diff options
authorGravatar Wugy <> 2009-12-19 17:14:05 +0100
committerGravatar Wugy <> 2009-12-19 17:14:05 +0100
commit2b6db7950916f29eea39224104fed284ad4222c7 (patch)
parentreal reconnect fix ;-) (diff)
active download list 40%
-rw-r--r--module/web/pyload.dbbin41984 -> 41984 bytes
4 files changed, 658 insertions, 506 deletions
diff --git a/module/web/pyload.db b/module/web/pyload.db
index b2b4206b0..3305b02ef 100644
--- a/module/web/pyload.db
+++ b/module/web/pyload.db
Binary files differ
diff --git a/module/web/templates/default/base.html b/module/web/templates/default/base.html
index 307dd821a..f9ea8c3a2 100644
--- a/module/web/templates/default/base.html
+++ b/module/web/templates/default/base.html
@@ -11,10 +11,133 @@
{% endblock %}
<title>{% block title %}pyLoad Webinterface{% endblock %}</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
+sprintfWrapper = {
+ init : function () {
+ if (typeof arguments == "undefined") { return null; }
+ if (arguments.length < 1) { return null; }
+ if (typeof arguments[0] != "string") { return null; }
+ if (typeof RegExp == "undefined") { return null; }
+ var string = arguments[0];
+ var exp = new RegExp(/(%([%]|(\-)?(\+|\x20)?(0)?(\d+)?(\.(\d)?)?([bcdfosxX])))/g);
+ var matches = new Array();
+ var strings = new Array();
+ var convCount = 0;
+ var stringPosStart = 0;
+ var stringPosEnd = 0;
+ var matchPosEnd = 0;
+ var newString = '';
+ var match = null;
+ while (match = exp.exec(string)) {
+ if (match[9]) { convCount += 1; }
+ stringPosStart = matchPosEnd;
+ stringPosEnd = exp.lastIndex - match[0].length;
+ strings[strings.length] = string.substring(stringPosStart, stringPosEnd);
+ matchPosEnd = exp.lastIndex;
+ matches[matches.length] = {
+ match: match[0],
+ left: match[3] ? true : false,
+ sign: match[4] || '',
+ pad: match[5] || ' ',
+ min: match[6] || 0,
+ precision: match[8],
+ code: match[9] || '%',
+ negative: parseInt(arguments[convCount]) < 0 ? true : false,
+ argument: String(arguments[convCount])
+ };
+ }
+ strings[strings.length] = string.substring(matchPosEnd);
+ if (matches.length == 0) { return string; }
+ if ((arguments.length - 1) < convCount) { return null; }
+ var code = null;
+ var match = null;
+ var i = null;
+ for (i=0; i<matches.length; i++) {
+ if (matches[i].code == '%') { substitution = '%' }
+ else if (matches[i].code == 'b') {
+ matches[i].argument = String(Math.abs(parseInt(matches[i].argument)).toString(2));
+ substitution = sprintfWrapper.convert(matches[i], true);
+ }
+ else if (matches[i].code == 'c') {
+ matches[i].argument = String(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(Math.abs(parseInt(matches[i].argument)))));
+ substitution = sprintfWrapper.convert(matches[i], true);
+ }
+ else if (matches[i].code == 'd') {
+ matches[i].argument = String(Math.abs(parseInt(matches[i].argument)));
+ substitution = sprintfWrapper.convert(matches[i]);
+ }
+ else if (matches[i].code == 'f') {
+ matches[i].argument = String(Math.abs(parseFloat(matches[i].argument)).toFixed(matches[i].precision ? matches[i].precision : 6));
+ substitution = sprintfWrapper.convert(matches[i]);
+ }
+ else if (matches[i].code == 'o') {
+ matches[i].argument = String(Math.abs(parseInt(matches[i].argument)).toString(8));
+ substitution = sprintfWrapper.convert(matches[i]);
+ }
+ else if (matches[i].code == 's') {
+ matches[i].argument = matches[i].argument.substring(0, matches[i].precision ? matches[i].precision : matches[i].argument.length)
+ substitution = sprintfWrapper.convert(matches[i], true);
+ }
+ else if (matches[i].code == 'x') {
+ matches[i].argument = String(Math.abs(parseInt(matches[i].argument)).toString(16));
+ substitution = sprintfWrapper.convert(matches[i]);
+ }
+ else if (matches[i].code == 'X') {
+ matches[i].argument = String(Math.abs(parseInt(matches[i].argument)).toString(16));
+ substitution = sprintfWrapper.convert(matches[i]).toUpperCase();
+ }
+ else {
+ substitution = matches[i].match;
+ }
+ newString += strings[i];
+ newString += substitution;
+ }
+ newString += strings[i];
+ return newString;
+ },
+ convert : function(match, nosign){
+ if (nosign) {
+ match.sign = '';
+ } else {
+ match.sign = match.negative ? '-' : match.sign;
+ }
+ var l = match.min - match.argument.length + 1 - match.sign.length;
+ var pad = new Array(l < 0 ? 0 : l).join(match.pad);
+ if (!match.left) {
+ if (match.pad == "0" || nosign) {
+ return match.sign + pad + match.argument;
+ } else {
+ return pad + match.sign + match.argument;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (match.pad == "0" || nosign) {
+ return match.sign + match.argument + pad.replace(/0/g, ' ');
+ } else {
+ return match.sign + match.argument + pad;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sprintf = sprintfWrapper.init;
function LoadJsonToContent(data)
JSONDATA = data;
- $("#speed").text(Math.round(data.speed/0.01)*0.01);
+ $("#speed").text(Math.round(data.speed*100)/100);
@@ -28,6 +151,25 @@ function LoadJsonToContent(data)
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $.getJSON('/json/status', LoadJsonToContent );
+ }, 2000);
+function LinksToContent(data)
+ $("#LinksAktiv").text('');
+ $.each(data, function(i,item)
+ {
+ $("#LinksAktiv").append('<tr><td>''</td><td>'+item.status+'</td><td>'+Math.round(item.speed*100)/100+'@'+SecToRightTime(item.eta)+'</td><td>'+item.size+' MB</td><td>'+item.percent+'% / '+item.kbleft+' MB</td></tr>');
+ });
+function SecToRightTime(sek)
+ vreturn = sek > 86400 ? sprintf('%d Tag%s ', sek / 86400, Math.floor(sek / 86400) != 1 ? 'e':'') : '';
+ vreturn += sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', sek / 3600 % 24, sek / 60 % 60, sek % 60 );
+ return vreturn;
@@ -43,11 +185,8 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
{ // mouseout
$(this).attr("id", "");
- var refreshId = setInterval(function()
- {
- $.getJSON('/json/status', LoadJsonToContent );
- }, 1000);
+ $.getJSON('/json/links', LinksToContent );
+ $.getJSON('/json/status', LoadJsonToContent );
diff --git a/module/web/templates/default/home.html b/module/web/templates/default/home.html
index fac4b6e63..ac9c5d25c 100644
--- a/module/web/templates/default/home.html
+++ b/module/web/templates/default/home.html
@@ -1,9 +1,22 @@
-{% extends 'default/base.html' %}
-{% block subtitle %}
-Active Downloads
-{% endblock %}
-{% block content %}
+{% extends 'default/base.html' %}
+{% block subtitle %}
+Active Downloads
+{% endblock %}
+{% block content %}
+<tbody id="LinksAktiv">
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
{% endblock %} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index 7b7e2754d..3e6662d17 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,492 +1,492 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, see <>.
- @author: spoob
- @author: sebnapi
- @author: RaNaN
- @author: mkaay
- @version: v0.3
-import gettext
-from glob import glob
-from imp import find_module
-import logging
-import logging.handlers
-from os import listdir
-from os import makedirs
-from os import sep
-from os.path import basename
-from os.path import dirname
-from os.path import exists
-from os.path import join
-from re import sub
-import subprocess
-from sys import argv
-from sys import exit
-from sys import path
-from sys import stdout
-import thread
-import time
-from time import sleep
-from module.file_list import File_List
-from import Request
-import module.remote.SecureXMLRPCServer as Server
-from module.thread_list import Thread_List
-from module.web.ServerThread import WebServer
-from module.XMLConfigParser import XMLConfigParser
-class Core(object):
- """ pyLoad Core """
- def __init__(self):
- if len(argv) > 1:
- if argv[1] == "-v":
- print "pyLoad", CURRENT_VERSION
- exit()
- def shutdown(self):
- "abort all downloads and exit"
- self.thread_list.pause = True
- for pyfile in self.thread_list.py_downloading:
- pyfile.plugin.req.abort = True
- while self.thread_list.py_downloading:
- sleep(1)
-"Going to shutdown pyLoad")
- exit()
- def toggle_pause(self):
- if self.thread_list.pause:
- self.thread_list.pause = False
- return False
- elif not self.thread_list.pause:
- self.thread_list.pause = True
- return True
- def start(self):
- """ starts the machine"""
- self.path = dirname(__file__)
- self.config = {}
- self.plugins_avaible = {}
- self.plugin_folder = join("module", "plugins")
- self.xmlconfig = XMLConfigParser(join(self.path,"module","config","core.xml"))
- self.config = self.xmlconfig.getConfig()
- self.do_kill = False
- translation = gettext.translation("pyLoad", "locale", languages=[self.config['general']['language']])
- translation.install(unicode=True)
- self.check_install("Crypto", "pycrypto to decode container files")
- self.check_install("Image", "Python Image Libary (PIL) for captha reading")
- self.check_install("pycurl", "pycurl for lower memory footprint while downloading")
- self.check_install("django", "Django for webinterface")
- self.check_install("tesseract", "tesseract for captcha reading", False)
- self.check_install("gocr", "gocr for captcha reading", False)
- self.check_file(self.config['log']['log_folder'], _("folder for logs"), True)
- self.check_file(self.config['general']['download_folder'], _("folder for downloads"), True)
- self.check_file(self.config['general']['link_file'], _("file for links"))
- self.check_file(self.config['general']['failed_file'], _("file for failed links"))
- script_folders = ['scripts/download_preparing/', 'scripts/download_finished/', 'scripts/package_finished/', 'scripts/reconnected/'] # @TODO: windows save?
- self.check_file(script_folders, _("folders for scripts"), True)
- if self.config['ssl']['activated']:
- self.check_install("OpenSSL", "OpenSSL for secure connection", True)
- self.check_file(self.config['ssl']['cert'], _("ssl certificate"), False, True)
- self.check_file(self.config['ssl']['key'], _("ssl key"), False, True)
- if self.config['general']['debug_mode']:
- self.init_logger(logging.DEBUG) # logging level
- else:
- self.init_logger(logging.INFO) # logging level
- self.init_scripts()
- path.append(self.plugin_folder)
- self.create_plugin_index()
- self.server_methods = ServerMethods(self)
- self.file_list = File_List(self)
- self.thread_list = Thread_List(self)
- self.server_methods.check_update()
- self.init_server()
- self.init_webserver() # start webinterface like cli, gui etc
-"Downloadtime: %s") % self.server_methods.is_time_download()) # debug only
- #read url list @mkaay: pid, lid?
- # pid = package id
- # lid = link/file id
- linkFile = self.config['general']['link_file']
- packs = self.server_methods.get_queue()
- found = False
- for data in packs:
- if data["package_name"] == linkFile:
- found = data["id"]
- break
- if found == False:
- pid = self.file_list.packager.addNewPackage(package_name=linkFile)
- else:
- pid = found
- lid = self.file_list.collector.addLink(linkFile)
- self.file_list.packager.addFileToPackage(pid, self.file_list.collector.popFile(lid))
- self.file_list.packager.pushPackage2Queue(pid)
- while True:
- sleep(2)
- if self.do_kill:
-"pyLoad quits")
- exit()
- def init_server(self):
- try:
- server_addr = (self.config['remote']['listenaddr'], int(self.config['remote']['port']))
- usermap = {self.config['remote']['username']: self.config['remote']['password']}
- if self.config['ssl']['activated']:
- self.server = Server.SecureXMLRPCServer(server_addr, self.config['ssl']['cert'], self.config['ssl']['key'], usermap)
-"Secure XMLRPC Server Started")
- else:
- self.server = Server.AuthXMLRPCServer(server_addr, usermap)
-"Auth XMLRPC Server Started")
- self.server.register_instance(self.server_methods)
- thread.start_new_thread(self.server.serve_forever, ())
- except Exception, e:
- self.logger.error("Failed starting socket server, CLI and GUI will not be available: %s" % str(e))
- if self.config['general']['debug_mode']:
- import traceback
- traceback.print_exc()
- def init_webserver(self):
- if self.config['webinterface']['activated']:
- self.webserver = WebServer(self)
- self.webserver.start()
- def init_logger(self, level):
- console = logging.StreamHandler(stdout)
- frm = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")
- console.setFormatter(frm)
- self.logger = logging.getLogger("log") # settable in config
- if self.config['log']['file_log']:
- file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(self.config['log']['log_folder'] + sep + 'log.txt', maxBytes=102400, backupCount=int(self.config['log']['log_count'])) #100 kib each
- file_handler.setFormatter(frm)
- self.logger.addHandler(file_handler)
- self.logger.addHandler(console) #if console logging
- self.logger.setLevel(level)
- def init_scripts(self):
- """ scan directory for scripts to execute"""
- f = lambda x: False if x.startswith("#") or x.endswith("~") else True
- self.scripts = {}
- #@TODO: windows save?!
- self.scripts['download_preparing'] = map(lambda x: 'scripts/download_preparing/' + x, filter(f, listdir('scripts/download_preparing')))
- self.scripts['download_finished'] = map(lambda x: 'scripts/download_finished/' + x, filter(f, listdir('scripts/download_finished')))
- self.scripts['package_finished'] = map(lambda x: 'scripts/package_finished/' + x, filter(f, listdir('scripts/package_finished')))
- self.scripts['reconnected'] = map(lambda x: 'scripts/reconnected/' + x, filter(f, listdir('scripts/reconnected')))
- for script_type, script_name in self.scripts.iteritems():
- if script_name != []:
-"Installed %s Scripts: %s" % (script_type, ", ".join(script_name)))
- def check_install(self, check_name, legend, python=True, essential=False):
- """check wether needed tools are installed"""
- try:
- if python:
- find_module(check_name)
- else:
- pipe = subprocess.PIPE
- subprocess.Popen(check_name, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe)
- except:
- print "Install", legend
- if essential: exit()
- def check_file(self, check_names, description="", folder=False, empty=True, essential=False):
- """check wether needed files are exists"""
- tmp_names = []
- if not type(check_names) == list:
- tmp_names.append(check_names)
- else:
- tmp_names.extend(check_names)
- file_created = True
- file_exists = True
- for tmp_name in tmp_names:
- if not exists(tmp_name):
- file_exists = False
- if empty:
- try:
- if folder:
- tmp_name = tmp_name.replace("/", sep)
- makedirs(tmp_name)
- else:
- open(tmp_name, "w")
- except:
- file_created = False
- else:
- file_created = False
- if not file_exists:
- if file_created:
- print _("%s created") % description
- else:
- if not empty:
- print _("could not find %s: %s") % (description, tmp_name)
- else:
- print _("could not create %s: %s") % (description, tmp_name)
- if essential:
- exit()
- def restart(self):
- pass
- #~ def update(self, file_update=None):
- #~ try:
- #~ if not file_update:
- #~ tmp_zip = __import__("tempfile").NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".zip").name
- #~ file_update = Request().download("", tmp_zip)
- #~ __import__("module.Unzip", globals(), locals(), "Unzip", -1).Unzip().extract(tmp_zip,"Test/")
- #~"Updated pyLoad"))
- #~ except:
- #~"Error on updating pyLoad")
- def create_plugin_index(self):
- for file_handler in glob(self.plugin_folder + sep + '*.py') + glob(self.plugin_folder + sep + 'DLC.pyc'):
- plugin_pattern = ""
- plugin_file = sub("(\.pyc|\.py)", "", basename(file_handler))
- if plugin_file == "DLC":
- plugin_pattern = "(?!http://).*\.dlc"
- else:
- for line in open(file_handler, "r").readlines():
- if "props['pattern']" in line:
- plugin_pattern = line.split("r\"")[1].split("\"")[0]
- break
- if plugin_pattern != "":
- self.plugins_avaible[plugin_file] = plugin_pattern
- self.logger.debug(plugin_file + _(" added"))
-"created index of plugins"))
- def compare_time(self, start, end):
- if start == end: return True
- now = time.localtime()[3:5]
- if start < now and end > now: return True
- elif start > end and (now > start or now < end): return True
- elif start < now and end < now and start > end: return True
- else: return False
- #~ def init_webserver(self):
- #~ self.webserver = WebServer(self)
- #~ if self.config['webinterface']['activated']:
- #~ self.webserver.start()
- ####################################
- ########## XMLRPC Methods ##########
- ####################################
-class ServerMethods():
- def __init__(self, core):
- self.core = core
- def check_update(self):
- """checks newst version"""
- if self.core.config['updates']['search_updates']:
- version_check = Request().load("" % (CURRENT_VERSION, self.core.config['updates']['install_updates']))
- if version_check == "":
-"No Updates for pyLoad")
- return False
- else:
- if self.core.config['updates']['install_updates']:
- try:
- tmp_zip_name = __import__("tempfile").NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".zip").name
- tmp_zip = open(tmp_zip_name, 'w')
- tmp_zip.write(version_check)
- tmp_zip.close()
- __import__("module.Unzip", globals(), locals(), "Unzip", -1).Unzip().extract(tmp_zip_name, "Test/")
- return True
- except:
-"Auto install Faild")
- return False
- else:
-"New pyLoad Version %s available" % version_check)
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def status_downloads(self):
- downloads = []
- for pyfile in self.core.thread_list.py_downloading:
- download = {}
- download['id'] =
- download['name'] = pyfile.status.filename
- download['speed'] = pyfile.status.get_speed()
- download['eta'] = pyfile.status.get_ETA()
- download['kbleft'] = pyfile.status.kB_left()
- download['size'] = pyfile.status.size()
- download['percent'] = pyfile.status.percent()
- download['status'] = pyfile.status.type
- download['wait_until'] = pyfile.status.waituntil
- download['package'] =["package_name"]
- downloads.append(download)
- return downloads
- def get_conf_val(self, cat, var):
- if var != "username" and var != "password":
- return self.core.config[cat][var]
- else:
- raise Exception("not allowed!")
- def pause_server(self):
- self.core.thread_list.pause = True
- def unpause_server(self):
- self.core.thread_list.pause = False
- def status_server(self):
- status = {}
- status['pause'] = self.core.thread_list.pause
- status['queue'] = self.core.file_list.countDownloads()
- status['total'] = len(['queue'])
- status['speed'] = 0
- for pyfile in self.core.thread_list.py_downloading:
- status['speed'] += pyfile.status.get_speed()
- return status
- def file_exists(self, path): #@XXX: security?!
- return exists(path)
- def get_server_version(self):
- def add_urls(self, links):
- for link in links:
- self.core.file_list.collector.addLink(link)
- def add_package(self, name, links):
- pid = self.new_package(name)
- self.core.file_list.packager.pushPackage2Queue(pid)
- fids = map(self.core.file_list.collector.addLink, links)
- map(lambda fid: self.move_file_2_package(fid, pid), fids)
- self.push_package_2_queue(pid)
- def new_package(self, name):
- id = self.core.file_list.packager.addNewPackage(name)
- return id
- def get_package_data(self, id):
- return self.core.file_list.packager.getPackageData(id)
- def get_package_files(self, id):
- return self.core.file_list.packager.getPackageFiles(id)
- def get_file_info(self, id):
- return self.core.file_list.getFileInfo(id)
- def del_links(self, ids):
- for id in ids:
- try:
- self.core.file_list.collector.removeFile(id)
- except:
- self.core.file_list.packages.removeFile(id)
- def del_packages(self, ids):
- for id in ids:
- self.core.file_list.packages.removePackage(id)
- def kill(self):
- self.core.do_kill = True
- return True
- def get_queue(self):
- data = []
- for q in["queue"]:
- data.append(
- return data
- def get_collector_packages(self):
- data = []
- for q in["packages"]:
- data.append(
- return data
- def get_collector_files(self):
- files = []
- for f in["collector"]:
- files.append(
- return files
- def move_file_2_package(self, fid, pid):
- try:
- pyfile = self.core.file_list.collector.getFile(fid)
- self.core.file_list.packager.addFileToPackage(pid, pyfile)
- except:
- return
- else:
- self.core.file_list.collector.removeFile(fid)
- def push_package_2_queue(self, id):
- self.core.file_list.packager.pushPackage2Queue(id)
- #def move_urls_up(self, ids):
- # for id in ids:
- # self.core.file_list.move(id)
- #
- #def move_urls_down(self, ids):
- # for id in ids:
- # self.core.file_list.move(id, 1)
- #
- def is_time_download(self):
- start = self.core.config['downloadTime']['start'].split(":")
- end = self.core.config['downloadTime']['end'].split(":")
- return self.core.compare_time(start, end)
- def is_time_reconnect(self):
- start = self.core.config['reconnectTime']['start'].split(":")
- end = self.core.config['reconnectTime']['end'].split(":")
- return self.compare_time(start, end)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- pyload_core = Core()
- try:
- pyload_core.start()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
-"killed pyLoad by Terminal")
- exit()
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
+ or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, see <>.
+ @author: spoob
+ @author: sebnapi
+ @author: RaNaN
+ @author: mkaay
+ @version: v0.3
+import gettext
+from glob import glob
+from imp import find_module
+import logging
+import logging.handlers
+from os import listdir
+from os import makedirs
+from os import sep
+from os.path import basename
+from os.path import dirname
+from os.path import exists
+from os.path import join
+from re import sub
+import subprocess
+from sys import argv
+from sys import exit
+from sys import path
+from sys import stdout
+import thread
+import time
+from time import sleep
+from module.file_list import File_List
+from import Request
+import module.remote.SecureXMLRPCServer as Server
+from module.thread_list import Thread_List
+from module.web.ServerThread import WebServer
+from module.XMLConfigParser import XMLConfigParser
+class Core(object):
+ """ pyLoad Core """
+ def __init__(self):
+ if len(argv) > 1:
+ if argv[1] == "-v":
+ print "pyLoad", CURRENT_VERSION
+ exit()
+ def shutdown(self):
+ "abort all downloads and exit"
+ self.thread_list.pause = True
+ for pyfile in self.thread_list.py_downloading:
+ pyfile.plugin.req.abort = True
+ while self.thread_list.py_downloading:
+ sleep(1)
+"Going to shutdown pyLoad")
+ exit()
+ def toggle_pause(self):
+ if self.thread_list.pause:
+ self.thread_list.pause = False
+ return False
+ elif not self.thread_list.pause:
+ self.thread_list.pause = True
+ return True
+ def start(self):
+ """ starts the machine"""
+ self.path = dirname(__file__)
+ self.config = {}
+ self.plugins_avaible = {}
+ self.plugin_folder = join("module", "plugins")
+ self.xmlconfig = XMLConfigParser(join(self.path,"module","config","core.xml"))
+ self.config = self.xmlconfig.getConfig()
+ self.do_kill = False
+ translation = gettext.translation("pyLoad", "locale", languages=[self.config['general']['language']])
+ translation.install(unicode=True)
+ self.check_install("Crypto", "pycrypto to decode container files")
+ self.check_install("Image", "Python Image Libary (PIL) for captha reading")
+ self.check_install("pycurl", "pycurl for lower memory footprint while downloading")
+ self.check_install("django", "Django for webinterface")
+ self.check_install("tesseract", "tesseract for captcha reading", False)
+ self.check_install("gocr", "gocr for captcha reading", False)
+ self.check_file(self.config['log']['log_folder'], _("folder for logs"), True)
+ self.check_file(self.config['general']['download_folder'], _("folder for downloads"), True)
+ self.check_file(self.config['general']['link_file'], _("file for links"))
+ self.check_file(self.config['general']['failed_file'], _("file for failed links"))
+ script_folders = ['scripts/download_preparing/', 'scripts/download_finished/', 'scripts/package_finished/', 'scripts/reconnected/'] # @TODO: windows save?
+ self.check_file(script_folders, _("folders for scripts"), True)
+ if self.config['ssl']['activated']:
+ self.check_install("OpenSSL", "OpenSSL for secure connection", True)
+ self.check_file(self.config['ssl']['cert'], _("ssl certificate"), False, True)
+ self.check_file(self.config['ssl']['key'], _("ssl key"), False, True)
+ if self.config['general']['debug_mode']:
+ self.init_logger(logging.DEBUG) # logging level
+ else:
+ self.init_logger(logging.INFO) # logging level
+ self.init_scripts()
+ path.append(self.plugin_folder)
+ self.create_plugin_index()
+ self.server_methods = ServerMethods(self)
+ self.file_list = File_List(self)
+ self.thread_list = Thread_List(self)
+ self.server_methods.check_update()
+ self.init_server()
+ self.init_webserver() # start webinterface like cli, gui etc
+"Downloadtime: %s") % self.server_methods.is_time_download()) # debug only
+ #read url list @mkaay: pid, lid?
+ # pid = package id
+ # lid = link/file id
+ linkFile = self.config['general']['link_file']
+ packs = self.server_methods.get_queue()
+ found = False
+ for data in packs:
+ if data["package_name"] == linkFile:
+ found = data["id"]
+ break
+ if found == False:
+ pid = self.file_list.packager.addNewPackage(package_name=linkFile)
+ else:
+ pid = found
+ lid = self.file_list.collector.addLink(linkFile)
+ self.file_list.packager.addFileToPackage(pid, self.file_list.collector.popFile(lid))
+ self.file_list.packager.pushPackage2Queue(pid)
+ while True:
+ sleep(2)
+ if self.do_kill:
+"pyLoad quits")
+ exit()
+ def init_server(self):
+ try:
+ server_addr = (self.config['remote']['listenaddr'], int(self.config['remote']['port']))
+ usermap = {self.config['remote']['username']: self.config['remote']['password']}
+ if self.config['ssl']['activated']:
+ self.server = Server.SecureXMLRPCServer(server_addr, self.config['ssl']['cert'], self.config['ssl']['key'], usermap)
+"Secure XMLRPC Server Started")
+ else:
+ self.server = Server.AuthXMLRPCServer(server_addr, usermap)
+"Auth XMLRPC Server Started")
+ self.server.register_instance(self.server_methods)
+ thread.start_new_thread(self.server.serve_forever, ())
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.logger.error("Failed starting socket server, CLI and GUI will not be available: %s" % str(e))
+ if self.config['general']['debug_mode']:
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ def init_webserver(self):
+ if self.config['webinterface']['activated']:
+ self.webserver = WebServer(self)
+ self.webserver.start()
+ def init_logger(self, level):
+ console = logging.StreamHandler(stdout)
+ frm = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S")
+ console.setFormatter(frm)
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger("log") # settable in config
+ if self.config['log']['file_log']:
+ file_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(self.config['log']['log_folder'] + sep + 'log.txt', maxBytes=102400, backupCount=int(self.config['log']['log_count'])) #100 kib each
+ file_handler.setFormatter(frm)
+ self.logger.addHandler(file_handler)
+ self.logger.addHandler(console) #if console logging
+ self.logger.setLevel(level)
+ def init_scripts(self):
+ """ scan directory for scripts to execute"""
+ f = lambda x: False if x.startswith("#") or x.endswith("~") else True
+ self.scripts = {}
+ #@TODO: windows save?!
+ self.scripts['download_preparing'] = map(lambda x: 'scripts/download_preparing/' + x, filter(f, listdir('scripts/download_preparing')))
+ self.scripts['download_finished'] = map(lambda x: 'scripts/download_finished/' + x, filter(f, listdir('scripts/download_finished')))
+ self.scripts['package_finished'] = map(lambda x: 'scripts/package_finished/' + x, filter(f, listdir('scripts/package_finished')))
+ self.scripts['reconnected'] = map(lambda x: 'scripts/reconnected/' + x, filter(f, listdir('scripts/reconnected')))
+ for script_type, script_name in self.scripts.iteritems():
+ if script_name != []:
+"Installed %s Scripts: %s" % (script_type, ", ".join(script_name)))
+ def check_install(self, check_name, legend, python=True, essential=False):
+ """check wether needed tools are installed"""
+ try:
+ if python:
+ find_module(check_name)
+ else:
+ pipe = subprocess.PIPE
+ subprocess.Popen(check_name, stdout=pipe, stderr=pipe)
+ except:
+ print "Install", legend
+ if essential: exit()
+ def check_file(self, check_names, description="", folder=False, empty=True, essential=False):
+ """check wether needed files are exists"""
+ tmp_names = []
+ if not type(check_names) == list:
+ tmp_names.append(check_names)
+ else:
+ tmp_names.extend(check_names)
+ file_created = True
+ file_exists = True
+ for tmp_name in tmp_names:
+ if not exists(tmp_name):
+ file_exists = False
+ if empty:
+ try:
+ if folder:
+ tmp_name = tmp_name.replace("/", sep)
+ makedirs(tmp_name)
+ else:
+ open(tmp_name, "w")
+ except:
+ file_created = False
+ else:
+ file_created = False
+ if not file_exists:
+ if file_created:
+ print _("%s created") % description
+ else:
+ if not empty:
+ print _("could not find %s: %s") % (description, tmp_name)
+ else:
+ print _("could not create %s: %s") % (description, tmp_name)
+ if essential:
+ exit()
+ def restart(self):
+ pass
+ #~ def update(self, file_update=None):
+ #~ try:
+ #~ if not file_update:
+ #~ tmp_zip = __import__("tempfile").NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".zip").name
+ #~ file_update = Request().download("", tmp_zip)
+ #~ __import__("module.Unzip", globals(), locals(), "Unzip", -1).Unzip().extract(tmp_zip,"Test/")
+ #~"Updated pyLoad"))
+ #~ except:
+ #~"Error on updating pyLoad")
+ def create_plugin_index(self):
+ for file_handler in glob(self.plugin_folder + sep + '*.py') + glob(self.plugin_folder + sep + 'DLC.pyc'):
+ plugin_pattern = ""
+ plugin_file = sub("(\.pyc|\.py)", "", basename(file_handler))
+ if plugin_file == "DLC":
+ plugin_pattern = "(?!http://).*\.dlc"
+ else:
+ for line in open(file_handler, "r").readlines():
+ if "props['pattern']" in line:
+ plugin_pattern = line.split("r\"")[1].split("\"")[0]
+ break
+ if plugin_pattern != "":
+ self.plugins_avaible[plugin_file] = plugin_pattern
+ self.logger.debug(plugin_file + _(" added"))
+"created index of plugins"))
+ def compare_time(self, start, end):
+ if start == end: return True
+ now = time.localtime()[3:5]
+ if start < now and end > now: return True
+ elif start > end and (now > start or now < end): return True
+ elif start < now and end < now and start > end: return True
+ else: return False
+ #~ def init_webserver(self):
+ #~ self.webserver = WebServer(self)
+ #~ if self.config['webinterface']['activated']:
+ #~ self.webserver.start()
+ ####################################
+ ########## XMLRPC Methods ##########
+ ####################################
+class ServerMethods():
+ def __init__(self, core):
+ self.core = core
+ def check_update(self):
+ """checks newst version"""
+ if self.core.config['updates']['search_updates']:
+ version_check = Request().load("" % (CURRENT_VERSION, self.core.config['updates']['install_updates']))
+ if version_check == "":
+"No Updates for pyLoad")
+ return False
+ else:
+ if self.core.config['updates']['install_updates']:
+ try:
+ tmp_zip_name = __import__("tempfile").NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".zip").name
+ tmp_zip = open(tmp_zip_name, 'w')
+ tmp_zip.write(version_check)
+ tmp_zip.close()
+ __import__("module.Unzip", globals(), locals(), "Unzip", -1).Unzip().extract(tmp_zip_name, "Test/")
+ return True
+ except:
+"Auto install Faild")
+ return False
+ else:
+"New pyLoad Version %s available" % version_check)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def status_downloads(self):
+ downloads = []
+ for pyfile in self.core.thread_list.py_downloading:
+ download = {}
+ download['id'] =
+ download['name'] = pyfile.status.filename
+ download['speed'] = pyfile.status.get_speed()
+ download['eta'] = pyfile.status.get_ETA()
+ download['kbleft'] = pyfile.status.kB_left()
+ download['size'] = pyfile.status.size() / 1000
+ download['percent'] = pyfile.status.percent()
+ download['status'] = pyfile.status.type
+ download['wait_until'] = pyfile.status.waituntil
+ download['package'] =["package_name"]
+ downloads.append(download)
+ return downloads
+ def get_conf_val(self, cat, var):
+ if var != "username" and var != "password":
+ return self.core.config[cat][var]
+ else:
+ raise Exception("not allowed!")
+ def pause_server(self):
+ self.core.thread_list.pause = True
+ def unpause_server(self):
+ self.core.thread_list.pause = False
+ def status_server(self):
+ status = {}
+ status['pause'] = self.core.thread_list.pause
+ status['queue'] = self.core.file_list.countDownloads()
+ status['total'] = len(['queue'])
+ status['speed'] = 0
+ for pyfile in self.core.thread_list.py_downloading:
+ status['speed'] += pyfile.status.get_speed()
+ return status
+ def file_exists(self, path): #@XXX: security?!
+ return exists(path)
+ def get_server_version(self):
+ def add_urls(self, links):
+ for link in links:
+ self.core.file_list.collector.addLink(link)
+ def add_package(self, name, links):
+ pid = self.new_package(name)
+ self.core.file_list.packager.pushPackage2Queue(pid)
+ fids = map(self.core.file_list.collector.addLink, links)
+ map(lambda fid: self.move_file_2_package(fid, pid), fids)
+ self.push_package_2_queue(pid)
+ def new_package(self, name):
+ id = self.core.file_list.packager.addNewPackage(name)
+ return id
+ def get_package_data(self, id):
+ return self.core.file_list.packager.getPackageData(id)
+ def get_package_files(self, id):
+ return self.core.file_list.packager.getPackageFiles(id)
+ def get_file_info(self, id):
+ return self.core.file_list.getFileInfo(id)
+ def del_links(self, ids):
+ for id in ids:
+ try:
+ self.core.file_list.collector.removeFile(id)
+ except:
+ self.core.file_list.packages.removeFile(id)
+ def del_packages(self, ids):
+ for id in ids:
+ self.core.file_list.packages.removePackage(id)
+ def kill(self):
+ self.core.do_kill = True
+ return True
+ def get_queue(self):
+ data = []
+ for q in["queue"]:
+ data.append(
+ return data
+ def get_collector_packages(self):
+ data = []
+ for q in["packages"]:
+ data.append(
+ return data
+ def get_collector_files(self):
+ files = []
+ for f in["collector"]:
+ files.append(
+ return files
+ def move_file_2_package(self, fid, pid):
+ try:
+ pyfile = self.core.file_list.collector.getFile(fid)
+ self.core.file_list.packager.addFileToPackage(pid, pyfile)
+ except:
+ return
+ else:
+ self.core.file_list.collector.removeFile(fid)
+ def push_package_2_queue(self, id):
+ self.core.file_list.packager.pushPackage2Queue(id)
+ #def move_urls_up(self, ids):
+ # for id in ids:
+ # self.core.file_list.move(id)
+ #
+ #def move_urls_down(self, ids):
+ # for id in ids:
+ # self.core.file_list.move(id, 1)
+ #
+ def is_time_download(self):
+ start = self.core.config['downloadTime']['start'].split(":")
+ end = self.core.config['downloadTime']['end'].split(":")
+ return self.core.compare_time(start, end)
+ def is_time_reconnect(self):
+ start = self.core.config['reconnectTime']['start'].split(":")
+ end = self.core.config['reconnectTime']['end'].split(":")
+ return self.compare_time(start, end)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ pyload_core = Core()
+ try:
+ pyload_core.start()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+"killed pyLoad by Terminal")
+ exit()