path: root/module/gui
diff options
authorGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2014-06-28 14:49:34 +0200
committerGravatar Walter Purcaro <> 2014-06-28 20:21:03 +0200
commit6abc3221c9b5ba1a1b54633c8283c7c5c978558a (patch)
treeb98bb58c4e10bc6638cebfc2fb1327ca71adb797 /module/gui
parentUpdate CherryPy wsgiserver to version 3.2.1 (diff)
[GUI] Removed
Diffstat (limited to 'module/gui')
16 files changed, 0 insertions, 3372 deletions
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 83472d4b5..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: mkaay
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-from os.path import join
-class AccountEdit(QWidget):
- """
- account editor widget
- """
- def __init__(self):
- QMainWindow.__init__(self)
- self.setWindowTitle(_("Edit account"))
- self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "logo.png")))
- self.setLayout(QGridLayout())
- l = self.layout()
- typeLabel = QLabel(_("Type"))
- loginLabel = QLabel(_("Login"))
- passwordLabel = QLabel(_("New password"))
- changePw = QCheckBox()
- changePw.setChecked(False)
- self.changePw = changePw
- password = QLineEdit()
- password.setEnabled(False)
- password.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password)
- self.password = password
- login = QLineEdit()
- self.login = login
- acctype = QComboBox()
- self.acctype = acctype
- save = QPushButton(_("Save"))
- self.connect(changePw, SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"), password, SLOT("setEnabled(bool)"))
- l.addWidget(save, 3, 0, 1, 3)
- l.addWidget(acctype, 0, 1, 1, 2)
- l.addWidget(login, 1, 1, 1, 2)
- l.addWidget(password, 2, 2)
- l.addWidget(changePw, 2, 1)
- l.addWidget(passwordLabel, 2, 0)
- l.addWidget(loginLabel, 1, 0)
- l.addWidget(typeLabel, 0, 0)
- self.connect(save, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.slotSave)
- def slotSave(self):
- """
- save entered data
- """
- data = {"login": str(self.login.text()), "acctype": str(self.acctype.currentText()), "password": False}
- if self.changePw.isChecked():
- data["password"] = str(self.password.text())
- self.emit(SIGNAL("done"), data)
- @staticmethod
- def newAccount(types):
- """
- create empty editor instance
- """
- w = AccountEdit()
- w.setWindowTitle(_("Create account"))
- w.changePw.setChecked(True)
- w.password.setEnabled(True)
- w.acctype.addItems(types)
- return w
- @staticmethod
- def editAccount(types, base):
- """
- create editor instance with given data
- """
- w = AccountEdit()
- w.acctype.addItems(types)
- w.acctype.setCurrentIndex(types.index(base["type"]))
- w.login.setText(base["login"])
- return w
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4abd8752c..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: mkaay
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-from time import strftime, gmtime
-class AccountModel(QAbstractItemModel):
- """
- model for account view
- """
- def __init__(self, view, connector):
- QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self)
- self.connector = connector
- self.view = view
- self._data = []
- self.cols = 4
- self.mutex = QMutex()
- def reloadData(self, force=False):
- """
- reload account list
- """
- accounts = self.connector.proxy.getAccounts(False)
- if self._data == accounts:
- return
- if len(self._data) > 0:
- self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, len(self._data)-1)
- self._data = []
- self.endRemoveRows()
- if len(accounts) > 0:
- self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, len(accounts)-1)
- self._data = accounts
- self.endInsertRows()
- def toData(self, index):
- """
- return index pointer
- """
- return index.internalPointer()
- def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
- """
- return cell data
- """
- if not index.isValid():
- return QVariant()
- if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
- if index.column() == 0:
- return QVariant(self.toData(index).type)
- elif index.column() == 1:
- return QVariant(self.toData(index).login)
- elif index.column() == 2:
- if not self.toData(index).valid:
- return QVariant(_("not valid"))
- if not self.toData(index).validuntil:
- return QVariant(_("n/a"))
- until = int(self.toData(index).validuntil)
- if until > 0:
- fmtime = strftime(_("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M"), gmtime(until))
- return QVariant(fmtime)
- else:
- return QVariant(_("unlimited"))
- #elif role == Qt.EditRole:
- # if index.column() == 0:
- # return QVariant(index.internalPointer().data["name"])
- return QVariant()
- def index(self, row, column, parent=QModelIndex()):
- """
- create index with data pointer
- """
- if parent == QModelIndex() and len(self._data) > row:
- pointer = self._data[row]
- index = self.createIndex(row, column, pointer)
- elif parent.isValid():
- pointer = parent.internalPointer().children[row]
- index = self.createIndex(row, column, pointer)
- else:
- index = QModelIndex()
- return index
- def parent(self, index):
- """
- no parents, everything on top level
- """
- return QModelIndex()
- def rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()):
- """
- account count
- """
- if parent == QModelIndex():
- return len(self._data)
- return 0
- def columnCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()):
- return self.cols
- def hasChildren(self, parent=QModelIndex()):
- """
- everything on top level
- """
- if parent == QModelIndex():
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def canFetchMore(self, parent):
- return False
- def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
- """
- returns column heading
- """
- if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
- if section == 0:
- return QVariant(_("Type"))
- elif section == 1:
- return QVariant(_("Login"))
- elif section == 2:
- return QVariant(_("Valid until"))
- elif section == 3:
- return QVariant(_("Traffic left"))
- return QVariant()
- def flags(self, index):
- """
- cell flags
- """
- return Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled
-class AccountView(QTreeView):
- """
- view component for accounts
- """
- def __init__(self, connector):
- QTreeView.__init__(self)
- self.setModel(AccountModel(self, connector))
- self.setColumnWidth(0, 150)
- self.setColumnWidth(1, 150)
- self.setColumnWidth(2, 150)
- self.setColumnWidth(3, 150)
- self.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers)
- self.delegate = AccountDelegate(self, self.model())
- self.setItemDelegateForColumn(3, self.delegate)
-class AccountDelegate(QItemDelegate):
- """
- used to display a progressbar for the traffic in the traffic cell
- """
- def __init__(self, parent, model):
- QItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent)
- self.model = model
- def paint(self, painter, option, index):
- """
- paint the progressbar
- """
- if not index.isValid():
- return
- if index.column() == 3:
- data = self.model.toData(index)
- opts = QStyleOptionProgressBarV2()
- opts.minimum = 0
- if data.trafficleft:
- if data.trafficleft == -1 or data.trafficleft is None:
- opts.maximum = opts.progress = 1
- else:
- opts.maximum = opts.progress = data.trafficleft
- if data.maxtraffic:
- opts.maximum = data.maxtraffic
- opts.rect = option.rect
- opts.rect.setRight(option.rect.right()-1)
- opts.rect.setHeight(option.rect.height()-1)
- opts.textVisible = True
- opts.textAlignment = Qt.AlignCenter
- if data.trafficleft and data.trafficleft == -1:
- opts.text = QString(_("unlimited"))
- elif data.trafficleft is None:
- opts.text = QString(_("n/a"))
- else:
- opts.text = QString.number(round(float(opts.progress)/1024/1024, 2)) + " GB"
-, opts, painter)
- return
- QItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index)
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 295cfa045..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: RaNaN
-import re
-from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
-from threading import Thread
-from cgi import FieldStorage
-from os.path import abspath, dirname, join
-from urllib import unquote
-from base64 import standard_b64decode
-from binascii import unhexlify
- from Crypto.Cipher import AES
- pass
- from module.common import JsEngine
-except ImportError:
- import sys
- sys.path.append(join(abspath(dirname(__file__)), "..", ".."))
- from module.common import JsEngine
-js = JsEngine.JsEngine()
-core = None
-class CNLServer(Thread):
- def __init__(self):
- Thread.__init__(self)
- self.setDaemon(True)
- self.stop = False
- self.stopped = False
- def run(self):
- server_address = ('', 9666)
- try:
- httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, CNLHandler)
- except:
- self.stopped = True
- return
- self.stopped = False
- while self.keep_running():
- httpd.handle_request()
- self.stopped = True
- def keep_running(self):
- return not self.stop
-class CNLHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
- #def log_message(self, *args):
- # pass
- def add_package(self, name, urls, queue=0):
- print "name", name
- print "urls", urls
- print "queue", queue
- def get_post(self, name, default=""):
- if name in
- return[name]
- else:
- return default
- def start_response(self, string):
- self.send_response(200)
- self.send_header("Content-Length", len(string))
- self.send_header("Content-Language", "de")
- self.send_header("Vary", "Accept-Language, Cookie")
- self.send_header("Cache-Control", "no-cache, must-revalidate")
- self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
- self.end_headers()
- def do_GET(self):
- path = self.path.strip("/").lower()
- #self.wfile.write(path+"\n")
- = [ (r"add$", self.add),
- (r"addcrypted$", self.addcrypted),
- (r"addcrypted2$", self.addcrypted2),
- (r"flashgot", self.flashgot),
- (r"crossdomain\.xml", self.crossdomain),
- (r"checkSupportForUrl", self.checksupport),
- (r"jdcheck.js", self.jdcheck),
- (r"", self.flash) ]
- func = None
- for r, f in
- if re.match(r"(flash(got)?/?)?"+r, path):
- func = f
- break
- if func:
- try:
- resp = func()
- if not resp: resp = "success"
- resp += "\r\n"
- self.start_response(resp)
- self.wfile.write(resp)
- except Exception, e:
- self.send_error(500, str(e))
- else:
- self.send_error(404, "Not Found")
- def do_POST(self):
- form = FieldStorage(
- fp=self.rfile,
- headers=self.headers,
- environ={'REQUEST_METHOD':'POST',
- 'CONTENT_TYPE':self.headers['Content-Type'],
- })
- = {}
- for name in form.keys():
-[name] = form[name].value
- return self.do_GET()
- def flash(self):
- return "JDownloader"
- def add(self):
- package = self.get_post('referer', 'ClickAndLoad Package')
- urls = filter(lambda x: x != "", self.get_post('urls').split("\n"))
- self.add_package(package, urls, 0)
- def addcrypted(self):
- package = self.get_post('referer', 'ClickAndLoad Package')
- dlc = self.get_post('crypted').replace(" ", "+")
- core.upload_container(package, dlc)
- def addcrypted2(self):
- package = self.get_post("source", "ClickAndLoad Package")
- crypted = self.get_post("crypted")
- jk = self.get_post("jk")
- crypted = standard_b64decode(unquote(crypted.replace(" ", "+")))
- jk = "%s f()" % jk
- jk = js.eval(jk)
- Key = unhexlify(jk)
- IV = Key
- obj =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
- result = obj.decrypt(crypted).replace("\x00", "").replace("\r", "").split("\n")
- result = filter(lambda x: x != "", result)
- self.add_package(package, result, 0)
- def flashgot(self):
- autostart = int(self.get_post('autostart', 0))
- package = self.get_post('package', "FlashGot")
- urls = filter(lambda x: x != "", self.get_post('urls').split("\n"))
- self.add_package(package, urls, autostart)
- def crossdomain(self):
- rep = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
- rep += "<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM \"\">\n"
- rep += "<cross-domain-policy>\n"
- rep += "<allow-access-from domain=\"*\" />\n"
- rep += "</cross-domain-policy>"
- return rep
- def checksupport(self):
- pass
- def jdcheck(self):
- rep = "jdownloader=true;\n"
- rep += "var version='10629';\n"
- return rep
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import xmlrpclib
- from module import InitHomeDir
- from module.ConfigParser import ConfigParser
- config = ConfigParser()
- ssl = ""
- if config.get("ssl", "activated"):
- ssl = "s"
- server_url = "http%s://%s:%s@%s:%s/" % (
- ssl,
- config.username,
- config.password,
- config.get("remote", "listenaddr"),
- config.get("remote", "port")
- )
- core = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(server_url, allow_none=True)
- s = CNLServer()
- s.start()
- while not s.stopped:
- try:
- s.join(1)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- s.stop = True
- s.stopped = True
- print "quiting.."
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d924537f..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: mkaay
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-class CaptchaDock(QDockWidget):
- """
- dock widget for captcha input
- """
- def __init__(self):
- QDockWidget.__init__(self, _("Captcha"))
- self.setObjectName("Captcha Dock")
- self.widget = CaptchaDockWidget(self)
- self.setWidget(self.widget)
- self.setAllowedAreas(Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea)
- self.setFeatures(QDockWidget.NoDockWidgetFeatures)
- self.hide()
- self.processing = False
- self.currentID = None
- self.connect(self, SIGNAL("setTask"), self.setTask)
- def isFree(self):
- return not self.processing
- def setTask(self, tid, img, imgType):
- self.processing = True
- data = QByteArray(img)
- self.currentID = tid
- self.widget.emit(SIGNAL("setImage"), data)
- self.widget.input.setText("")
-class CaptchaDockWidget(QWidget):
- """
- widget for the input widgets
- """
- def __init__(self, dock):
- QWidget.__init__(self)
- self.dock = dock
- self.setLayout(QHBoxLayout())
- layout = self.layout()
- imgLabel = QLabel()
- captchaInput = QLineEdit()
- okayButton = QPushButton(_("OK"))
- cancelButton = QPushButton(_("Cancel"))
- layout.addStretch()
- layout.addWidget(imgLabel)
- layout.addWidget(captchaInput)
- layout.addWidget(okayButton)
- layout.addWidget(cancelButton)
- layout.addStretch()
- self.input = captchaInput
- self.connect(okayButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.slotSubmit)
- self.connect(captchaInput, SIGNAL("returnPressed()"), self.slotSubmit)
- self.connect(self, SIGNAL("setImage"), self.setImg)
- self.connect(self, SIGNAL("setPixmap(const QPixmap &)"), imgLabel, SLOT("setPixmap(const QPixmap &)"))
- def setImg(self, data):
- pixmap = QPixmap()
- pixmap.loadFromData(data)
- self.emit(SIGNAL("setPixmap(const QPixmap &)"), pixmap)
- self.input.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason)
- def slotSubmit(self):
- text = self.input.text()
- tid = self.dock.currentID
- self.dock.currentID = None
- self.dock.emit(SIGNAL("done"), tid, str(text))
- self.dock.hide()
- self.dock.processing = False
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 47da2bada..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: mkaay
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-from module.PyFile import statusMap
-from module.utils import formatSize
-from module.remote.thriftbackend.ThriftClient import Destination, FileDoesNotExists, ElementType
-statusMapReverse = dict((v, k) for k, v in statusMap.iteritems())
-translatedStatusMap = {} # -> CollectorModel.__init__
-class CollectorModel(QAbstractItemModel):
- """
- model for the collector view
- """
- def __init__(self, view, connector):
- QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self)
- self.connector = connector
- self.view = view
- self._data = []
- self.cols = 4
- self.interval = 1
- self.mutex = QMutex()
- global translatedStatusMap # workaround because i18n is not running at import time
- translatedStatusMap = {
- "finished": _("finished"),
- "offline": _("offline"),
- "online": _("online"),
- "queued": _("queued"),
- "skipped": _("skipped"),
- "waiting": _("waiting"),
- "temp. offline": _("temp. offline"),
- "starting": _("starting"),
- "failed": _("failed"),
- "aborted": _("aborted"),
- "decrypting": _("decrypting"),
- "custom": _("custom"),
- "downloading": _("downloading"),
- "processing": _("processing")
- }
- def translateStatus(self, string):
- """
- used to convert to locale specific status
- """
- return translatedStatusMap[string]
- def addEvent(self, event):
- """
- called from main loop, pass events to the correct methods
- """
- QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
- if event.eventname == "reload":
- self.fullReload()
- elif event.eventname == "remove":
- self.removeEvent(event)
- elif event.eventname == "insert":
- self.insertEvent(event)
- elif event.eventname == "update":
- self.updateEvent(event)
- def fullReload(self):
- """
- reload whole model, used at startup to load initial data
- """
- self._data = []
- order = self.connector.getPackageOrder(Destination.Collector)
- self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, len(order.values()))
- for position, pid in order.iteritems():
- pack = self.connector.getPackageData(pid)
- package = Package(pack)
- self._data.append(package)
- self._data = sorted(self._data, key=lambda p:["order"])
- self.endInsertRows()
- def removeEvent(self, event):
- """
- remove an element from model
- """
- if event.type == ElementType.File:
- for p, package in enumerate(self._data):
- for k, child in enumerate(package.children):
- if ==
- self.beginRemoveRows(self.index(p, 0), k, k)
- del package.children[k]
- self.endRemoveRows()
- break
- else:
- for k, package in enumerate(self._data):
- if ==
- self.beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), k, k)
- del self._data[k]
- self.endRemoveRows()
- break
- def insertEvent(self, event):
- """
- inserts a new element in the model
- """
- if event.type == ElementType.File:
- try:
- info = self.connector.getFileData(
- except FileDoesNotExists:
- return
- for k, package in enumerate(self._data):
- if == info.package:
- if package.getChild(info.fid):
- self.updateEvent(event)
- break
- self.beginInsertRows(self.index(k, 0), info.order, info.order)
- package.addChild(info)
- self.endInsertRows()
- break
- else:
- data = self.connector.getPackageData(
- package = Package(data)
- self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), data.order, data.order)
- self._data.insert(data.order, package)
- self.endInsertRows()
- def updateEvent(self, event):
- """
- update an element in the model
- """
- if event.type == ElementType.File:
- try:
- info = self.connector.proxy.getFileData(
- except FileDoesNotExists:
- return
- for p, package in enumerate(self._data):
- if == info.packageID:
- for k, child in enumerate(package.children):
- if ==
- child.update(info)
- if not info.status == 12:
-["downloading"] = None
- self.emit(SIGNAL("dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)"), self.index(k, 0, self.index(p, 0)), self.index(k, self.cols, self.index(p, self.cols)))
- break
- else:
- data = self.connector.getPackageData(
- if not data:
- return
- for p, package in enumerate(self._data):
- if ==
- package.update(data)
- self.emit(SIGNAL("dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)"), self.index(p, 0), self.index(p, self.cols))
- break
- def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
- """
- return cell data
- """
- if not index.isValid():
- return QVariant()
- if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
- if index.column() == 0:
- return QVariant(index.internalPointer().data["name"])
- elif index.column() == 1:
- item = index.internalPointer()
- plugins = []
- if isinstance(item, Package):
- for child in item.children:
- if not["plugin"] in plugins:
- plugins.append(["plugin"])
- else:
- plugins.append(["plugin"])
- return QVariant(", ".join(plugins))
- elif index.column() == 2:
- item = index.internalPointer()
- status = 0
- if isinstance(item, Package):
- for child in item.children:
- if["status"] > status:
- status =["status"]
- else:
- status =["status"]
- return QVariant(self.translateStatus(statusMapReverse[status]))
- elif index.column() == 3:
- item = index.internalPointer()
- if isinstance(item, Link):
- return QVariant(formatSize(["size"]))
- else:
- ms = 0
- for c in item.children:
- ms +=["size"]
- return QVariant(formatSize(ms))
- elif role == Qt.EditRole:
- if index.column() == 0:
- return QVariant(index.internalPointer().data["name"])
- return QVariant()
- def index(self, row, column, parent=QModelIndex()):
- """
- creates a cell index with pointer to the data
- """
- if parent == QModelIndex() and len(self._data) > row:
- pointer = self._data[row]
- index = self.createIndex(row, column, pointer)
- elif parent.isValid():
- try:
- pointer = parent.internalPointer().children[row]
- except:
- return QModelIndex()
- index = self.createIndex(row, column, pointer)
- else:
- index = QModelIndex()
- return index
- def parent(self, index):
- """
- return index of parent element
- only valid for links
- """
- if index == QModelIndex():
- return QModelIndex()
- if index.isValid():
- link = index.internalPointer()
- if isinstance(link, Link):
- for k, pack in enumerate(self._data):
- if pack == link.package:
- return self.createIndex(k, 0, link.package)
- return QModelIndex()
- def rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()):
- """
- returns row count for the element
- """
- if parent == QModelIndex():
- #return package count
- return len(self._data)
- else:
- if parent.isValid():
- #index is valid
- pack = parent.internalPointer()
- if isinstance(pack, Package):
- #index points to a package
- #return len of children
- return len(pack.children)
- else:
- #index is invalid
- return False
- #files have no children
- return 0
- def columnCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()):
- return self.cols
- def hasChildren(self, parent=QModelIndex()):
- if not parent.isValid():
- return True
- return self.rowCount(parent) > 0
- def canFetchMore(self, parent):
- return False
- def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
- """
- returns column heading
- """
- if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
- if section == 0:
- return QVariant(_("Name"))
- elif section == 1:
- return QVariant(_("Plugin"))
- elif section == 2:
- return QVariant(_("Status"))
- elif section == 3:
- return QVariant(_("Size"))
- return QVariant()
- def flags(self, index):
- """
- cell flags
- """
- if index.column() == 0 and self.parent(index) == QModelIndex():
- return Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled
- return Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled
- def setData(self, index, value, role=Qt.EditRole):
- """
- called if package name editing is finished, sets new name
- """
- if index.column() == 0 and self.parent(index) == QModelIndex() and role == Qt.EditRole:
- self.connector.setPackageName(index.internalPointer().id, str(value.toString()))
- return True
-class Package(object):
- """
- package object in the model
- """
- def __init__(self, pack):
- =
- self.children = []
- for f in pack.links:
- self.addChild(f)
- = {}
- self.update(pack)
- def update(self, pack):
- """
- update data dict from thift object
- """
- data = {
- "name":,
- "folder": pack.folder,
- "site":,
- "password": pack.password,
- "order": pack.order,
- }
- def addChild(self, f):
- """
- add child (Link) to package
- """
- self.children.insert(f.order, Link(f, self))
- self.children = sorted(self.children, key=lambda l:["order"])
- def getChild(self, fid):
- """
- get child from package
- """
- for child in self.children:
- if == int(fid):
- return child
- return None
- def getChildKey(self, fid):
- """
- get child index
- """
- for k, child in enumerate(self.children):
- if == int(fid):
- return k
- return None
- def removeChild(self, fid):
- """
- remove child
- """
- for k, child in enumerate(self.children):
- if == int(fid):
- del self.children[k]
-class Link(object):
- def __init__(self, f, pack):
- = {"downloading": None}
- self.update(f)
- = f.fid
- self.package = pack
- def update(self, f):
- """
- update data dict from thift object
- """
- data = {
- "url": f.url,
- "name":,
- "plugin": f.plugin,
- "size": f.size,
- "format_size": f.format_size,
- "status": f.status,
- "statusmsg": f.statusmsg,
- "package": f.packageID,
- "error": f.error,
- "order": f.order,
- }
-class CollectorView(QTreeView):
- """
- view component for collector
- """
- def __init__(self, connector):
- QTreeView.__init__(self)
- self.setModel(CollectorModel(self, connector))
- self.setColumnWidth(0, 500)
- self.setColumnWidth(1, 100)
- self.setColumnWidth(2, 200)
- self.setColumnWidth(3, 100)
- self.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.DoubleClicked | QAbstractItemView.EditKeyPressed)
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index eb6e68f02..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: mkaay
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-from os.path import join
-from uuid import uuid4 as uuid
-class ConnectionManager(QWidget):
- warningShown = False
- def __init__(self):
- QWidget.__init__(self)
- if not self.warningShown:
- QMessageBox.warning(self, 'Warning',
- "We are sorry but the GUI is not stable yet. Please use the webinterface for much better experience. \n", QMessageBox.Ok)
- ConnectionManager.warningShown = True
- mainLayout = QHBoxLayout()
- buttonLayout = QVBoxLayout()
- self.setWindowTitle(_("pyLoad ConnectionManager"))
- self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "logo.png")))
- connList = QListWidget()
- new = QPushButton(_("New"))
- edit = QPushButton(_("Edit"))
- remove = QPushButton(_("Remove"))
- connect = QPushButton(_("Connect"))
- #box = QFrame()
- boxLayout = QVBoxLayout()
- #box.setLayout(boxLayout)
- boxLayout.addWidget(QLabel(_("Connect:")))
- boxLayout.addWidget(connList)
- line = QFrame()
- #line.setFixedWidth(100)
- line.setFrameShape(line.HLine)
- line.setFrameShadow(line.Sunken)
- line.setFixedHeight(10)
- boxLayout.addWidget(line)
- form = QFormLayout()
- form.setMargin(5)
- form.setSpacing(20)
- form.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight)
- checkbox = QCheckBox()
- form.addRow(_("Use internal Core:"), checkbox)
- boxLayout.addLayout(form)
- mainLayout.addLayout(boxLayout)
- mainLayout.addLayout(buttonLayout)
- buttonLayout.addWidget(new)
- buttonLayout.addWidget(edit)
- buttonLayout.addWidget(remove)
- buttonLayout.addStretch()
- buttonLayout.addWidget(connect)
- self.setLayout(mainLayout)
- self.internal = checkbox
- = new
- self.connectb = connect
- self.remove = remove
- self.editb = edit
- self.connList = connList
- self.edit = self.EditWindow()
- self.connectSignals()
- self.defaultStates = {}
- def connectSignals(self):
- self.connect(self, SIGNAL("setConnections"), self.setConnections)
- self.connect(, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.slotNew)
- self.connect(self.editb, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.slotEdit)
- self.connect(self.remove, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.slotRemove)
- self.connect(self.connectb, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.slotConnect)
- self.connect(self.edit, SIGNAL("save"), self.slotSave)
- self.connect(self.connList, SIGNAL("itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem *)"), self.slotItemDoubleClicked)
- self.connect(self.internal, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.slotInternal)
- def setConnections(self, connections):
- self.connList.clear()
- for conn in connections:
- item = QListWidgetItem()
- item.setData(Qt.DisplayRole, QVariant(conn["name"]))
- item.setData(Qt.UserRole, QVariant(conn))
- self.connList.addItem(item)
- if conn["default"]:
- item.setData(Qt.DisplayRole, QVariant(_("%s (Default)") % conn["name"]))
- self.connList.setCurrentItem(item)
- def slotNew(self):
- data = {"id": uuid().hex, "type":"remote", "default": False, "name":"", "host":"", "port":"7228", "user":"admin", "password":""}
- self.edit.setData(data)
- def slotEdit(self):
- item = self.connList.currentItem()
- data =
- data = self.cleanDict(data)
- self.edit.setData(data)
- def slotRemove(self):
- item = self.connList.currentItem()
- data =
- data = self.cleanDict(data)
- self.emit(SIGNAL("removeConnection"), data)
- def slotConnect(self):
- if self.internal.checkState() == 2:
- data = {"type": "internal"}
- self.emit(SIGNAL("connect"), data)
- else:
- item = self.connList.currentItem()
- data =
- data = self.cleanDict(data)
- self.emit(SIGNAL("connect"), data)
- def cleanDict(self, data):
- tmp = {}
- for k, d in data.items():
- tmp[str(k)] = d
- return tmp
- def slotSave(self, data):
- self.emit(SIGNAL("saveConnection"), data)
- def slotItemDoubleClicked(self, defaultItem):
- data =
- self.setDefault(data, True)
- did = self.cleanDict(data)["id"]
- #allItems = self.connList.findItems("*", Qt.MatchWildcard)
- count = self.connList.count()
- for i in range(count):
- item = self.connList.item(i)
- data =
- if self.cleanDict(data)["id"] == did:
- continue
- self.setDefault(data, False)
- def slotInternal(self):
- if self.internal.checkState() == 2:
- self.connList.clearSelection()
- def setDefault(self, data, state):
- data = self.cleanDict(data)
- self.edit.setData(data)
- data = self.edit.getData()
- data["default"] = state
- self.edit.emit(SIGNAL("save"), data)
- class EditWindow(QWidget):
- def __init__(self):
- QWidget.__init__(self)
- self.setWindowTitle(_("pyLoad ConnectionManager"))
- self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "logo.png")))
- grid = QGridLayout()
- nameLabel = QLabel(_("Name:"))
- hostLabel = QLabel(_("Host:"))
- localLabel = QLabel(_("Local:"))
- userLabel = QLabel(_("User:"))
- pwLabel = QLabel(_("Password:"))
- portLabel = QLabel(_("Port:"))
- name = QLineEdit()
- host = QLineEdit()
- local = QCheckBox()
- user = QLineEdit()
- password = QLineEdit()
- password.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password)
- port = QSpinBox()
- port.setRange(1, 10000)
- save = QPushButton(_("Save"))
- cancel = QPushButton(_("Cancel"))
- grid.addWidget(nameLabel, 0, 0)
- grid.addWidget(name, 0, 1)
- grid.addWidget(localLabel, 1, 0)
- grid.addWidget(local, 1, 1)
- grid.addWidget(hostLabel, 2, 0)
- grid.addWidget(host, 2, 1)
- grid.addWidget(portLabel, 3, 0)
- grid.addWidget(port, 3, 1)
- grid.addWidget(userLabel, 4, 0)
- grid.addWidget(user, 4, 1)
- grid.addWidget(pwLabel, 5, 0)
- grid.addWidget(password, 5, 1)
- grid.addWidget(cancel, 6, 0)
- grid.addWidget(save, 6, 1)
- self.setLayout(grid)
- self.controls = {"name": name,
- "host": host,
- "local": local,
- "user": user,
- "password": password,
- "port": port,
- "save": save,
- "cancel": cancel}
- self.connect(cancel, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.hide)
- self.connect(save, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.slotDone)
- self.connect(local, SIGNAL("stateChanged(int)"), self.slotLocalChanged)
- = None
- self.default = None
- def setData(self, data):
- if not data: return
- = data["id"]
- self.default = data["default"]
- self.controls["name"].setText(data["name"])
- if data["type"] == "local":
- data["local"] = True
- else:
- data["local"] = False
- self.controls["local"].setChecked(data["local"])
- if not data["local"]:
- self.controls["user"].setText(data["user"])
- self.controls["password"].setText(data["password"])
- self.controls["port"].setValue(int(data["port"]))
- self.controls["host"].setText(data["host"])
- self.controls["user"].setDisabled(False)
- self.controls["password"].setDisabled(False)
- self.controls["port"].setDisabled(False)
- self.controls["host"].setDisabled(False)
- else:
- self.controls["user"].setText("")
- self.controls["port"].setValue(1)
- self.controls["host"].setText("")
- self.controls["user"].setDisabled(True)
- self.controls["password"].setDisabled(True)
- self.controls["port"].setDisabled(True)
- self.controls["host"].setDisabled(True)
- def slotLocalChanged(self, val):
- if val == 2:
- self.controls["user"].setDisabled(True)
- self.controls["password"].setDisabled(True)
- self.controls["port"].setDisabled(True)
- self.controls["host"].setDisabled(True)
- elif val == 0:
- self.controls["user"].setDisabled(False)
- self.controls["password"].setDisabled(False)
- self.controls["port"].setDisabled(False)
- self.controls["host"].setDisabled(False)
- def getData(self):
- d = {}
- d["id"] =
- d["default"] = self.default
- d["name"] = self.controls["name"].text()
- d["local"] = self.controls["local"].isChecked()
- d["user"] = self.controls["user"].text()
- d["password"] = self.controls["password"].text()
- d["host"] = self.controls["host"].text()
- d["port"] = self.controls["port"].value()
- if d["local"]:
- d["type"] = "local"
- else:
- d["type"] = "remote"
- return d
- def slotDone(self):
- data = self.getData()
- self.hide()
- self.emit(SIGNAL("save"), data)
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index cf0c24868..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from __future__ import with_statement
-from os.path import exists
-from os.path import join
-class ConfigParser:
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __init__(self, configdir):
- """Constructor"""
- self.configdir = configdir
- self.config = {}
- if self.checkVersion():
- self.readConfig()
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def checkVersion(self):
- if not exists(join(self.configdir, "pyload.conf")):
- return False
- f = open(join(self.configdir, "pyload.conf"), "rb")
- v = f.readline()
- f.close()
- v = v[v.find(":")+1:].strip()
- if int(v) < CONF_VERSION:
- return False
- return True
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def readConfig(self):
- """reads the config file"""
- self.config = self.parseConfig(join(self.configdir, "pyload.conf"))
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def parseConfig(self, config):
- """parses a given configfile"""
- f = open(config)
- config =
- config = config.split("\n")[1:]
- conf = {}
- section, option, value, typ, desc = "", "", "", "", ""
- listmode = False
- for line in config:
- line = line.rpartition("#") # removes comments
- if line[1]:
- line = line[0]
- else:
- line = line[2]
- line = line.strip()
- try:
- if line == "":
- continue
- elif line.endswith(":"):
- section, none, desc = line[:-1].partition('-')
- section = section.strip()
- desc = desc.replace('"', "").strip()
- conf[section] = {"desc": desc}
- else:
- if listmode:
- if line.endswith("]"):
- listmode = False
- line = line.replace("]", "")
- value += [self.cast(typ, x.strip()) for x in line.split(",") if x]
- if not listmode:
- conf[section][option] = {"desc": desc,
- "type": typ,
- "value": value}
- else:
- content, none, value = line.partition("=")
- content, none, desc = content.partition(":")
- desc = desc.replace('"', "").strip()
- typ, option = content.split()
- value = value.strip()
- if value.startswith("["):
- if value.endswith("]"):
- listmode = False
- value = value[:-1]
- else:
- listmode = True
- value = [self.cast(typ, x.strip()) for x in value[1:].split(",") if x]
- else:
- value = self.cast(typ, value)
- if not listmode:
- conf[section][option] = {"desc": desc,
- "type": typ,
- "value": value}
- except:
- pass
- f.close()
- return conf
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def cast(self, typ, value):
- """cast value to given format"""
- if type(value) not in (str, unicode):
- return value
- if typ == "int":
- return int(value)
- elif typ == "bool":
- return True if value.lower() in ("1", "true", "on", "an", "yes") else False
- else:
- return value
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get(self, section, option):
- """get value"""
- return self.config[section][option]["value"]
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __getitem__(self, section):
- """provides dictonary like access: c['section']['option']"""
- return Section(self, section)
-class Section:
- """provides dictionary like access for configparser"""
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __init__(self, parser, section):
- """Constructor"""
- self.parser = parser
- self.section = section
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def __getitem__(self, item):
- """getitem"""
- return self.parser.get(self.section, item)
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 66822218d..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: mkaay
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-class NewLinkDock(QDockWidget):
- def __init__(self):
- QDockWidget.__init__(self, "New Links")
- self.setObjectName("New Links Dock")
- self.widget = NewLinkWindow(self)
- self.setWidget(self.widget)
- self.setAllowedAreas(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea|Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea)
- self.hide()
- def slotDone(self):
- text = str(
- lines = text.splitlines()
- self.emit(SIGNAL("done"), lines)
- self.hide()
-class NewLinkWindow(QWidget):
- def __init__(self, dock):
- QWidget.__init__(self)
- self.dock = dock
- self.setLayout(QVBoxLayout())
- layout = self.layout()
- explanationLabel = QLabel("Select a package and then click Add button.")
- boxLabel = QLabel("Paste URLs here:")
- = QTextEdit()
- save = QPushButton("Add")
- layout.addWidget(explanationLabel)
- layout.addWidget(boxLabel)
- layout.addWidget(
- layout.addWidget(save)
- self.connect(save, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.dock.slotDone)
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 85a3bb59c..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,697 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: mkaay
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-from os.path import join
-from module.gui.PackageDock import *
-from module.gui.LinkDock import *
-from module.gui.CaptchaDock import CaptchaDock
-from module.gui.SettingsWidget import SettingsWidget
-from module.gui.Collector import CollectorView, Package, Link
-from module.gui.Queue import QueueView
-from module.gui.Overview import OverviewView
-from module.gui.Accounts import AccountView
-from module.gui.AccountEdit import AccountEdit
-from module.remote.thriftbackend.ThriftClient import AccountInfo
-class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
- def __init__(self, connector):
- """
- set up main window
- """
- QMainWindow.__init__(self)
- #window stuff
- self.setWindowTitle(_("pyLoad Client"))
- self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "logo.png")))
- self.resize(1000, 600)
- #layout version
- self.version = 3
- #init docks
- self.newPackDock = NewPackageDock()
- self.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.newPackDock)
- self.connect(self.newPackDock, SIGNAL("done"), self.slotAddPackage)
- self.captchaDock = CaptchaDock()
- self.addDockWidget(Qt.BottomDockWidgetArea, self.captchaDock)
- self.newLinkDock = NewLinkDock()
- self.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.newLinkDock)
- self.connect(self.newLinkDock, SIGNAL("done"), self.slotAddLinksToPackage)
- #central widget, layout
- self.masterlayout = QVBoxLayout()
- lw = QWidget()
- lw.setLayout(self.masterlayout)
- self.setCentralWidget(lw)
- #status
- self.statusw = QFrame()
- self.statusw.setFrameStyle(QFrame.StyledPanel | QFrame.Raised)
- self.statusw.setLineWidth(2)
- self.statusw.setLayout(QGridLayout())
- #palette = self.statusw.palette()
- #palette.setColor(QPalette.Window, QColor(255, 255, 255))
- #self.statusw.setPalette(palette)
- #self.statusw.setAutoFillBackground(True)
- l = self.statusw.layout()
- class BoldLabel(QLabel):
- def __init__(self, text):
- QLabel.__init__(self, text)
- f = self.font()
- f.setBold(True)
- self.setFont(f)
- self.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight)
- class Seperator(QFrame):
- def __init__(self):
- QFrame.__init__(self)
- self.setFrameShape(QFrame.VLine)
- self.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Sunken)
- l.addWidget(BoldLabel(_("Packages:")), 0, 0)
- self.packageCount = QLabel("0")
- l.addWidget(self.packageCount, 0, 1)
- l.addWidget(BoldLabel(_("Files:")), 0, 2)
- self.fileCount = QLabel("0")
- l.addWidget(self.fileCount, 0, 3)
- l.addWidget(BoldLabel(_("Status:")), 0, 4)
- self.status = QLabel("running")
- l.addWidget(self.status, 0, 5)
- l.addWidget(BoldLabel(_("Space:")), 0, 6)
- = QLabel("")
- l.addWidget(, 0, 7)
- l.addWidget(BoldLabel(_("Speed:")), 0, 8)
- self.speed = QLabel("")
- l.addWidget(self.speed, 0, 9)
- #l.addWidget(BoldLabel(_("Max. downloads:")), 0, 9)
- #l.addWidget(BoldLabel(_("Max. chunks:")), 1, 9)
- #self.maxDownloads = QSpinBox()
- #self.maxDownloads.setEnabled(False)
- #self.maxChunks = QSpinBox()
- #self.maxChunks.setEnabled(False)
- #l.addWidget(self.maxDownloads, 0, 10)
- #l.addWidget(self.maxChunks, 1, 10)
- #set menubar and statusbar
- self.menubar = self.menuBar()
- #self.statusbar = self.statusBar()
- #self.connect(self.statusbar, SIGNAL("showMsg"), self.statusbar.showMessage)
- #self.serverStatus = QLabel(_("Status: Not Connected"))
- #self.statusbar.addPermanentWidget(self.serverStatus)
- #menu
- self.menus = {"file": self.menubar.addMenu(_("File")),
- "connections": self.menubar.addMenu(_("Connections"))}
- #menu actions
- self.mactions = {"exit": QAction(_("Exit"), self.menus["file"]),
- "manager": QAction(_("Connection manager"), self.menus["connections"])}
- #add menu actions
- self.menus["file"].addAction(self.mactions["exit"])
- self.menus["connections"].addAction(self.mactions["manager"])
- #toolbar
- self.actions = {}
- self.init_toolbar()
- #tabs
- self.tabw = QTabWidget()
- self.tabs = {"overview": {"w": QWidget()},
- "queue": {"w": QWidget()},
- "collector": {"w": QWidget()},
- "accounts": {"w": QWidget()},
- "settings": {}}
- #self.tabs["settings"]["s"] = QScrollArea()
- self.tabs["settings"]["w"] = SettingsWidget()
- #self.tabs["settings"]["s"].setWidgetResizable(True)
- #self.tabs["settings"]["s"].setWidget(self.tabs["settings"]["w"])
- self.tabs["log"] = {"w": QWidget()}
- self.tabw.addTab(self.tabs["overview"]["w"], _("Overview"))
- self.tabw.addTab(self.tabs["queue"]["w"], _("Queue"))
- self.tabw.addTab(self.tabs["collector"]["w"], _("Collector"))
- self.tabw.addTab(self.tabs["accounts"]["w"], _("Accounts"))
- self.tabw.addTab(self.tabs["settings"]["w"], _("Settings"))
- self.tabw.addTab(self.tabs["log"]["w"], _("Log"))
- #init tabs
- self.init_tabs(connector)
- #context menus
- self.init_context()
- #layout
- self.masterlayout.addWidget(self.tabw)
- self.masterlayout.addWidget(self.statusw)
- #signals..
- self.connect(self.mactions["manager"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotShowConnector)
- self.connect(self.tabs["queue"]["view"], SIGNAL('customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)'), self.slotQueueContextMenu)
- self.connect(self.tabs["collector"]["package_view"], SIGNAL('customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)'), self.slotCollectorContextMenu)
- self.connect(self.tabs["accounts"]["view"], SIGNAL('customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)'), self.slotAccountContextMenu)
- self.connect(self.tabw, SIGNAL("currentChanged(int)"), self.slotTabChanged)
- self.lastAddedID = None
- self.connector = connector
- def init_toolbar(self):
- """
- create toolbar
- """
- self.toolbar = self.addToolBar(_("Hide Toolbar"))
- self.toolbar.setObjectName("Main Toolbar")
- self.toolbar.setIconSize(QSize(30, 30))
- self.toolbar.setMovable(False)
- self.actions["toggle_status"] = self.toolbar.addAction(_("Toggle Pause/Resume"))
- pricon = QIcon()
- pricon.addFile(join(pypath, "icons", "toolbar_start.png"), QSize(), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.Off)
- pricon.addFile(join(pypath, "icons", "toolbar_pause.png"), QSize(), QIcon.Normal, QIcon.On)
- self.actions["toggle_status"].setIcon(pricon)
- self.actions["toggle_status"].setCheckable(True)
- self.actions["status_stop"] = self.toolbar.addAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "toolbar_stop.png")), _("Stop"))
- self.toolbar.addSeparator()
- self.actions["add"] = self.toolbar.addAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "toolbar_add.png")), _("Add"))
- self.toolbar.addSeparator()
- self.actions["clipboard"] = self.toolbar.addAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "clipboard.png")), _("Check Clipboard"))
- self.actions["clipboard"].setCheckable(True)
- self.connect(self.actions["toggle_status"], SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"), self.slotToggleStatus)
- self.connect(self.actions["clipboard"], SIGNAL("toggled(bool)"), self.slotToggleClipboard)
- self.connect(self.actions["status_stop"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotStatusStop)
- self.addMenu = QMenu()
- packageAction = self.addMenu.addAction(_("Package"))
- containerAction = self.addMenu.addAction(_("Container"))
- accountAction = self.addMenu.addAction(_("Account"))
- linksAction = self.addMenu.addAction(_("Links"))
- self.connect(self.actions["add"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotAdd)
- self.connect(packageAction, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotShowAddPackage)
- self.connect(containerAction, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotShowAddContainer)
- self.connect(accountAction, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotNewAccount)
- self.connect(linksAction, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotShowAddLinks)
- def init_tabs(self, connector):
- """
- create tabs
- """
- #overview
- self.tabs["overview"]["l"] = QGridLayout()
- self.tabs["overview"]["w"].setLayout(self.tabs["overview"]["l"])
- self.tabs["overview"]["view"] = OverviewView(connector)
- self.tabs["overview"]["l"].addWidget(self.tabs["overview"]["view"])
- #queue
- self.tabs["queue"]["l"] = QGridLayout()
- self.tabs["queue"]["w"].setLayout(self.tabs["queue"]["l"])
- self.tabs["queue"]["view"] = QueueView(connector)
- self.tabs["queue"]["l"].addWidget(self.tabs["queue"]["view"])
- #collector
- toQueue = QPushButton(_("Push selected packages to queue"))
- self.tabs["collector"]["l"] = QGridLayout()
- self.tabs["collector"]["w"].setLayout(self.tabs["collector"]["l"])
- self.tabs["collector"]["package_view"] = CollectorView(connector)
- self.tabs["collector"]["l"].addWidget(self.tabs["collector"]["package_view"], 0, 0)
- self.tabs["collector"]["l"].addWidget(toQueue, 1, 0)
- self.connect(toQueue, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.slotPushPackageToQueue)
- self.tabs["collector"]["package_view"].setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu)
- self.tabs["queue"]["view"].setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu)
- #log
- self.tabs["log"]["l"] = QGridLayout()
- self.tabs["log"]["w"].setLayout(self.tabs["log"]["l"])
- self.tabs["log"]["text"] = QTextEdit()
- self.tabs["log"]["text"].logOffset = 0
- self.tabs["log"]["text"].setReadOnly(True)
- self.connect(self.tabs["log"]["text"], SIGNAL("append(QString)"), self.tabs["log"]["text"].append)
- self.tabs["log"]["l"].addWidget(self.tabs["log"]["text"])
- #accounts
- self.tabs["accounts"]["view"] = AccountView(connector)
- self.tabs["accounts"]["w"].setLayout(QVBoxLayout())
- self.tabs["accounts"]["w"].layout().addWidget(self.tabs["accounts"]["view"])
- newbutton = QPushButton(_("New Account"))
- self.tabs["accounts"]["w"].layout().addWidget(newbutton)
- self.connect(newbutton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.slotNewAccount)
- self.tabs["accounts"]["view"].setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu)
- def init_context(self):
- """
- create context menus
- """
- self.activeMenu = None
- #queue
- self.queueContext = QMenu()
- self.queueContext.buttons = {}
- self.queueContext.item = (None, None)
- self.queueContext.buttons["remove"] = QAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "remove_small.png")), _("Remove"), self.queueContext)
- self.queueContext.buttons["restart"] = QAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "refresh_small.png")), _("Restart"), self.queueContext)
- self.queueContext.buttons["pull"] = QAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "pull_small.png")), _("Pull out"), self.queueContext)
- self.queueContext.buttons["abort"] = QAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "abort.png")), _("Abort"), self.queueContext)
- self.queueContext.buttons["edit"] = QAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "edit_small.png")), _("Edit Name"), self.queueContext)
- self.queueContext.addAction(self.queueContext.buttons["pull"])
- self.queueContext.addAction(self.queueContext.buttons["edit"])
- self.queueContext.addAction(self.queueContext.buttons["remove"])
- self.queueContext.addAction(self.queueContext.buttons["restart"])
- self.queueContext.addAction(self.queueContext.buttons["abort"])
- self.connect(self.queueContext.buttons["remove"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotRemoveDownload)
- self.connect(self.queueContext.buttons["restart"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotRestartDownload)
- self.connect(self.queueContext.buttons["pull"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotPullOutPackage)
- self.connect(self.queueContext.buttons["abort"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotAbortDownload)
- self.connect(self.queueContext.buttons["edit"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotEditPackage)
- #collector
- self.collectorContext = QMenu()
- self.collectorContext.buttons = {}
- self.collectorContext.item = (None, None)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["remove"] = QAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "remove_small.png")), _("Remove"), self.collectorContext)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["push"] = QAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "push_small.png")), _("Push to queue"), self.collectorContext)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["edit"] = QAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "edit_small.png")), _("Edit Name"), self.collectorContext)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["restart"] = QAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "refresh_small.png")), _("Restart"), self.collectorContext)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["refresh"] = QAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "refresh1_small.png")), _("Refresh Status"), self.collectorContext)
- self.collectorContext.addAction(self.collectorContext.buttons["push"])
- self.collectorContext.addSeparator()
- self.collectorContext.buttons["add"] = self.collectorContext.addMenu(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "add_small.png")), _("Add"))
- self.collectorContext.addAction(self.collectorContext.buttons["edit"])
- self.collectorContext.addAction(self.collectorContext.buttons["remove"])
- self.collectorContext.addAction(self.collectorContext.buttons["restart"])
- self.collectorContext.addSeparator()
- self.collectorContext.addAction(self.collectorContext.buttons["refresh"])
- packageAction = self.collectorContext.buttons["add"].addAction(_("Package"))
- containerAction = self.collectorContext.buttons["add"].addAction(_("Container"))
- linkAction = self.collectorContext.buttons["add"].addAction(_("Links"))
- self.connect(self.collectorContext.buttons["remove"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotRemoveDownload)
- self.connect(self.collectorContext.buttons["push"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotPushPackageToQueue)
- self.connect(self.collectorContext.buttons["edit"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotEditPackage)
- self.connect(self.collectorContext.buttons["restart"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotRestartDownload)
- self.connect(self.collectorContext.buttons["refresh"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotRefreshPackage)
- self.connect(packageAction, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotShowAddPackage)
- self.connect(containerAction, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotShowAddContainer)
- self.connect(linkAction, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotShowAddLinks)
- self.accountContext = QMenu()
- self.accountContext.buttons = {}
- self.accountContext.buttons["add"] = QAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "add_small.png")), _("Add"), self.accountContext)
- self.accountContext.buttons["remove"] = QAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "remove_small.png")), _("Remove"), self.accountContext)
- self.accountContext.buttons["edit"] = QAction(QIcon(join(pypath, "icons", "edit_small.png")), _("Edit"), self.accountContext)
- self.accountContext.addAction(self.accountContext.buttons["add"])
- self.accountContext.addAction(self.accountContext.buttons["edit"])
- self.accountContext.addAction(self.accountContext.buttons["remove"])
- self.connect(self.accountContext.buttons["add"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotNewAccount)
- self.connect(self.accountContext.buttons["edit"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotEditAccount)
- self.connect(self.accountContext.buttons["remove"], SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.slotRemoveAccount)
- def slotToggleStatus(self, status):
- """
- pause/start toggle (toolbar)
- """
- self.emit(SIGNAL("setDownloadStatus"), status)
- def slotStatusStop(self):
- """
- stop button (toolbar)
- """
- self.emit(SIGNAL("stopAllDownloads"))
- def slotAdd(self):
- """
- add button (toolbar)
- show context menu (choice: links/package)
- """
- self.addMenu.exec_(QCursor.pos())
- def slotShowAddPackage(self):
- """
- action from add-menu
- show new-package dock
- """
- self.tabw.setCurrentIndex(1)
- def slotShowAddLinks(self):
- """
- action from add-menu
- show new-links dock
- """
- self.tabw.setCurrentIndex(1)
- def slotShowConnector(self):
- """
- connectionmanager action triggered
- let main to the stuff
- """
- self.emit(SIGNAL("connector"))
- def slotAddPackage(self, name, links, password=None):
- """
- new package
- let main to the stuff
- """
- self.emit(SIGNAL("addPackage"), name, links, password)
- def slotAddLinksToPackage(self, links):
- """
- adds links to currently selected package
- only in collector
- """
- if self.tabw.currentIndex() != 1:
- return
- smodel = self.tabs["collector"]["package_view"].selectionModel()
- for index in smodel.selectedRows(0):
- item = index.internalPointer()
- if isinstance(item, Package):
- self.connector.proxy.addFiles(, links)
- break
- def slotShowAddContainer(self):
- """
- action from add-menu
- show file selector, emit upload
- """
- typeStr = ";;".join([
- _("All Container Types (%s)") % "*.dlc *.ccf *.rsdf *.txt",
- _("DLC (%s)") % "*.dlc",
- _("CCF (%s)") % "*.ccf",
- _("RSDF (%s)") % "*.rsdf",
- _("Text Files (%s)") % "*.txt"
- ])
- fileNames = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self, _("Open container"), "", typeStr)
- for name in fileNames:
- self.emit(SIGNAL("addContainer"), str(name))
- def slotPushPackageToQueue(self):
- """
- push collector pack to queue
- get child ids
- let main to the rest
- """
- smodel = self.tabs["collector"]["package_view"].selectionModel()
- for index in smodel.selectedRows(0):
- item = index.internalPointer()
- if isinstance(item, Package):
- self.emit(SIGNAL("pushPackageToQueue"),
- else:
- self.emit(SIGNAL("pushPackageToQueue"),
- def saveWindow(self):
- """
- get window state/geometry
- pass data to main
- """
- state_raw = self.saveState(self.version)
- geo_raw = self.saveGeometry()
- state = str(state_raw.toBase64())
- geo = str(geo_raw.toBase64())
- self.emit(SIGNAL("saveMainWindow"), state, geo)
- def closeEvent(self, event):
- """
- somebody wants to close me!
- let me first save my state
- """
- self.saveWindow()
- event.ignore()
- self.hide()
- self.emit(SIGNAL("hidden"))
- # quit when no tray is available
- if not QSystemTrayIcon.isSystemTrayAvailable():
- self.emit(SIGNAL("Quit"))
- def restoreWindow(self, state, geo):
- """
- restore window state/geometry
- """
- state = QByteArray(state)
- geo = QByteArray(geo)
- state_raw = QByteArray.fromBase64(state)
- geo_raw = QByteArray.fromBase64(geo)
- self.restoreState(state_raw, self.version)
- self.restoreGeometry(geo_raw)
- def slotQueueContextMenu(self, pos):
- """
- custom context menu in queue view requested
- """
- globalPos = self.tabs["queue"]["view"].mapToGlobal(pos)
- i = self.tabs["queue"]["view"].indexAt(pos)
- if not i:
- return
- item = i.internalPointer()
- menuPos = QCursor.pos()
- menuPos.setX(menuPos.x()+2)
- self.activeMenu = self.queueContext
- showAbort = False
- if isinstance(item, Link) and["downloading"]:
- showAbort = True
- elif isinstance(item, Package):
- for child in item.children:
- if["downloading"]:
- showAbort = True
- break
- if showAbort:
- self.queueContext.buttons["abort"].setEnabled(True)
- else:
- self.queueContext.buttons["abort"].setEnabled(False)
- if isinstance(item, Package):
- self.queueContext.index = i
- #self.queueContext.buttons["remove"].setEnabled(True)
- #self.queueContext.buttons["restart"].setEnabled(True)
- self.queueContext.buttons["pull"].setEnabled(True)
- self.queueContext.buttons["edit"].setEnabled(True)
- elif isinstance(item, Link):
- self.collectorContext.index = i
- self.collectorContext.buttons["edit"].setEnabled(False)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["remove"].setEnabled(True)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["push"].setEnabled(False)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["restart"].setEnabled(True)
- else:
- self.queueContext.index = None
- #self.queueContext.buttons["remove"].setEnabled(False)
- #self.queueContext.buttons["restart"].setEnabled(False)
- self.queueContext.buttons["pull"].setEnabled(False)
- self.queueContext.buttons["edit"].setEnabled(False)
- self.queueContext.exec_(menuPos)
- def slotCollectorContextMenu(self, pos):
- """
- custom context menu in package collector view requested
- """
- globalPos = self.tabs["collector"]["package_view"].mapToGlobal(pos)
- i = self.tabs["collector"]["package_view"].indexAt(pos)
- if not i:
- return
- item = i.internalPointer()
- menuPos = QCursor.pos()
- menuPos.setX(menuPos.x()+2)
- self.activeMenu = self.collectorContext
- if isinstance(item, Package):
- self.collectorContext.index = i
- self.collectorContext.buttons["edit"].setEnabled(True)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["remove"].setEnabled(True)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["push"].setEnabled(True)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["restart"].setEnabled(True)
- elif isinstance(item, Link):
- self.collectorContext.index = i
- self.collectorContext.buttons["edit"].setEnabled(False)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["remove"].setEnabled(True)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["push"].setEnabled(False)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["restart"].setEnabled(True)
- else:
- self.collectorContext.index = None
- self.collectorContext.buttons["edit"].setEnabled(False)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["remove"].setEnabled(False)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["push"].setEnabled(False)
- self.collectorContext.buttons["restart"].setEnabled(False)
- self.collectorContext.exec_(menuPos)
- def slotLinkCollectorContextMenu(self, pos):
- """
- custom context menu in link collector view requested
- """
- pass
- def slotRestartDownload(self):
- """
- restart download action is triggered
- """
- smodel = self.tabs["queue"]["view"].selectionModel()
- for index in smodel.selectedRows(0):
- item = index.internalPointer()
- self.emit(SIGNAL("restartDownload"),, isinstance(item, Package))
- def slotRemoveDownload(self):
- """
- remove download action is triggered
- """
- if self.activeMenu == self.queueContext:
- view = self.tabs["queue"]["view"]
- else:
- view = self.tabs["collector"]["package_view"]
- smodel = view.selectionModel()
- for index in smodel.selectedRows(0):
- item = index.internalPointer()
- self.emit(SIGNAL("removeDownload"),, isinstance(item, Package))
- def slotToggleClipboard(self, status):
- """
- check clipboard (toolbar)
- """
- self.emit(SIGNAL("setClipboardStatus"), status)
- def slotEditPackage(self):
- # in Queue, only edit name
- if self.activeMenu == self.queueContext:
- view = self.tabs["queue"]["view"]
- else:
- view = self.tabs["collector"]["package_view"]
- view.edit(self.activeMenu.index)
- def slotEditCommit(self, editor):
- self.emit(SIGNAL("changePackageName"), self.activeMenu.index.internalPointer().id, editor.text())
- def slotPullOutPackage(self):
- """
- pull package out of the queue
- """
- smodel = self.tabs["queue"]["view"].selectionModel()
- for index in smodel.selectedRows(0):
- item = index.internalPointer()
- if isinstance(item, Package):
- self.emit(SIGNAL("pullOutPackage"),
- else:
- self.emit(SIGNAL("pullOutPackage"),
- def slotAbortDownload(self):
- view = self.tabs["queue"]["view"]
- smodel = view.selectionModel()
- for index in smodel.selectedRows(0):
- item = index.internalPointer()
- self.emit(SIGNAL("abortDownload"),, isinstance(item, Package))
- # TODO disabled because changing desktop on linux, main window disappears
- #def changeEvent(self, e):
- # if e.type() == QEvent.WindowStateChange and self.isMinimized():
- # e.ignore()
- # self.hide()
- # self.emit(SIGNAL("hidden"))
- # else:
- # super(MainWindow, self).changeEvent(e)
- def slotTabChanged(self, index):
- if index == 2:
- self.emit(SIGNAL("reloadAccounts"))
- elif index == 3:
- self.tabs["settings"]["w"].loadConfig()
- def slotRefreshPackage(self):
- smodel = self.tabs["collector"]["package_view"].selectionModel()
- for index in smodel.selectedRows(0):
- item = index.internalPointer()
- pid =
- if isinstance(item, Link):
- pid =
- self.emit(SIGNAL("refreshStatus"), pid)
- def slotNewAccount(self):
- types = self.connector.proxy.getAccountTypes()
- self.accountEdit = AccountEdit.newAccount(types)
- #TODO make more easy n1, n2, n3
- def save(data):
- if data["password"]:
- self.accountEdit.close()
- n1 = data["acctype"]
- n2 = data["login"]
- n3 = data["password"]
- self.connector.updateAccount(n1, n2, n3, None)
- self.accountEdit.connect(self.accountEdit, SIGNAL("done"), save)
- def slotEditAccount(self):
- types = self.connector.getAccountTypes()
- data = self.tabs["accounts"]["view"].selectedIndexes()
- if len(data) < 1:
- return
- data = data[0].internalPointer()
- self.accountEdit = AccountEdit.editAccount(types, data)
- #TODO make more easy n1, n2, n3
- #TODO reload accounts tab after insert of edit account
- #TODO if account does not exist give error
- def save(data):
- self.accountEdit.close()
- n1 = data["acctype"]
- n2 = data["login"]
- if data["password"]:
- n3 = data["password"]
- self.connector.updateAccount(n1, n2, n3, None)
- self.accountEdit.connect(self.accountEdit, SIGNAL("done"), save)
- def slotRemoveAccount(self):
- data = self.tabs["accounts"]["view"].selectedIndexes()
- if len(data) < 1:
- return
- data = data[0].internalPointer()
- self.connector.removeAccount(data.type, data.login)
- def slotAccountContextMenu(self, pos):
- globalPos = self.tabs["accounts"]["view"].mapToGlobal(pos)
- i = self.tabs["accounts"]["view"].indexAt(pos)
- if not i:
- return
- data = i.internalPointer()
- if data is None:
- self.accountContext.buttons["edit"].setEnabled(False)
- self.accountContext.buttons["remove"].setEnabled(False)
- else:
- self.accountContext.buttons["edit"].setEnabled(True)
- self.accountContext.buttons["remove"].setEnabled(True)
- menuPos = QCursor.pos()
- menuPos.setX(menuPos.x()+2)
- self.accountContext.exec_(menuPos)
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c9957eba..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: mkaay
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-from module.utils import formatSpeed, formatSize
-class OverviewModel(QAbstractListModel):
- PackageName = 10
- Progress = 11
- PartsFinished = 12
- Parts = 13
- ETA = 14
- Speed = 15
- CurrentSize = 16
- MaxSize = 17
- Status = 18
- def __init__(self, view, connector):
- QAbstractListModel.__init__(self)
- self.packages = []
- def queueChanged(self): #dirty..
- self.beginResetModel()
- self.packages = []
- def partsFinished(p):
- f = 0
- for c in p.children:
- if["status"] == 0:
- f += 1
- return f
- def maxSize(p):
- ms = 0
- cs = 0
- for c in p.children:
- try:
- s =["downloading"]["size"]
- except:
- s =["size"]
- if["downloading"]:
- cs += s -["downloading"]["bleft"]
- elif self.queue.getProgress(c, False) == 100:
- cs += s
- ms += s
- return ms, cs
- def getProgress(p):
- for c in p.children:
- if["status"] == 13:
- pass # TODO return _("Unpacking"), int(["progress"])
- return _("Downloading"), self.queue.getProgress(p)
- d = self.queue._data
- for p in d:
- status, progress = getProgress(p)
- maxsize, currentsize = maxSize(p)
- speed = self.queue.getSpeed(p)
- if speed:
- eta = (maxsize - (maxsize * (progress/100.0)))/speed
- else:
- eta = 0
- if not speed and not progress:
- status = _("Queued")
- info = {
- OverviewModel.PackageName:["name"],
- OverviewModel.Progress: progress,
- OverviewModel.PartsFinished: partsFinished(p),
- OverviewModel.Parts: len(p.children),
- OverviewModel.ETA: int(eta),
- OverviewModel.Speed: speed,
- OverviewModel.CurrentSize: currentsize,
- OverviewModel.MaxSize: maxsize,
- OverviewModel.Status: status,
- }
- self.packages.append(info)
- self.endResetModel()
- def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
- return QVariant(_("Package"))
- def rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()):
- return len(self.packages)
- def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
- if role in [OverviewModel.PackageName, OverviewModel.Progress, OverviewModel.PartsFinished, OverviewModel.Parts, OverviewModel.ETA, OverviewModel.Speed, OverviewModel.CurrentSize, OverviewModel.MaxSize, OverviewModel.Status]:
- return QVariant(self.packages[index.row()][role])
- return QVariant()
-class OverviewView(QListView):
- def __init__(self, connector):
- QListView.__init__(self)
- self.setModel(OverviewModel(self, connector))
- self.setAlternatingRowColors(True)
- self.delegate = OverviewDelegate(self)
- self.setItemDelegate(self.delegate)
-class OverviewDelegate(QItemDelegate):
- def __init__(self, parent):
- QItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent)
- self.parent = parent
- self.model = parent.model()
- def paint(self, painter, option, index):
- option.rect.setHeight(59+16)
- option.rect.setWidth(self.parent.width()-20)
- #if option.state & QStyle.State_Selected:
- # painter.fillRect(option.rect, option.palette.color(QPalette.Highlight))
- packagename =
- partsf =
- parts =
- eta = int(
- speed = or 0
- progress = int(
- currentSize = int(
- maxSize = int(
- status =
- def formatEta(seconds): #TODO add to utils
- if seconds <= 0: return ""
- hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600)
- minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
- return _("ETA: ") + "%.2i:%.2i:%.2i" % (hours, minutes, seconds)
- statusline = QString(_("Parts: ") + "%s/%s" % (partsf, parts))
- if partsf == parts:
- speedline = _("Finished")
- elif not status == _("Downloading"):
- speedline = QString(status)
- else:
- speedline = QString(formatEta(eta) + " " + _("Speed: %s") % formatSpeed(speed))
- if progress in (0, 100):
- sizeline = QString(_("Size:") + "%s" % formatSize(maxSize))
- else:
- sizeline = QString(_("Size:") + "%s / %s" % (formatSize(currentSize), formatSize(maxSize)))
- f = painter.font()
- f.setPointSize(12)
- f.setBold(True)
- painter.setFont(f)
- r = option.rect.adjusted(4, 4, -4, -4)
- painter.drawText(r.left(),, r.width(), r.height(), Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignLeft, packagename)
- newr = painter.boundingRect(r.left(),, r.width(), r.height(), Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignLeft, packagename)
- f.setPointSize(10)
- f.setBold(False)
- painter.setFont(f)
- painter.drawText(r.left(), newr.bottom()+5, r.width(), r.height(), Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignLeft, statusline)
- painter.drawText(r.left(), newr.bottom()+5, r.width(), r.height(), Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignHCenter, sizeline)
- painter.drawText(r.left(), newr.bottom()+5, r.width(), r.height(), Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignRight, speedline)
- newr = painter.boundingRect(r.left(), newr.bottom()+2, r.width(), r.height(), Qt.AlignTop | Qt.AlignLeft, statusline)
- newr.setTop(newr.bottom()+8)
- newr.setBottom(
- newr.setRight(self.parent.width()-25)
- f.setPointSize(10)
- painter.setFont(f)
- opts = QStyleOptionProgressBarV2()
- opts.maximum = 100
- opts.minimum = 0
- opts.progress = progress
- opts.rect = newr
- opts.textVisible = True
- opts.textAlignment = Qt.AlignCenter
- opts.text = QString.number(opts.progress) + "%"
-, opts, painter)
- def sizeHint(self, option, index):
- return QSize(self.parent.width()-22, 59+16)
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deleted file mode 100644
index a4bc02f93..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: mkaay
-import re
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-class NewPackageDock(QDockWidget):
- def __init__(self):
- QDockWidget.__init__(self, _("New Package"))
- self.setObjectName("New Package Dock")
- self.widget = NewPackageWindow(self)
- self.setWidget(self.widget)
- self.setAllowedAreas(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea|Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea)
- self.hide()
- def slotDone(self):
- text = str(
- pw = str(self.widget.passwordInput.text())
- if not pw:
- pw = None
- lines = []
- for line in text.splitlines():
- line = line.strip()
- if not line:
- continue
- lines.append(line)
- self.emit(SIGNAL("done"), str(self.widget.nameInput.text()), lines, pw)
- self.widget.nameInput.setText("")
- self.widget.passwordInput.setText("")
- self.hide()
- def parseUri(self):
- text=str(
- result = re.findall(r"(?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\/\?=_&%#]+[<| |\"|\'|\r|\n|\t]{1}", text)
- for url in result:
- if "\n" or "\t" or "\r" or "\"" or "<" or "'" in url:
- url = url[:-1]
-"%s " % url)
-class NewPackageWindow(QWidget):
- def __init__(self, dock):
- QWidget.__init__(self)
- self.dock = dock
- self.setLayout(QGridLayout())
- layout = self.layout()
- nameLabel = QLabel(_("Name"))
- nameInput = QLineEdit()
- passwordLabel = QLabel(_("Password"))
- passwordInput = QLineEdit()
- linksLabel = QLabel(_("Links in this Package"))
- = QTextEdit()
- self.nameInput = nameInput
- self.passwordInput = passwordInput
- save = QPushButton(_("Create"))
- parseUri = QPushButton(_("Filter URLs"))
- layout.addWidget(nameLabel, 0, 0)
- layout.addWidget(nameInput, 0, 1)
- layout.addWidget(passwordLabel, 1, 0)
- layout.addWidget(passwordInput, 1, 1)
- layout.addWidget(linksLabel, 2, 0, 1, 2)
- layout.addWidget(, 3, 0, 1, 2)
- layout.addWidget(parseUri, 4, 0, 1, 2)
- layout.addWidget(save, 5, 0, 1, 2)
- self.connect(save, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.dock.slotDone)
- self.connect(parseUri, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.dock.parseUri)
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index afbcc00f8..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: mkaay
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-from time import time
-from module.remote.thriftbackend.ThriftClient import Destination
-from module.gui.Collector import CollectorModel, Package, Link, CollectorView, statusMapReverse
-from module.utils import formatSize, formatSpeed
-class QueueModel(CollectorModel):
- """
- model for the queue view, inherits from CollectorModel
- """
- def __init__(self, view, connector):
- CollectorModel.__init__(self, view, connector)
- self.cols = 6
- self.wait_dict = {}
- self.updater = self.QueueUpdater(self.interval)
- self.connect(self.updater, SIGNAL("update()"), self.update)
- class QueueUpdater(QObject):
- """
- timer which emits signal for a download status reload
- @TODO: make intervall configurable
- """
- def __init__(self, interval):
- QObject.__init__(self)
- self.interval = interval
- self.timer = QTimer()
- self.timer.connect(self.timer, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self, SIGNAL("update()"))
- def start(self):
- self.timer.start(1000)
- def stop(self):
- self.timer.stop()
- def start(self):
- self.updater.start()
- def stop(self):
- self.updater.stop()
- def fullReload(self):
- """
- reimplements CollectorModel.fullReload, because we want the Queue data
- """
- self._data = []
- order = self.connector.getPackageOrder(Destination.Queue)
- self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, len(order.values()))
- for position, pid in order.iteritems():
- pack = self.connector.getPackageData(pid)
- package = Package(pack)
- self._data.append(package)
- self._data = sorted(self._data, key=lambda p:["order"])
- self.endInsertRows()
- self.updateCount()
- def insertEvent(self, event):
- """
- wrap CollectorModel.insertEvent to update the element count
- """
- CollectorModel.insertEvent(self, event)
- self.updateCount()
- def removeEvent(self, event):
- """
- wrap CollectorModel.removeEvent to update the element count
- """
- CollectorModel.removeEvent(self, event)
- self.updateCount()
- def updateEvent(self, event):
- """
- wrap CollectorModel.updateEvent to update the element count
- """
- CollectorModel.updateEvent(self, event)
- self.updateCount()
- def updateCount(self):
- """
- calculate package- and filecount for statusbar,
- ugly?: Overview connects to this signal for updating
- """
- packageCount = len(self._data)
- fileCount = 0
- for p in self._data:
- fileCount += len(p.children)
- self.mutex.unlock()
- self.emit(SIGNAL("updateCount"), packageCount, fileCount)
- self.mutex.lock()
- def update(self):
- """
- update slot for download status updating
- """
- locker = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
- downloading = self.connector.statusDownloads()
- if not downloading:
- return
- for p, pack in enumerate(self._data):
- for d in downloading:
- child = pack.getChild(d.fid)
- if child:
- dd = {
- "name":,
- "speed": d.speed,
- "eta": d.eta,
- "format_eta": d.format_eta,
- "bleft": d.bleft,
- "size": d.size,
- "format_size": d.format_size,
- "percent": d.percent,
- "status": d.status,
- "statusmsg": d.statusmsg,
- "format_wait": d.format_wait,
- "wait_until": d.wait_until
- }
-["downloading"] = dd
- k = pack.getChildKey(d.fid)
- self.emit(SIGNAL("dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)"), self.index(k, 0, self.index(p, 0)), self.index(k, self.cols, self.index(p, self.cols)))
- self.updateCount()
- def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
- """
- returns column heading
- """
- if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
- if section == 0:
- return QVariant(_("Name"))
- elif section == 2:
- return QVariant(_("Status"))
- elif section == 1:
- return QVariant(_("Plugin"))
- elif section == 3:
- return QVariant(_("Size"))
- elif section == 4:
- return QVariant(_("ETA"))
- elif section == 5:
- return QVariant(_("Progress"))
- return QVariant()
- def getWaitingProgress(self, item):
- """
- returns time to wait, caches startingtime to provide progress
- """
- locker = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
- if isinstance(item, Link):
- if["status"] == 5 and["downloading"]:
- until = float(["downloading"]["wait_until"])
- try:
- since, until_old = self.wait_dict[]
- if not until == until_old:
- raise Exception
- except:
- since = time()
- self.wait_dict[] = since, until
- since = float(since)
- max_wait = float(until-since)
- rest = int(until-time())
- if rest < 0:
- return 0, None
- res = 100/max_wait
- perc = rest*res
- return perc, rest
- return None
- def getProgress(self, item, locked=True):
- """
- return download progress, locks by default
- since it's used in already locked calls,
- it provides an option to not lock
- """
- if locked:
- locker = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
- if isinstance(item, Link):
- try:
- if["status"] == 0:
- return 100
- return int(["downloading"]["percent"])
- except:
- return 0
- elif isinstance(item, Package):
- count = len(item.children)
- perc_sum = 0
- for child in item.children:
- try:
- if["status"] == 0: #completed
- perc_sum += 100
- perc_sum += int(["downloading"]["percent"])
- except:
- pass
- if count == 0:
- return 0
- return perc_sum/count
- return 0
- def getSpeed(self, item):
- """
- calculate download speed
- """
- if isinstance(item, Link):
- if["downloading"]:
- return int(["downloading"]["speed"])
- elif isinstance(item, Package):
- count = len(item.children)
- speed_sum = 0
- all_waiting = True
- running = False
- for child in item.children:
- val = 0
- if["downloading"]:
- if not["statusmsg"] == "waiting":
- all_waiting = False
- val = int(["downloading"]["speed"])
- running = True
- speed_sum += val
- if count == 0 or not running or all_waiting:
- return None
- return speed_sum
- return None
- def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
- """
- return cell data
- """
- if not index.isValid():
- return QVariant()
- if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
- if index.column() == 0:
- return QVariant(index.internalPointer().data["name"])
- elif index.column() == 1:
- item = index.internalPointer()
- plugins = []
- if isinstance(item, Package):
- for child in item.children:
- if not["plugin"] in plugins:
- plugins.append(["plugin"])
- else:
- plugins.append(["plugin"])
- return QVariant(", ".join(plugins))
- elif index.column() == 2:
- item = index.internalPointer()
- status = 0
- speed = self.getSpeed(item)
- if isinstance(item, Package):
- for child in item.children:
- if["status"] > status:
- status =["status"]
- else:
- status =["status"]
- if speed is None or status == 7 or status == 10 or status == 5:
- return QVariant(self.translateStatus(statusMapReverse[status]))
- else:
- return QVariant("%s (%s)" % (self.translateStatus(statusMapReverse[status]), formatSpeed(speed)))
- elif index.column() == 3:
- item = index.internalPointer()
- if isinstance(item, Link):
- if["status"] == 0: #TODO needs change??
- #self.getProgress(item, False) == 100:
- return QVariant(formatSize(["size"]))
- elif self.getProgress(item, False) == 0:
- try:
- return QVariant("%s / %s" % (formatSize(["size"]["downloading"]["bleft"]), formatSize(["size"])))
- except:
- return QVariant("0 B / %s" % formatSize(["size"]))
- else:
- try:
- return QVariant("%s / %s" % (formatSize(["size"]["downloading"]["bleft"]), formatSize(["size"])))
- except:
- return QVariant("? / %s" % formatSize(["size"]))
- else:
- ms = 0
- cs = 0
- for c in item.children:
- try:
- s =["downloading"]["size"]
- except:
- s =["size"]
- if["downloading"]:
- cs += s -["downloading"]["bleft"]
- elif self.getProgress(c, False) == 100:
- cs += s
- ms += s
- if cs == 0 or cs == ms:
- return QVariant(formatSize(ms))
- else:
- return QVariant("%s / %s" % (formatSize(cs), formatSize(ms)))
- elif index.column() == 4:
- item = index.internalPointer()
- if isinstance(item, Link):
- if["downloading"]:
- return QVariant(["downloading"]["format_eta"])
- elif role == Qt.EditRole:
- if index.column() == 0:
- return QVariant(index.internalPointer().data["name"])
- return QVariant()
- def flags(self, index):
- """
- cell flags
- """
- if index.column() == 0 and self.parent(index) == QModelIndex():
- return Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled
- return Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled
-class QueueView(CollectorView):
- """
- view component for queue
- """
- def __init__(self, connector):
- CollectorView.__init__(self, connector)
- self.setModel(QueueModel(self, connector))
- self.setColumnWidth(0, 300)
- self.setColumnWidth(1, 100)
- self.setColumnWidth(2, 140)
- self.setColumnWidth(3, 180)
- self.setColumnWidth(4, 70)
- self.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers)
- self.delegate = QueueProgressBarDelegate(self, self.model())
- self.setItemDelegateForColumn(5, self.delegate)
-class QueueProgressBarDelegate(QItemDelegate):
- """
- used to display a progressbar in the progress cell
- """
- def __init__(self, parent, queue):
- QItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent)
- self.queue = queue
- def paint(self, painter, option, index):
- """
- paint the progressbar
- """
- if not index.isValid():
- return
- if index.column() == 5:
- item = index.internalPointer()
- w = self.queue.getWaitingProgress(item)
- wait = None
- if w:
- progress = w[0]
- wait = w[1]
- else:
- progress = self.queue.getProgress(item)
- opts = QStyleOptionProgressBarV2()
- opts.maximum = 100
- opts.minimum = 0
- opts.progress = progress
- opts.rect = option.rect
- opts.rect.setRight(option.rect.right()-1)
- opts.rect.setHeight(option.rect.height()-1)
- opts.textVisible = True
- opts.textAlignment = Qt.AlignCenter
- if not wait is None:
- opts.text = QString(_("waiting %d seconds") % (wait,))
- else:
- opts.text = QString.number(opts.progress) + "%"
-, opts, painter)
- return
- QItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index)
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e8440667..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: mkaay
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-from sip import delete
-class SettingsWidget(QWidget):
- def __init__(self):
- QWidget.__init__(self)
- self.connector = None
- self.sections = {}
- self.psections = {}
- = None
- self.pdata = None
- self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Ignored, QSizePolicy.Ignored)
- def setConnector(self, connector):
- self.connector = connector
- def loadConfig(self):
- if self.sections and self.psections:
- = self.connector.getConfig()
- self.pdata = self.connector.getPluginConfig()
- self.reloadSection(self.sections,
- self.reloadSection(self.psections, self.pdata)
- return
- if self.layout():
- delete(self.layout())
- for s in self.sections.values()+self.psections.values():
- delete(s)
- self.sections = {}
- self.setLayout(QVBoxLayout())
- self.clearConfig()
- layout = self.layout()
- layout.setSizeConstraint(QLayout.SetMinAndMaxSize)
- general = QTabWidget()
- self.general = general
- plugins = QTabWidget()
- self.plugins = plugins
- tab = QTabWidget()
- = tab
- gw = QWidget()
- gw.setLayout(QVBoxLayout())
- gw.layout().addWidget(self.general)
- pw = QWidget()
- pw.setLayout(QVBoxLayout())
- pw.layout().addWidget(self.plugins)
- tab.addTab(gw, _("General"))
- tab.addTab(pw, _("Plugins"))
- layout.addWidget(tab)
- = self.connector.getConfig()
- self.pdata = self.connector.getPluginConfig()
- for k, section in
- s = Section(section, general)
- self.sections[k] = s
- for k, section in self.pdata.iteritems():
- s = Section(section, plugins, "plugin")
- self.psections[k] = s
- rel = QPushButton(_("Reload"))
- save = QPushButton(_("Save"))
- layout.addWidget(save)
- cont = QHBoxLayout()
- cont.addWidget(rel)
- cont.addWidget(save)
- layout.addLayout(cont)
- self.connect(save, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.saveConfig)
- self.connect(rel, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.loadConfig)
- def clearConfig(self):
- self.sections = {}
- def reloadSection(self, sections, pdata):
- for k, section in enumerate(pdata):
- if k in sections:
- widget = sections[k]
- for item in section.items:
- if in widget.inputs:
- i = widget.inputs[]
- if item.type == "int":
- i.setValue(int(item.value))
- elif not item.type.find(";") == -1:
- i.setCurrentIndex(i.findText(item.value))
- elif item.type == "bool":
- if True if item.value.lower() in ("1", "true", "on", "an", "yes") else False:
- i.setCurrentIndex(0)
- else:
- i.setCurrentIndex(1)
- else:
- i.setText(item.value)
- def saveConfig(self):
- = self.connector.getConfig()
- self.pdata = self.connector.getPluginConfig()
- self.saveSection(self.sections,
- self.saveSection(self.psections, self.pdata, "plugin")
- def saveSection(self, sections, pdata, sec="core"):
- for k, section in enumerate(pdata):
- if k in sections:
- widget = sections[k]
- for item in section.items:
- if in widget.inputs:
- i = widget.inputs[]
- #TODO: unresolved reference: option
- if item.type == "int":
- if i.value() != int(item.value):
- self.connector.setConfigValue(k, option, i.value(), sec)
- elif not item.type.find(";") == -1:
- if i.currentText() != item.value:
- self.connector.setConfigValue(k, option, i.currentText(), sec)
- elif item.type == "bool":
- if (True if item.value.lower() in ("1", "true", "on", "an", "yes") else False) ^ (not i.currentIndex()):
- self.connector.setConfigValue(k, option, not i.currentIndex(), sec)
- else:
- if i.text() != item.value:
- self.connector.setConfigValue(k, option, str(i.text()), sec)
-class Section(QGroupBox):
- def __init__(self, data, parent, ctype="core"):
- = data
- QGroupBox.__init__(self, data.description, parent)
- self.labels = {}
- self.inputs = {}
- self.ctype = ctype
- layout = QFormLayout(self)
- self.setLayout(layout)
- sw = QWidget()
- sw.setLayout(QVBoxLayout())
- sw.layout().addWidget(self)
- sa = QScrollArea()
- sa.setWidgetResizable(True)
- sa.setWidget(sw)
- sa.setFrameShape(sa.NoFrame)
- parent.addTab(sa, data.description)
- for option in
- if option.type == "int":
- i = QSpinBox(self)
- i.setMaximum(999999)
- i.setValue(int(option.value))
- elif not option.type.find(";") == -1:
- choices = option.type.split(";")
- i = QComboBox(self)
- i.addItems(choices)
- i.setCurrentIndex(i.findText(option.value))
- elif option.type == "bool":
- i = QComboBox(self)
- i.addItem(_("Yes"), QVariant(True))
- i.addItem(_("No"), QVariant(False))
- if True if option.value.lower() in ("1", "true", "on", "an", "yes") else False:
- i.setCurrentIndex(0)
- else:
- i.setCurrentIndex(1)
- else:
- i = QLineEdit(self)
- i.setText(option.value)
- layout.addRow(option.description, i)
- layout.setFieldGrowthPolicy(QFormLayout.AllNonFixedFieldsGrow)
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index d9adc74f6..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: mkaay
-from __future__ import with_statement
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-from PyQt4.QtXml import *
-import os
-class XMLParser():
- def __init__(self, data, dfile=""):
- self.mutex = QMutex()
- self.mutex.lock()
- self.xml = QDomDocument()
- self.file = data
- self.dfile = dfile
- self.mutex.unlock()
- self.loadData()
- self.root = self.xml.documentElement()
- def loadData(self):
- self.mutex.lock()
- f = self.file
- if not os.path.exists(f):
- f = self.dfile
- with open(f, 'r') as fh:
- content =
- self.xml.setContent(content)
- self.mutex.unlock()
- def saveData(self):
- self.mutex.lock()
- content = self.xml.toString()
- with open(self.file, 'w') as fh:
- fh.write(content)
- self.mutex.unlock()
- return content
- def parseNode(self, node, ret_type="list"):
- if ret_type == "dict":
- childNodes = {}
- else:
- childNodes = []
- child = node.firstChild()
- while True:
- n = child.toElement()
- if n.isNull():
- break
- else:
- if ret_type == "dict":
- childNodes[str(n.tagName())] = n
- else:
- childNodes.append(n)
- child = child.nextSibling()
- return childNodes
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b1378917..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/module/gui/ b/module/gui/
deleted file mode 100644
index c96389e91..000000000
--- a/module/gui/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: mkaay
-from time import sleep
-from uuid import uuid4 as uuid
-from PyQt4.QtCore import *
-from PyQt4.QtGui import *
-import socket
-from module.remote.thriftbackend.ThriftClient import ThriftClient, WrongLogin, NoSSL, NoConnection
-from thrift.Thrift import TException
-class Connector(QObject):
- """
- manages the connection to the pyload core via thrift
- """
- firstAttempt = True
- def __init__(self):
- QObject.__init__(self)
- self.mutex = QMutex()
- self.connectionID = None
- = None
- self.port = None
- self.user = None
- self.password = None
- self.ssl = None
- self.running = True
- self.internal = False
- self.proxy = self.Dummy()
- def setConnectionData(self, host, port, user, password, ssl=False):
- """
- set connection data for connection attempt, called from slotConnect
- """
- = host
- self.port = port
- self.user = user
- self.password = password
- self.ssl = ssl
- def connectProxy(self):
- """
- initialize thrift rpc client,
- check for ssl, check auth,
- setup dispatcher,
- connect error signals,
- check server version
- """
- if self.internal: return True
- err = None
- try:
- client = ThriftClient(, self.port, self.user, self.password)
- except WrongLogin:
- err = _("bad login credentials")
- except NoSSL:
- err = _("no ssl support")
- except NoConnection:
- err = _("can't connect to host")
- if err:
- if not Connector.firstAttempt:
- self.emit(SIGNAL("errorBox"), err)
- Connector.firstAttempt = False
- return False
- self.proxy = DispatchRPC(self.mutex, client)
- self.connect(self.proxy, SIGNAL("connectionLost"), self, SIGNAL("connectionLost"))
- server_version = self.proxy.getServerVersion()
- self.connectionID = uuid().hex
- if not server_version == SERVER_VERSION:
- self.emit(SIGNAL("errorBox"), _("server is version %(new)s client accepts version %(current)s") % {"new": server_version, "current": SERVER_VERSION})
- return False
- return True
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- """
- redirect rpc calls to dispatcher
- """
- return getattr(self.proxy, attr)
- class Dummy(object):
- """
- dummy rpc proxy, to prevent errors
- """
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return False
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- def dummy(*args, **kwargs):
- return None
- return dummy
-class DispatchRPC(QObject):
- """
- wraps the thrift client, to catch critical exceptions (connection lost)
- adds thread safety
- """
- def __init__(self, mutex, server):
- QObject.__init__(self)
- self.mutex = mutex
- self.server = server
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- """
- redirect and wrap call in Wrapper instance, locks dispatcher
- """
- self.mutex.lock()
- self.fname = attr
- f = self.Wrapper(getattr(self.server, attr), self.mutex, self)
- return f
- class Wrapper(object):
- """
- represents a rpc call
- """
- def __init__(self, f, mutex, dispatcher):
- self.f = f
- self.mutex = mutex
- self.dispatcher = dispatcher
- def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- instance is called, rpc is executed
- exceptions are processed
- finally dispatcher is unlocked
- """
- lost = False
- try:
- return self.f(*args, **kwargs)
- except socket.error: #necessary?
- lost = True
- except TException:
- lost = True
- finally:
- self.mutex.unlock()
- if lost:
- from traceback import print_exc
- print_exc()
- self.dispatcher.emit(SIGNAL("connectionLost"))