name
- - description
- - value
- - type
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'name',
- 'description',
- 'value',
- 'type',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'name', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'description', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.STRING, 'value', None, None,), # 3
- (4, TType.STRING, 'type', None, None,), # 4
- )
- def __init__(self, name=None, description=None, value=None, type=None,):
- = name
- self.description = description
- self.value = value
- self.type = type
-class ConfigSection(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - name
- - description
- - items
- - outline
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'name',
- 'description',
- 'items',
- 'outline',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'name', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'description', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.LIST, 'items', (TType.STRUCT, (ConfigItem, ConfigItem.thrift_spec)), None,), # 3
- (4, TType.STRING, 'outline', None, None,), # 4
- )
- def __init__(self, name=None, description=None, items=None, outline=None,):
- = name
- self.description = description
- self.items = items
- self.outline = outline
-class FileData(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - fid
- - url
- - name
- - plugin
- - size
- - format_size
- - status
- - statusmsg
- - packageID
- - error
- - order
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'fid',
- 'url',
- 'name',
- 'plugin',
- 'size',
- 'format_size',
- 'status',
- 'statusmsg',
- 'packageID',
- 'error',
- 'order',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'fid', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'url', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.STRING, 'name', None, None,), # 3
- (4, TType.STRING, 'plugin', None, None,), # 4
- (5, TType.I64, 'size', None, None,), # 5
- (6, TType.STRING, 'format_size', None, None,), # 6
- (7, TType.I32, 'status', None, None,), # 7
- (8, TType.STRING, 'statusmsg', None, None,), # 8
- (9, TType.I32, 'packageID', None, None,), # 9
- (10, TType.STRING, 'error', None, None,), # 10
- (11, TType.I16, 'order', None, None,), # 11
- )
- def __init__(self, fid=None, url=None, name=None, plugin=None, size=None, format_size=None, status=None, statusmsg=None, packageID=None, error=None, order=None,):
- self.fid = fid
- self.url = url
- = name
- self.plugin = plugin
- self.size = size
- self.format_size = format_size
- self.status = status
- self.statusmsg = statusmsg
- self.packageID = packageID
- self.error = error
- self.order = order
-class PackageData(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pid
- - name
- - folder
- - site
- - password
- - dest
- - order
- - linksdone
- - sizedone
- - sizetotal
- - linkstotal
- - links
- - fids
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pid',
- 'name',
- 'folder',
- 'site',
- 'password',
- 'dest',
- 'order',
- 'linksdone',
- 'sizedone',
- 'sizetotal',
- 'linkstotal',
- 'links',
- 'fids',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'name', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.STRING, 'folder', None, None,), # 3
- (4, TType.STRING, 'site', None, None,), # 4
- (5, TType.STRING, 'password', None, None,), # 5
- (6, TType.I32, 'dest', None, None,), # 6
- (7, TType.I16, 'order', None, None,), # 7
- (8, TType.I16, 'linksdone', None, None,), # 8
- (9, TType.I64, 'sizedone', None, None,), # 9
- (10, TType.I64, 'sizetotal', None, None,), # 10
- (11, TType.I16, 'linkstotal', None, None,), # 11
- (12, TType.LIST, 'links', (TType.STRUCT, (FileData, FileData.thrift_spec)), None,), # 12
- (13, TType.LIST, 'fids', (TType.I32, None), None,), # 13
- )
- def __init__(self, pid=None, name=None, folder=None, site=None, password=None, dest=None, order=None, linksdone=None, sizedone=None, sizetotal=None, linkstotal=None, links=None, fids=None,):
- = pid
- = name
- self.folder = folder
- = site
- self.password = password
- self.dest = dest
- self.order = order
- self.linksdone = linksdone
- self.sizedone = sizedone
- self.sizetotal = sizetotal
- self.linkstotal = linkstotal
- self.links = links
- self.fids = fids
-class InteractionTask(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - iid
- - input
- - structure
- - preset
- - output
- - data
- - title
- - description
- - plugin
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'iid',
- 'input',
- 'structure',
- 'preset',
- 'output',
- 'data',
- 'title',
- 'description',
- 'plugin',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'iid', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.I32, 'input', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.LIST, 'structure', (TType.STRING, None), None,), # 3
- (4, TType.LIST, 'preset', (TType.STRING, None), None,), # 4
- (5, TType.I32, 'output', None, None,), # 5
- (6, TType.LIST, 'data', (TType.STRING, None), None,), # 6
- (7, TType.STRING, 'title', None, None,), # 7
- (8, TType.STRING, 'description', None, None,), # 8
- (9, TType.STRING, 'plugin', None, None,), # 9
- )
- def __init__(self, iid=None, input=None, structure=None, preset=None, output=None, data=None, title=None, description=None, plugin=None,):
- self.iid = iid
- self.input = input
- self.structure = structure
- self.preset = preset
- self.output = output
- = data
- self.title = title
- self.description = description
- self.plugin = plugin
-class CaptchaTask(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - tid
- - data
- - type
- - resultType
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'tid',
- 'data',
- 'type',
- 'resultType',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I16, 'tid', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'data', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.STRING, 'type', None, None,), # 3
- (4, TType.STRING, 'resultType', None, None,), # 4
- )
- def __init__(self, tid=None, data=None, type=None, resultType=None,):
- self.tid = tid
- = data
- self.type = type
- self.resultType = resultType
-class EventInfo(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - eventname
- - id
- - type
- - destination
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'eventname',
- 'id',
- 'type',
- 'destination',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'eventname', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.I32, 'id', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.I32, 'type', None, None,), # 3
- (4, TType.I32, 'destination', None, None,), # 4
- )
- def __init__(self, eventname=None, id=None, type=None, destination=None,):
- self.eventname = eventname
- = id
- self.type = type
- self.destination = destination
-class UserData(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - name
- - email
- - role
- - permission
- - templateName
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'name',
- 'email',
- 'role',
- 'permission',
- 'templateName',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'name', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'email', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.I32, 'role', None, None,), # 3
- (4, TType.I32, 'permission', None, None,), # 4
- (5, TType.STRING, 'templateName', None, None,), # 5
- )
- def __init__(self, name=None, email=None, role=None, permission=None, templateName=None,):
- = name
- = email
- self.role = role
- self.permission = permission
- self.templateName = templateName
-class AccountInfo(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - validuntil
- - login
- - options
- - valid
- - trafficleft
- - maxtraffic
- - premium
- - type
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'validuntil',
- 'login',
- 'options',
- 'valid',
- 'trafficleft',
- 'maxtraffic',
- 'premium',
- 'type',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I64, 'validuntil', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'login', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.MAP, 'options', (TType.STRING, None, TType.LIST, (TType.STRING, None)), None,), # 3
- (4, TType.BOOL, 'valid', None, None,), # 4
- (5, TType.I64, 'trafficleft', None, None,), # 5
- (6, TType.I64, 'maxtraffic', None, None,), # 6
- (7, TType.BOOL, 'premium', None, None,), # 7
- (8, TType.STRING, 'type', None, None,), # 8
- )
- def __init__(self, validuntil=None, login=None, options=None, valid=None, trafficleft=None, maxtraffic=None, premium=None, type=None,):
- self.validuntil = validuntil
- self.login = login
- self.options = options
- self.valid = valid
- self.trafficleft = trafficleft
- self.maxtraffic = maxtraffic
- self.premium = premium
- self.type = type
-class ServiceCall(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - plugin
- - func
- - arguments
- - parseArguments
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'plugin',
- 'func',
- 'arguments',
- 'parseArguments',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'plugin', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'func', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.LIST, 'arguments', (TType.STRING, None), None,), # 3
- (4, TType.BOOL, 'parseArguments', None, None,), # 4
- )
- def __init__(self, plugin=None, func=None, arguments=None, parseArguments=None,):
- self.plugin = plugin
- self.func = func
- self.arguments = arguments
- self.parseArguments = parseArguments
-class OnlineStatus(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - name
- - plugin
- - packagename
- - status
- - size
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'name',
- 'plugin',
- 'packagename',
- 'status',
- 'size',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'name', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'plugin', None, None,), # 2
- (3, TType.STRING, 'packagename', None, None,), # 3
- (4, TType.I32, 'status', None, None,), # 4
- (5, TType.I64, 'size', None, None,), # 5
- )
- def __init__(self, name=None, plugin=None, packagename=None, status=None, size=None,):
- = name
- self.plugin = plugin
- self.packagename = packagename
- self.status = status
- self.size = size
-class OnlineCheck(TBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - rid
- - data
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'rid',
- 'data',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'rid', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.MAP, 'data', (TType.STRING, None, TType.STRUCT, (OnlineStatus, OnlineStatus.thrift_spec)), None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, rid=None, data=None,):
- self.rid = rid
- = data
-class PackageDoesNotExists(TExceptionBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - pid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'pid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'pid', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, pid=None,):
- = pid
- def __str__(self):
- return repr(self)
-class FileDoesNotExists(TExceptionBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - fid
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'fid',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.I32, 'fid', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, fid=None,):
- self.fid = fid
- def __str__(self):
- return repr(self)
-class ServiceDoesNotExists(TExceptionBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - plugin
- - func
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'plugin',
- 'func',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'plugin', None, None,), # 1
- (2, TType.STRING, 'func', None, None,), # 2
- )
- def __init__(self, plugin=None, func=None,):
- self.plugin = plugin
- self.func = func
- def __str__(self):
- return repr(self)
-class ServiceException(TExceptionBase):
- """
- Attributes:
- - msg
- """
- __slots__ = [
- 'msg',
- ]
- thrift_spec = (
- None, # 0
- (1, TType.STRING, 'msg', None, None,), # 1
- )
- def __init__(self, msg=None,):
- self.msg = msg
- def __str__(self):
- return repr(self)