diff options
authorGravatar mkaay <> 2009-12-16 15:44:07 +0100
committerGravatar mkaay <> 2009-12-16 15:44:07 +0100
commitd2a60032d220453430565ad30ccd9356fbd2cf89 (patch)
parentFixed Rapidshare Traffic Share Bug (diff)
re-added progressbar
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 419 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index ad4fd1d0b..b3f206bd1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -110,14 +110,16 @@ class main(QObject):
- self.mainWindow.tabs["queue"]["view"].setColumnCount(3)
- self.mainWindow.tabs["queue"]["view"].setHeaderLabels(["Name", "Status", "Fortschritt"])
- self.mainWindow.tabs["queue"]["view"].setColumnWidth(0, 300)
- self.mainWindow.tabs["queue"]["view"].setColumnWidth(1, 100)
- self.mainWindow.tabs["queue"]["view"].setColumnWidth(2, 100)
- #delegate = QueueProgressBarDelegate(self)
- #self.mainWindow.tabs["queue"]["view"].setItemDelegateForColumn(2, delegate)
- self.queue = Queue(self.mainWindow.tabs["queue"]["view"], self.connector)
+ view = self.mainWindow.tabs["queue"]["view"]
+ view.setColumnCount(3)
+ view.setHeaderLabels(["Name", "Status", "Fortschritt"])
+ view.setColumnWidth(0, 300)
+ view.setColumnWidth(1, 100)
+ view.setColumnWidth(2, 100)
+ self.queue = Queue(view, self.connector)
+ delegate = QueueProgressBarDelegate(view, self.queue)
+ view.setItemDelegateForColumn(2, delegate)
+ #view.setup(self.queue)
class connector(QThread):
@@ -325,7 +327,7 @@ class Queue(QThread):
def update(self):
locker = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
packs = self.connector.getPackageQueue()
- downloading = self.connector.getDownloadQueue()
+ self.downloading = self.connector.getDownloadQueue()
for data in packs:
pack = self.getPack(data["id"])
if not pack:
@@ -366,6 +368,7 @@ class Queue(QThread):
if status >= 0:
item.setData(1, Qt.DisplayRole, QVariant(self.statusMapReverse[status]))
item.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, QVariant(pid))
+ item.setData(2, Qt.UserRole, QVariant(newPack))
def getPack(self, pid):
for k, pack in enumerate(self.queue):
@@ -373,6 +376,36 @@ class Queue(QThread):
return pack
return None
+ def getProgress(self, q):
+ locker = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
+ if isinstance(q, self.QueueFile):
+ for d in self.downloading:
+ if d["id"] == q.getData()["id"]:
+ return int(d["percent"])
+ if["status_type"] == "finished" or \
+["status_type"] == "failed" or \
+["status_type"] == "aborted":
+ return 100
+ elif isinstance(q, self.QueuePack):
+ children = q.getChildren()
+ count = len(children)
+ perc_sum = 0
+ for child in children:
+ val = 0
+ for d in self.downloading:
+ if d["id"] == child.getData()["id"]:
+ val = int(d["percent"])
+ break
+ if["status_type"] == "finished" or \
+["status_type"] == "failed" or \
+["status_type"] == "aborted":
+ val = 100
+ perc_sum += val
+ if count == 0:
+ return None
+ return perc_sum/count
+ return None
class QueuePack():
def __init__(self, queue):
self.queue = queue
@@ -401,6 +434,7 @@ class Queue(QThread):
item.setData(0, Qt.DisplayRole, QVariant(newChild.getData()["filename"]))
item.setData(1, Qt.DisplayRole, QVariant(newChild.getData()["status_type"]))
item.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, QVariant(cid))
+ item.setData(2, Qt.UserRole, QVariant(newChild))
def getChildren(self):
return self.children
@@ -434,420 +468,15 @@ class Queue(QThread):
def getPack(self):
return self.pack
- """
- def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
- locker = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
- if not index.isValid():
- return QVariant()
- if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
- q = self.nodeFromIndex(index)
- if index.column() == 0:
- if isinstance(q, QueuePack):
- return QVariant(["package_name"])
- else:
- return QVariant(["filename"])
- elif index.column() == 1:
- if isinstance(q, QueueFile):
- return QVariant(["status_type"])
- else:
- status = 0
- for child in q.getChildren():
- if self.statusMap.has_key(["status_type"]) and self.statusMap[["status_type"]] > status:
- status = self.statusMap[["status_type"]]
- return QVariant(self.statusMapReverse[status])
- return QVariant()
- packs = self.connector.getPackageQueue()
- for data in packs:
- item = QTreeWidgetItem()
- item.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, QVariant(data))
- item.setData(0, Qt.DisplayRole, QVariant(data["package_name"]))
- files = self.connector.getPackageFiles(data["id"])
- for id in files:
- info = self.connector.getLinkInfo(id)
- sub = QTreeWidgetItem(item)
- sub.setData(0, Qt.DisplayRole, QVariant(info["filename"]))
- sub.setData(1, Qt.DisplayRole, QVariant(info["status_type"]))
- self.mainWindow.tabs["queue"]["treewidget"].addTopLevelItem(item)
- self.mutex.lock()
- packs = self.connector.getPackageQueue()
- self.downloading = self.connector.getDownloadQueue()
- previous = None
- for data in packs:
- pos = self._inQueue(data["id"])
- if not type(pos) == int:
- pack = QueuePack(data)
- else:
- pack = QueuePack(data)
- #self.mutex.lock()
- self.queue[pos] = pack
- #self.mutex.unlock()
- if not type(pos) == int:
- self.mutex.unlock()
- self._insertPack(pack, previous)
- self.mutex.lock()
- files = self.connector.getPackageFiles(data["id"])
- pos = self._inQueue(data["id"])
- for fid in files:
- info = self.connector.getLinkInfo(fid)
- qFile = QueueFile(info, pack)
- if type(pos) == int:
- self.mutex.unlock()
- index = self.index(pos, 0)
- pack.addChild(qFile, self, index)
- self.mutex.lock()
- previous = pack.getID()
- self.mutex.unlock()
-class QueueFile():
- def __init__(self, data, pack):
- self.mutex = QMutex()
- self.mutex.lock()
- self.pack = pack
- self.mutex.unlock()
- self.update(data)
- def update(self, data):
- self.mutex.lock()
- = data
- self.mutex.unlock()
- def getID(self):
- self.mutex.lock()
- id =["id"]
- self.mutex.unlock()
- return id
-class QueuePack():
- def __init__(self, data):
- self.mutex = QMutex()
- self.mutex.lock()
- = data
- self.children = []
- self.mutex.unlock()
- def update(self, data):
- self.mutex.lock()
- = data
- self.mutex.unlock()
- def addChild(self, NewQFile, model, index):
- self.mutex.lock()
- for k, QFile in enumerate(self.children):
- if QFile.getID() == NewQFile.getID():
- QFile.update(
- #model.emit(SIGNAL("dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)"), model.index(k, 0, index), model.index(k, 2, index))
- return
- self.mutex.unlock()
- model.beginInsertRows(index, len(self.children), len(self.children)+1)
- self.mutex.lock()
- self.children.append(NewQFile)
- self.mutex.unlock()
- model.endInsertRows()
- def getChildren(self):
- self.mutex.lock()
- children = self.children
- self.mutex.unlock()
- return children
- def getID(self):
- self.mutex.lock()
- id =["id"]
- self.mutex.unlock()
- return id
-class MyLock(QMutex):
- def __init__(self):
- QMutex.__init__(self)
- def lock(self):
- QMutex.lock(self)
- print "locked"
- def unlock(self):
- QMutex.unlock(self)
- print "unlocked"
-class QueueModel(QAbstractItemModel):
- def __init__(self, connector):
- QAbstractItemModel.__init__(self)
- self.mutex = MyLock()
- #self.mutex.lock()
- self.connector = connector
- self.queue = []
- self.downloading = []
- self.statusMap = {
- "finished": 0,
- "checking": 1,
- "waiting": 2,
- "reconnected": 3,
- "downloading": 4,
- "failed": 5,
- "aborted": 6,
- }
- self.statusMapReverse = dict((v,k) for k, v in self.statusMap.iteritems())
- self.cols = 3
- self.interval = 1
- self.view = None
- #self.mutex.unlock()
- self.update()
- self.loop = self.Loop(self)
- self.connect(self, SIGNAL("updateData()"), self.update)
- def setView(self, view):
- self.mutex.lock()
- self.view = view
- self.mutex.unlock()
- def _update(self):
- self.mutex.lock()
- packs = self.connector.getPackageQueue()
- self.downloading = self.connector.getDownloadQueue()
- previous = None
- for data in packs:
- pos = self._inQueue(data["id"])
- if not type(pos) == int:
- pack = QueuePack(data)
- else:
- pack = QueuePack(data)
- #self.mutex.lock()
- self.queue[pos] = pack
- #self.mutex.unlock()
- if not type(pos) == int:
- self.mutex.unlock()
- self._insertPack(pack, previous)
- self.mutex.lock()
- files = self.connector.getPackageFiles(data["id"])
- pos = self._inQueue(data["id"])
- for fid in files:
- info = self.connector.getLinkInfo(fid)
- qFile = QueueFile(info, pack)
- if type(pos) == int:
- self.mutex.unlock()
- index = self.index(pos, 0)
- pack.addChild(qFile, self, index)
- self.mutex.lock()
- previous = pack.getID()
- self.mutex.unlock()
- def update(self):
- #locker = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
- print "updating"
- #self.mutex.lock()
- #locker.unlock()
- self._update()
- self.emit(SIGNAL("dataChanged(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &)"), self.index(0, 0), self.index(self.rowCount()-1, 2))
- #locker.relock()
- #self.mutex.unlock()
- #if self.view:
- # self.view.emit(SIGNAL("update()"))
- print "done"
- def startLoop(self):
- self.loop.start()
- def _inQueue(self, pid):
- for k, pack in enumerate(self.queue):
- if pack.getID() == pid:
- return k
- return False
- def _insertPack(self, newpack, prevID):
- self.mutex.lock()
- ck = 0
- for k, pack in enumerate(self.queue):
- ck = k
- if pack.getID() == prevID:
- break
- self.mutex.unlock()
- #self.mutex.unlock()
- self.beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(),ck+1, ck+2)
- self.mutex.lock()
- self.queue.insert(ck+1, newpack)
- self.mutex.unlock()
- self.endInsertRows()
- #self.mutex.lock()
- def index(self, row, column, parent=QModelIndex()):
- self.mutex.lock()
- if parent == QModelIndex():
- pointer = self.queue[row]
- index = self.createIndex(row, column, pointer)
- elif parent.isValid():
- q = self.nodeFromIndex(parent)
- #self.mutex.lock()
- pointer = q.getChildren()[row]
- #self.mutex.unlock()
- index = self.createIndex(row, column, pointer)
- else:
- index = QModelIndex()
- self.mutex.unlock()
- return index
- def nodeFromIndex(self, index):
- if index.isValid():
- return index.internalPointer()
- else:
- return None
- def parent(self, index):
- locker = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
- if index == QModelIndex():
- return QModelIndex()
- if index.isValid():
- q = self.nodeFromIndex(index)
- if isinstance(q, QueueFile):
- row = None
- for k, pack in enumerate(self.queue):
- if pack.getID() == q.pack.getID():
- row = k
- if row != None:
- return self.createIndex(row, 0, q.pack)
- return QModelIndex()
- def rowCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()):
- locker = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
- if parent == QModelIndex():
- #return package count
- qlen = len(self.queue)
- return qlen
- else:
- if parent.isValid():
- #index is valid
- q = self.nodeFromIndex(parent)
- if isinstance(q, QueuePack):
- #index points to a package
- #return len of children
- clen = len(q.getChildren())
- return clen
- else:
- #index is invalid
- return False
- #files have no children
- return 0
- def columnCount(self, parent=QModelIndex()):
- #self.mutex.lock()
- return self.cols
- #self.mutex.unlock()
- def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
- locker = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
- if not index.isValid():
- return QVariant()
- if role == Qt.DisplayRole:
- q = self.nodeFromIndex(index)
- if index.column() == 0:
- if isinstance(q, QueuePack):
- return QVariant(["package_name"])
- else:
- return QVariant(["filename"])
- elif index.column() == 1:
- if isinstance(q, QueueFile):
- return QVariant(["status_type"])
- else:
- status = 0
- for child in q.getChildren():
- if self.statusMap.has_key(["status_type"]) and self.statusMap[["status_type"]] > status:
- status = self.statusMap[["status_type"]]
- return QVariant(self.statusMapReverse[status])
- return QVariant()
- def hasChildren(self, parent=QModelIndex()):
- self.mutex.lock()
- if not parent.isValid():
- self.mutex.unlock()
- return True
- self.mutex.unlock()
- return (self.rowCount(parent) > 0)
- def canFetchMore(self, parent):
- return False
- def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
- if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole:
- if section == 0:
- return QVariant("Name")
- elif section == 1:
- return QVariant("Status")
- elif section == 2:
- return QVariant("Fortschritt")
- return QVariant()
- def getProgress(self, index):
- locker = QMutexLocker(self.mutex)
- q = self.nodeFromIndex(index)
- if isinstance(q, QueueFile):
- for d in self.downloading:
- if d["id"] == q.getID():
- return int(d["percent"])
- if["status_type"] == "finished" or \
-["status_type"] == "failed" or \
-["status_type"] == "aborted":
- return 100
- elif isinstance(q, QueuePack):
- children = q.getChildren()
- count = len(children)
- perc_sum = 0
- for child in children:
- val = 0
- for d in self.downloading:
- if d["id"] == child.getID():
- val = int(d["percent"])
- break
- if["status_type"] == "finished" or \
-["status_type"] == "failed" or \
-["status_type"] == "aborted":
- val = 100
- perc_sum += val
- if count == 0:
- return None
- return perc_sum/count
- return None
- class Loop(QThread):
- def __init__(self, model):
- QThread.__init__(self)
- self.model = model
- self.running = True
- def run(self):
- while self.running:
- sleep(self.model.interval)
- #self.model.update()
- #print "emit"
- self.model.emit(SIGNAL("updateData()"))
-class QueueView(QTreeView):
- def __init__(self):
- QTreeView.__init__(self)
- def setup(self):
- self.setColumnWidth(0, 300)
- self.setColumnWidth(1, 100)
- self.setColumnWidth(2, 100)
- delegate = QueueProgressBarDelegate(self)
- self.setItemDelegateForColumn(2, delegate)
- """
class QueueProgressBarDelegate(QItemDelegate):
- def __init__(self, parent):
+ def __init__(self, parent, queue):
QItemDelegate.__init__(self, parent)
+ self.queue = queue
def paint(self, painter, option, index):
if index.column() == 2:
- model = index.model()
- progress = model.getProgress(index)
+ qe =
+ progress = self.queue.getProgress(qe)
if progress == None:
QItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index)
@@ -863,7 +492,7 @@ class QueueProgressBarDelegate(QItemDelegate):
opts.text = QString.number(opts.progress) + "%", opts, painter)
- QItemDelegate.paint(painter, option, index)
+ QItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = main()