path: root/module/plugins/internal/
diff options
authorGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2015-09-29 21:43:22 +0200
committerGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2015-09-29 21:43:22 +0200
commit8af39bfa2c409d4fd07d430485117bf60fdcc935 (patch)
tree9340941b94be82a9aec40544eef7e8f1aeb766e9 /module/plugins/internal/
parentAccount class completely rewritten + plugins updated (diff)
Update internal plugins
Diffstat (limited to 'module/plugins/internal/')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/plugins/internal/ b/module/plugins/internal/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b38670ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/plugins/internal/
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import re
+import time
+from module.plugins.internal.Account import Account
+from module.utils import decode, remove_chars
+class MultiAccount(Account):
+ __name__ = "MultiAccount"
+ __type__ = "account"
+ __version__ = "0.02"
+ __status__ = "testing"
+ __config__ = [("pluginmode" , "all;listed;unlisted", "Use for plugins" , "all"),
+ ("pluginlist" , "str" , "Plugin list (comma separated)", "" ),
+ ("reload" , "bool" , "Reload plugin list" , True ),
+ ("reloadinterval", "int" , "Reload interval in hours" , 12 )]
+ __description__ = """Multi hoster account plugin"""
+ __license__ = "GPLv3"
+ __authors__ = [("pyLoad Team" , "" ),
+ ("Walter Purcaro", "")]
+ REFRESH_INTERVAL = 1 * 60 * 60 #: 1 hour
+ DOMAIN_REPLACEMENTS = [(r'180upload\.com' , ""),
+ (r'bayfiles\.net' , "" ),
+ (r'cloudnator\.com' , "" ),
+ (r'dfiles\.eu' , "" ),
+ (r'easy-share\.com' , "" ),
+ (r'freakshare\.net' , "" ),
+ (r'hellshare\.com' , "" ),
+ (r'ifile\.it' , "" ),
+ (r'nowdownload\.\w+', "" ),
+ (r'nowvideo\.\w+' , "" ),
+ (r'putlocker\.com' , "" ),
+ (r'share-?rapid\.cz', "" ),
+ (r'ul\.to' , "" ),
+ (r'uploaded\.net' , "" ),
+ (r'uploadhero\.co' , "" ),
+ (r'zshares\.net' , "" ),
+ (r'^1' , "one" ),
+ (r'^2' , "two" ),
+ (r'^3' , "three" ),
+ (r'^4' , "four" ),
+ (r'^5' , "five" ),
+ (r'^6' , "six" ),
+ (r'^7' , "seven" ),
+ (r'^8' , "eight" ),
+ (r'^9' , "nine" ),
+ (r'^0' , "zero" )]
+ def init(self):
+ self.plugins = []
+ self.supported = []
+ self.new_supported = []
+ self.account = None
+ self.pluginclass = None
+ self.pluginmodule = None
+ self.pluginname = None
+ self.plugintype = None
+ self.init_plugin()
+ def init_plugin(self):
+ self.pluginname = self.__name__.rsplit("Hook", 1)[0]
+ plugin, self.plugintype = self.pyload.pluginManager.findPlugin(self.pluginname)
+ if plugin:
+ self.pluginmodule = self.pyload.pluginManager.loadModule(self.plugintype, self.pluginname)
+ self.pluginclass = getattr(self.pluginmodule, self.pluginname)
+ else:
+ self.log_warning(_("Hook plugin will be deactivated due missing plugin reference"))
+ self.set_config('activated', False)
+ def load_account(self):
+ self.account = self.pyload.accountManager.getAccountPlugin(self.pluginname)
+ if self.account and not[0]:
+ self.account = False
+ if not self.account and hasattr(self.pluginclass, "LOGIN_ACCOUNT") and self.pluginclass.LOGIN_ACCOUNT:
+ self.log_warning(_("Hook plugin will be deactivated due missing account reference"))
+ self.set_config('activated', False)
+ def activate(self):
+ self.init_periodical(threaded=True)
+ def plugins_cached(self):
+ if self.plugins:
+ return self.plugins
+ for _i in xrange(5):
+ try:
+ pluginset = self._plugin_set(self.grab_hosters())
+ break
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.log_warning(e, _("Waiting 1 minute and retry"))
+ time.sleep(60)
+ else:
+ self.log_error(_("No hoster list retrieved"))
+ self.interval = self.REFRESH_INTERVAL
+ return list()
+ try:
+ configmode = self.get_config('pluginmode', 'all')
+ if configmode in ("listed", "unlisted"):
+ pluginlist = self.get_config('pluginlist', '').replace('|', ',').replace(';', ',').split(',')
+ configset = self._plugin_set(pluginlist)
+ if configmode == "listed":
+ pluginset &= configset
+ else:
+ pluginset -= configset
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.log_error(e)
+ self.plugins = list(pluginset)
+ return self.plugins
+ def _plugin_set(self, plugins):
+ regexp = re.compile(r'^[\w\-.^_]{3,63}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$', re.U)
+ plugins = [decode(p.strip()).lower() for p in plugins if regexp.match(p.strip())]
+ for r in self.DOMAIN_REPLACEMENTS:
+ rf, rt = r
+ repr = re.compile(rf, re.I|re.U)
+ plugins = [re.sub(rf, rt, p) if repr.match(p) else p for p in plugins]
+ return set(plugins)
+ def grab_hosters(self, user, password, data):
+ """
+ Load list of supported hoster
+ :return: List of domain names
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def periodical(self):
+ """
+ Reload plugin list periodically
+ """
+ self.load_account()
+ if self.get_config('reload', True):
+ self.interval = max(self.get_config('reloadinterval', 12) * 60 * 60, self.REFRESH_INTERVAL)
+ else:
+ self.pyload.scheduler.removeJob(self.cb)
+ self.cb = None
+ self.log_info(_("Reloading supported %s list") % self.plugintype)
+ old_supported = self.supported
+ self.supported = []
+ self.new_supported = []
+ self.plugins = []
+ self.override_plugins()
+ old_supported = [plugin for plugin in old_supported if plugin not in self.supported]
+ if old_supported:
+ self.log_debug("Unload: %s" % ", ".join(old_supported))
+ for plugin in old_supported:
+ self.unload_plugin(plugin)
+ def override_plugins(self):
+ excludedList = []
+ if self.plugintype == "hoster":
+ pluginMap = dict((name.lower(), name) for name in self.pyload.pluginManager.hosterPlugins.keys())
+ accountList = [account.type.lower() for account in self.pyload.api.getAccounts(False) if account.valid and account.premium]
+ else:
+ pluginMap = {}
+ accountList = [name[::-1].replace("Folder"[::-1], "", 1).lower()[::-1] for name in self.pyload.pluginManager.crypterPlugins.keys()]
+ for plugin in self.plugins_cached():
+ name = remove_chars(plugin, "-.")
+ if name in accountList:
+ excludedList.append(plugin)
+ else:
+ if name in pluginMap:
+ self.supported.append(pluginMap[name])
+ else:
+ self.new_supported.append(plugin)
+ if not self.supported and not self.new_supported:
+ self.log_error(_("No %s loaded") % self.plugintype)
+ return
+ #: Inject plugin plugin
+ self.log_debug("Overwritten %ss: %s" % (self.plugintype, ", ".join(sorted(self.supported))))
+ for plugin in self.supported:
+ hdict = self.pyload.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][plugin]
+ hdict['new_module'] = self.pluginmodule
+ hdict['new_name'] = self.pluginname
+ if excludedList:
+ self.log_info(_("%ss not overwritten: %s") % (self.plugintype.capitalize(), ", ".join(sorted(excludedList))))
+ if self.new_supported:
+ plugins = sorted(self.new_supported)
+ self.log_debug("New %ss: %s" % (self.plugintype, ", ".join(plugins)))
+ #: Create new regexp
+ regexp = r'.*(?P<DOMAIN>%s).*' % "|".join(x.replace('.', '\.') for x in plugins)
+ if hasattr(self.pluginclass, "__pattern__") and isinstance(self.pluginclass.__pattern__, basestring) and "://" in self.pluginclass.__pattern__:
+ regexp = r'%s|%s' % (self.pluginclass.__pattern__, regexp)
+ self.log_debug("Regexp: %s" % regexp)
+ hdict = self.pyload.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][self.pluginname]
+ hdict['pattern'] = regexp
+ hdict['re'] = re.compile(regexp)
+ def unload_plugin(self, plugin):
+ hdict = self.pyload.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][plugin]
+ if "module" in hdict:
+ hdict.pop('module', None)
+ if "new_module" in hdict:
+ hdict.pop('new_module', None)
+ hdict.pop('new_name', None)
+ def deactivate(self):
+ """
+ Remove override for all plugins. Scheduler job is removed by hookmanager
+ """
+ for plugin in self.supported:
+ self.unload_plugin(plugin)
+ #: Reset pattern
+ hdict = self.pyload.pluginManager.plugins[self.plugintype][self.pluginname]
+ hdict['pattern'] = getattr(self.pluginclass, "__pattern__", r'^unmatchable$')
+ hdict['re'] = re.compile(hdict['pattern'])